102 - OB Syllabus

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Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's

NAAC "A" Grade,Approved by AICTE, Recognized by DTE (Govt. of Maharashtra),
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University


SPPU - MBA Revised Curriculum 2019 CBCGS & OBE Pattern
Semester I 102 - Organizational Behaviour
3 Credits LTP: 2:1:1 Compulsory Generic Core Course

Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course the learner will be able to
CO102.1 REMEMBERING Describe complexities of individual and group behavior in the organizations.
Explain the implications of organizational behavior from the perspectives of employees,
managers, leaders and the organization.
APPLY Theories, Models, Principles and Frameworks of organizational behavior in
specific organizational settings
ANALYZE human behavioural problems like conflict, low motivational levels politics,
attitudinal issues etc. and develop solutions to these problems.
FORMULATE approaches to reorient individual, team, managerial and leadership behavior
in order to achieve organizational goals.
DEVELOP strategies for challenges faced during shaping organizational behavior,
organizational culture and organizational change.

1. Fundamentals of OB: Evolution of management thought , five functions of management, Definition, scope and
importance of OB, Relationship between OB and the individual, Evolution of OB, Models of OB (Autocratic, Custodial,
Supportive, Collegial & SOBC), Limitations of OB. Values, Attitudes and Emotions: Introduction, Values, Attitudes,
Definition and Concept of Emotions, Emotional Intelligence - Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence, The Emotional
Competence Framework, Benefits of Emotional Intelligence , difference between EQ and IQ. Personality & Attitude:
Definition Personality, importance of personality in Performance, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and The Big Five
personality model, Johari Window , Transaction Analysis , Definition Attitude Importance of attitude in an organization,
Right Attitude, Components of attitude, Relationship between behavior and attitude. (7+2)
2. Perception: Meaning and concept of perception, Factors influencing perception, Selective perception, Attribution
theory, Perceptual process, Social perception (stereotyping and halo effect). Motivation: Definition & Concept of
Motive & Motivation, The Content Theories of Motivation (Maslow’s Need Hierarchy & Herzberg’s Two Factor model
Theory), The Process Theories (Vroom’s expectancy Theory & Porter Lawler model), Contemporary Theories- Equity
Theory of Work Motivation. (8+2)
3. Group and Team Dynamics : The Meaning of Group & Group behavior & Group Dynamics, Types of Groups, The Five -
Stage Model of Group Development Team Effectiveness & Team Building. Leadership: Introduction, Managers V/s
Leaders. Overview of Leadership- Traits and Types, Theories of Leadership - Trait and Behavioral Theories. (8+2)
4. Conflict Management: Definition and Meaning, Sources of Conflict, Types of Conflict, Conflict Management
Approaches. Organizational Culture: Meaning and Nature of Organization Culture - Origin of Organization Culture,
Functions of Organization Culture, Types of Culture, Creating and Maintaining Organization Culture, Managing
Cultural Diversity. (7+2)
5. Stress at Workplace: Work Stressors – Prevention and Management of stress – Balancing work and Life,
workplace spirituality. Organizational Change: Meaning, definition & Nature of Organizational Change, Types of
Organizational change, Forces that acts as stimulants to change. Kurt Lewin’s- Three step model, How to overcome the
Resistance to Change, Methods of Implementing Organizational Change, Developing a Learning Organization. (5+2)
Note: Evolution of Management thought to OB and functions of management to be covered in brief as a background
interface to the subject only
Suggested Text Books:
1. Organizational Behaviour, Robins
2. Organizational Behaviour, Nelson & Quick
3. Organizational Behaviour, Fred Luthans
4. Organizational Behaviour, Stephen Robins, Timothy Judge, Neharika Vohra
5. Organizational Behaviour, M N Mishra
6. Organizational Behaviour, K Ashwathappa
Suggested Reference Books
1. Understanding OB, Uday Pareek
2. Change & Knowledge Management, Janakiram, Ravindra and Shubha Murlidhar
3. Human Resource Management, Nkomo, CENGAGE Learning

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