Serbay Zambak
we determine the relationship between & Plano Clark, 2011). The embedded allowing them to: (a) engage and explore
these factors and teacher enactment of design allows for more efficient data col- in inquiry as a student and teacher,
inquiry-based instruction. Vroom’s VIE lection as well as the ability to examine (b) explain inquiry instruction with facili-
Theory of Motivation provides a frame- changes in teachers before and after the tation from the developers, and (c) extend
work with which to investigate the rela- intervention. The convergent design allows on their knowledge of inquiry instruction
tionship between these three motivational for the analysis to: (a) examine relation- by collectively creating lessons which uti-
factors and behavior. ships among VIE variables and teacher lized the 4Ex2 framework.
practice (quantitative) and (b) explore The program provided teachers with
Vroom’s VIE Theory of Motivation whether teachers’ knowledge of inquiry two weeks of summer training, four group
The theoretical framework we will can help to explain the relationships follow-up sessions during the academic
be using in this study is Vroom’s VIE found between the VIE components and year, four or more full class observations
Theory of Motivation. Vroom’s VIE teachers’ inquiry-based practices (quali- with debriefing afterwards, and numerous
Theory focuses on explaining individu-
tative). The context of this study, instru- individual support sessions. The sum-
als’ motivation towards engaging in mentation, data collection, and analysis mer PD involved modeling examples of
certain behaviors using three interactive of data are described in more detail in inquiry-based instruction, debriefing mod-
components: (a) value, (b) instrumental- the following sections. eled examples, and developing new inquiry-
ity beliefs, and (c) expectancy beliefs based lessons in teams. Support during
(Vroom, 1964). He proposed that a high Context and Participants the academic year included co-planning,
degree of each regarding a certain be- This study tracks five years of a PD co-teaching, observations, and debrief-
havior would lead to an increase in that program that sought to increase the qual- ing observed classroom instruction.
specified behavior. ity and quantity of middle school science Each year participating teachers came
Valence (i.e., value), according to Van teachers’ inquiry-based instruction. The from one of the 2-3 partnering schools.
Eerde and Thierry (1996), is “the im- PD was designed based on the 4Ex2 In- This study only analyzes data for first year
portance, attractiveness, desirability, or structional Model (see Marshall, Horton, participants, and of the 57 first year science
anticipated satisfaction with outcomes” Smart, 2009 for a detailed explanation of teacher participants, only 36 are included
(p. 576). Instrumentality can be defined the 4Ex2 Instructional Model). Utilizing in this analysis because data was incom-
as “the perceived probability that good this model, the PD purposed to develop plete for the others. Teaching experience
performance will lead to desired out- teachers’ ability to enact quality inquiry- of participants spanned from 0 to 35 years
comes” (Chiang & Jang, 2008, p. 314). based instruction in their classrooms by (M=12.9, SD=10.4) with 67% having
Said another way, instrumentality is the
belief that a person will be rewarded
if an expected behavior is shown. In
this context, the expected behavior is
inquiry-based instruction. Therefore,
teachers should believe that they will
see increased achievement and student
engagement in their classroom due to
using inquiry-based instruction. Vroom
(1964) defined expectancy beliefs as the
probability that effort will lead to certain
performance. Ability beliefs are differ-
ent from expectancy beliefs in that they
measure how competent an individual
feels about performing a behavior. Since
the current study assesses an individual’s
ability beliefs rather than their expectancy
beliefs, the expectancy referred to in this
study aligns with Bandura’s (1997) abil-
ity beliefs.
This study utilizes an embedded
mixed method design (Figure 1) for data
collection and a convergent mixed method
design (Figure 2) for the analysis (Creswell Figure 1. Embedded design data collection method.
of inquiry as well as the definition of Table 1. Principal Component Analysis and Amount of Error Variance
inquiry presented by NGSS (Achieve, Components Factor Labels Percentage of Variance
2013) and NSES (NRC, 1996). Through 1 STEM Education Emphasis 15.091
a discussion of the author’s individual
2* Instruction Beliefs 27.131
coding schemes, a shared set of codes
3* Motivation 35.191
and meanings was developed. Using
4* Support Beliefs 42.495
this set of codes, the same authors then
independently coded the definitions for 5 Knowledge about Content Standards 49.205
all 36 participants. Upon compiling the 6 Knowledge about Process Standards 55.501
codes, we identified which codes could 7 Searching for Different Resources 61.609
be grouped in order to decrease redun- 8* The Importance of Inquiry 67.035
dancy (Glaser & Strauss 1967). This Note. * Denote components used in the current study.
process was repeated until we were able
to come up with a set of themes. Further-
more, since we were looking at the quan- The Motivation component represents Significant differences were not found
titative data as a whole, we purposefully instrumentality since more engaging in relevant characteristics (i.e., belief
grouped the qualitative data accordingly. and motivating instruction can lead to and value scores) between the group of
We felt this would provide qualitative higher student achievement (Fredricks, 25 teachers and the group of 36 teachers.
and quantitative data that would better Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004; Klem & Thus, we felt confident in generalizing
enable us to understand this group of Connell, 2004; Reyes, Brackett, Rivers, to the larger group that similar growth
teachers. White, & Salovey, 2012). The items in in inquiry instruction from pre- to post-
this component involve teachers’ beliefs intervention would have been expected.
that inquiry instruction increased students’
Findings Relationship of VIE Constructs and
engagement and excitement (e.g., Using
Teacher Practice
Components in Survey B inquiry teaching methods increases most
Pre-belief had a significant positive
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) students’ enjoyment of science; Inquiry
correlation with pre-instrumentality,
with a varimax rotation was performed teaching methods motivate students who
r(36)=.435, p<.01 as did belief change
to determine the number and nature of would otherwise be disengaged). Finally,
and instrumentality change, r(36)=.372,
the components present in Survey B. The Importance of Inquiry represents teach-
p<.05. No significant relationship was
PCA was run without setting a specific ers’ value of inquiry instruction or the
found between expectancy and va-
number of components and resulted in valence (e.g., Teaching content is more
lence, but the relationship between pre-
eight components being retained due important than teaching inquiry). Teach-
instrumentality and pre-valence was
to interpretability and these components ers had significant increases in their mo-
significant, r(36)=.422, p<.05. The in-
having eigenvalues greater than one tivation beliefs after a year of PD (p<.05)
struction construct of teacher inquiry
(Tabachnick & Fidell, 2012). Eight com- but not their valence scores.
practice was positively correlated with
ponents were identified from the survey Teacher Practice science teachers’ pre-instruction ability
(See Table 1), but only the four pertain- Teachers’ growth in implementing beliefs (sub-component of expectancy),
ing to teacher valence, expectancy, and inquiry instruction was measured with r(36)=.363, p<.05. It was also found
instrumentality were included. a dependent t-test comparing teachers that the assessment construct of teacher
Instruction Beliefs focused on whether pre- and post- EQUIP scores. After one inquiry practice was positively correlated
teachers believed they were effective at year of the intervention, teachers signifi- with teachers’ pre-instruction ability
leading an inquiry-based classroom (e.g., cantly grew in their ability to implement beliefs, r(36)=.365, p<.05. There were
During inquiry, I can manage student be- better quality inquiry instruction in all no other motivational factors found to be
havior; I can effectively lead students in constructs of the EQUIP, as well as the significantly related to teachers’ inquiry
inquiry). The category of Support Beliefs lesson total (see Table 2). instruction.
was comprised of items related to teach-
ers’ beliefs about the support they had to Table 2. Pre vs. Post EQUIP Scores (N=25)
incorporate inquiry instruction at their Pre Post
school (e.g., My school’s administration Construct M SD M SD p
is supportive of inquiry instruction). Col-
Instruction 2.10 0.75 2.58 0.46 .010
lectively, these two components were com-
Discourse 1.70 0.68 2.31 0.43 <.001
bined to represent expectancy. Teachers
Curriculum 1.84 0.70 2.31 0.31 .004
were found to have significantly increased
in their instruction beliefs after a year of Assessment 1.76 0.60 2.38 0.49 <.001
PD (p<.05) but not their support beliefs. Lesson Total 1.70 0.61 2.39 0.46 <.001
are critical factors in determining teach-
er practice. Our results indicate that our
teachers’ knowledge of inquiry instruc-
tion and inquiry assessment increased
their ability beliefs regarding these two
factors in inquiry and therefore enabled
them to exhibit these inquiry behaviors.
An alternative way to interpret this is
that the teachers’ knowledge of the in-
struction and assessment factors enabled
them to implement these specific inquiry
practices which in turn increased their
ability beliefs for inquiry instruction and
assessment. The dilemma of whether
beliefs proceeds practice is still under
debate (Mansour, 2009), and more re-
search is needed in this area. However,
these data suggest that knowledge may
be a precursor of beliefs and practice.
Our results did not entirely confirm
Vroom’s Motivational Model. Teacher
values were not found to be related to
teacher practice and neither were instru-
mentality beliefs. Furthermore, there
were no significant relationships found
Figure 3. Explicit connections emergent themes and EQUIP constructs. between values, instrumentality, and ex-
pectancy. It may be that the survey used
to measure the VIE components was not
other research has shown the importance in the classroom, and engage in instruction sensitive enough to capture these con-
of teacher knowledge in changing teach- which includes aspects of constructivist- structs. It might also be that one year in
ing practice (Newton, Evans, Leonard, & style teaching (Allinder, 1994; Czerniak & our PD program was not sufficient to
Eastburn, 2012). Our results show that Schriver, 1994; Woolfolk, Rosoff, & Hoy, establish these relationships. Research
teachers who were involved in our pro- 1990). indicates that it takes extended PD ex-
gram for one year significantly improved While these results affirm previous periences to impact teachers’ beliefs
in their ability to engage in higher quality research, the qualitative results offer (Supovitz & Turner, 2000).
inquiry-based instruction. However, not all additional information as to why these What do these findings mean for
teachers showed this significant increase. significant relationships were found. teacher educators and the development
Due to these differences, we wanted Our qualitative results indicate that the of future PD programs geared at increas-
to determine whether the components middle school science teachers in our ing teachers’ ability to engage in quality
of Vroom’s theory, as well as, teacher study explicitly defined inquiry-based inquiry-based teaching? Based on our
knowledge of inquiry-based instruction instruction by focusing mostly on the results, the goals of PD designers should
could help resolve this quandary. instructional aspects (e.g., getting stu- include increasing science teachers’ ef-
Our quantitative data found a signifi- dents to explore concepts, engaging ficacy beliefs for the teaching practices
cant positive relationship between the students in learning, teachers facilitat- being encouraged. This focus on increas-
motivational factor of pre-instructional ing the learning) and assessment aspects ing efficacy beliefs should also be a goal
beliefs (expectancy) and teacher inquiry (e.g., assessing prior knowledge, ongo- of teacher education programs since
practices (specifically instruction and as- ing assessment, utilizing assessment in most pre-service teachers’ experience
sessment). These results are in line with instructional decisions) of inquiry. This in science classrooms do not include
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