Ruse, M. Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution An Analys

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Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution"

An Analysis

Departmen t of Philosophy
University of Guelph
Guelph, Ontario

I want in this paper to give an analysis of Charles Darwin's theory of

evolution, or, as he would have called it, his. theory of descent with
modification. This analysis will not be directly concerned with the way
Darwin arrived at his theory - m u c h has been said about this else-
where 1 - rather, what I shall be looking at basically is the nature of the
finished theory as Darwin gave it to us in the first edition of the Origin
o f Species.2 I shall argue that although many writers have had im-
portant insights about Darwin's theory, no one has as yet given an
entirely satisfactory picture of the theory.
At the center of Darwin's theory, obviously, is his mechanism of
evolutionary change - natural selection. I shall open my discussion by
looking at the way Darwin introduced this mechanism into the Or/gin_
Natural selection, however, is not all that there is to the Origin. Darwin
began his attack on the problem of organic origins by considering the
changes man has wrought in domestic organisms - pigeons and the like.
The nature and relevance of this reference to manmade change will
form the second part of my discussion. Next, I shall look at Darwin's
argumentation in the Origin after he introduced natural selection.
Finally, I shall draw together the various strands of my discussion in
order to give a synoptic view of Darwin's theory.


Darwin's mechanism of evolutionary change, natural selection, rests

essentially on the claim that some organisms are, by virtue of the

1. See, for example, F. N. Egerton "Studies of Animal Populations from

Lamarck to Darwin," Z Hist. Biol., 1, (1968), 225-259; Egerton, "Humboldt,
Darwin, and Population," J. Hist. BioL, 3 (1970), 325-360; R.M. Young,
"Malthus and the Evolutionists; The Common Context of Biological and Social
Theory," Past and Present, 43 (1969), 109-145; P. Vorzimmer, "Darwin,
Malthus, and the Theory of Natural Selection," J. Hist. ldeas, 30 (1969),
527-542; and C. Limoges, La s~lection naturelle (Pans: Presses Universitaires de
France, 1970).
2. London: Murray, 1859.

Journal of the History ofBtology, vol. 8, no. 2 (Fall 1975), pp. 219-241.
Copyright © 1975 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland.

special "useful" characteristics they have, better at the task of surviving

and reproducing than other organisms, and that thus there is a "differ-
ential reproduction" between organisms, having the consequence that
some (i.e. "useful") characteristics will get passed on in higher propor-
tions than other characteristics. As is well known, Darwin did not just
drop natural selection into his discussion without argument. First he
argued to something he called the "struggle for existence." Then,
having done this, he went on to use his conclusion about the struggle to
argue for natural selection.
By the "struggle for existence" Darwin admitted he meant "struggle"
taken both literally and metaphorically; he also admitted that by
"existence" he meant not so much survival as success in leaving off-
spring. Thus Darwin claimed that "two canine animals in a time of
dearth, may be truly said to struggle with each other which shall get
food and live. ''3 But he extended the term to cover a desert plant
"struggling" against drought, or a mistletoe plant "struggling" with
other plants "in order to tempt birds to devour and thus disseminate its
seeds rather than those of other plants. ''4 In short, the struggle seems to
cover almost anything that an organism might do to ensure its survival
and reproduction.
Darwin argued for the existence of the struggle as follows:

A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at

which all organic beings tend to increase. Every being, which during
its natural lifetime produces several eggs or seeds, must suffer des-
t r u c t i o n . . , otherwise, on the principle of geometrical increase, its
numbers would quickly become so inordinately great that no
country could support the product. Hence, as more individuals are
produced than can possibly survive, there must in every case be a
struggle for e x i s t e n c e . . . Although some species may be now in-
creasing, more or less rapidly, in numbers, all cannot do so, for the
world would not hold them. s

Then Darwin linked the struggle with natural selection.

How will the struggle for existence.., act in regard to variation?...

Can i t . . . be thought i m p r o b a b l e . . , t h a t . . , variations useful in

3. Darwin, Origin, p. 62_

4. Ibid., p. 63.
5. Ibid., pp. 63-64.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

some way to each being in the great and complex battle of life,
should sometimes occur in the course of thousands o f generations?
If such do occur, can we doubt (remembering that many more in-
dividuals are born than can possibly survive) that individuals having
any advantage, however slight, over others, would have the best
chance o f surviving and of procreating their kind? On the other
hand, we may feel sure that any variation in the least degree injur-
ious would be rigidly destroyed. This preservation of favourable
variations and the rejection of injurious variations, I call Natural
Selection. 6

How do we evaluate these passages? The obvious model to compare

them against is that proposed by what is today probably the most
prevalent philosophical school, so-called logical empiricism. 7 The logical
empiricist argues that scientific theories are "hypothetico-deductive"
systems, by which he means two things: first, that scientific theories are
axiomatic systems, that is, that one starts with a number o f proposi-
tions unproven within one's system (axioms), and then, from these, one
infers deductively all one's other propositions (theorems); secondly,
that what distinguishes scientific axiomatic systems from other such
systems is that the former, unlike the latter, contain propositions which
are "laws" or "lawlike." What precisely makes something a law is a
matter of some debate; but all generally agree that a law is a true,
universal proposition which is in some sense necessary - this necessity,
however, is not logical, but in some way empirical.
Several people have suggested, without qualification, that Darwin's
arguments to natural selection fit the logical empiricist model; s others
have denied this. 9 What I would suggest is that the model seems more
appropriate than not, but that there is certainly no exact fit. Take first

6, Ibid_, pp. 80-81.

7. I discuss logical empiricism in detail in my book The Philosophy of Biology
(London: Hutchinson, 1973).
8. M. Bunge, Scientific Research (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1967);
A. C. Crombie, "Darwin's Scientific Method," Actes 1Xe Cong. Int. Hist. ScL
(Barcelona), 1 (1960), 324-362; H. Lehman, "On the Form of Explanation in
Evolutionary Theory," Theoria, 32 (1966), 14-24; M. Ghiselin, The Triumph of
the Darwinian Method (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969);
A. G. N. Flew, "The Structure of Darwinism," New Biology, 28 (1959), 18-34.
9. T.A. Goudge, The Ascent of Life (Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
1900); A. R. Manser, "The Concept of Evolution," Philosophy, 40 (1965),18-34;
A. D. Barker, "An Approach to the Theory of Natural Selection," Philosophy, 44
(1969), 271-290.


the question of structure. It is undeniable that, as given, Darwin's

arguments are not rigorously deductively valid. If they were, then given
the truth of his premises (axioms), his conclusions (theorems) would
have to follow. But this is not so for Darwin's arguments. Suppose, for
example, there were regular catastrophes wiping out huge numbers of
organisms, regardless of what the organisms tried to do to save them-
selves. One could then have a high tendency of organisms to increase,
and one could also have a world of limited room, but the need for any
kind of struggle, metaphorical or otherwise, might never arise.
Nevertheless, it is clear that Darwin's arguments can, fairly easily, be
reconstructed into a rigorously deductive form, by the addition of
premises which Darwin probably took as being so obviously true as not
to need explicit stating, t° Thus, for example, one might reconstruct the
argument to the struggle for existence as follows.

Premise i: Organic beings tend to increase at a high (geometrical)

Premise ii: If organic beings tend to increase at a high rate, then
either there must be a struggle for existence or the
numbers of organisms go up without limit.
Premise iii: If the numbers of organisms go up without limit, then
the world must have unlimited room.
Premise iv: The world does not have unlimited room.
Conclusion: There is a struggle for existence.

Then, in a similar manner, one might reconstruct the argument to

natural selection.

Premise i: There is a struggle for existence.

Premise ii: Some organisms have useful heritable variations.
Premise iii: Some organisms have injurious heritable variations.
Premise iv: If there is a struggle for existence and if some organisms
have useful heritable variations and if some organisms
have injurious heritable variations, then organisms with
useful heritable variations have a better chance of sur-
viving and reproducing than organisms with injurious
heritable variations,
10. Some reasons for the particular reconstructions I offer can be found in my
papers "Natural Selection in The Origin of Species," Stud. Hist. and Phil, Sci., 1
(1971), 311-351; and "The Nature of Scientific Models: Formal v Material
Analogy," Phil. Soc. Sci, 3 (1973), 63-80.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

Conclusion: Organisms with useful heritable variations have a better

chance of surviving and reproducing than organisms with
injurious heritable variations.

These arguments of Darwin, what I think one might appropriately

refer to as the "core" arguments of the Origin, are now in a rigorously
deductive form. Moreover, it can be seen clearly that not much recon-
struction of Darwin's actual arguments was needed to achieve this form;
indeed, the second argument needed little more than the (deafly
presupposed) third premise, and the first argument needed only
strengthening in such a way as to exclude such things as (obviously
nonexistent) alternatives to the struggle for existence. It seems there-
fore that from the viewpoint of structure it is not inappropriate to
consider Darwin's core arguments as approximating closely to the hypo-
thetico-deductive ideal.
But, even granting that Darwin's arguments are deductive in some
sense, do they consist of laws? Here we find a greater divergence from
the hypothetico-deductive ideal. A law, as I have pointed out, is a true,
universal statement that, although not logically necessary, seems in
some way "to have to hold." Thus, given a fixed mass of gas (at normal
temperatures and pressures) Boyle's law has to hold of it, whereas
although universally true, there seems no necessity that Canadian prime
ministers be always male. Various criteria have been proposed for the
recognition of laws. One of the most useful and popular is that laws are
found to hold not merely in a wide variety of different circumstances,
but in situations and circumstances not thought of when the law was
first proposed. When a law holds under these conditions, one starts to
feel that the truth of the law is not something "built in" by its
proposer, but something which really reflects reality. Thus Mendel's
laws seem convincingly necessary because they have been found to hold
for so many organisms, most unthought of by Mendel working with his
pea plants. If we use a criterion like this, some of Darwin's statements
in his arguments do seem to qualify as laws. Thus, for instance, his
claim that organic beings tend to increase at a high rate holds univer-
sally true for organisms of all different kinds, for organisms known by
Darwin and organisms not known by Darwin, so that one must surely
agree that if anything is to be counted as a law, it is to be counted. ~1
One feels somehow that it has to hold. Equally, however, some of

11. See J. M. Smith, The Theory of Evolution (Middlesex: Penguin, 1958),

p. 33.


Darwin's statements as they stand to not qualify as laws. Take, for

example, the claim that the world does not have unlimited room. This,
while true, is no law, if only because it is not a universal statement. It is
making a claim about the properties, or lack of properties, of some
particular thing.
Now, it is certainly true that, having started upon the path of recon-
struction, one could continue until one has Darwin's arguments in such
a state that they contain nothing but apparent laws. Thus, for example,
one might change Darwin's premise "the world does not have unlimited
room" to something along the lines of "given any group of organisms
there is a limit to the extent that they can expand in number, without
either running out of room in some absolute sense or without infringing
on the territory of other organisms." With changes like this, and corres-
ponding changes in other premises, one can hope to fmish with some-
thing approaching laws throughout. But there is a price to be paid, o f
course. The more one reconstructs, the further one goes from Darwin's
actual arguments, and consequently the less justification one has for
claiming that one's end product is truly "Darwinian."
In consequence, perhaps the fairest thing to say about Darwin's core
argument with respect to the hypothetico-deductive ideal is as follows.
Darwin's arguments, taken literally, are neither deductive nor solely
composed of laws. However, they are close to being deductive, and
might fairly be taken as being such. Also, the arguments do contain
some laws. But not a l of the statements of the arguments are in any
sense lawlike. One can certainly convert the arguments into forms
which contain nothing but laws - but at a price. One has to deviate in
some considerable amount from what Darwin actually offered us.
Probably, given what I shall show later about Darwin's own intensions,
such a reconstruction is permissible - permissible, that is, if one is to
stay within the bounds of what is genuinely Darwinian - but in making
it one ought to speak of Darwin's arguments as being hypothetic-
deductive "sketches" or "proposals," rather than implying that they
fully exemplify the hypothetico-deductive ideal.


I turn now to Darwin's discussion before the introduction of the

struggle for existence and natural selection. In the first chapter of the
Or/~n, "Variation under Domestication," Darwin started by consider-
hag the great differences existing between domesticated organisms,
particularly between different varieties of the same kind of organism

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

--sheep, dogs, plants, pigeons, and so on. But, he argued, despite

popular opinion to the contrary, all varieties (of the same kind of
organism) come originally from the same parent stock (or from a
limited number of original forms). He considered in some detail the
example of pigeons to support this claim, and then he speculated on the
causes of all of these differences. He wrote: "We cannot suppose that all
the breeds were suddenly produced as perfect and as useful as we now
see them; indeed, in several cases, we know that this has not been their
history. The key is man's power of accumulative selection: nature gives
successive variations; man adds them up in certain directions useful to
him. In this sense he may be said to make for himself useful breeds. ''12
For the rest of the chapter Darwin elaborated on man's selection, and
then, in the second, rather brief chapter, "Variation under Nature," he
argued that much variation can be found between organisms occurring
in the wild. In particular, he argued that there are many slight
variations, which he called "individual differences." Then, after that, he
was ready to present the arguments I considered in the first section of
this paper.
Now, one thing that Darwin was doing in these early chapters was
telling us, in part, how he himself got led to his theory - he grasped the
idea of artificial selection and through this was led to the idea of
natural selection, la And, presumably, the reason Darwin told us about
his theory's genesis was so that we, by retreading his path, might be
brought more easily to the major and controversial parts of his theory.
But the important question is whether this was the only function of
Darwin's discussion in his first two chapters. If it was, then it might
with some justification be argued that the discussion in a significant
sense does not belong to Darwin's theory proper (which begins with the
argument to the struggle for existence). Rather, it might be argued that
the reference to artificial selection is merely a heuristic aid to enable
the newcomer to natural selection more easily to grasp its essential
nature and effects. On the other hand, if Darwin's reference to artificial
selection had more than a heuristic function, then the question arises of
precisely what this extra function was. Moreover, if we assume this
function was one which definitely incorporates artificial selection with-
in Darwin's theory, the question also arises as to what strain this puts
on a hypothetico-deductive characterization of Darwin's overall theory.

12. Darwin,Origin, p. 30.

13. See M. Ruse, "Charles Darwin and Artificial Selection," J. Hist. Ideas,
36 (1975), 339-350.


What I shall argue is that the first two chapters of the Orion were
important for Darwin just as much for the support they gave to his
theory as for their illustration of his thought processes, enabling the
new reader more easily to grasp the contentious points of the theory. 14
Furthermore, I shall argue that this support, although part of Darwin's
theory, was not linked deductively with the rest of the theory, and that
hence, in an least one place in the Or/gin, Darwin's method of inference
was analogical or, more generally, inductive. In other words, I shall
suggest that grave doubt must be thrown on the supposed overall hypo-
thetico-deductive nature of Darwin's theory (even if we ignore the
point I made previously about the nonlawlike nature of some Darwin's
That Darwin's discussions of artificial selection and of variation in the
wild do have a justificatory role in his thought emerges clearly f~om his
arguments toward natural selection. Consider for a moment Darwin's
claims about the existence of favorable and injurious variations, which,
as we have seen, occur as premises in Darwin's arguments to natural
selection. What evidence did Darwin give for the claims? He wrote:
"Let it be borne in mind how infinitely complex and close-fitting are
the mutual relations of all organic beings to each other and to their
physical conditions of life. Can it, then, be thought improbable, seeing
that variations useful to man have undoubtedly occured, that other
variations useful in some way to each being in the great and complex
battle of life, should sometimes occur in the course of thousands of
generation? ''is Obviously, at this point Darwin was supporting his
premises by an analogical argument. But what is this argument? It goes
something like this.

Premise i: Heritable variations which are useful to man occur in

domestic organisms (argued for in Chapter 1).
Premise ii: Heritable variations occur in wild organisms (argued for
in Chapter 2).
Conclusion: Some (wild) organisms have heritable variations useful to
them in the struggle for existence (concluded in the
chapter on natural selection).

Presumably, although Darwin did not give it explicitly, a parallel

14. See also M. Ruse, "The Value of Analogical Models in Science," Dialogue,
12 (1973), 243-253.
15. Darwin, Origin, p. 80.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

argument was intended to yield the existence of injurious variations.

Then, as we have seen, these conclusions were used as premises in a
deductive argument. Thus what we have are analogical arguments in
some sense being presupposed by (some of) the deductive arguments in
the core of Darwin's theory. And these analogical arguments are based
on information given in the first two chapters of the Origin.
But where does this leave the supposed hypothetico-deductive nature
of Darwin's theory? With respect to the question of laws, the situation
does not look too bad. Darwin's statements are not strictly lawlike, but
one can convert them to the required form fairly easily. Thus, for
example, the second premise can be converted to the lawlike form
"given any group of wild organisms, they will contain heritable varia-
tion." However, when we consider the kind of inferences Darwin relied
on, the picture for the hypothetico-deductive theorist does not look so
rosy. There is nothing deductive at all about the argument given above.
Apparently, therefore, we have to recognize that at least part of
Darwin's theory used analogical and not deductive argument.
There are two obvious moves the hypothetico-deductive theorist
might make before allowing this. First he might try to deny that the
analogical argument is actually part of Darwin's theory; secondly, he
might try to convert the analogical argument into a deductive one. Let
us take these counter-moves in turn.
If one were to deny that the analogical argument is actually part of
the theory, then I suppose that one's daim would be that in some sense
what Darwin was offering in the first two chapters of the Origin was
evidence for the premises of his (hypothetico-deductive) theory; but
one's claim would also be that this evidence was itself not an actual part
of the theory. The trouble with this kind of move is that it lays open
the way to the removal of a good deal (if not all) of the deductive
structure of Darwin's theory, as well as the analogical parts. Consider
for a moment the argument that Darwin gave for natural selection. Key
premises are that there is a struggle for existence and that there are
useful variations. The former premise Darwin justified deductively, the
latter premise Darwin justified inductively. If one is not to make the
hypothetico-deductive thesis true by fiat (and I think its supporters
usually want to claim that in some sense they are describing the
practice of science as well as prescribing its ideal course), I can see no
overwhelming reason why one should be allowed to exclude from
Darwin's theory the argument for the second premise, if one intends to
keep within the theory the argument for the first premise. But if, for
the sake of deductive purity, one jettisons both arguments, why not


throw out the argument to natural selection as well? And so, for the
sake of a philosophical thesis, Darwin's theory starts to reduce down to
a bare statement o f the principle o f natural selection. If we are to avoid
this, and I think we should, then I think we must learn to live with
Darwin's arguments for different kinds o f variation.
The other face-saving move for the hypothetico-deductive theorist is
to try to convert Darwin's analogical argument into a deductive argu-
ment. There are two difficulties with this move. In the first place, I am
not sure just what kind o f general premise would suffice to make
Darwin's argument deductive - at least I am not sure of any premise
which has any vague hope of being b o t h true and factual. One seems to
need a premise like "Whenever one has a group o f organisms, some o f
t h e m will have some variations which are in some sense useful to some-
one, possibly themselves or possibly someone else." This woolly state-
ment is a much weaker reed than anything on which Darwin in fact
rested his case. And this brings me to the second difficulty. Other than
for the sake o f saving the hypothetico-deductive thesis, why should one
convert Darwin's argument into a deductive one? There is no evidence
that Darwin really thought deductively - i n d e e d we all often argue
analogically without in any sense presupposing general premises which
would make our arguments deductive. I may buy a second pair o f shoes
from a store because m y first pair wore very well without at all suppos-
ing that every pair of shoes from the store wears well (or that every pair
of a more limited kind wears well). Darwin did not give us a deductive
argument, there is no evidence that he intended to give us a deductive
argument (although he thought his conclusion was well taken, as we
often do in the case o f analogical arguments) - i n d e e d , he tells us
explicitly in his correspondence that he is using an analogical argu-
ment 16 - therefore I see no reason to make his argument deductive. At
this point, the hypothetico,deductive model does not fit.


We come now to that part o f the Origin, much the largest part, which
comes after the demonstration o f the existence o f natural selection.
Here Darwin showed how the continued (evolutionary) effects of
natural selection could be used to solve problems in geology, paleon-

16_ "In fact the belief in Natural Selection must at present be grounded
entirely on general considerations [including] the analogy of change under domes-
tication by man's selection." Letter to G. Bentham, in F. Darwin, ed., Life and
Letters of Charles Darwin (London: Murray, 1887), III, 25.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

tology, geographical distribution, morphology, embryology, and so on.

Following the previous pattern of discussion, let us once again address
ourselves to the question of whether or not we find that Darwin's work
exemplifies the hypothetico-deductive model. What I strongly suspect is
that in fact in no place in the Origin do we ever find an actual exempli-
fication of a genuinely, rigorously deductive inference from a lawlike
hypothesis (or from a number of hypotheses some of which are law-
like). Take for example a passage late in the fourth chapter where
Darwin gave one or two imaginary illustrations to show how natural
selection leads to evolutionary change. Here, if anywhere, particularly
since Darwin chose imaginary rather than real examples and so could
set up the situation in a manner most favorable to his theory, we should
expect to find deductive rigor. However, we do not.
In the passage to which I am referring, Darwin was trying to explain
how and why a group of wolves might evolve in the direction of in-
creased ability to run quickly, and he wrote as follows:

Let us take the case of a wolf, which preys on various animals,

securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness; and
let us suppose that the fleetest prey, a deer for instance, had from
any change in the country increased in numbers, or that other prey
had decreased in numbers, during that season of the year when the
wolf is hardest pressed for food. I can under such circumstances see
no reason to doubt that the swiftest and slimmest wolves would have
the best chance of surviving, and so be preserved or selected,
- provided always that they retained strength to master their prey at
this or at some other period of the year, when they might be com-
pelled to prey on other animals. Iv

Clearly there is here no really deductive justification of the claim that

later generations of wolves will run faster than earlier generations.
Apart from anything else, no appeal has been made to the laws of
heredity; but, looking at Darwin's illustration with our knowledge of
modern genetics, we know that it it possible that Darwin's premises are
true and his conclusion false. For example, the fastest wolves might be
heterozygotes for a pair of alleles whose homozygotes are fairly slow.
Despite selection for heterozygotes, the population might have reached
a balanced situation where random interbreeding would continue to
produce in each generation the same proportion of homozygotes. In

17. Darwin,Origin, p. 90.


other words, the relative proportion of fast and slow wolves would
remain constant.
I am not saying that this would ever actually be the case for wolves; is
but the point is that were Darwin offering us deductive arguments or, at
least, were he offering us valid deductive arguments, then if his premises
were true, his conclusion would have to be true. My counter-example
shows this not to be the case. Of course, it might be claimed that my
choosing this example is a little unfair, since at the point at which
Darwin gave this argument he could hardly appeal to the laws of
heredity: the illustration about the evolution of wolves occurs in the
fourth chapter; but it is not until the fifth chapter that Darwin dealt in
any detail with the laws o f heredity, specifically, with the laws govern-
ing the introduction of new variation. Perhaps only after this could we
expect Darwin to work with deductive rigor.
However, this defense of Darwin really does not solve very much. In
the first place, it does not alter the fact that the passage I am consider-
ing does not contain a deductively rigorous argument. In the second
place, even a hasty perusal of Darwin's fifth chapter ("Laws of Varia-
tion") shows that it is hardly likely to bring us to a precise exemplifica-
tion of the hypothetico-deductive model. Essentially, the chapter con-
tains information about a collection of things which Darwin thought
might lead to the introduction of new heritable variation. In this collec-
tion there are, for example, the effects of changes in the conditions of
life affecting the reproductive systems of organisms, the effects of the
conditions of life directly impinging on organisms, and the effects o f
use and disuse. Rather than leading one to think that Darwin's argu-
ments are close to being put on a firm deductive basis, this discussion, if
anything, directs one's thoughts in the opposite direction. Admittedly,
in his later work, The Variation o f Animals and Plants Under Domes-
tication, 19 Darwin did try to work out some coherent theory of
heredity ("pangenesis')~ but he never put this theory into the later
editions of the Origin ; and in any case, even if one draws on the theory

18. Such "balanced" situations do actually occur, of course, even if not in the
particular case of wolf-fleetness. The maintenance of the sickle-cell gene in
African populations living in malarial districts is the classic example. I discuss this
case in some detail in The Philosophy of Biology and in "Some Thoughts on
Programmes for Improving Mankind" in Proceeding~ of the Fifth Conference on
Value Inquiry (New York: Gordon and Breech, 1900).
19_ London: Murray, 1868.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

of heredity, none of Darwin's arguments are automatically converted

into deductive arguments. 2°
A definitive demonstration of the fact that Darwin (in the Origin)
never adhered to a rigorous hypothetico-deductive form would involve
a case-by-case examination of all of his arguments, something obviously
beyond the scope of this paper. Unfortunately, those who argue for the
hypothetico-deductive nature of Darwin's theory tend not to give much
by way of example in support of their claims (examples other, o f
course, than the central arguments I have already discussed). Indeed,
the only person I have found who gives an example from the part of the
Origin under discussion and who claims that it is deductive is
E. E. Harris. 21 He gives the following example drawn from the final
chapter of the Origin:

The existence of closely allied or representative species in any two

areas, implies, on the theory of descent with modification, that the
same parent-forms formerly inhabited both areas: and we almost
invariably find that wherever many closely allied species inhabit two
areas, some identical species are still common to both. Wherever
many closely allied yet distinct species occur, doubtful forms and
varieties belonging to the same groups likewise occur. It is a rule of
high generality that the inhabitants of each area are related to the
inhabitants of the nearest source whence immigrants might have
been derived. We see this in the striking relation of nearly all the
plants and animals of the Galapagos archipelago, of Juan Fernandoz,
and of other American islands, to the plants and animals of the
neighbouring American mainland; and of those of the Cape de Verde
archipelago, and of the other African islands to the African main-
land. ~2

Here, argues Harris, we find an exemplification o f the hypothetico-

deductive method, as we always do whenever Darwin writes "we should
expect to find, and we do f i n d . . . "
Clearly, however, whatever we may feel about the value of what
Darwin has written in this passage, we do not have deductive argu-
ments. Letting A, B, and C, stand for species, Darwin's claim was
roughly as shown in Fig. 1. However, consider Fig. 2, where D, E, and F

20. Pangenesis is no more presented in a rigorously hypothetico-deductive

form than are the arguments of the Origin.
21. Hypothesis and Perception (London: Allen and Unwin, 1970)_
22. Darwin, Origin, p. 478; quoted from later edition by Harris, Hypothesis, p.

Area x Area y Area x Area y Area z

Fig. 1. Fig. 2.

represent species. This possibility is not inconsistent with Darwin's

theory. But here, although we have closely allied species ( F and E), it is
not the case that common ancestors existed in areas X and Z (although
possibly X and Z are closer than X and Y). Hence, Darwin's argument is
not deductive.
Possibly we could turn Darwin's words around and argue that his
important claim was that the similarity between, say, the birds on the
Gal~pagos Archipelago and the South American mainland can be ex-
plained b y his theory o f natural selection (together with certain
assumptions about common ancestry). But even if Darwin would argue
this (and, o f course, he would), 23 we still have no deductive arguments.
The lack o f an adequate theory o f heredity rules out this possibility.
I suggest therefore, in the absence o f evidence to the contrary, that
the later parts of the Origin do not contain rigorously deductive argu-
ments. But if this is the case, how then is it best to interpret the
arguments that Darwin gives? Given the discussion as it has gone so far,
two rival interpretations spring to mind. The first interpretation is that
the latter parts of the Origin, like the core parts, give us hypothetico-
deductive sketches (although these parts would under consideration be
a great deal more sketchy even than the core parts). The second inter-
pretation is that we have nondeductive arguments - analogies and other
kinds o f inductions - which in no sense ought to be viewed in a deduc-
tive light. One's natural inclination might be to choose the second o f
these two interpretations. Not only is it the weaker o f the two inter-
pretations, and thus ipso facto easier to argue for, but also in some
respects it might seem to be the fairer o f the two. To argue for a

23. See, for example, the two chapters on geographical distribution in the

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

hypothetico-deductive-sketch viewpoint necessarily implies that there is

something incomplete about Darwin's theory. In itself, perhaps there is
nothing pernicious about this; but it does leave the sneaking suspicion
that there, as so often, we are having a biological theory evaluated (to
its detriment) by criteria appropriate only to physical theories (many of
which do actually satisfy the hypothetico-deductive ideal). But, in
Michael Scriven's words, has not the time now come when "in place of
the social scientists' favourite Myth of the Second Coming (of Newton),
we should recognize the Reality of the Already-Arrived (Darwin)"? 7A
Nevertheless, attractive though this second option may be, I still
think there is at least one good reason for not ignoring the hypothetico-
deductive-sketch interpretation of the parts of Darwin's theory under
discussion. This is that if we are to take seriously Darwin's own words
about what he was trying to do in the Origin, then there is a strong
prima facie case that what Darwin intended to offer us was (the analogy
from domestic selection apart) a hypothetico-deductive system. The
hypothetico-deductive ideal obviously derives primarily from the
physical sciences, Newtonian astronomy in particular. Hypothetico-
deductive theorists, seeing that astronomy exemplifies such an ideal,
argue that it is the appropriate ideal for all of science. But we know
that Darwin agreed that Newtonian astronomy is the appropriate ideal
for science - indeed, he himself wanted to provide the biological equi-
valent. Thus, before discovering his theory he wrote: "Astronomers
might formerly have said that God ordered each planet to move in its
particular destiny. In same manner God orders each animal created with
certain form in certain country. But how much more simple and
sublime power - l e t attraction act according to certain law, such are
inevitable consequences - let animals be created, then by the fixed laws
of generation, such will be their successors. ''2s Moreover, in the Origin
itself Darwin spoke of having shown that, from laws, "the production
of the higher animals, directly follows. ''26 And this is certainly to claim
to have exemplified the hypothetico-deductive ideal.
Now, obviously, there is no logical connection between what a man
intends and what he achieves, and indeed I have shown that Darwin did
not exactly succeed in achieving the hypothetico-deductive ideal. Apart

24_ "Explanation and Prediction in Evolutionary Theory," Science, 130

(1959),477 482.
25. Gavin de Beer, ed., "Darwin's Notebooks on Transmutation of Species,"
Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Historical Series, 2, no. 2 (1960), 53 (Species note-
book "B," pp. 101-102).
26. Darwin, Origin, p. 490.


from his reliance on nonlaws in his core arguments, few if any of his
arguments were rigorously deductive. Nevertheless, Darwin did rely on
some laws, and in his core arguments he got close to the deductive
ideal. Hence, if our analysis is not to diverge from what Darwin himself
would have wanted to claim, it seems proper to think of the arguments
following his demonstration of natural selection as being in a rather
loose sense sketches of hypothetico-deductive argumentsY
There is, however, one large qualification that I would want to make
to this conclusion. This resolves around the use Darwin made of the
analogy from artificial selection. We have seen how Darwin argued
analogically from the existence o f variations favorable or otherwise to
man's wishes to the existence o f variations favorable or injurious to
their possessors in the struggle for existence. At that point, Darwin's
theory did not fit the hypothetico-deductive pattern. Moreover,
not only is it difficult to see how it could be made to fit the pattern, but
since Darwin himself specifically referred to the link between the
artificial world and the natural world as an analogy, there is little reason
to think, on the basis of Darwin's own intentions, that at that point
Darwin's theory should fit the hypothetico-deductive pattern. However,
after the chapters in the Origin in which Darwin proved the existence of
natural selection, we continue to get repeated mentions of artificial
selection, and again I think we get violations of the hypothetico-deduc-
tive pattern. Let me explain how this comes about.
When discussing topics in the Origin after the introduction of natural
selection (and after his discussion of the laws o f variation), Darwin
referred constantly to the conclusions he drew about the struggle for
existence and natural selection. But it was clearly not the case that
when working in (what I might call) the "lower-level disciplines"
- m o r p h o l o g y , embryology, taxonomy, and so o n - Darwin relied
exclusively on conclusions drawn from his core arguments. The lower-
level disciplines, of course, contained assumptions derived from sources
other than the core, some of these being peculiar to one particular
discipline, and some being shared by more than one. Darwin gave many
illustrations of such lower-level (i.e., non-core) assumptions. For
example, in his discussions of geographical distribution, while
explaining the nature o f the inhabitants of archipelagos, he relied on

27. Backing this conclusion is the fact that contemporary philosophies of

science, to which Darwin was most sensitive, were strongly advocating the hypo-
thetico-deductive ideal. See M_ Ruse, "The Darwin Industry A critical Evalua-
tion," Hist. ScL 12 (1974)~ 43-58; Ruse," Darwin's Debt to Philosophy", Stud.
Hist. Phil. Sci., 6(1975),159 181.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

(non-core) assumptions about methods and possibilities of transport

from one part of the earth to another. And in the relevant places
Darwin discussed in detail his reasons for assuming that Such methods
of transport are not merely possible, but .to be expected. For example,
he argued that seeds can be transported for many miles over the sea if
they are embedded in driftwood. 2s
However, when we come to consider many of the (non-core) assump-
tions in the subsidiary areas, the lower-level disciplines, what we find is
that Darwin argued for their truth analogically from claims he made
about artificial selection. Thus, for example, in his discussion of
embryology, one of the things Darwin was trying to explain was why
embryos are so frequently radically different from the adult forms. His
reason, in part, was that the selective pressures experienced by embryos
and adults are often very different. But this fact, of course, did not
alone explain the difference in the structures. Darwin also had to appeal
in some way to the laws of heredity, arguing that there was no reason
to suppose that new characteristics always appear in embryos in these
characteristics' adult form, and that in fact some characteristics appear
only in the adults and unless there is a selective pressure forcing the
characteristics to appear in earlier stages of development there is no
reason why they should ever do so. Hence he was able to conclude that
because selection varies through an organism's development, so also the
organism's structure varies.
But when we inquire into the reasons Darwin offered for these
(crucial) assumptions about variation, with their consequent effects on
structure, we see that what Darwin did was to argue analogically from
domestic organisms. He invited us to "look at a few analogous cases in
domestic varieties, ''29 and he argued (in part) as follows:

Fanciers select their horses, dogs, and pigeons, for breeding, when
they are nearly grown up: they are indifferent whether the desired
qualities and structures have been acquired earlier or later in life, if
the full-grown animal possesses them. And the cases just given, more
especially that of pigeons, seem to show that the characteristic
differences which give value to each breed, and which have been
accumulated by man's selection, have not generally first appeared at
an early period of life, and have been inherited by the offspring at a
corresponding not early period. 3°

28. Darwin, Origin, chap. 11, "Geographical Distribution.'"

29. Ibid., p. 444.
30, Ibid., p. 446.


Then, having made his point in the domestic world, Darwin argued that
an analogous situation holds in a state of nature.
Now, clearly, we have here no deductive link between the way in
which variation appears in domestic organisms and the way in which it
appears in wild organisms, and given the fact that at this point in the
Origin Darwin did indeed refer to the link as being an analogy, it might
with reason be argued that no deductive argument was intended and
that a deductive interpretation is inappropriate. And this could well
also be true of the other (frequent) passages where Darwin invoked the
domestic-organism analogy. Thus one might argue that although a large
part of Darwin's theory is hypothetico-deductive (in a sketched form),
this structure is, as it were, intermeshed with a great many analogical
threads running from domestic organisms to wild organisms.
Of course, as before, the hard-line hypothetico-deductive theorist will
have a reply to an argument like this. He will probably argue that even
the frequent references to domestic organisms need not point to a
failure of his model. He will suggest that what we find is that Darwin
used examples drawn from domestic organisms to justify general claims
about all organisms, which he then applied deductively to wild
organisms. But it will also be argued that no hypothetico-deductive
theorist would want to deny that in justifying his general claims the
scientist (when not deriving the claims from more general claims) can-
not work deductively - t h e scientist must work inductively from
specific examples. The hypothetico-deductive thesis, its supporter will
claim, is about the theory proper and begins only when one has one's
general statements.
The trouble with this argument, I think, is precisely what was wrong
with the argument when it was used against the inclusion in Darwin's
theory of the analogical inference from one kind of variation (variations
in domestic organisms and useful to man) to another kind of variation
(variations in wild organisms and useful to the possessors). Apart from
the question of the truth of the assumption that one can in fact find
satisfactory general premises covering both domestic and wild
organisms, one does seem rather to be defending the hypothetico-
deductive thesis, not on its own merits, but by legislation. What fits the
hypothetico-deductive model is part of the theory, what does not fit
the model is not part of the theory. Thus, when Darwin justified his
claims deductively, this was part of his theory; but when he justified his
claims analogically, this was not part of the theory. However, unless
one decides a priori that the only real parts of scientific theories are
deductions from laws (in which case it is not that surprising that one

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

"discovers" that all theories are hypothetico-deductive), I am not really

sure that one should be able to pick and choose the various kinds of
justifications that Darwin offered for his different claims. His explana-
tion of the facts of embryology involved two kinds of claims, each
justified in a different way: The claims about selection he justified
(albeit sketchily) deductively. The claims about when characteristics
appear during development he justified analogically from domestic
organisms. Given Darwin's claim at the beginning of his final chapter,
namely, that "this colume is one long argument, ''31 I cannot see that
one can justifiably exclude one set of Darwin's arguments and still
maintain that there is nothing in Darwin which deviates from the
hypothetico-deductive form.
Of course, supposing that the case I made earlier about Darwin's
support of a hypothetico-deductive ideal is a reasonably strong one, I~
do realize that, in arguing in the way in which I have just done, I am
suggesting or seem to be suggesting that some of Darwin's own claims
or intentions about the nature of scientific theories do not seem to be
exemplified in his theory of the Origin. For this reason, it might be
suggested that all of the non-hypothetico-deductive arguments of the
Origin (including the analogy from artificial selection in the core part of
his theory) must either be construed as deductive sketches or regarded
as not part of the theory itself. I do confess to a lack of comfort in
having to oppose this view; but, apart from anything else, Darwin him-
self was never that consistent on this point. Despite his avowal of the
hypothetico-deductive ideal, he seems always to have regarded the
reference to the domestic world as part of his theory, and he spoke of it
always as having an analogical link with the natural world.
Possibly, the best course of action is not to worry too much about a
problem like this. In a sense, what is at stake here is little more than a
verbal squabble, revolving around the question of exactly which of a
scientist's arguments one is prepared to allow are part of a scientist's
theory proper and which are part of the discussion around a theory,
and the question of how much reconstruction is allowable while still
retaining a scientist's original theory. There is no dispute here (by those
who are prepared to accept that some kind of hypothetico-deductive
imputation is appropriate in the case of Darwin's theory) that although
essential parts of Darwin's argument are hypothetico-deductive (in
sketched form), other parts are not. The problem is, does one exclude
these latter parts from the theory, does one include them in the theory

31. Ibid., p. 459.


as they are (recognizing that they are in no sense deductive), or does

one insist on reconstructing them in a deductive form before including
them in the theory?
I feel inclined to include the unreconstructed, nondeductive parts,
specifically the analogy from domestic organisms, in Darwin's theory
proper. This analogy, because of the incredibly large number of
references to it, seems to be such an integral part of Darwin's thinking
that any portrayal o f the "essential" nature of his theory which omits
all or nearly all mention of the analogy can only have purchased
support for a philosophical thesis by removing (or excluding or down-
grading) some of the best parts of Darwin's evolutionary thought. More-
over, for reasons given, the analogy seems not to lend itself to recon-
struction into a deductive form. Consequently, as I understand
Darwin's "theory," it includes more than just deductions from general
statements. Among other things it includes nondeductive arguments in
order to get statements required to make deductions (or, more accu-
rately, deductive sketches), as for example when in his discussion o f the
facts o f embryology Darwin argued analogically to required premises
about the point in development when new variations appear in (wild)
Enough has been said about the details of Darwin's method of
argument. The time has now come to see if we can pull together the
various strands of discussion in order to achieve a synoptic view of
Darwin's theory of evolution.


The basic question to be answered is whether or not it is possible to

present Darwin's theory as a unified whole or whether we should rather
consider the theory in some other way. I think that we can properly see
the theory as one unified whole, integrating many areas of investiga-
tion. At least, I think we can see Darwin's theory of natural selection as
a unified whole, although it should not be forgotten that Darwin did
not think that natural selection was the sole cause of evolutionary
change. Since this point often is forgotten or ignored in analyses of
Darwin's theory, perhaps it deserves more than passing mention here,
before I attempt to present a full view of the theory.
For a start, we must recognize that Darwin thought that there was a
second kind o f selection - sexual selection. He wrote about this that it
"depends, not on a struggle for existence, but on a struggle between the
males for possession of the females; the result is not death to the

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analyses

unsuccessful competitor, but few or no offspring. ''32 Also, Darwin

made it clear, he believed that there was sexual selection due to female
choice: "I can see no good reason to doubt that female birds, by
selecting, during thousands of generations, the most melodious or
beautiful males, according to their standard of beauty, might produce a
marked effect. ''33
Then, quite apart f r o m selection, Darwin thought that there were
other causes of evolutionary change, for example, use and disuse. One
instance where Darwin appealed to use and disuse was in his discussion
of instinct. There he wrote: "As modifications of corporeal structure
arise from, and are increased by, use or habit, and are diminished or lost
by disuse, so I do not doubt it has been with instincts. ''a4 He did add,
however, that he thought the effects o f use and disuse to be far less
than the effects o f natural selection working on (what we today would
call) random variations.
How one would best integrate Darwin's views on use and disuse into
his theory of natural selection I am not quite sure; indeed, Darwin
wrote in such a loose way about them that I doubt that there is any
proper way. Sometimes use and disuse seem to be working on variations
in conjunction with natural selection, and sometimes independently of
it. Darwin certainly had no definite ideas about the exact relative im-
portance o f use and disuse to selection, nor did he seem able to say
when exactly selection would be the main agent of change and when
use and disuse would take over.
Perhaps one can be a little more successful in putting sexual selection
into Darwin's overall theory, for it, like natural selection, seems
ultimately to be a product of too many beings after too little space and
food. In the passage given above from the Origin, sexual selection seems
not to be a product of the struggle for existence, but the product o f
some kind of parallel "struggle for mates." Hence, what we might do is
replace the earlier argument I gave with the conclusion that there is a
struggle for existence with a slightly modified argument with the con-
clusion that there is both a struggle for existence and a struggle for
mates (and obvious with slightly modified premises to keep it valid).
Then we could take the second part of this conclusion (i.e., there is a
struggle for mates), and add another argument (akin to the argument to
natural selection) to get sexual selection, thus:

32. Ibid., p. 88.

33. Ibid., p. 89.
34. Ibid., p. 209.


Premise i: There is a struggle for mates.

Premise ii: Some organisms have useful variations (i,e., they have
sexually useful variations).
Premise iii: Some organisms have sexually injurious variations.
Premise iv: If there is a struggle for mates and if some organisms
have sexually useful variations and if some organisms
have sexually injurious variations, then organisms with
sexually useful variations have a better chance of
reproducing than organisms with sexually injurious varia-
Conclusion: (Sexual Selection.) Organisms with sexually useful varia-
tions have a better chance of reproducing than organisms
with sexually injurious variations.

In this way, Darwin's claims about sexual selection could be integrated

into his theory of natural selection, although points of detail like the
relative importance of the two kinds of selection would be left open.
Now, with Darwin's views on natural and sexual selection put to-
gether, we can see a fairy clear integrated pattern in his overall theory
of evolution through selection. There is a core part to the theory,
ending with the affirmation of the existence of natural selection and
sexual selection. This is arrived at partly deductively and partly analo-
gically (in the text, the deductive arguments are not rigorous, but
rigorous forms can be readily reconstructed). Then, this core is used to
throw light (in some fashion) on all the many other different areas of
biological inquiry -geographical distribution, behavior, taxonomy,
morphology, embryology, and so on. A simplified diagram of the over-
all situation is shown in Fig. 3. It should be noted that Fig. 3 is simpli-
fied, at least to the extent that I have not tried to include in it Darwin's
rather hazy ideas about use and disuse and so on. 3s Nor have I tried
to show what other evidence might be fed into the lower-level subjects
(such as evidence about methods and possibilities of transport) - some-
times the supplying of evidence might require an analogical or
deductive jump from one lower-level discipline to another, as for
example when one might use findings from the science of geographical
distribution to interpret aspects of the fossil record in paleontology. I
have, however, taken the liberty of showing analogical links between

35. P. Vorzimmer, Charles Darwin: The Years o f Controversy (Philadelphia:

Temple University Press, 1970), has the most recent, detailed discussion of
Darwin's various views on the sources of heritable change.

Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution: An Analysis

Premises about the

population explosion
Leading deductively to
on a f f i r m a t i o n of the
struggle for existence
(and perhaps tile struggle
for m a t e s )

CLaims about A deductive derivation of

domestic or-
ganisms and
art if icia L
selection -t .... ~ .....

t the existence of natural

selection and of sexual
select ion

Lower- Level
d sc p nes

Geographical Instinct EmbryoLogy Etc.


• deductive Link (inevitably in a sketchy f o r m )

--->---- inductive or analogical Link

Fig. 3.

Darwin's claims about domestic organisms and all o f his arguments at

the lower level. I would not want to claim that one must always have a
direct analogical link between a lower-level discipline and claims about
domestic organisms, although in the Origin, there almost inevitably is
And now, finally, I think that the overall structure of Darwin's theory
has been laid bare. ~ Darwin's theory has a far more complex structure
than most commentators have suggested. Indeed, perhaps the best
metaphor to apply to the theory - particularly if we remember that
superimposed upon my diagram must be the links caused b y Darwin's
views about variation (other than those analogical links which come
from domestic organisms) and the links between the lower-level dis-
ciplines - is that of a very fine network, where many different threads
mesh together to make the whole. Certainly, those who assert flatly
that the theory is hypothetico-deductive overstate the case; but those
who deny the relevance of any kind of axiomatic approach at all seem
no nearer to the truth. The true answer lies in the middle position
argued to in this paper.

36. The reader might be interested in comparing this diagrammatic representa-

tion of Darwin's theory with a similar kind of representation that I give of the
modern theory of evolution in The Philosophy of Biology, p. 49.


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