Operator - Manual - CD60 90 7, CG60 70 7

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l?I\OW" Operation &

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CD60S-7, CD70S-7
� FDBOU, FDBOV (D34NAP/D34P Tier-4)
CDS0S-7, CD90S-7
!. FDBOW, FDBOX (D34NAP/D34P Tier-4)

CG60S-7, CG70S-7
FGBOP, FGBOQ (PSI 4.3L Tier-3)




S; Forklifts
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Information Section Method and Caution for Cabin Tilting (Optional)
............................................................................. 176
Foreword .................................................................. 2 Transportation Hints ............................................ 178
Towing Information .............................................. 181

Safety Section
Maintenance Section
Important Safety Information ................................... 4
Safety ....................................................................... 5 Jacking Information ............................................. 183
Warning Signs and Labels ................................... 5 Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Lift Truck
Parking Brake....................................................... 9 Forks .................................................................... 185
General Hazard Information ............................... 10 Tyre Inflation Information ..................................... 189
Operation Information .........................................11 Torque Specifications........................................... 190
Maintenance Information ................................... 14 Cooling System Specifications ............................ 192
Burn Prevention ................................................. 15 Specifications of Fuel and DEF/Ad-Blue ............. 194
Fire or Explosion Prevention .............................. 15 Lubricant Specifications ....................................... 198
Operator Restraint System (If Equipped) ........... 18 Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities .......... 200
Avoiding Lift Truck Tip over ................................ 22
Maintenance Intervals ......................................... 201
Safety Rules ....................................................... 24
When Required .................................................... 206
How to Survive in a Tip over (If Operator Restraint
System Equipped) .............................................. 30 Every 10 Service Hours or Daily ......................... 219
First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week ................ 225
Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months ................. 232
Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months ............... 240
General Section
Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months ............... 246
Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly.................... 249
Declaration of Conformity ...................................... 31
Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months............. 253
Specifications ......................................................... 32
Every 3000 Service Hours or 36 Months............. 255
Noise &Vibration .................................................... 38
Capacity Chart - Without Side Shifter (Not used in
Australia) ................................................................ 39
Capacity Chart - With Side Shifter (Not used in Environment Protection Section
Australia) ................................................................ 42
Serial Number ........................................................ 45 Environment Protection ....................................... 256
Operator's Warning and Identification Plate .......... 46

Index Section
Operation Section
Index .................................................................... 257
Operator’s Station and Monitoring Systems .......... 48
Seat Switch System ............................................... 77
Lift Truck Controls .................................................. 84
Fuel Replenishment ............................................... 93
Before Starting the Engine ..................................... 97
Starting the Engine ................................................ 99
After Starting the Engine ...................................... 103
Auto Shift Controller ASC-209 (If Equipped) ....... 164
Operating Techniques .......................................... 168
Parking the Lift Truck ........................................... 173
Lift Fork Adjustment ............................................. 174
Storage Information ............................................. 175

Information Section

Foreword Safety
The Safety Section lists basic safety precautions. In
Literature Information addition, this section identifies the text and locations
This manual should be stored in the operator's of warning signs and labels used on the lift truck.
compartment in the literature holder or seat back Read and understand the basic precautions listed in
literature storage area. the Safety Section before operating or performing
lubrication, maintenance and repair on this lift truck.
This manual contains safety, operation,
transportation, lubrication and maintenance Operator Restraint System (If Equipped)
information. This manual contains safety, operation and
maintenance information for the CROWN operator
Some photographs or illustrations in this publication restraint system. Read, study and keep it handy.
show details or attachments that can be different
from your lift truck. Guards and covers might have
been removed for illustrative purposes. WARNING
Continuing improvement and advancement of Your CROWN truck comes equipped with an
product design might have caused changes to your operator restraint system. Should it become
lift truck which are not included in this publication. necessary to replace the seat for any reason, it
Read, study and keep this manual with the lift truck. should only be replaced with another CROWN
operator restraint system.
Whenever a question arises regarding your lift truck,
or this publication, please consult your CROWN
branch for the latest available information. Photographs or illustrations guide the operator
through correct procedures of checking, operation
and maintenance of the CROWN operator restraint

SAFE and EFFICIENT OPERATION of a lift truck

depends to a great extent on the skill and alertness
on the part of the operator. To develop this skill the
operator should read and understand the Safe
Driving Practices contained in this manual.

Forklift trucks seldom tip over, but in the rare event

they do, the operator may be pinned to the ground
by the lift truck or the overhead guard. This could
result in serious injury or death.

Operator training and safety awareness is an

effective way to prevent accidents, but accidents
can still happen. The CROWN operator restraint
system can minimise injuries. The CROWN operator
restraint system keeps the operator substantially
within the confines of the operator's compartment
and the overhead guard.

This manual contains information necessary for Safe

Operation. Before operating a lift truck, make sure
that the necessary instructions are available and

Information Section

Operation Environment Management

The Operation Section is a reference for the new Note that the Crown internal combustion engine lift
operator and a refresher for the experienced one. trucks are manufactured under ISO 14001 system
This section includes a discussion of gauges, which is harmonized with ISO 9001. Periodic
switches, lift truck controls, attachment controls, ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITS & ENVIRONMENTAL
transportation and towing information. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS have been made
Photographs and illustrations guide the operator by internal and external inspection entities.
through correct procedures of checking, starting, LIFECYCLE ANALYSIS has also been made
operating and stopping the lift truck. throughout the total product life. ENVIRONMENT
Operating techniques outlined in this publication are MANAGEMENT SYSTEM includes DESIGN FOR
basic. Skill and techniques develop as the operator ENVIRONMENT from the initial stage of the design.
gains knowledge of the lift truck and its capabilities. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
considers environmental laws & regulations,
Maintenance reduction or elimination of resource consumption as
well as environmental emission or pollution from
The Maintenance Section is a guide to equipment industrial activities, energy saving, environment
care. The illustrated, step-by-step instructions are friendly product design(lower noise, vibration,
grouped by servicing intervals. Items without specific emission, smoke, heavy metal free, ozone depleting
intervals are listed under "When Required" topics. substance free, etc.), recycling, material cost
Items in the "Maintenance Intervals" chart are reduction, and even environmentally oriented
referenced to detailed instructions that follow. education for the employee.

Maintenance Intervals
Use the service hour meter to determine servicing
intervals. Calendar intervals shown (daily, weekly,
monthly, etc.) can be used instead of service hour
meter intervals if they provide more convenient
servicing schedules and approximate the indicated
service hour meter reading. Recommended service
should always be performed at the interval that
occurs first.

Under extremely severe, dusty or wet operating

conditions, more frequent lubrication than is
specified in the "Maintenance Intervals" chart might
be necessary.

Perform service on items at multiples of the original

requirement. For example, at "Every 500 Service
Hours or 3 Months", also service those items listed
under "Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly" and
"Every 10 Service Hours or Daily".

Safety Section

Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards, and use common sense. Persons
must also have the necessary training, skills and tools before attempting to perform these functions.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.

Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance, and repair information.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.

The hazards are identified by the "Safety Alert Symbol" and followed by a "Signal Word" such as "WARNING"
as shown below.


The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.

The message that appears under the warning, explaining the hazard, can be either written or pictorially

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

CROWN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard, and common
sense is always required. The warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive.
Before any tool, procedure, work method or operating technique not specifically recommended by CROWN is
used, you must be sure that it is safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be
damaged or made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustration in this publication are on the basis of information available at
the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and
other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the
complete and most current information before starting any job. CROWN branches have the most current
information available.

Safety Section

Safety Warning Signs and Labels

The safety rules and regulations in this section are There are several specific safety signs on your lift
representative of some, but not all rules and truck. Their exact location and description of the
regulations that apply to lift trucks. Rules and hazard are reviewed in this section. Please take the
regulations are paraphrased without representation time to familiarise yourself with these safety signs.
that they have been reproduced verbatim.
Make sure that you can read all warning and
These fork lift trucks are built to meet Australian instruction labels. Clean or replace these labels if
Standard AS2359 for Powered Industrial Trucks, you cannot read the words or see the pictures.
American National Standard, ANSI B56.1 Safety When cleaning the labels use a cloth, water and
Standard for Low Lift and High Lift Trucks. Since soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, etc.
regulations vary from country to country, operate
this lift truck in accordance with local regulations. You must replace a label if it is damaged, missing or
cannot be read. If a label is on a part that is replaced,
CROWN lift trucks are manufactured in accordance make sure a new label is installed on the replaced
with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) part. See your branch for new labels.
No. 505 and the American National Standards
Institute, Inc. / Industrial Truck Standards Training Required To Operate or Service
Development Foundation (ANSI/ITSDF) B56.1, Warning
Safety Standard for Low and High Lift Trucks and,
for European models, according to the regulations
and standards laid down in EU Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC and EMC directive 2014/30/EU.

The most effective method of reducing the risk of

serious injury or death to you or others is for you to
know how to properly operate this lift truck, to be
alert and to avoid actions or conditions that could
cause accidents.

Do not operate a lift truck if it is in need of Located on the around left side of seat support.
maintenance, repair or appears to be unsafe in any
way. Report all unsafe conditions immediately to This label also provides allowable lift truck capacity
your supervisor, then contact your authorised lift information.
truck branch. Do not attempt any adjustments or
repairs unless trained and authorised to do so. WARNING
Improper operation or maintenance could result
in injury or death. Do not operate or work on the
lift truck unless you are properly trained. Read
and understand the Operation and Maintenance
Manual. Additional manuals are available from
CROWN Lift Truck branches.

Located on the front side of the FCU

Safety Section

General Warnings to Operator machine.

11. Operate machine and attachments only from

operator's position.

12. Do not handle unstable or loosely stacked loads.

13. Use minimum tilt when picking up or depositing

a load.

14. Use extreme care when handling long, high or

wide loads to ensure stability and durability of
the truck.

15. Forks should be completely under load and

Located on the around left side of seat support. spread apart as far as load permits.

WARNING 16. Machine should be equipped with overhead

guard or equivalent protection. Where load
Only trained and authorised personnel may requires it, use load backrest extension. Use
operate this machine. For safe operation, read extreme caution if operating without these
and follow the operation and maintenance devices.
Manual furnished with this lift truck and observe
the following warnings: 17. Parking-Lower lifting mechanism to floor. Put
directional control or shift lever in neutral. Set
parking/secondary brake. Turn "ON - OFF"
1. Before starting machine. Check all controls and
switch off. Chock wheels if machine is on incline.
warning devices for proper operation.
Disconnect battery when storing electric
2. Refer to machine identification plate for
allowable machine capacity. Do not overload.
18. Observe safety rules when handling fuel for
Operate machines equipped with attachments
engine powered machine and when changing
as partially loaded machines when not handling
batteries for electric machines.
a load.
19. Avoid overuse of the inching pedal as this may
3. Put directional control or shift lever in neutral
cause the automatic transmission oil to overheat
before "ON-OFF" switch is turned on.
or the clutch to slip. Do not use as a footrest or
for long periods of time.
4. Start, turn and brake smoothly. Slow down for
turns, slippery or uneven surfaces. Extremely
20. If user operates continuously pushing work or
poor surfaces should be repaired. Avoid running
both brake pedal and accelerator pedal were
over loose objects or holes in the roadway
depressed at the same time, it may cause the
surfaces. Use extreme caution when turning on
automatic transmission oil to overheat or the
clutch to slip.
5. Travel with load as low as possible and tilted
back. If load interferes with visibility, travel with
load trailing.

6. On grade operations travel with load up grade.

7. Watch out for pedestrians and obstructions.

Check overhead clearances.

8. Do not permit riders on forks or machine at any


9. Do not allow anyone to stand or pass under the

elevated portion of any machine.

10. Be sure operating surface can safely support

Safety Section

Pressure Warning No Standing On Forks Warning, No

Standing Under Forks Warning
Contents under pressure may be hot. Allow to
cool before opening. Do not stand or ride on the forks. Do not stand
or ride on a load or pallet on the forks. Do not
stand or walk under the forks.

Located on the radiator top tank by the radiator cap

Located on the lift cylinder

Hand Placement Warning

WARNING Load Backrest Must Be In Place Warning

Operation without this device in place may be
No hands. Do not place hands in this area. Do
not touch, lean on, or reach through the mast or
permit others to do so.

Located on the load backrest

Located on the mast

Safety Section

Overhead Guard Must Be In Place Moving Fan Warning

To avoid personal injury, stay clear of moving
Operation without this device in place may be fan.
hazardous. This guard conforms to A.N.S.I.B56.1
and F.E.M. Section IV. This design has been
tested with an impact of appropriate value.

Located inside the engine compartment cover

Tool Warning

1. Do not use the tools provided by CROWN for
other vehicles than CROWN's.

2. Check the tools for integrity before use. Do

not use a defective tool.

Located on the Overhead Guard

No Riders Warning

To avoid personal injury, allow no riders. A lift
truck is designed for only one operator and no

Safety label on the tool box

Located beside the operator's station

Safety Section

Parking Brake
Pushing forward the lever releases
Mechanical Parking Brake (If Installed) the parking brake.

Applying the parking brake puts the transmission in

NEUTRAL. The parking brake must be applied when
leaving the lift truck and when starting the engine. If
the operator leaves the seat without applying the
parking brake, an audible alarm will sound.

Cabin Type

Over Head Guard Type

Pull the lever BACK to engage the

parking brake.

Push the lever FORWARD to release the

parking brake.

Electronic Parking Brake (If Installed)
When leaving machine apply parking brake!
Parking brake is not automatically applied.
Alarm will sound if parking brake is not applied.

Correct adjustment is necessary to provide
adequate braking. See the MAINTENANCE
section for adjustment procedures. The lift truck
may creep at engine idle and can cause damage,
injury or death. Always apply the parking brake
when leaving the lift truck. The parking brake is
NOT automatically applied.

Pulling back the lever engages the

parking brake.

Safety Section

General Hazard Information

Always use load backrest extension when the
carriage or attachment does not fully support the
load. The load backrest extension is intended to
prevent the load or any part of the load from falling
backwards into the operator's station.

When operating the lift truck, do not depend only on

flashing lights or back-up alarms (if equipped) to
warn pedestrians.

Always be aware of pedestrians and do not proceed

until the pedestrians are aware of your presence
and intended actions and have moved clear of the
Attach a "Do Not Operate" or similar warning tag to lift truck and/or load.
start switch or controls before servicing or repairing
the lift truck. Do not drive lift truck up to anyone standing in front
of an object.
Do not start or service the lift truck when a "DO NOT Obey all traffic rules and warning signs.
OPERATE" or similar warning tag is attached to the
start switch or controls. Keep hands, feet and head inside the operator
station. Do not hold onto the overhead guard while
Wear a hard hat, protective glasses and other operating the lift truck. Do not climb on any part of
protective equipment as required by job conditions. the mast or overhead guard or permit others to do
Know the width of your attachments so proper
clearance can be maintained when operating near Do not allow unauthorized personnel to ride on the
fences, boundary obstacles, etc. forks or any other part of the lift truck, at any time.
When working in a building or dock, observe floor
Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that can catch load limits and overhead clearances.
on controls or other parts of the lift truck.

Keep the lift truck, especially the deck and steps, NOTICE
free of foreign material such as debris, oil tools and
other items which are not part of the lift truck. Inhaling Freon gas through a lit cigarette or other smoking
method or inhaling fumes released from a flame
contacting Freon can cause bodily harm or death. Do not
Secure all loose items such as lunch boxes, tools smoke when servicing air conditioners or wherever Freon
and other items which are not part of the lift truck. gas may be present.

Know the appropriate work-site hand signals and LPG Truck contains 0.6kg of HFC-134a, of which the
who gives them. Accept signals from one person CO2 equivalent value is 0.858 tons.
Diesel Truck contains 0.7kg of HFC-134a, of which the
CO2 equivalent value is 1.001 tons.
Always use the overhead guard. The overhead
guard is intended to protect the lift truck operator The GWP of HFC-134a is 1,430.
from overhead obstructions and from falling objects.
This is only for the trucks with air-conditioner option.
A truck that is used for handing small objects or The above capacity information written on the film is
uneven loads must be fitted with a load backrest. attached to the truck.

If the lift truck must be operated without the

overhead guard in place due to low overhead Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers.
clearance, use extreme care. Make sure there is no Use all cleaning solutions with care.
possibility of falling objects from any adjacent
storage or work area. Make sure the load is stable Do not use steam, solvent, or high pressure to clean
and fully supported by the carriage and the load electrical components.
backrest extension (if equipped).
Report all needed repairs.
Do not raise loads any higher than necessary and
When you handle DEF/ad-Blue, wear protective
never raise a load higher than 1830 mm (72 in) with equipment and observe Precautions for Handling.
the overhead guard removed.

Safety Section

Operation Information
Mounting and Dismounting
Mount and dismount the lift truck carefully.

Clean your shoes and wipe your hands before


Face the lift truck when mounting and dismounting.

Use both hands face the lift truck when mounting

and dismounting.
Inspect the part of the chain that is normally
operated over the crosshead roller. When the chain Use the handgrips for mounting and dismounting.
bends over the roller, the movements of the parts
against each other causes wear. Do not try to climb on or off the lift truck when
carrying tools or supplies.
Inspect to be sure that chain link pins do not extend
outside of the bore hole. Do not use any controls as handholds when entering
or leaving the operator's station.
If any single link pin is extended beyond its
connecting corresponding link, it should be Never get on or off a moving lift truck. Never jump
suspected of being broken inside of its bore hole. off the lift truck.

Inspect the chain anchor and the anchor links for Keep hands and steering wheel free of slippery
wear. material.

Do not change any factory set adjustment values Before Starting the Lift Truck
(including engine rpm setting) unless you have both
authorization and training. Especially Safety Perform a walk-around inspection daily and at the
equipment and switches may not be removed or start of each shift. Refer to the topic "Walk-around
adjusted incorrectly. Repairs, adjustments and Inspection" in "Every 10 Service Hours or Daily"
maintenances that are not correct can make a section of this manual.
dangerous operating condition.
Adjust the seat so that full brake pedal travel can be
In order to protect the lift truck’s electronic systems obtained with the operator's back against the
(ECU, TCU, etc.) during an electrical work on the seatback.
vehicle for the purposes below, you should
completely remove the ignition key and connectors Make sure the lift truck is equipped with a lighting
(or plugs) from the electronic systems: ECU, TCU, system as required by conditions.
and OSS.
Make sure all hydraulic controls are in the HOLD
Failure to follow the above warnings when position.
performing electrical work, welding, or running an
insulation test on the vehicle may cause serious Make sure the direction control lever is in the
damage to its electronic system due to an external NEUTRAL position.
abnormal current, electrical shock, etc.
Make sure the parking brake is engaged.
For any checkup, repair, adjustments, maintenance
and all other work concerning your forklift truck, Make sure no one is standing and/or working on,
please contact your CROWN branch. We would like underneath or close to the lift truck before operating
to draw your attention to the fact that any secondary the lift truck.
damages due to improper handling, insufficient
maintenance, wrong repairs or the use of other than
original CROWN spare parts waive any liability by

Safety Section

Operate the lift truck and controls only from the Operating the Lift Truck
operator's station.
Always keep the lift truck under control.
Make sure the lift truck horn, lights, backup alarm (if
equipped) and all other devices are working Obey all traffic rules and warning signs.
Never leave the lift truck with the engine operating,
Check for proper operation of mast and attachments. or with the parking brake disengaged.
Pay particular attention to unusual noises or erratic
movement which might indicate a problem. Operate the engine only in a well ventilated area.

Make sure service and parking brakes, steering, and Lower the mast, with or without load, before turning
directional controls are operational. or traveling. Tip over could result. Watch out for
Make sure all personnel are clear of lift truck and overhead obstructions.
travel path.
Always observe floor load limits and overhead
Refer to the topic "Lift Truck Operation" in the clearance.
"Operation Section" of this manual for specific
starting instructions. Start, turn, and brake smoothly. Slow down for turns,
grades, slippery or uneven surfaces.
Starting the Lift Truck
Watch the road carefully for any obstacle when
driving the truck. Do not go fast over bumps, pot
holes or other rough grounds, otherwise the engine
might go OFF by a severe impact.
In case of engine going OFF, press the brake pedal
at one time as hard as possible in order to stop the
truck. Pressing the brake pedal several times has a
risk that the brake would not work.

Do not start the engine or move any of the controls if

there is a "DO NOT OPERATE" or similar warning
tag attached to the start switch or controls.

Before Operating the Lift Truck

Test brakes, steering controls, horn and other
devices for proper operation. Report any faulty Use special care when operating on grades. Do not
performance. Do not operate lift truck until repaired. angle across or turn on grades. Do not use a lift
truck on slippery grades. Travel with forks
Learn how your lift truck operates. Know its safety downgrade when unloaded. Travel with load
devices. Know how the attachments work. Before upgrade.
moving the lift truck, look around. Start, turn and
brake smoothly. Do not overload, or handle offset, unstable, or
loosely stacked loads. Refer to load capacity plate
An operator must constantly observe his lift truck for on the lift truck. Use extreme caution when handling
proper operation. suspended, long, high or wide load.

Safety Section

Loading or Unloading Trucks/Trailers

Do not operate lift trucks on trucks or trailers which
are not designed or intended for that purpose. Be
certain truck or trailer brakes are applied and wheel
chocks in place (or be certain unit is locked to the
loading dock) before entering onto trucks or trailers.

If trailer is not coupled to tractor, make sure the

trailer landing gear is properly secured in place. On
some trailers, extra supports may be needed to
prevent upending or corner dipping.

Tilt an elevated load forward only when directly over Be certain dock plates are in good condition and
unloading area and with load as low as possible. properly placed and secured. Do not exceed the
rated capacity of dock boards or bridge plates.
Do not stunt ride or indulge in horseplay.
Always look and keep a clear view of the path of
travel. Lift Truck Parking
Travel in reverse if load or attachment obstructs When leaving the operator station, park the lift truck
visibility. Use extreme caution if visibility is in authorised areas only. Do not block traffic.

Stay in designated travel path, clear of dock edges,

ditches, and other drop-offs and surfaces which
cannot safely support the lift truck.

Slow down and use extra care through doorways,

intersections and other location where visibility is

Slow down for cross aisles, turns, ramps, dips,

uneven or slippery surfaces and in congested areas
and avoid pedestrians, other vehicles, obstruction,
pot holes and other hazards or objects in the path of
travel.  Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered
and the mast tilted forward until the fork tips
Always use overhead guards except where touch the floor.
operation conditions do not permit. Do not operate
lift truck in high stacking areas without overhead  Move the direction control lever to NEUTRAL.
 Engage the parking brake.
When stacking, watch for falling objects. Use load  Turn the key switch off and remove the key.
backrest extension and overhead guard.
 Turn the disconnect switch to OFF (if equipped).
Refer to the topic "Operation Techniques" in the
"Operation Section" of this manual. Do operate the disconnecting switch after 30
seconds from start key-off.

Otherwise Engine Control Unit (ECU) can be

 Block the drive wheels when parking on an

Safety Section

Maintenance Information will throw or cut any object or tool that falls or is
pushed into them.
Perform all maintenance, unless otherwise specified, Do not use a kinked or frayed wire rope cable. Wear
as follows: gloves when handling the wire rope cable.

 Park the lift truck in authorised areas only. Retainer pins, when struck with force, can fly out
and injure nearby persons. Make sure the area is
 Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered clear of people when driving retainer pins.
and the mast tilted forward until the fork tips
touch the floor. Wear protective glasses when striking a retainer pin
to avoid injury to your eyes.
 Place the transmission controls in neutral.
Chips or other debris can fly off objects when struck.
 Engage the parking brake. Make sure no one can be injured by flying debris
before striking any object.
 Stop the engine.

 Remove the start switch key and turn the

disconnect switch OFF (if equipped). Falling Objects Protective Structure (FOPS)

 Block the drive wheels when parking on an This is an attached guard located above the
incline. operator's compartment and secured to the lift truck.

To avoid possible weakening of the Falling Objects

Pressure Air Protective Structure (FOPS), consult a CROWN
branch before altering, by adding weight to, welding
Pressure air can cause personal injury. When using on, or cutting or drilling holes into the structure.
pressure air for cleaning, wear a protective face
shield, protective clothing and protective shoes. The overhead guard is not intended to protect
against every possible impact. The overhead guard
The maximum air pressure must be below 205 kPa may not protect against some objects penetrating
(30 psi) for cleaning purposes. into the operator's station from the sides or ends of
the lift truck.

Fluid Penetration The lift truck is equipped with an overhead guard

and FOPS as standard. If there is a possibility of
Always use a board or cardboard when checking for overhead objects falling through the guard, the
a leak. Escaping fluid under pressure, even a guard must be equipped with smaller holes or a
pinhole size leak, can penetrate body tissue, Plexiglas cover.
causing serious injury, and possible death. If fluid is
injected into your skin, it must be treated by a doctor Any altering done that is not specifically authorised
familiar with this type of injury immediately. by CROWN invalidates CROWN’s FOPS
certification. The protection offered by this FOPS will
be impaired if it has been subjected to structural
Crushing or Cutting Prevention damage. Structural damage can be caused by an
overturn accident, by falling objects, etc.
Support equipment and attachments properly when
working beneath them. Do not depend on hydraulic
Do not mount any item such as fire extinguishers,
cylinders to hold it up. Any attachment can fall if a
first aid kits and lights by welding brackets to or
control is moved, or if a hydraulic line breaks.
drilling holes in any FOPS structure. See your
CROWN branch for mounting guidelines.
Never attempt adjustments while the lift truck is
moving or the engine is running unless otherwise

Where there are attachment linkages, the clearance

in the linkage area will increase or decrease with
movement of the attachment.

Stay clear of all rotating and moving parts.

Keep objects away from moving fan blades. They

Safety Section

Burn Prevention Fire or Explosion Prevention

Coolant All fuels, most lubricants and some coolant mixtures
are flammable.
At operating temperature, the engine coolant is hot
and under pressure. The radiator and all lines to Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electrical
heaters or the engine contain hot water or steam. components can cause a fire.

Any contact can cause severe burns. Do not smoke while refueling or in a refueling area.
Steam can cause personal injury.
Do not smoke in areas where batteries are charged,
Check the coolant level only after engine has been or where flammable materials are stored.
stopped and the filter cap is cool enough to remove
with your bare hand. Batteries in series can be located in separate
Remove the cooling system filter cap slowly to compartments. When using jumper cables always
relieve pressure. connect positive(+) cable to positive(+) terminal of
battery connected to starter solenoid and negative(-)
Cooling system additive contains alkali that can cable from external source to starter negative(-)
cause personal injury. Avoid contact with the skin terminal.
and eyes and do not drink. (If not equipped with starter negative (-) terminal,
connect to engine block.)
Allow cooling system components to cool before
draining. See the Operation Section of this manual for specific
starting instructions.
Clean and tighten all electrical connections. Check
Hot oil and components can cause personal injury. daily for loose or frayed electrical wires. Have all
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact the loose or frayed electrical wires tightened, repaired or
skin. replaced before operating the lift truck.
At operation temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot Keep all fuels and lubricants stored in properly
and can be under pressure. marked containers and away from all unauthorized
Remove the hydraulic tank filter cap only after the
engine has been stopped and the filter cap is cool Store all oily rags or other flammable material in a
enough to remove with your bare hand. protective container, in a safe place.
Remove the hydraulic tank filter cap slowly to relieve Do not weld or flame cut on pipes or tubes that
pressure. contain flammable fluids. Clean them thoroughly
with nonflammable solvent before welding or flame
Relieve all pressure in air, oil fuel or cooling systems cutting on them.
before any lines, fittings or related items are
disconnected or removed. Remove all flammable materials such as fuel, oil
and other debris before they accumulate on the lift
Batteries truck.
Batteries give off flammable fumes which can
explode. Do not expose the lift truck to flames, burning brush,
etc., if at all possible.
Do not smoke when observing the battery electrolyte
levels. Shields, which protect hot exhaust components from
oil or fuel spray in the event of a line, tube or seal
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal injury failure, must be installed correctly.
if it contacts skin or eyes.
Do not operate in areas where explosive gases exist
Always wear protective glasses when working with or are suspected.

Safety Section

Fire Extinguisher Tyre Information

Have a fire extinguisher-type BC and 1.5KG Explosions of air-inflated tyres have resulted from
minimum capacity-on rear overhead guard leg with heat-induced gas combustion inside the tyres. The
latch and know how to use it. Inspect and have it heat, generated by welding or heating rim
serviced as recommended on its instruction plate. components, external fire, or excessive use of
brakes can cause gaseous combustion.
LPG is poisonous and flammable. A tyre explosion is much more violent than a
Breathing LPG vapors or repeated contact of LPG blowout. The explosion can propel the tyre, rim and
with skin can cause personal injury. axle components as far as 500 m (1500 ft) or more
Use LPG only in well-ventilated areas. from the lift truck. Both the force of the explosion
Do not smoke while changing LPG cylinders. and the flying debris can cause personal injury or
death, and property damage.
Use LPG with care to avoid fires.
Do not store replacement LPG cylinders in living
areas or in the operator's compartment.

Do not store LPG cylinders in direct sunlight or at

temperatures above 39°C (102°F).

Discard cylinders in a safe place. Do not puncture or

burn cylinders.

Keep LPG cylinders out of the reach of unauthorized


Lines, Tubes and Hoses

Do not approach a warm tyre closer than the outside
Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not of the area represented by the shaded area in the
install bent or damaged lines, tubes or hoses. above drawing.

Repair any loose or damaged fuel and oil lines, Dry nitrogen (N2) gas is recommended for inflation
tubes and hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Contact of tyres. If the tyres were originally inflated with air,
your CROWN branch for repair or replacement. nitrogen is still preferred for adjusting the pressure.
Nitrogen mixes properly with air.
Check lines, tubes and hoses carefully. Do not use
your bare hand to check for leaks. Use a board or Nitrogen inflated tyres reduce the potential of a tyre
cardboard to check for leaks. See Fluid Penetration explosion, because nitrogen does not support
in the Safety Section for more details. Tighten all combustion. Also, nitrogen helps prevent oxidation
connections to the recommended torque. Replace if and the resulting deterioration of rubber and
any of the following conditions are found. corrosion of rim components.

 End fittings damaged or leaking. Proper nitrogen inflation equipment and training in
its use are necessary to avoid over inflation. A tyre
 Outer covering chafed or cut and wire blowout or rim failure can result from improper or
reinforcing exposed. misused equipment.
 Outer covering ballooning locally.
Stand behind the tread and use a self-attaching
 Evidence of kinking or crushing of the flexible chuck when inflation a tyre.
part of hose.
Servicing, changing tires and rims can be dangerous
 Armoring embedded in the outer cover. and should be done only by trained personnel using
proper tools and procedures. If correct procedures
 End fittings displaced.
are not followed while servicing tires and rims, the
Make sure that all clamps, guards and heat shields assemblies could burst with explosive force and
are installed correctly to prevent vibration, rubbing cause serious personal injury or death. Follow
against other parts, and excessive heat during carefully the specific information provided by your
operation. tire or rim servicing personnel or dealer.

Safety Section

CROWN forklift is equipped with wheels from

different manufacturers.

Please re-use the original parts of the existing wheel,

if there is no deformation of the wheel after checked.
Mixing up new and old parts may cause incomplete
assembly that might lead to unexpected
dismantlement of parts and accident.

Safety Section

Operator Restraint System

(If Equipped)
Warning Signs and Labels
Your CROWN lift truck has the following tip over
warning decals.

Make sure that you can read all safety signs. Clean
or replace these if you cannot read the words or see
the pictures. When cleaning the labels use a cloth,
water and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline, etc.
You must replace a label if it is damaged, missing or
cannot be read. If a label is on a part that is replaced, The "Survive in tip over" warning is located on the
make sure a new label is installed on the replaced overhead guard. It shows the proper use of the
part. See you CROWN Lift Truck branch for new operator restraint system.
Seat Adjustment
The most effective method of preventing serious
injury or death to yourself or others is to familiarise
yourself with the proper operation of the lift truck, to
be alert, and to avoid actions or conditions which
can result in an accident.

Tip over can occur if the truck is improperly
operated. In the event of tip over, injury or death
could result.

Move the lever, slide the seat to the desired position,

and release the lever.
Adjust the seat before operating the lift truck. After
adjusting, set the seat to make sure it is properly
locked. Do not adjust the seat while the truck is in

Do not place your hand or fingers under the seat.
Injury may occur as the seat moves up and

Safety Section

If Optional Suspension Seat Equipped Weight adjustment

Forward and Backward Adjustment Pull the weight adjustment lever upwards and move
right or left side.
The seat can be adjusted by pushing the lever on Adjust to driver’s weight in 7 steps (50 ~ 110 kg)
the right side of seat.


Do not place your hand or fingers under the seat.

Injury may occur as the seat moves up and down.
Forward and Backward

Backrest Inclination
The backrest angle can be adjusted by using the
lever on the left side of seat.

Adjust the seat before operating the lift truck. After

adjusting, set the seat to make sure it is properly
locked. DO NOT adjust the seat while the truck is in

Safety Section

Seat Belt
The Operator Restraint System, Prevents the
operator from the operator's compartment in the
event of forward or side tip over. The system is
designed to keep the operator on the seat and in the
operator's compartment in the event of tip over.


3. In the event of tip over, the seat and restraint

system should be inspected for damage and
replaced, if necessary.

NOTE: Operator restraints shall be examined at the

regular truck service intervals. It is
recommended that they be replaced if any
of the following conditions are found:

1. If the seat belt is torn, if pulling motion is  Cut or frayed strap

interrupted during extension of the belt, or if the  Worn or damaged hardware including
belt cannot be inserted into the buckle properly, anchor points
replace the seat belt assembly.  Buckle or retractor malfunction
 Loosen stitching

The seat belt may cause the operator to bend at
the waist. If you are pregnant or have suffered
from some abdominal disease, consult a doctor
before you use the seat belt.

Fasten the Seat Belt

2. Belt Maintenance – Every 500 service hours.

Check that the belt fastening works properly and
that winding device is free from run lock when
jerked. Check that the belt is suitably fastened to
the seat. Check that the seat is correctly
secured to the hood and the chassis. On visual
inspection, fastenings must be intact, otherwise,
contact the safety manager.

Your CROWN truck comes equipped with a 1. Grip the plate (connector) of the belt and pull the
CROWN operator restraint system. Should it belt from the retractor. Then insert the plate into
become necessary to replace the seat for any the slot of the buckle until a snap is heard. Pull
reason, it should only be replaced with another on the belt to confirm it is latched.
CROWN operator restraint system.
2. Make sure the belt is not twisted.


Safety Section

If you fasten the belt across your abdomen, the Release the Seat Belt
belt may injure your abdomen in an accident.

Push the button of the buckle to release the belt.

The belt will automatically retract when released.
Hold the plate of the belt and allow the belt to slowly

3. Be sure to fasten the belt across your hips, not

across your abdomen.

NOTE: The belt is designed to automatically adjust

to your size and movement. A quick pull on
the belt will confirm that the automatic
adjuster will hold the belt position in the
event of an accident.

Safety Section

Avoiding Lift Truck Tip over Stability and Centre of Gravity

Lift Truck Stability

The stability of the lift truck is determined by the

location of its CG; or, if the truck is loaded, the
Counterbalanced lift truck design is based on the combined CG of the truck and load. The lift truck
balance of two weights on opposite sides of a has moving parts and, therefore, has a CG that
fulcrum (the front axle). The load on the forks must moves. The CG moves forward or backward as the
be balanced by the weight of the lift truck. mast is tilted forward or backward. The CG moves
The location of the centre of gravity of both the truck up or down as the mast moves up or down. The CG
and the load is also a factor. This basic principle is and, therefore, the stability of the loaded lift truck,
used for picking up a load. The ability of the lift truck are affected by a number of factors such as:
to handle a load is discussed in terms of centre of
gravity and both forward and sideways stability.  the size, weight, shape and position of the load

Centre of Gravity (CG)  the height to which the load is lifted

 the amount of forward or backward tilt

 tyre pressure

 dynamic forces created when the lift truck is

accelerated, braked or turned
 condition and grade of surfaces on which the lift
truck is operated

The point within an object, at which the whole weight

of the object may be regarded as being
concentrated, is called the centre of gravity or CG. If
the object is uniform, its geometric centre will
coincide with its CG. If it is not uniform, the CG
could be at a point outside of the object. When the
lift truck picks up a load, the truck and load have a
new combined CG.
These same factors are also important for unloaded
lift trucks. They tip over sideways easier than a
loaded lift truck carrying its load in the lowered

Safety Section

Lift Truck Stability Base Remember that, unless otherwise indicated, the
capacity load shown on the nameplate is for a
standard lift truck with standard backrest, forks and
mast, and having no special-purpose attachment. In
addition, the capacity load assumes that the load
centre is no further from the top of the forks than it is
from the face of the backrest. If these conditions do
not exist, the operator may have to reduce the safe
operating load because the truck stability may be
reduced. The lift truck should not be operated if its
capacity/nameplate does not indicate capacity load.

NOTE: If the load is not uniform, the heaviest

portion should be placed closer to the
backrest and centred on the forks.
For the lift truck to be stable (not tip over forward or
to the side), the CG must stay within the area of the
lift truck stability base – a triangular area between NOTICE
the front wheels and the pivot of the steer wheels. If
the CG moves forward of the front axle, the lift truck 1. Capacity/Nameplates originally attached to
will tip forward. If the CG moves outside of the line forklifts sold by CROWN shall not be removed,
on either side of the stability base, the lift truck will altered or replaced without CROWN’s approval.
tip to the side. 2. CROWN assumes no responsibility for lift trucks
placed in service without a valid CROWN
WARNING 3. If necessary to change your specification,
contact your CROWN lift truck branch.
Dynamic forces (braking, acceleration, turning)
also affect stability and can produce tip over
even when the CG is within the stability triangle.

Capacity Load (Weight and Load Centre)

The capacity load of the lift truck is shown on the

capacity/nameplate riveted to the truck. It is
determined by the weight and load centre. The load
centre is determined by the location of the CG of the

The load centre shown on the nameplate is the

horizontal distance from the front face of the forks,
or the load face of an attachment, to the CG of the
load. The location of the CG in the vertical direction
is the same as the horizontal dimension.

Safety Section

Safety Rules

Do not operate a lift truck unless you are in the

operator’s seat. Keep hands and feet inside the
Only properly trained and authorised personnel operator’s compartment. Do not put any part of the
should operate forklift trucks. Wear a hard hat and body outside of the operator’s compartment. Never
safety shoes when operating a lift truck. Do not wear put any part of body into the mast structure or
loose clothing. between the mast and the truck

Do not start, stop, turn or change direction suddenly

Inspect and check the condition of your forklift truck
or at high speed. Sudden movement can cause the
using the operator's check list before starting work.
lift truck to tip over. Slow the speed of your truck and
Immediately report to your supervisor any obvious
use the horn near corners, exits, entrances, and
defects or required repairs.
near people.
In case of a truck with the steering knob, do not
operate the steering knob suddenly, to prevent
accident caused by quick turning.

Do not operate your truck in unauthorized areas.

Know your forklift truck and think safety.
Do not compromise safety.
Follow all safety rules and read all warning signs. Never operate a lift truck with wet hands or shoes.
Never hold any controls with grease on your hands.
Your hands or feet will slide off of the controls and
cause an accident.

Safety Section

Do not raise anyone on the forks of your lift truck. Do not overload. Always handle loads within the
Do not let other people ride on the truck. Lift trucks rated capacity shown on the capacity plate.
are designed to carry loads, not people. Do not add extra counterweight to the truck. An
overload can cause the truck to roll over and cause
injury to personnel and damage to the lift truck.

Do not operate your truck without the load backrest

extension and overhead guard. Keep the load
against the backrest with the mast tilted backward. Do not drive on soft ground.
Observe all signs, especially those on maximum
permitted floor loadings, elevator capacities and
clearance heights.
Handle loads carefully and check them closely for
stability and balance.

Do not lift or move loads that are not safe. Do not

pick up an off centre load. Such a load increases the
possibility of a tip over to the side. Make sure loads
are correctly stacked and positioned across both
forks. Always use the proper size pallet. Position the
forks as wide as possible under the load. Position Do not drive on slippery surfaces.
loads evenly on the forks for proper balance. Do not Sand, gravel, ice or mud can cause a tip over.
lift a load with one fork. If unavoidable, slow down.

Safety Section

Do not permit anyone to stand or walk under the Do not elevate the load with the mast tilted forward.
load or lifting mechanism. The load can fall and Do not tilt the elevated loads forwards.
cause injury or death to anyone standing below. This will cause the lift truck to tip over forward.

Look out for overhead obstructions when raising or Do not jump off if your truck starts to tip over.
stacking loads. Do not travel with a raised load. Do Stay in your seat to survive.
not travel with the mast raised. The lift truck can roll
over and cause injury or death to you or other

Go up ramps in forward direction and down ramps in

reverse direction when moving loads.
Never elevate a load with the forklift truck on an
Do not move loose loads that are higher than the incline.
load backrest. Go straight off and straight down. Use an assistant
Be alert for falling loads when stacking. when going up or down a ramp with a bulky load.
Travel with the load tilted back and the forks as low
as possible.
This will increase stability to the truck and load and
permit better visibility for you.

Safety Section

Do not stack or turn on ramps. Do not drive in forward direction when loads restrict
Do not attempt to pick-up or deposit a load unless your visibility. Operate your lift truck in reverse to
the lift truck is level. Do not turn on or drive across improve visibility except when moving up a ramp.
an incline.

Be careful when operating a lift truck near the edge

Do not go over rough terrain. If unavoidable, slow of a loading dock or ramp. Maintain a safe distance
down. from the edge of docks, ramps and platforms.
Cross railroad tracks slowly and diagonally Always watch tail swing.
whenever possible. A railroad crossing can give a The truck can fall over the edge and cause injury or
loaded forklift truck a real jolt. For smoother crossing, death.
cross the railroad diagonally so one wheel crosses
at a time.

Do not operate on bridge plates unless they can

support the weight of the truck and load. Make sure
Avoid running over loose objects. Look in the that they are correctly positioned. Put blocks on the
direction of travel. Look out for other persons or vehicle you enter to keep it from moving.
obstructions in your path of travel. An operator must
be in full control of his lift truck at all times.

Safety Section

Park your lift truck in authorised areas only. Fully

Do not operate your truck close to another truck. lower the forks to the floor, put direction lever in
Always keep a safe distance from other trucks and NEUTRAL position, engage the parking brake, and
make sure there is enough distance to stop safely. turn the key to the OFF position. Remove the key
Never overtake other vehicles. and put blocks behind the wheels to prevent the
truck from rolling. Shut off your forklift truck when
leaving it unattended.
Check the condition of your forklift truck after the
day's work.

Do not use your lift truck to push or tow another

Do not let another push or tow your truck.
If a truck will not move, call a service technician.
Exhaust from all internal combustion engines
contains carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless,
tasteless, poisonous gas. Exposure to carbon
monoxide can cause serious injury or health
problems, including death, and avoid unnecessary
idling of the engine. If nausea, dizziness or
headaches are experienced stop the truck and seek
fresh air.

Forklift trucks may only be refueled at specially

reserved locations. Switch off the engine when
Smoking and handling of naked flames during
refueling are strictly prohibited. This prohibition also
applies during the changing of the LPG (liquefied
propane gas) tank.
Mop up spilt fuel and do not forget to close the fuel
tank before restarting the engine.

Safety Section

Do not operate forklifts near flammable or An unloaded forklift may be easier to tip over than a
combustible materials. loaded truck.
To avoid the discoloration, deformation or When traveling without a load, the risk of lateral
combustion of materials (such as lumber, veneer overturn is greater.
board, paper products and other similar items),
always park at least 30 cm (12 inches) away from

There are many special attachments available to

. replace the forks on a lift truck.
It is highly recommended that all receive safety
Forklift trucks are not cars. They often have small education and special training for their operation.
tyres, no suspension, and are very heavy.
The forklift's centre of gravity will also change when
carrying loads.
Avoid uneven bumps, pot holes and other hazards
whenever possible.

The counterweight draw bar should not be used for

towing the forklift or for towing another forklift.
Towing is only advised in emergencies, by trained
operators and at low speed, no faster than 2 km/h,
to a convenient location for repair.
Carrying a load suspended on a chain or a cable
may unbalance a truck.
Take extra care around pedestrians with a
suspended load as it may sway or even strike them.

Safety Section

How to Survive in a Tip over

(If Operator Restraint System
In the event of a tip over, the risk of serious
injury or death will be reduced if the operator is
using the operator restraint system and follows
the instructions provided.

Brace your feet and keep them within the operator's


Always use operator restraint system.

Lean away from the direction of fall.

Don’t jump.

Lean forward.

Hold on tight.

General Section

Declaration of Conformity


DOOSAN Corporation Industrial Vehicle BG.
468, Injung-ro, Dong-gu, Incheon, Korea 22503

Authorised Representative and Compiler of Technical File According to 2006/42/EC

DOOSAN Industrial Vehicle Europe N.V, Mr. Chankyo Chung
Europark Noord 36 A 9100 Sint-Niklaas BELGIUM

Herewith declare
That the following equipment conforms to the appropriate requirements of the Directives
2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive), 2000/14/EC as amended by 2005/88/EC (Noise Emission in
the environment by equipment for use outdoors), 2012/46/EU (Exhaust gas directive) and
2014/30/EU (EMC Directive) based on its design and type, as brought into circulation by us.

Description of the equipment:

Type : Lift Truck, Combustion-engine driven, Counterbalanced

Function : Lifting and Moving materials

Family : CD70S-7 Series

CG70S-7 Series

Model Name : CD60S-7, D70S-7

CD80S-7, D90S-7
CG60S-7, G70S-7

General Section

1 Manufacturer CROWN CROWN
2 MODEL CD60S-7 CD70S-7
3 Capacity at rated load centre lb (kg) 13227.7(6000) 15432.3(7000)
4 Load centre distance in (mm) 23.6(600) 23.6(600)
5 Power type electric, diesel, gasoline, LPG diesel diesel
6 Operator type stand-on, rider-seated rider-seated rider-seated
7 Tyre type c=cushion, p=pneumatic p p
8 Wheels(x=driven) number, front/rear 4/2 4/2
9 Lift with STD maximum fork height with rated load in (mm) 118.1(3000) 118.1(3000)
10 two stage mast free lift in (mm) 8(205) 8(205)
2.3x7x47.2 2.3x7x47.2
thickness x width x length in (mm)
(60x180x1200) (60x180x1200)
13 Forks
16.1x80 16.1x80
fork spacing(minimum x maximum) in (mm)
(410x2032) (410x2032)
14 Tilt of mast forward / backward deg 15/10 15/10
15 Overall length to face of forks in (mm) 142.4(3618) 145.5(3697)
16 dimensions width in (mm) 84.8(2156) 84.8(2156)
17 mast lowered height in (mm) 98.4(2500) 98.4(2500)
18 mast extended height in (mm) 170.8(4340) 170.8(4340)
97.1(2468)/ 97.1(2468)/
19 overhead guard height (Cabin) in (mm)
99.8(2535) 99.8(2535)
20 seat height in (mm) 57.2(1455) 57.2(1455)
21 Turning radius (minimum outside) in (mm) 133(3380) 135(3430)
Load moment
22 in (mm) 24.8(632) 24.8(632)
23 90 stacking aisle add load length and clearance in (mm) 155.8(3958) 157.4(4000)
23a 90 intersecting aisle in (mm) 118.8(3020) 120.3(3058)
24 travel, loaded/unloaded km/h 30/33.6 29.1/33.3
19/21.2 16.9/18.5
25 lift, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s
Speed (485/540) (430/470)
19.6/17.7 19.6/17.7
26 lowering, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s
(500/450) (500/450)
28 Drawbar pull at 1.6 km/h, loaded lb (kg) 13659.8(6196) 13565(6153)
30 Gradeability at 1.6 km/h, loaded % (deg) 45(24.2) 39(21.4)
32 Total weight unloaded lb (kg) 20046.6(9093) 21567.8(9783)
29577.2/3697.1 32597.5/4402.6
33 Axle load with loaded, front/rear lb (kg)
(13416/1677) (14786/1997)
9217.5/10829.1 8886.8/12680.9
34 without loaded, front/rear lb (kg)
(4181/4912) (4031/5752)
35 number of front/rear 4/2 4/2
36 Tyres size, front 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR
37 size, rear 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR
38 Wheel base in (mm) 88.58(2250) 90.55(2300)
39 Tread width front/rear in (mm) 62.3/61(1584/1550) 62.3/61(1584/1550)
40 loaded, at the lowest point in (mm) 7.7(196) 7.7(196)
Ground clearance
41 loaded, at centre of wheelbase in (mm) 8.8(225) 8.8(225)
42 service brake foot/hydraulic foot/hydraulic
43 parking brake hand/mechanical hand/mechanical
45 Battery voltage/capacity v/ah 24/75 24/75
49 manufacturer/model DI/D34P DI/D34P
50 rated output (at rpm) KW/rpm 80.9/2300(110ps) 80.9/2300(110ps)
Engine 375/1600 375/1600
51 Max. torque N-m/rpm
(38.2Kgf.m) (38.2Kgf.m)
52 cycle/cylinders/displacement cc 4/4/3409 4/4/3409
55 type Full Auto Full Auto
56 no. speeds forward/reverse 3/3

General Section

3 Speed (TIER-IV 80.9KW)

CD80S-7 CD90S-7 2
17636.9(8000) 19841.6(9000) 3
23.6(600) 23.6(600) 4
diesel diesel 5
rider-seated rider-seated 6
p p 7
4/2 4/2 8

122(3100) 122(3100) 9
8.4(215) 8.4(215) 10
2.7x7x47.2 2.7x7x47.2
(70x180x1200) (70x180x1200)
16.1x82.3 16.1x82.3
(410x2092) (410x2092)
15/10 15/10 14
158(4014) 158(4014) 15
87.8(2230) 87.8(2230) 16
111.6(2835) 111.6(2835) 17
172.2(4375) 172.2(4375) 18
105.2(2673)/ 105.2(2673)/
109(2771) 109(2771)
60(1526) 60(1526) 20
143.7(3650) 144.8(3680) 21
28.5(725) 28.5(725) 22
170.4(4330) 171.4(4355) 23
130.2(3308) 130.9(3327) 23a

30.9/46.5 30.2/36.4 24
16.5/18.5 16.1/18.5
(420/470) (410/470)
19.6/17.7 19.6/17.7
(500/450) (500/450)
12716.2(5768) 12685.3(5754) 28
31(17.0) 28(15.8) 30

25628.7(11625) 27061.7(12275) 32
38217.1/5048.5 41413.8/5489.5
(17335/2290) (18785/2490)
11232.5/14396.1 11056.1/16005.5
(5095/6530) (5015/7260)

4/2 4/2 35
9.00x20-14PR 9.00x20-14PR 36
9.00x20-14PR 9.00x20-14PR 37
98.4(2500) 98.4(2500) 38
65.6/68.8(1668/1750) 64.8/68.8(1646/1750) 39
10.1(258) 10.1(258) 40
12.9(329) 12.9(329) 41
foot/hydraulic foot/hydraulic 42
hand/mechanical hand/mechanical 43

24/75 24/75 45
DI/D34P DI/D34P 49
80.9/2300(110ps) 80.9/2300(110ps) 50
375/1600 375/1600
(38.2Kgf.m) (38.2Kgf.m)
4/4/3409 4/4/3409 52
Full Auto Full Auto 55
3/3 3/3 56

General Section

1 Manufacturer CROWN CROWN
2 MODEL CD60S-7 CD70S-7
3 Capacity at rated load centre lb (kg) 13227.7(6000) 15432.3(7000)
4 Load centre distance in (mm) 23.6(600) 23.6(600)
5 Power type electric, diesel, gasoline, LPG diesel diesel
6 Operator type stand-on, rider-seated rider-seated rider-seated
7 Tyre type c=cushion, p=pneumatic p p
8 Wheels(x=driven) number, front/rear 4/2 4/2
9 Lift with STD maximum fork height with rated load in (mm) 118.1(3000) 118.1(3000)
10 two stage mast free lift in (mm) 8(205) 8(205)
2.3x7x47.2 2.3x7x47.2
thickness x width x length in (mm)
(60x180x1200) (60x180x1200)
13 Forks
16.1x80 16.1x80
fork spacing(minimum x maximum) in (mm)
(410x2032) (410x2032)
14 Tilt of mast forward / backward deg 15/10 15/10
15 Overall length to face of forks in (mm) 142.4(3618) 145.5(3697)
16 dimensions width in (mm) 84.8(2156) 84.8(2156)
17 mast lowered height in (mm) 98.4(2500) 98.4(2500)

18 mast extended height in (mm) 170.8(4340) 170.8(4340)

97.1(2468)/ 97.1(2468)/
19 overhead guard height (Cabin) in (mm)
99.8(2535) 99.8(2535)
20 seat height in (mm) 57.2(1455) 57.2(1455)
21 Turning radius (minimum outside) in (mm) 133(3380) 135(3430)
22 Load moment constant in (mm) 24.8(632) 24.8(632)
23 90 stacking aisle add load length and clearance in (mm) 155.8(3958) 157.4(4000)
23a 90 intersecting aisle in (mm) 118.8(3020) 120.3(3058)
24 travel, loaded/unloaded km/h 31.4/34.5 30.8/34.3
25 Speed lift, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s 18.5/21.2(470/540) 16.1/18.5(410/470)
26 lowering, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s 19.6/17.7(500/450) 19.6/17.7(500/450)
28 Drawbar pull at 1.6 km/h, loaded lb (kg) 12916.8(5859) 12925.7(5863)
30 Gradeability at 1.6 km/h, loaded % (deg) 41.6(22.6) 37.0(20.3)
32 Total weight unloaded lb (kg) 20216.3(9170) 21737.5(9860)
29663.1/3924.2 32738.6/4574.5
33 Axle load with loaded, front/rear lb (kg)
(13455/1780) (14850/2075)
9292.4/10923.9 8972.8/12764.7
34 without loaded, front/rear lb (kg)
(4215/4955) (4070/5790)
35 number of front/rear 4/2 4/2
36 Tyres size, front 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR
37 size, rear 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR
38 Wheel base in (mm) 88.58(2250) 90.55(2300)
39 Tread width front/rear in (mm) 62.3/61(1584/1550) 62.3/61(1584/1550)
40 loaded, at the lowest point in (mm) 7.7(196) 7.7(196)
Ground clearance
41 loaded, at centre of wheelbase in (mm) 8.8(225) 8.8(225)
42 service brake foot/hydraulic foot/hydraulic
43 parking brake hand/mechanical hand/mechanical
45 Battery voltage/capacity v/ah 24/75 24/75
49 manufacturer/model DI/D34NAP DI/D34NAP
50 rated output (at rpm) KW/rpm 55/2300 55/2300
51 Max. torque N-m/rpm 360/1400 360/1400
52 cycle/cylinders/displacement cc 4/4/3409 4/4/3409
55 type Full Auto Full Auto
56 no. speeds forward/reverse 3/3 3/3

General Section

1 Manufacturer CROWN CROWN
2 MODEL CD60S-7 CD70S-7
3 Capacity at rated load centre lb (kg) 13227.7(6000) 15432.3(7000)
4 Load centre distance in (mm) 23.6(600) 23.6(600)
5 Power type electric, diesel, gasoline, LPG diesel diesel
6 Operator type stand-on, rider-seated rider-seated rider-seated
7 Tyre type c=cushion, p=pneumatic P p
8 Wheels(x=driven) number, front/rear 4/2 4/2
9 Lift with STD maximum fork height with rated load in (mm) 118.1(3000) 118.1(3000)
10 two stage mast free lift in (mm) 8(205) 8(205)
2.3x7x47.2 2.3x7x47.2
thickness x width x length in (mm)
13 Forks (60x180x1200) (60x180x1200)
fork spacing(minimum x maximum) in (mm) 16.1x80(410x2032) 16.1x80(410x2032)
14 Tilt of mast forward / backward deg 15/10 15/10
15 Overall length to face of forks in (mm) 142.4(3618) 145.5(3697)
16 dimensions width in (mm) 84.8(2156) 84.8(2156)
17 mast lowered height in (mm) 98.4(2500) 98.4(2500)

18 mast extended height in (mm) 170.8(4340) 170.8(4340)

19 overhead guard height (Cabin) in (mm) 97.1(2468)/99.8(2535) 97.1(2468)/99.8(2535)

20 seat height in (mm) 57.2(1455) 57.2(1455)

21 Turning radius (minimum outside) in (mm) 133(3380) 135(3430)
22 Load moment constant in (mm) 24.8(632) 24.8(632)
23 90 stacking aisle add load length and clearance in (mm) 155.8(3958) 157.4(4000)
23a 90 intersecting aisle in (mm) 118.8(3020) 120.3(3058)
24 travel, loaded/unloaded km/h 23.0/25.0 22.6/24.6
15.7/16.9 14.9/16.9
25 Speed lift, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s
(400/430) (380/430)
26 lowering, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s 19.6/17.7(500/450) 19.6/17.7(500/450)
28 Drawbar pull at 1.6 km/h, loaded lb (kg) 10291.1(4668) 10207.4(4630)
30 Gradeability at 1.6 km/h, loaded % (deg) 33.1(18.3) 28.8(16.1)
32 Total weight unloaded lb (kg) 19731.7(8950) 21230.5(9630)
29288.4/3648.6 32308.7/4354.1
33 Axle load with loaded, front/rear lb (kg)
(13285/1655) (14655/1975)
8928.7/10780.6 8598/12632.4
34 without loaded, front/rear lb (kg)
(4050/4890) (3900/5730)
35 number of front/rear 4/2 4/2
36 Tyres size, front 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR
37 size, rear 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR
38 Wheel base in (mm) 88.58(2250) 90.55(2300)
39 Tread width front/rear in (mm) 62.3/61(1584/1550) 62.3/61(1584/1550)
40 loaded, at the lowest point in (mm) 7.7(196) 7.7(196)
Ground clearance
41 loaded, at centre of wheelbase in (mm) 8.8(225) 8.8(225)
42 service brake foot/hydraulic foot/hydraulic
43 parking brake hand/mechanical hand/mechanical
45 Battery voltage/capacity v/ah 24/75 24/75
49 manufacturer/model DI/D34NAP DI/D34NAP
50 rated output (at rpm) KW/rpm 55/2300(74.8ps) 55/2300(74.8ps)
51 Max. torque N-m/rpm 330/1400(33.6Kgf.m) 330/1400(33.6Kgf.m)
52 cycle/cylinders/displacement cc 4/4/3409 4/4/3409
55 type Power Shift Power Shift
56 no. speeds forward/reverse 2/2 2/2

General Section

1 Manufacturer CROWN CROWN 1
2 MODEL CG60S-7 CG70S-7 2
3 Capacity at rated load centre lb (kg) 13227.7(6000) 15432.3(7000) 3
4 Load centre distance in (mm) 23.6(600) 23.6(600) 4
5 Power type electric,diesel,gasoline,LPG LPG LPG 5
6 Operator type stand-on, rider-seated rider-seated rider-seated 6
7 Tyre type c=cushion, p=pneumatic p p 7
8 Wheels(x=driven) number, front/rear 4/2 4/2 8
9 Lift with STD maximum fork height with rated load in (mm) 118.1(3000) 118.1(3000) 9
10 two stage mast free lift in (mm) 8(205) 8(205) 10
2.3x7x47.2 2.3x7x47.2
thickness x width x length in (mm)
(60x180x1200) (60x180x1200)
13 Forks 13
16.1x80 16.1x80
fork spacing(minimum x maximum) in (mm)
(410x2032) (410x2032)
14 Tilt of mast forward / backward deg 15/10 15/10 14
15 Overall length to face of forks in (mm) 142.4(3618) 145.5(3697) 15
16 dimensions width in (mm) 84.8(2156) 84.8(2156) 16
17 mast lowered height in (mm) 98.4(2500) 98.4(2500) 17
18 mast extended height in (mm) 170.8(4340) 170.8(4340) 18
97.1(2468)/ 97.1(2468)/
19 overhead guard height(Cabin) in (mm) 19
99.8(2535) 99.8(2535)
20 seat height in (mm) 57.2(1455) 57.2(1455) 20
21 Turning radius (minimum outside) in (mm) 133(3380) 135(3430) 21
22 Load moment constant in (mm) 24.8(632) 24.8(632) 22
23 90 stacking aisle add load length and clearance in (mm) 155.8(3958) 157.4(4000) 23
23a 90 intersecting aisle in (mm) 118.8(3020) 120.3(3058) 23a
24 travel, loaded/unloaded km/h 22.6/23.7 22.5/23.4 24
14.9/16.1 14.9/16.1
25 Speed lift, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s 25
(380/410) (380/410)
26 lowering, loaded/unloaded in (mm)/s 19.2/18.1(490/460) 19.2/18.1(490/460) 26
stall, loaded lb (kg) 12101.1(5489) 12074.7(5477)
28 Drawbar pull 28
at 1.6 km/h, loaded lb (kg) 9396.1(4262) 9338.7(4236)
30 Gradeability at 1.6 km/h, loaded % 30 26.5 30
32 Total weight unloaded lb (kg) 19279.4(8745) 20778.5(9425) 32
29211.2/3295.9 32154.4/4056.5
33 Axle load with loaded, front/rear lb (kg) 33
(13250/1495) (14585/1840)
8906.6/10372.7 8454.7/12323.8
34 without loaded, front/rear lb (kg) 34
(4040/4705) (3835/5590)
35 number of front/rear 4/2 4/2 35
36 Tyres size, front 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR 36
37 size, rear 8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR 37
38 Wheel base in (mm) 90.5(2300) 90.5(2300) 38
39 Tread width front/rear in (mm) 62.3/61(1584/1550) 62.3/61(1584/1550) 39
40 loaded, at the lowest point in (mm) 6.9(176) 6.9(176) 40
Ground clearance
41 loaded, at centre of wheelbase in (mm) 8(205) 8(205) 41
42 service brake foot/hydraulic foot/hydraulic 42
43 parking brake hand/mechanical hand/mechanical 43
45 Battery voltage/capacity v/ah 12/75 12/75 45
49 manufacturer/model PSI4.3L(TIER-3) PSI4.3L(TIER-3) 49
50 rated output (at rpm) KW(hp)/rpm 70(93.8)/2500 70(93.8)/2500 50
51 max. torque N-m(lb-ft)/rpm 283.9(209.4)/1800 283.9(209.4)/1800 51
52 cycle/cylinders/displacement cc 4/6/4294 4/6/4294 52
55 type Power Shift Power Shift 55
56 no. speeds forward/reverse 2/2 2/2 56

General Section

2 Speed (Non Certi. PSI 4.3L)

CG60S-7 CG70S-7 2
13227.7(6000) 15432.3(7000) 3
23.6(600) 23.6(600) 4
rider-seated rider-seated 6
p p 7
4/2 4/2 8

118.1(3000) 118.1(3000) 9
8(205) 8(205) 10
2.3x7x47.2 2.3x7x47.2
(60x180x1200) (60x180x1200)
16.1x80 16.1x80
(410x2032) (410x2032)
15/10 15/10 14
142.4(3618) 145.5(3697) 15
84.8(2156) 84.8(2156) 16
98.4(2500) 98.4(2500) 17
170.8(4340) 170.8(4340) 18
99.8(2468) 99.8(2468) 19
57.2(1455) 57.2(1455) 20
133(3380) 135(3430) 21
24.8(632) 24.8(632) 22
155.8(3958) 157.4(4000) 23
118.8(3020) 120.3(3058) 23a

22.6/23.7 22.5/23.4 24
14.9/16.1 14.9/16.1
(380/410) (380/410)
19.2/18.1 19.2/18.1
(490/460) (490/460)
12101.1(5489) 12074.7(5477)
9396.1(4262) 9338.7(4236)
30 26.5 30

19279.4(8745) 20778.5(9425) 32
29211.2/3295.9 32154.4/4056.5
(13250/1495) (14585/1840)
8906.6/10372.7 8454.7/12323.8
(4040/4705) (3835/5590)

4/2 4/2 35
8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR 36
8.25x15-14PR 8.25x15-14PR 37
90.5(2300) 90.5(2300) 38
62.3/61 62.3/61
(1584/1550) (1584/1550)
6.9(176) 6.9(176) 40
8(205) 8(205) 41
foot/hydraulic foot/hydraulic 42
hand/mechanical hand/mechanical 43

12/75 12/75 45
PSI4.3L(TIER-3) PSI4.3L(TIER-3) 49
70(93.8)/2500 70(93.8)/2500 50
283.9(209.4)/1800 283.9(209.4)/1800 51
4/6/4294 4/6/4294 52
Power Shift Power Shift 55
2/2 2/2 56

General Section

Noise &Vibration
Noise Level [Unit : dB(A)]

Sound Pressure Level Guaranteed Sound

at Operator's ear (Leq.) Power Level (LWA)

by new Directive
prEN 12053

OVHD 85 107
CD60S-7, CD70S-7,
CD80S-7, CD90S-7
(3 speed)
With Cabin 79.7 107

CD60S-7, CD70S-7
OVHD 84 107
(2 speed)

OVHD 79.7 107

CG60S-7, CG70S-7
(2 Speed)
With Cabin 81.5 107

* Test Model: CD70S-7 (3 speed, Overhead Guard)

* Test Model: CD80S-7 (3 speed, Cabin)
* Test Model: CD70S-7 (2 speed, Overhead Guard)
* Test Model: CG70S-7 (2 speed, Overhead Guard, Cabin)

Vibration (weighted overall value)

Unit: m/sec2

Measuring Place
Seat Steering Wheel Floor Plate

CD60/70/80/90S-7 (3 speed) 0.06 0.2 0.03

CD60/70S-7 (2 speed) 0.03 0.35 0.04

CG60/70S-7 (2 speed) 0.04 0.2 0.05

* Test course: Concrete road

General Section

Capacity Chart - Without Side Shifter (Not used in


A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. FFT 5000mm MAST
C. FFT 5600mm MAST
D. FFT 6050mm MAST

A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. FFT 5000mm MAST
C. FFT 5600mm MAST
D. FFT 6050mm MAST

General Section

Capacity Chart - Without Side Shifter (Not used in


A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. FFT 5000mm MAST
C. FFT 5600mm MAST
D. FFT 6050mm MAST

A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. FFT 5000mm MAST
C. FFT 5600mm MAST
D. FFT 6050mm MAST

General Section

Capacity Chart - Without Side Shifter (Not used in


A-FFT 4350~5400mm MAST

B-FFT 5850mm MAST

A-FFT 4350~5400mm MAST

B-FFT 5850mm MAST

General Section

Capacity Chart - With Side Shifter (Not used in Australia)


A. 3000 ~ 4000 mm (118 in - 158 in) A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. 4500 mm (177 in) MFH MAST C. FFT 5600mm MAST
C. 5000 mm (197 in) MFH MAST D. FFT 6050mm MAST
D. 5500 mm (217 in) MFH MAST
E. 6000 mm (236 in) MFH MAST

A. 3000 ~ 4000 mm (118 in - 158 in) A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. 4500 mm (177 in) MFH MAST C. FFT 5600mm MAST
C. 5000 mm (197 in) MFH MAST D. FFT 6050mm MAST
D. 5500 mm (217 in) MFH MAST
E. 6000 mm (236 in) MFH MAST

General Section

Capacity Chart - With Side Shifter (Not used in Australia)


A. 3000 ~ 4000 mm (118 in - 158 in) A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. 4500 mm (177 in) MFH MAST C. FFT 5600mm MAST
C. 5000 mm (197 in) MFH MAST D. FFT 6050mm MAST
D. 5500 mm (217 in) MFH MAST
E. 6000 mm (236 in) MFH MAST

A. 3000 ~ 4000 mm (118 in - 158 in) A. FFT 4550mm MAST

B. 4500 mm (177 in) MFH MAST C. FFT 5600mm MAST
C. 5000 mm (197 in) MFH MAST D. FFT 6050mm MAST
D. 5500 mm (217 in) MFH MAST
E. 6000 mm (236 in) MFH MAST

General Section

Capacity Chart - With Side Shifter (Not used in Australia)


A-STD 3100~3600mm MAST A-FFT 4350~5400mm MAST

B-STD 4100mm MAST B-FFT 5850mm MAST
C-STD 4600mm MAST
D-STD 5100mm MAST
E-STD 5600mm MAST

A-FFT 4350~5400mm MAST

B-FFT 5850mm MAST

General Section

Serial Number
Serial Number Locations
For quick reference, record your lift truck's serial
numbers in the spaces provided below the

CD60/70/80/90S-7(3 speed)

Typical Example

Lift Truck Serial Number


CD(CG)60/70S-7 (2 speed)

Transmission Serial Number


Typical Example Diesel Engine(G2 D34)

G2 D34

Drive Axle Serial Number (OCDB type)


PSI 4.3L

Engine Serial Number

.______________________________ Side shifter Serial Number (If equipped)

General Section

Operator's Warning and Identification Plate

Familiarise yourself with the Operator’s WARNING Plate and IDENTIFICATION, LIFT CAPACITY and
ATTACHMENT PLATES. DO NOT exceed Capacity as equipped load ratings.

WARNING Identification, Lift Capacity and

The load capacity of lift truck should never be
Attachment Plate
exceeded. Overloading of the lift truck could be
a hazard to the safety of others, material, or
damage the truck.

Operator's Warning Plate

Typical Example

Located on the right side of operator’s seat

Lift Truck Capacity Rating

DO NOT exceed allowable lift truck working capacity
load ratings.
Typical Example The capacity of the lift truck is given by weight and
distance to the load centre. For example: a capacity
Located on the left side of operator’s seat
of 1200kg(2640 lb) at 600mm(24in) means that the
lift truck can lift 1200kg(2640lb) if the load centre is
600 mm (24in) from both the vertical and horizontal
faces of the forks.
Before attempting to lift any load, ensure that the
weight and load centre combination is within the
capacity of the lift truck as shown on the capacity
rating plate. To determine the load centre, measure
the distance from the face of the carriage to the
gravitational centre of the load.
The rated capacity on the plate refers to the capacity
of the lift truck as it left the factory. Subsequent
changes of any form to the equipment or battery can
alter the lift truck's rating.
The rated capacity of the lift truck applies to
operating conditions where the lift truck is on level
ground. The capacity of the lift truck is reduced on

General Section

Below are abbreviations that may appear on the Attachment Abbreviations

Identification, Lift Capacity and Attachment Plate
and their meanings. (includes Special Forks)
SC- Special Carriage-increased width,
Mast Abbreviations height or outreach
STD - Standard Mast SSS - Shaft-type Side shift Carriage
(single inner member, low free lift)
HSS - Hook-type Side shift Carriage (ITA)
FF - Full Free Lift Mast
(single inner member with high free lift CW - Counterweight
duplex cylinder)
SF - Special Forks
FFT - Triple Lift Mast (two inner members) with
either low or full free lift characteristics.
SWS - Swing Shift, Side shift
QUAD Quadruple (Quad) Mast(with three inner
RAM - Ram or Boom
DBCBH - Double Cube Block Handler
NOTE: When only a mast-type is listed on the
identification plate, a standard carriage and HFP - Hydraulic Fork Positioner
forks are used.
CR - Crane Arm or Crane Boom

TH - Tyre Handler

CTH - Container Handler

LPP - Load Push-Pull Device

CC - Carton Clamp

RC - Roll Clamp

LS - Load Stabiliser

PWH - Pulp Wood Handler

SS-ST - Side shift-Side Tilt Carriage

Operation Section

Operator’s Station and Monitoring Systems

Overhead Guard


Operation Section

1. Horn Switch 17. Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge

2. Steering Wheel 18. SCR Display (81kW Engine Only)
3. Forward/Backward Control Lever 19. Hour Counter
4. Instrument Panel 20. Warning Lamp Panel
5. Parking Brake Lever. 21. Plug
6. Lift Lever 22. Headlamp & Light Switch
7. Tilt Lever 23. Automatic Transmission Switch(Diesel)
8. Turn Signal Lever 24. Inching Switch (fuel saving, 3 speed)
Front wiper & washer (optional) 25. Danger Lamp Switch (optional)
9. Start Key Switch 26. Rear Lamp Switch (optional)
10. Accelerator Pedal 27. Rear Wiper, Washer Switch (cabin)
11. Service Foot Brake Pedal 28. Idle RPM Selector Switch (Diesel)
12. Inching Control Pedal 29. Emergency Engine Stop Switch (Diesel)
13. SCR Cleaning-DeSOx Switch (Diesel) 30. Cigar Jack Connector (24V, cabin)
14. Transmission Oil Temperature Gauge 31. Power Jack Connector (12V, cabin)
15. Speedometer (cabin option) 32. Multi Torque Switch (Diesel)
16. Fuel Level Gauge(Diesel)

Operation Section

Instrument Panel 5. Hour Counter

1. Engine Ignition Start Switch Indicates the total number of

hours the engine and the lift
The key switch is a four position truck have operated. The
switch. Position (1) is hour meter will operate when
ACCESSORY ON. Position (2) is the ignition switch is in the
OFF. Position (3) is ON or RUN ON position, whether the engine is running or not.
and accessory ON.
The hour meter is used to determine lubrication and
Position (4) is START, which maintenance intervals.
engages the starter.
After the key has been turned to the START position, 6. Speedometer
the key must be returned to the OFF position before
it can be turned to the START position again. Indicates the truck travelling speed (km/h).

2. Engine Coolant Gauge

Indicates engine coolant

temperature. If the pointer
moves into the red band while
operating the lift truck, the
engine is overheated. Pull over
the lift truck and stop the
engine. Inspect the cooling
system for any problem. The
pointer will be in the red band when the coolant 7. Turn Signal Lever (Optional)
temperature reaches approximately 110 °C on all
engines. This is the lever to indicate the
turning direction of the lift truck.
3. Transmission Oil Temperature Gauge As this lever is maneuvered, the
signal lamp blinks.
Indicates transmission oil
temperature. If the pointer R Turn to the right
moves into the red band while N Neutral
operating the lift truck, the L Turn to the left
transmission is overheated.
Pull over the lift truck and stop 8. Horn Switch
the engine.
Check the system for a To give alarm to fellow worker(s) around and in the
malfunction. The pointer will be in the red band path of your truck, press the
when the transmission oil temperature reaches rubber at the centre of the hand
approximately 125 °C. wheel.
4. Fuel Level Gauge

Indicates current level of fuel

in the fuel tank. Replenish fuel
when the Level Gauge
approaches the "E" marking WARNING
during operation.
Don’t run the truck while the alarm is sounding.
It is dangerous to do so, since poor effect is

Operation Section

9. Light Switch

Switch Light 1st Step 2nd Step

Clearance Lamp O X
Tail Lamp O X
License plate Lamp O X
Instrument Lamp O X
Head Lamp O X
O: means “lights on”
X: means “lights off”

These lamps light up regardless of position of the

ignition switch.

10. Hazard Lamp Switch (Optional)

Push the button to active the hazard lamp. Hazard
lamp put the same with turn signal lamp.

Operation Section

Instrument Panel

11 5 4
7 6 3

8 2


1. Upper indicator light 7. Transmission neutral position light

2. Alternator indicator light 8. Seat belt warning light
3. Diesel engine start preheat indicator light 9. Seat leaving warning light
4. Water-in-fuel warning light 10. Engine warning light
5. Front flood light 11. Directional turning indicator lights
6. Parking brake indicator light

(1) Upper Indicator Light WARNING

Indicates the upper indicator light is on.
If the alternator light (2) flickers, there may be a
problem in the charging function of the
equalizer. Contact a nearby service centre to
(2) Alternator Indicator Light protect the batteries from being damaged.

Indicates if the battery charging system is

operational. The light will come on when (3) Diesel Engine Start Preheat Indicator Light
the ignition switch is turned to the ON
position. The light will come ON when the key is
turned to the ON position from the OFF
The light should go off after the engine is position. This indicates that the glow plugs
started, indicating the alternator is are preheating the pre-combustion
producing sufficient voltage to charge the chambers for easier starting-up.
battery. If the light turns on with the The amount of time needed to preheat the
engine running, check the alternator pre-combustion chambers is approximately seven
charging system for a malfunction. seconds, depending on the surrounding air
temperature. When the light goes OFF the
maximum pre-combustion chamber temperature
has been reached and the key can be turned to
the START position to start the engine.

Operation Section

(4) Water-in-fuel Warning Light (Diesel) (10) Engine Check Lamp

Indicates the fuel contains water. Open The Engine Control System has built-in
the sensor under the fuel filter to remove fault diagnostics. Detected system faults
the water. can be displayed by the Engine Check
Lamp as Diagnostic Fault Codes (DFC) or
(5) Front Floodlights flash codes, and viewed in detail with the
use of service tool software. When the
Push down the switch (22), to the first ignition key is turned ON, the engine
step, to turn the front floodlights on. check lamp will perform a self-test,
illuminate once and then go OFF. If a
detected fault condition exists, the fault or
(6) Parking Indicator Light
faults will be stored in the memory of the
The light will come ON when the parking engine control unit (ECM). After the
lever is in applied position. ignition key is turned ON and push
acceleration pedal 3times quickly, engine
check lamp will blink as Diagnostic Fault
WARNING Codes (DFC) or flash codes. Once a fault
occurs the engine check lamp will light up
Flashing parking indicator lamp (6) warns a and remain ON.
malfunction detected in the charging function This signals the operator that a fault has
of the brake system which can lead to a been detected by the ECU.
serious accident. Stop the operation and call
the nearest branch to check up the brake
(11) Directional Turning Indicator Light
Pull the lever to activate the right turn
signal. Push the lever to activate the left
turn signal.
(7) Transmission Neutral Position Light
Indicates neutral position of the

(8) Seat Belt Warning Light

Indicates when the seat belt is not
fastened by operator.
The light will come on when the ignition
switch is turned to ON position.
The light should go off after engine is

(9) Seat Leaving Warning Light

When operator leaves seat without
stopping the engine, hydraulic control
lever will not function.

Operation Section

SCR Display (Diesel 81kW Only)

1. Tachometer (RPM GAUGE)

- Display engine RPM with 1/1000 unit. 10. DIRECTION (T/M STATUS)
- Display Status for direction. “N” or “F” or “R”
2. MULTI TORQUE MODE for engine
- Display mode of multi torque, for setting mode, 11. SPEEDOMETER
refer page 72. - Display the current vehicle speed.
- “S” means “standard mode” with registered in
specification sheet. “E” means “economic 12. GEAR DISPLAY (AUTO / MANUAL)
mode” and this mode shall restrict max rpm - The gear range indicator bars will indicate
2320 and derate max torque and power. “D” which gear is selected by displaying the
means “driving mode” and this mode shall corresponding number of bars. The forward
restrict max rpm 2520 and derate max torque and reverse indicator bars will be "OFF” when
and power. Refer to service manual for the the transmission is in "MANUAL MODE".
derated max torque level and power of “E” When transmission is in "AUTOMATIC
and “D” mode. MODE", all the gear range indicator bars and
both travel direction indicators will be "ON".
- Accumulated total mileage. 13. DEF/Ad-Blue Level Indicator
- Indicator lamps for DEF/Ad-Blue Level
- Warning Lamp for Transmission and engine ∙ Over 10%: Green ON
etc. ∙ 5~10%: Yellow ON
∙ 2.5~5%: Red ON
- Display DEF/Ad-Blue Level, residual quantity ∙ Below 2.5%: Red Blink
of DEF/Ad-Blue in DEF/Ad-Blue Tank (DEF b. For Europe
/Ad-Blue: Fluid for SCR System) ∙ Over 10%: Green ON
∙ 5~10%: Yellow ON
6. ENTER (SELECT) ∙ Below 5%: Red Blink
- Key for operating LCD Display.
14. Speed limit Symbol
7. DOWN (RIGHT) - If speed limit option selected, the symbol is
- Key for operating LCD Display. on.

8. UP (LEFT)
- Key for operating LCD Display.

- Key for operating LCD Display by pressing

Operation Section

1. DEF/Ad-Blue FAULT WARNING 4. High Exhaust System Temperature (HEST)

- If the lamp is turned on, after-treatment - While SCR Cleaning-DeSOx for
system should be checked. after-treatment, the temperature of exhaust
- Refer page. 85 (Section “Detecting control gas will increase over 600℃. If this lamp on,
failure) operator should warn passengers around the
truck not to approach or touch exhaust system
2. SCR Cleaning-DeSOx Request / On especially rear side. And if the place of your
- In order that the SCR system may maintain its truck has flammable material (Gas, Particle
exhaust cleaning efficiency at a proper level, it etc.) please replace truck to other safety zone.
should be periodically initialized - “SCR
cleaning.” 5. Weight Scale Mode
Once the indicator lamp lights up, you should - Press “MODE” once, Display will change to
conduct the SCR cleaning process. During weight scale mode, for detailed instructions,
this process you can't use the vehicle. refer to page 61.
- Pop-up window and the lamp will be turned on
10 hours before if “Service SCR 6. Engine Check Lamp (RED)
Cleaning-DeSOx” needed. - Malfunction or necessary for diagnostic of
- “Service SCR Cleaning-DeSOx” will take engine, this lamp will light on.
about 30 minutes; the lamp will blink during - To check error, press “MODE” 3 seconds,
the process. display will converse to main menu then you
- Press the “SCR Cleaning-DeSOx” switch can use check function. For detailed
continuously for 3 sec, SCR cleaning will be instructions refer to p.85.
started. For detailed instructions refer to p.72.
7. Transmission Check Lamp (RED)
3. SCR Cleaning-DeSOx Inhibition - Malfunction or necessary for diagnostic of
- When the symbol is turned on and “Active transmission, this lamp will light on.
SCR Cleaning-DeSOx” is inhibited by - To check error, press “MODE” 3 seconds,
pressing the inhibition switch. In places where display will converse to main menu then you
there is a risk of fire or explosion, to prevent can use check function. For detailed
fire or explosion caused by flammable instructions refer to p.69.
substances or particles inhibition switch
should be used. 8. Fan Reverse (For D100 Model)

Operation Section

LCD Instrument Panel (Option) - (Diesel 55kW Only)

1. Mode (Function) Configuration SET and ZERO at the top right screen. Then,
press MENU button for 3 times to blink the
- Engine RPM mode current weight scale. Change the scale (unit)
- Transmission information display mode with UP and DOWN buttons, and press ENTER
- Weight scale (load) display mode for 1 second to save the setting.
- Transmission error (TCU FAULT) display mode
- Engine error (ECU FAULT) display mode - No-load (zero) setting

2. Operation Method Press MENU button for 2 seconds to light up the

SET and ZERO at the top right screen. When
The initial screen at start-up shows engine RPM ‘----‘ blinks in the figure display field, enter ‘0’
and transmission information. The upper column using UP and DOWN buttons. After entering the
shows engine RPM and weigh scale, and the weight, press ENTER for 1 second to save the
lower column shows transmission information, setting (ZERO blinks for 3 seconds).
transmission error and engine error.
- Setting in loaded condition
1) How to change modes Press ‘MENU’ button for 2 seconds to light up
the SET and ZERO at the top right screen. Then,
Pressing the ‘UP’ button switches engine press MENU button again to light up the SET
RPM and weight scale. and LOAD. When ‘----‘ blinks in the figure display
field, enter the weight of the load using UP and
Pressing the ‘DOWN’ button switches; DOWN buttons. After entering the weight, press
transmission information  engine error  ENTER for 1 second to save the setting (SET
transmission error and LOAD blink for 3 seconds).

2) Weight scale operation - Setting in max. load condition

(1) Initial setting Press ‘MENU’ button for 2 seconds to light up

the SET and ZERO at the top right screen. Then,
Weight scale requires initial setting for operation. press MENU button twice to light up the SET
Perform setting under no-load, load (of known and RLOAD. When ‘----‘ blinks in the figure
weight), and max. load conditions. display field, enter the weight of the load using
UP and DOWN buttons. After entering the
- How to change weight scale
weight, press ENTER for 1 second to save the
Press MENU button for 2 seconds to light up the setting (SET and RLOAD blink for 3 seconds).

Operation Section

3) Error display 4. Detail Description

- In the initial screen (engine RPM & b. Transmission
transmission information) if there is any error,
ECU ERR or TCU ERR appears. A transmission display is to the right of the steering
wheel on the dash. The LCD indicates gears,
- If both transmission (TCU) error and engine direction of travel and error codes.
error (ECU FAULT) occur, TCU DIAG and
ECU DIAG appear in turns.

- When switched to the engine error mode after

an engine error (ECU FAULT), the sequential
number and the code of the error are
displayed sequentially. The code is ECU DIAG.

- When switched to the transmission error mode

after a transmission error (TCU FAULT), the
sequential number and the code of the error
are displayed sequentially. The code is TCU

- CAN ERR appears in case of a (A) Indicates travel direction and gear selection.
communication error. See the figure below for more detailed

3. Caution (B) Indicates normal operation and error codes.

For a list of error codes, see “Transmission
The product is not an objective of measurement Error Codes” in “When Required”
related act. maintenance section.
Therefore, the product is not a measuring device NOTE: Most codes are only two digits.
which requires type approval or verification, the
measurement made with this product cannot be (C) Indicates that error codes have occurred and
used for legal measurement purposes such as are stored.
selling or evidence directly.
(D) Indicates that operation must be stopped
However, the accuracy should be regularly immediately to prevent damage to
checked and calibrated as necessary by initial transmission and hazardous operation
adjustment. condition.

The gear range indicator bars will indicate which

gear is selected by displaying the corresponding
number of bars.
The forward and reverse indicator bars will be
“OFF” when the transmission is in “MANUAL
MODE.” When transmission is in “AUTOMATIC
MODE,” all the gear range indicator bars and both
travel direction indicators will be “ON”.

Operation Section

Audio System (AM/FM Tuner with USB/AUX Player)

Location of controls

1. AM button: Select AM Radio mode. 8. SCN/AST button with│◀◀ TUNE/TRACK

2. FM button: Select FM Radio mode.
Radio mode: Plays frequencies with superior
3. USB button: Select USB player. reception for 5 seconds each (press); Saves
frequencies with superior reception to Preset
4. AUX button: Select AUX mode. buttons (press and hold). select the reception
5. POWER/MUTE button with VOLUME dial: frequency manually (rotate).
Turn the power on or mute function on/off USB mode: Scans the beginning parts (approx.
(press); turn the power off (press and hold); 10 seconds per track) of tracks (press); moves to
control the volume level (rotate). the previous/next track (rotate); rewind or
6. Display window for Play/Reception/Menu state fast-forward the track (rotate and hold).
and information. 9. LOUD button: Turn the Loudness mode on/off.
7. PRESET [1∥] - [6 D+] buttons 10. MENU button: Enter the sound setting mode
Radio mode: Recall each stored station(press); (press); show/hide the clock or when power is off,
store each station (press and hold) enter the clock setting mode (press and hold).

USB mode: Change the playback mode ([1∥]/[2 11. Input Terminal cover: Open the cover to
RPT]/[3 RDM] buttons); shows available connect the external audio device or the USB
information about the current track ([4INFO] device.
button); move to folder down/up ([5 D-]/[6 D+] - AUX IN jack: Connect the external audio
buttons). device.

- USB port: Connect the USB device.

Operation Section

Display window Wired remote controller

1. USB/AUX indicators: When the External Device is

connected, indicator is lights up.

2. MP3/WMA indicators: When the Audio Stream is

detected, indicator is lights up. 1. SCAN button: In Radio mode, tune up the
frequency(press): find a station (press and hold).
3. Stereo [ST] indicator for FM stereo station:
When a stereo Broadcast is received, indicator is 2. POWER [PWR] button: Turn on the power or
lights up. mute on/off(press): turn off the power (press and
4. Playback mode indicators for USB mode
3. Volume [▲/▼] buttons: Adjust the volume.
: Folder mode

: Intro playback

: Repeat playback

: Random playback

5. LOUD/EQ indicators for sound effect

LOUD: Loudness mode on

EQ: EQ mode on

6. Multi-function display area for showing the


Operation Section

Rear view/Connectors

1. Antenna jack: To plug the FM antenna cable.

2. I/0 connector: To plug the 1/0 cable.

<ARA-5080WF: 18 Pin> <ARA-5081WF: 18 Pin>

1. Front R (+) 1. Tel Mute

2. Rear R (+) 2. Rear R (+)
3. Illumination (+) 3. Illumination (+)
4. ACC (+) 4. ACC (+)
5. Battery (B+) 5. Battery (B+)
6. N.C 6. DMB GND
7. Rear L (+) 7. Rear L (+)
8. Front L (+) 8. DMB L-CH
9. Front R (-) 9. H/F GND
10. Rear R (-) 10. Rear R (-)
11. N.C / Illumination (-) 11. DMB Det
12. N.C 12. DMB Mute
14. GND 14. GND
15. 5V Output 15. 5V Output
16. REM Data 16. REM Data
17. Rear L (-) 17. Rear L (-)
18. Front L (-) 18. DMB R-CH

Operation Section

Getting started Setting the sound

Turning the unit on/off

1. Press MENU button repeatedly to select the

Sound setting mode as below;

• BAS (Bass): sets the bass sound level. (-5 ~

1. Turn your car's ignition key to ACC or IGN (ON) +5)
• MID (Middle): sets the middle sound level. (-5
Displays the current time. ~ +5)

• TRE (Treble): sets the treble sound level. (-5 ~


• FAD (Fader: Option): sets the sound fade

between the front and rear speakers. (F15 ~

2. Press the POWER button to turn the power on. • BAL (Balance): sets the sound balance
between the right and left speakers. (L 15 ~
If the source is ready, playback also starts. R15)

To turn on the power directly • LOUD (Loudness): turn Loudness mode on/off

By connecting an USB into the USB port or • EQ (Equalizer style): selects the one of the 7
pressing the AM/FM or USB button (while the EQ styles (EQ OFF, POP, ROCK, COUNTRY,
USB device is connected), you can also turn on VOICE, JAZZ, CLASSIC)
the power and the unit then plays.
• BEEP (Beep): turn Beep sound on/off

• SCROLL (Scroll): turn Scroll mode on/off

• VOL (Volume): sets the sound volume level.

(VOL 0 ~ VOL 41)

3. When power is on, press and hold the POWER

button to turn power off.

Adjusting volume directly

2. Turn the VOLUME dial left/right to adjust the

value of the level, balance or style.

1. Turn the VOLUME dial to control volume.

Available volume range: 1 - 41.

Operation Section

Setting the Loudness mode Radio

Setting the region of radio reception
1. When the power is turned on, press and hold the
buttons more 3 seconds at the same time as

1. Press the LOUD button to turn loudness mode

on/off. • U.S.A: Hold down and press

Increases the level for low frequency. more 3 seconds

To turn the loudness option off, press the LOUD FM: 87.7 - 107.9 MHz (200 kHz step)
button again. AM: 530 - 1.7 10 kHz (10kHz step)

• South America : Hold down and press

Muting the sound quickly
more 3 seconds

FM: 87.5 - 108.0 MHz (100 kHz step)

AM: 530 - 1.7 10 kHz (10kHz step)

• Asia : Hold down and press

1. Press the MUTE button to turn mute on. "MUTE" more 3 seconds
will flash on the display and mute the sound. FM: 87.5 - 108.0 MHz (100 kHz step)
Press the MUTE button again or turn VOLUME AM: 531 - 1,602 kHz (9 kHz step)
dial to restore sound.
• Europe: Hold down and press


FM: 87.5 - 108.0 MHz (50 kHz step)

AM: 522 - 1,629 kHz (9 kHz step)

2. Please wait for more 5 seconds with no

operation, the unit will save and apply your's

If the region setting is not selected correctly to

your country or region, the radio reception can
not be received. Retry the setting the region of
radio reception correctly.

The region setting is required only for the first


The region setting is return to the default setting

when the power connector or battery is

Operation Section

Tuning in a station Radio

Saving radio stations manually
You can save up to 6 preset channels each for FM 1,
FM2, FMA, AM 1, AM2, and AMA.

If change the stations while driving, use preset

button to prevent accidents.

1. Press the AM or FM button to change the band 1. Press the AM or FM button repeatedly to select
in order of AM1. AM2. FM1 or FM2. the band.

You can select the FM 1. FM2. AM 1 or AM2

radio band.

While the Auto 5tore stations are stored, you can

select the AMA or FMA band by additional.

The previously chosen broadcasting station will 2. After selecting the frequency, press and hold the
be received. PRESET [1∥] - [6 D+] button.

The frequency is saved to the selected preset


A total of 24 frequencies with 6 preset

frequencies each for FM1/FM2/AM1/AM2 modes
can be saved.

2. Press the SCN button or turn the │◀◀ TUNE

▶▶│dial left/right to select the station. Saving radio stations automatically

Using TUNE: Briefly turn the dial, plays

previous/next frequency.

Using SEEK: Turn and hold the dial,

automatically search for station with superior
reception. 1. Press the AM or FM button repeatedly to select
Using SCAN: Press the button , starting from the the band.
current station, stations with superior reception The previously chosen broadcasting station will
are scanned for 5 seconds and the previous be received.
station is restored.

During the seeking or scanning, if press or turn

the dial left/right again, the selected station will
begin playing.

2. Press and hold the AST button to automatically

During the FM reception, the Stereo [ST] indicator is save receivable frequencies to Preset button.
"AST" is shown , and then stores stations in the
order of their frequencies on the Preset buttons.

Up to 6 stations can be stored in each of the

AMA and FMA band

Operation Section

Listening to a preset station USB player

Before MP3 [WMA] USB playback
This unit cannot play the following files;

• MP3 files encoded with MP3i and MP3 PRO


- MP3 files encoded in an inappropriate format.

1. Press AM or FM button repeatedly to select the
band. - MP3 files encoded with Layer 1/2.

You can select the FM 1. FM2. AM 1 or AM2 Folder selection order/File playback order;
radio band.

While the Auto Store stations are stored, you can

select the AMA or FMA band by additional.

The previously chosen broadcasting station will

be received.

2. Press Preset [1∥] - [6 D+] button

From the 6 presets, select the frequency you

want to listen to.

Operation Section

Playing a USB device

4. Press the [4 INFO] button repeatedly to display

information about the file being played.

The information displayed includes the file name,

playing time, ID3 Tag or folder name information
saved with the song.

If there is no information on the playing file, then

the unit will display "NO INFO".

1. Open the cover, plug the USB device to the USB


Once a USB is connected, USB will

automatically start playing from the first file within
5. Press MENU button repeatedly to select the
the USB.
Scroll setting mode. Tum the VOLUME dial to
If a previously played USB is reconnected, then changes the display method between Scroll
the file after the most recently played file is On/Off.
• SCROLL ON: activate the scroll function
If a different USB is connected or the file
• SCROLL OFF: deactivate the scroll function
information within the USB was changed, then
the USB will start playing from the first song
within the USB.

2. When a USB device to be played is already

connected, press the USB button to play USB

The previously selected file is played.

3. While playing, press the [1∥] button to pause

the file.

Press the button again to play the current file.

Operation Section

Controlling the playback Change the playback mode

1. While playing, turn the ▶▶│TRACK│◀◀ dial 1. While playing, press the SCN button to begin the
left/right to moves to the previous or next track. Intro scan playback.

• Clockwise: move to the next file • When pressed shortly, scans the beginning
parts of device files. (approx. 10 seconds per
Counter-clockwise: move to the previous file file)

• You can skip files within the same folder. • : Successively plays the intro of the file in
the USB device.

• : Successively plays the intro of the

file in the current folder.

• Off : Cancels intro playback.

2. While the ▶▶│TRACK│◀◀ dial is being
turned and held, the file will rewind or fast
forward at high speed. Once released, the file
will begin playing at normal speed.
2. Press the [2 RPT] button to select the Repeat
• Clockwise: fast forward playback mode.
• Counter-clockwise: fast rewind
• : The current file plays repeatedly.
• The search function works but search speed is
not constant. • : The current folder plays
• While fast forwarding or rewinding, you can
only hear intermittent sounds. • Off: Cancels repeat playback.

3. Press the [3 RDM] button to select the Random

playback mode.
3. Press the [5 D-] or [6 D+] button to moves to the
previous or next folder. • : AII files of current folder play in
random order
• [5 D-]: move to previous folder

[6 D+]: move to next folder • : AII files of USB device play in random

• Off: Cancels random playback.

• While folder moving, he folder name will be

displayed briefly.

Operation Section

About MP3/WMA Repeatedly connecting/disconnecting the USB in a

short period of time may cause damage to the
This unit can play MP3 (WMA) files with .mp3, .wma
(Iower case letters) or .MP3 and .WMA (capital
letters) file name extensions. When disconnecting the USB, an abnormal sound
may occur occasionally.
This unit can display ID3 Tag (Version 1.0, 1.1, 2.2,
2.3 or 2.4) information for MP3 files. such as the Abruptly disconnecting the external USB device
album name and the artist. while the USB is operating may cause the device to
be damaged or function abnormally. Make sure to
This unit can recognize the Korean and English
disconnect the USB device only after the audio
power is turned off or when the audio is operating in
This unit can play MP3/WMA files meeting the a different mode.
conditions below;
The amount of time required to recognize the
- Bit rate: 8 kbps - 320 kbps / VBR for MP3 external USB device may differ depending on the
type, size, or file formats stored on the USB. Such
- Sampling frequency: differences in the required time are not indications of
malfunction. Please wait the period of time required
48 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 32 kHz to recognize the device.
(for MPEG-1 Layer 2/3) The device support only USB devices used to play
music files.
24 kHz, 22.05 kHz, 16 kHz
Do not use the USB I/F to charge batteries or USB
(for MPEG-2 Layer 2/3) accessories which generate heat. Such acts may
lead to deteriorated performance or damage to the
This unit can recognize total of 9,999 files, of 256
folders, and 7 stages of folder structure.
The device may not recognize the USB device if
This product can play MP3 files using VBR. When
separately purchased USB hubs and extension
playing an MP3 file of this VBR type, the remaining
cables are being used.
time displayed may be different from the real time.
In the case of high capacity USB devices, there are
instances where the logical drives are partitioned for
Handling precautions for USB device user convenience. In this case, it will only be
possible to play the USB music in the top level drive.
When using the external USB device, make sure to When using partitioned drives, save the songs you
keep the device disconnected and connect only wish to play on the device only in the top-Ievel
some time after turning on the vehicle ignition. The logical drive. In addition, certain USB devices are
USB device may be damaged if the USB device configured with a separate drive used to install
already connected when the ignition is turned on. application programs and it may not be possible to
(USB device is not an electronic automotive play songs from such drives for the reasons as
component). described above.
Some USB devices may not operate properly The device may not support normal operation when
because of compatibility issues. Check that the using formats such as HDD Type, CF, or SD
external device is supported by the device before Memory.
stating use.
The device will not support files locked by DRM
The device will only recognize USB devices (Digital Rights Management).
formatted in FAT 16/32.

When formatting the external USB device, the

device may not properly recognize a Byte/Sector
selection other than 512 Bytes or 2,048 Bytes.

Avoid the contact of bodily parts and foreign

substances with the USB connector.

Operation Section

AUX player
Listening to auxiliary audio equipment
By connecting an optional portable audio device to
the AUX input jack (stereo mini jack) on the unit and
then simply selecting the source, you can listen on
your car speakers. 5. Set your usual listening volume by turn the
VOLUME dial left/right on the unit.

Once the connector is disconnected, the

previous mode will be restored.

AUX mode can be used only when an external

audio player has been connected.
1. Turn the VOLUME dial left to decrease the
volume level.
Listening to DMB sound (lf Equipped)
The AUX volume can also be controlled
separately through the connected device. 1. By connecting the optional DMB receiver, you
can listen the DMB source provided for the

When the DMB receiver is turned power on, the

current operation will be paused and the “AUX 1"
will be displayed on the Display window.

The DMB's sound is output from the speakers in

the unit.

2. While playing the DMB, press the AM, FM or

USB button to change the function.

3. While playing the DMB, if turn the DMB receiver

off, the unit will be returned to previous mode.
2. Turn the external audio equipment off Open the
cover, connect the audio output of the external
audio equipment to AUX input terminal on the
unit. Calling via Handsfree (lf Equipped)

3. Turn the external audio equipment on. Start 1. By connecting the optional Handsfree equipment,
playback of the external audio equipment at a you can use the the Handsfree mode.
moderate volume.
When make a call or receive. the bell will sound
and the "PHONE“ will be displayed on the
Display window.

2. The ringtone and talker's voice are output only

4. Press the AUX button to select the AUX function. from the front speakers.

3. When the call is ended, the mute will be

canceled and the unit will be returned to the
previous mode.

Operation Section

B. Air Conditioner Controller (Optional)

5. OPT button – no resultant action

1. OFF button
- Stops all the functions and turns off power 6. WARM button
- Pressing WARM button when power is off, or in
2. A/C button air conditioner mode or anti-fog mode will turn on
- Pressing A/C button when power is off, or in the heater.
heater mode or anti-fog mode will turn on the air
conditioner. 7. Fan speed control button
- Fan speed is controlled in 3 steps:
▪ LO button: low
At the activation of the A/C button, engine low
idle speed is increased to 950 rpm and the truck ▪ MID button: medium
may speed up. Apply foot brake to stop or
control the traveling speed. ▪ HI button: high

3. Air discharge outlet select button

- Select air discharge outlet

4. Anti-fog button
- Pressing this button operates anti-fog function for
3 minutes Press A/C or WARM button during
operation to return to air conditioner or heater

Operation Section

Rear View Camera (optional) b. Operating Method

a. Front display (basic operation menu) ▶ Color tone control

1. Press MENU button for 0.5~1 second.

1. ‘POWER’ button 2. Select brightness, value of color, color tone and

- Turns power on and off color depth using SELECT button.

2. 'SELECT' button 3. Adjust each title using UP and DOWN buttons.

- Switches camera and AV input image
▪ The basic level is set up at 25.
3. ‘MENU’ button

- Press shortly to adjust image

- Press 3 seconds to enter set up menu

4. ‘▲’ button
- Increases speaker volume

5. ‘▼’ button
- Reduces speaker volume

Operation Section

▶ Main MANU (SETUP MENU) setting method 2. TRIGGER DELAY

- Call SETUP MENU window by pressing MENU

button for 2 seconds.

- OSD menu disappears if no entry for 5 seconds.

Search menu Select image Reset function

- When 2 trigger signals are active, each trigger

source can be selected.

- When trigger signal is activated, the selected

Menu Search menu Select menu image appears in the screen.

- Each trigger signal can be set up with 0~20

1. NORMAL / MIRROR seconds of delay.


Search menu Select image Reset function

- This function turns the camera image right ↔ left.

Search menu Select image Reset function

- Name of each camera can be registered and

displayed in the screen OSD.

Operation Section


Search menu Select image Reset function

Search menu Select image Reset function

Search menu Select image Reset function ▪ FULL: images are displayed in a 16:9 ratio.
▪ NORMAL: images are displayed in a 4:3 ratio.

▪ Turns images upside down.

▪ If AUTO POWER is set to ON, the monitor turns
‘AUTO ON’ when the vehicle power is turned
▪ If AUTO POWER is set to OFF, the monitor is
not turned on automatically when the vehicle
power is turned on.

- To show distance together with the camera image

on the monitor, this function controls figures and
dots of a certain size.

- Other scale modes of CAM1~CAM2 can be set up,

which can be turned ON/OFF in DISPLAY

- SCALE1 and SCALE2 are indicated with

adjustable figures.

- When trigger signal is activated, the scale OSD

set up in the screen appears.

▪ This is simply an electrical expression of the

distance from the truck.

Operation Section


Search menu Select image Reset function

- If AUTO SCAN is set to ON, images are displayed

in the sequence of CAM1→CAM2.

- The duration of an image display can be set to

0~20 seconds. ‘0’ setting eliminates the image.

- Press the SELECT button to stop repeating images,

and press it again to see the images repeatedly.

Operation Section

Weight Scale Optional (Hydraulic Pressure Sensing Type)

If weight scale option(Hydraulic Pressure Sensing iii) Rated Load Setting

Type) equipped, operator can measure and limit
load with display. Press “MODE” to convert display Press “MODE” 2 sec, ‘SET(⑤)’ and ‘ZERO(⑥)’
from normal to weight scale. light will on. Press “MODE” twice.

a) Initial setting ‘SET(⑤) and ‘RLOAD(⑧)’ lig ht will on. Weight

digit will blink with “ - - - - “. Then press △, ▽
To use weight Scale option, need initial setting. i) button and set weight of the load. Finish with
Unload (Zero) mode, ii) Load mode, iii) Rated load ‘Enter’ button 1 sec. (‘SET(⑤)’and ‘RLOAD(⑧)’
mode. lamp will blink 3 second and off)

i) Unload (Zero) Setting

b) Unit change
Press “MODE” 2 sec, ‘SET (⑤)’ and ‘ZERO
(⑥)’ lig ht will on. W eight digit will blink with “ - - Press “MODE” 2 sec, ‘SET(⑤)’ and ‘ZERO(⑥)’
- - “. Then Press △, ▽ button and set “0”. light will on. Press “MODE” .
Finish with ‘Enter’
‘SET(⑤) and ‘RLOAD(⑧)’ light will on. Load
button 1 sec. (‘SET(⑤)’ and ‘ZERO(⑥)’ lam p unit(④) will blink. User can change unit by using △,
will blink 3 second and off) ▽ button. Finish with ‘Enter’ button 1 sec.

ii) Unload Setting

c) If operator try to lift weight over rated load,
Press “MODE” 2 sec, ‘SET(⑤)’ and ‘ZERO(⑥)’ warning lamp(②) w ill b e o n .
light will on. Press “MODE” one more time.
‘SET(⑤) and ‘LOAD(⑦)’ light will on. W eight
digit will blink with

“ - - - - “. Then Press △, ▽ button and set

weight of the load. Finish with

‘Enter’ button 1 sec. (‘SET(⑤)’ and ‘LOAD(⑦)’

lamp will blink 3 second and off)

Operation Section

Weight Scale Optional (Load Cell Type)

With this weight scale option, the operator can 3. Specifying a Maximum Measuring Scale
measure and limit the load's weight using a display This step is to specify the rated capacity of the
panel. Using the key , you can start settings. vehicle on which the load cell is installed.

1. Entering the Calibration Mode Since the device does not weigh a load heavier than
the set capacity (determins to be overloaded), it is
To perform initial settings for the load cell, enter the recommended to set the capacity to be 5% higher
calibration mode as follows: than the actual value taking into consideration the
safety factor.
Press this key when “ST.CAL” is displayed
to start calibration mode. Each time you press this key, the number
(0 to 9) at the cursor position increases by
Press this key once again. 1.

Each time you press this key, the cursor is

moved to the left by one point.

Press this key to save the set value and

proceed the subsequent step.

Press this key to move to the previous


2. Specifying a Minimum Scale

You can select a minimum scale on which the load
cell displays the weight from among 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg,
10 kg, 20 kg, and 50 kg (for example, 1235 kg is
displayed with a 5 kg minimum scale and 1250 kg
displayed with a 50 kg scale). The default value is
"10 kg."

Each time you press this key, the setting

increases in the order of 01, 02, 05, 10, 20, 4. Inputting a Reference Load
and 50. This step is to input the weight of a reference load
needed for weight setting.
Press this key to save the minimum scale If the weight of the reference load is 3,000 kg, input
setting and proceed the subsequent step. "3000" and proceed the next step (reference load
Press this key to move to the previous step. The initial setting value should be set to 50% to 60%
of the rated capacity (for a 7 ton capacity model for
example, use a 3.5 to 4 ton load).

Each time you press this key, the number

(0 to 9) at the cursor position increases by

Each time you press this key, the cursor is

moved to the left by one point.

Press this key to save the set value and

proceed the subsequent step.

Press this key to move to the previous step.

Operation Section

6. Reference Load Lift

Put a reference load that weighs as much as the set
value on the attachment (e.g. forks).
You should align the centers of gravity of the
attachment and of the reference load.
Raise the mast approx. 300 mm from the ground
Once the vehicle's vibration ends after lifting the
load, press the Enter key.

Press this key.

NOTE: After the initial setting, if the load weight is
measured with an error, you must adjust
this value.

Example: If you have inputted 3,000 kg but

the actual load weighs 2,900 kg, adjust the
reference load value to 2,900 kg; if the load
weighs 3,100 kg, adjust the value to 3,100

5. Zero Adjustment
This step is to set the weight condition of the
vehicle's unloaded front end to zero. Keeping the
7. Finishing Calibration
mast unloaded, raise it approx. 300 mm from the
ground just vertically. Once you have done all the steps above, a certain
figure appears along with a blinking message
Press this key to save the set value and "C._End" on the display for a while, and then the
proceed the subsequent step. weight scale mode resumes."

Press this key to move to the previous Initial settings for the load cell has been finished.
step. Use this device after fully lowering the load for the
indicator to display 0 kg.

Operation Section

Seat Switch System NOTICE

1. Prior to operating the lift truck, be sure to

understand and check the SEAT SWITCH

2. While in normal operation and on level ground,

select a direction with the directional lever and
with the park brake released. You will note that
the truck will move slowly in the selected
direction. If you lift your hips off of the seat,
within three seconds, the SEAT SWITCH
SYSTEM will disengage the transmission
allowing the truck to coast but not automatically
The lift truck is equipped with a SEAT SWITCH
SYSTEM. In normal operation if the direction lever is 3. To restore the lift truck to normal operation,
placed in either forward or reverse, the lift truck will while sitting in the operator's seat depress the
move at a speed proportional to the accelerator brake pedal to hold the lift truck, return the
pedal's position. If the operator leavers the seat directional lever to the neutral position, and then
without setting the parking brake, within three reselect a direction of travel (either forward or
seconds after leaving the seat, the SEAT SWITCH reverse). The transmission will then re-engage.
SYSTEM will automatically disengage the
transmission. The directional lever, however, will 4. If seat or seat switch replacement becomes
remain in that forward or reverse location although necessary, be sure to use genuine CROWN
internally the transmission will have shifted into Industrial Vehicle lift truck parts. Lift trucks
neutral. should never be operated without an
Before exiting the lift truck, the parking brake should
always be applied.




NOTE: Some trucks may be equipped (ask your

branch if this applies to your truck) with an
alarm that will sound if the parking brake is
not applied when leaving the machine.

Operation Section

Steering Wheel Column Tilt Angle Electrical Disconnect Switch

Adjustment (If Equipped)

Typical Example 1. ON - Connects the battery for electrical power to

all electrical circuits.
The steering wheel column tilt angle is adjustable
within 15 degrees to fit for the operator position. The 2. OFF - Disconnects the battery from all electrical
steering column is unlocked by turning the lever circuit.
counter clockwise and locked by turning it clockwise.

Fuse Box
Tow Eye

Typical Example

It is for emergency use in towing a disabled vehicle

or being towed by another truck when your truck is
disabled. Use wire rope strong enough according to
the weight and size of the vehicle to be towed.

Typical Example

Operation Section

Fuse Locations
1. CD60/70/80/90S-7 (3 SPEED)
Fuses protect the electrical system from damage
caused by overloaded circuits. Change a fuse if the
element separates. If the element of a new fuse
separates, have the circuit checked and repaired.

Rated Rated
No. Description No. Description
Capacity Capacity
10A 10A

Operation Section

2. CD60/70/80/90S-7 (2 SPEED)

No. Description Rated
Capacity No. Description
6 HORN 15A

Operation Section

3. CG60/70S-7
(2 speed, Overhead Guard)

No. Description Rated
Capacity No. Description
6 HORN 15A 15A
30A 9
10 10
11 11
12 12

Operation Section

4. CG60/70S-7 (2 Speed, Cabin)

Rated No. Description
No. Description Capacity
30A 30A
10 10
11 11
12 12

Operation Section

Circuit Breaker Seat

Seat Adjustment
NOTE: Seat arrangements may vary. Basic
operation will be similar.

Seat adjustment should be checked at the beginning

of each shift and when operators change.
Lock the seat into position before operating, to
prevent an unexpected seat change.

Typical Example

Adjust seat to allow full brake pedal travel with

operator's back against seat back.
Typical Example Diesel Engine Truck NOTE: The seat can only be correctly adjusted with
the operator fully seated.
Circuit Breaker protects the main electrical circuit. It
is located under the fuse box.

To reset the circuit breaker, push the button in. If the

button comes back out, have the electrical circuits

Operation Section

Lift Truck Controls

Direction Control Lever “LOCK” the direction control lever. Whenever
machine is parked, "LOCK" the direction control
lever in "NEUTRAL" to prevent accidental
machine movement.

Transmission Display(3 Speed

A transmission display is to the right of the steering
wheel on the dash. The LCD indicates gears,
direction of travel and error codes.

Typical Example

Forward – Reverse
F Forward
N Neutral
R Reverse

Speed Select
(A) Indicates travel direction and gear selection. See
1 1st
the figure below for more detailed information.
2 2nd
3 3rd (3 speed ONLY) (B) Indicates normal operation and error codes. For
a list of error codes, see "Transmission Error
Rotating the direction control lever changes the Codes" in "When Required" maintenance
speed of travel. With handle rotated counter section.
clockwise (towards the operator), the lift truck is in NOTE: Most codes are only two digits.
FIRST speed.
(C) Indicates that error codes have occurred and are
Rotate the lever clockwise (away from the operator) stored.
for the SECOND and THIRD speeds.
Always brake to a full stop before reversing the (D) Indicates that operation must be stopped
direction of travel. immediately to prevent damage to transmission
and hazardous operation condition.
Do not fail to place the forward-reverse lever in the (E) Indicates the mileage.
neutral position before starting the engine.

Neutral Lever Lock (3 Speed Only) FORWARD INDICATOR

A transmission neutral lever lock is in base of the
direction control lever. This neutral lever lock
prevents the direction control lever from being
moved out of "NEUTRL".

N "NEUTRAL LOCK" position. Prevents the

direction control lever to be moved out of
The gear range indicator bars will indicate which
gear is selected by displaying the corresponding
number of bars.
D "DRIVE" position. Allows the direction control
The forward and reverse indicator bars will be "OFF”
lever to be moved from "NEUTRAL" to
when the transmission is in "MANUAL MODE".
When transmission is in "AUTOMATIC MODE", all
the gear range indicator bars and both travel
direction indicators will be "ON".

Operation Section

Automatic Transmission Switch Inching Switch(3 Speed Only)

(3 Speed Only)

This switch changes over the modes of the inching

control pedal, inching and no-inching.
Automatic speed range:
. FORWARD: 3 speeds.
. REVERSE: 3 speeds.

1. In the "1" position, “NO INCHING” mode is

selected. In the "NO INCHING" mode, the
1. Set this switch at "1" (Auto 2nd), the speed will be inching pedal is not operable but braking with the
controlled at the 2nd and 3rd gear ratio inching pedal is available.
automatically, according to the load and engine
speed. 2. In the "2" position, “INCHING” mode is selected.
In the "INCHING" mode, normal inching
2. Set this switch at "2" (Auto 1st), the speed will be operation is available using the inching pedal.
controlled at the at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear
ratio automatically, according to the load and NOTE: When driving a middle or long distance
engine speed. without using the inching function, set this
switch to "1" position to prevent the
3. When this switch is at '3'(manual) position, travel transmission clutch pedals from
mode is switched to “MANUAL” and allows unnecessary wear or overheat.
operator to choose speeds manually.

Operation Section

IDLE Select Switch (Diesel Only) Emergency Engine Stop Switch


This switch controls engine idle speed.

This switch stops the engine under an emergency

1. When this switch is at "1" position, the engine

idle rpm is increased from 875 (basic speed) to 1. At this position, the engine stops.
1600 at a 50 rpm step.
2. At this position, the basic condition is maintained.
2. At '2' position, the basic condition is maintained.

3. At '3' position, (1.5 sec), the engine idle rpm

returns to 875 (basic speed).

4. With this switch is at '1' position, step on the

accelerator pedal and release the switch, the
engine will keep running at the accelerated

* To use this function while the engine is running,

set the switch to "3" position to "Open" the

If you increase engine rpm with using this
switch, truck creep speed will be faster than
normal mode.

Before change direction lever, press brake pedal

and release smoothly to prevent accident cause
a sudden movement.

Operation Section

Multi Torque Switch (Diesel Only) SCR Cleaning - DeSOx Switch

(81kW, Diesel Engine Only)

<Overhead Guard>
<Overhead Guard>

This switch changes truck operation mode.
This switch initiates regular regeneration process of
the post-treatment device.

1) A pop-up on the SCR Display warns the operator

to perform SCR Cleaning. (3 warnings: at 10 hrs
remaining, 5 hrs remaining, Immediate)

1) At "1" position, the truck enters "ECO Mode" to

save fuel consumption.

2) At "2" position, the truck enters "POWER Mode"

to increase torque and power to the maximum

2) At "3" position, the truck enters "DRIVE Mode" to

deliver smooth and fast traveling.

Exemplary warning – 10 hrs remaining

Operation Section

3) The switch returns to the normal position of "2"

after pressed by the operator to position "1".
However, it does not return when pressed to
position "3" and the operator shall return the
switch from position "3".

4) Setting this switch to position "3" prohibits

automatic SCR Cleaning in an environment
subject to dust, explosion or regulated noise
2) Press this switch and release it after 3 sec, SCR level. At position "3", a pop-up appears as shown
Cleaning will be started and the engine speed below:
will be increased. Screen pop-up provides
information on the warning up and cleaning

SCR Cleaning inhibited

Warming up process

Cleaning process


Operation Section

Transmission Inching Control Service Foot Brake Pedal


Typical Example
Typical Example Push DOWN on the brake pedal to slow or
Inching Control Pedal - Pushing down on stop the lift truck.
the inching pedal, modulates the hydraulic
pressure to the clutch packs, permitting RELEASE the brake pedal to allow the lift
disc slippage. truck to move.
Further pushing on the pedal completely relieves
clutch pack pressure and applies the service brakes
to stop and hold the lift truck. Accelerator Pedal
NOTE: The purpose of the inching control pedal is
to provide precise inching control at slow
travel speed, with high engine rpm. This is
used for fast hydraulic lift during load
approach, pickup or positioning.

Typical Example

Push DOWN on the pedal to increase

engine rpm (speed).

RELEASE the pedal to decrease engine

rpm (speed).

Operation Section

Emergency Lowering Device Mechanical Parking Brake (If Installed)

If the carriage fails to descend when the lift lever
is pushed forward, it can be lowers using the
emergency lowering valve in the control box. Do
not stay beneath or near the carriage when
using the emergency lowering valve, otherwise,
you may get severely injured.

Observe the following procedure when using the

emergency lowering valve.
1. Stop the engine and open the door of the control The parking brake lever is located at the left side of
box on the right side of the operator. the steering wheel.
2. Turn the nut and adjusting screw of the
emergency lowering valve by 2 turns Electronic Parking Brake (If Installed)
counterclockwise. The carriage will descend
3. When the carriage is on the ground, tighten the
adjusting screw and nut to prevent further
settlement by the valve.
4. Close the control box door.

How to Operate
How to Release the Parking Brake

1. Sit on the operator's seat and check that the

lever is in neutral.
2. With the brake pedal pressed, start the ignition.
Parking Brake Lever 3. Check that the instrument panel's parking brake
lamp is on.
4. Press the parking brake switch, which is located
on the right side of the seat. Then, check that
NOTICE the parking brake lamp turns off and the buzzer
Do not engage the parking brake while the lift truck sounds three times.
is moving unless an emergency exists. The use of 5. Put the direction control lever in forward or
the parking brake as a service foot brake in regular reverse.
operation will cause severe damage to the parking 6. Release the brake pedal and operate the
brake system. vehicle.

Operation Section

WARNING Safety Function

Once the operator leaves the seat for three seconds
After pressing the parking brake switch, hold down
with the parking brake released, the parking brake
the brake pedal to keep the vehicle stationary until
gets engaged by itself to keep the vehicle from
the buzzer sounds three times.
The buzzer sound indicates a complete release of
the parking brake. At the same time, the transmission automatically
shifts into neutral. The parking brake warning buzzer
Releasing the brake pedal before the buzzer sounds
then sounds for 10 minutes. You can turn it off by
may cause a move of the vehicle or damage on the
pushing the parking brake switch.
parking brake components.
To release the parking brake while the warning is
sounding, sit on the seat and perform the following

1. Press the brake pedal.
2. Put the direction control lever in neutral.
When the ignition is off, the parking brake always 3. Engage the parking brake and then release it
stays engaged and you cannot release it even using again.
the parking brake switch. 4. The release of the parking brake is indicated by
If the vehicle needs to be towed with the ignition off, the three times sounding of the buzzer.
the parking brake has to be released.
For how to tow the vehicle, refer to the Operation
Section. WARNING
If the seat switch is short-circuited, the parking
brake’s safety function will not work.
How to Engage the Parking Brake
1. Hold down the brake pedal to keep the vehicle
2. Put the direction control lever in neutral.
Make sure to check that the parking brake is
3. Press the parking brake switch, which is located normally engaged before getting out of the
on the right side of the seat. vehicle.

4. Once it is checked that the parking brake lamp

turns on and the buzzer sounds three times,
Emergency Braking Function
release the brake pedal.
In an emergency where the vehicle should be
WARNING stopped, push the parking brake switch for
emergency braking.
Never engage the parking brake while the vehicle is
driving, except for when emergency braking is
necessary. WARNING
After an emergency stop, inspect for any
The engagement of the parking brake during the
damage on the parking brake and, if necessary,
driving of the vehicle causes a sudden stop, which
adjust or repair the parking brake components.
can lead to a tipover of the vehicle or a fall of the
load. In addition, this may bring about mechanical The use of the parking brake for emergency
damage on the parking brake and a consequent braking can cause an abnormal wear of the
loss of its braking force. These troubles will frictional part or damage on other components.
eventually result in damage on the vehicle or load This problems can lead to a poor braking force
and personal injuries. vulnerable to safety accidents.
Be sure to engage the parking brake only when the For how to inspect and adjust the parking brake,
vehicle is stationary. refer to the Maintenance Section.

Operation Section

Lift Control

The forks can be raised or lowered by pulling

backwards or pushing forwards on this lever. The lift
speed is controlled by tilt angle of the lever and
accelerator pedal effort. The lowering speed can be
controlled by tilt angle of the lever. The engine
speed or accelerator pedal has nothing to do with
the lowering speed of the forks.

Tilt Control

The mast can be tilted by operation of this tilt lever.

Pulling on this lever backwards will tilt the mast
backwards, and pushing it forwards will tilt the mast
forwards. The tilt speed can be controlled by tilt
angle of the lever and accelerator pedal effort.

Operation Section

Fuel Replenishment
Diesel Engine

Explosive fumes may be present during
Do not smoke in refueling areas. Lift truck
should be refueled only at designated safe
locations. Safe outdoor locations are preferable
to those indoors.

Stop the engine and get off the lift truck during

Do not allow the lift truck to become low on fuel or
completely run out of fuel. Sediment or other
impurities in the fuel tank could be drawn into the
fuel system. This could result in difficult starting or
damage to components.
Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day of operation Typical Example
to drive out moisture laden air and to prevent
condensation. In the cold weather, the moisture 2. Remove the filler cap.
condensation can cause rust in the fuel system and
hard starting due to its freezing. Do not fill the tank 3. Fill the fuel tank slowly. Refer to the section on
to the top. Fuel expands when it gets warm and may ‘Refill Volume.” Close the filler cap. If spillage
overflow. occurs, wipe off excess fuel and absorb any
excess fuel with absorbent material.

NOTE: Remove the drain plug under the fuel tank to

drain the water and sediment in the tank,
occasionally, or as necessary. In addition,
drain water and sediment from the main fuel
storage tank weekly and before the tank is
refilled. This will help prevent water or
sediment being pumped from the storage
tank into the lift truck fuel tank.

Typical Example

1. Park the lift truck only at a designated safe

location. Place the transmission in Neutral.
Lower the forks on the ground. Apply the parking
brake. Stop the engine.

Operation Section

Changing LP Tanks
Only trained, authorised personnel should fill or
exchange LP tanks.

Personnel engaged in filling of LP containers

should wear protective clothing such as face
shield, long sleeves and gauntlet gloves. Do not
refuel or store LP powered lift trucks near any
underground entrance, elevator shafts or any
other place where LP could collect in a pocket 4. Grasp the tank support bar (1). Pull and release
causing a potentially dangerous condition. the latch switch (2).
Examine all LP containers before filling and 5. Grasp the tank support bar (1) and rotate cradle
again before reuse, for damage to various valves, slowly to the rear of a tank.
liquid gauge, fittings and hand valve wheels.

All defective or damaged LP containers must be

removed from service. Explosive fumes may be
present during refueling.

Do not smoke in refueling areas.

Lift truck should be refueled only at designated

safe locations. Safe outdoor locations are
preferable to indoor locations.

Stop the engine and get off the lift truck during
refueling. The careless handling of LP
containers can result in a serious accident. 6. Pull the release knob (1) and then push down
the tank.
Use extreme care when transporting containers
to prevent damage to them.

1. Park the lift truck on level ground, with the

parking brake applied, the transmission in
NEUTRAL, the forks lowered and the engine
running at low idle.

7. Lock the tank cradle by knob (1). Loosen the

retaining clamps (2) and remove the tank.

8. Check the mounting to be sure the locating pin

(dowel) is not missing or broken.

2. Close the fuel inlet valve at the LP - Gas tank.
If the location pin (dowel) is missing or broken, be
Run the engine until it stops, then turn off the
sure the pin is replaced.
ignition switch and the electrical disconnect
switch (if equipped).

3. Disconnect the fuel supply line.

Operation Section

The LP tank must not extend past the

9. Check to be sure that the LP warning plate is in

position on the lift truck, and is legible.

10. Check to be sure the replacement tank is of the

correct type.

11. Inspect the replacement tank for damage such

as dents, scrapes or gouges and for indication of 15. Grasp a new tank and clamp securely. Pull the
leakage at valves or threaded connections. release knob (1) and push the tank cradle
upward when locked.

16. Rotate the tank cradle forward of the truck and

lock it with latch. Connect the fuel supply line.

17. Open the fuel valve by slowly turning the valve

counterclockwise. If the fuel valve is opened too
quickly, a back pressure check valve will shut off
the fuel supply. If this happens, close the fuel
valve completely. Wait five seconds and then
open the fuel valve very slowly.

18. Inspect the LP fuel lines and fittings with a soap

solution after filling the tank or when looking for
12. Check for debris in the relief valve, for damage leaks.
to various valves and liquid level gauge.

13. Inspect the quick-disconnect couplings for

deterioration, damage or missing flexible seals.

14. Position the replacement tank so that the

locating pin (dowel) is in place.

Operation Section

DEF/Ad-Blue Replenishment
(81kW Diesel Engine Only)

Do not allow the lift truck to become low on
DEF(Ad-Blue) or completely run out of /DEF
(Ad-Blue). Sediment or other impurities in the
DEF(Ad-Blue) Tank could be drawn into the after
treatment. This could result in damage to
Do not fill the DEF(Ad-Blue) tank to the top.
DEF(Ad-Blue) Tank could be damaged because of
volume expansion during DEF(Ad-blue) freezing in
cold condition.
Typical Example

3. Fill the DEF/Ad-Blue tank slowly. Refer to the

section on ‘Fuel and DEF/Ad-Blue Refill Volume.”

4. After the refill, close the DEF/Ad-Blue tank cap

firmly. Remove spilt DEF/Ad-Blue, if any, with an

Typical Example SYSTEM.

1. Park the lift truck only at a designated safe

location. Place the transmission in Neutral.
Lower the forks on the ground. Apply the parking
brake. Stop the engine.

2. Using the start key, open the DEF/Ad-Blue tank

door beside the frame. Open the blue
DEF/Ad-Blue tank filler cap.

Operation Section

Before Starting the Engine

Walk-Around Inspection 7. Inspect the overhead guard and cabin for
damage and loose or missing mounting bolts.
Make a thorough walk-around inspection before 8. Inspect the hydraulic system for leaks, worn
mounting the lift truck or starting the engine. Look hoses or damaged lines.
for such items as loose bolts, debris buildup, oil or 9. Look for transmission and drive axle leaks on
coolant leaks. Check condition of tyres, mast, the lift truck and on the ground.
carriage, forks or attachments. Have repairs made 10. Inspect the common parts and drive axle, mast
as needed and all debris removed. etc. for damaged, loosen or missing mounting
11. Inspect the engine compartment for oil, coolant
and fuel leaks.

Typical Example

1. Inspect the operator's compartment for loose

items and cleanliness.
Typical Example Diesel Engine (G2 D34)
2. Inspect the instrument panel for broken or
damaged indicator lights or gauges.

3. Test the horn and other safety devices for

proper operation.

Typical Example LPG Engine (PSI4.3L)

Typical Example

4. Inspect the mast and lift chains for wear, broken

links, pins and loose rollers.

5. Inspect the carriage, forks or attachments for

wear, damage and loose or missing bolts.

6. Inspect the tyres and wheels for cuts, gouges,

foreign objects, inflation pressure and loose or
missing bolts.

Operation Section

Typical Example Diesel Engine

Typical Example

14. Observe the fuel level gauge after starting the

truck. Add fuel if necessary

Personal injury may occur from accidents
caused by improper seat adjustment.
Always adjust the operator's seat before starting
the lift truck engine.

Seat adjustment must be done at the beginning

of each shift and when operators change.

Typical Example LP Engine

12. Measure the engine crankcase oil level with the

dip stick. Maintain the oil level between the MAX.
and MIN., (or FULL and ADD) notches on the
dip stick.

Typical Example

15. To position the seat, PUSH the lever away from

the seat track and move the seat forward or
backward to a comfortable position.
Typical Example Coolant Water Reservoir Tank

13. Observe the engine coolant level in the coolant 16. Inspect seat belt for wear and correct operation.
recovery bottle. With the engine cold, maintain
the level to the COLD mark. If the recovery
bottle is empty, also fill the radiator at the top

Operation Section

Starting the Engine

Prestart Conditions Diesel Engine
NOTE: The engine will not start unless the Starting Diesel Engine at Cold
transmission directional control lever is in
the NEUTRAL position. 1. Turn the ignition key to the ON position. The
start preheat light will come ON. The preheat
light will stay ON maximum 20 seconds,
depending on the ambient temperature.
Mechanical Parking Brake (If Installed)
Do not crank more than 10 seconds continuously.

If engine coolant is cold, engine low idle speed could

be higher than normal condition. (Electronic Engine)

2. After the preheat light goes OFF, turn the

ignition key to the START position, with the
accelerator pedal pressed.
3. Release the ignition key after engine starting
and check the engine condition.
4. If the engine stalls or does not start, turn the
ignition key to the OFF position, then repeat
steps 1 thru 3.
Typical Example
Starting Diesel Engine at Warm
(Mechanical engine)
Electronic Parking Brake (If Installed)
1. Turn the ignition key to the ON position and then
to START position, without waiting for the
preheat light to go OFF. At the same time fully
depress the accelerator.
2. Release the ignition key when the engine starts
and release the accelerator pedal to a low idle
Release the ignition key after engine starting
and check the engine conditions.

Typical Example

1. Engage the parking brake, if not already


2. Place the transmission directional control lever

in NEUTRAL position.

When you restart the engine after turning off it, wait
4 to 5 seconds and restart it to protect the starter.

Operation Section

LP Engine Starting From a 12/24 Volt External

LP fuel is flammable and can cause personal WARNING
injury. Inspect LP fuel lines and fitting for leaks.
Sparks occurring near the battery could cause
Inspect tank for secure mounting. vapors to explode.
Always connect the external power source
ground cable to a point away from and below the
battery, and well clear of fuel system

1. Open the tank fuel valve by slowly turning the

valve counterclockwise. Observe the LP gauge
(if equipped).
2. Turn the ignition switch to the START position.
Release it when the engine starts.
3. If the engine does not start, Do not press on the
accelerator pedal. Turn the starter switch to OFF Typical Example Diesel Engine Truck
position, the repeat step 2 and depress the
accelerator pedal slightly during cranking.
4. Allow the engine to warm up slowly.

Typical Example LP Engine Truck

Do not reverse battery cables. It can cause damage
to the alternator.
Always connect the external power source cables in
parallel with the lift truck battery cables:
Attach ground cable last, remove first.
All lift trucks equipped with CROWN built internal
combustion engines are NEGATIVE(-) ground.

Operation Section

Starting with Jumper Cables Use of Jumper Cables

When auxiliary start receptacles are not available,
WARNING use the following procedure.
Batteries give off flammable fumes that can
1. Make initial determination as to failure of lift
truck to crank. Procedure applies even if lift truck
Prevent sparks near the batteries. They could does not have diagnostic connector.
cause vapors to explode. Do not allow jump
cable ends to contact each other or the lift truck. 2. Place the directional control in NEUTRAL on the
Do not smoke when checking battery electrolyte stalled lift truck. Engage the parking/secondary
levels. brake. Lower all attachments to the ground.
Move all controls to HOLD (CENTRE).
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal
injury if it contacts skin or eyes. 3. On stalled lift truck, turn the start switch to OFF.
Turn off all accessories.
Always wear eye protection when starting a lift
truck with jump cables. 4. On stalled lift truck, turn on (close) the
disconnect switch (if equipped).
Improper jump procedures can cause an
explosion resulting in personal injury.
5. Move boost start lift truck near enough to stalled
Always connect battery positive (+) to battery lift truck for cables to reach, but DO NOT
positive (+) and battery negative (-) to be battery ALLOW LIFT TRUCKS TO TOUCH.
negative (-).
6. Stop the engine on the boost lift truck. Or, if
Jump only with a battery source and with the using an auxiliary power source, turn off the
same voltage as the stalled lift truck. charging system.

Turn off all lights and accessories on the stalled 7. Make sure battery caps are all in place and tight
lift truck. Otherwise, they will operate when the on both lift trucks.
jump source is connected.

When starting from another machine, make sure the
machines Do not touch. This could prevent damage
to engine bearings and electrical circuits.
Turn on (close) the disconnect switch prior to the
boost connection to prevent damage to electrical
components on the stalled machine.
Severely discharged maintenance free batteries
might not fully recharge by the alternator alone after
jump starting. Typical Example of 24 Voltage
The batteries must be charged to the proper voltage
8. Connect positive (+) jumper cable (red) to
by the battery charger.
positive (+) cable terminal of discharged battery,
Many batteries thought to be unusable, are still
or battery set on the stalled lift truck. Do not
rechargeable. allow positive cable clamps to touch any metal
This machine has a 24 volt starting system. Use other than battery terminals.
only equal voltage for jump starting. Use of a welder
or higher voltage equipment will damage the
9. Connect the other end of this positive jumper
electrical system.
cable (red) to positive (+) terminal of boost
battery. Use procedure of Step 8 to determine
correct terminal.

Operation Section

10. Connect one end of the negative (-) jumper

cable to the other terminal (negative) of the
boost battery.

11. Make final connection of negative (-) cable to the

stalled truck frame (not battery negative post)
away from battery, fuel or hydraulic lines, or
moving parts.

12. Start the engine on the boost lift truck, or

energize the charging system on the auxiliary
power source.

13. Wait a minimum of two minutes for the batteries

in the stalled lift truck to partially charge.

14. Attempt to start the stalled engine. Refer to

section on ‘ Engine Starting’ .

15. Immediately after starting the stalled engine,

disconnect the jumper cables in reverse order.

16. Conclude failure analysis on starting/charging

system of the stalled lift truck as required with
the engine running and charging system in

Operation Section

NOTE: At an oil temperature in the shifting circuit

After Starting the Engine lower than -12°C, the transmission must be
Observe all indicator lights and gauges frequently warmed-up for some minutes. This must be
during operation, to make sure all systems are carried out in Neutral with an increased
working properly. engine speed (about 1500 rpm). Until this
oil temperature is reached, the Electronics
remains in Neutral, and the symbol of the
WARNING cold start phase will be indicated on the
Transmission Display.
If any light comes on, have corrections made
before operating truck.
Indication on the SCR Display to be located on cowl

After the indication on the Transmission Display is

extinguished, the full driving program can be utilized
out of "NEUTRAL".

4. The engine oil pressure indicator light (1), will not

come ON with the engine running, unless there
is low or no oil pressure. Stop the engine
immediately, if the light comes ON.
Typical Example

1. Alternator indicator light will be OUT in normal The LP engine MIL (Malfunction indicator Light) will
operation. If the light comes ON with the engine not come ON with engine running, unless the fault or
running, the alternator is not charging. faults are stored in the memory of the engine control
module (ECM). Stop the engine and check the
electric engine control system if the light comes ON.
Refer PSI4.3L LP Engine of this section.

If MIL does not disappear, please contact service



Typical Example

2. Observe fuel gauge and service hour meter

frequently to assure they are operating properly.

3. Observe the brake air pressure gauge and

indicator light frequently (if equipped) while (1) Engine oil pressure indicator light
engine is running. Air pressure indicator must be (2) Engine malfunction indicator light
in the green range. If light comes on, it indicates
loss of air pressure.

NOTE: Do not idle engines for prolonged periods of

time. These engines can be started easily,
even when hot.

Operation Section

Diesel Engine
Engine and After-treatment System
The D34 engine which is a high-power engine in compliance with the EPA/CARB TIER-4 (EURO STAGE Ⅳ)
Engine Emissions Standard is provided with various systems. The D34 engine is equipped with a turbo
charger intercooler system that compresses and cools air and feeds it to the intake manifold. Here, MAF
sensor and temperature/pressure sensors detect the air condition and transmit the data to the ECU which
controls fuel injection rate according to the engine load, speed and air quantity. Fuel is supplied to a high
pressure pump through a fuel filter. The fuel compressed in the high pressure pump is transferred to common
rail and injected by injectors in the order in which the fluids are controlled. Surplus fuel after injection returns to
the fuel tank via a return hose. The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system controls the quantity of
re-circulating air according to the engine speed and load in order to comply with applicable exhaust gas
emission standards.
The DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalyst) uses a chemical process to reduce hydrocarbons(HC) and carbon
monoxide(CO). SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) as after-treatment is the process by which the oxides of
nitrogen (NOx) contained in diesel exhaust are reduced to nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O). For SCR process,
DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid or Ad-Blue) is required.
The figure below shows the positions of the electronic control system and sensors.

It is normal to hear a slight knocking or pinging sound from the engine during
operation. This is the ECU regulating the amount of fuel necessary for fuel injection to meet
emission standards.

When the engine is regularly turned off using the ignition key after operation, the supply module starts
up (after-run) in order to remove the DEF/Ad-Blue remaining in the after-treatment system by returning
it into the DEF tank. This is to prevent the hose from bursting due to a freeze-up or any other kind of
obstruction. A sound is produced during the after-run.
. Do not cut off the battery’s main supply during the after-run.
. If the after-run does not begin after the engine is turned off, inspect the system.

White Smoke can be emitted during SCR Cleaning.

Operation Section

Detecting Control Failure

As shown in the table below, the ECU / DCU performs self diagnosis. If a fault/failure is detected, engine
check lamp lights up and failure code (DTC) is indicated by the number of flashes of the engine check lamp.
To check failure code(DTC) refer page.48 #6 Engine Check Lamp(RED) section.

ECU Fault List

DTC Description LAMP TRQ STOP in
P0402 EGR Air High Fault ON 50%
P0401 EGR Air Low Fault ON 50%
P0406 EGR Position Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0407 EGR Position Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P046D EGR Position Sensor Noise Fault ON 50%
P0C17 EGR Close Position Learning Drift Fault ON 50%
P0C18 EGR Close Position Learning Range Fault ON 50%
P0088 Over Pressure IMV Fault FLASH O
P0089 Rail Pressure Control Stability Positive Fault - -
P0089 Rail Pressure Control Stability Negative Fault - -
P2267 Water In Fuel Sensor OC/SCB Fault FLASH 80%
P2266 Water In Fuel Sensor SCG Fault FLASH 80%
P2269 Water In Fuel Detected Fault FLASH 80%
P0524 Oil Pressure Low Fault FLASH O
P0523 Oil Pressure Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0522 Oil Pressure Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P0111 Intake Manifold Temperature Plausibility Fault - -
P0113 Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0112 Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P0114 Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor Noise Fault ON 50%
P0108 Manifold Pressure Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0107 Manifold Pressure Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P2229 Atmospheric Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P2228 Atmospheric Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P0116 Coolant Temperature Plausibility Fault - -
P0118 Coolant Temperature Sensor High Fault ON 80%
P0117 Coolant Temperature Sensor Low Fault ON 80%
P00BD MAF Plausibility High Fault ON 50%
P00BC MAF Plausibility Low Fault ON 50%
P0103 MAF sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0102 MAF sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P0190 Rail Pressure Sensor Gradient Fault FLASH O

Operation Section

DTC Description LAMP TRQ STOP in
P0193 Rail Pressure Sensor High Fault FLASH O
P0192 Rail Pressure Sensor Low Fault FLASH O
P0087 Rail Pressure Build-up Fault ON
P0191 Rail Pressure Sensor Drift Fault FLASH O
P0002 Rail Pressure Control Fault (IMV only) FLASH O
P0089 Rail Pressure Control Fault (Rail Discharge) FLASH O
P0563 Battery Voltage High Fault ON 50%
P0562 Battery voltage Low Fault ON 50%
P0074 Inlet Air Temperature Gradient Fault ON 50%
P0073 Inlet Air Temperature Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0072 Inlet Air Temperature Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P2428 Exhaust Over Temperature Fault ON 50%
P0181 Fuel Temperature Gradient Fault ON 50%
P0183 Fuel Temperature Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0182 Fuel Temperature Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P0196 Oil Temperature Plausibility Fault - -
P0195 Oil temperature Sensor Fault ON 50%
P060B Analog To Digital Convertor Fault - -
P0602 Injector Code Program Fault ON O
P0603 ECU Memory Fault (Data / Cal Integrity) FLASH -
P0604 ECU Memory Fault (RAM Integrity) FLASH -
P0605 ECU Memory Fault (Code Integrity) FLASH -
P062F ECU Non-volatile Memory Fault - -
P0371 Crank Signal Early Fault - -
P0339 Crank Signal Gap Fault ON 50%
P0372 Crank Signal Missing Fault ON 50%
P0374 Crank Signal Lost Fault ON 50%
P0335 Crank Signal Over-speed Fault - -
P0344 Cam Signal Missing Fault ON 50%
P0342 Cam Signal Lost Fault ON 50%
P0341 Cam Signal Drift Fault - -
P0340 Cam Signal Learning Fault - -
P0201 Injector Open Fault (Cylinder #1) ON 50%
P02EE Injector Short Fault (Cylinder #1) ON 50%
P0262 Harness Resistance High Fault (Cylinder #1) - -
P0261 Harness Resistance Low Fault (Cylinder #1) - -
P029B Injector Minimum Drive Pulse Drift Fault (Cylinder ON -

Operation Section

DTC Description LAMP TRQ STOP in
P0202 Injector Open Fault (Cylinder #2) ON 50%
P02EF Injector Short Fault (Cylinder #2) ON 50%
P0265 Harness Resistance High Fault (Cylinder #2) - -
P0264 Harness Resistance Low Fault (Cylinder #2) - -
Injector Minimum Drive Pulse Drift Fault (Cylinder
P029F ON -
P0203 Injector Open Fault (Cylinder #3) ON 50%
P02F0 Injector Short Fault (Cylinder #3) ON 50%
P0268 Harness Resistance High Fault (Cylinder #3) - -
P0267 Harness Resistance Low Fault (Cylinder #3) - -
Injector Minimum Drive Pulse Drift Fault (Cylinder
P02A3 ON -
P0204 Injector Open Fault (Cylinder #4) ON 50%
P02F1 Injector Short Fault (Cylinder #4) ON 50%
P0271 Harness Resistance High Fault (Cylinder #4) - -
P0270 Harness Resistance Low Fault (Cylinder #4) - -
Injector Minimum Drive Pulse Drift Fault (Cylinder
P02A7 ON -
P0384 Glow Plug Relay SCB Fault - -
P0383 Glow Plug Relay SCG Fault - -
P0380 Glow Plug Relay OC Fault - -
P0325 Accelerometer Sensor 0 Fault - -
P0330 Accelerometer Sensor 1 Fault - -
P0007 Rail Pressure Control Fault (Trim High) FLASH O
P0006 Rail Pressure Control Fault (Trim Low) FLASH O
P0004 IMV Current Feedback High Fault FLASH O
P0003 IMV Current Feedback Low Fault ON 50%
P0259 IMV Current Trim Drift High Fault (High Fuelling) - -
P0254 IMV Current Trim Drift High Fault (Low Fuelling) - - O
P0253 IMV Current Trim Drift Low Fault (High Fuelling) - -
P0258 IMV Current Trim Drift Low Fault (Low Fuelling) - -
P0252 IMV Rail Pressure Control PWM Fault ON 50%
P0251 IMV Rail Pressure Control Fault (Trim Drift) ON 50%
P2080 Turbo In Temperature Plausibility Fault - -
P0546 Turbo In Temperature Sensor High Fault ON 50%
P0545 Turbo In Temperature Sensor Low Fault ON 50%
P2081 Turbo In Temperature Sensor Noise Fault ON 50%

Operation Section

DTC Description LAMP TRQ STOP in
P0685 Main Relay Stuck Fault - -
P068A Main Relay Drop Fault ON -
P062D Injector Bank 1 SCB Fault FLASH -
P062D Injector Bank 1 SCG Fault FLASH -
P062D Injector Bank 1 SPI Fault FLASH -
P062E Injector Bank 2 SCB Fault FLASH -
P062E Injector Bank 2 SCG Fault FLASH -
P062E Injector Bank 2 SPI Fault FLASH -
P2145 EGR H-Bridge Driver SCB Fault ON 50%
P2144 EGR H-Bridge Driver SCG Fault ON 50%
P2143 EGR H-Bridge Driver OC Fault ON 50%
P0404 EGR Position Control Fault ON 50%
P0641 5V Sensor Supply #1 Fault FLASH 50%
P0651 5V Sensor Supply #2 Fault FLASH 50%
P0697 5V Auxiliary Sensor Supply Fault FLASH 50%
P025D IMV Drive SCB Fault FLASH O
P025C IMV Drive SCG Fault FLASH 80%
P025A IMV Drive OC Fault FLASH O
P061B ECU Safety Monitoring Fault FLASH
P0409 EGR actuator position feedback signal ADC fault - -
P2264 Water in Fuel sensor electrical fault (ADC) - -
P0110 TMAP Temperature Element sensor ADC fault - -
P0105 Manifold Pressure sensor electrical ADC fault - -
P2226 Barometric pressure sensor electrical ADC fault - -
P0100 MAF sensor electrical ADC fault - -
P0070 Inlet Air Temperature sensor ADC fault - -
P0001 Rail pressure control feedback ADC fault - -
P0544 Turbo in temperature sensor ADC fault - -
Intake air path leakage, MAF sensor drift, damage of
P0101 - -
MAF sensor
P1650 Check engine lamp fault - -
P0115 Coolant temperature sensor mother fault - -
OC/SC2G/SC2Vbatt was generated in EGR
P0403 - -
H-bridge driver
P0381 Glow plug lamp fault - -
P0711 Transmission oil temperature is out of range ON 50%
P2135 Pedal position sensor 1,2 voltage correlation ON O

Operation Section

DTC Description LAMP TRQ STOP in
P060D Pedal position performance out of range ON O
P0120 Pedal position sensor 1 fault ON - O
P0220 Pedal position sensor 2 fault ON -
P2544 Multi torque switch has ADC problem - -
P2547 Multi torque switch is above than operation range ON -
P2546 Multi torque switch is under than operation range ON -
P0606 ECU Safety monitoring fault - -
P0607 ECU Safety monitoring fault - -
P060A ECU Safety monitoring fault - -
P060C ECU Safety monitoring fault - -
P25BC DeSOx Switch SCB Fault ON -
P25BB DeSOx Switch SCG Fault ON -
P25BA DeSOx Switch Open/Stuck Fault ON -
P0180 Fuel Temperature Sensor ADC Fault - -
P01C3 Fuel filter pressure sensor or joint FLASH 80%
Fuel filter pressure sensor value low: Fuel supply
P01C4 FLASH 80%
system needs to be checked.
P0217 Coolant high temperature fault ON 80%
P0241 Boost error too low fault ON 50%
P0242 Boost error too high fault ON 50%
P025B IMV Drive SC Fault - -
P0400 EGR Air Plausibility fault
P0421 DOC Exothermal Efficiency Fault - -
P16XX ECU Safety Monitoring Fault ON -
P2120 Hand Pedal Position Sensor 1 Fault ON
P2121 Hand Pedal Performance Fault ON 50%
P2125 Hand Pedal Position Sensor 2 Fault ON
P2138 Hand Pedal Position Sensor Correlation Fault ON 50%
P242B SCR in temperature sensor plausibility fault FLASH 80%
P2463 Service DeSOx Needed Fault ON 50%
P2BB1 SCR Inducement Fault - EGR block - -
P2BB2 SCR Inducement Fault - Dosing fault - -
P2BB4 SCR Inducement Fault - UREA(DEF) quality fault - -
P2BB5 SCR Inducement Fault - Tampering - -
P2BB6 SCR Inducement Fault - Repeat offense - -
P2BC1 SCR Inducement Fault - UREA(DEF) tank warning - -
P2BC2 SCR Inducement Fault - UREA(DEF) tank level very - -

Operation Section

DTC Description LAMP TRQ STOP in
low (warning escalation)
P2BC3 SCR Inducement Fault - -
SCR Inducement Fault - UREA(DEF) tank level
P2BC4 - -
P2BD0 SCR Inducement Fault FLASH 80%
U0140 J1939 CAN Pedal Fault FLASH -
U0140 Timeout of CM1 (Service DeSOx Switch) FLASH -

Operation Section

DCU Fault List

An inducement is set to limit engine power and speed when the SCR system fails to regularly reduce nitrogen
oxides. This is for the operator to stop work and take a measure.

DTC Description Inducement

P2530 Key Position Error -
P0071 Environment Temperature Too High Interruption of Dosing
P0071 Environment Temperature Too Low Interruption of Dosing
P0073 Environment Temperature Sensor High -
P0072 Environment Temperature Sensor Low -
P1563 Battery Voltage High -
P1562 Battery Voltage Low -
P1561 DEF tank: poor DEF quality When DEF quality is poor
P1566 Battery voltage abnormal
U1544 SAE J1939 Error (Reference Torque, ECU) -
U1401 UDS CAN ID Error -
U110E CAN A Bus-off -
P203B DEF Level Too High -
P203B DEF Level Too Low -
P203F DEF Level is Warning DEF
P203F DEF Level is Empty DEF
P203A DEF Level Signal Error -
P203E DEF Fill Level High -
P203E DEF Fill Level Low -
P205B DEF Temperature Too High -
P205B DEF Temperature Too Low -
P205B DEF Temperature Plausibility High -
P205B DEF Temperature Plausibility Low -
P205E DEF Overheating -
P205A DEF Temperature Sensor Error -
P205A DEF Temperature Signal Error -
P2202 Inlet Nox Sensor Short Circuit Tampering
P2203 Inlet Nox Sensor Open Tampering
U1216 Inlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Concentration) -
P23C1 Inlet Nox O2 Plausibility (Full-Load) -
P23A3 Inlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Binary Lambda Max) -
P23A5 Inlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Binary Lambda Min) -
U1217 SAE J1939 Error (inlet Nox Sensor) -
P23C3 O2 Plausibility in overrun (Sensor 1) -
P23C5 O2 Plausibility in part load (Sensor 1) -

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P23F0 Inlet Nox Delay (O2 Signal High) -
U1223 Inlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Power Signal) -
P23E1 Inlet Nox Delay (O2 Signal Low) -
U1219 Inlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Temperature) -
P23EE Inlet NOx sensor Wire monitoring -
P23EF Outlet NOx sensor Wire monitoring -
P23D1 Inlet Nox Dynamic Error (O2 Signal High) -
P23D2 Outlet Nox Dynamic Error (O2 Signal High) -
P23D3 Inlet Nox Dynamic Error (O2 Signal Low) -
P23D4 Outlet Nox Dynamic Error (O2 Signal Low) -
P23A7 Inlet NOx sensor SAE J1939 Error (Linear lambda Max) -
P23A9 Inlet NOx sensor SAE J1939 Error (Linear lambda Min) -
P23A1 Inlet NOx sensor signal readiness Error Tampering
P2391 Inlet NOx Sensor offset max error -
P2393 Inlet NOx Sensor offset min error -
P2395 Inlet NOx Sensor SRC Max -
P2397 Inlet NOx Sensor SRC Min -
U1224 Inlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Nox Signal) -
P239E Nox Undershoot Error (Sensor 1) -
U1234 SAE J1939 Error (inlet Nox Sensor Signal) -
P2215 Outlet Nox Sensor Short Circuit Tampering
P2216 Outlet Nox Sensor Open Tampering
U1226 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Concentration) -
P23C2 Outlet Nox O2 Plausibility (Full-Load) -
P23A4 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Binary Lambda Max) -
P23A6 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Binary Lambda Min) -
U1227 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Oxidation Factor) -
P23C4 O2 Plausibility in overrun (Sensor 2) -
P23C6 O2 Plausibility in part load (Sensor 2) -
P23F1 Outlet Nox Delay (O2 Signal High) -
U1233 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Power Signal) -
P23E2 Outlet Nox Delay (O2 Signal Low) -
U1229 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Temperature) -
P23A8 Outlet NOx sensor SAE J1939 Error (Linear lambda Max) -
P23AA Outlet NOx sensor SAE J1939 Error (Linear lambda Min) -
P23A2 Outlet NOx sensor signal readiness Error Tampering
P2392 Outlet NOx Sensor offset max error -
P2394 Outlet NOx Sensor offset min error -

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P2396 Outlet NOx Sensor SRC Max -
P2398 Outlet NOx Sensor SRC Min -
U1225 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (Nox Signal) -
P239F Nox Undershoot Error (Sensor 2) -
U1235 Outlet NOx Sensor SAE J1939 Error (O2 Signal) -
P2047 Dosing Valve Short Circuit to Battery Tampering
P2048 Dosing Valve Short Circuit to Ground Tampering
P2049 Dosing Valve Short Circuit to Battery Tampering
P202E Dosing Valve Over Temperature Tampering
P2064 Dosing Valve Short Circuit to Ground -
P208E Dosing Valve is blocked -
P202C DEF Tank Heater SCB Interruption of Dosing
P202B DEF Tank Heater SCG Interruption of Dosing
P202A DEF Tank Heater Open Interruption of Dosing
P209F DEF Tank Heater Over-temperature Interruption of Dosing
P068A DCU Main Relay (Early opening) -
P2510 DCU Main Relay (Stuck) -
P0659 DCU Actuator Relay 0 SCB -
P0658 DCU Actuator Relay 0 SCG -
P2671 DCU Actuator Relay 1 SCB -
P2670 DCU Actuator Relay 1 SCG -
P2686 DCU Actuator Relay 2 SCB -
P2685 DCU Actuator Relay 2 SCG -
P26E9 DCU Actuator Relay 3 SCB -
P26E8 DCU Actuator Relay 3 SCG -
P206B DEF Quality Error DEF Quality
P206B DEF Quality Error DEF Quality
P206D DEF Quality Sensor Open Tampering
P206C DEF Quality Sensor SCG Tampering
P206A DEF Quality Sensor Fail Tampering
P206A DEF Quality Sensor Fail Tampering
P203D DEF Level Sensor Open Tampering
P203C DEF Level Sensor SCG Tampering
P203A DEF Level Signal Error -
P27B3 Outlet NOx Peak Plausibility Error -
P27B4 Outlet NOx Stuck Error -
P20E8 DEF Pump Pressure Too Low -
P204D DEF Pump Pressure Max Tampering

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P204C DEF Pump Pressure Min Tampering
P204F DEF Pump Pressure Signal Error -
P23BB DEF Pump Pressure Too High -
P23BA DEF Pump Pressure Too Low -
P204E Defective Pressure Reduction -
P204D DEF Pump Pressure Max Tampering
P204C DEF Pump Pressure Min Tampering
P204B Monitoring of Pressure Build-up Tampering
P204D DEF Pump Pressure Max Tampering
P27F0 Nox Controller Reset Error -
P20C8 DEF Line Heater SCB Interruption of Dosing
P20BD DEF Line Heater 3 SCG or Open Interruption of Dosing
P20C2 General Backflow Line Plausibility Error Interruption of Dosing
P20C1 DEF Line Heater 4 SCG or Open Interruption of Dosing
P20C5 DEF Line Heater 5 SCG or Open Interruption of Dosing
P21C4 DEF Heater Relay SCB Interruption of Dosing
P21C3 DEF Heater Relay SCG Interruption of Dosing
P21C2 DEF Heater Relay Open Interruption of Dosing
P21C2 DEF Heater Relay Open Interruption of Dosing
P20BE Pressure Line Heater Plausibility Error Interruption of Dosing
P20C0 Pressure Line Heater SCB Interruption of Dosing
P20BF Pressure Line Heater SCG Interruption of Dosing
P20BD DEF Line Heater 3 SCG or Open Interruption of Dosing
P20BE Pressure Line Heater Plausibility Error Interruption of Dosing
P20BE Pressure Line Heater Plausibility Error Interruption of Dosing
P20C2 General Backflow Line Plausibility Error Tampering
P20C4 Backflow Line Heater SCB Interruption of Dosing
P20C3 Backflow Line Heater SCG Interruption of Dosing
P20C1 DEF Line Heater 4 SCG or Open Interruption of Dosing
P20C2 General Backflow Line Plausibility Error Interruption of Dosing
P20C6 Suction Line Heater Plausibility Error Interruption of Dosing
P20C8 DEF Line Heater SCB Interruption of Dosing
P20C7 Suction Line Heater SCG Interruption of Dosing
P20C5 DEF Line Heater 5 SCG or Open Interruption of Dosing
P20C6 Suction Line Heater Plausibility Error Interruption of Dosing
P0426 SCR Inlet Temperature Error Interruption of Dosing
P0426 SCR Inlet Temperature Error Interruption of Dosing
P0428 SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal High Tampering

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P0427 SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal Low Tampering
P24F6 SCR Inlet Temperature Plausibility Max -
P24F5 SCR Inlet Temperature Plausibility Min -
P24F4 SCR Inlet Temperature Static Plausibility -
P0426 SCR Inlet Temperature Error Interruption of Dosing
P042B SCR Outlet Temperature Error Interruption of Dosing
P042B SCR Outlet Temperature Error Interruption of Dosing
P042D SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Signal High -
P042C SCR Outlet Temperature Sensor Signal Low -
P24FA SCR outlet Temperature Static Plausibility -
P042B SCR Outlet Temperature Error Interruption of Dosing
P27B6 Inlet Nox Plausibility Max -
P27B5 Inlet Nox Plausibility Min -
P27B1 Long-term Adaption Factor Max -
P27B0 Long-term Adaption Factor Min -
P27C0 Average Efficiency Error (SCR System) -
P27C1 Average Efficiency Error (SCR System) -
P27C2 Average Efficiency Error (SCR System) -
P27C3 Average Efficiency Error (SCR System) -
P115D DEF Temperature Sensor Open Tampering
P115C DEF Temperature Sensor SCG Tampering
P115A DEF Temperature Sensor Fail Tampering
P2A8D DEF Pump Motor Speed Duty High Tampering
P2A8C DEF Pump Motor Speed Duty Low Tampering
P208B DEF Pump Motor Over temperature -
P201F DEF Pump Motor Speed Deviation Error (permanent) Tampering
P208D DEF Pump Motor SCB Tampering
P208C DEF Pump Motor SCG Tampering
P208A DEF Pump Motor Open Tampering
P208B DEF Pump Motor Over temperature -
P2B8D DEF Pump Motor Internal Duty High Tampering
P2B8C DEF Pump Motor Internal Duty Low Tampering
P20FD DEF Backflow Pump SCB Tampering
P20FC DEF Backflow Pump SCG Tampering
P20FA DEF Backflow Pump Open Tampering
P20FB DEF Backflow Pump Over temperature Tampering
P2081 DOC Inlet Temperature Error -
P2081 DOC Inlet Temperature Error -

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P2080 DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal Error -
P2080 DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal Error -
U1024 CAN communications faulty: DOC Inlet NOx sensor -
U1025 CAN communications faulty: DOC Inlet NOx sensor -
U1026 CAN communications faulty: DOC Inlet NOx sensor -
U1027 CAN communications faulty: DOC Inlet NOx sensor -
U1028 CAN communications faulty: DOC Inlet NOx sensor -
U1029 CAN communications faulty: DOC Inlet NOx sensor -
U102A CAN communications faulty: DOC Inlet NOx sensor -
U102B CAN communications faulty: DOC Outlet NOx sensor -
U102C CAN communications faulty: DOC Outlet NOx sensor -
U102D CAN communications faulty: DOC Outlet NOx sensor -
U102E CAN communications faulty: DOC Outlet NOx sensor -
U102F CAN communications faulty: DOC Outlet NOx sensor -
U1030 CAN communications faulty: DOC Outlet NOx sensor -
U1031 CAN communications faulty: DOC Outlet NOx sensor -
P204B Monitoring of Pressure Build-up Tampering
P204A General Pressure Check Error Tampering
U140F DEF Pump Motor Communication Fail (Supply Module) Tampering
P23B2 Supply Module Heater Plausibility Error -
P25E1 Supply Module Heater Duty High Tampering
P25E0 Supply Module Heater Duty Low Tampering
P23B3 Supply Module Heater Temperature Plausibility Error -
P23B4 Supply Module Heater Temperature cold start Plausibility -
P20BC Supply Module Heater SCB Interruption of Dosing
P20BB Supply Module Heater SCG -
P20B9 Supply Module Heater Open Interruption of Dosing
P20BA Supply Module Heater Over temperature Interruption of Dosing
P25E3 Supply Module Temperature Duty High Tampering
P25E2 Supply Module Temperature Duty Low Tampering
P23B5 Supply Module Temperature Plausibility Error -
P23B6 Supply Module Temperature cold start Plausibility Error -
P06EB Outlet NOx Sensor Self-Diagnosis -
P06EB Outlet NOx Sensor Self-Diagnosis -
P06EB Outlet NOx Sensor Self-Diagnosis -
P06EA Inlet NOx Sensor Self-Diagnosis -
P06EA Inlet NOx Sensor Self-Diagnosis -

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P06EA Inlet NOx Sensor Self-Diagnosis -
U1904 Timeout of NOxSensGlbReqTx (NOX sensor) -
U1646 Timeout of DM1ECU BAM (ECU) -
U1660 Timeout of DM1ECU Packet (ECU) -
U1444 Timeout of EEC1 (ECU) -
U111A Timeout of AT1I1 (Inlet Nox sensor) -
U116D Timeout of AT1O1 (Outlet Nox sensor) -
U1300 Variant Dataset Error -
P062F EEPROM Code Word Error -
U116F Timeout of AT1OGC2 (Outlet Nox sensor) -
U116E Timeout of AT1OGC1 (Outlet Nox sensor) -
U111C Timeout of AT1IGC2 (Inlet Nox sensor) -
U111B Timeout of AT1IGC1 (Inlet Nox sensor) -
U1800 Timeout of A1DOC (DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor) -
U121A Timeout AT1T1I (DEF Tank) -
U1916 Timeout of EEC7 (ECU) -
U1923 Timeout of A1DEFI (DEF Tank) -
U1126 Timeout of DM1ECU (ECU) -
U1661 Timeout of DM1ECUSPN1 (ECU) -
U1147 Timeout of EEC3 (ECU) -
U1162 Timeout of ET1 -
U1169 Timeout of AMB -
U1170 Timeout of IC1 -
U1196 Timeout of PROSCR1 (ECU) -
U1200 Timeout of PROSCR3 (ECU) -
P23B0 Leakage Detection -
P23B1 Evaluate Filter Clog -
P2381 Inlet NOx Sensor Heater Readiness Error -
P2383 Inlet NOx Sensor Mounting Error -
P2385 Inlet NOx Sensor Signal Validity Error -
P237E Heater No Availability (Sensor 1) -
P2387 Inlet NOx Sensor Dynamic High Error -
P2388 Inlet NOx Sensor Dynamic Low Error -
P2382 Outlet NOx Sensor Heater Readiness Error -
P2384 Outlet NOx Sensor Mounting Error -
P2386 Outlet NOx Sensor Signal Validity Error -
P237F Heater No Availability (Sensor 2) -
P160C DCU Reset 0 -

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P160D DCU Reset 1 -
P160E DCU Reset 2 -
P160C DCU Reset 0 -
P160D DCU Reset 1 -
P160E DCU Reset 2 -
P160F Peripheral Monitoring Error -
P1602 Sensor Supply Error -
P1220 DEF Temperature Plausibility High
P1221 DEF Temperature Plausibility Low
P1223 DEF Temperature Too High
P1224 DEF Temperature Too Low
P1227 DEF Temperature Sensor Error
P1229 DEF Temperature Signal Error
P1230 DEF Level Signal Error
P1231 DEF Level Sensor Fail
P123A DEF Fill Level High
P123B DEF Fill Level Low
P123C DEF Level is Warning
P123D DEF Level is Empty
P1332 Dosing Valve Tip Temperature Error at Cold condition
P1337 Dosing Valve Tip Temperature Error
P1343 Dosing Valve Short Circuit to Battery
P1344 Dosing Valve Short Circuit Error
P1350 DOC Inlet Temperature Too High
P1351 DOC Inlet Temperature Too Low
P1353 DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal High
P1354 DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor Signal Low
P1360 SCR Inlet Temperature Too High
P1361 SCR Inlet Temperature Too Low
P1370 SCR Outlet Temperature Too High
P1371 SCR Outlet Temperature Too Low
P1443 DEF Pump Pressure Max
P1444 DEF Pump Pressure Min
P1450 Overpressure in Metering Control
P1451 Underpressure in Metering Control
P1452 Monitoring of Over Pressure
P1453 Pressure Stabilization Error
P1455 Monitoring of Pressure Build-up

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

P1511 DEF Quality Sensor Fail
P1531 DEF Quality Signal Error
P1560 DEF Quality Too High
P1630 DCU EEP Read Error
P1631 DCU EEP Write Error
P16C0 DCU Reset 0
P16C1 DCU Monitoring Error (query-/response-communication)
P16C2 DCU Reset 1
P16C3 DCU Monitoring Error (SPI communication)
P16C4 DCU Reset 2
P16C5 DCU Monitoring Error (ROM-test)
P1710 Environment Temperature Too High
P1711 Environment Temperature Too Low
P1880 DEF Line failure
P1882 Pressure Line Heater Plausibility Error
P1884 Pressure Line Heater Over-temperature
P1885 Pressure Line Heater Open Load
P1892 Backflow Line Heater SCB
P1893 General Backflow Line Plausibility Error
P1894 Backflow Line Heater Over-temperature
P1895 Backflow Line Heater Open Load
P18A2 Suction Line Heater Plausibility Error
P18A3 Suction Line Heater SCB
P18A4 Suction Line Heater Over-temperature
P18A5 Suction Line Heater Open Load
P18B0 DEF Line Heater SCB
P18B2 DEF Heater Relay Over-temperature
P18B5 DEF Heater Relay Open Load
P1A32 Self-Diagnosis in Nox Sensor 2 (Outlet Nox sensor)
P1A37 Self-Diagnosis abort in Nox Sensor 2 (Outlet Nox sensor)
P1A39 Nox Sensor 2 timeout to self-Diagnosis ((Outlet Nox
P1A42 Self-Diagnosis in Nox Sensor 1 (Inlet Nox Sensor)
P1A47 Self-Diagnosis abort in Nox Sensor 1 (Inlet Nox Sensor)
P1A49 Nox Sensor 1 timeout to self-Diagnosis (Inlet Nox Sensor)
P20EE SCR Efficiency Monitoring (Nox Sensor)
P20FF Dosing Valve Tip Temperature Error *TRQ3
U0024 SAE J1939 Error (Inlet Nox sensor)

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

U0025 SAE J1939 Error (Inlet Nox sensor)
U0026 SAE J1939 Error (Inlet Nox sensor)
U0027 SAE J1939 Error (Inlet Nox sensor)
U0028 SAE J1939 Error (Inlet Nox sensor)
U0029 SAE J1939 Error (Inlet Nox sensor)
U002A SAE J1939 Error (Inlet Nox sensor)
U002B SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U002C SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U002D SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U002E SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U002F SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0030 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0031 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U010E CAN A Bus-off
U011A Timeout of AT1I1 (Inlet Nox sensor)
U011B Timeout of AT1IGC1 (Inlet Nox sensor)
U011C Timeout of AT1IGC2 (Inlet Nox sensor)
U0147 Timeout of EEC3 (ECU)
U0162 Timeout of ET1
U0169 Timeout of AMB
U016D Timeout of AT1O1 (Outlet Nox sensor)
U016E Timeout of AT1OGC1 (Outlet Nox sensor)
U016F Timeout of AT1OGC2 (Outlet Nox sensor)
U0170 Timeout of IC1
U0196 Timeout of PROSCR1 (ECU)
U0200 Timeout of PROSCR3 (ECU)
U0216 SAE J1939 Error (inlet Nox sensor)
U0219 SAE J1939 Error (inlet Nox sensor)
U021A Timeout AT1T1I (DEF Tank)
U0223 SAE J1939 Error (inlet Nox sensor)
U0224 SAE J1939 Error (inlet Nox sensor)
U0225 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0226 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0227 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0229 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0233 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0235 SAE J1939 Error (outlet Nox sensor)
U0300 Variant Dataset Error

Operation Section

DTC Description Inducement

U0401 UDS CAN ID Error
U040F DEF Pump Motor Communication Fail (Supply Module) Tampering
U0444 Timeout of EEC1 (ECU)
U0646 Timeout of DM1ECU BAM (ECU)
U0660 Timeout of DM1ECU Packet (ECU)
U0661 Timeout of DM1ECUSPN1 (ECU)
U0800 Timeout of A1DOC (DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor)
U0904 Timeout of NOxSensGlbReqTx (NOX sensor)
U0916 Timeout of EEC7 (ECU)
U0923 Timeout of A1DEFI (DEF Tank)

Operation Section

Information - correlation between Symbol and message (Display)

As shown in the table below, for your information, we provide correlation between Engine fault warning
strategy and LCD display.

Warning Strategy LCD Display

Engine Torque
Buzzer RPM Limit Method Message on the Display
Check Lamp Reduction

Normal Off Off 0% NA NA NA

Level1 On On Reduced Reduced Continuous
Engine Power Reduced!
Level2 Blinking On Limp home Limp home Continuous AGENT
Engine is in Limp home
Level3 Blinking On Engine Stop Engine Stop Continuous
Engine Stop after 5min

Operation Section

DEF/Ad-Blue Level inducement for USA / Europe

There are several DEF/Ad-Blue level points at which the DEF level indicator lamp changes and the display
shows a message to warn the shortage of DEF/Ad-Blue. The lower the point, the more the system limits the
engine power and speed in order to prevent nitrogen oxide emissions from exceeding the acceptable level
due to a lack of DEF/Ad-Blue. As shown in the table below, for your information, we provide correlation of
DEF/Ad-Blue level inducement strategy and LCD display.

DEF/Ad-Blue Level Inducement for USA

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque RPM
Condition Repeat Check Buzzer
Indicator Indicator Reduction Limit
Inducement DEF Offence Lamp
Stage volume (within
[%] 40hrs)

Normal 25 ~ 100 NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

Level1 10 ~ 25 NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

At starting
Level2 5~10 NA Off Off & Every 25% NA

Level3 2.5~5 NA Red ON Off Off 50% (about

Fix at Low
Level4 0~2.5% NA Red Blink Off Off Every 5min 0%
Idle RPM

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Inducement Condition
Stage DEF volume [%]
(within 40hrs)

Normal 25 ~ 100 NA NA NA


Level1 10 ~ 25 NA
At starting & Every 20min Engine Power Will Be Reduced


For 1min
Level2 5~10 NA NOW
At starting & Every 20min
Engine Power Reduced By 25%


For 1min
Level3 2.5~5 NA NOW
Every 10min
Engine Power Reduced By 50%

Level4 0~2.5% NA Continuous Engine can run LOW IDLE

Operation Section

DEF/Ad-Blue Level Inducement for Europe

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque RPM
Condition Repeat Check Buzzer
Indicator Indicator Reduction Limit
Inducement DEF Offence Lamp
Stage volume (within
[%] 40hrs)

Normal 25 ~ 100 NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

Level1 10 ~ 25 NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

At starting
Level2 5~10 NA Off Off & Every 25% NA

Level3 0~5 NA Red Blink Off Off 50% (about

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Condition Repeat
DEF volume Offence
[%] (within 40hrs)

Normal 25 ~ 100 NA NA NA


Level1 10 ~ 25 NA
At starting & Every 20min Engine Power Will Be Reduced


For 1min
Level2 5~10 NA NOW
Every 10min
Engine Power Reduced By 25%


Level3 2.5~5 NA Continuous NOW
Engine Power Reduced By 50%

Operation Section

DEF/Ad-Blue Quality Failure for USA / Europe

If you use a poor quality DEF/Ad-Blue type, engine power will decrease in order to prevent the SCR system
from functional degradation and damage. Continued use of poor quality DEF/Ad-Blue may result in high
replacement cost due to damage caused to the SCR system. As shown in the table below, for your
information, we provide correlation of DEF/Ad-Blue quality inducement strategy and LCD display.

DEF/Ad-Blue Quality Failure for USA

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque
Repeat Check Buzzer RPM Limit
Indicator Indicator Reduction
Inducement Offence Lamp
Stage (within

Normal NA NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

Poor DEF
Level1 quality was NA Green ON On Off Off 0% NA

Immediat At starting &

Level2 0.5~2.5hrs Green ON On Off 25% NA
ely Every 20min

Level3 2.5~3.5hrs 9~25min Green ON Blinking On Every 10min 50% (about

over Fix at Low

Level4 over 3.5hrs Green ON Blinking Blinking Every 5min 0%
25min Idle RPM

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Condition Offence
(within 40hrs)

Normal 25 ~ 100 NA NA NA
Level1 10 ~ 25 NA
At starting & Every 20min Engine Power will be
Reduced in 30min
Level2 5~10 NA
At starting & Every 20min Engine Power Reduced By
Level3 2.5~5 NA
Every 10min Engine Power Reduced By
Level4 0~2.5% NA Continuous
Engine can run LOW IDLE

Operation Section

DEF/Ad-Blue Quality Failure for Europe

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque RPM
Repeat Check Buzzer
Indicator Indicator Reduction Limit
Inducement Offence Lamp
Stage (within

Normal NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

Poor DEF ≥ 90%

quality of
counter Green ON On Off Off 0% NA
detected value
for At starting
Level2 10~20hrs severe Green ON On On & Every 25% NA
induce 20min
(20hr) 60%
over Every
Level3 Green ON Blinking Blinking 50% (about
20hrs 10min

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Condition Offence
(within 40hrs)

Normal NA NA NA
Poor DEF quality For 1min CHANGE NOW
was detected ≥ 90% of At starting & Every 20min Engine Power will be
counter Reduced
value for DEF QUALITY POOR -
severe For 1min CHANGE NOW
Level2 10~20hrs
inducement At starting & Every 10min Engine Power Reduced By
(20hr) 25%
Level3 over 20hrs Continuous
Engine Power Reduced By

Operation Section

SCR system tampering for USA / Europe

There are several tampering level points at which the DEF indicator lamp lights up or blinks and the display
shows a message to warn that the DEF/Ad-Blue is not being consumed due to the malfunctioning of the SCR
system, the installation of another device to the system, or the handling of related parts. The lower the point,
the more the system limits the engine power and speed. As shown in the table below, for your information, we
provide correlation of SCR tampering inducement strategy and LCD display.

SCR system Tampering for USA

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque
Repeat Check Buzzer RPM Limit
Indicator Indicator Reduction
Inducement Offence Lamp
Stage (within

Normal NA NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

Level1 was NA Green ON On Off Off 0% NA
Immediat At starting &
Level2 0.5~2.5hrs Green ON On On 25% NA
ely Every 20min
Level3 2.5~3.5hrs 9~25min Green ON Blinking On Every 10min 50% (about

over Fix at Low

Level4 over 3.5hrs Green ON Blinking Blinking Every 5min 0%
25min Idle RPM

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Condition Offence
(within 40hrs)

Normal NA NA NA NA


Tampering was
Level1 NA At starting & Every 20min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power Reduced in 30min


Level2 0.5~2.5hrs Immediately At starting & Every 20min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 25%


Level3 2.5~3.5hrs 9~25min Every 10min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 50%


Level4 over 3.5hrs over 25min Continuous CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine can run LOW IDLE ONLY

Operation Section

SCR system Tampering for Europe

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque RPM
Repeat Check Buzzer
Indicator Indicator Reduction Limit
Inducement Offence Lamp
Stage (within

Normal NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

≥ 95%
Tampering of
Level1 was counter Green ON On Off Off 0% NA
detected value
for At starting
Level2 severe Green ON On On & Every 25% NA
induce 20min
(100hrs) 60%
over Every
Level3 Green ON Blinking Blinking 50% (about
100hrs 10min

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Condition Offence
(within 40hrs)

Normal NA NA NA


Tampering was
Level1 At starting & Every 20min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
detected ≥ 95% of
Engine Power will be Reduced
value for
Level2 36~100hrs Every 10min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 25%
Level3 over 100hrs Continuous CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 50%

Operation Section

Impeded EGR / Interruption of Dosing for Europe only

There are several interruption level points at which the DEF indicator and engine check lamps light up or blink
and the display shows a message to warn that the DEF/Ad-Blue is not being consumed due to a fault on the
engine EGR valve and SCR system. The lower the point, the more the system limits the engine power and
speed. As shown in the table below, for your information, we provide correlation of Impeded EGR /
Interruption of Dosing inducement strategy and LCD display.

Impeded EGR for Europe

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque RPM
Repeat Check Buzzer
Indicator Indicator Reduction Limit
Inducement Offence Lamp
Stage (within

Normal NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

≥ 95%
Impeded of
Level1 EGR counter Green ON On Off Off 0% NA
detected value
for At starting
Level2 severe Green ON On On & Every 25% NA
induce 20min
(100hrs) 60%
over Every
Level3 Green ON Blinking Blinking 50% (about
100hrs 10min

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Condition Offence
(within 40hrs)

Normal NA NA NA


Impeded EGR
Level1 At starting & Every 20min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
detected ≥ 95% of
Engine Power will be Reduced
value for
Level2 36~100hrs Every 10min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 25%
Level3 over 100hrs Continuous CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 50%

Operation Section

Interruption of Dosing for Europe

Inducement Strategy
DEF Level DEF Torque RPM
Repeat Check Buzzer
Indicator Indicator Reduction Limit
Inducement Offence Lamp
Stage (within

Normal NA Green ON Off Off Off 0% NA

≥ 90%
Dosing of
Level1 Interruptio counter Green ON On Off Off 0% NA
n detected value
for At starting
Level2 10~20hrs severe Green ON On On & Every 25% NA
induce 20min
(20hrs) 60%
over Every
Level3 Green ON Blinking Blinking 50% (about
20hrs 10min

LCD Display
Method Message on the Display
Condition Offence
(within 40hrs)

Normal NA NA NA


Level1 Interruption At starting & Every 20min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
≥ 90% of
detected Engine Power will be Reduced
value for
Level2 10~20hrs Every 10min CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 25%
Level3 over 20hrs Continuous CALL CROWN SERVICE AGENT
Engine Power is Reduced By 50%

Operation Section

Electronic Controlled Spark-Ignition Engines

PSI 4.3L LP Engine

The primary components of the fuel system are the fuel supply, direct electronic pressure regulator (DEPR),
fuel mixer, electronic throttle control (ETC) device, 2-Stage convertor, engine control module (ECM), and a
catalytic converter. The system operates on a slightly positive fuel pressure. Primary fuel pressure can be
measured at the LD 2-Stage convertor. Secondary fuel pressure command and actual fuel pressure is
monitored by the ECM.

To obtain maximum effect from the catalyst and accurate control of the air fuel ratio, the emission certified
engine is equipped with an onboard computer or Engine Control Module (ECM). The ECM is a 32 bit controller
which receives input data from sensors mounted to the engine and fuel system and then outputs various
signals to control engine operation.

One specific function of the controller is to maintain a closed loop fuel control which is accomplished by use of
the Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen sensor (HEGO) mounted in the exhaust system. The HEGO sensor sends a
voltage signal to the controller which then outputs signals to the EPR to change the amount of fuel being
delivered from the regulator or mixer to the engine.

The controller also performs diagnostic functions on the fuel system and notifies the operator of engine
malfunctions by turning on a Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) mounted in the dash. Malfunctions in the system
are identified by a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) number. In addition to notifying the operator of the
malfunction in the system, the controller also stores the information about the malfunction in its memory. A
technician can than utilize a computerized diagnostic scan tool to retrieve the stored diagnostic code and by
using the diagnostic charts in this manual to determine the cause of the malfunction. In the event a technician
does not have the computerized diagnostic tool, the MIL light can be used to identify the diagnostic code to
activate the “blink” feature and count the number of blinks to determine the diagnostic code number to locate
the fault in the system.

The primary components of the Gasoline Multi Point Fuel Injection (MPFI) fuel system are the gasoline fuel
tank, electric fuel pump, fuel pressure and temperature sensor manifold, fuel filter and fuel rail.

This engine is equipped with a fuel injector rail that does not have a pressure regulator or a return circuit to the
fuel tank. Fuel pressure for this engine is regulated by the engine’s ECM. The ECM receives fuel pressure
and temperature feedback from the gasoline fuel sensor manifold and uses this information to control the
ground side of the fuel pump. Fuel pressure is regulated by the ECM pulse width modulating (PWM) the fuel
pump. The fuel pressure and temperature sensor manifold has a return or “bleed” circuit that connects back to
the equipment fuel tank. This circuit is used to bleed off any vapor that develops in the line and returns a small
amount of fuel to the tank. The fuel comes from the fuel tank and passes through the fuel pump. Fuel exits the
fuel pump, passes through the filter and then enters the fuel pressure and temperature manifold assembly.
Fuel flows through the feed circuit and is delivered to the fuel injector rail. Fuel that enters the bleed circuits
through the by-pass valve in the manifold is returned to the fuel tank.

Operation Section

EMS schematic of PSI 4.3L LP engine

Operation Section

Basic Troubleshooting(LP)
The PSI 4.3L fuel systems are equipped with built-in fault diagnostics. Detected system faults can be
displayed by the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) and are covered in the Advanced Diagnostics section.
Items such as fuel level, plugged fuel lines, clogged fuel filters and malfunctioning pressure regulators may not
set a fault code by the Engine Control Module (ECM).
Below are basic checks that should be made before referring to the Advanced Diagnostics section, if engine or
drivability problems are encountered.
Locating a problem in a propane engine is done exactly the same way as with a gasoline engine.
Consider all parts of the ignition and mechanical systems as well as the fuel system.


Checks Action
Before using this section, you should have performed On Board Diagnostic (OBD)
Check and determined that:

1. The ECM and MIL are operating correctly.

Before Using 2. There are no Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) stored, or a DTC exists but
This Section without a MIL.

Several of the following symptom procedures call for a careful visual and physical
check. These checks are very important as they can lead to prompt diagnosis and
correction of a problem.
1. Verify the customer complaint.
2. Locate the correct symptom table.
3. Check the items indicated under that symptom.
4. Operate the equipment under the conditions the symptom occurs. Verify HEGO
Fuel System Check switching between lean and rich.
IMPORTANT! Normal HEGO switching indicates the fuel system is in closed
loop and operating correctly at that time.
5. Take a data snapshot using the DST under the condition that the symptom
occurs to review at a later time.
• Check all ECM system fuses and circuit breakers.
• Check the ECM ground for being clean, tight and in its proper location.
• Check the vacuum hoses for splits, kinks and proper connections.
• Check thoroughly for any type of leak or restriction.
• Check for air leaks at all the mounting areas of the intake manifold sealing
• Check for proper installation of the mixer assembly.
• Check for air leaks at the mixer assembly.

Check the ignition wires for the following conditions:

Visual and Physical
• Cracking
• Hardening
• Proper routing
• Carbon tracking.

Check the wiring for the following items: proper connections, pinches or cuts.

The following symptom tables contain groups of possible causes for each symptom.
The order of these procedures is not important. If the DST readings do not indicate a
problem, then proceed in a logical order, easiest to check or most likely to cause the

Operation Section


Checks Action

DEFINITION: The problem may or may not turn ON the (MIL) or store a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC).

Do not use the DTC tables. If a fault is an intermittent, the use of the DTC tables
Preliminary Checks
with this condition may result in the replacement of good parts.

Faulty electrical connections or wiring can cause most intermittent problems.

Check the suspected circuit for the following conditions:

• Faulty fuse or circuit breaker, connectors poorly mated, terminals not fully seated
in the connector (backed out). Terminals not properly formed or damaged.
• Wire terminals poorly connected.
Faulty Electrical
• Terminal tension is insufficient.
• Carefully remove all the connector terminals in the problem circuit in order to
or Wiring
ensure the proper contact tension.
• If necessary, replace all the connector terminals in the problem circuit in order to
ensure the proper contact tension (except those noted as “Not Serviceable”). See
section Wiring Schematics.
• Checking for poor terminal to wire connections requires removing the terminal
from the connector body.

If a visual and physical check does not locate the cause of the problem, operate the
Operational Test vehicle with the DST connected. When the problem occurs, an abnormal voltage or
scan reading indicates a problem circuit.
The following components can cause intermittent MIL and no DTC(s):

• A defective relay.
• Switch that can cause electrical system interference. Normally, the problem will
Intermittent MIL occur when the faulty component is operating.
Illumination • The improper installation of add on electrical devices, such as lights, 2-way
radios, electric motors, etc.
• The ignition secondary voltage shorted to a ground.
• The MIL circuit or the Diagnostic Test Terminal intermittently shorted to ground.
• The MIL wire grounds.
To check for the loss of the DTC Memory:

1. Disconnect the TMAP sensor.

Loss of DTC
2. Idle the engine until the MIL illuminates.
3. The ECM should store a TMAP DTC which should remain in the memory when
the ignition is turned OFF. If the TMAP DTC does not store and remain, the ECM
is faulty.

Operation Section


Checks Action

DEFINITION: The engine cranks OK but does not start.

Preliminary Checks None

Use the DST to:

• Check for proper communication with both the ECM
ECM Checks • Check all system fuses engine fuse holder. Refer to Engine Controls Schematics.
• Check battery power, ignition power and ground circuits to the ECM. Refer to
Engine Control Schematics. Verify voltage and/or continuity for each.

• Check the TMAP sensor.

Sensor Checks
• Check the cam angle sensor for output (RPM).

Important: A closed LPG manual fuel shut off valve will create a no start condition.

• Check for air intake system leakage between the mixer and the throttle body.
Fuel System Verify proper operation of the low pressure lock-off solenoids.
Checks • Verify proper operation of the fuel control solenoids.
• Check the fuel system pressures.
• Refer to the LPG Fuel System Diagnosis.
• Check for proper mixer air valve operation.

Note: LPG being a gaseous fuel requires higher secondary ignition system voltages
for the equivalent gasoline operating conditions.

1. Check for the proper ignition voltage output with J 26792 or the equivalent.
2. Verify that the spark plugs are correct for use with LPG.

Check the spark plugs for the following conditions:

Ignition System
• Wet plugs.
• Cracks.
• Wear.
• Improper gap.
• Burned electrodes.
• Heavy deposits.
• Check for bare or shorted ignition wires.
• Check for loose ignition coil connections at the coil.

Operation Section


Checks Action

Important: The LPG Fuel system is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage than
the gasoline fuel system.

Check for the following:

• Vacuum leaks.
Engine Mechanical • Improper valve timing.
Checks • Low compression.
• Improper valve clearance.
• Worn rocker arms.
• Broken or weak valve springs.

Worn camshaft lobes.

Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:

Exhaust System • Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes:
Checks • Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible internal failure.
• Check for possible plugged catalytic converter. Refer to Restricted Exhaust
System Diagnosis.

Operation Section


Checks Action

DEFINITION: The engine cranks OK, but does not start for a long time. The engine does eventually run, or
may start but immediately dies.

Preliminary Checks Make sure the vehicle’s operator is using the correct starting procedure.

• Check the Engine Coolant Temperature sensor with the DST. Compare the
engine coolant temperature with the ambient air temperature on a cold engine. If
the coolant temperature reading is more than 10 degrees greater or less than the
Sensor Checks ambient air temperature on a cold engine, check for high resistance in the
coolant sensor circuit. Check the cam angle sensor.
• Check the Throttle Position (TPS) and Foot Pedal Position (FPP) sensor

Important: A closed LPG manual fuel shut off valve will create an extended crank
OR no start condition.

• Verify the excess flow valve is not tripped or that the manual shut-off valve is not
Fuel System
Check mixer assembly for proper installation and leakage.
• Verify proper operation of the low pressure lock-off solenoid.
• Verify proper operation of the EPR.
• Check for air intake system leakage between the mixer and the throttle body.
Check the fuel system pressures. Refer to the Fuel System Diagnosis.

Note: LPG being a gaseous fuel requires higher secondary ignition system voltages
for the equivalent gasoline operating conditions.

• Check for the proper ignition voltage output with J 26792 or the equivalent.
• Verify that the spark plugs are the correct type and properly gapped.

Check the spark plugs for the following conditions:

• Wet plugs.
• Cracks.
Ignition System • Wear.
Checks • Burned electrodes.
• Heavy deposits
• Check for bare or shorted ignition wires.
• Check for moisture in the distributor cap.
• Check for loose ignition coil connections.


1. If the engine starts but then immediately stalls, check the cam angle sensor.
2. Check for improper gap, debris or faulty connections.

Operation Section


Checks Action
Important: The LPG Fuel system is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage than
the gasoline fuel supply system.

Check for the following:

• Vacuum leaks
• Improper valve timing
Engine Mechanical
• Low compression
• Improper valve clearance.
• Worn rocker arms
• Broken or weak valve springs
• Worn camshaft lobes.

Check the intake and exhaust manifolds for casting ash.

Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:

• Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.

Exhaust System
• Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible internal failure.
Check for possible plugged catalytic converter. Refer to Restricted Exhaust System

Operation Section


Checks Action

DEFINITION: A surging or jerking that follows engine speed, usually more pronounced as the engine load
increases, but normally felt below 1500 RPM. The exhaust has a steady spitting sound at idle, low speed,
or hard acceleration for the fuel starvation that can cause the engine to cut-out.

Preliminary Checks None

1. Start the engine.

2. Check for proper ignition output voltage with spark tester J 26792.
3. Check for a cylinder misfire.
4. Verify that the spark plugs are the correct type and properly gapped.

Remove the spark plugs and check for the following conditions:

• Insulation cracks.
Ignition System • Wear.
Checks • Improper gap.
• Burned electrodes.
• Heavy deposits.

Visually/Physically inspect the secondary ignition for the following:

• Ignition wires for arcing and proper routing.

• Cross- ring.
• Ignition coils for cracks or carbon tracking

Perform a cylinder compression check. Check the engine for the following:

• Improper valve timing.

Engine Mechanical • Improper valve clearance.
Checks • Worn rocker arms.
• Worn camshaft lobes.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Check the intake and exhaust manifold passages for casting ash.

Check the fuel system:

Fuel System
• Plugged fuel filter.
• Low fuel pressure, etc. Refer to LPG Fuel System Diagnosis.
• Check the condition of the wiring to the low pressure lock-off solenoid.

Check for Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), which may cause a misfire condition.
Using the DST, monitor the engine RPM and note sudden increases in rpms
Additional Check displayed on the scan tool but with little change in the actual engine rpm.
If this condition exists, EMI may be present. Check the routing of the secondary
wires and the ground circuit.

Operation Section


Checks Action

DEFINITION: The engine has a momentary lack of response when putting it under load. The condition can
occur at any engine speed. The condition may cause the engine to stall if it’s severe enough.

Preliminary Checks None

• Check the fuel pressure. Refer to LPG Fuel System Diagnosis.

• Check for low fuel pressure during a moderate or full throttle acceleration. If the
fuel pressure drops below specification, there is possibly a faulty low pressure
Fuel System regulator or a restriction in the fuel system.
Checks • Check the TMAP sensor response and accuracy.
• Check Shut-Off electrical connection.
• Check the mixer air valve for sticking or binding.
• Check the mixer assembly for proper installation and leakage. Check the EPR.
Note: LPG being a gaseous fuel requires higher secondary ignition system voltages
for the equivalent gasoline operating conditions. If a problem is reported on LPG and
not gasoline, do not discount the possibility of a LPG only ignition system failure and
test the system accordingly.
Ignition System
• Check for the proper ignition voltage output with J 26792 or the equivalent. Verify
that the spark plugs are the correct type and properly gapped.
• Check for faulty spark plug wires.
• Check for fouled spark plugs.

• Check for manifold vacuum or air induction system leaks.

Additional Check
• Check the alternator output voltage.

Operation Section


Checks Action

DEFINITION: The fuel ignites in the intake manifold, or in the exhaust system, making a loud popping

Preliminary Checks None

Important! LPG, being a gaseous fuel, requires higher secondary ignition

system voltages for the equivalent gasoline operating conditions. The ignition
system must be maintained in peak condition to prevent backfire.

• Check for the proper ignition coil output voltage using the spark tester J26792 or
the equivalent.
• Check the spark plug wires by connecting an ohmmeter to the ends of each wire
in question. If the meter reads over 30,000 ohms, replace the wires.
Ignition System • Check the connection at ignition coil.
Checks • Check for deteriorated spark plug wire insulation.

Remove the plugs and inspect them for the following conditions:
• Wet plugs.
• Cracks.
• Wear.
• Improper gap.
• Burned electrodes.
• Heavy deposits.

Important! The LPG Fuel system is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage
than a gasoline fuel supply system.

Check the engine for the following:

• Improper valve timing.
Engine Mechanical
• Engine compression.
• Manifold vacuum leaks.
• Intake manifold gaskets.
• Sticking or leaking valves.
• Exhaust system leakage.
• Check the intake and exhaust system for casting flash or other restrictions.
Fuel System
Perform a fuel system diagnosis. Refer to LPG Fuel System Diagnosis.

Operation Section


Checks Action

DEFINITION: The engine delivers less than expected power.

• Refer to the LPG Fuel system OBD System Check.

• Compare the customer’s vehicle with a similar unit to verify customer has an
actual problem. Do not compare the power output of the vehicle operating on
LPG to a vehicle operating on gasoline as the fuels do have different drive feel
Preliminary Checks
• Remove the air filter and check for dirt or restriction.
• Check the vehicle transmission.
• Refer to the OEM transmission diagnostics.

• Check for a restricted fuel filter, contaminated fuel, or improper fuel pressure.
Refer to LPG Fuel System Diagnosis.
• Check for the proper ignition output voltage with the spark tester J 26792 or the
Fuel System
• Check for proper installation of the mixer assembly. Check all air inlet ducts for
condition and proper installation.
• Check for fuel leaks between the EPR and the mixer.
• Verify that the LPG tank manual shut-off valve is fully open.
• Verify that liquid fuel (not vapor) is being delivered to the EPR.

• Check the Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensors (HEGO) for contamination and
Sensor Checks performance. Check for proper operation of the TMAP sensor.
• Check for proper operation of the TPS and FPP sensors.

Check the exhaust system for a possible restriction:

Exhaust System • Inspect the exhaust system for damaged or collapsed pipes.
Checks • Inspect the muffler for signs of heat distress or for possible internal failure.
• Check for possible plugged catalytic converter.

Check the engine for the following:

• Engine compression.
Engine Mechanical
• Valve timing.
• Improper or worn camshaft.
• Refer to Engine Mechanical in the Service Manual.

• Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
• Check the alternator output voltage.

If all procedures have been completed and no malfunction has been found, review
Additional Check
and inspect the following items:
• Visually and physically, inspect all electrical connections within the suspected
circuit and/or systems.
• Check the DST data.

Operation Section


Checks Action
DEFINITION: The engine runs unevenly at idle. If severe enough, the engine may shake.
Preliminary Checks None.

Check the Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensors (HEGO) performance:

• Check for silicone contamination from fuel or improperly used sealant. If
contaminated, the sensor may have a white powdery coating result in a high but
Sensor Checks false signal voltage (rich exhaust indication). The ECM will reduce the amount of
fuel delivered to the engine causing a severe driveability problem.

Check the Temperature Manifold Absolute Pressure (TMAP) sensor response and

• Check for rich or lean symptom that causes the condition.

• Drive the vehicle at the speed of the complaint.
• Monitoring the oxygen sensors will help identify the problem.
• Check for a sticking mixer air valve.
Fuel System
Checks • Verify proper operation of the EPR.
• Perform a cylinder compression test. Refer to Engine Mechanical in the Service
• Check the EPR fuel pressure. Refer to the LPG Fuel System Diagnosis.
• Check mixer assembly for proper installation and connection.

• Check for the proper ignition output voltage using the spark tester J26792 or the
• Verify that the spark plugs are the correct type and properly gapped.

Remove the plugs and inspect them for the following conditions:
• Wet plugs.
• Cracks.
Ignition System
Checks • Wear.
• Improper gap.
• Burned electrodes.
• Blistered insulators.
• Heavy deposits.

Check the spark plug wires by connecting an ohmmeter to the ends of each wire in
question. If the meter reads over 30,000 ohms, replace the wires.

Important: The LPG Fuel system is more sensitive to intake manifold leakage than
the gasoline fuel supply system.

• Check for vacuum leaks. Vacuum leaks can cause a higher than normal idle and
Additional Checks low throttle angle control command.
• Check the ECM grounds for being clean, tight, and in their proper locations.
Check the battery cables and ground straps. They should be clean and secure.
Erratic voltage may cause all sensor readings to be skewed resulting in poor idle

Operation Section


Checks Action

Check the engine for:

• Broken motor mounts.
• Improper valve timing.
Engine Mechanical • Low compression.
Check • Improper valve clearance.
• Worn rocker arms.
• Broken or weak valve springs.
• Worn camshaft lobes.

Operation Section

Advanced Diagnostics

The Fuel system has built-in diagnostics for system trouble shooting. The system has a dash mounted
malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) that provides indications of engine or fuel system related problem. Most
engine control system related problems that affect emissions or driveability of the vehicle will set a (DTC)
diagnostic trouble code and illuminate the MIL.

The MIL serves as notification to the operator of a problem related to the emission control system so the driver
can arrange for service as soon as possible. It will also display DTCs that have been stored due to a system

The MIL should illuminate when the key is in the ON position and the engine is not running. This feature
verifies that the lamp is in proper working order. If the MIL does not illuminate with the vehicle key ON/engine
OFF, repair it as soon as possible. Once the engine is in start or run mode, the MIL should turn off. If the lamp
remains on while the engine is in the start or run mode a diagnostic trouble code may be set.

The MIL will be turned OFF after three (3) consecutive run cycles or by clearing the active code with the
Diagnostic Scan Tool (DST).

Diagnostic Trouble Codes are set when the GCP (Electronic Control Module) runs a diagnostic self test and
the test fails. When a DTC is set, the ECM will illuminate the MIL on the instrument panel and also save the
DTC in memory. The ECM will continue to run the self test. If the system continues to fail the test, the lamp will
stay illuminated and the DTC is stored as an active DTC. If the self test runs and passes, the DTC will be
stored as historic DTC. All DTCs are stored as historic faults until they are cleared. Most DTCs will
automatically clear from memory if the DTC does not reset within 50 to 100 consecutive engine run cycles.

While a Diagnostic Trouble Code is current for a sensor, the ECM may assign a default “limp home” value and
use that value in its control algorithms. All of the system diagnostic self-tests run continuously during normal
vehicle operation.

The Diagnostic Trouble Codes can be read by using either the MIL lamp or a laptop computer. Diagnostic
Trouble Codes can be cleared from memory with a laptop computer, or by turning the ignition key to the OFF
position and removing the ECM power fuse or battery cable for at least 15 seconds.

If more than one DTC is detected, start the diagnostic repair with the lowest DTC number set. Diagnose each
problem to correction unless directed to do otherwise by the diagnostic chart. The DTCs are numbered in
order of importance. Both DTC 112 and DTC122 pertain to the oxygen sensor, so it is possible that a repair
that corrects DTC 112 may also correct the problem causing the DTC 122.

Diagnostic test charts contained in this manual refer to the DST to be connected and in the “System Data
Mode.” This simply means that the DST is connected and communicating with the PC. In some instances the
chart will call out a special test mode. An example of this would be instructions for the DST to be connected
and in the DBW (drive by wire) mode. Always be sure to follow the special instructions to avoid a false
diagnosis of fuel system components.

Operation Section

Blink Code Function

Although the DST is considered a required tool to access the DTC codes, codes may be retrieved without a
laptop computer using the blink code function. To enable this function follow the steps below:

• Jump pins 1 and 4 at the DLC connector (see illustration below)

• Turn the ignition key to the on position

• The system will now enter the self diagnostic blink code mode. Be ready with pen and paper to write
down any codes that may be stored.

• The ECM will flash the MIL indicator with a pause between represented numbers that represent DTC
codes. The sequence starts with code 1654. Code 1654 confirms the system has entered the blink code
mode. The ECM will flash code 1654 (3) times before displaying the actual DTC code that may be set.


One short blink (pause) six short blinks (pause) five short blinks (pause) four short blinks.

• If no DTC codes are found, the ECM will continue to flash 1654 only. This means no stored DTC codes
were found.

• If one of the numbers in the DTC code is zero (0), no flash will occur to represent the zero value—it will be
represented as a short pause.

Diagnostic Connector Terminal Identification

Operation Section

Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Operation

How does my MIL work?

The emissions control system utilizes a MIL to warn the operator or technician of a possible issue with the
engine or emissions control system. The system will keep the MIL illuminated for the entire key cycle in
which the trouble code was set. It will keep the MIL illuminated for three additional engine run cycles under
the following two circumstances: (1) The fault caused the engine to shut down or (2) the fault is related to the
exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensors. This function is called MIL persistence.

How does MIL persistence work?

In the event the DTC is related to either an engine shutdown fault OR an oxygen sensor fault the following
statement applies: If the vehicle is not serviced by a technician and the condition causing the MIL
illumination (DTC) no longer exists, the MIL will remain illuminated for the 3 additional start cycles. The MIL
will go out on the 4th start cycle if the condition does not reoccur.

In the event the DTC is not related to an engine shut down or an oxygen sensor fault and the condition
causing the MIL illumination (DTC) no longer exists, the MIL will go out at the next run cycle.

If the condition is serviced by a technician and the DTC is cleared using a Diagnostic Service Tool (DST), the
MIL will go out immediately.

Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) are permanently retained in the historic DTC section until cleared with a DST
or the auto clear requirements are met. The auto clear feature will clear out historic faults after 40 run cycles.

What are the requirements for a run cycle?

A run cycle is when the engine speed is above the “run speed” set point for 1.5 seconds or longer. The “run
speed” is the transition point when the ECM recognizes the engine is going from the cranking parameters to
the engine running parameters. The run speed is typically set at 450 rpm.

Operation Section


DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 11: Intake cam / distributor
520800 7 DTC 268: Injector 3 coil shorted 653 6
position error
DTC 16: Crank and/or cam could not DTC 270: Injector 4 open or short to
synchronize during start 636 8 ground 654 5

DTC 24: Exhaust cam position error 520801 7 DTC 271: Injector 4 coil shorted 654 6
DTC 87 Fuel pressure lower than DTC 273: Injector 5 open or short to
expected 94 1 ground 655 5

DTC 88 Fuel pressure higher than

94 0 DTC 274: Injector 5 coil shorted 655 6
DTC 276: Injector 6 open or short to
DTC 91: FP low voltage 94 4 656 5
DTC 92: FP high voltage 94 3 DTC 277: Injector 6 coil shorted 656 6
DTC 279: Injector 7 open or short to
DTC 107: MAP voltage low 106 4 657 5
DTC 108: MAP pressure high 106 16 DTC 280: Injector 7 coil shorted 657 6
DTC 111: IAT higher than expected DTC 282: Injector 8 open or short to
stage 1 105 15 ground 658 5

DTC 112: IAT voltage low 105 4 DTC 283: Injector 8 coil shorted 658 6
DTC 285: Injector 9 open or short to
DTC 113: IAT voltage high 105 3 659 5
DTC 116: ECT higher than expected
110 15 DTC 286: Injector 9 coil shorted 659 6
stage 1
DTC 288: Injector 10 open or short
DTC 117: ECT voltage low 110 4 660 5
to ground
DTC 118: ECT voltage high 110 3 DTC 289: Injector 10 coil shorted 660 6
DTC 1631: PWM1-Gauge1 open /
DTC 121: TPS1-2 lower than expected 51 1 697 5
ground short
DTC 299: Boost control underboost
DTC 122: TPS1 voltage low 51 4 1692 1
DTC 301: Cylinder 1
DTC 123: TPS1 voltage high 51 3 1323 31
emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 127: IAT higher than expected DTC 302: Cylinder 2
stage 2 105 0 emissions/catalyst damaging misfire 1324 31

DTC 303: Cylinder 3

DTC 129: BP pressure low 108 1 1325 31
emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 304: Cylinder 4
DTC 134: EGO1 open / lazy 724 10 1326 31
emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 305: Cylinder 5
DTC 140: EGO3 open / lazy 520209 10 1327 31
emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 306: Cylinder 6
DTC 154: EGO2 open / lazy 520208 10 1328 31
emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 307: Cylinder 7
DTC 160: EGO4 open / lazy 520210 10 1329 31
emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 171: Adaptive-learn gasoline DTC 308: Cylinder 8
bank1 high 520200 0 emissions/catalyst damaging misfire 1330 31

Operation Section

DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 172: Adaptive-learn gasoline DTC 326: Knock1 excessive or
bank1 low 520200 1 erratic signal 731 2

DTC 174: Adaptive-learn gasoline DTC 327: Knock1 sensor open or

bank2 high 520201 0 not present 731 4

DTC 175: Adaptive-learn gasoline DTC 331: Knock2 excessive or

bank2 low 520201 1 erratic signal 520241 2

DTC 332: Knock2 sensor open or

DTC 182: FT low voltage 174 4 520241 4
not present
DTC 183: FT high voltage 174 3 DTC 336: CRANK input signal noise 636 2
DTC 187: Gaseous fuel temperature
520240 4 DTC 337: Crank signal loss 636 4
sender low voltage
DTC 188: Gaseous fuel temperature
520240 3 DTC 341: CAM input signal noise 723 2
sender high voltage
DTC 217: ECT higher than expected
110 0 DTC 342: Loss of CAM input signal 723 4
stage 2
DTC 219: RPM higher than max DTC 359: Fuel run-out longer than
allowed govern speed 515 15 expected 1239 7

DTC 420: Catalyst inactive on

DTC 221: TPS1-2 higher than expected 51 0 520211 10
gasoline (Bank 1)
DTC 430: Catalyst inactive on
DTC 222: TPS2 voltage low 520251 4 520212 10
gasoline (Bank 2)
DTC 502: Roadspeed input loss of
DTC 223: TPS2 voltage high 520251 3 84 1
DTC 234: Boost control overboost
1692 0 DTC 508: IAC ground short 520252 6
DTC 236: TIP active 1692 2 DTC 509: IAC coil open/short 520252 5
DTC 520: Oil pressure sender low
DTC 237: TIP low voltage 1127 4 100 18
pressure stage 1
DTC 521: Oil pressure sender high
DTC 238: TIP high voltage 1127 3 100 0
DTC 261: Injector 1 open or short to DTC 522: Oil pressure sender low
ground 651 5 voltage 100 4

DTC 523: Oil pressure sender high

DTC 262: Injector 1 coil shorted 651 6 100 3
DTC 264: Injector 2 open or short to
652 5 DTC 524: Oil pressure low 100 1
DTC 265: Injector 2 coil shorted 652 6 DTC 562: Vbat voltage low 168 17
DTC 267: Injector 3 open or short to
653 5 DTC 563: Vbat voltage high 168 15

Operation Section


DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 601: Microprocessor failure - DTC 1175: MegaJector voltage
FLASH 628 13 supply low 520260 4

DTC 1176: MegaJector internal

DTC 604: Microprocessor failure - RAM 630 12 520260 12
actuator fault detection
DTC 1177: MegaJector internal
DTC 606: Microprocessor failure - COP 629 31 520260 12
circuitry fault detection
DTC 1178: MegaJector internal
DTC 615: Start relay coil open 1321 5 520260 12
comm fault detection
DTC 1182: Fuel impurity level
DTC 616: Start relay ground short 1321 4 520401 0
DTC 1183: MegaJector autozero
DTC 617: Start relay coil short to power 1321 3 520803 31
/ lockoff failure
DTC 1311: Cylinder 1 misfire
DTC 627: Fuel pump relay coil open 1348 5 1323 11
DTC 628: Fuel-pump high-side open or DTC 1312: Cylinder 2 misfire
short to ground 1347 5 detected 1324 11

DTC 628: Fuel pump relay control ground DTC 1313: Cylinder 3 misfire
short 1348 4 detected 1325 11

DTC 629: Fuel-pump high-side short to DTC 1314: Cylinder 4 misfire

power 1347 6 detected 1326 11

DTC 629: Fuel pump relay coil short to DTC 1315: Cylinder 5 misfire
power 1348 3 detected 1327 11

DTC 1316: Cylinder 6 misfire

DTC 642: Sensor supply voltage 1 low 1079 4 1328 11
DTC 1317: Cylinder 7 misfire
DTC 643: Sensor supply voltage 1 high 1079 3 1329 11
DTC 1318: Cylinder 8 misfire
DTC 650: MIL open 1213 5 1330 11
DTC 652: Sensor supply voltage 2 low 1080 4 DTC 1411: EMWT1 voltage high 441 3
DTC 653: Sensor supply voltage 2 high 1080 3 DTC 1412: EMWT2 voltage high 442 3
DTC 685: Power relay coil open 1485 5 DTC 1413: EMWT1 voltage low 441 4
DTC 686: Power relay ground short 1485 4 DTC 1414: EMWT2 voltage low 442 4
DTC 1415: EMWT1 higher than
DTC 687: Power relay coil short to power 1485 3 441 15
expected stage 1
DTC 916: Shift actuator feedback DTC 1416: EMWT2 higher than
out-of-range 520226 3 expected stage 1 442 15

DTC 919: Shift unable to reach desired DTC 1417: EMWT1 higher than
gear 520226 7 expected stage 2 441 0

DTC 920: Shift actuator or drive circuit DTC 1418: EMWT2 higher than
failed 520226 31 expected stage 2 442 0

DTC 1111: RPM above fuel rev limit level 515 16 DTC 1419: ERWT1 voltage high 443 3
DTC 1112: RPM above spark rev limit
515 0 DTC 1420: ERWT2 voltage high 444 3
DTC 1121: FPP1/2 simultaneous
91 31 DTC 1421: ERWT1 voltage low 443 4
voltages out-of-range (redundancy lo)

Operation Section

DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 1122: FPP1/2 do not match each
520250 31 DTC 1422: ERWT2 voltage low 444 4
other or IVS (redundancy lo)
DTC 1423: ERWT1 higher than
DTC 1131: WGP voltage high 1192 3 443 15
expected stage 1
DTC 1424: ERWT2 higher than
DTC 1132: WGP voltage low 1192 4 444 15
expected stage 1
DTC 1425: ERWT1 higher than
DTC 1151: Closed-loop LPG high 520206 0 443 0
expected stage 2
DTC 1426: ERWT2 higher than
DTC 1152: Closed-loop LPG low 520206 1 444 0
expected stage 2
DTC 1511: AUX analog Pull-Up
DTC 1153: Closed-loop NG high 520207 0 520216 3
1 high voltage
DTC 1512: AUX analog Pull-Up
DTC 1154: Closed-loop NG low 520207 1 520216 4
1 low voltage
DTC 1155: Closed-loop gasoline bank1 DTC 1513: AUX analog Pull-Up
high 520204 0 2 high voltage 520217 3

DTC 1156: Closed-loop gasoline bank1 DTC 1514: AUX analog Pull-Up
low 520204 1 2 low voltage 520217 4

DTC 1157: Closed-loop gasoline bank2 DTC 1515: AUX analog

high 520205 0 Pull-Down 1 high voltage 520215 3

DTC 1158: Closed-loop gasoline bank2 DTC 1516: AUX analog

low 520205 1 Pull-Down 1 low voltage 520215 4

DTC 1517: AUX analog Pull-Up

DTC 1161: Adaptive-learn LPG high 520202 0 520218 3
3 high voltage
DTC 1518: AUX analog Pull-Up
DTC 1162: Adaptive-learn LPG low 520202 1 520218 4
3 low voltage
DTC 1521: CHT higher than
DTC 1163: Adaptive-learn NG high 520203 0 110 16
expected stage 1
DTC 1522: CHT higher than
DTC 1164: Adaptive-learn NG low 520203 1 110 0
expected stage 2
DTC 1531: Gov1/2/3 interlock
DTC 1165: Catalyst inactive on LPG 520213 10 520270 31
DTC 1541: AUX analog
DTC 1166: Catalyst inactive on NG 520214 10 520219 3
Pull-Up/Down 1 high voltage
DTC 1171: MegaJector delivery pressure DTC 1542: AUX analog
higher than expected 520260 0 Pull-Up/Down 1 low voltage 520219 4

DTC 1172: MegaJector delivery pressure DTC 1543: AUX analog

lower than expected 520260 1 Pull-Up/Down 2 high voltage 520220 3

DTC 1544: AUX analog

DTC 1173: MegaJector comm lost 520260 31 520220 4
Pull-Up/Down 2 low voltage
DTC 1174: MegaJector voltage supply DTC 1545: AUX analog
high 520260 3 Pull-Up/Down 3 high voltage 520221 3

Operation Section


DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 1546: AUX analog Pull-Up/Down
520221 4 DTC 1662: PWM6 short to power 925 3
3 low voltage
DTC 1547: AUX analog Pull-Up/Down
713 3 DTC 1663: PWM7 open / ground short 926 5
4 high voltage
DTC 1548: AUX analog Pull-Up/Down
713 4 DTC 1664: PWM7 short to power 926 3
4 low voltage
DTC 1551: AUX digital 1 high voltage 520222 3 DTC 1665: PWM8 open / ground short 2646 5
DTC 1552: AUX digital 1 low voltage 520222 4 DTC 1666: PWM8 short to power 2646 3
DTC 1553: AUX digital 2 high voltage 520223 3 DTC 1669: PWM9 open / ground short 2647 5
DTC 1554: AUX digital 2 low voltage 520223 4 DTC 1670: PWM9 short to power 2647 3
DTC 1555: AUX digital 3 high voltage 520224 3 DTC 2111: Unable to reach lower TPS 51 7
DTC 1555: Water Intrusion Detection 520224 3 DTC 2112: Unable to reach higher TPS 51 7
DTC 1556: AUX digital 3 low voltage 520224 4 DTC 2115: FPP1 higher than IVS 91 0
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 2
0 3 DTC 2116: FPP2 higher than IVS 29 0
high voltage
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 3 DTC 2120: FPP1 invalid voltage and
0 3 520250 31
high voltage FPP2 disagrees with IVS
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 2 DTC 2121: FPP1-2 lower than
0 4 91 18
low voltage expected
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 3
0 4 DTC 2122: FPP1 voltage high 91 3
low voltage
DTC 1611: Sensor supply voltage 1
1079 31 DTC 2123: FPP1 voltage low 91 4
and 2 out-of-range
DTC 1612: Microprocessor failure - DTC 2125: FPP2 invalid voltage and
629 31 520250 31
RTI 1 FPP1 disagrees with IVS
DTC 1613: Microprocessor failure - DTC 2126: FPP1-2 higher than
629 31 91 16
RTI 2 expected
DTC 1614: Microprocessor failure -
629 31 DTC 2127: FPP2 voltage low 29 4
DTC 1615: Microprocessor failure -
629 31 DTC 2128: FPP2 voltage high 29 3
DTC 1616: Microprocessor failure - DTC 2130: IVS stuck at-idle, FPP1/2
629 31 558 5
Interrupt match
DTC 2131: IVS stuck off-idle, FPP1/2
DTC 1621: RS-485 Rx inactive 0 31 558 6
DTC 2135: TPS1/2 simultaneous
DTC 1622: RS-485 Rx noise 0 31 51 31
voltages out-of-range
DTC 1623: RS-485 Rx bad packet
0 31 DTC 2139: FPP1 lower than IVS 91 1
DTC 1624: RS-485 remote shutdown
0 31 DTC 2140: FPP2 lower than IVS 29 1
DTC 1625: J1939 shutdown request 1384 31 DTC 2229: BP pressure high 108 0
DTC 2300: Spark coil 1 primary open or
DTC 1626: CAN-J1939 Tx fault 639 12 1268 5
short to ground
DTC 1627: CAN-J1939 Rx fault 639 12 DTC 2301: Spark coil 1 primary shorted 1268 6

Operation Section

DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 1628: J1939 CAN address / DTC 2303: Spark coil 2 primary open or
639 13 1269 5
engine-number conflict short to ground
DTC 1629: J1939 TSC1 message
639 9 DTC 2304: Spark coil 2 primary shorted 1269 6
receipt loss
DTC 1630: J1939 ETC message DTC 2306: Spark coil 3 primary open or
91 2 1270 5
receipt loss short to ground
DTC 1632: PWM1-Gauge1 short to
697 6 DTC 2307: Spark coil 3 primary shorted 1270 6
DTC 1633: PWM2-Gauge2 open / DTC 2309: Spark coil 4 primary open or
698 5 1271 5
ground short short to ground
DTC 1634: PWM2-Gauge2 short to
698 6 DTC 2310: Spark coil 4 primary shorted 1271 6
DTC 1635: PWM3-Gauge3 open / DTC 2312: Spark coil 5 primary open or
699 5 1272 5
ground short short to ground
DTC 1636: PWM3-Gauge3 short to
699 6 DTC 2313: Spark coil 5 primary shorted 1272 6
DTC 1637: PWM4 open / ground DTC 2315: Spark coil 6 primary open or
700 5 1273 5
short short to ground
DTC 1638: PWM4 short to power 700 6 DTC 2316: Spark coil 6 primary shorted 1273 6
DTC 1639: PWM5 open / ground DTC 2318: Spark coil 7 primary open or
520230 5 1274 5
short short to ground
DTC 1640: PWM5 short to power 520230 6 DTC 2319: Spark coil 7 primary shorted 1274 6
DTC 1641: Buzzer control ground DTC 2321: Spark coil 8 primary open or
920 4 1275 5
short short to ground
DTC 1642: Buzzer open 920 5 DTC 2322: Spark coil 8 primary shorted 1275 6
DTC 1643: Buzzer control short to DTC 2324: Spark coil 9 primary open or
920 3 1276 5
power short to ground
DTC 1644: MIL control ground short 1213 4 DTC 2325: Spark coil 9 primary shorted 1276 6
DTC 2327: Spark coil 10 primary open
DTC 1645: MIL control short to power 1213 3 1277 5
or short to ground
DTC 1651: J1939 ETC message DTC 2328: Spark coil 10 primary
91 9 1277 6
receipt loss while in-gear shorted
DTC 1661: PWM6 open / ground
925 5 DTC 2428: EGT temperature high 173 0

Operation Section


DTC Set 2
DTC 2618: Tach output ground short 645 4
DTC 2619: Tach output short to power 645 3
DTC 8901: UEGO microprocessor internal fault 3221 31
DTC 8902: UEGO heater supply high voltage 3222 3
DTC 8903: UEGO heater supply low voltage 3222 4
DTC 8904: UEGO cal resistor voltage high 3221 3
DTC 8905: UEGO cal resistor voltage low 3221 4
DTC 8906: UEGO return voltage shorted high 3056 3
DTC 8907: UEGO return voltage shorted low 3056 4
DTC 8908: UEGO pump voltage shorted high 3218 3
DTC 8909: UEGO pump voltage shorted low 3218 4
DTC 8910: UEGO sense cell voltage high 3217 3
DTC 8911: UEGO sense cell voltage low 3217 4
DTC 8912: UEGO pump voltage at high drive limit 3225 3
DTC 8913: UEGO pump voltage at low drive limit 3225 4
DTC 8914: UEGO sense cell slow to warm up 3222 10
DTC 8915: UEGO pump cell slow to warm up 3225 10
DTC 8916: UEGO sense cell impedance high 3222 0
DTC 8917: UEGO pump cell impedance high 3225 0
DTC 8918: UEGO pump cell impedance low 3225 1

Operation Section


DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 2
0 3 DTC 107: MAP voltage low 106 4
high voltage
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 3
0 3 DTC 108: MAP pressure high 106 16
high voltage
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 2
0 4 DTC 2229: BP pressure high 108 0
low voltage
DTC 1561: AUX analog Pull-Down 3
0 4 DTC 129: BP pressure low 108 1
low voltage
DTC 1522: CHT higher than
DTC 1621: RS-485 Rx inactive 0 31 110 0
expected stage 2
DTC 217: ECT higher than
DTC 1622: RS-485 Rx noise 0 31 110 0
expected stage 2
DTC 1623: RS-485 Rx bad packet
0 31 DTC 118: ECT voltage high 110 3
DTC 1624: RS-485 remote shutdown
0 31 DTC 117: ECT voltage low 110 4
DTC 116: ECT higher than expected
Undefined DTC - Index 10297 0 31 110 15
stage 1
DTC 1521: CHT higher than
Undefined DTC - Index 10298 0 31 110 16
expected stage 1
Undefined DTC - Index 10299 0 31 DTC 563: Vbat voltage high 168 15
DTC 2116: FPP2 higher than IVS 29 0 DTC 562: Vbat voltage low 168 17
DTC 2140: FPP2 lower than IVS 29 1 DTC 2428: EGT temperature high 173 0
DTC 2128: FPP2 voltage high 29 3 DTC 183: FT high voltage 174 3
DTC 2127: FPP2 voltage low 29 4 DTC 182: FT low voltage 174 4
DTC 1417: EMWT1 higher than
DTC 221: TPS1-2 higher than expected 51 0 441 0
expected stage 2
DTC 121: TPS1-2 lower than expected 51 1 DTC 1411: EMWT1 voltage high 441 3
DTC 123: TPS1 voltage high 51 3 DTC 1413: EMWT1 voltage low 441 4
DTC 1415: EMWT1 higher than
DTC 122: TPS1 voltage low 51 4 441 15
expected stage 1
DTC 1418: EMWT2 higher than
DTC 2112: Unable to reach higher TPS 51 7 442 0
expected stage 2
DTC 2111: Unable to reach lower TPS 51 7 DTC 1412: EMWT2 voltage high 442 3
DTC 2135: TPS1/2 simultaneous
51 31 DTC 1414: EMWT2 voltage low 442 4
voltages out-of-ran
DTC 502: Roadspeed input loss of DTC 1416: EMWT2 higher than
84 1 442 15
signal expected stage 1
DTC 1425: ERWT1 higher than
DTC 2115: FPP1 higher than IVS 91 0 443 0
expected stage 2
DTC 2139: FPP1 lower than IVS 91 1 DTC 1419: ERWT1 voltage high 443 3
DTC 1630: J1939 ETC message
91 2 DTC 1421: ERWT1 voltage low 443 4
receipt loss
DTC 1423: ERWT1 higher than
DTC 2122: FPP1 voltage high 91 3 443 15
expected stage 1

Operation Section

DTC 1426: ERWT2 higher than

DTC 2123: FPP1 voltage low 91 4 444 0
expected stage 2
DTC 1651: J1939 ETC message
91 9 DTC 1420: ERWT2 voltage high 444 3
receipt loss while in
DTC 2126: FPP1-2 higher than
91 16 DTC 1422: ERWT2 voltage low 444 4
DTC 2121: FPP1-2 lower than DTC 1424: ERWT2 higher than
91 18 444 15
expected expected stage 1
DTC 1121: FPP1/2 simultaneous DTC 1112: RPM above spark rev
91 31 515 0
voltages out-of-ran limit level
DTC 88 Fuel pressure higher than DTC 219: RPM higher than max
94 0 515 15
expected allowed govern speed
DTC 87 Fuel pressure lower than DTC 1111: RPM above fuel rev limit
94 1 515 16
expected level
DTC 2130: IVS stuck at-idle,
DTC 92: FP high voltage 94 3 558 5
FPP1/2 match
DTC 2131: IVS stuck off-idle,
DTC 91: FP low voltage 94 4 558 6
FPP1/2 match
DTC 521: Oil pressure sender high DTC 601: Microprocessor failure -
100 0 628 13
pressure FLASH
DTC 606: Microprocessor failure -
DTC 524: Oil pressure low 100 1 629 31
DTC 524: Oil pressure sender low DTC 1612: Microprocessor failure -
100 1 629 31
pressure RTI 1
DTC 523: Oil pressure sender high DTC 1613: Microprocessor failure -
100 3 629 31
voltage RTI 2
DTC 522: Oil pressure sender low DTC 1614: Microprocessor failure -
100 4 629 31
voltage RTI 3
DTC 520: Oil pressure sender low DTC 1615: Microprocessor failure -
100 18 629 31
pressure stage 1 A/D
DTC 127: IAT higher than expected DTC 1616: Microprocessor failure -
105 0 629 31
stage 2 Interrupt
DTC 604: Microprocessor failure -
DTC 113: IAT voltage high 105 3 630 12
DTC 112: IAT voltage low 105 4 DTC 336: CRANK input signal noise 636 2
DTC 111: IAT higher than expected
105 15 DTC 337: Crank signal loss 636 4
stage 1

Operation Section


DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 16: Crank and/or cam could not DTC 1661: PWM6 open / ground
636 8 925 5
synchronize du short
DTC 1629: J1939 TSC1 message
639 9 DTC 1664: PWM7 short to power 926 3
receipt loss
DTC 1663: PWM7 open / ground
DTC 1626: CAN-J1939 Tx fault 639 12 926 5
DTC 643: Sensor supply voltage 1
DTC 1627: CAN-J1939 Rx fault 639 12 1079 3
DTC 1628: J1939 CAN address / DTC 642: Sensor supply voltage 1
639 13 1079 4
engine-number con low
DTC 1611: Sensor supply voltage 1
DTC 2619: Tach output short to power 645 3 1079 31
and 2 out-of-range
DTC 653: Sensor supply voltage 2
DTC 2618: Tach output ground short 645 4 1080 3
DTC 261: Injector 1 open or short to DTC 652: Sensor supply voltage 2
651 5 1080 4
ground low
DTC 262: Injector 1 coil shorted 651 6 DTC 238: TIP high voltage 1127 3
DTC 264: Injector 2 open or short to
652 5 DTC 237: TIP low voltage 1127 4
DTC 265: Injector 2 coil shorted 652 6 DTC 1131: WGP voltage high 1192 3
DTC 267: Injector 3 open or short to
653 5 DTC 1132: WGP voltage low 1192 4
DTC 1645: MIL control short to
DTC 268: Injector 3 coil shorted 653 6 1213 3
DTC 270: Injector 4 open or short to
654 5 DTC 1644: MIL control ground short 1213 4
DTC 271: Injector 4 coil shorted 654 6 DTC 650: MIL open 1213 5
DTC 273: Injector 5 open or short to DTC 359: Fuel run-out longer than
655 5 1239 7
ground expected
DTC 2300: Spark coil 1 primary open
DTC 274: Injector 5 coil shorted 655 6 1268 5
or short to ground
DTC 276: Injector 6 open or short to DTC 2301: Spark coil 1 primary
656 5 1268 6
ground shorted
DTC 2303: Spark coil 2 primary open
DTC 277: Injector 6 coil shorted 656 6 1269 5
or short to ground
DTC 279: Injector 7 open or short to DTC 2304: Spark coil 2 primary
657 5 1269 6
ground shorted
DTC 2306: Spark coil 3 primary open
DTC 280: Injector 7 coil shorted 657 6 1270 5
or short to ground
DTC 282: Injector 8 open or short to DTC 2307: Spark coil 3 primary
658 5 1270 6
ground shorted
DTC 2309: Spark coil 4 primary open
DTC 283: Injector 8 coil shorted 658 6 1271 5
or short to ground
DTC 285: Injector 9 open or short to DTC 2310: Spark coil 4 primary
659 5 1271 6
ground shorted

Operation Section

DTC 2312: Spark coil 5 primary open

DTC 286: Injector 9 coil shorted 659 6 1272 5
or short to ground
DTC 288: Injector 10 open or short to DTC 2313: Spark coil 5 primary
660 5 1272 6
ground shorted
DTC 2315: Spark coil 6 primary open
DTC 289: Injector 10 coil shorted 660 6 1273 5
or short to ground
DTC 1631: PWM1-Gauge1 open / DTC 2316: Spark coil 6 primary
697 5 1273 6
ground short shorted
DTC 1632: PWM1-Gauge1 short to DTC 2318: Spark coil 7 primary open
697 6 1274 5
power or short to ground
DTC 1633: PWM2-Gauge2 open / DTC 2319: Spark coil 7 primary
698 5 1274 6
ground short shorted
DTC 1634: PWM2-Gauge2 short to DTC 2321: Spark coil 8 primary open
698 6 1275 5
power or short to ground
DTC 1635: PWM3-Gauge3 open / DTC 2322: Spark coil 8 primary
699 5 1275 6
ground short shorted
DTC 1636: PWM3-Gauge3 short to DTC 2324: Spark coil 9 primary open
699 6 1276 5
power or short to ground
DTC 1637: PWM4 open / ground DTC 2325: Spark coil 9 primary
700 5 1276 6
short shorted
DTC 2327: Spark coil 10 primary
DTC 1638: PWM4 short to power 700 6 1277 5
open or short to ground
DTC 1547: AUX analog Pull-Up/Down DTC 2328: Spark coil 10 primary
713 3 1277 6
4 high voltage shorted
DTC 1548: AUX analog Pull-Up/Down DTC 617: Start relay coil short to
713 4 1321 3
4 low voltage power
DTC 341: CAM input signal noise 723 2 DTC 616: Start relay ground short 1321 4
DTC 342: Loss of CAM input signal 723 4 DTC 615: Start relay coil open 1321 5
DTC 1311: Cylinder 1 misfire
DTC 134: EGO1 open / lazy 724 10 1323 11
DTC 326: Knock1 excessive or erratic DTC 301: Cylinder 1
731 2 1323 31
signal emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 327: Knock1 sensor open or not DTC 1312: Cylinder 2 misfire
731 4 1324 11
present detected
DTC 1643: Buzzer control short to DTC 302: Cylinder 2
920 3 1324 31
power emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 1641: Buzzer control ground DTC 1313: Cylinder 3 misfire
920 4 1325 11
short detected
DTC 303: Cylinder 3
DTC 1642: Buzzer open 920 5 1325 31
emissions/catalyst damaging misfire
DTC 1314: Cylinder 4 misfire
DTC 1662: PWM6 short to power 925 3 1326 11

Operation Section


DTC Set 2 DTC Set 2

Description Description
DTC 304: Cylinder 4 emissions/catalyst DTC 175: Adaptive-learn gasoline
1326 31 520201 1
damaging m bank2 low
DTC 1315: Cylinder 5 misfire detected 1327 11 DTC 1161: Adaptive-learn LPG high 520202 0
DTC 305: Cylinder 5 emissions/catalyst
1327 31 DTC 1162: Adaptive-learn LPG low 520202 1
damaging m
DTC 1316: Cylinder 6 misfire detected 1328 11 DTC 1163: Adaptive-learn NG high 520203 0
DTC 306: Cylinder 6 emissions/catalyst
1328 31 DTC 1164: Adaptive-learn NG low 520203 1
damaging m
DTC 1155: Closed-loop gasoline
DTC 1317: Cylinder 7 misfire detected 1329 11 520204 0
bank1 high
DTC 307: Cylinder 7 emissions/catalyst DTC 1156: Closed-loop gasoline
1329 31 520204 1
damaging m bank1 low
DTC 1157: Closed-loop gasoline
DTC 1318: Cylinder 8 misfire detected 1330 11 520205 0
bank2 high
DTC 308: Cylinder 8 emissions/catalyst DTC 1158: Closed-loop gasoline
1330 31 520205 1
damaging m bank2 low
DTC 628: Fuel-pump high-side open or
1347 5 DTC 1151: Closed-loop LPG high 520206 0
short to grou
DTC 629: Fuel-pump high-side short to
1347 6 DTC 1152: Closed-loop LPG low 520206 1
DTC 629: Fuel pump relay coil short to
1348 3 DTC 1153: Closed-loop NG high 520207 0
DTC 628: Fuel pump relay control ground
1348 4 DTC 1154: Closed-loop NG low 520207 1
DTC 627: Fuel pump relay coil open 1348 5 DTC 154: EGO2 open / lazy 520208 10
DTC 1625: J1939 shutdown request 1384 31 DTC 140: EGO3 open / lazy 520209 10
DTC 687: Power relay coil short to power 1485 3 DTC 160: EGO4 open / lazy 520210 10
DTC 420: Catalyst inactive on
DTC 686: Power relay ground short 1485 4 520211 10
gasoline (Bank 1)
DTC 430: Catalyst inactive on
DTC 685: Power relay coil open 1485 5 520212 10
gasoline (Bank 2)
DTC 1165: Catalyst inactive on
DTC 234: Boost control overboost failure 1692 0 520213 10
DTC 299: Boost control underboost failure 1692 1 DTC 1166: Catalyst inactive on NG 520214 10
DTC 1515: AUX analog Pull-Down
DTC 236: TIP active 1692 2 520215 3
1 high voltage
DTC 1516: AUX analog Pull-Down
DTC 1666: PWM8 short to power 2646 3 520215 4
1 low voltage
DTC 1511: AUX analog Pull-Up 1
DTC 1665: PWM8 open / ground short 2646 5 520216 3
high voltage
DTC 1512: AUX analog Pull-Up 1
DTC 1670: PWM9 short to power 2647 3 520216 4
low voltage
DTC 1513: AUX analog Pull-Up 2
DTC 1669: PWM9 open / ground short 2647 5 520217 3
high voltage
DTC 8906: UEGO return voltage shorted DTC 1514: AUX analog Pull-Up 2
3056 3 520217 4
high low voltage

Operation Section

DTC 8907: UEGO return voltage shorted DTC 1517: AUX analog Pull-Up 3
3056 4 520218 3
low high voltage
DTC 1518: AUX analog Pull-Up 3
DTC 8910: UEGO sense cell voltage high 3217 3 520218 4
low voltage
DTC 1541: AUX analog
DTC 8911: UEGO sense cell voltage low 3217 4 520219 3
Pull-Up/Down 1 high voltage
DTC 8908: UEGO pump voltage shorted DTC 1542: AUX analog
3218 3 520219 4
high Pull-Up/Down 1 low voltage
DTC 8909: UEGO pump voltage shorted DTC 1543: AUX analog
3218 4 520220 3
low Pull-Up/Down 2 high voltage
DTC 8904: UEGO cal resistor voltage DTC 1544: AUX analog
3221 3 520220 4
high Pull-Up/Down 2 low voltage
DTC 1545: AUX analog
DTC 8905: UEGO cal resistor voltage low 3221 4 520221 3
Pull-Up/Down 3 high voltage
DTC 8901: UEGO microprocessor internal DTC 1546: AUX analog
3221 31 520221 4
fault Pull-Up/Down 3 low voltage
DTC 8916: UEGO sense cell impedance DTC 1551: AUX digital 1 high
3222 0 520222 3
high voltage
DTC 8902: UEGO heater supply high DTC 1552: AUX digital 1 low
3222 3 520222 4
voltage voltage
DTC 8903: UEGO heater supply low DTC 1553: AUX digital 2 high
3222 4 520223 3
voltage voltage
DTC 8914: UEGO sense cell slow to DTC 1554: AUX digital 2 low
3222 10 520223 4
warm up voltage
DTC 8917: UEGO pump cell impedance DTC 1555: AUX digital 3 high
3225 0 520224 3
high voltage
DTC 8918: UEGO pump cell impedance DTC 1555: Water Intrusion
3225 1 520224 3
low Detection
DTC 8912: UEGO pump voltage at high DTC 1556: AUX digital 3 low
3225 3 520224 4
drive limit voltage
DTC 8913: UEGO pump voltage at low DTC 916: Shift actuator feedback
3225 4 520226 3
drive limit out-of-range
DTC 8915: UEGO pump cell slow to warm DTC 919: Shift unable to reach
3225 10 520226 7
up desired gear
DTC 171: Adaptive-learn gasoline bank1 DTC 920: Shift actuator or drive
520200 0 520226 31
high circuit failed
DTC 172: Adaptive-learn gasoline bank1 DTC 1639: PWM5 open / ground
520200 1 520230 5
low short
DTC 174: Adaptive-learn gasoline bank2
520201 0 DTC 1640: PWM5 short to power 520230 6

Operation Section


DTC Set 2
DTC 188: Gaseous fuel temperature sender high voltage 520240 3
DTC 187: Gaseous fuel temperature sender low voltage 520240 4
DTC 331: Knock2 excessive or erratic signal 520241 2
DTC 332: Knock2 sensor open or not present 520241 4
DTC 2120: FPP1 invalid voltage and FPP2 disagrees 520250 31
DTC 2125: FPP2 invalid voltage and FPP1 disagrees 520250 31
DTC 1122: FPP1/2 do not match each other or IVS ( 520250 31
DTC 223: TPS2 voltage high 520251 3
DTC 222: TPS2 voltage low 520251 4
DTC 509: IAC coil open/short 520252 5
DTC 508: IAC ground short 520252 6
DTC 1171: MegaJector delivery pressure higher than 520260 0
DTC 1172: MegaJector delivery pressure lower than 520260 1
DTC 1174: MegaJector voltage supply high 520260 3
DTC 1175: MegaJector voltage supply low 520260 4
DTC 1176: MegaJector internal actuator fault detection 520260 12
DTC 1177: MegaJector internal circuitry fault detection 520260 12
DTC 1178: MegaJector internal comm fault detection 520260 12
DTC 1173: MegaJector comm lost 520260 31
DTC 1531: Gov1/2/3 interlock failure 520270 31
DTC 1182: Fuel impurity level high 520401 0
DTC 11: Intake cam / distributor position error 520800 7
DTC 24: Exhaust cam position error 520801 7
DTC 1183: MegaJector autozero / lockoff failure 520803 31
DTC 57: EGOH 4 Open / Ground Short 3271 4

Operation Section

Lift Truck Operation

Power Shift Transmission / Drive Axle
1. Start the engine. See item "Starting the Engine" WARNING
A lift truck with the engine running but without
an operator can move slowly (creep) if the
transmission is left engaged.
This could result in personal injury.

Always place the transmission control levers in

the NEUTRAL (centre) position and apply the
parking brake before dismounting from the lift

6. RELEASE the service foot brake.

Typical Example
7. PUSH DOWN on the accelerator pedal to obtain
the desired travel speed. RELEASE the pedal to
2. PUSH DOWN on the service foot brake pedal to decrease travel speed.
hold the lift truck until ready to move it.
8. Transmission speed changes to second and
3. RELEASE the parking brake. third speed range can be made on the go,
without deceleration or braking. When faster
travel speed is needed.

Come to a complete stop before changing direction
of travel.

Sudden reversal of a loaded lift truck traveling
forward can cause the load to fail or the lift truck
to tip over.
Typical Example
Stop the loaded lift truck completely, before
4. Select the direction of travel by PUSHING the shifting to reverse.
directional lever FORWARD for forward direction
or PULLING the lever BACK for reverse Failure to comply could result in personal injury.

5. Rotate the speed range control to first (low)

9. To change the lift truck direction of travel,
speed range.
RELEASE the accelerator pedal.
NOTE: From a stopped position, move the lift truck
10. PUSH DOWN on the service foot brake pedal to
in first (low) range ONLY.
bring the lift truck to a complete stop.

11. SHIFT the directional lever to the desired

direction of travel. Rotate the speed selector
lever to first (low) speed range, if it is not already
in this position.

12. RELEASE the service foot brake. PUSH DOWN

on the accelerator pedal to obtain the desired
travel speed.

Operation Section

Watch the road carefully for any obstacle when NOTE: The purpose of the inching pedal is to
driving the truck. Do not go fast over bumps, pot provide precise lift truck inching control at
holes or other rough grounds, otherwise the very slow travel speed and high engine rpm.
engine might go OFF by a severe impact. This is used for fast hydraulic lift during load
approach, pick up or load positioning.
In case of engine going OFF, press the brake
pedal at one time as hard as possible in order to
stop the truck. Pressing the brake pedal several
times has a risk that the brake would not work.

Typical Example

1. To inch (creep) in either direction, slowly push

down on the inching pedal. This will start to
apply the service foot brakes and allow the
transmission clutch discs to slip.
Typical Example
2. Vary the position of inching pedal and the
13. To stop the lift truck when travelling in either
accelerator pedal to control the inching speed
direction, RELEASE accelerator pedal (1).
and distance.
14. PUSH DOWN on service foot brake pedal (2)
3. Pushing down further on the inching pedal will
and bring the lift truck to a smooth stop.
disengage the transmission completely and
apply the service brakes fully to stop and hold
the lift truck. This will provide full engine power
for fast hydraulic lift.

4. Avoid overuse of the inching pedal as this may

cause the automatic transmission oil to overheat
or the clutch to slip. Do not use as a footrest or
for long periods of time.

5. If user operates continuously pushing work or

both brake pedal and accelerator pedal were
depressed at the same time, it may cause the
automatic transmission oil to overheat or the
clutch to slip.

Operation Section

Auto Shift Controller Adjustments

ASC-208 (If Equipped)
Product Description
The Autoshift controller is an electrical control
system, specially designed for use on forklift trucks
with internal combustion engines.
Its primary purpose is to prevent the operator from
operating the truck outside of the design parameters,
e.g. selecting the reverse gear when travelling in
excess of 5 km/h (3.11 mph) in a forward direction,
and vice versa.

The Autoshift controller is mounted on a convenient Adjustment Switch

position away from excessive heat sources and
retrofits into the truck's electrical system. An
• Low-High Shift Point (SW1)
inductive speed sensor is mounted on the ASC-208 allows you to set the 2 speed Auto Gear
transmission case where it will pick up a pulse from Shift Point, the maximum travel speed at which the
a gear tooth pattern. This pulse is used to monitor Auto Shift Controller up-shift or down-shift the
the truck in motion and its travel speed. To enable transmission automatically according to the vehicle
the system to change gears smoothly, the shift speed. For adjustment of 2 speed Auto Gear Shift
points for offset speed are adjustable. speed, the SW1 switch is used on the printed circuit
An operator no longer has to change gears with his
hands, therefore he can be more productive.
• Direction Inhibit Point (SW2)
The Autoshift controller prevents strain and abuse to
Auto Shift allows you to set the Direction Inhibit
the transmission by changing gears up and down
Speed, the maximum travel speed at which the
automatically. It also prevents damage to the half
transmission can be reversed. For adjustment of
shaft, excessive tyre wear and heat to the
direction inhibit speed, the SW2 switch is used on
the printed circuit board.
Using a philips screwdriver, turn the SW1
Features adjustment until the white dot is next to the notch
corresponding to the selected vehicle speed. You
Product Adaptable To may reset lnhibit Speed to one of ten settings
ASC-208 CD(CG)60/70S-7 (2 Speed) between a minimum of 3.3km/h(2.05mph) and a
maximum of 6.0km/h(3.75mph) travel speed.
1) 2 - speed auto shift control
2) Prevent downshifting at high speed
Adjustment data
3) Inhibit selecting direction at high speed outside
of the design parameters. Vehicle Speed
SW2(F<->R Shift) SW1(L->H Shift)
0 3.3km/h
1 3.6km/h
2 3.9km/h 5.57km/h
3 4.2km/h
4 4.5km/h
5 4.8km/h 6.17km/h
6 5.1km/h 6.78km/h
7 5.4km/h 7.29km/h
8 5.7km/h 7.89km/h
9 6.0km/h 8.40km/h

Operation Section

Diagnostics Features
The transmission of your lift truck may be reversed
under full power up to a travel of 6.0 km/h (3.73
mph). But the Inhibit Speed of Auto Shift is set by
the factory at 4~5 km/h (2.5~3.2 mph) because
reversing the transmission at lower travel speeds
prolongs the lift of the transmission, axle shafts and

ASC-208 has internal indicator on the right side of

the controller for displaying the selected gear and
the abnormal condition.

Do not diagnose or repair Auto Shift Controller
Faults unless trained and authorised to do so.
Improper performance of maintenance
procedures is dangerous and could result in
personal injury or death.

Below is a description applicable for many ASC-208


• Display for Operator

Display Description Remark
A Automatic operation
H High speed At 2nd shift gear
L Low speed At 1st shift gear
PT/M Speed sensor open Flashing
E/G Speed sensor
E Flashing
F Controller fault Flashing
5 H/L Sol. Short Flashing
6 Forward Sol. Short Flashing
7 Reverse Sol. Short Flashing

This information is given during normal operating

when something special happens.
For example, on ASC-208's with the speed sensor,
one of the indicators is used to indicate a sensor

Operation Section

• Display for Troubleshooting Operation

Display Description Remark This system can be basically operated in two
A Automatic operation preselected modes, automatic mode and manual
2 High speed s/w input Lever input test
3 Forward s/w input Lever input test Automatic mode
4 Reverse s/w input Lever input test Direction Inhibit
1. Start the engine with the direction control lever
This information is input for signal diagnostics. in NEUTRAL and the parking brake engaged.
This test is used to verify operation of direction
control lever. 2. Press down on the service brake pedal,
disengage the parking brake and move the
direction control lever to FORWARD.

Release the parking brake before using the

directional control lever.

3. Observe the LED on the Auto Shift Controller.

The LED should indicate "A" while the direction
control lever is in FORWARD, NEUTRAL and
REVERSE. Report Auto Shift as faulty if the
LED indicates anything other than "A".
4. Keep the service brake pushed down until ready
to move the truck.

5. To change directions of a traveling lift truck

when the Auto Shift Controller LED displays "A",
shift the direction control lever to the opposite
direction and wait for the lift truck to change

6. If however, your travel speed is higher than the

pre-selected direction change speed as direction
inhibit point in the controller, Auto Shift will shift
the transmission to NEUTRAL until the lift truck's
travel speed slows to the pre-selected direction
change speed, and then shift the transmission to
the direction selected.

7. You should be prepared to help slow the lift

truck to the pre-selected direction change speed
by pressing down on the service brake pedal.

When you want to change the travel direction,
you must press down on the service brake pedal
to reduce the travel speed. Be cautious that the
lift truck's stopping distance may be longer than
in manual mode because the lift truck continues
to travel forward regardless of the selection of
reverse with the direction control lever until the
vehicle speed is sufficiently reduced.

Operation Section

8. The direction of travel will change automatically Manual Mode (Fail-Safe mode)
when the vehicle speed is reduced as much as
the pre-selected speed in the controller. In case that the controller is broken down or you
don't want to use the functions of the Auto Shift
WARNING Controller, you can select Manual Mode. In Manual
Mode, you can operate your lift truck in the same
Bring the loaded lift truck to a complete stop manner as any lift truck without Auto Shift Controller.
before changing travel direction. You can select the Manual mode or the Automatic
Changing travel direction while traveling may mode by doing following procedures.
cause the lift truck to lose the load or tip over.
9. When the direction change is completed, In the manual mode, direction inhibition function
continue to push down on the accelerator pedal can not be operated normally. The sudden
to obtain the desired travel speed. reversal of a loaded lift truck traveling forward
can cause the load to fall or the lift truck to tip
The transmission of your lift truck may be reversed The operator can operate the truck manually by
under full power up to a travel of 6.0 km/h (3.73 selecting the Manual mode with the Fail-Safe mode
mph). But the Inhibit Speed of Auto Shift is set by switches on the PCB (Printed Circuit Board).
the factory at 4~5 km/h (2.5~3.2 mph) because
reversing the transmission at lower travel speeds With the switch (1) in “MANUAL” position, direction
prolongs the lift of the transmission, axle shafts and inhibition function is disable.
If an operator moves the switch (2) from “AUTO”
position to “MANUAL” position, then 2-speed auto
Two-Speed Auto Shift Control shift function will become disabled.
While traveling forward with the high speed gear,
that is, 2nd gear selected, the ASC-208 can upshift Move the switches as indicated, up for Automatic
or down-shift the transmission automatically (AUTO) operation or down for Manual (MANUAL)
according to the vehicle speed by its own speed operation.
ratio control so that the appropriate gear may be
engaged in every situation.

Two-Speed Auto Shift Control function can be
accomplished only when the direction control lever
is placed in the high speed (2nd gear) position.

Typical Example of ASC-208

NOTE: After operating the truck manually by

selecting the Manual Mode switch on PCB
(Printed Circuit Board), the position of mode
must be checked before operating the truck

Operation Section

Operating Techniques Lifting the Load

1. Lift the load carefully and tilt the mast back a
Inching into Loads short distance.

Typical Example
Typical Example
1. Move the lift truck slowly FORWARD into
position and engage the load. The truck should 2. Tilt the mast further back to cradle the load
be square with load, forks spaced evenly
between pallet stringers and as far apart as load

Typical Example

3. Operate the lift truck in reverse until the load is

clear of the other material.
Typical Example

2. Move the lift truck FORWARD until the load 4. Lower the cradled load to the travel position.
touches the carriage.
NOTE: Lift and tilt speeds are controlled by engine

Operation Section

Traveling with the Load Unloading

Travel with the load as low as possible, while still
maintaining ground clearance.

Typical Example

1. Move the lift truck into the unloading position.

Typical Example

1. Carry the load as low as possible but maintain


2. On grades, always travel with the load on the

UPHILL side, as shown above.

Typical Example

2. Tilt the mast FORWARD only when directly over

the unloading area.

Do not tilt the mast forward with the load unless
directly over the unloading area, even if the
power is off.

Typical Example

3. For better vision, travel in reverse with bulky


Operation Section


Typical Example

3. Deposit the load and BACK away carefully to

disengage the forks. 1. When turning sharp corners, keep close to the
inside corner. Begin the turn when the inside
drive wheel meets the corner.

Typical Example

4. Lower the carriage and forks to the travel

position or to the park position. 2. In narrow aisles, keep away from the stockpile
when turning into the aisle. Allow for
counterweight swing.

Operation Section

Lifting Drums or Round Objects Operating in Hot Weather

Keep the following points in mind when you operate
the lift truck in hot weather.

1. Check the radiator. Clogging can cause the

overheating. Clean them out regularly with a
blast of compressed air. Also, check the leakage
of water.

2. Check the fan belt tension and adjust to proper


3. Even if the engine overheats and the coolant

1. Block drums or round objects. Tilt the mast boils over, let the engine idle for a while with
FORWARD and side the fork tips along the floor opening engine hood until temperature falls
to get under the load. before shut off the engine.

2. Before lifting, tilt the mast BACK slightly until the

load is cradled on the forks.

Operation Section

Safety instructions for attachments when transporting suspended load

Swinging/wide loads and a reduced residual
capacity can result in accidents.
Adapt the travel speed to the load, less than
walking pace.
Secure swinging loads for example with lifting
Reduce the residual capacity and have it
certified by an expert.
Failure to follow the operation precautions may
cause early damage to parts.

Safety instructions for attachments when transporting wide loads

Load lateral centre of gravity
Where it is necessary to lift a wide load where the
lateral load centre of gravity is unknown.
Do a test lift first to determine lateral centre of
gravity and potential movement with the load during
transport. Exercise extra caution when handling
offcenter loads that cannot be centred.

Load Stability
Be careful when stopping or changing direction
suddenly, lifting or lowering suddenly as wide loads
could become unstable.

Load Swing
Be careful whilst travelling or turning, the load ends
will swing wide. Make sure you have adequate
clearance, and watch out for people in the area.

Load Shift
Be careful when turning, turn slowly to prevent load
from shifting.

When carrying a bulky load which blocks or restricts
forward visibility the truck shall be driven with the
load trailing and if necessary under the direction of a
person who has visibility in the direction of travel,
unless safe work practices allow otherwise.

Operation Section

Parking the Lift Truck

Typical Example

4. Lower the forks to the ground.

Typical Example CD60/70/80/90S-7

Blocking the wheels will prevent unexpected lift
truck movement, which could cause personal

5. Turn the ignition key switch to the OFF position

and remove the key.

Typical Example CG60/70S-7

Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered and
the mast tilted forward until the fork tips touch the
Block the drive wheels when parking on an incline.

1. Park in authorised area only. Do not block traffic.

NOTE: If a LP equipped lift truck is stopped or
parked for an indefinite or prolonged period
of time, close the fuel shutoff valve on the
LP tank. Run the engine until fuel in the line
runs out and the engine stops. Turn off the
ignition switch and disconnect switch (if

6. Turn the disconnect switch to OFF (if equipped).

Do operate the disconnecting switch after 30
seconds from start key-off.
Otherwise Engine Control Unit (ECU) can be

Typical Example 7. Actuate each loading lever several times to

remove the residual pressure in the respective
2. Place the transmission controls in NEUTRAL. cylinders and hoses.
3. Engage the parking brake. 8. Block the drive wheels if parking on an incline.

Operation Section

Lift Fork Adjustment

When adjusting the fork spread, be careful not to Make sure the forks are locked before carrying a
pinch your hand between forks and the carriage load.
If the fork/locking pin is not fully engaged, the
fork could become unintentionally disengaged.
For load stability, always adjust the forks as wide as
possible. Position the load evenly on both forks.

Typical Example of Shaft type Fork

Typical Example of Hook-on type Fork

1. Move up the hook pin(1) in each fork to slide the

fork(2) on the carriage bar.

2. Adjust the forks in the position most appropriate

for the load and as wide as possible for load

3. When adjusting the forks, make sure that the

weight of the load is centred on the truck.

4. After adjustment, set the hook pins to keep the

forks in place.

Operation Section

Storage Information
5. Cover components such as the breather and air
Before Storage cleaner which may be caught with humidity.
Before storing your lift truck, clean and inspect as 6. The machine should be operated at least once
per the following procedures. a week. Fill the cooling system, if cooling water
is discharged, and mount the battery. Start the
1. Wipe away grease, oil, etc. adhering to the engine and warm up thoroughly. Move the
body of the truck with waste cloth, and use machine a little forwards and backwards.
water, if needed. Operate the hydraulic controls several times.
2. While cleaning the truck, check general
condition of the truck. Especially check the truck
body for dents or damage and tyres for wear or
nails or stones in the tread.
To Operate the Lift Truck After a
Long Time Storage
3. Fill the fuel tank with fuel specified.
1. Remove covers and antirust from each of the
4. Check for leakage of hydraulic oil, engine oil, components and exposed parts.
fuel, or coolant, etc.
2. Drain the engine crankcase, transmission
5. Apply grease, where needed. (clutch type machine), differential and final
reduction gear, clean the inside of them and
6. Check for looseness of nuts and bolts, add new oil.
especially hub nuts.
3. Drain off foreign matter and water from the
7. Check mast rollers to see that they rotate hydraulic oil tank and fuel tank.
4. Remove the head cover from the engine
8. Prime the oil into the lift cylinders by actuating cylinder. Oil valves and rocker shaft and check
the lift lever all the way several times. each valve for proper operation.

9. Drain off coolant completely in cold weather, if 5. Add cooling water to the specified level.
antifreeze is not used.
6. Charge the battery and mount it on the machine.
10. Drain off DEF/Ad-Blue completely for long term Connect the cables.
storage. (If not the purity of DEF/Ad-Blue would
be changed to lower quality.) 7. Perform pre - operational checks carefully.
(Refer to "Before Starting the Engine")

8. Warm up the machine.

Long Time Storage 9. If deteriorated DEF/Ad-Blue warning lamp turns
Perform the following service and checks in addition on and message appears, drain the fluid in the
to the "Parking the lift truck" services. DEF/Ad-Blue tank thoroughly and refill with new
1. Taking the rainy season into consideration, park 10. Check level of DEF/Ad-Blue and if necessary
the machine on higher and hard ground. refill DEF/Ad-Blue (refer page.77)

2. Avoid parking on soft grounds such as an

asphalt ground in summer.

3. Dismount the battery from the machine. Even

though the machine is parked indoors, if the
place is hot or humid, the battery should be kept
in a dry, cool place. Charge the battery once a

4. Apply antirust to the exposed parts which tend

to rust.

Operation Section

Method and Caution for Cabin Tilting (power type)

Cabin Tilting (Optional) WARNING

Cabin Tilting Make sure that there is sufficient space before

tilting the cabin.
Cabin Tilting Limit Switch
Do not remove the switch on the left tilting cylinder.
The switch protects the front glazing during cabin WARNING
tilting. The mast must be at a forward angle of at
least 6 degrees for tilting operation. If the pin is locked, the cabin structure can be
damaged in tilting operation.

Press the tilting switch on top of the left hood to tilt

the cabin. Press the upper or lower arrow switches
to open or close the cabin, respectively.

If the cabin tilting limit switch is not active, the
cabin will be tilted when the mast is inclined
backwards. This may damage cabin chassis or
cabin front glazing.

Do not tilt the cabin when the mast is tilted

backwards. If the cabin tilting limit switch is
damaged or incorrectly adjusted, the cabin may be
tilted and the cabin may be damaged.

Cabin Door
Check that the cabin door is closed before tilting the

If the cabin door is open when tilting, the cabin
door may touch the frame and damaged.

Operation Section

Cabin Tilting (manual) 2. To adjust cabin tilting position in manual tilting

operation, change the direction with the Manual
1. For manual cabin tilting, open the cover under the Override Position shown below.
left step equipped with power-pack. Support the
power-pack with a lever and move the lever up - NORMAL POSITION: keep pressing the button,
and down. rotate the button counterclockwise by 180
degrees and release the button.

- SHIFTED POSITION: keep pressing the button,

rotate the button clockwise by 180 degrees and
release the button.

Operation Section

Transportation Hints
Lift Truck Shipping Machine Lifting and Tie down
Check travel route for overpass clearances. Make
sure there is adequate clearance if the lift truck
being transported is equipped with a high mast, NOTICE
overhead guard or cab.
Improper lifting or tie downs can allow load to shift
To prevent the lift truck from slipping while loading, and cause injury and/or damage.
or shifting in transit, remove ice, snow or other
slippery material from the loading dock and the truck
bed before loading. 1. Weight is given on the serial plate.

2. Use proper rated cables and slings for lifting.

NOTICE Position the crane for level lift truck lift.
Obey all state and local laws governing the height, 3. Spreader bar widths should be sufficient to
weight, width and length of a load. prevent contact with the lift truck
Observe all regulations governing wide loads.
4. Use the tie down locations provided for lift truck
tie down.
Remove ice, snow or other slippery material from Check the state and local laws governing weight,
the shipping vehicle and the loading dock. width, and length of a load.
Contact your CROWN Lift Truck branch for shipping
instructions for your lift truck.

Typical Example

Always block the trailer or the rail car wheels before

loading the lift truck.

Position the lift truck on the truck bed or the rail car.
Apply the parking brake and place the transmission
control in NEUTRAL.

Turn ignition switch to the OFF position and remove

the key.
If LP equipped, remove the LP fuel tank.

Block the wheels and secure lift truck with tie downs.

Operation Section

Lifting a Forklift Using a Crane

1. If lifting rope/cable breaks, serious
injury/damage would occur.

2. The lifting wire rope and stay must be long

enough to avoid contact with the forklift.
Short rope/stay can damage the vehicle. If it's
too long, it may cause interference.

Cover the rope/chain with rubber sheet or

cloth to prevent damage to the vehicle, as

3. Rope/chain and other lifting tools must have

sufficient strength, and free of any defect or

4. Avoid impact load to the lifting devices/tools.

5. Apply only for OVHG Type truck. Not for Cabin

type truck.

1. Check the weight, length, width and height of the

vehicle before lifting.

2. Park the crane at an appropriate position.

3. Connect the rope/chain to the points A and B of

the figure below (Pic#1, 2, 3). Front 2
rope/chains should be tied through middle stay of
the mast (refer Pic#4).

4. If the wire rope/chain contacts the vehicle, insert

a rubber plate between the rope/chain and the
vehicle to protect the vehicle.

5. Lift up the vehicle extremely slowly

6. Strongly recommend to use moving basement or

stay to move equipment at safety status, or use
temporary bridge. (refer Pic#5, 6)

7. While transport, assign supervisor and warn

people around enough.

8. Assist rope/cable can be helpful to move safety

and stably.

Operation Section

How to Fix Forklift to a Carrier

1. The rope/chain must have sufficient length for

2. Park the vehicle on a level ground.

3. Set the mast vertically. Lower the fork or

attachment to the lowest position.

4. Set all the operating devices to Neutral Position.

Turn OFF the start switch.

5. Apply the parking brake. Stop the tyres with

blocks (D).

6. If the vehicle has a mast, connect fixing

rope/chain to the fork (A) and fix the vehicle
using the reinforcing bar (B) of the lower frame. If
without mast, fix with the drive axle wheel (C).

Operation Section

Towing Information Mechanical Parking Brake (If Installed)

Personal injury or death could result when
towing a disabled lift truck incorrectly.
Block the lift truck wheels to prevent movement
before releasing the brakes. The lift truck can
roll free if it is not blocked.

Follow the recommendations below, to properly

perform the towing procedure.

These towing instructions are for moving a disabled

lift truck a short distance, at low speed, no faster
than 2 km/h (1.2 mph), to a convenient location for
repair. These instructions are for emergencies only.
Always transport the lift truck if long distance moving
is required.

Shield must be provided on the towing lift truck to

protect the operator if the tow line or bar should
Do not allow riders on the lift truck being towed
unless the operator can control the steering and/or

Before towing, make sure the tow line or bar is in

good condition and has enough strength for the
towing situation involved. Use a towing line or bar
with a strength of at least 1.5 times the gross weight Typical Example
of the towing lift truck for a disabled lift truck stuck in
the mud or when towing on a grade. 1. Release the parking brake.

Keep the tow line angle to a minimum. Do not

exceed a 30° angle from the straight ahead position. NOTICE
Connect the tow line as low as possible on the lift Release the parking brake to prevent excessive
truck that is being towed.
wear and damage to the parking foot brake system.
Quick lift truck movement could overload the tow
line or bar and cause it to break. Gradual and
smooth lift truck movement will work better. 2. Secure the wheels with blocks.

Normally, the towing lift truck should be as large as 3. Direction control lever is in neutral.
the disabled lift truck. Satisfy yourself that the towing
lift truck has enough brake capacity, weight and 4. Release the parking brake.
power, to control both lift trucks for the grade and
the distance involved. 5. Release the service brake pedal.

To provide sufficient control and braking when 6. Key switch is in the OFF position.
moving a disabled lift truck downhill, a larger towing
lift truck or additional lift trucks connected to the rear 7. Direction control lever is in neutral.
could be required. This will prevent uncontrolled
rolling. The different situation requirements cannot 8. Fasten the tow bar to the lift truck.
be given, as minimal towing lift truck capacity is
required on smooth level surfaces to maximum on
9. Remove the wheel blocks. Tow the lift truck
inclines or poor surface conditions.
slowly. Do not tow any faster than 2 km/h (1.2
Consult your CROWN Lift Truck branch for towing a
disabled lift truck. mph).

Operation Section

Electronic Parking Brake (If Installed)

In the case of the electronic parking brake, it always
stays engaged when the ignition is off, regardless of
where the parking switch is positioned.
Before towing the vehicle, therefore, you should
release the parking brake by force to prevent WARNING
excessive wear and damage on the park brake
system. Be sure all necessary repairs and adjustments
have been made before a lift truck that has been
towed to a service area is put back into
1. Secure the wheels with blocks. operation.

2. Direction control lever is in neutral. After a repair of a vehicle equipped with an

electronic parking brake, make sure to readjust
3. Release the service brake pedal. the parking brake before you operate the vehicle.
For how to make adjustment, refer to the
4. Turn the key switch off. Maintenance Section.

5. Direction control lever is in neutral.

6. Release the parking brake by force.

Step 1. Tilt the cabin open.

Step 2. Completely loosen two nuts (1) of the

hydraulic actuator located at the fore part
of the vehicle.

Step 3. Check that the parking brake lever is

completely put down to the horizontal

Maintenance Section

Jacking Information Hydraulic Jack & Jack Stand

Hydraulic Jack Capacity
Jacking up Truck can be dangerous and should
Height Minimum
be done only by trained personnel using proper Model
Minimum* Requirement
tools and procedures.
Block the lift truck wheels to prevent movement CGC15/18S-5, 100mm
while lifting the wheels. The lift truck can roll 1 ton
CD15/18S-5, 2000Kg 4400Ibs
free if it is not blocked. class
Follow the recommendations below, to properly CG15/18S-5,
perform the jacking procedure. CG20SC-5
CG20/25/30E-5, 150mm
NOTICE 2 ton
/30/33P-5, 3000Kg 6600Ibs
Move Trucks to a Secure Non Traffic Maintenance CG35C-5
Area with a Level Floor. No Load on Forks. CGC20/25/30/
Remove key from ignition switch. 120mm
4 ton 55SC-5,
180mm 3900Kg 8600Ibs
class CG35/40/45S-5,

6 ton CD60/70S-5/7,
250mm 5800Kg 12800Ibs
class CG60/70S-5/7

8 ton
CD80/90S-5/7 250mm 7500Kg 16500Ibs

11 ton CD110/130 10000

300mm 22050Ibs
class /160S-5 Kg

ton CDV180/200S-7 350 mm 30900Ibs

25 ton 19000
CDV250S-7 400 mm 42000lbs
class Kg

• The height of lift truck with a flat tyre is lower than with an
inflated tyre. So Height Minimum of Jack must be less than the
value of the above chart.

Stand Capacity should be more than the minimum

requirement of Hydraulic Jack Capacity.
Hydraulic Jack & Jack Stand are commercially
available and should be especially designed for
forklift trucks.

Maintenance Section

Jacking Procedure 5. Jack Up Opposite Side of Truck.

Steering Wheel 6. Place Second Hard Wood Block under Other Side
of First Stage Mast.

1. Raise Forks 3 to 6 in (76 to 152 mm) from Floor. 7. Do Not Tilt Mast after Blocked.

2. Place Wheel Chocks under Both Drive Wheels.

3. Locate Hydraulic Jack under Steering Axle as

Shown in Figure A.

4. Jack Up Truck with Hydraulic Jack.

5. Set Jack Stand Height as Required Not to Exceed

16 in (405mm).

Locate Hydraulic Jack under Frame. Do NOT
locate on side panel. Do NOT raise side of truck
any more than required to insert hard wood

1. Lower Forks Completely. Locate Hydraulic Jack and Jack Stands under
steer axle. Do NOT locate Hydraulic Jack or Jack
2. Locate Hydraulic Jack under Frame as Shown in Stands on Counter Weight.
Figure B.

3. Jack Up One Side of Truck.

4. Place Hard Wood Block directly under First Stage


1ton/2ton class - Use 6X6 in (150X150mm) Block

3ton/5ton class - Use 8X8 in (200X200mm) Block

11ton class - Use 12X12 in (300X300mm) Block

Maintenance Section

Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Lift Truck Forks

The following section gives practical guidelines for Users may also refer to the International
inspection, maintenance and repair of lift truck forks. Organization For Standardization-ISO Technical
It also provides general information on the design Report 5057-Inspection and Repair of Fork Arms
and application of forks and the common cause of and ISO Standard 2330-Fork Arms-Technical
fork failures. Characteristics and Testing.

Lift truck forks can be dangerously weakened by Users should be familiar with the requirements for
improper repair or modification. They can also be inspection and maintenance of lift trucks as provided
damaged by the cumulative effects of age, abrasion, by Australian Standard AS2359.
corrosion, overloading and misuse.

A fork failure during use can cause damage to the Environment Protection
equipment and the load. A fork failure can also
cause serious injury.
When servicing this lift truck, use an authorised
servicing area and an approved container to collect
A good fork inspection and maintenance program
coolant, oil, fuel, grease, electrolyte and any other
along with the proper application can be very
potential environmental pollutant before any lines,
effective in preventing sudden failures on the job.
fittings or related items are disconnected or removed.
After servicing, dispose of those materials in an
Repairs and modifications should be done only by
authorised place and container. When cleaning the
the fork manufacturer or a qualified technician who
lift truck, be sure to use an authorised area.
knows the material used and the required welding
and heat treatment process.

Users should evaluate the economics of returning

the forks to the manufacturer for repairs or
purchasing new forks. This will vary depending on
many factors including the size and type of fork.

Forks should be properly sized to the weight and

length of the loads, and to the size of the machine
on which they are used. The general practice is to
use a fork size such that the combined rated
capacity of the number of forks used is equal to or
greater than the "Standard (or rated) Capacity" of
the lift truck.

The individual load rating, in most cases, will be

stamped on the fork in a readily visible area. This is
generally on the top or side of the fork shank.

 A fork rated at 1500 pounds at 24 inch load

centre will be stamped 1500X24.
 A fork rated at 2000 kg at 600 mm load centre
will be stamped 2000X600.
The manufacturer identification and year and date of
manufacture is also usually shown.
Some countries have standards or regulations which
apply specifically to the inspection and repair of

Maintenance Section

Causes of Fork Failure  Wear

Improper Modification or Repair Forks are constantly subjected to abrasion as
they slide on floors and loads. The thickness of
Fork failure can occur as a result of a field the fork blade is gradually reduced to the point
modification involving welding, flame cutting or other where it may not be capable of handling the
similar processes which affect the heat treatment load for which it was designed.
and reduces the strength of the fork.
 Stress Risers
In most cases, specific processes and techniques
are also required to achieve proper welding of the Scratches, nicks and corrosion are points of
particular alloy steels involved. Critical areas most high stress concentration where cracks can
likely to be affected by improper processing are the develop. These cracks can progress under
heel section, the mounting components and the fork repetitive loading in a typical mode of fatigue
tip. failure.

Bent or Twisted Forks Overloading

Forks can be bent out of shape by extreme Extreme overloading can cause permanent bending
overloading, glancing blows against walls or other or immediate failure of the forks. Using forks of less
solid objects or using the fork tip as a pry bar. capacity than the load or lift truck when lifting loads
and using forks in a manner for which they were not
Bent or twisted forks are much more likely to break designed are some common causes of overloading.
and cause damage or injury. They should be
removed from service immediately.

Parts which are subjected to repeated or fluctuating
loads can fail after a large number of loading cycles
even though the maximum stress was below the
static strength of the part.

The first sign of a fatigue failure is usually a crack

which starts in an area of high stress concentration.
This is usually in the heel section or on the fork

As the crack progresses under repetitive load

cycling, the load bearing cross section of the
remaining metal is decreased in size until it
becomes insufficient to support the load and
complete failure occurs.

Fatigue failure is the most common mode of fork

failure. It is also one which can be anticipated and
prevented by recognizing the conditions which lead
up to the failure and by removing the fork service
prior to failing.
 Repetitive Overloading
Repetitive cycling of loads which exceeds the
fatigue strength of the material can lead to
fatigue failure. The overload could be caused by
loads in excess of the rated fork capacity and
by use of the forks tips as pry bars. Also, by
handling loads in a manner which causes the
fork tips to spread and the forks to twist laterally
about their mountings.

Maintenance Section

Fork Inspection First Installation

1. Inspect forks to ensure they are the correct size
for the truck on which they will be used. Make
sure they are the correct length and type for the
loads to be handled.
If the forks have been previously used, perform
the "12 Month Inspection".
If the forks are rusted, see "Maintenance and

2. Make sure fork blades are level to each other

within acceptable tolerances. See "Forks, Step
4," in the "2000 Service Hours or Yearly" in
"Maintenance Intervals"
Establish a daily and 12 month inspection routine by
keeping a record for the forks on each lift truck. 3. Make sure positioning lock is in place and
working Lock forks in position before using truck.
Initial information should include the machine serial See "Forks, Step 7", in the "2000 Service Hours
number on each the forks are used, the fork or Yearly" in "Maintenance Intervals".
manufacturer, type, original section size, original
length and capacity. Also list any special
characteristics specified in the fork design.
Daily Inspection
Record the date and results of each inspection, 1. Visually inspect forks for cracks, especially in
making sure the following information is included. the heel section, around the mounting brackets,
and all weld areas. Inspect for broken or jagged
 Actual wear conditions, such as percent of fork tips, bent or twisted blades and shanks.
original blade thickness remaining.
2. Make sure positioning lock is in place and
 Any damage, failure or deformation which might
working. Lock the forks in position before using
impair the use of the truck.
the truck. See "2000 Service Hours or Yearly" in
 Note any repairs or maintenance. "Maintenance Intervals".

An ongoing record of this information will help in 3. Remove all defective forks from service.
identifying proper inspection intervals for each
operation, in identifying and solving problem areas
and in anticipating time for replacement of the forks.

Maintenance Section

12 Months Inspection With the fork restrained in the same manner as

its mounting on the lift truck, apply the test load
Forks should be inspected, at a minimum, every 12 twice, gradually and without shock. Maintain the
months. If the truck is being used in a multi-shift or test for 30 seconds each time.
heavy duty operation, they should be checked every
six months. See "Forks" in the "2000 Service Hours Check the fork arm before and after the second
or Yearly" in "Maintenance Intervals." application of the test load. It shall not show any
permanent deformation.
Consult the fork manufacturer for further
Maintenance and Repair information as may be applicable to the specific
fork involved.
1. Repair forks only in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. Testing is not required for repairs to the
positioning lock or the markings.
Most repairs or modifications should be done
only by the original manufacturer of the forks or
an expert knowledgeable of the materials,
design, welding and heat treatment process.

2. The following repairs or modifications SHOULD

NOT be attempted.

 Flame cutting holes or cutouts in fork

 Welding on brackets or new mounting
 Repairing cracks or other damage by
 Bending or resetting.

3. The following repairs MAY be performed.

 Forks may be sanded or lightly ground, to

remove rust, corrosion or minor defects
from the surfaces.
 Heel sections may be ground with a carbon
stone to remove minor surface cracks or
defects. Polish the inside radius of the heel
section to increase the fatigue life of the
fork. Always grind or polish in the direction
of the blade and shank length.
 Repair or replace the positioning locks on
hook type forks.
 Repair or replace most fork retention
devices used with other fork types.

4. A fork should be load tested before being

returned to service on completion of repairs
authorised and done in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations.

Most manufacturers and standards require the

repaired fork to be tested with a load 2.5 times
the specified capacity and at the load centre
marked on the fork arm.

Maintenance Section

Tyre Inflation Information Tyre Shipping Pressure

The tyre inflation pressures shown in the following
Tyres Inflation chart are cold inflation shipping pressures.

WARNING Shipping
Ply Rating Or
Size Pressure
Personal injury or death could result when tyres Strength Index
kPa psi
are inflated incorrectly.
8.25 x 15 14PR 790 115
Use a self-attaching inflation chuck and stand 8.25 x 15 16PR 880 128
behind the tread when inflating a tyre. 9.00 x 20 14PR 790 115

Proper inflation equipment, and training in using Standard tyre, ply rating and inflation pressures.
the equipment, are necessary to avoid over
inflation. A tyre blowout or rim failure can result The operating inflation pressure is based on the
from improper or misused equipment. weight of a ready-to-work machine without
attachments, at rated payload, and in average
operating conditions. Pressures for each application
may vary and should always be obtained from your
Always remove (deflate) all air from a single tyre and
tyre supplier.
from both tyres on a dual assembly before changing
NOTE: Fill tyres to the recommended pressures
listed ± 35 kPa (5 psi). Tyres can be filled
NOTICE with nitrogen.

When changing tyres, change them in sets, even if

only one of the tyres is damaged. If new and used
tyres are used on the same axle, tilting of the mast
Tyre Inflation Pressures
and rapid tyre wear will result. Adjustment
The mounting faces of the hub, wheel nuts and
wheels must be free of any foreign material and A tyre inflation in a warm shop area, 18° to 21°C
lubricants of any kind. Tighten wheel nuts again (65° to 70°F), will be underinflated if the machine
after 24 hours of operation. works in freezing temperatures. Low pressure
shortens the life of a tyre.

Do not re-inflate a tyre that has been driven on while

flat or underinflated, without first checking to be sure
the locking ring on the wheel is not damaged and in

Always deflate tyres before changing them.

Maintenance Section

Torque Specifications Torques for Standard Bolts, Nuts

and Taper lock Studs
Metric Hardware - This lift truck is almost
totally metric design. Specifications are
given in metric and U.S. Customary
measurement. NOTICE
Metric hardware must be replaced with metric The following charts give general torques for bolts,
hardware. Check parts books for proper nuts and taper lock studs or SAE Grade 5 or better
replacement. quality.
NOTE: Use only metric tools on most hardware for
proper fit. Other tools could slip and
possibly cause injury.
Torques for Bolts and Nuts With
Standard Threads

Torques for Standard Hose Thread Size Standard Nut and Bolt Torque
Clamps - Worm Drive Band Type Inch N·m lb·ft
1/4 12 ± 4 9±3
5/16 25 ± 7 18 ± 5
3/8 45 ± 7 33 ± 5
The following chart gives the torques for initial
installation of hose clamps on new hose and for 7/16 70 ± 15 50 ± 11
reassembly or retightening of hose clamps on 1/2 100 ± 15 75 ± 11
existing hose.
9/16 150 ± 20 110 ± 15
5/8 200 ± 25 150 ± 18
Initial Installation
3/4 360 ± 50 270 ± 37
Clamp Width Torque On New Hose
7/8 570 ± 80 420 ± 60
N·m1 lb·in
1 875 ± 100 640 ± 75
16 mm (.625 in) 7.5 ± 0.5 65 ± 5
1 1/8 1100 ± 150 820 ± 110
13.5 mm (.531 in) 4.5 ± 0.5 40 ± 5
1 1/4 1350 ± 175 1000 ± 130
8 mm (.312 in) 0.9 ± 0.2 8±2
1 3/8 1600 ± 200 1180 ± 150
Reassembly or
1 1/2 2000 ± 275 1480 ± 200
Retightening 11 Newton meter (N·m) is approximately the same as 0.1
Clamp Width
Torque On Existing Hose kg ·m.

N•m1 lb•in
16 mm (.625 in) 4.5 ± 0.5 40 ± 5
13.5 mm (.531 in) 3.0 ± 0.5 25 ± 5
8 mm (.312 in) 0.7 ± 0.2 6±2
11Newton meter (N·m) is approximately the same as 0.1

Maintenance Section

Torques for Taper lock Studs Torques for Metric Fasteners

Thread Size Standard Taper lock Stud Torque
Inch N·m1 lb·ft NOTICE
1/4 8±3 6±2 Be very careful never to mix metric with U.S.
customary (standard) fasteners. Mismatched or
5/16 17 ± 5 13 ± 4
incorrect fasteners will cause lift truck damage or
3/8 35 ± 5 26 ± 4 malfunction and may even result in personal injury.
7/16 45 ± 10 33 ± 7
1/2 65 ± 10 48 ± 7 Original fasteners removed from the lift truck should
5/8 110 ± 20 80 ± 15 checked for any damages and kept for reassembly
whenever possible. If new fasteners are needed,
3/4 170 ± 30 125 ± 22 they must be of the same size and grade as the
7/8 260 ± 40 190 ± 30 ones that are being replaced.

1 400 ± 60 300 ± 45 The material strength identification is usually shown

1/8 500 ± 700 370 ± 50 on the bolt head by numbers (8.8, 10.9, etc.). The
following chart gives standard torques for bolts and
1/4 650 ± 80 480 ± 60 nuts with Grade 8.8.
3/8 750 ± 90 550 ± 65
For mounting torques of main parts, Please refer to
1/2 870 ± 100 640 ± 75 Service manual for detail.
11Newton meter (N·m) is approximately the same as 0.1
kg·m. NOTE: Metric hardware must be replaced with
metric hardware. Check parts book for
proper replacement.

Thread Size Standard Torque

Metric N·m1 lb·ft
M6 12 ± 4 9±3
M8 25 ± 7 18 ± 5
M10 55 ± 10 41 ± 7
M12 95 ± 15 70 ± 11
M14 150 ± 20 110 ± 15
M16 220 ± 30 160 ± 22
M20 450 ± 70 330 ± 50
M24 775 ± 100 570 ± 75
M30 1600 ± 200 1180 ± 150
M36 2700 ± 400 2000 ± 300
11 Newton meter (1 N·m) is approximately the same as
0.1 kg·m.
2ISO - International Standards organization.

Maintenance Section

Cooling System Specifications

Coolant Information Refer to topic, "Cooling System - Clean, Change" in
Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly section.
Filling at over 20 liters (5 U.S. gallons) per minute
NOTE: The following information is generic and can cause air pockets in the cooling system.
valid for lift trucks.
After draining and refilling the cooling system,
Engine operating temperatures have increased to operate the engine with the radiator cap removed
improve engine efficiency. This means proper until the coolant reaches normal operating
cooling system maintenance is especially important. temperature and the coolant level stabilises. Add
Overheating, overcooling, pitting, cavitation erosion, coolant as necessary to fill the system to the proper
cracked heads, piston seizures, and plugged level.
radiators are classic cooling system failures. In fact,
coolant is as important as the quality of fuel and Never operate without a thermostat in the cooling
lubricating oil. system. Cooling system problems can arise without
a thermostat.

CROWN recommends that the coolant mixture
contain a minimum of 30% antifreeze or equivalent.

Never add coolant to an overheated engine, engine

damage can result. Allow the engine to cool first.

All water is corrosive at engine operating

temperature. The cooling system should be
protected with a 3 to 6% concentration of liquid
supplemental coolant additive at all times,
regardless of the concentration of antifreeze.

Excessive supplemental coolant additive greater

than the recommended 6%, together with
concentrations of antifreeze greater than 65% can
cause deposits to form and can result in radiator
tube blockage, overheating, and/or water pump seal

If the machine is to be stored in, or shipped to, an

area with freezing temperatures, the cooling system
must be protected to the lowest expected outside
(ambient) temperature.

The engine cooling system is normally protected to

-28°C(-20°F) with antifreeze, when shipped from the
factory unless special requirements are defined.

Check the specific gravity of the coolant solution

frequently in cold weather to ensure adequate

Clean the cooling system if it is contaminated, the

engine overheats or foaming is observed in the

Old coolant should be drained, the system cleaned

and new coolant added every 2000 service hours or

Maintenance Section

Coolant Water Antifreeze

Hard water, or water with high levels of calcium and
magnesium ions, encourages the formation of
insoluble chemical compounds by combining with NOTICE
cooling system additives such as silicates and CROWN recommends using automotive antifreeze
phosphates. suitable for gasoline engines having aluminum alloy
parts. Antifreeze of poor quality will cause corrosion
The tendency of silicates and phosphates to of the cooling system, and thus always use
precipitate out-of-solution increases with increasing automotive antifreeze prepared by a reliable maker,
water hardness. Hard water, or water with high and never use it mixed with antifreeze of different
levels of calcium and magnesium ions encourages brand.
the formation of insoluble chemicals, especially after
a number of heating and cooling cycles. CROWN recommends that the coolant mix contain
50% commercially available automotive antifreeze,
CROWN prefers the use of distilled water or or equivalent and acceptable water to maintain an
de-ionized water to reduce the potential and severity adequate water pump cavitation temperature for
of chemical insolubility. efficient water pump performance.

Acceptable Water Premix coolant solution to provide protection to the

lowest expected outside (ambient) temperature.
Water Content Limits (PPM) Pure undiluted antifreeze will freeze at –23°C (-
Chlorides (Cl) 50 maximum
Use a greater concentration (above 50%) of
Sulfates (SO4) 50 maximum commercially available automotive antifreeze only
as needed for anticipated outside (ambient)
Total hardness 80 mg/l temperatures. Do not exceed the recommendations,
provided with the commercially available automotive
Total solids 250 maximum
antifreezes, regarding the coolant mixture of
PH 6.0 to 8.0 antifreeze to water.
ppm = parts per million

Using water that meets the minimum acceptable Make proper antifreeze additions.
water requirement may not prevent drop-out of
Adding pure antifreeze as a makeup solution for
these chemical compounds totally, but should
cooling system top-up is an unacceptable practice. It
minimise the rate to acceptable levels.
increases the concentration of antifreeze in the
cooling system which increases the concentration of
dissolved solids and undisclosed chemical inhibitors
in the cooling system. Add antifreeze mixed with
water to the same freeze protection as your cooling

Use the chart below to assist in determining the

concentration of antifreeze to use.

Antifreeze Concentrations

Protection Temperature Concentrations

30% antifreeze and 70%
Protection to -15 °C (5 °F)
40% antifreeze and 60%
Protection to -23 °C (-10 °F)
50% antifreeze and 50%
Protection to -37 °C (-34 °F)
60% antifreeze and 40%
Protection to -51 °C (-60 °F)

Maintenance Section

Specifications of Fuel and DEF/Ad-Blue

General Fuel Information greater than 0.0015 % (15 ppm).
 Diesel fuels specified to EN 590 or ASTM D975
Use only fuel as recommended in this section. are recommended.
 No.2-D is a distillate fuel of lower volatility for
NOTICE engines in industrial and heavy mobile service.
(SAE J313 JUN87)
Fill the fuel tank at the end of each day of operation  These engines utilize Tier 4 standards, the use
to drive out moisture laden air and to prevent
of Ultra Low Sulfer Diesel is mandatory for
condensation. Maintain a constant level near the top
these engines, when operated in US EPA
of the day tank to avoid drawing moisture into the
tank as the level decreases. regulated areas. Therefore, please use No.2-D
S15 diesel fuel as an alternative to
Do not fill the tank to the top. Fuel expands as it gets  No.2-D, and use No.1-D S15 diesel fuel as an
warm and can overflow. alternative to No.1-D for ambient temperature
below 10 °C (14 °F).
Do not fill the fuel filters with fuel before installing a) No.1-D or No.2-D, S15: Ultra Low Sulfer
them. Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated Diesel (ULSD) 15 ppm or 0.0015 wt.%
wear to the fuel system parts.

Drain the water and sediment from main fuel storage

tank before it is refilled. This will help prevent water
and/or sediment from being pumped from the fuel
storage tank into the engine fuel tank.

Diesel Specifications
These engines utilize Tier 4 standards, the use of
Ultra Low Sulfer Diesel (ULSD) is mandatory for
these engines.

Diesel Fuel Specification Location

ASTM D975 No.1D/2D S15 USA
EN590:96 EU
IS0 8217 DMX International
BS 2869-A1 or A2 United Kingdom
JIS K2204 Grade No. 2 Japan
KSM-2610 Korea
GB252 China

Additional Technical Fuel Requirements

 Cetane Rating: The minimum recommended
Fuel Cetane Rating is 45. A cetane rating
greater than 50 is preferred, especially for
ambient temperatures below 20 °C (4 °F) or
elevations above 1500m.
 Diesel Fuel Specification Type and Sulfer
Content % (ppm) used, must be compliant with
all applicable emission regulations for the area
in which the engine is operated.
 DO NOT USE Fuels that have sulfer content

Maintenance Section

Bio-Diesel Fuels
In Europe and in the United States, as well as some 6. With the standards as agreed to by the diesel
other countries, non-mineral oil based fuel resources engine manufacturers and the diesel fuel
such as RME (Rapeseed Methyl Ester) and SOME injection equipment manufacturers, or biodiesel
(Soybean Methyl Ester), collectively known as fuels that have degraded as per the precautions
FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters), are being used as and concerns above, may affect the warranty
extenders for mineral oil derived diesel fuels. coverage of your engine.

CROWN approves the use of bio-diesel fuels that do

not exceed a blend of 5% (by volume) of FAME with
95% (by volume) of approved mineral oil derived
General DEF/Ad-Blue Information
diesel fuel. Such bio-diesel fuels are known in the
marketplace as B5 diesel fuels. DEF/Ad-Blue Information
These 95 diesel fuels must meet certain Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), commonly referred to
requirements. as AdBlue in Europe, is an emissions control liquid
required by modern diesel engines. It is injected into
1. The bio-fuels must meet the minimum the exhaust stream. DEF/Ad-Blue is never added to
specifications for the country in which they are diesel fuel. It is a non-hazardous solution of 32.5%
used. urea in 67.5% de-ionized water. DEF/Ad-Blue is
clear and colorless, and looks exactly like water. It
 In Europe, bio-diesel fuels must comply with the has a slight smell of ammonia, similar to some home
European Standard EN14214. cleaning agents. DEF/Ad-Blue is used in by
 In the United States, bio-diesel fuels must Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology to
comply with the American Standard ASTM remove harmful NOx emissions from diesel engines.
The 32.5% urea concentration is the ideal solution
2. Bio-fuels should be purchased only from as it provides the lowest freeze point. Also, SCR
recognized and authorised diesel fuel suppliers. systems will be calibrated to the 32.5%, so that
optimum NOx will be reduced during operation.
Precautions and concerns regarding the use of DEF/Ad-Blue should comply with the following
bio- fuels: specifications. The table lists several worldwide
specifications for diesel fuels.
1. Free methanol in FAME may result in corrosion
of aluminum and zinc FIE components. DEF/Ad-Blue Specification Region

2. Free water in FAME may result in plugging of IS0 22241-1 International

fuel filters and increased bacterial growth. DIN 70700 Germany
KS R ISI 22241-1 South Korea
3. High viscosity at low temperatures may result in Certification of API USA
fuel delivery problems, injection pump seizures,
and poor injection nozzle spray atomization. A 32.5% solution of DEF/Ad-Blue will begin to
crystallize and freeze at 12 deg F (-11 deg C). At
4. FAME may have adverse effects on some 32.5%, both the urea and water will freeze at the
elastomers (seal materials) and may result in same rate, ensuring that as it thaws, the fluid does
fuel leakage and dilution of the engine not become diluted, or over concentrated. The
lubricating oil. freezing and unthawing of DEF/Ad-Blue will not
cause degradation of the product.
5. Even bio-diesel fuels that comply with a suitable
standard as delivered, will require additional
care and attention to maintain the quality of the
fuel in the equipment or other fuel tanks. It is
important to maintain a supply of clean, fresh
fuel. Regular flushing of the fuel system, and / or
fuel storage containers, may be necessary.

Maintenance Section

CAUTION Between 4°C/40°F and 26°C/80°F is recommended
to maintain shelf life.
• Make sure to wear personal protective equipment
Above -10°C/12° F is recommended to avoid
and observe precautions when handling
freezing, which starts at -11°C/11° F.
Below 30°C/86° F is recommended, which cause
• Lack of DEF/Ad-Blue will reduce engine power.
hydrolysis to occur, with the consequent formation of
Check the DEF/Ad-Blue level frequently.
ammonia and pressure rise, and will reduce shelf
• Use genuine DEF/Ad-Blue that meets quality
• Take care not to refill diesel fuel when replacing
Storage Shelf life
the DEF/Ad-Blue.
Temperature at constant Temperature
• Do not add any additives, antifreeze in particular,
to prevent the DEF/Ad-Blue from freezing. °C °F Months
• Before operating a vehicle which has been stored 16 60 36
for a six month period or longer, replace the 27 80 12
DEF/Ad-Blue. 38 100 3
49 120 1.5

Specification Precautions for Handling

ISO 22241-1/DIN20200 1. Read manufacturer's user manual and/or

Min Max precautions carefully before using DEF/Ad-Blue.
2. Wash hands thoroughly after handling
% by DEF/Ad-Blue.
Urea Content 31.8 33.2
weight 3. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment,
Density at 20°C 1.087 1.093 g/cm³ including safety gloves, appropriate clothes,
goggles, and face shield.
Refracting Index 4. Wash skin with plenty of water if exposed.
1.3814 1.3843
at 20°C 5. Take medical treatment if a large volume is
Alkalinity as swallowed.
0.2 %
NH3 6. Consult a doctor for any skin irritation.
Biuret 0.3 % 7. Wash contaminated clothes before reusing.
If the eyes are exposed, carefully wash with
Aldehyde 5 mg/kg flowing water for several minutes.
Insolubles 20 mg/kg 8. Remove contact lenses if possible.
9. Seek medical advice if eye irritation continues.
Phosphate 10. Seek medical advice for any risk of exposure or
0.5 mg/kg
(PO4) contact.
Calcium 0.5 mg/kg 11. The product and the container must be disposed
of according to a safe procedure provided by the
Iron 0.5 mg/kg
Copper 0.2 mg/kg
Zinc 0.2 mg/kg
Chromium 0.2 mg/kg
Nickel 0.2 mg/kg
Aluminum 0.5 mg/kg
Magnesium 0.5 mg/kg
Sodium 0.5 mg/kg
Potassium 0.5 mg/kg

Maintenance Section

LP Specifications

LP is "liquefied petroleum gas". The exact

composition of LP varies slightly between different
parts of the country and different refineries. HD5 is
recommended for CROWN forklift trucks.
Remember LP is heavier than air and will sink to the
lowest spot possible. Avoid areas near floor drains
or lubrication pits where escaped fuel may collect.

Composition of HD5

Propane (C3H9) 90.0 %

Propylene up to 5 %

Butane (C4H10) 2.0 %

iso-Butane 1.5 %

Methane (CH4) 1.5 %

Total 100 %

Maintenance Section

Lubricant Specifications
Lubricant Information Hydraulic Oil (HYDO)

Some classifications and abbreviations we use in The following commercial classifications can be
this section follow S.A.E. (Society of Automotive used in the hydraulic system.
Engineers) J754 nomenclature and others follow
S.A.E. J183.  ISO 6743/4 HM
 AFNOR NFE 48-603 HM
All MIL specifications are U.S.A. Military.  DIN 51524 TEIL 2 H-LP
Recommended oil viscosities are given in the  CINCINNATI P68, 69, 70
"Lubricant Viscosities" chart later in this section of  Viscosity: ISO VG32
the manual.
Industrial premium hydraulic oils that have passed
Greases are classified according to the National the Vickers vane pump test (35VQ25).
These oils should have anti-wear, antifoam, antirust
Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) based on ASTM
and antioxidation additives for heavy duty use as
D217-68 worked Penetration characteristics which stated by the oil supplier. ISO viscosity grade of 32
give a defined consistency number. would normally be selected.

Engine Oil (DEO and EO) Transmission Oil (TDTO)

The following oil specifications provide guidelines for
the selection of commercial products: NOTICE
• D34 Tier4 Final Engine These oils are formulated for transmissions and
: API CJ4, ACEA E9 or higher drive trains only, and should not be used in engines.
Shortened engine life will result.

NOTE: Multi-grade oils are not blended by CROWN
Failure to follow the oil recommendations can cause for use in transmissions. Multi-grade oils
shortened engine life due to carbon deposits or which use high molecular weight polymers
excessive wear. Especially for D34 Tier4 Final as viscosity index improvers lose their
engine, API CJ4 (ACEA E9) engine oil should be viscosity effectiveness by permanent and
used, because of EGR & SCR performance. temporary shear of the viscosity index
improver and therefore, are not
recommended for transmission and drive
Consult the EMA Lubricating Oils Data Book for a train compartments.
listing of oil brands.
NOTE: Failure to follow this recommendation can
NOTE: The percentage of sulphur in the fuel will cause shortened transmission life due to
affect the engine oil recommendations. For material incompatibility, inadequate
fuel sulphur effects, the Infrared Analysis or frictional requirements for disk materials
the ASTM D2896 procedure can be used to and/or excessive gear wear.
evaluate the residual neutralisation
Select Oil that meets below specifications.
properties of engine oil. The sulphur
products formation depends on the fuel  ZF 3WG94
sulphur content, oil formulation, crankcase CD60/70/80/90S-7(3 Speed)
blowby, engine operating conditions and - ZF TE-ML03
ambient temperature.

 PT50
CD(CG)60/70S-7(2 Speed)

Maintenance Section

Drive Axle Oil Lubricating Grease

NOTE: Failure to follow the recommendation will

cause shortened life due to excessive gear NOTICE
wear. Use MPGM for heavily loaded bearings and joints
where an extreme pressure grease will maximize
• Oil Cooled Disc Brake (OCDB) the life of CROWN equipment. This NLGI No. 2
Select oil that meets below specifications. grade is suitable for most temperatures.
: Universal Transmission Tractor Oil (UTTO) If MPGM is not available, use a type of multipurpose
grease which contains 3 to 5% molybdenum.
The following UTTO products of API GL4 class are
authorised for use
This NLGI no. 2 grade is recommended for light duty
automotive type applications where a high
Supplier Product Name temperature [ up to 175°C (350°F) ] is required.
This grease offers excellent mechanical stability,
MOBIL MOBIL FLUID 424 high resistance to oxidation, good rust protection
and excellent breakaway torque.
GS Caltex Textran TDH Premium
If this grease is not available, use a similar type of
multipurpose grease.

Maintenance Section

Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities

Lubricant Viscosities Refill Capacities
D5/6/7 D8//9 G5/6/7
Oil (Approximate)
Compartment °C °F 3speed 3speed 2speed
or System Viscosities Min Max Min Max
SAE 5W30 -30 +30 -22 86 Liters
or System
SAE10W30 -20 +30 -4 86
Engine Engine
SAE5W40 -30 +40 -22 104 D34P
Crankcase Crankcase 12.6 4.3
(Diesel) SAE10W40 -20 +40 -4 104 w/Filter
API CJ4, Cooling
SAE15W40 -15 +40 5 104
ACEA E9 System
SAE15W50 -15 +50 5 122 D34P
w/Coolant 12.7 19.0
SAE20W50 -10 +50 14 122 Reservoir
Engine tank
Crankcase Fuel Tank - Diesel 137 250 -
(LP) and Lift SAE 5W30 -30 +30 -22 +86 DEF /
Chains Ad-Blue D34P 15 30 -
Auto Shift
Auto Shift Trans 21 -
UTTO mission
Transmission -20 +50 -4 +122
(API GL4) Power
PT50 13 13
Power Shift 117 117
Hydraulic Power
Transmission DEXRON III -20 +50 -4 +122 Proper Proper
Steering System
DEXRON III quantity quantity
Drive Axle 14 14
Hydraulic and ISO VG32 -20 +30 -4 +86
Power Steering NOTE: The refill volume varies by the residual oil
ISO VG46 -10 +40 +14 +104
System volume. Check the level gauge and refer to
ISO 6743/4 HM ISO VG68 0 +50 +32 +122 the related instruction on the oil replacement.

Drive Axle NOTE: Dieseling may occur, causing damage to the

Housing engine if oil is refilled excessively. Refill the
UTTO oil half way between MIN and MAX using the
Disc Brake -20 +50 -4 +122
(API GL4) dipstick.

The SAE grade number indicates the viscosity of oil.

A proper SAE grade number should be selected
according to ambient temperature.

Maintenance Section

Maintenance Intervals
Every 10 Service Hours or Daily
Inspection Engine for Fluid Leaks ....................... 219
Users should be familiar with the requirements for
Engine Oil Level - Check ..................................... 219
inspection and maintenance of lift trucks as provided
by Australian Standard AS2359. Coolant Level - Check ......................................... 219
Air Cleaner Indicator - Check .............................. 220
Thermostat Valve (optional) - Check ................... 221
Inspect Engine for Exhaust Leaks ....................... 222
Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect........................ 222
Never exceed the Maintenance Intervals specified in Mast Channels - Lubricate .................................. 223
the manual. Defects and/or damage to the important DEF/Ad-Blue Fluid Level - Check ........................ 223
functional components may be resulted in. Hydraulic Oil Level - Check ................................. 223
Transmission Oil Level - Check ........................... 224
Drive Axle Oil Level - Check ................................ 224
All maintenance and repair, except every 10 service
hours or daily, on the lift truck must be performed by First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week
qualified and authorised personnel only.
Engine Oil & Oil Filter - Change .......................... 225
Transmission Oil & Oil Filter - Change ................ 226
NOTICE Drive Axle Oil - Change ....................................... 228
Careless disposal of waste oil can harm the Parking Brake - Test, Adjust ................................ 229
environment and can be dangerous to persons.
Make sure to have only authorised personnel
dispose waste oil Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months

Belts (Diesel E/G Only) - Check, Adjust .............. 232

Mast Hinge Pins - Lubricate ................................ 232
When Required Tilt Cylinders - Check, Adjust, Lubricate .............. 233
Crosshead Rollers - Inspect ................................ 233
Engine Valve Lash (Diesel E/G Only) - Check, Parking Brake - Test, Adjust ................................ 233
Adjust ................................................................... 206 Drive Axle Oil (OCDB) - Change ......................... 233
Inspecting Engine Fuel Supply System ............... 206 Horn and Lights(If Equipped) - Check ................. 234
Separating Water from Fuel ................................. 206 Overhead Guard (If Equipped) - Inspect ............. 234
Priming the Fuel System (Diesel Engine Only) ... 207 Steer Suspension - Inspect ................................. 234
Test Fuel System for Leaks (LP Engine Only) ..... 208 Universal Joint - Inspect, Lubricate ..................... 234
Fuel Tank Filter Cap & Screen - Clean ................ 208 Engine Oil & Filter (Diesel Engine Only) - Change
Seat - Check, Lubricate ....................................... 209 ............................................................................. 235
Battery Terminal - Clean, Inspect ........................ 209 Inspect Vacuum Lines and Fittings (LP Engine only)
SCR Cleaning – DeSOx (Diesel) ......................... 210 ............................................................................. 235
Fuses, Bulbs & Circuit Breaker - Change, Reset Fuel Trim Valve (FTV) Inspection (LP Engine only)
............................................................................. 213 ............................................................................. 235
Tyres and Wheels - Inspect, Check ..................... 214 Inspect Electrical System (LP Engine only) ......... 235
Radiator Cap - Clean, Change ............................ 216 Fuel Filter - Check, Clean, Change ..................... 236
Carriage Roller Extrusion - Adjust ....................... 216 Wheel Bolts & Nuts - Inspect ............................... 236
Mast, Carriage, Lift Chains & Attachments - Inspect, Steering Mechanism - Check, Lubricate.............. 237
Lubricate .............................................................. 217 Steering Axle Support - Check, Oiling ................. 237
Steering Mechanism (Link Bearing) - Check, Air Intake System - Check, Clean ....................... 237
Lubricate .............................................................. 218

Maintenance Section

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

Air Intake System - Change ................................. 240

Carburetor (LP - Gas Engine Only) - Adjust, Clean
............................................................................. 240
Inspect Coolant Hoses (LP Engines Only) .......... 241
LP Regulator/Converter Inspection (LP Engine Only)
............................................................................. 241
Fuel Lines & Fittings – Check .............................. 241
Inspect Mixer Assembly (LP Engine Only) .......... 241
Inspect Throttle Assembly (LP Engine Only) ....... 241
Hydraulic Oil, Return Filter, Strainer & Breather -
Check, Clean, Change......................................... 242
Lift Chains - Test, Check, Adjust .......................... 243
Transmission Oil (2 Speed Only) – Change ........ 245

Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months

Transmission Oil & Oil Filter – Change (3 Speed, ZF

3WG94) ............................................................... 246
Inspect Ignition System (LP Engine Only) ........... 246
Replace Spark Plugs (LP Engine Only) ............... 246
Replace LP Fuel Filter Element (LP Engine Only)
............................................................................. 247
Testing Fuel Lock-off Operation (LP Engine Only)
............................................................................. 248

Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly

Steer Wheel Bearings - Reassemble................... 249

Cooling System - Clean, Change ........................ 250
Fork - Inspect ....................................................... 251

Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months

Inspect Battery System ........................................ 253

Checking the TMAP Sensor (LP Engine Only) .... 253
Inspect for Intake Leaks (LP Engine Only) .......... 254
Replace PCV Valve and breather element - Change
(LP Engine Only) ................................................. 254
Replace Oxygen Sensor (LP Engine Only) ......... 254

Every 3000 Service Hours or 36 Months

DEF/Ad-Blue Supply module filter replacement

(D34P Engine Only) ............................................. 255

Environment Protection

Environment Protection ....................................... 256

Maintenance Section

Quick Reference to Maintenance Schedule FIRST EVERY

Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months

Every 3000 Service Hours or 36 Months

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months

Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months
First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week

Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly

Every 10 Service Hours or Daily

When Required
Air Cleaner Indicator Check 219 O
Air Intake System Change 239 O
Air Intake System Check, Clean 236 O
Battery Terminal
208 O
Belts (Diesel E/G Only) Check, Adjust 231 O
Carburetor (LP-Gas Engine Only) Adjust, Clean 239 O
Carriage Roller Extrusion Adjust 215 O
Checking the TMAP Sensor (LP Engine Only) 252 O
Coolant Level Check 218 O
Cooling System
249 O
Crosshead Rollers Inspect 232 O
DEF/Ad-Blue Fluid Level Check 222 O
DEF/Ad-Blue Supply module filter replacement
(D34P Engine Only)
254 O
Drive Axle Oil Change 227 O
Drive Axle Oil (OCDB) Change 232 O
Drive Axle Oil Level Check 223 O
Engine Oil & Filter (Diesel Engine Only) Change 234 O
Engine Oil & Oil Filter Change 224 O
Engine Oil Level Check 218 O
Engine Valve Lash (Diesel E/G Only) Check, Adjust 205 O
Fork Inspect 250 O
Fuel Filter Clean, 235 O
Fuel Lines & Fittings Check 240 O
Fuel Tank Filter Cap & Screen Clean 207 O
Fuel Trim Valve (FTV) Inspection (LP Engine
234 O
Fuses, Bulbs & Circuit Breaker
212 O
Horn and Lights(If Equipped) Check 233 O
Hydraulic Oil Level Check 224 O
Hydraulic Oil, Return Filter, Strainer & Breather Clean, 241 O
Inspect Battery System 252 O
Inspect Coolant Hoses (LP Engines Only) 240 O
Inspect Electrical System (LP Engine only) 234 O
Inspect Engine for Exhaust Leaks 221 O
Inspect for Intake Leaks (LP Engine Only) 253 O
Inspect Ignition System (LP Engine Only) 245 O
Inspect Mixer Assembly (LP Engine Only) 240 O

Maintenance Section

Quick Reference to Maintenance Schedule FIRST EVERY

Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months

Every 3000 Service Hours or 36 Months

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months

Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months
First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week

Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly

Every 10 Service Hours or Daily

When Required
Inspect Throttle Assembly (LP Engine Only) 240 O
Inspect Vacuum Lines and Fittings (LP Engine
234 O
Inspecting Engine Fuel Supply System 205 O
Inspection Engine for Fluid Leaks 218 O
Test, Check,
Lift Chains
242 O
LP Regulator/Converter Inspection (LP Engine
240 O
Mast Channels Lubricate 222 O
Mast Hinge Pins Lubricate 231 O
Mast, Carriage, Lift Chains & Attachments
216 O
Overhead Guard (If Equipped) Inspect 233 O
Parking Brake Test, Adjust O O
Priming the Fuel System (Diesel Engine Only) 206 O
Radiator Cap
215 O
Replace LP Fuel Filter Element (LP Engine
246 O
Replace Oxygen Sensor (LP Engine Only) 253 O
Replace PCV Valve and breather element (LP Engine 253 O
Replace Spark Plugs (LP Engine Only) 245 O
SCR Cleaning
209 O
208 O
Separating Water from Fuel 205 O
Steer Suspension Inspect 233 O
Steer Wheel Bearings Reassemble 248 O
Steering Axle Support Check, Oiling 236 O
Steering Mechanism
236 O
Steering Mechanism(Link Bearing)
217 O
Test Fuel System for Leaks (LP Engine Only) 207 O
Testing Fuel Lock-off Operation (LP Engine
247 O
Thermostat Valve (optional) Check 220 O
Tilt Cylinders Adjust, 232 O
Tyres and Wheels
213 O

Maintenance Section

Quick Reference to Maintenance Schedule FIRST EVERY

Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months

Every 3000 Service Hours or 36 Months

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months

Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months
First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week

Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly

Every 10 Service Hours or Daily

When Required
Transmission Oil & Oil Filter Change 225 O
Change (3
Transmission Oil & Oil Filter Speed, ZF 245 O
Transmission Oil (2 Speed Only) Change 244 O
Transmission Oil Level Check 223 O
Universal Joint
233 O
Walk-Around Inspection Inspect 221 O
Wheel Bolts & Nuts Inspect 235 O

Maintenance Section

When Required
You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Engine Valve Lash Inspecting Engine Fuel Supply

(Diesel E/G Only) - Check, Adjust System

The valve clearances are to be adjusted at the times Once a lot of foreign substances or water are
of the following situations. detected in the fuel supply line, the warning
 When the engine is overhauled and the cylinder function is activated. Failure to check the fuel
heads are disassembled. supply line in response to the warning may
 When severe noise comes from valve train. cause a serious fault or damage in the engine.
 When the engine is not normally operated even
though there is no trouble in the fuel system.

Separating Water from Fuel

Once water is detected in the fuel, the water-in-fuel
To prevent possible injury when adjusting diesel warning function is triggered to set off the warning
engines, do not use the starter motor to turn the buzzer, light up the warning lamp, and derate the
flywheel. engine. If a water-in-fuel warning occurs, check the
fuel supply line as follows:
Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow
additional time for the engine to cool before 1. Turn off the engine and put a drip pan on the
measuring valve clearance. floor to catch drained fuel.
2. Remove the plug at the bottom of the fuel filter
and wait until all fuel and water drain out of the
3. Once they drain out, mount the plug and
NOTICE remove air according to the fuel system priming
Measure the valve lash with the engine stopped. To
4. Start up the engine and check if the warning has
obtain an accurate measurement, allow at least 20
been cleared and the vehicle operates normally.
minutes for the engine cylinder head and block to

Set the clearance to the nominal appropriate

clearance given in the "Valve Clearance Setting"
chart shown below.

Valve Clearances
Engine Valve Clearance
D34P .45 mm (.18 in)
Intake Valves .40 mm (.16 in)

Refer to the "Service Manual" for the complete valve

adjustment procedure.

NOTE: In case of LP Engine, no valve adjustment

is necessary.

Maintenance Section

Getting Rid of Foreign Substances from Priming the Fuel System

Fuel Supply System (Diesel Engine Only)
Once foreign substances are detected in the fuel,
the pressure sensor warning function is activated. Bleeding the Fuel System
With this warning triggered, all or either of the After changing the fuel filter, or after having serviced
following measures are taken depending on the any part of the fuel system, make sure that the air is
vehicle settings: setting off the warning buzzer, bled from the system.
lighting up the warning lamp, and derating the
engine. If a pressure sensor warning occurs, check
the system as follows:

1. Take out the fuel tank cover and remove the

fuel tank filter.

2. Wipe foreign substances off the filter with a

clean cloth or blowing them off using an air

1. Operate priming pump for five minutes.
2. Make sure to check leakage of injection pump
and filter after operating feed pump many times.

3. Reinstall the filter and cover on the fuel tank.

Draining Water from Fuel Filter
Applicable to diesel engines only
4. Start the ignition and check if the warning has
been cleared and the vehicle operates normally. 1. Turn the wing nut counterclockwise on the fuel
filter’s lower part to open the drain valve on the
5. If the pressure sensor warning persists, replace bottom of the filter.
the fuel filter cartridge. This replacement is one
of the items described in the subsection of
“Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months. Drain the fuel (including water) from the filter until
clean fuel appears.

Be careful not to damage the fuel tank filter when
cleaning it. A damaged fuel tank filter may cause the
contamination of the fuel filter with foreign
substances and consequently a serious trouble in
the engine.

Before you perform service or maintenance, test
the fuel system for leaks.

Maintenance Section

Test Fuel System for Leaks Fuel Tank Filter Cap & Screen -
(LP Engine Only) Clean
Park the lift truck with the forks lowered, parking
brake applied, transmission in neutral and the
engine stopped.

 Obtain a leak check squirt bottle or pump spray

 Fill the bottle with an approved leak check
 Spray a generous amount of the solution on the
fuel system fuel lines and connections, starting
at the storage container.
 Wait approximately 15-60 seconds then perform
a visual inspection of the fuel system. Leaks will
cause the solution to bubble.
Typical Example
 Repair any leaks before continuing.
 Crank the engine through several revolutions. 1. Raise the left side cover.
This will energize the fuel lock-off and allow fuel
2. Remove the filter cap assembly. Separate the
to flow to the pressure regulator/converter.
cap from the screen. Clean both in clean,
Apply additional leak check solution to the
nonflammable solvent.
regulator/converter fuel connections and
housing. Repeat leak inspection as listed above. 3. Dry and assemble cap and screen.
 Repair any fuel leaks before continuing.
4. Install cap assembly.

Prior to any service or maintenance activity, Test Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or
Fuel System for Leaks. electrical components can cause a fire.

5. Drain moisture and sediment from fuel tank as

required by prevailing conditions.

Maintenance Section

Seat - Check, Lubricate Battery Terminal - Clean, Inspect

Batteries give off flammable fumes that can

Do not smoke when observing the battery

electrolyte levels.

Electrolyte is an acid and can cause personal

injury if it contacts skin or eyes.

Always wear protective glasses when working

Typical Example with batteries.

Check the operation of the seat adjuster rod. Make

sure that the seat slides freely on its track. Lightly oil
the seat slider tracks if necessary.

Typical Example Diesel Engine Truck

1. Clean the top of the battery and terminals.

2. Check terminals for corrosion. Coat terminals

with heavy grease.

Maintenance Section

SCR Cleaning – DeSOx (Diesel)

SCR Cleaning - DeSOx Display Pop-up
In order that the SCR system may maintain its
exhaust cleaning efficiency at a proper level, it
should be periodically initialized—“SCR cleaning.”

Keep monitoring the vehicle condition via the
SCREEN display.
• At a workplace which is near inflammables or,
heavily populated, or an indoor space, disable the Cabin
SCR cleaning function.
• Be careful of the high temperature of the exhaust
tube or other parts during SCR cleaning.
• Do not operate the vehicle (e.g. pushing the
accelerator pedal) during SCR cleaning.
• Do not switch off the ignition during SCR cleaning.
The SCR system might be damaged.

SCR Cleaning switch

Automatic SCR Cleaning

The ECU attempts to start SCR cleaning during
working—“automatic SCR cleaning”—at a proper
moment after determining the moment. Once
automatic SCR cleaning starts, the high temperature
indicator lamp lights up with a popup appearing for
the operator to notice it.

DOC & SCR Position

Display that notifies the operator of automatic SCR


If automatic SCR cleaning is failed due to a low

exhaust temperature, you should perform it after the
vehicle stops. Therefore, it is recommended to keep
the vehicle working as far as possible in order to
Overhead Guard
ensure automatic SCR cleaning is fully completed.
While automatic SCR cleaning is being carried out,
exhaust emissions above 500 ℃ may cause fires or

Maintenance Section

Setting this switch to position "3" prohibits automatic 5. After holding down the switch at the “3” position
SCR Cleaning in an environment subject to dust, for three seconds, check that SCR cleaning has
explosion or regulated noise level. At position "3", a started.
pop-up appears as shown below: 6. Once SCR cleaning finishes, the LCD display will
The switch returns to the normal position of "2" after show a notification.
pressed by the operator to position "1". However, it
does not return when pressed to position "3" and the Press this switch and release it after 3 sec,
operator shall return the switch from position "3". SCREEN Cleaning will be started and the engine
speed will be increased. Screen pop-up provides
information on the warning up and cleaning process.

SCR Cleaning inhibited

If automatic SCR cleaning is failed, you should carry Warming up process

it out a while after the vehicle starts working.

1) A pop-up on the SCR Display warns the operator

to perform SCR Cleaning. (3 warnings: at 10 hrs
remaining, 5 hrs remaining, Immediate)


Exemplary warning – 10 hrs remaining

Limit the engine power and stop the current work

when SCR cleaning is not used; you will be violating
the exhaust regulations if you do not.
To carry out SCR cleaning safely, observe the
following steps:

1. Park the vehicle at a safe place. White smoke can

be emitted during SCR Cleaning.
2. Remove the flammable material or stained oil Completed
from exhaust system. High temperature of
exhaust system and gas can cause fire.
3. Engage the parking brake, and make sure the
gear is in neutral.
4. Allow engine to warm up sufficiently; the SCR
cleaning is not possible in cold condition.

Maintenance Section

Information - correlation between Symbol and message (Display)

As shown in the table below, for your information, we provide Information about correlation between Symbol
and message (Display)

No State SYMBOL Lamp Message on the Display

Recommend SCR Cleaning in 10hr
1 -
Need Engine Warm up
Request Service SCR Should Do SCR Cleaning in 5hr
2 ON
Cleaning Need Engine Warm up
Must Do SCR Cleaning Immediately
3 Blink
Need Engine Warm up

Progressing Passive SCR

4 ON Hot Exhaust Gas
Progressing Service SCR

Service SCR Cleaning

5 ON Warming up for SCR Cleaning
Preparation Lamp

Cleaning SCR
6 Under Cleaning SCR ON

7 SCR Cleaning Finish - SCR Cleaning completed

SCR Cleaning inhibit switch

8 ON SCR Cleaning is inhibited

Maintenance Section

Fuses, Bulbs & Circuit Breaker -

Change, Reset
NOTE: If a fuse filament separates, use only the
same type and size fuses for replacement.
If the filament in a new fuse separates.
Have the circuits and instruments checked.

Always replace fuses with ones of the correct
ampere rating.

Remove the front cover of fuse box. The fuses are

located under the cover.

Fuse - Protects an electrical circuit from

an overload. Opens (filament separates)
if an overload occurs.


Typical Example

Check the fuses. Use a flashlight, if necessary.

Fuses are identified as follows:


Maintenance Section

Circuit Breaker Tyres and Wheels - Inspect, Check

1. Operation the pilot box.

Servicing and changing tyres and rims can be
dangerous and should be done only by trained
personnel using proper tools and procedures.
Deflate tyre before removing wheel nuts from the

If correct procedures are not followed while

servicing tyres and rims, the assemblies could
burst with explosive force and cause serious
physical injury or death.

Follow carefully the specific information

provided by your tyre servicing man or branch.
Typical Example Diesel Engine Truck

2. The main circuit breaker is located on the rear of

the support for the controls.

NOTE: To reset circuit breakers push on the button.

The button should stay in if the breaker is
reset. If the button will not stay in, or comes
out shortly after reset, have the circuits

Bulbs are identified as follows

[Diesel Engine]
1. Bulb-head lamp halogen(24V-70/75W)
2. Bulb-rear(24V-55W)
3. Bulb-turn signal(Front, 24V-25/10W)
4. Bulb-turn signal(Rear, 24V-25W)
5. Bulb-stop & tail(24V-25/10W)
6. Bulb-back up(24V-10W)
7. LED head lamp
8. LED tail light
9. LED turn signal light (front)
10. LED turn signal light (rear)
11. LED stoplight, tail light
12. LED backup lamp
13. Strobe light

[LP Engine]
1. Bulb-head lamp halogen(12V-60/55W)
2. Bulb-rear(12V-55W)
3. Bulb-turn signal(Front, 12V-23/8W)
4. Bulb-turn signal(Rear, 12V-23W)
5. Bulb-stop & tail(12V, 23/8W)
6. Bulb-back up(12V-10W)

Maintenance Section

Check Inflation and Damage

Inspect tyres for wear, cuts, gouges and foreign
objects. Look for bent rims and correct seating of
locking ring.

Check tyres for proper inflation. See "Tyre Inflation


To inflate tyres always use a clip-on chuck with a

minimum 60 cm (24 inches) length of hose to an
inline valve and gauge.

Always stand behind the tread of the tyre. NOT in

front of the rim.

Typical Example

Do not re-inflate a tyre that has been run while flat or

underinflated, without first checking to make sure
the rim is not damaged and is in the correct position.

When tyres are changed, be sure to clean all rim

parts and, if necessary, repaint to stop detrimental
effects of corrosion. Sand blasting is recommended
for removal of rust.

Check all components carefully and replace any

cracked, badly worn, damaged and severely rusted
or corroded parts with new parts of the same size
and type. If there is any doubt, replace with new

Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to rework,

weld, heat or braze any rim components.

Maintenance Section

Radiator Cap - Clean, Change Clean Outside of Radiator Core

Clean Pressure Cap WARNING
Pressure air can cause personal injury.
When using pressure air for cleaning, wear a
Hot oil and components can cause personal protective face shield, protective clothing and
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to protective shoes.
contact skin.
The maximum air pressure must be below 205
kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.

Compressed air, high pressure water or steam can

be used to remove dust, leaves and general debris
from a radiator. Clean as required by condition of
The use of compressed air is preferred.

Carriage Roller Extrusion - Adjust

1. Set the mast vertical.

2. Lower the carriage completely.

3. On full free lift and full free triple lift models, the
bottom of the inner mast must be flush with the
1. Remove the radiator cap slowly to relieve
bottom of the stationary mast.

2. Inspect the cap for damage, deposits or foreign

material. Clean the cap with a clean cloth or
change the cap as necessary.

3. Install the cap.

4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the

inner upright to the bottom of carriage bearing.

5. The measurement (A) must be as follows in

Chart below.

Height of carriage roller extrusion (A)

STD mast FF mast FFT mast
CD60/70S-7 (3 Speed)
23 - 26
CD80/90S-7 (3 Speed)
42 - 42

Maintenance Section

Mast, Carriage, Lift Chains & Lubricate Mast Side Rollers

Attachments - Inspect, Lubricate
1. Operate the lift, tilt and attachment controls.
Listen for unusual noises. These may indicate a
need for repair.

2. Check for loose bolts and nuts on the carriage.

Remove any debris from the carriage and mast.

3. Check the forks and attachments for free

operation and damage. Have repairs made if

Typical Example

1. Lubricate the 2 fittings on the inner mast.

Lubricate Carriage Side Rollers

Typical Example

4. Brush a film of oil on all links of the chain.

5. Raise and lower the carriage a few times to

allow lubricant to enter into the chain links.

Typical Example
1. Lubricate the 4 fittings for the carriage side
Lubricate chains more frequently than normal in rollers, two on each side of the carriage side
applications where the lift truck is operating in an rollers.
atmosphere which could cause corrosion of
components or when lift truck must work in rapid lift

6. Check the air cleaner housing for loose latches.

Typical Example

2. Lubricate the 2 fittings for the carriage middle

rollers, one on each side of the carriage middle

Maintenance Section

Steering Mechanism (Link

Bearing) - Check, Lubricate

Typical Example

1. Lubricate the steering link bearings, total of four

fittings. Two on the right side and two on the left

2. Check for any worn or loose components of the

steering mechanism. Remove any debris or
trash as required.

Maintenance Section

Every 10 Service Hours or Daily

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Inspection Engine for Fluid Leaks Coolant Level - Check

1. Start the engine and allow it to reach operating
At operating temperature, the engine coolant is
2. Turn the engine off.
hot and under pressure.
3. Inspect the entire engine for oil and/or coolant
Steam can cause personal injury.
Check the coolant level only after the engine has
4. Repair as necessary before continuing.
been stopped and the filter cap is cool enough
to touch with your bare hand.

Remove the filter cap slowly to relieve pressure.

Engine Oil Level - Check
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali.
1. Raise the hood and seat assembly. Avoid contact with the skin and eyes to prevent
personal injury.
Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

Excessive refill volume of engine oil can cause

dieseling phenomenon resulting in severe
engine, damage. Keep appropriate engine oil

Typical Example

1. Observe the coolant level with engine cold.

Maintain coolant level to the proper line on
expansion bottle. If the expansion bottle has no
coolant, it will be necessary to check coolant at
the radiator filter neck.

2. Remove the radiator cap. Fill radiator to the top

of the filter neck. Inspect radiator cap. Replace if
Typical Example damaged. Install the radiator cap.

2. The oil level should be close as possible to

upper point of the oil dip stick. Do not refill more
than upper point.

Maintenance Section

Air Cleaner Indicator - Check

Service Indicator

Typical Example

3. Start and run the engine to stabilise the coolant

level in the filter neck. If low, add coolant until it
reaches the top of the filter neck. Install the
radiator cap. Observe coolant level in the
expansion bottle. If necessary, add coolant to
bring the coolant to the appropriate line on the
expansion bottle.
Typical Example Diesel Engine Truck
4. Stop the engine.
1. Observe the air cleaner service indicator.
5. Inspect the cooling system for leaks, hose
cracks or loose connections. 2. Service the air cleaner when the RED band in
the service indicator, locks in the visible position.
WARNING See topic, "Air Intake System - Check, Clean" in
"Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months".
Pressure air can cause personal injury.
NOTE: Service the element more frequently, as
When using pressure air for cleaning, wear a required, in severe dust or lint conditions.
protective face shield, protective clothing and Also, service it more frequently where the
protective shoes. operator is required to wear a respirator.
Maximum air pressure must be less than 205 3. Close hood and seat assembly.
kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.

6. Blow any dust and lint from the radiator fins.

Maintenance Section

Thermostat Valve (optional) - Failure detected by a defective

Check thermostat valve part:
1) Fault occurred with the internal thermostat
Thermostat Valve Function closed: in the initial operation, the transmission
A thermostat valve is provided in the transmission oil oil gauge exceeds red line and B7 error code
cooling line to shorten the oil warming-up time in appears on the transmission display.
cold weather.
2) Fault occurred with the internal thermostat open:
The valve installation of shall be in accordance with same as without a thermostat valve. It takes long
the picture below. to preheat the transmission oil but no further
impact on the vehicle.

Incorrect assembly of the Thermostat Valve can
result in oil leak and/or overheating of the

Maintenance Section

Inspect Engine for Exhaust Leaks

1. Start the engine and allow it to reach operating

2. Perform visual inspection of exhaust system.

Repair any/all leaks found.

Walk-Around Inspection - Inspect

For maximum service life of the lift truck, make a
thorough walk-around inspection. Look around and
under the truck for such items as loose or missing
bolts, debris or dirt buildup, fuel, oil or coolant leaks Typical Example
and cut or gouged tyres.
5. Inspect the operator's compartment for loose
Have any repairs made and debris removed, as items and cleanliness.
6. Inspect the instrument panel for broken gauges
and indicator lights.

7. Test the horn and other safety devices for

proper operation.

8. Inspect engine compartment for oil, coolant and

fuel leaks.

9. Inspect the cooling system for leaks, worn hoses

and debris buildup.

10. Inspect the carriages, forks or attachments for

wear, damage, and loose or missing bolts.

 Visually inspect forks for cracks, especially

Typical Example
in the heel section, around the mounting
brackets, and all weld areas.
1. Inspect the tyres and wheels for cuts, gouges,
foreign objects, inflation pressure and loose or  Inspect for broken or jagged fork tips, bent
missing bolts. or twisted blades and shanks.

2. Inspect the mast and lift chains for wear, broken  Make sure positioning lock is in place and
links, pins and loose rollers. working. Lock the forks in position before
using the truck. See Step 7 of "Forks" in
3. Inspect the hydraulic system for leaks, worn "Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly".
hoses or damaged lines.
 Remove all defective forks from service.
4. Look for transmission and drive axle leaks on
the lift truck and on the ground.

Maintenance Section

Mast Channels - Lubricate Hydraulic Oil Level - Check

At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is
hot and under pressure.

Hot oil can cause burns.

Remove the filter cap only when the engine is

stopped, and the cap is cool enough to touch
with your bare hand. Remove the filter cap
slowly to relieve pressure.

Typical Example
1. Operate the lift truck for a few minutes to warm
The channels on the roller-type mast require a the oil. Park the lift truck on a level surface, with
break-in period. Apply a light film of lubricant on the the forks lowered, mast tilted back, parking
channels where the rollers ride. This will prevent brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL and
metal peel until the rollers set a pattern. the engine stopped.

2. Raise the hood and seat assembly. Make sure

DEF/Ad-Blue Fluid Level - Check the air lift cylinder securely holds the hood open.
1. Start the engine and check DEF/Ad-Blue level at
the LCD.

2. If DEF/Ad-Blue level is less than 20%, must refill

DEF/ Ad-Blue in the DEF/ Ad-Blue tank.

Typical Example

3. Check the oil level.

4. Maintain the oil level to the FULL mark on the

dip stick/filter cap assembly.

5. Install the dip stick/filter cap assembly.

Maintenance Section

Transmission Oil Level - Check 5. Loosen the oil dipstick counter-clockwise,

remove and clear it. Insert the oil dipstick slowly
into the oil level tube until contact is obtained,
and pull the dipstick out again.
Hot oil and components can cause personal 6. When the oil temperature is around 40°C, the
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to marking on the oil dipstick must be lying above
contact skin. the cold start mark, "COLD". When the oil
temperature is around 80°C, the oil level must
be lying in the zone "HOT".
1. Start and operate the lift truck until the 7. Install the oil dipstick again and tighten it
transmission reaches normal operating clockwise.
temperature (about 80°C).
8. Check for oil leaks at the filter and drain plug.
2. Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered,
parking brake applied and the transmission 9. Stop the engine.
controls in NEUTRAL.

3. With the service brake applied and the engine at Drive Axle Oil Level - Check
low idle, shift the directional control lever to
forward and then to reverse, to fill the clutches.

4. Shift the transmission into NEUTRAL. Engage Hot oil and components can cause personal
the parking brake. injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

Oil Cooled Disc Brake (OCDB) Type

Park the lift truck on a level surface. Apply the
parking brake. The engine is at the low idle. Place
the directional control level in NEUTRAL.

1. Remove the dip stick/filter cap. Observe the oil


Typical Example CD60/70/80/90S-7 (3 Speed) 2. Maintain the oil level between lower mark and
upper mark on the dip stick/filter cap.

3. Install the dip stick/filter cap.

Typical Example CD(CG)60/70S-7 (2 Speed)

Maintenance Section

First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Engine Oil & Oil Filter - Change

The percentage of sulphur in the fuel will affect the

engine oil recommendations. If the fuel has over
0.5% sulphur content, the engine oil must have a
TBN of 20 times the percentage of fuel sulphur (TBN
as measured by the ASTM D-2896 method). Your oil
supplier should be able to furnish the correct oils.

1. Operate lift truck a few minutes to warm oil. Park

the lift truck with the forks lowered, parking
brake applied, transmission in neutral and the
engine stopped.

2. Raise rear of lift truck off the ground and block Typical Example LP Engine (PSI4.3L)

Hot oil and components can cause personal Careless disposal of waste oil can harm the
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to environment and can be dangerous to persons.
contact skin. Make sure to have only authorised personnel
dispose waste oil

3. Remove the crankcase drain plug and allow oil

to drain. Clean and install drain plug.

4. Raise the left side cover.

5. Remove and discard oil filter element.

6. Wipe sealing surface of oil filter element

mounting base. Make sure all of the old gasket
is removed.

7. Before installing a new filter element, apply a

small amount of clean engine oil to the filter
element gasket.
Typical Example Diesel Engine (D34P/NAP)
8. Install the new filter element. When the gasket
contacts the base, tighten it 3/4 of a turn more.
Do not over tighten.

9. Raise the lift truck, remove the blocking and

lower the lift truck.

10. Fill the crankcase. See "Refill Capacities".

11. Start the engine and allow the oil to fill the filter
and passages.

12. Check for oil leaks.

Maintenance Section

Transmission Oil & Oil Filter -

13. Stop the engine and measure the oil level. The
oil level should be close as possible to upper Change
point of the oil dip stick.
14. Close side cover.
Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
WARNING contact skin.
Do not refill more than upper point.

Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered,

parking brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL
and the engine stopped.
Servicing of the engine oil and oil filter element will
largely affect the engine performance as well as the
engine life.

Engine oil and filter element must be changed after

the first 50-100 Service hours or a week.

Typical Example CD60/70/80/90S-7 (3 Speed)

1. Remove drain plug. Allow the oil to drain.

Careless disposal of waste oil can harm the
environment and can be dangerous to persons.
Make sure to have only authorised personnel
dispose waste oil.

2. Wash the strainer (screen), spring and drain

plug in clean, nonflammable solvent. Dry the
strainer, spring and drain plug. (2 Speed Only)

3. Install the drain plug.

Maintenance Section

ZF 3WG94

Typical Example CD60/70/80/90S-7 (3 Speed)

Typical Example CD(CG)60/70S-7 (2 Speed)

4. Rotate the oil filter counter clockwise to remove
it. 8. Remove the dip stick/filter cap. Fill the
compartment with oil. See "Refill Capacities".
• Replacement Interval of Transmission Oil Filter Install the dip stick/filter cap.

CD60/70/80/90S-7 (3 Speed) 9. Close the cabin and hood assembly.

: Every 1,500 Service Hours or 9 Months.
CD(CG)60/70S-7 (2 Speed) 10. Start the engine.
: Every 1,000 Service Hours or 6 Months.
11. With the service brake applied and engine at low
idle, shift the transmission to forward and
5. Put a small amount of clean oil on the seal reverse to fill the clutches.
gasket on the new filter. Install the filter by hand.
When the filter contacts the base, tighten it an 12. Shift the transmission into NEUTRAL. Engage
additional 3/4 turn. the parking brake.

6. Open the access left door of the seat box.(3 13. Loosen the oil dipstick counter-clockwise,
Speed Only) remove and clear it. Insert the oil dipstick slowly
into the oil level tube until contact is obtained,
and pull the dipstick out again.

14. When the oil temperature is around 40°C, the

marking on the oil dipstick must be lying above
the cold start mark, "COLD". When the oil
temperature is around 80°C, the oil level must
be lying in the zone "HOT".
Typical Example CD60/70/80/90S-7 (3 Speed)
15. Install the oil dipstick again and tighten it
7. Open the access door in the seat box.(2 Speed
16. Check for oil leaks at the filter and drain plug.

17. Stop the engine.

Maintenance Section

Drive Axle Oil - Change

Park the lift truck on a level surface, parking brake
applied, transmission in neutral.

Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

Oil Cooled Disc Brake (OCDB) Type 6. Remove the dip stick/filter cap. Fill the drive axle
housing with oil. See "Lubricant Specification -
Park the lift truck on a level surface. Apply the
Drive Axle Oil" and "Refill Capacity".
parking brake. Place the directional control level in
NEUTRAL and stop the engine.
7. Start the lift truck. With the engine at low idle,
place the directional control lever to the

8. Maintain the oil level between lower mark and

upper mark on the dip stick/filter cap.

9. Install the dip stick/filter cap.

1. Remove three drain plugs of the drive axle

housing and both wheel ends. Allow the oil to
drain into a suitable container. Clean the
magnetic drain plugs. Check O-ring seal and
replace if necessary.

2. Install the drain plug.

3. Remove strainer assembly.

4. Wash the strainer assembly in clean,

nonflammable solvent and dry it.

5. Install the strainer assembly and reconnect the

hose and harness.

Maintenance Section

Parking Brake - Test, Adjust To Adjust

Park the lift truck level, with the forks lowered,
WARNING transmission in NEUTRAL, the engine stopped and
the wheels securely blocked.
To prevent personal injury, the operator must be
ready to use the service brake if the parking
brake is not adjusted correctly and the lift truck Mechanical Parking Brake (If Installed)
starts to move.

NOTE: Be sure area around the lift truck is clear of

personnel and obstructions.

1. Drive the lift truck with a rated load up a 15%


2. Halfway up the incline, stop the lift truck by

applying the service brakes.

Typical Example

3. Engage the parking brake and slowly release the

service brake. Typical Example

4. If the parking brake has the correct adjustment 1. Release the parking brake
the lift truck will be hold in place. If the parking
brake does not hold, adjust the parking brake. 2. Turn the adjustment knob, clockwise to tighten
the brake.

3. Test the parking brake adjustment. Repeat the

adjustment procedure, if necessary.

Maintenance Section

Electronic Parking Brake (If Installed)

1. Park the vehicle with the parking brake drum's

rubber cap positioned at 6 o'clock and then turn
off the ignition.
6. Remove the 6-o’clock-positioned rubber cap
from the parking brake drum.

7. Screw up the adjuster as far as possible.

8. Screw down the adjuster exactly by two clicks.

9. Install the rubber cap on the parking brake drum.

10. Put a nut on the hydraulic actuator and tighten it

up to a height of 23-25 mm.

11. Put the other nut and tighten it firmly.

12. Close down the cabin.

13. Turn on the ignition and press the parking brake

switch to check if the parking brake works
2. Secure the wheels firmly with blocks. 14. Test the parking brake.
3. Tilt the cabin open.

4. Completely loosen two nuts (1) of the hydraulic

actuator located at the fore part of the vehicle.

5. Check that the parking brake lever is completely

put down to the horizontal position.

Maintenance Section

Every 250 Service Hours or Monthly

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Engine Oil & Filter (LP Engine) - 10. Fill the crankcase. See "Refill Capacities ".
Change 11. Start the engine and allow the oil to fill the filter and
LP Engine Crankcase
12. Check for oil leaks.
1. Operate lift truck a few minutes to warm oil. Park the
lift truck with the forks lowered, parking brake applied,
transmission in neutral and the engine stopped.

2. Raise rear of lift truck off ground and block securely.

Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

13. Stop the engine and measure the oil level. Maintain
the oil level to the FULL mark on the dip stick.

14. Close hood and seat assembly.


Engine Oil Service hours can be extended to 500

hours by using CROWN supplied specific oil. Please
consult CROWN branch about it.

3. Remove the crankcase drain plug and allow oil to

drain. Clean and install drain plug.

4. Raise the hood and seat assembly.

5. Remove and discard oil filter element.

6. Wipe sealing surface of oil filter element mounting

base. Make sure all of the old gasket is removed.

7. Before installing a new filter element, apply a small

amount of clean engine oil to the filter element gasket.

8. Install the new filter element. When the gasket

contacts the base, tighten it 3/4 of a turn more. Do not

9. Raise the lift truck, remove the blocking and lower the
lift truck.

Maintenance Section

Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Belts (Diesel E/G Only) - Check, Mast Hinge Pins - Lubricate


Typical Example

1. Lower the forks and tilt the mast forward.

2. Lubricate the two fittings for the mast hinge pins,

one on each side of the mast.
Typical Example Diesel (G2 D34)

1. Check the condition and adjustment of the belt.

Correct adjustment allows 10 mm (3/8 inch)
deflection under 110 N (25 lb) of force.

Typical Example

Failure to loosen the alternator mounting bolt (2) will
cause excessive stress and break the alternator
mounting ear.

2. To adjust the alternator drive belt, loosen

adjusting bracket nut (1), mounting bolt and nut
(2) and nut (3). Move the nut (1) in or out as
required. Tighten the mounting bolt and nut (1, 2,

Maintenance Section

Tilt Cylinders - Check, Adjust, Crosshead Rollers - Inspect

Lubricate 1. Operate the mast through a lift cycle. Watch the
chains move over the crosshead rollers. Make
Chassis Pivot Eyebolts sure the chain is tracking over the rollers

Typical Example

1. Lubricate two fittings for the pivot eyebolts, one

Typical Example
on each tilt cylinder.
2. Check for damaged crosshead rollers, guards
2. Check the pivot eye pins for loose retainer bolts and retainer rings.
and wear.

Parking Brake - Test, Adjust

Mast Pivot Eyes
See topic, "Parking Brake - Test, Adjust "in" First
50-100 Service Hours or a Week."

Drive Axle Oil (OCDB) - Change

See topic, "Drive Axle Oil - Change" in "First 50-100
Service Hours or a Week".

Typical Example

1. Lubricate two fittings for the mast pivot eyes,

one on each side of the mast.

2. Check the pivot eye pins for loose retainer bolts

and wear.

Maintenance Section

Horn and Lights(If Equipped) - Steer Suspension - Inspect


1. Inspect the suspension mounting bolts. Tighten

Typical Example suspension each four mounting bolts (total eight
bolts), if necessary, to 240±40N·m (177±29
1. Press horn button, to determine if horn is
2. Look for leaks at the power steering hose and
2. Check and replace all defective gauges.
tube connections.
3. Check all lights such as warning, directional,
3. Remove any trash buildup on the suspension or
backup, driving and flood lights for correct
steer axle.
operation. Replace all burned out bulbs. Have
repairs made if needed.

Universal Joint - Inspect, Lubricate

Overhead Guard (If Equipped) -

Typical Example

Check for worn or damaged bearings. Check for

Typical Example loose retaining bolts and nuts. Tighten the bolts and
nuts, if necessary. (55N·m, 41 lb·ft) Lubricate one
1. Check tightness of overhead guard mounting
fitting on the universal joint.
bolts at 240 N·m (175 lb·ft).

2. Check overhead guard for bent or cracked

sections. Have repairs made if needed.

Maintenance Section

Engine Oil & Filter Fuel Trim Valve (FTV) Inspection

(Diesel Engine Only) - Change (LP Engine only)
Diesel Engine Crankcase  Visually inspect the Fuel trim valve(3) for
abrasions or cracking. Replace as necessary.
See topic, "Engine Oil & Filter (Diesel E/G Only) -
Change" in "First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week".  To ensure the valve is not leaking a blow-by test
can be performed.

Inspect Vacuum Lines and Fittings 1. With the engine off, disconnect the electrical
connector to the FTV.
(LP Engine only)
2. Disconnect the vacuum line from the FTV to the
 Visually inspect vacuum lines and fittings for
pressure regulator/converter, at the converter’s
physical damage such as brittleness, cracks
tee connection.
and kinks. Repair/replace as required.
 Solvent or oil damage may cause vacuum lines 3. Lightly blow through the vacuum line connected to
to become soft resulting in a collapsed line while the FTV. Air should not pass through the FTV
the engine is running. when de-energized. If air leaks past the FTV
when de-energized replace the FTV.
 If abnormally soft lines are detected, replace as

Inspect Electrical System

(LP Engine only)
 Check for loose, dirty or damaged connectors
and wires on the harness including: Fuel lock-off,
TMAP sensor, O2 sensor, Electronic throttle,
Control Relays, Fuel Trim Valve, Foot Pedal,
and Distributor sensor.

 Repair and/or replace as necessary

(1) LP fuel lock-off,

(2) LP regulator/converter
(3) Fuel Trim Valve(FTV) : LP only)
(4) LP mixer
(5) Vacuum lines,
(6) Coolant lines,
(7) LP fuel line

Maintenance Section

Fuel Filter - Check, Clean, Change Wheel Bolts & Nuts - Inspect
Diesel Engine Inspect Tightness
Park lift truck with the forks lowered, parking brake
applied, transmission in neutral, engine stopped and Steer Wheels

1. Open left door of hood.


Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or

electrical components can cause a fire.

Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect

the battery when changing fuel filters.

Typical Example

1. Install steer wheel. Put two nuts opposite each

other (180°). Tighten bolt.

2. Inspect tightness of wheel nuts in a sequence

opposite each other 620 ~ 680 N·m.

Drive Wheels

Typical Example Diesel Engine Truck

2. Remove fuel filter cartridge assembly.

3. Before installing a new cartridge assembly,

apply a small amount of clean fuel to the filter
cartridge gasket.

Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing them.
Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to
fuel system parts. Typical Example

1. Install drive wheel. Put two nuts opposite each

4. Install the new fuel filter cartridge assembly. other (180°).

5. Turn the new fuel filter cartridge assembly until 2. Inspect tightness of wheel nuts in a sequence
the filter gasket is fitted against the sealing face. opposite each other to 620 ~ 680 N·m

6. Turn the fuel filter cartridge assembly an

additional 2/3 of turn.

Maintenance Section

Steering Mechanism - Check, Air Intake System - Check, Clean

Lubricate Precleaner or rain cap (when Equipped)

Never service pre-cleaner with the engine running.

Typical Example

1. Lubricate the steer axle kingpins, total of four

fittings. Two on the right side and two on the left

2. Lubricate the steering link bearings, total of four

fittings. Two on the right side and two on the left
side Typical Example

1. Check the pre-cleaner bowl for dirt build-up. If

3. Check for any worn or loose components of the
the dirt is up to the line, remove the pre-cleaner
steering mechanism. Remove any debris or
bowl and empty it. Periodically wash the cover
trash as required.
and bowl in water.

Steering Axle Support - Check,


1. Apply lubricant to the fitting at the end of the tube

connected to the steering axle support. Lubricate
the point in the event of abnormal noise.

Maintenance Section

Servicing Filter Element Diesel Engine Truck (Dual Element)

Never service filter with the engine running.

Typical Example

2. Replace the nut and clamp.

3. Remove the element to separate it from its base

and remove it from the air cleaner housing.

4. Clean and inspect the element.

5. Clean the inside of air cleaner housing and the

cover. Inspect all connections between the air
Typical Example Diesel Engine Truck
cleaner and carburetor. Check intake hose for
Service the air cleaner when the red target in the cracks, damage and loose clamps. Tighten or
service indicator stays locked in the visible position replace parts as necessary to prevent leakage.
with the engine stopped.

1. To service the air cleaner, raise the side cover. NOTICE

Loosen the cover latches and remove the cover. Do not allow dirty air to enter the intake hose when
cleaning the inside of the cleaner housing.

6. Check the air cleaner housing for loose latches.

7. Reset the air cleaner service indicator.

8. Install the air filter element.

9. Install the cover and tighten the cover latches.

10. Start the engine and observe the position of the

indicator. If the indicator shows RED after the
installation of the primary element, install
another clean or a new element or, replace the
secondary element. See topic, "Air Intake
System - Change" in Every 1000 Service Hours
or 6 months section.

11. Stop the engine and close the right side cover.

Maintenance Section

Cleaning Primary Filter Elements Water-280 kPa (40 psi) Maximum

Pressure air can cause personal injury.

When using pressure air for cleaning, wear a

protective face shield, protective clothing and
protective shoes.

The maximum air pressure must be below 205

kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes.

NOTICE Direct water on the inside and outside of the

element along the length of the pleats. Air-dry it
Do not clean the elements by bumping or tapping thoroughly and then examine it.

Inspect filter elements after cleaning. Do not use a

filter with damaged pleats, gaskets or seals.
1. Wash the element in warm water and mild
When cleaning with pressure air, use 205 kPa (30 household detergent.
psi) maximum pressure to prevent filter element
damage. 2. Rinse the element with clean water. See
instructions in preceding topic for cleaning with
When cleaning with pressure water, use 280 kPa
(40 psi) maximum pressure to prevent filter element
3. Air dry it thoroughly, and then examine it.

Have spare elements on hand to use while cleaning Checking Element

used elements.

The primary element should be replaced after a

year’s service or after cleaning no more than 6

Air-205 kPa (30 psi) Maximum Pressure

1. Insert a light inside the clean dry element and

examine it. Discard the element if tears, rips or
damage are found.

2. Wrap and store good elements in a clean, dry


Direct air on the inside and outside of the element

along the length of the pleats. Check the element for
any tears, rips or damage.

Maintenance Section

Every 1000 Service Hours or 6 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Air Intake System - Change Carburetor (LP - Gas Engine Only)

Changing Primary Element - Adjust, Clean
See topic, “Air Intake System - Check, Clean” in
“Every 500 Service Hours or 3 Months”. If the engine is hard to start or the exhaust is
smoking, the carburetor may need cleaning and
Changing Secondary Element
Before adjusting the carburetor make sure the
Replace the secondary element after the primary engine is at normal operating temperature. Park the
element has been cleaned three times or yearly. lift truck with the forks lowered, parking brake
applied, transmission in neutral and the engine
1. Remove the primary air cleaner element. See stopped.
topic “Servicing Filter Element”. Clean the inside
of the air cleaner housing and cover. For the complete procedure and specifications for
your specific engine, see the "Service Manual".

2. Remove the secondary element. Inspect the

gasket between the air cleaner housing and the
engine inlet. Replace the gasket if it is damaged.


Always replace the secondary element. Do not

attempt to reuse it by cleaning.

3. Install a new secondary element. Install a new or

cleaned primary element. Install the cover.
Tighten the latches.

4. Start the engine and observe the air cleaner

service indicator. If the indicator shows RED after
installing a new secondary element and a
cleaned primary (outer) element, replace the
cleaned primary filter with a new element.

5. Stop the engine. Close the hood and seat


Maintenance Section

Inspect Coolant Hoses LP Regulator/Converter Inspection

(LP Engines Only) (LP Engine Only)
 Visually inspect the pressure regulator/converter
 Visually inspect coolant hoses and clamps. housing(2) for coolant leaks and detect the fuel
Remember to check the two coolant lines that pipe joints, LP mixer and regulator/converter for
connect to the pressure regulator/converter. LP fuel leaks.
 Replace any hose that shows signs of swelling,
cracking, abrasion or deterioration. To detect the LP fuel leaks, smear detected
parts with suds, visually inspect whether there
are bubbles after the engine start.

NOTE: For pressure testing and internal inspection

of the pressure regulator/converter, contact
to the CROWN service.

Fuel Lines & Fittings – Check

Visually inspect fuel lines and fittings for physical

damage. Replace as required.

(1) LP fuel lock-off,

(2) LP regulator/converter
(3) Fuel Trim Valve(FTV), Inspect Mixer Assembly
(4) LP mixer
(5) Vacuum lines, (LP Engine Only)
(6) Coolant lines,
(7) LP fuel line
Refer to the LP mixer section of the engine service
manual for procedures.

Inspect Throttle Assembly

(LP Engine Only)

 Visually inspect the throttle assembly motor

housing for coking, cracks and missing
cover-retaining clips. Repair and/or replace as

NOTE: Refer to the LP mixer and throttle section of

the service manual for procedures on
removing the mixer and inspecting the
throttle plate.

Maintenance Section

Hydraulic Oil, Return Filter,

Strainer & Breather - Check, Clean,

Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
contact skin.

Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered,

parking brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL
6. Remove the breather.
and the engine stopped.
7. Wash the breather in clean, nonflammable
solvent and dry it.

8. Fill the hydraulic tank. See topic, "Refill


9. Install the breather.

1. Remove the hydraulic tank drain plug located on

the bottom of the frame. Allow the oil to drain in
a suitable container. Clean and install the plug.

10. Remove the floor plate.

11. Remove bolts and filter housing.

12. Remove and discard filter element from filter


13. Clean the filter housing with a clean,

nonflammable solvent.
2. Loosen the bolts of the hydraulic tank cover.
14. Clean the housing base.
3. Remove the strainer from the tank.
15. Insert a new filter element into the filter housing.
4. Install the new strainer by hand.
16. Inspect the filter housing seal. Replace if
5. Install the hydraulic tank cover and fasten the necessary.
17. Apply a small amount of clean oil to the filter
element seal and housing seal.

Maintenance Section

18. Install the filter housing with filter to the housing Lift Chains - Test, Check, Adjust
base. Install bolts and tighten 20 to 30 N·m (15
to 20 lb·ft). Lift Chain Wear Test
19. Start the engine and operate the hydraulic Inspect the part of the chain that is normally
controls, and the steering system, through a few operated over the cross head roller. When the chain
cycles to fill the lines. Look for oil leaks. bends over the roller, the movement of the parts
against each other causes wear.
20. Stop the engine and check the oil level. With all
cylinders retracted, maintain the oil level to the Inspect to be sure that chain link pins. Do not extend
FULL mark on the dip stick/filter cap assembly. outside of the link hole. If any single link pin is
extended beyond its connecting corresponding link,
it should be suspected of being broken inside of its
link hole. Lift chains are required to check for wear
about every 1,000 service hours or 6 months.

Chain wear test is a measurement of wear of the

chain links and pins. Take the following steps to
check chain wear.

1. Lift the mast and carriage enough for getting

tension on lift chains.

Typical example

2. Measure precisely ten links of chain distance at

the centre of pins in millimeter.

3. Calculate chain wear rate*.

4. If the chain wear rate is 2% or more, replace the

lift chain.

Maintenance Section

Check for Equal Tension Carriage Chain Adjustment - STD Mast

Typical example Typical example for carriage chain of STD mast

Lift the carriage and the mast high enough for Make sure that carriage height is correct. If correct,
getting tension on lift chains. Check the chains, and adjust chain for equal tension. If not, adjust chain for
make sure the tension is the same. Lift chains are correct carriage height by adjusting anchor nuts (1).
required to check for equal tension about every
1,000 service hours or 6 months. NOTE: See the previous section, "Carriage Roller
Extrusion" in "When Required" for proper
carriage height.
Personal injury can be caused by sudden 1. Fully lower the carriage and tilt mast forward or
movement of the mast and carriage. lift the carriage and put blocks under the carriage
to release the tension from the lift chains.
Keep hands and feet clear of any parts that can
move. 2. Adjust nut (1) to get proper distance from the
bottom of inner upright to the bottom of carriage
Lift Chain Adjustment
3. Make adjustment anchor nut (1) for equal chain

4. Set the mast vertical and raise the carriage and

check equal chain tension. If not equal, repeat
the same procedure as step 1 through step 3.

5. Put LOCTITE No. 242 tread lock on the threads

of the anchor nuts (1) after the adjustment is

Typical example for carriage equal tension

If the tension is not the same on both chains, take

the procedure as follows.

NOTE: If carriage height is not correct, make

adjustments by following procedures.

Maintenance Section

Carriage Chain Adjustment - FFT Mast Chain Adjustment - FFT

Typical example for carriage chain of FFT mast Typical example for FFT mast

Make sure that carriage height is correct. If correct, Make sure that mast height is correct. If correct,
adjust chain for equal tension. If not, adjust chain for adjust chain for equal tension. If not, adjust mast
correct carriage height by adjusting anchor nuts (2). chain for correct mast height by adjusting anchor
nuts (6).
NOTE: See the previous section, "Carriage Roller
Extrusion" in "When Required" for proper NOTE: See the previous section, "Carriage Roller
carriage height. Extrusion" in "When Required" for proper
inner mast height.
1. Fully lower the carriage and tilt mast forward or
lift the carriage and put blocks under the 1. Lift the inner mast and put blocks under the
carriage to release the tension from the lift inner mast to release the tension from the lift
chains. chains.

2. Remove bolt (3), washer (4) and stopper (5) and 2. Adjust nut (6) to make inner mast bottom flush
adjust nut (2) to get proper distance from bottom with outer mast bottom.
of inner upright to the bottom of carriage
bearing. 3. Make adjustment anchor nut (6) for equal chain
3. Make adjustment anchor nut (2) for equal chain
tension. 4. Raise the inner mast and check equal chain
tension. If not equal, repeat the same procedure
4. Set the mast vertical and raise the carriage and above step 1 through step 3.
check equal chain tension. If not equal, repeat
the same procedure as step 1 through step 3. 5. Put LOCTITE No. 242 tread lock on the threads
of the anchor nuts (6) after the adjustment is
5. Put LOCTITE No. 242 tread lock on the threads completed.
of the anchor nuts (2) after the adjustment is
Transmission Oil (2 Speed Only) –
Only for CD(CG)60/70S-7 (2 Speed)
See topic, "Transmission Oil & Oil Filter - Change" in
"First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week".

Maintenance Section

Every 1500 Service Hours or 9 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Transmission Oil & Oil Filter – Replace Spark Plugs

Change (3 Speed, ZF 3WG94) (LP Engine Only)
See topic, "Transmission Oil & Oil Filter – Change" 1. Disconnect Battery Cables.
in "First 50-100 Service Hours or a Week".
2. Using a gentle twisting motion remove the high
voltage cables from the spark plugs. Replace
Inspect Ignition System any damaged cables.
(LP Engine Only) 3. Remove the spark plugs.
1. Disconnect Battery Cables.
4. Gap the new spark plugs to the proper
2. Remove and inspect the spark plugs. Replace specifications.
as required. LP Engine: 0.9mm (0.035 inch)

3. Test secondary cables with an Ohmmeter. If 5. Apply anti-seize compound to the spark plug
maximum resistance is higher than 25 kOhms, threads and install.
repair and/or replace. LP Engine: 30 N∙m (22 lb∙ft)

4. Remove distributor cap and perform visual

inspection. Replace cap and rotor if corrosion is WARNING
found on the contacts.
5. Inspect the ignition coil for cracks and heat
deterioration. Visually inspect the coil heat sink
fins. If any fins are broken replace as required. 6. Re-install the high voltage cables.

Maintenance Section

Replace LP Fuel Filter Element Fuel Filter - Disassembly

(LP Engine Only)
Park the lift truck in an authorised refueling area with
the forks lowered, parking brake applied and the
transmission in Neutral.

1. Close the fuel shutoff valve on the LP-Fuel tank.

Run the engine until the fuel in the system runs
out and the engine stops.

2. Turn off the ignition switch.

3. Scribe a line across the filter housing covers,

which will be used for alignment purposes when
re-installing the filter cover. 5. Remove top cover (2), magnet (3), spring (4),
and filter element (7) from bottom cover (5).

Filter 6. Replace the filter element (7).

Housing 1
Scribe 7. Check bottom cover O-ring seal (6) for damage.
Point Replace if necessary.

8. Re-assemble the filter assembly aligning the

scribe lines on the top and bottom covers.

9. Install the cover retaining screws, tightening the

screws in an opposite sequence across the

10. Open the fuel valve by slowly turning the valve

(1) SCREW counterclockwise.
4. Remove the cover retaining screws (1) 11. Crank the engine several revolutions to open the
fuel lock-off. DO NOT START THE ENGINE.
Turn the ignition key switch to the off position.

12. Check the filter housing, fuel lines and fittings

for leaks. Repair as necessary.

Maintenance Section

Testing Fuel Lock-off Operation

(LP Engine Only)
 Start engine.
 Locate the electrical connector for the fuel lock
 Disconnect the electrical connector.
 The engine should run out of fuel and stop
within a short period of time.
 Turn the ignition key switch off and re-connect
the fuel lock-off connector.

NOTE: The length of time the engine runs on

trapped fuel vapor increases with any
increase in distance between the fuel
lock-off and the pressure

(1) LP fuel lock-off,

(2) LP regulator/converter

Maintenance Section

Every 2000 Service Hours or Yearly

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Steer Wheel Bearings -

Park the lift truck level with the forks lowered,
parking brake engaged, transmission in NEUTRAL
and the engine stopped.

Typical Example

4. Remove the wheel assembly. Examine the

wheel for damage and wear. Replace the wheel
if necessary.

5. Remove the inner bearing. Clean and lubricate

the steering knuckle. Reassemble both the inner
and outer bearing cones.

6. Install the inner bearing. Lubricate the seal and

Typical Example install the wheel assembly on the knuckle.
1. Lift the steer wheels off the ground. Place
stands or blocking under the frame and steer 7. Install the outer wheel bearing and the outer nut.
axle to support the lift truck.
8. Tighten the nut to 200 N·m (148 lb·ft), while
2. Remove the hub cap and gasket. turning wheel hub to seat the bearing.

9. Install the pin.

10. Install the hub cap.

11. Raise the lift truck and remove the blocking

Lower the lift truck to the ground.

Typical Example

3. Remove the pin (1) and nut (2). Remove the

outer wheel bearing.

Maintenance Section

Cooling System - Clean, Change

At operating temperature, the engine coolant is
hot and under pressure.

Steam can cause personal injury.

Check the coolant level only after the engine has

been stopped and the filter cap is cool enough
to touch with your bare hand.

Remove the filter cap slowly to relieve pressure.

Typical Example
Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. 3. Open radiator drain valve. Allow the coolant to
Avoid contact with the skin and eyes to prevent drain. Drain the recovery bottle.
personal injury.
4. Close radiator drain valve and install block drain
Use all cleaning solutions with care.
plug. Fill the cooling system with 1 kg (2 lb)
sodium bisulphate per 40 liters (10 gallons) of
water. Most commercial cooling system cleaners
The lift truck must be level, the forks lowered, the can be used.
parking brake engaged, the transmission in
NEUTRAL and the engine stopped and cool. 5. Start and run the engine for 30 minutes.

6. Stop the engine and drain the cleaning solution.

7. Flush the system with clean water, until draining

water is clear.

8. Close the drain valve and install the block drain

plug. Fill the system with neutralizing solution,
250 g (1/2 lb) sodium carbonate per 40 liters (10
gallons) of water.

9. Start and run the engine for 10 minutes.

10. Stop the engine and drain the neutralizing


11. Flush the system with clean water until draining

water is clear.
Typical Example

1. Turn the radiator cap slowly to relieve the 12. Close the drain valve and install the block drain
pressure, then remove the cap. plug. Add coolant to the top of the filter neck.

2. Remove the block drain plug. 13. Start and run the engine to stabilise the coolant
level. See topic, "Coolant level - Check" in
"Every 10 Service Hours or Daily".

Maintenance Section

Fork - Inspect

Forks should be inspected, at a minimum, every 12 3. Check the straightness of the upper face of
months. If the truck is being used in a multi-shift or blade (D) and the front face of shank (E) with a
heavy duty operation, they should be checked every straight edge.
six months. The fork should be withdrawn from service if the
deviation from straightness exceeds 0.5 percent
1. Inspect the forks carefully for cracks. Special of the length of the blade and/or the height of the
attention should be given to the heel section (A), shank respectively 5 mm/1000 mm (0.18"/36").
all weld areas and mounting brackets (B).
Inspect the top and bottom hooks on forks used
on hook type carriages and tubes on shaft
mounted forks.
Forks with cracks should be removed from
"Wet Test" magnetic particle inspection is
generally preferred due to its sensitivity and the
ease of interpreting the results. Portable
equipment is usually recommended so it can be
moved to the lift truck.
Inspectors should be trained and qualified in
accordance with The American Society for Non
Destructive Testing, Level II Qualifications. 4. Check the difference in height of one fork tip to
the other when mounted on the fork carrier. A
difference in fork tip height can result in uneven
support of the load and cause problems with
entering loads.
The maximum recommended difference in fork
tip elevation (F) is 6.5 mm (0.25") for pallet forks
and 3 mm (0.125") for fully tapered forks. The
maximum allowable difference in fork tip
elevation between the two or more forks is 3
percent of blade length (L).
Replace one or both forks when the difference in
fork tip height exceeds the maximum allowable
difference. Contact your local CROWN Lift Truck
2. Check the angle between the upper face of the Branch for further information.
blade and the front face of the shank. The fork
should be withdrawn from service if angle (C)
exceeds 93 degrees or deviates by more than 3
degrees from an original angle other than 90
degrees, as may be found in some special
application forks.

Maintenance Section

Shaft mounted forks may use set collars or

spacers on the shaft to either side of the fork.
They may also use U bolts, pins, or similar
devices which engage the fork through the top
structure of the carriage.

5. Check the fork blade (J) and shank (H) for wear
with special attention to the heel (G). The fork
should be withdrawn from service if the
thickness is reduced to 90 percent or less of the
original thickness.
Fork blade length may also be reduced by wear,
especially on tapered forks and platens. 8. Check fork markings (N) for legibility. Renew
Remove the forks from service when the blade markings as required to retain legibility.
length is no longer adequate for the intended
loads. 9. a. Lift the mast and operate the tilt control
lever, until the top surface of the forks is
parallel with the floor. Place two straight
bars that are the same width as the
carriage, across the forks as shown.
b. Measure the distance from the bottom of
each end of the two bars to the floor. The
forks must be parallel within 3 mm (.12 in)
for Full Tapered and Polished (FTP) forks,
all other forks 6.4 mm (.25 in), for their
complete length.
c. Put one fork, one third from the tip, under a
fixture that will not move. Then operate the
tilt control with caution until the rear of the
6. Check the fork mountings (K) for wear, crushing truck lifts just off the floor. Follow the same
and other local deformation, which can cause procedure with the second fork. Repeat
excessive side to side wobble of the forks. Step a.
Excessive clearance on hook type forks may
allow them to fall from the carrier. Forks which
show visible signs of such damage should be
removed from service.

7. Check the positioning lock and other fork

retention devices to make sure they are in place
and working.
Hook type forks use a spring loaded pin (M),
located in the top hook, to engage notches in the
top carriage bar to hold the fork in place.
When adjusting the fork spacing, the forks are
prevented from sliding off the end of the carriage
by stop blocks. These stop blocks are at both
ends of the carriage and in the path of the
bottom fork hook. The load backrest extension
may be used in place of the stop blocks in some

Maintenance Section

Every 2500 Service Hours or 15 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

Inspect Battery System Checking the TMAP Sensor

 Clean battery outer surfaces with a mixture of
(LP Engine Only)
baking soda and water. 1. Verify that the TMAP sensor (2) is mounted
tightly into the manifold adapter (3), with no
 Inspect battery outer surfaces for damage and leakage.
replace as necessary.
2. If the TMAP is found to be loose, remove the
 Remove battery cable and clean, repair and/or TMAP retaining screw and the TMAP sensor
replace as necessary. from the manifold adapter.

3. Visually inspect the TMAP O-ring seal for

damage. Replace as necessary.

4. Apply a thin coat of an approved silicon lubricant

to the TMAP o-ring seal.

5. Re-install the TMAP sensor into the manifold

adapter and securely tighten the retaining screw.

1 4

(1) Adapter-Throttle body
(2) TMAP sensor,
(3) Adapter-Manifold,
(4) Throttle body

Maintenance Section

Inspect for Intake Leaks Replace Oxygen Sensor

(LP Engine Only) (LP Engine Only)
1. Visually inspect the intake manifold, throttle
assembly (4), and manifold adapters (3), for
looseness and leaks. Repair as necessary.

Replace PCV Valve and breather

element - Change
(LP Engine Only)
1. Loosen the hose clamps and remove the PCV

2. Assemble new PCV valve and hose. Exhaust Tube

3. Tighten the hose clamps

Muffler Ass’y

When indicated by MIL, replace oxygen sensors on

the exhaust tube and muffler assembly.

1. Stop engine and wait until the exhaust pipe and

exhaust pipe is cooled.

2. Disconnect the electrical connector of oxygen


3. Remove oxygen sensor.

4. Assemble new oxygen sensor Tightening

torque: 45 N∙m (32.5 lb∙ft)

5. Connect the electrical connector of oxygen


Maintenance Section

Every 3000 Service Hours or 36 Months

You must read and understand the warnings and instructions contained in the Safety section of this manual,
before performing any operation or maintenance procedures.

DEF/Ad-Blue Supply module filter

replacement (D34P Engine Only)

1. Loosen the supply module plug located on the

inside of frame step (LH).

2. Remove the filter element from the supply


3. Insert a new filter element.

4. Fasten with the supply module plug.

For more details, refer to the “engine service


Environment Protection Section

Environment Protection
When servicing this lift truck, use an authorised
servicing area and an approved container to collect
coolant, oil, fuel, grease, electrolyte and any other
potential environmental pollutant before any lines,
fittings or related items are disconnected or removed.
After servicing, dispose of those materials in an
authorised place and container. When cleaning the
lift truck, be sure to use an authorised area.

Index Section


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