English Writing Part (Test)

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Informal letter:

27 August 2025
Jessore, Bangladesh
Dear Y,
I received your letter yesterday. In your letter, you wanted to know about the
natural beauty of Bangladesh. I will give a brief description of it. Bangladesh is
rich in natural beauty. The longest sea beach of the world, the biggest
mangrove forest, eye catching tea garden of Sylhet, Maynamati, Bagerhat,
Mustanger of Bogura etc. are famous tourist place in Bangladesh. But there
are many other attractive places here which people know a little about.
Shusong Durgapur of Birishiri is one of the places. It is under Netrokona
district. If you go to Kuakata, another sea beach in our country, you will be
charmed. From this place you can enjoy the Sun rise as well as Sun set. It is
impossible to describe a country in such a short letter. I am inviting you to pay
a visit to my beloved country.

No more today.
Your loving friend

From To
Village: A Village: E
Post: B Post: F
P.S: C P.S: G
District: Jessore District: H
Bangladesh Canada

20 October, 2012
Azim-Para, Pirojpur.

Dear Taleb,
I received your letter yesterday. You wanted to know how l celebrated the
21st of February/The international mother tongue day this year. Now I am
describing about it.

The function started at 12.01 AM. We decorated the Shaheed Minar'

beautifully the national anthem and the patriotic songs were going with a
loudspeaker. We were bare-footed and went to the Shaheed Minar. We put
on a black batch. The national flag was kept half-mast. We respected our
martyrs and offered the flowers. We also kept ourselves one minute silence
to respect them. A seminar was held in the afternoon.
No more today.
Sincerely yours,

X To
Village: A Y
Post: B Village: E
P.S: C Post: F
District: P.S: G
District: H
Dear Mother,

I am very glad to receive your letter. I see you are very anxious about my
preparation for the ensuing final exam. Now I want to relieve you of your
tension. You know that I am always careful about my studies. In the
meantime, I have finished making my notes and I am preparing myself to
follow a routine.

I have already completed my revision. I am reading the selected topics

repeatedly. I am also reading the less important topics to face any situation. I
am optimistic of doing well. However, pray to the Almighty so that I may reach
my goal. With best regards to dear father and love to the younger ones.

Yours loving son,

Sujon Ahmed

From To
Village: A Village: E
Post: B Post: F
P.S: C P.S: G
District: Jessore District: H
Bangladesh Canada

15 September 2013

31, Maniknagor, Dhaka 1203

Dearest Tazol,

Many, many thanks for the wonderful week I spent with you. My stay with you
was extremely delightful. Your mother prepared so delicious and special
dishes for me. She is an expert in cooking and serving, welcoming, and
guests. And your father found time from his so busy schedule to take us on
excursions and to cultural programmers in the evenings. I enjoyed every day,
every hour, every moment of your rich hospitality.

In fact, I can’t remember ever having enjoyed myself so much and so

thoroughly anywhere! It was really very nice of you to invite me to spend a
week with you. I deeply appreciate the hospitality and affection of your parents
for me. I wish I could return some of it.

Once again, many thanks to you. Give my compliments and best wishes to
your beloved parents.

Yours ever,

From Stamp
Village: A
Post: B
Village: E
P.S: C
Post: F
District: Jessore
P.S: G
District: H


5 July 2025

Charfason, Bhola

My dear Fahima,

I am happy to know that you got a GPA-5 in the SSC examination. Take my heartiest
congratulations on your brilliant success. Really you deserve this result because you
are brilliant, punctual, and hard-working. I hope you will do such a result in future.
We are proud of you. I told everyone about your success. They praised you highly.
But don’t be boastful of your success. My parents want to see you. May Allah bless

No more today. Write to me. With best regards to your parents.

Yours ever

20 July 2014
35, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue
Farmgate, Dhaka,
My dear Tommy,
Hope you are well. I am very pleased that you have sent me a picture of your family
members. Now, as you wished, I am writing to you about the food and food habit of
the people of our country Bangladesh.

Rice is our staple food, and we are called the nation of fish and rice. The people of our
country have three meals a day- breakfast, lunch and supper and they commonly eat
rice and vegetables all three times of the day. Townsmen are in the habit of taking
roti, dal, parata, eggs etc. for breakfast. Different kinds of fruits like mango, jack fruit,
bananas etc. are favorites of all classes of people. Beef, mutton, and chicken are
favorite meats to the Bengalees. Eating seasonal pitha is a part of our tradition.
Moreover, polao, biriyani, chicken roast, beef, curd, and sweetmeats are common
items of a feast. Our national fish Hilsha is found and eaten all the year round.

Briefly speaking, this is the eating habit of the people of Bangladesh.

Now, what about Canada? Let me know yours. Waiting for your reply.
Yours ever

25 May 2015
Dhap, Rangpur

Dear Sultan,

Take my cordial love. Your letter is to hand. I am glad to learn that you are all
well. Listen, I have already heard from a friend of ours that you do not read
newspapers. It is a great mistake. You are a student of class twelve. You
know that we live in an age of science and technology but if we stay ignorant
of the incidents happening in our country as well as in the world, we will be
proved unfit for the world.

So, I recommend that you read newspapers daily in order to be acquainted

with the current affairs of the world. By reading newspaper, you can be able to
know new scientific inventions, economic development and political situation
of our country. Without this kind of knowledge, you cannot cope with others.
Articles and features on culture, literature, politics, sports, trade and
commerce etc. will widen your outlook, remove narrowness of the mind and
enrich your thought.

So, do not forget to read newspapers daily. I am pretty well, and your other
friends are well too. Convey my best compliments to your mother and father
and love to Sumi.

Your loving friend,

Sujon Ahmed
1.Visit to a book fair

Books are the most important part of our life. Our life would be meaningless
without books. Books open the door of wide opportunities to gain knowledge and
flourish our life with the light of education. Even a nation can’t see the light in its
future without the light of education and books. A book fair is one of the spots
where every kind of book is arranged in a particular place to display in front of book
lovers. Every kind of book is found in a book fair. People come to buy their favorite
books at the Bookfair. The publishers display the books for sale. Visitors find every
kind of book at the fair. The biggest book fair in Bangladesh is arranged in the
Bangla Academy in February. Every publisher set a particular stall for their
published books. Every kind of book is available at a book fair like a storybook,
science fiction, mathematics, political, engineering, drama, and children’s books.
Every year, popular poets and new poets publish their books at the fair. The book is
organized to broaden our knowledge. People know about the newly published books
at a book fair. A book fair is a place of respect for the book writers. People get a
chance to know about the new books. People of every age come to the book fair to
visit and explore and see new things in the book fair. The writers are inspired to
make it an educated national. They share their writing experience with the nation.
The readers get a chance to come closer to the writers. Sometimes the writers
arrange a discussion session. The government can encourage people and expand
the area of the book fair in the future to develop the reading habits of the future
generation. The government should focus on increasing the facilities of books to
make it a place like festival.

2.A-day laborer

A day laborer is a person who is hired for short-term manual labor work, usually daily. These
workers are often uncivilized and do not receive benefits such as health insurance or paid time
off. They perform manual tasks such as construction, landscaping, and other manual jobs, and
are typically paid by the day or hour. Day laborers come from disadvantaged communities,
including immigrants or refugees, or individuals who are struggling to make ends meet.
Despite their hard work, day laborers face numerous challenges and obstacles in their daily
lives. They may work long hours in difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions without
access to proper protective equipment. Many also face discrimination and exploitation on the
job and may be taken advantage of by unscrupulous employers who fail to pay the agreed-
upon wage or expose them to hazardous working conditions. Despite these challenges, day
laborers continue to work hard to provide for their families. Their strong work ethic is an
asset to our communities and economy, as they play a critical role in building and maintaining
our infrastructure, homes, and businesses. It is crucial to ensure that day laborers are treated
with dignity and respect and have access to fair wages, safe working conditions, and benefits.
In conclusion, day laborers make significant contributions to our society, and their hard work
should be recognized and appreciated. By promoting fair treatment and working conditions for
all workers, we can help to build a better future for everyone, regardless of their background
or occupation.

3. Load shedding

Load shedding is caused by the lack of supply of electricity. When the power supply is not enough, it
causes load shedding. It hampers the normal citizen’s life. Most of the big cities are facing the problems
of load shedding. Sometimes the demand for electricity is greater but the authority can’t supply
according to ot the demand. Then load shedding occurs. It creates a bad effect on our daily life. People
of every class suffer a lot from load shedding. The production of the factories and mills is hampered.
Every kind of operation stopped because of load shedding. The situation is getting worse day by day.
People can’t find a solution to stop load shedding. The government has to implement more plans to stop
load shedding. When the supply of power and electricity is not adequate, it results in load shedding.
Besides the unplanned distribution is also responsible for this. It hampers the social and economic
development of our country. Factories can’t continue their operations. Students can’t study properly.
Medical works are hampered totally. A huge number of people suffer. The situation has become
uncontrollable. The government can’t control the situation. We need more electricity plants to stop this
situation. But there is a high demand for electricity. A proper plan is needed to stop this situation. A
proper plan can create a proper distribution of electricity. The government should take action to stop
load shedding. We must stop misusing electricity. It will decrease the problem in so many ways.

4. Deforestation

Deforestation means cutting down large amounts of trees. Men are more responsible for this.
Bangladesh is a populous country. But its land is limited. As a result, people are cutting down trees to
meet their demands. More population requires more arable land, more furniture, more housing. So,
people are cutting trees randomly, and there are some unscrupulous people who cut trees to make
money. Deforestation is harmful to our country and its impact is bad. Trees are our best friends. It gives
us wood, fruits etc. Trees also give us oxygen without which we cannot survive even for a moment. Trees
also absorb carbon-dioxide, which creates the greenhouse effect. Again, trees save us from various
natural disasters. Trees prevent soil erosion. It also makes our land fertile. Trees help us in many ways.
Again, we cut these trees for no reason. Random cutting of trees will one day turn our country into a
desert. Because trees bring rain which is essential for our agricultural land. Bangladesh is an agricultural
country. Its economy is dependent on agriculture. So, deforestation also affects our economy.
Deforestation is also a cause of the greenhouse effect. At least 25% of the total area of a country should
be forest. But we have only 17%. Deforestation must be stopped. People should be aware of the
importance of trees. The government should come forward in this sector. Media can also help. They can
promote programs on the importance of tree plantation. We can stop deforestation through
precautions. Thus, by planting more trees we can stop deforestation.

5. Your school magazine

A school magazine is an annual publication of a school. It contains the writings of the students and the
teachers. It is a forum through which young learners can get the opportunity to express the green ideas
of their minds. It is published every year with an interesting and significant title. Almost all aspects of the
school is reflected in it. It is an important milestone in the progress and prospect of a school. A school
magazine generally contains poems, short stories, essays, one-act plays, jokes, and reports of cultural
activities of the school. Usually, there is a magazine committee in a school for publishing a magazine. A
teacher is usually given the charge of guiding the work of publication. A group of students works
together with much encouragement. The Headteacher is the chief patron of the magazine. The magazine
editor at first invites writings on different subjects from the students. After proper scrutiny of the
collected writings for the magazine, the editor selects good ones and sends them to the press for
printing. The school authority bears the total expenditure of publication. The school magazine can help
the students to develop their latent faculties as well as their power of thinking and writing. In fact, the
school magazine is the first steppingstone for future writers. A young learner really feels proud and
happy when he finds his writing in the magazine.

6. A farmer

A farmer is a person who cultivates land and grows crops on his land. He is a very important
person in our society. He usually lives in the village. His house is made of corrugated or straw.
An ideal farmer lives a very simple life. He earns his living by sweating. He works from morning
to evening. He gets up very early in the morning and has a little breakfast. He goes to the field
with his wooden plow and a pair of oxen. He cultivates and prepares the land with simple hand-
made machinery. Sometimes he is so busy that he does not have time to go home for lunch.
There are both joys and sorrows in his life. He rejoices when the harvest is good. But he suffers
when his crops are destroyed by drought, flood or cyclone. Although a farmer works hard, he
cannot meet the basic needs of his family. He eats day after day. With the help of easy loans
and through his planned use he can improve his condition. He should adopt scientific
mechanized materials and modern methods of cultivation. In our society, a farmer is considered
as a lower class. But in fact, an ideal farmer is the wealth of the country. He contributes a lot to
the economy of the country. We should improve their overall condition by taking concerted
action. Farming is one of the most tiresome jobs. The farmers work hard to support themselves.
They lead a very simple life. They are honest and pious. They are so hospitable that everybody
is impressed with them. They should be taken care of.
7. A village doctor
The man who gives medical treatment to the village people is known as a village doctor. A village doctor
is a man of great importance in society. He is well known to the villagers. He renders great service to the
villagers when they fall ill. He is not well-qualified. He does not have good schooling. He gathers
experience by working under a qualified doctor or in a medicine shop. His dispensary offers a poor show
with one or two worn-out almirahs, an old e tr wooden chair, a broken table, and one or two benches.
The village doctor leads a very hard face and busy life. He gets up early in the morning. He begins to
attend to the patients present at y. his dispensary just at 8.00 am and finishes at late hours of the night.
Though he sometimes has worsened the disease of a patient, he is the most trusted person to the
villagers. He is the best friend of the villagers because they find him whenever they call him. He shares
their two weal and woe. He consoles them with words of hope. He treats his patients with sympathy.

8. Early rising
The practice of getting up early in the morning is defined as early rising. This habit is incredibly beneficial
for people of all ages. The habit of rising early has numerous mental and physical benefits for us. It is
necessary for keeping good health. By getting up early, one can have enough time for a morning walk or
some physical exercise, which can boost their energy level and keep them motivated and productive
throughout the day. Otherwise, one can feel sluggish for the whole day. To begin with, an early riser can
have the time needed to do some workouts or go for a morning walk and enjoy the dust-free, oxygen-
rich fresh air by the water or in an open ground. They can even have the chance to enjoy the sunrise and
soak in the sunshine for a while. Which can result in refreshing both the mind and the body. One can
also absorb the peaceful and pleasant ambiance of the surroundings, or the chance to experience the
beauty of the world, which is full of bright flowers, green fields, and birds chirping. All of these factors
contribute to an early riser's overall happiness and health. After that, one can begin their daily task
earlier without worrying much about it or any sort of anxiety. Therefore, they can get more time to work,
earn more money, and become prosperous. If a person does not get up early, they may encounter
numerous challenges throughout the day. Their day may start in a hurry or rush. After working for a few
hours, they would easily feel exhausted. Most probably, that would be much faster than the early risers.
We all want to avoid these unpleasant situations and maintain our mental and physical wellness.
According to an English proverb, "early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."
Thus, rising early is beneficial to one's health, prosperity, and wisdom. Therefore, we should all get up
early in the morning.
9. A fisherman
A fisherman is a person who makes a living by catching and selling fish. He fishes from rivers,
lakes, haors, beels, canals, ponds, and other reservoirs. Sometimes he fishes in the deep sea.
He is often hired to fish in other people’s ponds or ponds. Then he gets a share of the amount of
fish he catches. In addition to fishing, a fisherman is seen making and repairing his own fishing
nets and other equipment. Sometimes his family members also help him in this work. A
fisherman works hard in good and bad weather. But usually, his condition does not improve.
Most of the jails cannot afford boats and expensive nets. So, they rented boats and nets. After
paying the rent, they no longer earn much. Fishermen need a radio or mobile set to fish in large
rivers and seas. So that they can know the latest weather information. But many prisons do not
have the capacity to keep this modern equipment. So sometimes these fishermen lose their
lives while fishing away from the beach. It is very difficult for a fisherman to improve his
condition by working alone. For this they can form a cooperative society in any corner, the
government can give them loans to buy boats and nets. A fisherman makes a significant
contribution to the country’s economy. So, we must take concerted efforts to improve their
10. Winter morning

Winter is my favorite season for me. I like the season in the morning. I like to wake up late. In the winter
the sun rises late. When the sun rays fall on the dew drops, it creates a fascinating scene. I become lazy
in the winter. Nature seems hazy. There is cold air everywhere. The trees and grass look fresh and new in
the winter. Life seems slow everywhere. The sun can’t be seen in the sky sometimes. People get up late
in the winter. Though it’s bitter cold in the morning, it’s enjoyable. In the morning, people don’t go out of
home for the excessive cold. Sometimes people go out for a walk and enjoy nature. Trees are greener in
the winter. The city people go to their office late. They feel relaxed. People save themselves under the
blanket. In the village, people make sweet cakes. Traditional cakes are so tasty. People love to sit beside
the fire. They sit together and feel the warmth. They love to feel warm. There are several other foods
people make in the winter season. People eat different tasty foods in the winter morning. The juice of
date is a special food in the winter. In the villages, people burn straw and make fire. People go to their
relative’s homes with traditionally sweet foods including cakes. The morning brings joy to us in the
morning. A winter morning is comfortable, and people enjoy it a lot. A winter morning is enjoyable for
everyone. I like winter mornings.

11. Traffic Jam

The obstruction of the movement of vehicles creating the clogging of many vehicles is known
as a traffic jam. It is created when there is a huge number of vehicles on a road than its
capacity. It is a common problem in our country found in different megacities. Dhaka,
Chattogram, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Khulna cities are seriously affected by traffic jams. The
causes of traffic jams are poor transport management, violation of traffic rules, lack of roads
and highways, unplanned development, maintenance works done on the roads, etc. Where
Bangladesh is an overpopulated country, its roads and highways have not been modernized
according to the demand. So, the roads have become insufficient and cannot accommodate
many vehicles and their movements. Besides, the roads are narrow in size and there is too
much zigzag which makes the movement of vehicles slower. Again, the mentality of crossing
vehicles to go faster leads to violation of traffic rules and the situation becomes more
problematic. General people suffer a lot for the lack of coordination in road management and
development works done by the government. The careless attitude of drivers, fitness-less
public transport and parking space insufficiency in the cities make the situation worsen. For
traffic jams, life in the city has turned into horrible nightmares. Many people fail to attend
their office on time. The students, workers, employees, rickshaw pullers, and drivers suffer a
lot from the slow speed toward their destination. The worst sufferers are the dying patient who
needs emergency treatment heading toward the hospital but are stuck in a traffic jam.
Construction of new or alternative roads and effective projects must be taken to make cities
free from traffic jams.
12. School Library

A school library is a store of knowledge. The school library is well decorated. It’s an important part of
school. The school library must be big enough. It’s helpful to spend the leisure time of students. Students
can borrow books from the library. Thousands of books are stored in the library. Both the teachers and
students can read books in a library. Every library is an essential place to gain knowledge. Books are
placed in an organized manner in the library. The school library opens the door to learning so many
things for the students. They can read any kind of book whenever they want. Students are busy all the
time for me reading books and gaining knowledge. A school library is always a calm and quiet place.
There is no noise or extra sound here. The atmosphere helps students to read attentively. Sometimes the
school library is big and large enough. There can be so many bookshelves in the library. Students have
the vast opportunity to learn new things and read more. It gives satisfaction to the students to meet up
their thirst for knowledge. Without the school library, every school is incomplete. There are travel books,
geometrical books, story books, and history books in the school library. Besides, there are magazines,
newspapers, and journals in the school library. Our school library is in the main building of our school.
There are some benches in the library. We can read books in a calm environment. Students get
permission to read in a peaceful environment. Every day so many students read books in the library.
They can get a chance to find their favorite books and read the books during their school time. I am very
proud to have a school library like this in our school.

Completing story:

1. The fox and the crow story

The fox and the crow story : One day, a crow stole a piece of meat. She flew away and sat on the branch
of a tree. At that moment , a fox going somewhere. When he came under that tree, he noticed the meat
in the crow’s beak. The sight of the piece of meat made his mouth filled with water. He thought for
Then he hit upon a plan to have it. He said to the crow, “Oh beautiful Crow! Your complexion is so fair. I
think you can sing nicely. Would you please sing a song for me?” At first the crow did not want to sing.
But as the fox carried on praising her, she felt proud of her tongue.

Finally, she started to sing a song. But no sooner had she opened her mouth than the piece of meat fell
off her mouth. The clever fox took it and ran away. The crow had paid a heavy price for her foolishness.

Moral: Don’t fool others. Otherwise, you will be fooled.

2. A dog found a bone and went to a safe place. he began to bite at the bone. A crow saw the dog with
the bone. It wished to take the bone. It was a cunning crow. It thought of a trick to snatch the bone. It
wished to take the bone. It was a cunning the crow. It thought of a trick to snatch the bone from the dog.
It flew away and came back immediately with another crow. the crows went near the dog. One of them
began to peck the dog's tail. The dog was vexed. He dropped the bone to the ground and looked round.
the other crow picked up the bone and flew away and joined it. Thus, the cunning crow robbed the dog
of the bone.

Moral: Look before you leap.

3. A Lion and a mouse completing story

Ans. One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing, the mouse came
on the lion’s body. When it came on the lion’s ear, the lion woke up and became very angry. He caught
the mouse and said, “O little mouse, how dare you tease me? I’ll kill you now.

Hearing this, the mouse became frightened and begged for its life. It said, “One day I may help you in
your danger.” Hearing this, the lion laughed but let it free. Some days later, the lion was caught in a
hunter’s net. He began to roar. The mouse heard the roar of the lion. It cut the net with its sharp teeth
and saved the lion.

The lion became very grateful. He apologized to the mouse for his previous behavior. He said, “I’ve learnt
a great lesson that even a little creature can help a big creature.”


4. The scholar and the boatman

There was a poor boatman in a village. He was illiterate. He used to row boat from morning till evening
only to meet his both ends. There was a no meaning of knowledge to him.

It was the month of Baishakh. A scholar got into his boat. He was enjoying his journey very much
because the weather was very fine. It was almost dark. He was gossiping with the boatman. “Did you
have any knowledge about the creation of the universe?” the scholar asked the boatman. “No,” replied
the boatman. The scholar got astonished and told him, “Without the knowledge of astronomy half of
your life is spoil. The boatman was sad and thought of the uselessness of his life.

He again asked the boatman, “Do you know about the history of human civilization?” The reply of the
boatman was the same as before. This time the scholar told the boatman that he had already spoilt
three fourths of his life and he could not come to any use to the society. The boatman kept silent and
went on rowing boat in a sad mood.

Suddenly, the weather became gusty. The sky was overcast with clouds. There was darkness all around.
There were also heavy showers with lightening. The boat was about to capsize. The scholar was
trembling with fear. But the boatman was very quiet because he was used to this weather. He asked the
scholar. “Sir, do you know how to swim?” The scholar replied, crying, “No”. “Now the boatman said,
Alas! Your life is totally spoiled. Pray to god for your safety.”


4. The scholar and the boatman

There was a poor boatman in a village. He was illiterate. He used to row boat from morning till evening
only to meet his both ends. There was a no meaning of knowledge to him.

It was the month of Baishakh. A scholar got into his boat. He was enjoying his journey very much
because the weather was very fine. It was almost dark. He was gossiping with the boatman. “Did you
have any knowledge about the creation of the universe?” the scholar asked the boatman. “No,” replied
the boatman. The scholar got astonished and told him, “Without the knowledge of astronomy half of
your life is spoil. The boatman was sad and thought of the uselessness of his life.
He again asked the boatman, “Do you know about the history of human civilization?” The reply of the
boatman was the same as before. This time the scholar told the boatman that he had already spoilt
three fourths of his life and he could not come to any use to the society. The boatman kept silent and
went on rowing boat in a sad mood.

Suddenly, the weather became gusty. The sky was overcast with clouds. There was darkness all around.
There were also heavy showers with lightening. The boat was about to capsize. The scholar was
trembling with fear. But the boatman was very quiet because he was used to this weather. He asked the
scholar. “Sir, do you know how to swim?” The scholar replied, crying, “No”. “Now the boatman said,
Alas! Your life is totally spoiled. Pray to god for your safety.



Jamal is an SSC examinee. He is not attentive to his lessons especially to English because he is very weak
in English. Moreover, he is lazy. So, his preparation in English is not good. A month ago, before his
examination he managed a short suggestion of probable questions on English. On the day of examination
of English, he started for the examination hall a bit earlier. He entered the examination hall with a
trembling heart. After the examination hall he saw most examinees were in the examination hall. Within
a short time, the invigilator entered the examination hall. He gave the answer script to all the students.
After that Jamal got the question paper and read it thoroughly at first. But alas! he forgot all the answer
that he learnt by cramming. Moreover, he found the questions uncommon. He could not write English
off hand. He felt terribly sorry, realizing his own folly and left the hall with a heavy heart. He now decided
to read more attentively and regularly.


6. The Crow and the Jackal

Once a crow saw an old Brahmin eating some bread. The crow was very hungry. When the Brahmin was
looking away, the crow quickly snatched a piece of bread and flew away with it. The hungry crow flew to
a tree in the woods nearby and sat down to eat the tasty piece of bread.

Just then, a Jackal came up from behind. The Jackal saw the crow sitting on the tree with the piece of
bread in her beak. The Jackal was a very cunning and greedy animal. He wanted to have the bread. The
cunning Jackal wanted to take away the bread from the crow so he could eat it. He thought fast and
came up with a plan. He went over to the crow and started praising her. "O beautiful bird, Are you new
to the woods? I have never seen another bird as pretty as you!"
At first the crow ignored the Jackal. She knew that the Jackal was a cunning animal. But the Jackal did
not give up. He praised her even more. "Not only are your feathers brightly colored, you also have that
quiet beauty!"

After a while, the crow began to feel flattered. She had never heard so many nice things being said
about her. She even started believing the Jackal's words. The Jackal said, "I am sure a bird as pretty as
you can sing well too!"

The crow listened to the Jackal's words of flattery and started to believe that she could sing. She decided
to sing. Just as she opened her beak to sing, the bread fell from her beak only to be snapped by the
cunning Jackal.

It was only then that the poor crow realized that she had been tricked by the cunning Jackal. As she
looked helplessly, the Jackal mocked her and went away with the piece of bread. The crow thought
"Alas! If only I had not been carried away by flattery...."


Flattery is the weapon of cunning.

Do not be carried away by flattery.

7. King Midas and the golden touch story

King Midas and the golden touch story: Once upon a time there was a king called Midas. He was
extremely fond of gold. Although he had a lot of gold, he wanted more. He thought if he had the golden
touch, he would be the happiest man. A wise god granted his wish promptly. Half an hour later, as the
king was sitting under an apple tree in his garden, suddenly a ripe apple fell beside him. He picked it up.
As he touched it, the apple turned into gold. He could hardly believe his eyes.

Then whatever he touched, everything turned into gold. Then the king went back his palace with A very
happy mood. As he entered his house, his little daughter Mari ran up to him and he took her in his arms,
But alas! There was a statue of gold in his lap. His dearest daughter turned gold. The king was struck with
horror and his happiness turned into sadness. The king cried out in anguish.

He prayed to God to take back the gift of his golden touch. Immediately the wise god took the golden
touch away and the girl became human again. The king became very happy getting back his dear
daughter. Then he understood his fault and became generous.

8. A Kind-Hearted Boy

Once a school boy named Ahsanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was crossing
the road, he saw an old woman lying on the road. She was senseless. There was nobody to help her.

The road on which the woman lay senseless was a busy one. Speedy buses and trucks were plying on the
road. And the woman could be run over by any vehicle. So the boy with the help of a passer-by brought
the woman on the footpath. Then he called a rickshaw and took the woman to the nearby hospital.
There the doctors at once examined the old woman. The doctors assured the boy that the condition of
the woman was not serious and after first aid the old woman regained her sense.

Now Ahsanullah inquired of her whereabouts. The woman told him that she had come to this town from
a nearby village. She came here to beg. But having heard the very loud sound of truck-horn, she was at a
loss. And at one point, she lost her sense.

After hearing this, the boy took the woman to his house. He gave her good foods to eat. His mother also
gave the woman some old clothes. On the boy’s request, his mother also gave the woman some money
to go back to the village. And the woman prayed much for Ahsanullah and went back to her village

9. Honesty of ricksaw puller
Abdur Rahman is a rickshaw puller. He is very poor. Every day he has to work hard to support
his family. One day, while he was pulling a rickshaw, a gentleman got on his rickshaw. The man
reached the destination and paid him the fare. But at the time of putting his purse into his
pocket, it dropped inside the rickshaw. The man went away. While Abdur Rahman was returning
home with his rickshaw, he found a purse on his rickshaw. He at once understood that the purse
must be dropped from the passenger. He thought that he had to give back the purse. To its
original owner. But how? He did not find a way-out. At last, he remembered that he took the
passenger on his rickshaw in front of a house near Paribag. “Maybe the passenger belongs to
that house.” — he thought. Thinking so, he came to that particular house. He met the housewife
and showed her the purse. The housewife could instantly identify the purse as her husband’s.
She phoned her husband to tell him everything. He came home within a very short time. The
rickshaw puller could easily identify the owner of the purse and gladly returned him his
possession. The owner and his wife thanked him very much and offered some money. But the
rickshaw-puller politely refused Mratfiff IRIan the offer. The looks of gratitude in the eyes of the
rich couple was his reward indeed.
Moral: Honesty is the best policy
10. Wisdom of King Solomon

There was a king named Solomon. He was a very wise king; everybody knew about his wisdom.
So, many people asked him different questions. He answered their entire question perfectly. So
King Solomon was called “Solomon, the wise”. Once Queen of Sheba, hearing the name and
fame of Solomon, decided to test his wisdom. The Queen went to Solomon’s court. She took
with her two garlands- one of real roses and the other of artificial roses. But both of the garlands
looked quite alike. The Queen placed them on the table and said, “Oh wise king, please look at
the garlands. Tell me, which one is of real roses.

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