Baldwin - A New Factor in Evolution
Baldwin - A New Factor in Evolution
Baldwin - A New Factor in Evolution
VOL. XXX. June,I896. 354
Modifications. OntogenicAgencies.
1. Physico-genetic.......... . 1. Mechanical.
2. Neuro-genetic............ 2. Nervous.
3. Psycho-genetic............ 3. Intelligent.
Pleasure and pain.
Now it is evident that there are two very distinct questions
which come up as soon as we admit modificationsof function
and of structurein ontogeneticdevelopment: first,there is the
question as to how these modifications can come to be adap-
tive in the life of the individual creature. Or in otherwords:
What is the method of the individual's growthand adapta-
tion as shown in the well known law of " use and disuse?"
Looked at functionally,we see that the organism manages
somehow to accommodate itselfto conditions which are favor-
able, to repeat movementswhich are adaptive, and so to grow
by the principle of use. This involves some sort of selection,
fromthe actual ontogeneticvariations,of certainones-certain
functions,etc. Certain otherpossible and actual functionsand
structuresdecay fromdisuse. Whatever the method of doing
this may be, we may simply, at this point, claim the law of
use and disuse, as applicable in ontogeneticdevelopment,and
apply the phrase, "Organic Selection," to the organism's be-
havior in acquiring new modes or modifications of adaptive
functionwith its influenceof structure. The question of the
method of " Organic Selection " is taken up below (IV); here,
I may repeat, we simply assume what every one admits in
some form,that such adaptations of function-" accommoda-
tions" the psychologist calls them,the processes of learning
new movements,etc.-do occur. We then reach another ques-
tion, second; what place these adaptations have in the gen-
eral theoryof development.
Effectsof Organic Selection.-First, we may note the results
of this principle in the creature's own private life.
1896.] A NewFactorin Evolution. 445