Important Elements For A Framework in Designing A Mobile Learning

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Article · May 2020

DOI: 10.31838/jcr.07.06.54


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8 authors, including:

S. Tamil Selvan Subramaniam Ahmad fauzi Mohd Ayub

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Mohd Shafie Rosli Siti Zuraida Maaruf

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi MARA


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Journal of Critical Reviews

ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 6, 2020

Review Article


Tamil Selvan Subramaniam1*, Melor Md.Yunus2, Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub3, Mohd.Shafie Rosli4, Siti
Zuraida Maaruf5, Aliff Nawi6, Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan1
of Technical and Vocational Education, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
2Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
3Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
4School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
5Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Mara.
6School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

*[email protected]

Received: 14.02.2020 Revised: 18.03.2020 Accepted: 27.04.2020

Based on a literature search, there are a number of mobile learning frameworks mentioned in a previous study that less emphasis
on the major element required for English language (listening and speaking skills) specifically for level 2 students. Therefore, this
paper aimed to identify the elements that fulfill their needs to be integrated in the mobile learning framework for listening and
speaking skills specifically for level 2 students. This study was used quantitative research method through survey using
questionnaires as the instrument to get the data and information for answering the research questions. A sample of 30 English
expert teachers in the Batu Pahat district was selected based on purposive sampling method to complete the questionnaire survey
given. A questionnaire that consists of four constructs was developed and the administered to obtain information. Data was
collected and analyzed descriptively using SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social Sciences).. Besides, the validity was made to
ensure the questionnaire can be used. Content validity, face validity and construct validity were used in this study to make sure the
instrument's validity. Moreover, the pilot study was carried out to obtain the reliability of the questionnaire. Based on the analysis
that has been made, Alpha Cronbach value was 0.87 categorized as a high level. Findings showed that there was an audio, graphics
and text elements must be integrated into the mobile learning framework and audio elements help in listening skills while text
elements help English speaking skills as well as other elements such as learning anywhere and anytime, easy to use, navigation,
other resources for related information are provided, directory and help button. The findings of this study can be used by mobile
learning designers as a guide in preparing for learning material and the main contribution of this study is an important element for a
framework in designing a mobile learning for english language listening and speaking skills.

Key words: English Learning, m-learning, Learning Framework.

© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (

INTRODUCTION English listening and speaking skills, element content that can
Mobile learning trends are becoming an option of mobile help Level 2 students in listening and speaking English skills
device users. Through the statistics shown by Gartner (2014), and content mobile learning packages can help Level 2
the number of mobile app downloads is expected to increase students in mastery of listening and speaking skills in English.
by 268 billion in 2017. This shows that students start selecting Finally, researchers have proposed a framework for designing
mobile learning because they walk in a more relaxed and mobile learning packages for listening and speaking skills in
relaxed environment as users have the opportunity to use English.
them without any time constraints and places (Attewell &
Savill-Smith, 2004). The study of Mobile-assisted Language METHODOLOGY
Learning (MALL) shows that learning English as a second The research methodology is determined by the design of the
language can be done freely through mobile learning study through a survey. This study was used quantitative
(Chinnery, 2006). The problem of the study is that there is still research method through survey using questionnaires as the
no framework to guide the design of mobile learning that fulfill instrument to get the data and information for answering the
their needs of Level 2 students for listening and speaking skills research questions. The questionnaire was used as a research
(Supyan et al, 2012). Based on the preliminary results of the instrument to examine the important elements fulfill their
English teachers, it shows that they have no information on needs to be integrated in the mobile learning. The survey
selecting suitable applications as student supported learning method was selected as the basis of unbiased approach to the
materials in English listening and speaking skills. In addition, decision making process. A scholar like Cohen, Manion and
they have limited knowledge about specific elements that Morrison (2017) also stated that the survey is comprehensive
fulfill their needs into mobile learning that meet the needs of in nature, which may comment on the issue from various
Level 2 students in English listening and speaking skills, points of views, how easy handling can accumulate and collect
elements that can help Level 2 students in English listening data quickly, corresponding to the large sample size, the
and speaking skills and content of mobile learning packages information obtained directly and able to make decisions
can help Level 2 students in the mastery of English listening collectively. The population in this study was 30 English expert
and speaking skills. teachers from the Batu Pahat district. The sample used was
purposive sampling. This is because the purposive sampling is
Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the learning judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling to get meaningful
package that meets the needs of Level 2 students in listening data for this study. It is used to focus on the particular
and speaking skills. In addition, this study also needs to be characteristic of a population, which is the teacher’s
conducted to identify the main elements must be integrated background. Besides, in this study, the validity was made to
into mobile learning that meet the needs of Level 2 students in ensure the questionnaire can be used. Content validity, face

Journal of critical reviews 312


validity and construct validity were used in this study to make 2) Element that helps to meet the needs of students in
sure the instrument's validity. Moreover, the pilot study was acquiring English listening skills
carried out to obtain the reliability of the questionnaire. Based This section presents an analysis of the study about element
on the analysis that has been made, Alpha Cronbach value was helps to meet the needs of Level 2 students in acquiring
0.87 categorized as a high level. English listening skills. From the analysis, the mean score
range indicates the range of all items studied between 1.33
1) Instrument of study and 5.00. Based on table 3 data analysis shows that most of the
The instrument used in this study was questionnaires. The elements help English Listening skills and need to be
questionnaire consists of 4 parts which are Part A, B,C1 and integrated into mobile learning packages for listening and
C2. Part A is the respondent demographic information. For speaking skills in English.
Part B, C1 and C2 contain the components of respondents' to
the element that need to integrate. A total of three constructs Table 3: Results of respondents to element that help
was developed such as important elements fulfill their needs English listening skills.
in the mobile learning, element that help to meet the needs of Item Mean Std. Interpretation
students in acquiring English listening skills, elements help to Deviation
meet the needs of students in the mastery of English speaking It encourages students 4.93 0.254 High
skills. Each of the construct consists of tenth items that need as to listen carefully.
the measurements. In addition, this study, data obtained from It encourages students 4.97 0.183 High
the questionnaire were analysed using SPSS Statistics 18.0. to understand what
Element needs among respondents is measured based on the they hear.
mean score interpretation as shown in Table 1. It promotes responsive 4.97 0.183 High
to audio.
Table 1: Mean score interpretation It involves the mind 4.97 0.183 High
Inclined Level Mean Score Range process.
Low 1.00 - 2.33 It encourages students 4.90 0.305 High
Medium 2.34 - 3.67 to get the meaning of
High 3.68 - 5.00 the messages they
2) Data Analysis It encourages students 4.97 0.183 High
Descriptive statistics in the form of averages and percentage to improve their ability
distributions described the teachers were explored for Part A in terms of better use
in the questionnaire. Part B and Part C, the descriptive of the Language.
statistics the mean and standard deviation table. For example, The text helps in 4.97 0.183 High
in this paper, the independent variable that meet this criterion mastering listening
the readiness level (high, medium and low). skills.
Videos help in 1.33 0.479 Medium
RESULTS listening skills.
1) Element that fulfills their needs in designing the mobile Audio helps in 5.00 0.000 High
learning listening skills.
This section presents an analysis of the study about the The graphics help in 4.93 0.254 High
multimedia element that fulfill their needs in designing the listening skills.
mobile learning to meet the needs of Level 2 students in Animation helps in 1.33 0.479 Medium
listening and speaking skills. Based on table 2 data analysis listening skills.
shows the audio and graphic elements need to be integrated Average overall mean 4.29 High
into mobile learning packages for listening and speaking skills
in English as well as other elements such as can be started and
3) Elements help to meet the needs of students in the
terminated at any party and anytime, easy to use without the
mastery of English speaking skills
help of others, hyperlinks and navigation work well, other
This section will present the analysis of the study about
sources for relevant information are provided, text elements,
elements help to meet the needs of Level 2 students in the
directories and help buttons are provided.
mastery of English speaking skills. From the analysis, the mean
score range for all items studied was between 2.83 and 4.93.
Table 2: Results of respondents' responses to elements in
Table 4 shows elements that help meet the needs of Level 2
mobile learning packages
students in mastering English speaking skills. Based on the
Item Mean Interpretation
mean score, the average mean of the element that helps meet
Audio 4.98 High the needs of Level 2 students in English speaking proficiency is
Graphic 4.98 High 4.45. Table 4 also shows items that are "Text helps in
Its use can be started in any part. 4.90 High mastering spoken skills" record the highest mean score of 4.93
Users may terminate use at any 4.83 High while the lowest mean score of 2.83 is recorded for item
time. namely "Animation helps in speaking skills". The highest
Mobile Learning is easy to explore 4.80 High spoken skill that can be mastered with the help of a text
Access (hyperlinks) works. 4.77 High element is "It encourages students to pronounce the correct
The navigation buttons work well. 4.70 High tone (sound pressure)", "It encourages students to call with
Other resources for relevant 4.57 High the correct pause or tricks" and "It encourages students to
information are provided. brainstorm with using the appropriate language "recorded the
Text 4.42 High highest mean score of 4.93. While the item "It encourages
Directory available (list of landing- 3.73 High students to pronounce with the right intonation" to record the
button content) lowest mean score for the ability to speak the ability to speak
Help button (HELP) is available. 2.53 Medium 4.90.

Journal of critical reviews 313


Table 4: Results of respondents to element that help English speaking skills

Item Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation

It encourages students to cite the correct intonation. 4.90 0.305 High
It encourages students to speak with the correct tone (sound High
pressure). 4.93 0.254
It can encourage students to call with the correct pauses or High
tricks. 4.93 0.254
It can encourage students to brainstorm by using the 4.93 0.254 High
appropriate language.
The text helps in mastering speaking skills. 4.93 0.254 High
Videos help in speaking skills. 2.87 0.346 Medium
Audio helps in speaking skills. 4.90 0.305 High
The graphics help in speaking skills. 4.87 0.346 High
Animation helps in speaking skills. 2.83 0.379 Medium
Average overall mean 4.45 High

DISCUSSIONS result of one's experience and behavior based on the

In this section, the discussion of the findings was conducted in processing of thoughts on the stimuli around them. The
detail and thorough by the researcher to see whether the intended stimuli can occur in the form of elements such as
question of this study was achieved. sound elements, colors, shapes and also the combination of
these elements. Respondents also argue that through mobile
1) Elements that need to be integrated into mobile learning learning, it can provide more flexible learning time. This is
packages for listening and speaking English skills because today's learning can not only happen in the classroom,
Based on the analysis of the study, the overall findings show but also occurs anywhere by using mobile technology.
that graphics, audio and text as a main element for designing
mobile learning that fulfills their needs of Level 2 students for This study was also supported by Vavoula (2005) where
listening and speaking skills in designing mobile application. learning occurs daily for adults covering 51% of the learning
However, the study found that video and animation elements episodes occurring in a normal environment at home or
recorded lower mean scores of 2.10 and 1.90. This is because, workplace. In addition, respondents also give their views that
according to the third principle of multimedia (Mayer, 2003) using mobile learning can improve their productivity. This is
the cohesive principle of the use of words, graphics, audio, or because students can get the latest information more easily
visuals that are not relevant to the material that should be and quickly. This statement is also supported by Idrus and
communicated should be avoided. This is because users need Buntat (2008), where the main focus of mobile learning is
to be exposed to the main information relevance clearly students. The mobile learning environment will also make the
without interfering with irrelevant material. Consumers will students more independent and more active in their learning.
be encouraged to focus on the main information only without Additionally, students need not be ashamed to repeat the same
interruption by unimportant information (Mayer 2001, 2008). title to achieve flexible and less stressful levels as it can be
As a result, delivery of information will be more effective as it done anywhere as long as there is a mobile device and
only displays learning content. internet. With the use of mobile learning, it is also easy for
students to easily revisit the lessons learned.
An active audience will focus intensively on what the speaker
is saying and at the same time be able to analyze thousands of 3) Elements that help meet the needs of students in the
information. The study (Zhang, 2005), notes that the effects of mastery of English listening skills
multimedia use of learning are not necessarily effective and Based on the analysis, as a whole, the audio element that helps
consistent. The study conducted (Rezaei, Mai, & meet the needs of Level 2 students in the mastery of English
Pesaranghader, 2013), stated that there are students who have listening skills is at a high level. This means that the sound and
the ability to receive better information through brain sound effects that are appropriate, clear, bright, smooth and
stimulation processes compared to the visual senses and some attractive can enhance the mastery of Level 2 students in
students receive better information through stimuli compared English listening skills. Additionally, audio and video that work
to a combination of sense of sight and hearing. In conclusion, together also enhance the mastery of the students in the skills.
the study found that graphics, audio, and text as a main According to the analysis, the highest listening skills that can
elements need to be consider in designing mobile learning for be mastered with the help of audio, text and graphic elements
listening and speaking skills in English as well as other are to encourage students to understand what they hear,
elements such as their use can be started in any part of the promote audio responses, engage in mind processes and
user can end use at any time, mobile learning are easy to encourage students to improve their ability to use the
explore without the help of others, hypertext and hyperlink language better. According to (Claire, Klein, & Koroghlanian,
work well, navigational buttons work well, other resources for 2004), audio can eliminate the feeling of being awkward and
relevant information are provided, directories are provided as if the user is communicating with other humans and not
and help buttons are provided. with the machine. This study was also supported by (Mayer,
2004), the involvement of two modes is better than one mode
2) Element helps to meet the needs of students in acquiring alone. Dual mode engagement is able to provide diverse
English listening skills information and facilitates the preparation of information in
According to the analysis, respondents agree that the use of memory. However, the amount of information should be
mobile learning is fun. Respondents think so because they may appropriate in order not to be too dense at all times (Leow &
not be bound to do learning activities because learning can Neo, 2014).
take place everywhere and there is no time limit. The results of
this study were also supported by Kukulska-Hulme (2005) The study was also supported by Huang (2004) in his study
where mobile learning was a new concept introduced in the where the concept of learning was a result of one's experience
teaching and learning process. In addition, respondents also and behavior based on the processing of thoughts on the
agree that they have the knowledge and experience in using stimuli around them. The intended stimuli can occur in the
previous mobile learning. As such, mobile learning is not a form of elements such as sound elements, colors, shapes and
stranger to respondents. The study was also supported by also the combination of these elements. Respondents also
Huang (2004) in his study where the concept of learning was a argue that through mobile learning, it can provide more

Journal of critical reviews 314


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There are several suggestions that can be used by other
researcher for future researchers first conduct studies of
student using the proposed mobile learning packages to see
the mastery of listening and speaking skills in English and
design a mobile learning software for listening and speaking
skills using a pre-designed framework.

This paper was partially supported by the Research
Management Centre, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,
under the Research Fund (E15501).

Journal of critical reviews 315

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