Ale HDP Organizational Placement2019

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Haramaya University

College of Educational and Behavioral Sciences

Higher Diploma Program

Report for Organizational Placement on; A short-term training on

laboratory works for staffs at Civil Engineering Department office
1. Belete Tefera
2. Bedada Germame
3. Fenta Nebiyou
4. Worku Gadisa

A report submitted to the Office of Higher Diploma Program (HDP), College of

Educational and Behavioral Sciences (CEBS), in fulfillment for Professional
Training of Academic Staff in Higher Education Institutions.

September, 2021
Haramaya, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
List of Content Page

1.1. Background........................................................................................................................................3
2. Objectives of the Training.....................................................................................................................4
3. Significance............................................................................................................................................4
4. Expected Outcome.................................................................................................................................4
1. Training Topics......................................................................................................................................5
2. Expected Trainee...................................................................................................................................6
3. Resource and Cost breakdown...............................................................................................................6


1. Background

Laboratory learning is learning that takes place in a space where trainee can observe, practice,
and experiment with objects, materials, phenomena, and ideas either individually or in groups.
Trainee learn by doing, and then drawing meaning and understanding from these experiences.
Globally nowadays, different institutions and research offices believed in scientific findings and
writing to promote a culture of continuous learning and knowledge creation. Conducting
laboratory experiment in civil engineering practice is one way to achieve this intent of the globe.
Making laboratory experiment more accessible is a key goal of any civil engineering
organization/department that wants to reach a greater number of users and enable them to
understand sometimes complex nature in a short period of time. It is clear that time pressures on
decision makers require organizations to capture the attention of the reader, which may then lead
to more in depth interrogation of the data. Laboratory experiments have become common place
in today’s society and the need to properly discriminate and present information in an acceptable
format that cannot be over emphasized. In the academic, there is an urgent need to embrace this
new culture, which has transformed the developed society to enviable heights, given the pattern
of presentations and paper writings using laboratory experiments that ease the analysis of
complex data, provide high degree of excellent conclusions in various research areas. Use of
laboratory experiment for analysis and prediction has proved useful in current scientific research
and is being adopted the world over.

The training on civil engineering laboratory experiments shall progress the participants from the
basic use of simple theories, data organization, data management, too sophisticated analysis of
large data and on interpretation of laboratory results. Though there exist number of laboratory
experiment, participants will be trained on the most commonly used and general package that
will give them insight into basic and sophisticated interpretation of laboratory of results.

In line to this the department of civil engineering has planned to deliver different trainings on
civil engineering laboratories in this academic year. The training will encompass all civil
engineering laboratory experiments. The laboratory training includes material lab, geotechnical
lab, highway lab and surveying lab.

1.3 Objectives of the Training

The main objective of the training program is to provide training and assist staffs and researchers
develop their basic skills on different civil engineering laboratory specifically material lab,
geotechnical lab, highway lab and surveying lab.
Specifically, the training has the following objectives:

 Enhance the necessary civil engineering laboratory skills and knowledge of the staffs in
work area.
 To share experiences, develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, as well as
gain exposure to reactions, materials, and equipment in a lab setting.

1.4 Significance

Use of laboratory experiment in civil engineering discipline for analysis and prediction has
proved useful in current scientific research and is being adopted the world over. Though there
exist number of laboratories works, participants will be trained on the most commonly used ones
that will give them insight into basic and sophisticated analysis and physical modeling of data.
Labs will always be the key part of the engineering educational ecosystem for years to come.
Skill development classes: Professors teach students beyond the curriculum by imparting skills
and practical knowledge of technologies. It helps every engineer prepare for an industry

The training on these laboratory work on civil engineering field shall progress the participants
from the basic use of simple theories, data organization, to sophisticated analysis of data on
interpretation of laboratory results. To aid quick assimilation, sample data relevant to
participants’ fields of research shall be used in the training to aid in:
1.5 Expected Outcome

This training has been designed as a participatory program that is build up on the practical
learning of participants. The training will focus on interactive group or peer learning process. All
of the training component would be hands on, with participants completing the various analysis
 They will be familiarized with these laboratories and laboratory setup and use it to
solve problem scientifically with fast and precise way.
 They will not face difficulties in identifying research problems and gaps.
 They will be able to select analysis and design procedure.

 For the trainee the outcome of civil engineering laboratory is to “practice by doing”
and the laboratory courses help them to gain insight and understanding of the real
world which they learn in their theory courses and the ideas for innovations.

 Laboratory instruction develops students' experimental skills, ability to work in teams

and communicate effectively, learn from failure, and be responsible for their own
results. There are three types of educational laboratories in engineering education.

2. Priorities, Expected gain and Reflection on the Outcomes

2.1Priorities and Expected Gain

Before our placement at Haramaya University, Haramaya Institute of Technology Gendejoy

campus civil engineering staff laboratory training we listed three priorities and expected gain as
mentioned here below in the table.

Priority 1. Illustration and installation of laboratory equipment

Expected gain;
Civil engineering staffs are actively practiced and involved in the illustration of laboratory
Priority 2. Identification of laboratory equipment for specific task
Expected gain;
Civil engineering staffs are actively practiced and involved in the identification and selection of
laboratory equipment for specific task.
Priority 3. Execute and do laboratory experiment and interpretation of laboratory results
Expected gain;
Haramaya Institute of Technology campus staff cafeteria there is Availability of Hygiene and
Sanitation Facilities.

2.2Reflection on the Outcomes
After placement, we carried out discussion with civil engineering staff on those aforementioned

Priority 1. Illustration and installation of laboratory equipment

Reflection on the Outcomes
They told us although illustration and installation of laboratory equipment is very crucial to
carryout laboratory experiment for specific tasks. Since before execute laboratory experiment
first it should be having the information about how to install and use of that laboratory
equipment accordingly. But their participation in this activity is small. They disclosed that the
main reasons are their lack training during their under and post graduate studies.
Priority 2. Identification of laboratory equipment for specific task
Concerning the identification of laboratory equipment for specific task or selection of
laboratory equipment, they boldly told us that they have theoretical knowledge and information
about how to select and identify laboratory equipment for the investigation of specific task that
we want to know.
Priority 3. Execute and do laboratory experiment and interpretation of laboratory results
Reflection on the Outcomes
With regard to the third priority, the execute and performing laboratory experiment and its
result interpretation, they informed us they gain important information and knowledge from the
training session.

3 Organizational Placement: Information on Organizational Placement

1. Name of Organization: Civil Engineering Department office

2. Duration of placement for……………...

3. Total number of hours …….

Part II: Task

1. Task A: Interview with the civil engineering Department

Date: September, 20 2021 Time: 8:30 am
Name of the organization: Civil Engineering Department office.

Name of interviewee: Mr. ………. Position: …………

Number of staffs……………
Name of HDP Candidate (Interviewer): All
Questions for the interviewee
1. What are the Mission, vision and goals of the organization?
Mission ………………………..
Vision …………………………..
2. Do you carry out training within the organization? If yes, how is this done?
 Sometimes yes of course, the University conducts training within the organization. This is
done through discussion with the staff of the organization as well as supervision of their
3. What do you consider are the main training and development needs for the staffs in this
 The main training and development needs for the civil engineering staffs are refreshment
trainings on laboratory work or experiment.
4. What relationship does the laboratory work have with respective departments?
 Currently we have relationship with respective departments.
5. How could the respective departments help you in the training and development of your
 As I told you before currently, we have relationship, we are planning to create strong
connection with the department especially in civil engineering-based departments. But there
is no training between the department.

2. Task B: Interview with the staffs
Date September, 20 2021 Time: 3:30 am
Name of the organization: Civil Engineering Department office.
Name of interviewee: Mr. ………. Position: …………
Number of employees……………
Name of HDP Candidate (Interviewer): All
Questions for the interviewee
1. What do you think are the main training and development needs of staff in the organization?
The main training and development needs of staff members working in laboratory work are
refreshment trainings comprising recent information on;
 Installation of laboratory equipment
 Preparation laboratory manual
2. Does your organization provide training to staffs? If so, what types?
Yes, our organization has provided us refreshment some training on laboratory works. The
training was not good and sufficient in our learning teaching activities.

3. Are you able to practice in laboratory work all what you gained from the training?

I couldn’t implement it. As you see, the laboratory work has lacks sufficient training
schedule and program.

4. What is the reason behind for limited training session on laboratory work?

Because of that:
 We have a limited willingness to learn about laboratory
 Poor coordination
 Limited resources

3. Task C: Planning, Delivering and Evaluating Training

Our group identified “identification of Laboratory Equipment, Installation of Laboratory

Equipment, Procedures to perform laboratory experiment, Execution of Laboratory Experiment
and Interpretation of Laboratory Results,” as a training need for staffs of the Civil Engineering
Department. We agreed with the participants that they have insufficient information and skill on
these areas.

1. Title of the training: A short-term training on laboratory works for staffs at Civil Engineering
Department office.
2. Date of training: September 26, 2021 Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 am.
3. Location: Haramaya Institute of Technology
4. Number and description of participants:
5. Number of participants:

Description of participants:





5. Objective of the training

This training on “A short-term training on laboratory works for staffs at Civil Engineering
Department office” was organized with the following objectives:

 To identify and installation of laboratory equipment

 To illustrate procedures to execute laboratory experiment
 To guide how to interpret laboratory results

6. Schedule:

 Illustration and installation of laboratory equipment: from 8:00 am to 8: 30 am.

 Identification of laboratory equipment for specific task: from 8:30 am to 9:30 am
 Execute and do laboratory experiment: from 9:30 am to 10:30 am
 Interpretation of laboratory results: from 10:30 am to 5:00 am
 Experience sharing by participants: from 5:00am to 6:00 am

7 Active learning methods

 Lecturing
 Question and answer
 Experience sharing by participants
8 Resources required

4. Task: Evaluation of Training

1. Were the training objectives achieved?

Yes, we have achieved all the objectives of the training. The trainees were able to identify how
to perform laboratory experiment is critical in any civil engineering project and academic aspect.
It is imperative for safe design and construction of civil engineering projects for all staffs to be
familiar with standard laboratory experiment in practices. Depending on civil engineering stream
laboratory experiments can be grouped as:
Material Engineering Laboratory

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

Highway Engineering Laboratory

Surveying Laboratory

2. Were your planning and preparation sufficient?

Yes, we have taken sufficient time to plan the training and prepared well for the delivery of
the training. We have visited different websites.
3. Were the training methods appropriate?

Yes, the training methods were appropriate. We used the lecture method followed by
demonstration which includes (illustration and installation of laboratory equipment, how to
execute laboratory experiment, how to interpret laboratory result and laboratory procedures).
4. What were the strengths and limitations of the training as evaluated by the participants?

 Well organized and highly informative training

 Appropriate training methods are used

 Time limitation
5. How would you modify the initial training scheme based on the evaluation of participants
and your own observation?
We will expand the content of civil engineering laboratory to more in detail if we get sufficient
time for the training.

4.1. Report format

This form must be completed by all candidates;

Date: September 29, 2021 Time: 10:00am

Name of organization: Civil Engineering Department office.

Type of business: Governmental

Name of the head of organization: Mr. ……….. Position: ……

Number of employees: Male: …. Female: …..

Name of HDP candidate: Belete Tefera.

University: Haramaya Universi

Date Summary of activities Hours spent

September 20, 2021 Evaluation of expected gains on listed priorities
Collection of organizational information Interview with 4:00
the management Interview with employee
September 26, 2021 Delivery of the training
 To identify and installation of laboratory
equipment 6:00
 To illustrate the procedures for lab-experiments
 To guide how perform laboratory experiments
 To show how to interpret lab-results
Training performance assessment

I confirm that the report above is an accurate statement of the time I spent in the organization.

Signature of Candidate: ______________________________

Date: ______________________

I confirm that the above is a true statement of the candidate.

Signature: ______________________

Position in Organization: _________________________

Organization’s Stamp

This form must be completed and submitted to the HDL by all candidates,

Date: September 29, 2021 Time: 10:00am

Name of organization: Civil Engineering Department office.

Type of business: Governmental

Name of the head of organization: Mr. ……….. Position: ……

Number of employees: Male: …. Female: …..

Name of HDP candidate: Fenta Nebiyou

University: Haramaya University

Date Summary of activities Hours spent

Evaluation of expected gains on listed priorities
September 20, 2021 Collection of organizational information Interview with 4:00
the management Interview with employee
Delivery of the training
 To identify and installation of laboratory
September 26, 2021 equipment 6:00
 To illustrate the procedures for lab-experiments
 To guide how perform laboratory experiments
 To show how to interpret lab-results
Training performance assessment

I confirm that the report above is an accurate statement of the time I spent in the organization.

Signature of Candidate: ______________________________

Date: ______________________

I confirm that the above is a true statement of the candidate.

Signature: ______________________

Position in Organization: _________________________

Organization’s Stamp:

This form must be completed and submitted to the HDL by all candidates,

Date: September 29, 2021 Time: 10:00am

Name of organization: Civil Engineering Department office.

Type of business: Governmental

Name of the head of organization: Mr. ……….. Position: ……

Number of employees: Male: …. Female: …..

Name of HDP candidate: Bedada Germame

University: Haramaya University

Date Summary of activities Hours spent

Evaluation of expected gains on listed priorities
September 20, 2021 Collection of organizational information Interview with 4:00
the management Interview with employee
Delivery of the training
 To identify and installation of laboratory
September 26, 2021 equipment 6:00
 To illustrate the procedures for lab-experiments
 To guide how perform laboratory experiments
 To show how to interpret lab-results
Training performance assessment
I confirm that the report above is an accurate statement of the time I spent in the organization.

Signature of Candidate: ______________________________

Date: ______________________

I confirm that the above is a true statement of the candidate.

Signature: ______________________

Position in Organization: ________________________

Organization’s Stamp

This form must be completed and submitted to the HDL by all candidates,

Date: September, 2021 Time: 10:00am

Name of organization: Civil Engineering Department office.

Type of business: Governmental

Name of the head of organization: Mr. ……….. Position: ……

Number of employees: Male: …. Female: …..

Name of HDP candidate: Worku Gadisa

University: Haramaya University

Date Summary of activities Hours spent

September 20, 2021 Evaluation of expected gains on listed priorities
Collection of organizational information Interview with 4:00
the management Interview with employee
September 26, 2021 Delivery of the training
 To identify and installation of laboratory
equipment 6:00
 To illustrate the procedures for lab-experiments
 To guide how perform laboratory experiments
 To show how to interpret lab-results
Training performance assessment

I confirm that the report above is an accurate statement of the time I spent in the organization.

Signature of Candidate: ______________________________

Date: ______________________

I confirm that the above is a true statement of the candidate.

Signature: ______________________

Position in Organization: ________________________

Organization’s Stamp:

Haramaya University
Attendance-Sheet for Laboratory Training
Date: September, 2021

No. Full Name Dep't Date Sig.


Approved Trainer by: Name & Sig.: _____________________________________________

Approved Coordinator by: Name & Sig.: _______________________________________


1. Hanton S. and T. McEvoy. (2016). Skill Training. Lab Manager.

2. Kridelbaugh D. (2016). Leading Your Staff Through Change. Lab


3. Balchunas J. (2016). Advancing the Biopharmaceutical Community Through Learning and

Development Partnerships. Bioprocess International (Supplement) 13 (8), 4–8.

4. The Kirkpatrick Model.



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