Review References: Microsoft Visual Basic 3.1 6.0 3.1.1 Getting To Know Visual Basic (VB)

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Microsoft Visual Basic 3.1 6.0 3.1.1 Getting to know Visual Basic (VB) Visual Basic is a computer programming language. Programming languages are the commands understood by the computer to perform specific tasks. Visual Basic programming language, developed by Microsoft since 1991, is the development of its predecessors is the programming language BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) developed in the era of the 1950s. Visual Basic is one of the Development Tool is a tool to make a variety of computer programs, especially those using the Windows operating system. Visual Basic is a computer programming language that supports object (Object Oriented Programming = OOP). Here is a look at the sheet kerka standard VB 6.0

3.1 Project G amber Mic. Visual Basic

The components that exist in a Visual Basic 6.0 interface include: Toolbox If the Toolbox does not appear click the Toolbox button On the toolbar or go to View> Toolbox.

Window Form If the window does not appear click the Form View Object In the Project Explorer or click the View menu> Object. Code Window If the Code window does not appear click the View Code button In the Project Explorer or click the menu View> Code. Project Explorer If the Project Explorer does not appear click the Project Explorer On the toolbar or go to View> Project Explorer. Properties window When the Properties window does not appear click the Properties Window On the toolbar or menu click View> Properties Window. 3.1.2 Understand the term Object, Property, Method, and Event In object-based programming (OOP), you need to understand the term objects, properties, methods and events as follows: Object: components inside a program Property: characteristics of object Method: actions that can be done by object Event: events that can be experienced by the object Implementation in an application for example you create a form, then the form has properties, methods, and events. As with other visual programming such as Java and Delphi, VB also be event driven programming. This means that you can paste the code in the event that has an object. 3.1.3 Data and Variables to Know When a user (users) using a computer program, computer often asked to provide information. This information is then stored or processed by the computer. This information is called DATA. Visual Basic 6 recognize some types of data, among others:

String is the data type for the text (letters, numbers and punctuation).

Integer is the type of data to round numbers. Single is the data type for fractional numbers. Exchange is a data type for currency rates money.

Date is the data type for date and time. Is a Boolean data type TRUE or FALSE.

The data stored in computer memory requires a container. The container is called a variable. Each variable to store the data with a certain type requires the allocation, the amount of memory (bytes) are different. Kinds - many variables: 1. Global variables is a variable that can be recognized by all parts of the program. The value of data stored in it will live on as long as the program runs. 2. Local variables is a variable that is only recognized by one part of the program alone. Data values stored therein only live as long as the program is run. Programs supporting components in Visual Basic 6.0 In applications that are built to use components that support should be added or installed into the Visual Basic 6.0. Supporting components are described below: a. SSTab VB component used to create tabs with different functions for each programmer tabnya as you wish. b. NPSoftButton VB component has the same function as button VB in general, only to have a more attractive appearance, which looks three-dimensional components and more subtle appearance. c. CrystalReport

Additional components can be integrated with this VB function to display a report from the database that you saved earlier d. MonthView Month View is a component in VB to display the calendar in VB programs made. e. DTPicker DPPicker a VB component which is the object to input the date on which this component has provided the day, month and year, so the user does not need to type the date that inputted 3.2 DATA BASE Data is a representation of the facts of the world that represents an object that was recorded in the form of numbers, letters, symbols, text, images, sounds or combinations thereof. Information is the result of synthesis and analysis of data. A data base is organizing a collection of interrelated data making it easier to obtain information activities. 3.2.1 Components Database The database contained all the components that support it. The components of the database include: 1. Hardware (Hardware) Hardware (Hardware) is usually a standard computer devices, secondary storage media and communication media for network systems. 2. Operating System (Operating System) Namely Operating System is software that enables, controls all resources and perform basic operations in computer systems. Shall be in accordance with the DBMS being used. 3. Database (Database) The database is a collection of related data with each other. A database system can consist of more than one database. 4. Systems (Applications / Software) Business Management Data (DBMS)

Database Management System is software used to manage databases. Example of a simple class: dBase, Foxbase, Rbase, MS. Access, MS. Foxpro, Borland Paradox. Examples of the complex:-Borland Interbase, MS. SQL Server, Oracle, Informix, Sybase. 5. User (User) The people who interact with database systems, ranging from the designing to the use at the end. 6. Applications (software) other. Complementary software that supports. Is optional. 3.2.2 Objectives Utilization Database. The use of a database is to have a variety of purposes. These objectives include: 1. Speed and Ease By using the user database can store the data, make changes / manipulation of data and display data quickly and easily than the manual way. 2. Efficiency of Storage Space With a data base can reduce the occurrence of redundancy (repetition of data), so that the storage media used space more efficiently and not much is wasted. 3. Accuracy (Accuracy) A good database is a database that is updated at each time. It relies on a database administrator, so that existing data in the database is accurate for the agency / company who need it. 4. Availability (Availability) A good database will provide data needed for the company / agency in accordance with the purpose of making the database during the manufacturing process. 5. Completeness (Completeness) Data in a database tends to dynamic, meaning changes depending on the objects in that database. To keep the database remains incomplete for the

wearer to a change in the database either by increasing the number of data or with changes in database structure. 6. Safety (Security) A good database is a database with a reliable level of security. Database security is usually with the use of passwords or encryption and decryption techniques. 7. Togetherness (Sharebility) A good database is a database that can support the concept of multiuser, where the database is created can be shared for many users on a network for example. 3.2.3 Basic Operations Database. Basic Database Operations Operations are frequently used include: 1. Database Creation (Create Database) Creating a new database or database. 2. Elimination Database (Drop Database) Deleting a database that no longer used or unused. 3. Making File / Table into a new database (Create Table) Creating tables in a database that can be interconnected between the tables to one another. 4. Removal File / Table from a data base (Drop Table) Deleting a table that is not used anymore in a database. 5. The addition of new data to a file / table in a database (insert) Activities add to the data on your organization into tables in the database that was created. 6. Retrieval of data from a file / table (Retrieve / Search) Activity displays data with criteria that can be specified for a particular purpose.

7. The conversion of data from a file / table (Update) Activities that change the data changes, so the quality of a database can always wake up with exactly the data they contain. 8. Removal of data from a file / table (Delete) Erase the data that was not necessary in a table. 3.3 Database Management System (DBMS) Database Systems is a computerized system whose main purpose is to preserve information and make such information available when needed. Database Management System (DBMS) is a computer program used to enter, modify, delete, and manipulate the data or information obtained by the practical and can be an alternative use efisien.DBMS specifically for applications, such as data storage in the field and writing application code that for specific settings. 3.3.1 History of Database Management System (DBMS) The first-generation DBMS designed by Charles Bachman at General Electric Company in the early 1960s, called the Integrated Data Storage (Integrated Data Store). Formed the basis for the network data model is then standardized by the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL). Bachman then received the ACM Turing Award (sort of Nobel Prize in computer science) in 1973. And at the end of 1960, IBM developed the information management system (Information Management System) DBMS. STI was formed from the data representation framework called hierarchical data model. In the same time, the SABRE system was developed as a result of cooperation between IBM with American airlines. This system allows the user to access the same data on computer networks. Then in 1970, Edgar Codd, in the Research Laboratory in San Jose, proposed the relational data model. In 1980, the relational model DBMS becomes the most dominant paradigm. SQL query language for relational database developed as part of IBM's System R project. SQL standardized in late 1980, and SQL-92 was adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Standards Organization (ISO). The program used for concurrent execution in a data base called the transaction. Users write programs, and is responsible for running the program simultaneously to the DBMS. In 1999, James Gray won the Turing Award for his contribution to transaction management in a DBMS. At the end of 1980 and beginning of 1990, many areas of the developed data base system. Research in the field of data base includes a powerful query language, a complete data model, and an emphasis on complex data analysis

support from all parts of the organization. Some vendors are expanding the system with new types of data storage capabilities such as image and text, and complex query capabilities. Special system / specials developed by many vendors to create a data warehouse, consolidate data from multiple databases. The most interesting phenomenon is the existence of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and management resource planning (MRP), which adds a substantial layer of application-oriented features. Packages that include include Baan, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, and Siebel. These packages identify the set of common tasks (eg inventory management, human resource planning, financial analysis) and provide the application layer to handle general purpose. Data is stored in a relational DBMS, and application layers can be customized for different companies. Furthermore, the DBMS into the internet world. At the time of the first generation of Web sites store their data exclusively in the file operating system, then the current DBMS can be used to store data that can be accessed through a Web browser. Query can be generated via the Web form, and answer format uses a markup language such as HTML for easy viewing in a browser. All database vendors add these features to their DMS. Database management to consider the importance of an on-line data, and can be accessed through computer networks. At present this is manifested in areas such as multimedia databases, interactive video, digital libraries, such as project scientist mapping project, the project of NASA's earth observing systems, etc.. 3.3.2 Components of Database Management System (DBMS) The main components of DBMS can be divided into 4 types: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hardware Software Data Users

3.3.3 Advantages Use of Database Management System (DBMS) The use DMBS to manage the data has several advantages, namely: 1. 2. 3. 4. Freedoms of data and efficient access Reduce application development time Integrity and data security Administrative uniformity of data

5. Concurrent access and improvement of the occurrence of crashes (collision of simultaneous processes).

3.3.4 Level-level abstraction in DBMS The data in the DBMS can be described in three levels of abstraction, namely conceptual, physical, and external. The data definition language (DDL) is used to define an external schema and conceptual. All DBMS vendors include SQL commands to describe the physical aspects of the scheme. Information about the conceptual schema, external and physically stored in the system catalog.

Figure 3.2 Abstraction Level

Have some reviews (views), a single conceptual scheme (logical) and physical schema. 1. Illustrate how users view the data 2. Conceptual schema defines the structure of logic 3. Physical schema describes the files and indexes used schemes are defined using DDL (Data Definition Language), the data is modified by using DML (Data Management Language). Database used in the Job Training is done on this occasion is a Microsoft Access as a data storage and media database creation. For more on Microsof Access will there be a separate explanation of one of the Database Management System.

Microsoft Access 3.3.5 Microsoft Access (or Microsoft Office Access) is a computer program a relational database application is intended for home and small to medium-sized enterprises that are used to handle the creation and manipulation of data and also used as a data base for the basic web application. This application is a member of several Microsoft Office applications, in addition to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Microsoft Access can use data stored in Microsoft Access, Microsoft Jet Database Engine, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, or any container that supports the database ODBC standard. Access also supports the techniques of object-oriented programming, but can not be classified into objectoriented programming toolkit. Microsoft Access can manage all data into a database file. Tables in MS Access consists of one or several tables, queries, forms, reports, pages, macros and modules. At this time the employment practice of the author only going to discuss about the tables and reports that are used in applications created by the author. 1. Table The table is a collection of the data sorted according to certain rules. Physically, the table can be either a grid consisting of rows and columns elements. As an analogy with a database, the line drawn on a Microsoft Access or show a record of data in a table, while the column represents a data field in a table in a database. Tables can be viewed as a major component in a database, because the table is the basis to construct other components in a database in Microsoft Access such as Form, Query and Report. 2. Report Report is typically used to display the results of an analysis of the data in a database. Report will also provide reports on the data in the database that the display can be set as desired as well as direct access to the media output from the printer, so users need data that can print the results in hard copy form on paper. Of this report can be printed in addition to the desired report can also print data that has been calculated total, the data are grouped even data using charts or labels. Data Types in Microsoft Access: 1. Text This type can receive letters, numbers and punctuation. A file containing the text data type can accommodate up to 255

characters or as much as the width that you specify in the Properties Field Size 2. Memo This type can accept any text as a record or information with a maximum length of 65,533 characters. 3. Number Contains the numbers for mathematical calculations. Its size depends Properties Field Size. 4. Data / Time This data type can only accept a date or time contains a single data value and the time of the year 100 until 9999. The size of this data type is 8 bytes. 5. Currency Contains the value of money and number of data used in mathematical calculations, including the data with 1 to 4 digits behind the decimal sign. This data type has an accuracy of up to 15 digits on the left sign of decimal and 4 decimal digits to the right. The size of this type is 8 bytes. 6. Auto Number. Contains a sequence number or a unique random number automatically assigned by Access if new records are added into the table. This data type can be changed in value by the user Properties Field Size, of this type can be a long integer or Replication Id. The size of this data type is a byte for the number (number) and 16 bytes for replication Id. 7. Yes / No. Contains the value of Yes and No or files that have only two possible values (Yes / No, True / False, On / Off). The size of this type is 1 byte. 8. Ole Project. Contains an object that is associated (Linked) to or inserted (Embeded) into Access Table. Examples of objects here include:

Excel spreadsheet, Word document, Total graphics or other binary data. The size of this data type up to 1 gigabyte or restricted by the size of storage media available. 9. Hyperlink. Hyperlinks can be filled with the address (URL) to be associated with objects or data stored on a specific location. By drawing a hyperlink you can jump to an object in a Microsoft Access database, the Microsoft power point slide presentation to a web page on the internet or the internet. 10. Lookup Wizard. This type allows you to select a value from another table or from the list of values that defined itself by using a list box or combo box. The size of this data type is the same as the Primary Key field used to display the Lookup, usually size 4 bytes. 4. Flow diagram (Flowchart) Flowchart is a scheme or chart illustrating the sequence of activities from the end of a program from start to finish. Or a diagram illustrating an arrangement of logic programs. Program flow diagram is a useful tool for programmers to prepare complex programs. Flow chart consists of symbols that represent the functions step program and a flow line shows the sequence of symbols that will be done. There are two kinds of flowchart are: 1. System flowchart That chart illustrating the sequence of procedures and processes multiple files in a particular medium. 2. The program flowchart That chart showing the sequence and relationship processes in a program. For a data processing with a computer, can be summarized the basic sequence for solving a problem, namely: 1. START: contains instructions for the preparation of equipment required before handling solutions

the problem. 2. READ: contains instructions for reading data from a equipment the input. 3. PROCESS: contains activities related to solution issue in accordance with data is read. 4. WRITE: contains instructions for recording the results of activities to the output equipment. 5. END: end processing activity.

1. Flowchart symbols Here are details about the symbol - a symbol used in the flowchart Table 3.1 Flowchart Symbols Symbol Information Terminator / Interrupt (start / stop): This symbol is used to indicate the beginning of the end of the activity or activities or cessation of a program. Input or output (or outcome data): To represent the input data and write the output. Preparation or initial pricing

Display (screen or monitor)

Processing: A symbol that represents the processed data. Decision : Shows a comparison to be made, if the result is 'Yes' then the flow will go to a place, if not will go to another place. Connector one page (link): When a flowchart is very long and disconnected in the middle before it finishes, if spliced in the same page again, then use this symbol. Connector diff page (link): When a flowchart is very long and disconnected in the middle before completion, and spliced on the other pages using this symbol. Process (procedure): processing data that has been defined. Flowlines (flow line): Of the flowchart symbols associated with these lines. This line that shows the next direction to be addressed. Print the results to the layer.

2. Basic Structure Diagram 1. The structure of the Sequence (Sequential Structure). A sequence consists of one more instruction. Each instruction is done is done sequentially in the order in writing, that an instruction is executed after the previous instruction is completed. Instruction sequence determines the final state of the algorithm. When the order is changed, then the end result may also change.


Figure 3.3 Example of sequence structure 2. Looping structure (loop structure) Repetition structures are generally divided into two parts: (1) Condition of repetition is a Boolean expression that must be met in order to carry out the repetition. These conditions are stated explicitly by the programmer or managed by a computer (implicit). (2) The repetition of the algorithm is repeated. Besides, the structure of repetition is usually accompanied by parts: (1) Initialization, ie the actions taken before the repetition was first performed. (2 termination of the action performed after completion implemented. looping repetition, repetition is used to generate a specified number of times. 3. Branching structure (branching structure) The structure of the selection is done if certain conditions are met. In this structure if the condition is true then the action is done, otherwise if the condition is false then the action should not be done. 3.5. Hierarchy Menu In a system that involves a lot of forms and menus, use the menu hierarchy is a medium that describes the general explanatory groove - groove accessing the menu - that provided a menu on the application made.

3.5.1 Notation Hierarchy Menu Notation commonly used in the menu hierarchy include: Menu The menu here is a shift position That would have in the system. The entire menu is contained in a system that will be portrayed by the symbol rectangle as shown below

Figure 3.6 menu Changes in state Transition menu or change the menu symbolized by arrows.

Figure 3.7 Transition State

3.6 Data Model The data model is an integrated collection of concepts and serves to illustrate data, relationships between data, and data limitations on an organization (Indrajani, Database System In Package 5 in 1). 1. Connectedness Model Entities (Entity Relationship Model) Entity Relationship Model is a model to explain the relationships between data in the database based on a perception that the real world consists of basic objects that have relationships between the objects. The ER model is usually in the form of Entity Relationship Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram / ERD). The components contained in the Entity Relationship Model are:

1. Entities Individuals who represent something real and can be distinguished from something else. Both physically and conceptually. Examples of Employees, Lecturer, Course, House.

Figure 3.8 Symbol Entities

2. Attribute Describe the characteristics of an entity. Sample Employee has an attribute of NIK (Employee Identification Number), Name, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, and Addresses.

Figure 3.9 Symbol Attributes

3. Relation Indicate a relationship between the number of entities from different entity set. Examples include the Academic and Student Supervisor relationship exists in the form of guidance.

Figure 3.10 Relation Symbols

4. Line (Link) The junction between the entities and entity attributes in a relation.

Figure 3.11 Line (Link)

5. Relation Cardinality Shows the maximum number of entities that may relate to the entity in another entity set. Most useful in describing the relationship between two entity sets (binary relationship sets). Cardinality relationship occurs between two yag entity set can be:

One to one (One to One) 1:1 Any data on the entity A was associated with at most one data entity B, and vice versa.
Entitas A
data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4

Entitas B
data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4

Figure 3.12 Relation Cardinality One to One o

One to Many (One to Many) 1: N Any data on the entity A may relate to a lot of data on entity B, but data on the B-related entities with a maximum of only the data in A
Entitas A
data 1 data 2 data 3

Entitas B
data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4

Figure 3.13 One to Many Relation Cardinality o

Many to One (Many to One) N: 1 Any data on the entity B could relate to a lot of data on the entity A, but data on the entity A was associated with a maximum of only the data in B.
Entitas A
data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4

Entitas B
data 1 data 2 data 3

Figure 3.14 Cardinality relation Many to One o

Many to Many (Many to Many) N: N Any data on the entity A may relate to a lot of data on entity B, and vice versa.
Entitas A
data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4

Entitas B
data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4

Figure 3:15 Many to Many Relation Cardinality

2. The entity relationship diagram (ERD) Is a form of depiction of the ER model that uses a number of notations and symbols to present the structure and relationships between data

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