(No Legs) The Calisthenics Skill Tree (Template) 1.5.6.xlsx - TREE

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Unlock Path OA HS Press
Unlocked Skills and Strength Elements
Legendary Skills and Strength Elements
Imp. Tigerbend HS Push-Up OA HS Maltese Press

OA Hefesto from BL
HS Pike Press Planche Press PB FL to Reverse Planche

Hefesto From BL HS Push-Up Reverse Planche

Pelikan HS
OA Back Lever
OA Back Lever PU Back Lever Pull-Up Wall HS L-Sit Manna

Back Lever Tuck-Sit

OA Front Lever PU
OA Front Lever OA Hefesto Hefesto Calisthenics/Gymnastics Plank(s) Dragon-Flag OA Dragon Flag Dragon Press OA Dragon Press

Pull-Up Push-Up Ring Push-Up Ring Flies Straight Arm Ring Flies
Front Lever Pull
Front Lever Ring Turn Out OA Push-Up
Ring PU Dip OA Bicep Planche
PB Victorian Bar MU Planche Lean
OA Chin Up Ring Dip Imp. Dip Bicep Planche
Floor Victorian Front Lever Pull-Up Ring MU OA Dip Psuedo PU
Wide Ring MU Ring HS Morozov Planche Push-Up
OA Pull-Up Bulgarian Dip Ring Planche Ring Planche Press Maltese

Ring Victorian Cross OA Planche

Iron Cross Ring Maltese OA Planche Push-Up
OA MU no Armpit Butterfly Van Gelder
FL to Victorian Cross
Butterfly to Inv. IC Iron Cross Press Azarian to Planche/Maltese Zanetti

Azarian to IC Inverted Iron Cross Maltese Press to Inv. IC Victorian Cross to RP

Inv. Butterfly FL to RP

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