Important Question For Annual Exam

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1. Derive the equation x  ut  at (Displacement-time relation) from the v-t graph [graphical method]:
Derive the equation 𝒙 = 𝒗𝟎 𝒕 + 𝒂𝒕𝟐 from the velocity-time or (v-t) graph /graphical method

2. Derive the equation v  u  2ax (Displacement-velocity relation) from the velocity-time graph [v-t
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graph] or graphical method

Derive the equation 𝒗𝟐 = 𝒗𝟐𝟎 + 𝟐𝒂𝒙from the velocity-time (v-t) graph/graphical method


3. Derive an expression for the magnitude and direction of resultant of two vectors acting at a point in
terms of their magnitudes and angle between them.

4. Derive an equation for the path (trajectory) of a projectile:

To show that the trajectory of projectile is a parabola:

5. Derive an expression for (1) maximum height (2) time of flight (3) range of a projectile.
6. What is centripetal acceleration (radial acceleration)? Derive an expression for centripetal


7. State law of conservation of mechanical energy. Prove the law for a freely falling body.
State law of conservation of mechanical energy. Verify the law of conservation of energy for a freely
falling body.

8. Derivation for final velocities of two colliding bodies in one dimensional elastic collision.

9. Derive expression for common velocity of two bodies and loss of kinetic energy in the case of one
dimensional inelastic collision (head on collision).

10. (A) Define torque & angular momentum

(B) Derive the relation between torque and angular momentum of a particle.
Prove that the time rate of change of angular momentum of a particle a is equal to torque acting on it.

11. (A)State & explain law of conservation of angular momentum of a system of particle.

(B) Give two examples (Illustration) for law of conservation of angular momentum.


12. What is isothermal process? Derive an expression for work done in an isothermal process.
13. What is adiabatic process? Derive an expression for work done in an adiabatic process.

14. What is a Carnot engine? Explain the Carnot cycle (working of Carnot engine) with PV diagram.


15. Write Newton’s formula for the velocity of sound in a gas and explain Laplace’s correction for it.

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1. Name two supplementary units in S.I system.

2. Mention the application of dimension analysis.
3. Check dimensionally correctness of equation 𝑚𝑣 2 = 𝑚𝑔ℎ. Where m is the mass of the body, v its velocity, g
acceleration due to gravity and h is the height.
4. Check the correctness of an equation 𝑥 = 𝑥0 + 𝑣0 𝑡 + 2 𝑎𝑡 2 using dimension analysis.


1. Explain the triangle method of vector addition.
2. Write the equation for the trajectory (path) of a projectile motion. What is the nature of its trajectory?
3. Write the expression for time of flight/ maximum height /range of projectile. Explain the terms. What is the
angle of projection for which range of projectile is maximum?


1. What is meant by inertia? What is the measure of inertia of a body?

2. What is momentum (linear momentum) of a body?write the S.I. unit of momentum.

3. State and explain newtons second law of motion. Define S.I unit force (or) newton.
4. Define impulse of the force. Write the S.I. unit for impulse of the force.
5. State Newton’s III-law of motion. Write any two important points about Newton’s III-law of motion.
Ans: Statement: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Important points about Newton’s III-law of motion:

1) Action and reaction force acts on different bodies, not on the same body and hence they never cancel
each other.
2) Newton’s third law defines nature of force. i.e, the forces always exist in pairs.
6. What is meant by equilibrium of a particle? If two forces F1 & F2 , act on a particle. What is the condition for
equilibrium of a particle?

7. What is spring force? Write the expression for spring force.

8. Mention the types of friction.
9. What are the advantages of friction?
10. Mention any two methods of reducing friction.


1. Define scalar product (dot product) of two vectors. Give an example.

2. Define work. Write the S.I unit & dimension formula for work.
3. Mention the conditions under which a force does no work (zero work).
4. Define power. Write an expression for it.
5. What is the S.I unit & dimension formula for power?
6. Derive an expression for power in terms of force & velocity or Show that power P  F v
7. Derive an expression for gravitational potential energy.
8. Derive an expression for potential energy of a spring:
9. State & prove work-energy theorem for constant force.
10. State & prove work-energy theorem for variable force.
11. Distinguish between elastic and inelastic collisions.


1. Define vector product (cross product) of two vectors. Give an example.

2. What is meant by translational motion? (Or) When rigid body is said to be in pure rotational motion? Give
an example.
3. What is meant by rotational motion? (Or) When rigid body is said to be in pure rotational motion? Give an
example for rotational motion about an axis.
4. Write the expression for the center of mass of a system of two particles?
5. State and explain law of conservation of total linear momentum of the system of particle.
6. Define torque (or) moment of force. Mention the S.I unit and dimension formula of a torque.
7. When does torque vanishes (zero)?
8. When does angular momentum vanishes (zero)?
9. Mention the Condition for equilibrium of rigid body.
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10. What is couple? Give an example.
11. Define moment of inertia of rigid body. Write the S.I unit & dimension formula of moment of inertia.
12. Define radius of gyration. Write the relation between radius of gyration and moment of inertia.
13. Mention the factors on which moment of inertia/radius gyration depends.
14. Mention an expression for moment of inertia of a thin rod about an axis passing through the centre and
perpendicular to the rod.
15. Mention an expression for moment of inertia of a circular ring about an axis passing through the diameter.


1. State & explain Newton’s law of gravitation.

2. Mention the relation between acceleration due to gravity (g) and the gravitational constant (G).
Write an expression for the acceleration due to gravity in terms of mass of the earth and radius of the earth.
3. Mention an expression for acceleration due to gravity at g with altitude (height).
4. Mention an expression for variation of g with depth.
5. What is escape velocity of a body? What is the value of escape velocity from the earth’s surface?
6. Write the equation for orbital velocity of a satellite and explain the terms.
7. Mention the factors on which orbital velocity or Period of revolution of a satellite depends.


1. Mention the different types of stress.

2. What is (longitudinal stress) (normal stress)? Mention the types of (longitudinal stress) (normal stress)?
3. Mention the different types of strain.
4. Define Poisson’s ratio. Write the expression for Poisson’s ratio.
5. State and explain Hooke’s law. Define modulus of elasticity
6. Mention the types of modulus of elasticity.
7. Draw a graph of stress versus strain for a metal wire.
8. What are elastomers? Draw Stress-strain curve for the elastic tissue of Arota.
9. Mention any three applications of elastic behavior of material (or) mention any two application of elasticity.


1. Obtain an expression for the pressure at a point inside a liquid.

2. State Pascal’s law. Mention any two Applications of Pascal’s law

State Pascal’s law. Mention any two devices based on the Pascal’s law.
3. State & explain Bernoulli’s theorem (Or) write Bernoulli’s equation & explain the symbols.
4. Define coefficient of viscosity of fluid. Mention expression for it.


1. Mention the different types of thermal expansion.
2. Define Co-efficient of linear/ Superficial (area)/ Cubical (volume) expansion of solid. Mention the expression
for Co-efficient of linear expansion.
3. Define Co-efficient of linear/ Superficial (area)/ Cubical (volume) expansion of solid. Mention the S.I unit of
linear expansion
4. State & explain Boyle’s law.
5. State & explain Charle’s law.
6. Write the Perfect gas (ideal gas) equation.

7. Show that the co-efficient of volume expansion of gas is inversely proportional to temperature.
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(Or) (Derive   OR  v  for ideal gas)
8. Define Specific heat capacity of a substance. Mention the S.I unit of Specific heat capacity.
9. What is the value of specific heat capacity of water?
10. Define molar heat capacity of a substance. Mention the S.I unit of molar heat capacity.
11. Define a) Molar specific heat of gas at constant volume b) Molar specific heat of gas at constant pressure.
12. Define heat capacity (or) Thermal capacity. Mention the S.I unit of heat capacity (or) Thermal capacity.
13. What is calorimeter? Mention the principle of calorimeter.
14. Define latent heat. Mention the S.I unit of latent heat.
15. Define latent heat of fusion. Mention the values of latent heat of fusion of water.

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16. Define latent heat of vaporization. Mention the values of latent heat of vaporization of water.
17. Mention the different modes of heat transfer.

18. Mention an expression for rate of flow heat ( or Heat current).

Mention the expression for co-efficient of thermal conductivity.
19. State & explain Newton’s law of cooling.


1. What is meant extensive and intensive variable?

2. State & explain the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
3. State & explain the first law of thermodynamics.
4. State the first law of thermodynamics. What is the significance of first law of thermodynamics?
5. Mention the conditions necessary for a reversible process.
6. What is carnot heat engine? Mention the expression for efficiency of heat engine (Carnot heat engine) in
terms of the temperature of the source and sink.
7. Give the Kelvin –Planck’s & Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.


1. State any three postulates of kinetic theory of gases

Mention the Assumptions of kinetic theory of gases
1) A given amount of gas is a collection of large number of molecules. The motions of all gas molecules are
completely random.
2) The average distance between molecules is 10 times or more than the size of the molecule (2A 0).
3) The gas molecules do not exert any force of attraction or repulsion on each other, except during
4) The gas molecules move in straight lines and obey Newton’s law of motion.
5) The molecular collisions are elastic collision. For elastic collision its momentum and KE always

2. What is meant by degrees of freedom? Write the number of degrees of freedom in

monoatomic/diatomic/triatomic gas molecules
3. State and explain the law of equipartition of energy.


1. What is periodic motion? Give an example.

2. What is oscillatory motion? Give an example.
3. Define time period & frequency of periodic motion (oscillatory motion).
4. What is simple harmonic motion? Give an example.
5. Mention equation of simple harmonic motion (SHM).
Mention the displacement equation of a particle executing simple harmonic motion.
6. Give graphical representation of SHM Or Draw displacement-time graph of a particle executing SHM.
7. Where is the velocity/acceleration/kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM (i) maximum (ii) minimum?
8. Mention an expression for time period of oscillation of a spring.
9. Mention an expression for time period of oscillation of simple pendulum.


1. Distinguish between Longitudinal and Transverse waves.

2. What is progressive wave (travelling wave)? Write the displacement relation for a progressive wave (or) simple
harmonic wave.
3. Derive the relation between wave velocity (v), frequency (f) and wavelength (λ).


Obtain expression for wave velocity in terms of wavelength and frequency.

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