YouthMeet Script - 2023 Final

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Shreya - Dear bro n sis ….its time now to start our may I kindly request you to pls take your
seats so tht we can equalily start with the most awaited program…

Samiksha :

We will have our traditional auspicious LAMP LIGHTENING ceremony. I request all the dignitaries to
come forward…

Followed by veda chanting n bhajans by our sisters ….


We pray for our blessings to all humanity – Give us wisdom to make this world a better place to live.
May all human beings live in harmony with nature and other form of life.

May the truth prevailed.

May the darkness of ignorance be swept away by the dawn of self- realization.

Asato maa satgamayaaa



Offering our most humble pranams at divine lotus feet of a beloved bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai baba..and
My Loving Sairam to All

Sai ram sister Samiksha I am so glad to see you here for the Sai youth sadhana shibir.

Last time, so many of us ..had gathered here like this for youth conference held years back in 2018.

Samiksha - sairam sister Shreya...yes you are right I was just a little Bal vikas student back then and I
used to marvel an aaahhh at the beauty and blessings of so many youths gathering in our bellowed
Swamis divine presence.

I pray to Bhagwan for the opportunity to be part of such a gathering... And look as per his will here we
all are...

Shreya- woooow that's so great to hear's a heart warming to hear that's Swami has answered
your prayers and brought so many of us together.... you know what sister ..SWAMI LOVES HIS
YOUTH ...he has been telling us for many decades that " WE ARE HIS AND HE IS OURS" it is truly his
blessings and grace that we are part of the saifold and that we are playing a humble role in his Divine
mission ...really sister ,,,,, I am overwhelmed with Swami's love...
Koi jamane keliye pagal hota he toh

Koi kamaane keliye pagaal hota he

Paar sachha pagaal toh vahi he iss duniya mein

Jo sai ko paane keliye pagaal hota he…

Samiksha- Nothing compares to his infinite love sister...I am really excited to be with all this youth as we
celebrate the joy of being a Sai youth gathered Around 200 youths frm all the nook n corner of Goa.

you know what sister I am so happy that we are here in this auspicious moment and you know what it is
time now to inaugurate Satya Sai youth sadhana shivir 2023 with Swami's blessings...

गुड़ से मीठा साई का नाम है,

सबसे पावन पुटपरती धाम है,

बसा लो साई को अपने मन मंदिर में,

साई से चलता हमारा हर काम है।

साई से बनता हमारा हर काम है।

इसी विवास सश्वा

के साथ, आओ चलो सब मिलकर साइको हमारे पुकारते हैं साइको हमारे याद करते

Shreya -Dear Swami , you are our mother and father, teacher ,best friend and God.. we all are here
today to offer our love and gratitude to you dear Lord for giving us this opportunity to celebrate this
momentous occasion in your divine presence as we inspire one n all, on this remarkable journey of self

Beloved BHAGWAN SRI SATHYA SAIBABA , Distinguish guest respected elders and fellow brothers and
sisters it is a great honour and pleasure to welcome you all to the Satya Sai youth sadhana shivir 2023..

Shreya & Samiksha together - "सुस्वागतम सुस्वागतम सुस्वागतम"

Shreya - कहते हैं, चित्रकार स्याही से तस्वीर बदल देते हैं,

और युवा वर्ग जागृत हो जाए तो, अपनी स्वयं की तस्वीर और तकदीर बदल देते हैं.

Samiksha - क्या बात है! इस पावन स्थल पर, हम सभी युवा, एक पर्व में शामिल होने आए हैं, और यह
एक असाधारण उपलब्धि है, जिसके द्वारा श्री सत्य साईं की असीम अनुकंपा से, जिंदगी बदल जा सकती
है, इसीलिए कहते हैं, " ख्वाहि नहीं दोस्तों जिद करना सीखो..... जो लिखा नहीं मुकद्दर में उसे
हासिल करना सीखो...!!! और यह मुमकिन हैं हमारे सद्गुरु भगवान श्री सत्य साईं बाबा के दिव्यता

SAMISKHA -Now i would like to call SP _____, for the opening remarks who has been instrumental to our
organisations journey.

Shreya – we thank our state president for giving his valuable inputes and will definetly adhered to the
points you have mentioned…sir Sairam

Now I Request.. our Sister Sarika to give us a brief introduction about todays sadhana shibir….

Thankuu so much Sarika didi

-Experience Sharing by 5 youths

Shreya -

स्वामी आपने दिखाए हुए राह पर हम सभी चलने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं
भौतिक जीवन की अनेक लालसा में भ्रमित हुआ हमारा मन और हमारी बुद्धि को सही मार्ग आपकी
सीख से ही मिल रही है

जीवन की अनेक उतार-चढ़ाव में आप हमे शाहमारा साथ देते हैं

और हर वक्त गिरते-गिरते हमे शासवारने के लिए आप दौड़े चले आते हैं।।।।

हे प्राण प्रिय स्वामी हमें और जीने की चाहत ना होती अगर तुम ना होते अगर तुम ना होते
हमे जो तुम्हारा सहारा ना मिलता।।। भंवर में रहते किनारा ना मिलता।।।। किनारे पर भी तो लहरा
डूब होती ।।।अगर तुम ना होते अगर तुम ना होते।।।
तुम्हें क्या बताऊं कि तुम मेरे क्या हो मेरी जिंदगी का तुम ही आसरा हो मेरी जिंदगी का तुम ही
आसरा हो।।।।

Samiksha - Everyone in life has a unique experience abt his journey in sai mission…lets utilise this
opportunity to hear those sweet leelas of our most bellowed bhagwan frm some of our youths…
Now I invite …bro ….
To share his divine journey….

Growing Together (BINGO)

Shreya – Now it’s a time for Breaking the ice …for breaking the ice you all will be wondering how to do
it…We r not actually going to break the ice but will break all the barriers and get opportunity to know
each other through this game which will be taken by our brother reddy…

Sairam brother .. all urs….


Dinner is better when we eat together.

& Ik all of us are hungry now so let’s disperse for the dinner & be right back at sharp 8:30 for the Bhajan
antakshri & camp fire Facilitated By: Smt. Madhavi Parodkar and Team.

Before going for dinner …

Tommorow morning will Start assembling in hall at sharp 5 am..after omkar and nagarsankirtan will have
a quick walk in nature…

N after walk get fresh have delicious breakfast and assemble in hall sharp at 8.50 ..Will start the 2 nd day
procedings by vedam chanting by beothers… Sairam

Next day


Good Morning and loving sairam to all

Lets begin the prog with chanting of veda to purify the surrounding…

I take this opportunity to invite my fellow brothers to do the veda chanting…


-The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces
of our past, our present and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism,
enthusiasm and courage of the young people.

Now i could request Brother Siddhesh Prabhudesai to speak on the purpose of SSSSO and Role of our
Youth in it.

-Nine Point Code of Conduct (Shreya) & thnks also

स्वामी आपने, "श्रवणं कीर्तनं विष्णोः स्मरणं पादसेवनम्। अर्चनं वन्दनं दास्यं
सख्यमात्मनिवेदनम्॥" यह नवविधा भक्ति का मार्ग दिखाया... आपके इस भक्ति पथ पर चलते चलते
आपने ही हमें नव सूत्र आचार संहिता का पाठ पढ़ाया.....
नव सूत्र आचार संहिता का पहलू हमारे जीवन में अंगीकार करने, आप ही हमें वरदान दो भगवान,

आप ही हमें वरदान दो भगवान…

Now will have a Short role play on 9 point code of conduct by all youths from all 9 samithis…

I request ponda samiti to plz cm on statge and present 1st code of conduct tht is daily meditatio

Topics :

1) Daily meditation and Prayer by Ponda Samiti

2) Devotional – Singing/Prayer with members of family once a week by Curchorem/Sanvordem Samiti

3) Participation in Educational Programs (Bal Vikas) Sai Spiritual Education organised by the Centre for
children of Sai devotees by Vasco Samiti

4) Participation in community work and other programs of the Organization by Kundai Samiti

5) Attend at least once a month Group devotional singing organised by the Center by Ribander Samiti

6) Regular study of Sai literature by Panaji samiti

7) Speak softly and lovingly to everyone by Mapusa Samiti

8) Not to talk ill of others especially in their absence by Margao Samiti

9) Ceiling on Desires and to utilise savings generated for service to mankind by Karmali Samiti

Samiksha ---

-Sri Sathya Sai Baba cautions us about major obstacles that stand in the way of selfless service: ego and
attachment; and the feeling of doer-ship and enjoyer-ship. A true Sri Sathya Sai volunteer strives to
overcome these obstacles through selfless service. Service done in a pure, selfless manner then
becomes yoga—leading to union with God. Baba says that when we realise “service to man is service to
God”, we also experience the ultimate truth – “God pervades everything”.

Now i could request Sister Sonia Chodankar

To brief us about Various Seva activities for Youth.

Now it’s a time for quiz

- Quiz Format: Activity Based

Facilitated by: (Dr. Shreya Pawaskar)

Samiksha -Thank you Dr. SHREYA for a fun filled knowledgeable quiz session. We all enjoyed it.

Reflect The Love and let the Loving Lord shine through you as His beacon of love and light in the world.

Next, i could like to invite Brother Ganesh Kothatha to guide us through

Sadhana for Youths as Guided by Swami.

-Devotional singing (Karaoke) Format: Talk

By: Shri. Suraj Naik (SHREYA)

साईं हमारा प्यार है

साई ही विवास सश्वा
जीवन के हर मोड़ पर

साईं का ही साथ है... साईं का ही साथ है..!!!

Ataaa amhi devoptional singing karuya tejya khatir haav suraj bhai k request karta to plz come on stage

Along with suraj bhai u all can join in singing divine glory….

As we feed our mind n soul withj such a lovely singing… lets feed our stomach too ..will take a small
lunch break …will come back sharp at

- Break Lunch

Sairam everyone plz take your seats quickly …will start with sai state assembly n for tht I would request
both our state youth coordinators to plz take incharge…

- Sri Sathya Sai Young Messengers (SSSYM) objective is to engage Youth in

SSSSO activities be it through Social Media or other Outreach Programmes. The Four Pillars viz., Social
Media, Database, Reporting and Outreach Platform.

Now i could request Brother Sujit Chimbolkar to about the Four Pillars of SSSYM Format.

-DamSharas Format: Activity Based By: Shri. Mahadev Naik (SHREYA)

Now its time to play Damsharsss I would request brother Mahadev to guide us

-Youth Initiative and National Initiative Programmes By: Shri. Laxmi Reddy(Samikshaa)

- Key takeaways of Sadhana Shibir Format: Interactive session(SIDDHESH & SARIKA)

-The Evening is lovely dark and deep, but we have promises to keep and miles to go before we end this
fun filled shibhir. Now i would like to call SP _____, for the closing remarks.

बड़ा ही खूबसूरत रिता श्ता

है मेरा और मेरे प्रभु के बीच,

बड़ा ही खूबसूरत रिता श्ता

है मेरा और मेरे प्रभु के बीच,

ज्यादा मैं कभी मांगता नहीं,

और कम वह कभी देता नहीं,

कम हो कभी देता नहीं….

-Lets make the end of this meet with vote of thanks and appreciation and gratitude to all those who
make this evening a grand success.

I request our _____ to propose the vote of thanks.

Now i would like to call few of our youth participants to share thier experiences.

1- बाबा के दरबार में दुनिया बदल जाती है

लेता जो भी दिल से साई का नाम एक पल,

उसकी तक़दीर बदल जाती है …. उसकी तक़दीर बदल जाती है..

2 - साईं मेरी हर साँस में,साईं मेरी हर

एहसास में,साईं मेरी हर विवास सश्वा


साईं के चरणों में मिले जगह मैं हूँ

इसी आस में.

3 - जो कुछ है तेरे दिल में,

सब उसको ख़बर है,

बंदे बंदे तेरे हर हाल पर,

भगवान की नजर है भगवान की नजर है..!!!

4 - स्वामी में आस्था है तो,

उलझनो में भी रास्ता है....

तू फिकर ना कर... तू फिकर ना कर.

वही रास्ते का अंतिम है वही रास्ते का अंतिम है...!!!

5 - तेरा हाथ सिर पर होने से मेरे सब काम साकार होते हैं,

मैं जहां भी देखता हूं तुझे...

मैं जहां भी ढूंढता हूं तुझे..

बस तू ही तू नजर आता है, बस तेरा ही दीदार नजर आता है...!!!

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