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GE Fanuc Automation

Programmable Control Products

Series 90-70
Genius® Bus Controller

User's Manual
GFK-2017 July 2003
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
as Used in this Publication

Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages,
currents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this
equipment or may be associated with its use.
In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to
equipment, a Warning notice is used.

Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.

Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and
operating the equipment.

This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts
have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all
details or variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in
connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein
which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no
obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.

GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory

with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or
usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for
purpose shall apply.

The following are trademarks of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.

Alarm Master Field Control Modelmaster Series Five
CIMPLICITY GEnet Motion Mate Series 90
CIMPLICITY Control Genius PACSystems Series One
CIMPLICITY PowerTRAC Genius PowerTRAC PowerMotion Series Six
CIMPLICITY 90–ADS Helpmate ProLoop Series Three
CIMSTAR Logicmaster PROMACRO VuMaster

©Copyright 2003 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................................1-1
Product Documentation .........................................................................................1-1
Content of this Manual.............................................................................................. 1-1
Related Publications.................................................................................................. 1-2
System Overview ..................................................................................................1-3
Number of Bus Controllers in a PLC........................................................................ 1-3
Bus Controller Description....................................................................................1-4
Status LEDs............................................................................................................... 1-4
Hand-held Monitor Connector .................................................................................. 1-4
Terminal Assembly ................................................................................................... 1-4
The Genius Bus .....................................................................................................1-5
Bus Controller Operation ......................................................................................1-6
The Genius Bus Scan ................................................................................................ 1-6
Input Data from Devices on the Bus ......................................................................... 1-7
Output Data from the CPU........................................................................................ 1-7
Outputs for 4 Input/2 Output Analog Blocks ............................................................ 1-7
Diagnostics................................................................................................................ 1-9
Input Defaults if the Bus Controller is Lost .............................................................. 1-9
Global Data..........................................................................................................1-11
Sending Global Data ............................................................................................... 1-11
Receiving Global Data ............................................................................................ 1-12

Chapter 2 Installation..............................................................................................................2-1
Installing the Bus Controller .................................................................................2-2
Removing the Bus Controller.................................................................................... 2-2
Connecting the Serial Bus .....................................................................................2-3
Replacing an Older Bus Controller ........................................................................... 2-3
Shield In and Shield Out Connections in an Existing Installation ........................... 2-3
Terminating the Bus.................................................................................................. 2-4
Wiring for Bus Continuity ........................................................................................ 2-4

Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration...............................................................................3-1

Adding a Bus Controller to the Configuration ......................................................3-2
Configuring the Bus Controller Settings ...............................................................3-3
Configuring Global Data .......................................................................................3-5
Configuring Genius Redundancy on the Redundancy Tab ...................................3-6
Selecting the Redundancy Mode............................................................................... 3-6
Configuring Redundancy Parameters........................................................................ 3-9

GFK-2017 iii

Using the Redundancy Wizards ..........................................................................3-10

Redundancy Wizards .............................................................................................. 3-11
Redundancy Wizard: Set up a Primary Rack System for CPU Redundancy .......... 3-12
Redundancy Wizard: Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy ..................................... 3-14
Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy: Redundant Controllers, One PLC................. 3-17
Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy: Redundant Controllers, Two PLCs............... 3-19
Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy: Dual Bus and Redundant Controllers with Two
PLCs........................................................................................................................ 3-21
Redundancy Wizard: Generate Secondary Hardware Configuration from the Current
Configuration .......................................................................................................... 3-23
Adding Devices to the Bus Configuration ..........................................................3-24
Configuring the Serial Bus Address of a Device .................................................... 3-24
Configuring the Device Reference Address............................................................ 3-25
Disabling Outputs.................................................................................................... 3-29
Bus Device Redundancy Configuration.................................................................. 3-31
Changing a Device's Serial Bus Address ................................................................ 3-32
Configuring a Remote Drop.................................................................................... 3-33
Configuring a Remote Bus Controller, Genius Communications Module, PCIM,
QBIM, or GENI-based Device on the Bus.............................................................. 3-34
Configuring a PowerTRAC Block or High-speed Counter Block .......................... 3-36
Configuring a Generic Device on the Bus .............................................................. 3-38
Copying a Bus Configuration..............................................................................3-39
Copying a Bus Configuration without Copying the Bus Controller Parameters..... 3-39
Copying a Bus Configuration and the Bus Controller Configuration ..................... 3-39
Setting All Bus Devices to Redundant or Non-Redundant ..................................... 3-40
Programmer Configuration of Bus Devices ........................................................3-41
Devices that Support Programmer Configuration Features .................................... 3-41
Programmer Instructions for Genius Devices ......................................................... 3-41
Viewing the Bus Controller Power Consumption ...............................................3-42

Chapter 4 Diagnostics..............................................................................................................4-1
System Status References......................................................................................4-2
Fault and No Fault Contacts ..................................................................................4-3
Fault Locating References......................................................................................... 4-3
How FAULT and NO FAULT Contacts Handle Bus Controller Faults in an RX7i
System....................................................................................................................... 4-3
High Alarm and Low Alarm Contacts...................................................................4-4
Fault Table Definitions for Genius Devices..........................................................4-5
Clearing Faults in the Fault Table............................................................................. 4-5
Removing I/O Force Messages from the I/O Fault Table ......................................... 4-5
Loss of Device Faults Caused by High Bus Error Rate ............................................ 4-5

iv Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller User's Manual–July 2003 GFK-2017


Fault Table Definitions Associated with Genius Devices......................................... 4-6

Chapter 5 Communication Requests......................................................................................5-1

Programming for a Communication Request ........................................................5-2
COMMREQ Command Block Format..................................................................5-3
Command Block Contents ........................................................................................ 5-3
Command Block Quick Reference............................................................................ 5-5
The COMMREQ Instruction.................................................................................5-6
COMMREQ Inputs and Outputs............................................................................... 5-6
COMMREQ Inputs ................................................................................................... 5-7
COMMREQ Outputs ................................................................................................ 5-7
COMMREQ Status Block .....................................................................................5-8
Clearing the Status Block.......................................................................................... 5-8
Contents of the Status Block ..................................................................................... 5-9
Programming Examples .......................................................................................... 5-10
COMMREQs and Datagrams..............................................................................5-12
COMMREQ #1: Pulse Test Command ...............................................................5-13
Command Block Format for the Pulse Test Command .......................................... 5-13
COMMREQ #2: Read Configuration Command................................................5-14
Command Block for the Read Configuration Command........................................ 5-14
COMMREQ #3: Write Configuration Command ...............................................5-15
Command Block for the Write Configuration Command ....................................... 5-15
COMMREQ #4: Read Diagnostics Command ...................................................5-16
Command Block for the Read Diagnostics Command ........................................... 5-16
COMMREQ #5: Clear Circuit Faults Command ................................................5-17
Command Block for Clear Circuit Faults ............................................................... 5-17
COMMREQ #6: Clear All Circuit Faults Command ..........................................5-17
Command Block for Clear All Circuit Faults ......................................................... 5-17
COMMREQ #7: Assign Monitor Command ......................................................5-18
Command Block for the Assign Monitor Command .............................................. 5-19
COMMREQ #8: Enable/Disable Outputs Command .........................................5-20
Command Block for the Enable/Disable Outputs Command ................................. 5-20
COMMREQ #9: Enable/Disable Global Data ....................................................5-21
Command Block for the Enable/Disable Global Data Command........................... 5-21
COMMREQ #10: Switch BSM Command .........................................................5-22
Command Block for the Switch BSM Command ................................................... 5-22
COMMREQ #11: Read Device Command ........................................................5-23
Command Block for the Read Device Command ................................................... 5-23
Memory Specification for Read Device and Write Device..................................... 5-24

GFK-2017 Contents v

COMMREQ #12: Write Device Command ........................................................5-28

Using Write Device Messages Instead of Global Data ........................................... 5-28
Command Block for the Write Device Command .................................................. 5-28
COMMREQ #13: Dequeue Datagram Command...............................................5-29
Command Block for the Dequeue Datagram Command......................................... 5-29
Number of Dequeue Datagram Commands Needed ............................................... 5-30
Additional Logic for Incoming Datagrams ............................................................. 5-30
Format of Returned Data......................................................................................... 5-31
COMMREQ #14: Send Datagram Command.....................................................5-32
Command Block for the Send Datagram Command............................................... 5-33
Datagram Priority.................................................................................................... 5-34
Datagrams and I/O Blocks ...................................................................................... 5-34
Number of Datagrams per CPU Sweep................................................................... 5-34
COMMREQ #15: Request Datagram Reply Command .....................................5-36
Command Block for the Request Datagram Reply Command ............................... 5-36
Format of Returned Data......................................................................................... 5-36
COMMREQ #16: Enable/Disable I/O Fault Categories .....................................5-37
Command Block for the Enable/Disable I/O Fault Categories Command.............. 5-37
COMMREQ #17: Do Output Command.............................................................5-38
Command Block for the Do Output Command ...................................................... 5-39
Example .................................................................................................................. 5-40
Using the Do Output Command for Global Data.................................................... 5-41
Command Block for the Do Output Command for Global Data ............................ 5-41
COMMREQ #18: Read Serial Bus Address of the Bus Controller ....................5-42
Command Block for the Read SBA Command ...................................................... 5-42

Chapter 6 Reading Bus Status Information ..........................................................................6-1

Reading the Serial Bus Addresses of Active Devices ...........................................6-2
Format of the Bus Status Data that is Returned ........................................................ 6-2
RX7i CPU: Reading Serial Bus Addresses ............................................................... 6-3
Series 90-70 CPU: Reading Serial Bus Addresses.................................................... 6-4
Reading the Status of the Datagram Queue...........................................................6-5
Format of the Datagram Queue Status Data that is Returned ................................... 6-5
RX7i CPU: Reading Datagram Queue Status ........................................................... 6-5
BUS READ Parameters for Reading the Datagram Queue Status............................ 6-5
Series 90-70 CPU: Reading Datagram Queue Status................................................ 6-6
VME READ Parameters for Reading Datagram Queue Status ................................ 6-6

Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy..................................7-1

Data Monitoring ....................................................................................................7-2

vi Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller User's Manual–July 2003 GFK-2017


Monitoring Inputs...................................................................................................... 7-2

Monitoring Diagnostics and Configuration Change Messages................................. 7-2
Distributed Control................................................................................................7-3
Redundancy ...........................................................................................................7-4
Dual Bus Redundancy............................................................................................... 7-5
Redundant Controllers ............................................................................................ 7-10
Dual Bus and Redundant Controllers...................................................................... 7-13
Bus and Controller Redundancy for Hot Standby Devices..................................... 7-14
Bus and Controller Redundancy for Duplex Devices ............................................. 7-15
Operation Remains with Primary PLC, Dual Bus and Dual Controllers ................ 7-16
Genius Redundancy for Series 90-70 Rev. 3 ......................................................7-17
Dual Bus and Dual Controllers ............................................................................... 7-17

Appendix A ASCII Code List.................................................................................................... A-1

GFK-2017 Contents vii

Chapter Introduction

This manual describes the features and operation of a Series 90™-70 Genius® Bus
Controller when it is used in a PACSystems RX7i or Series 90-70 PLC system. This
manual also provides the configuration and programming information needed to
complete the interface between the system CPU and a Genius bus.

Product Documentation
Content of this Manual

Chapter 1. Introduction: Chapter 1 describes the Bus Controller and explains how it
Chapter 2. Installation: Chapter 2 explains how to install or remove a Bus Controller,
and how to connect it to a Genius serial bus.
Chapter 3. Bus Controller Configuration: Chapter 3 explains how to complete the
software configuration steps for a Bus Controller and its bus.
Chapter 4. Diagnostics: Chapter 4 describes diagnostics capabilities provided by the
Bus Controller.
Chapter 5. Communication Request: Chapter 5 describes the use of the COMMREQ
program instruction with a Bus Controller.
Chapter 6. Reading Bus Status Information: Chapter 6 explains how the application
program can read the Serial Bus Addresses of active devices or read the status of the
Datagram queue.
Chapter 7. Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy: Chapter 7
describes basic types of data monitoring, distributed control and redundancy systems
that are supported by the Bus Controller.
Appendix A. ASCII Code List: Lists ASCII characters and their decimal and
hexadecimal equivalents.

GFK-2017 1-1

Related Publications

For more information, refer to these publications:

Genius I/O System User’s Manual (GEK-90486-1). Reference manual for system
designers, programmers, and others involved in integrating Genius I/O products in a
PLC or host computer environment. This book provides a system overview, and
describes the types of systems that can be created using Genius products. Datagrams,
Global Data, and data formats are defined.

Genius Discrete and Analog Blocks User’s Manual (GEK-90486-2). Reference

manual for system designers, operators, maintenance personnel, and others using
Genius discrete and analog I/O blocks. This book contains a detailed description,
specifications, installation instructions, and configuration instructions for all currently-
available discrete and analog blocks.

Series 90-70 PLC Genius Bus Controller Manual (GFK-0398). This book describes
the use of the Series 90-70 Genius Bus Controller in a Series 90-70 PLC system, and
explains its configuration and programming using the Logicmaster software.
Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner User’s Manual (GFK-0579). Reference manual for
the Remote I/O Scanner, which interfaces a drop containing Series 90-70 modules to a
Genius bus. Any CPU capable of controlling the bus can be used as the host. This
book describes the Remote I/O Scanner features, configuration, and operation.
Series Six™ Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK-0171). Reference manual for the
Bus Controller, which interfaces a Genius bus to a Series Six PLC. This book
describes the installation and operation of the Bus Controller. It also contains the
programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a Series Six PLC.
Series Five™ Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK-0248). Reference manual for the
Bus Controller, which interfaces a Genius bus to a Series Five PLC. This book
describes the installation and operation of the Bus Controller. It also contains the
programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a Series Five PLC.

1-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


System Overview
The Genius Bus Controller (catalog number IC697BEM731) can be used to interface a
PACSystems RX7i controller or Series 90-70 PLC to a broad range of other devices on
a Genius I/O serial bus.
Host Computer
RX7i or Series 90-70 PLC
with Genius Bus Controller

Series 90-30 PLC with Series 90-30 PLC with

bus controller module communications module


Genius Bus


Genius I/O Blocks

Genius Series 90-70 Remote I/O Drop

NIU with Remote I/O Scanner

Field Control™ I/O Station

VersaMax™ I/O Station

A Genius bus may serve:

▪ Individual Genius I/O Blocks. Genius blocks are self-contained discrete, analog,
and special-purpose modules with advanced diagnostics capabilities and many
software-configurable features.
▪ Other PLCs: RX7i, Series 90-70, Series 90-30. Series Six and Series Five PLCs
can also be connected to the Genius bus.
▪ Series 90-70 Remote Drops. A remote drop is a Series 90-70 rack that is
interfaced to the bus by a Remote I/O Scanner module. Each remote drop can
exchange up to 128 bytes of input data and 128 bytes of output data.
▪ VersaMax and Field Control I/O Stations. An I/O Station consists of a group of
I/O and special-purpose modules connected to the bus via an interface module.
Each remote drop can exchange up to 128 bytes of input data and 128 bytes of
output data.
▪ Multiple hosts, for communications using datagrams and Global Data.
A bus may be used entirely for I/O control, or it may feature I/O control enhanced by
communications commands in the program. A bus may also be dedicated to CPU
communications, with multiple CPUs and no I/O devices. More complex systems can
also be developed, with dual CPUs and one or more additional CPUs for data

Number of Bus Controllers in a PLC

Up to 31 Bus Controllers can be included in the RX71 or Series 90-70 rack system. In
some redundant systems, fewer Bus Controllers are possible. See chapter 7 for

GFK-2017 Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3


Bus Controller Description

The Genius Bus Controller is a standard, rack-mounted Series 90-70 PLC module.



bus wiring

Status LEDs
The LEDs on the front of the Bus Controller indicate its operating status. The top two
LEDs should be on during normal operation. The bottom LED is not used.
Module Shows the status of the Bus Controller. This LED blinks during
OK powerup diagnostics.
Channel Shows the status of the bus. This LED is on steadily when the bus is
OK operating properly. It blinks for intermittent bus errors and is off for a
failed bus. It is also off when no configuration has been received from
the PLC CPU.

Hand-held Monitor Connector

The Hand-held Monitor connector on the Bus Controller faceplate provides attachment
for a Hand-held Monitor. All Hand-held Monitor functions except I/O block Device
Number assignment can be performed with the HHM connected to the Bus Controller.
Bus and block operation can be monitored, circuits forced or unforced, outputs Pulse
Tested, diagnostic messages displayed, and faults cleared, from this convenient
central location. Hand-held Monitor version IC660HHM501C (or later), permitting
selection of a “host CPU” is recommended.

Terminal Assembly
Serial bus and shield wiring connections are made to the removable terminal strip on
the front of the Bus Controller. Only the upper three terminals are used. To remove
the Terminal Assembly without disturbing the continuity of the bus, jumpers are used.
See chapter 2.

1-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


The Genius Bus

The Genius bus is a shielded twisted-pair wire, daisy-chained between devices, and
terminated at both ends. Proper cable selection is critical to successful operation of
the system. Suitable cable types are listed in the Genius I/O System User’s Manual.

Conservative wiring practices, as well as national and local codes, require physical
separation between control circuits and power distribution or motor power. Refer to
sections 430 and 725 of the National Electric Code.

Bus Type Daisy-chained bus cable; single twisted pair plus shield or Twinax.
Fiber optics cable and modems can also be used.
Bus 75, 100, 120, or 150 ohm resistor at both ends of electrical bus
Termination cable.
Baud Rate Configurable. 153.6 Kbaud standard, 153.6 Kbaud extended, 76.8
Kbaud, or 38.4 Kbaud.
Maximum Bus 7500 feet at 38.4 Kbaud, 4500 feet at 76.8 Kbaud, 3500 feet at
Length 153.6 Kbaud extended, 2000 feet at 153.6 Kbaud, standard.
Maximum length at each baud rate also depends on cable type.
Chapter 2 provides a complete list of cable types, showing
corresponding bus lengths and baud rates.
Greater bus lengths are possible using sections of fiber optics cable
with modems.
Maximum 32 devices at 153.6 Kbaud standard, 153.6 Kbaud extended, or 76.8
Number of Kbaud. 16 devices at 38.4 Kbaud. Includes bus controller and
typically a Hand-held Monitor.
Data Encoding Each bit is encoded into three dipulses, majority voted at the
receiver to correct any single dipulse errors. A dipulse is an AC
code consisting of a positive then negative excursion of voltage.
Dipulses are individually sampled to reject low and high frequency
Modulation Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) 0 to 460.8 KHz max. (153.6 Kilobaud)
Isolation 2000 volts Hi-Pot, 1500 volts transient common mode rejection.
Signal/noise 60 db

GFK-2017 Chapter 1 Introduction 1-5


Bus Controller Operation

The Bus Controller handles all data transfer between the PLC and the devices on its
bus. In order to do this, the Bus Controller must interface two completely separate and
asynchronous activities:
A. The Genius bus scan, a cycle of communications between the devices on a bus
(including the Bus Controller itself). The cycle follows the order of Bus Addresses
B. The CPU sweep, the cycle of actions that includes communications between the
CPU and the Bus Controller.
The Bus Controller manages data transfer between the bus and the CPU by
maintaining two separate on-board RAM memories. One interfaces with the bus and
the other interfaces with the CPU. The Bus Controller automatically transfers data
between these two memories, making data available to the bus or to the CPU when it
is needed.

The Genius Bus Scan

A bus scan consists of one complete rotation of a “token” among the devices on the

Token Path

(Device 31)

1 2 3 30

As mentioned earlier, these devices may include other Bus Controllers, or Remote I/O
Scanners, in addition to (or instead of) the Genius blocks illustrated above.
During a bus scan, the Bus Controller automatically:

▪ Receives all input data that has been sent by devices on the bus.
▪ Broadcasts Global Data.
▪ Updates outputs, as permitted, to the devices on the bus. Transmission of outputs
from the Bus Controller can be disabled for one or more devices on the bus.
▪ Receives any fault messages issued by devices on the bus and sets diagnostic
status references for use by the CPU.
▪ Sends a single command received from the CPU (for example, Clear Circuit
Faults) to the appropriate devices.
The amount of time it takes for the communications token to pass to all devices
depends on the baud rate, the number and types of devices on the bus, and the use of
Global Data and datagram communications.

1-6 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Input Data from Devices on the Bus

The Bus Controller receives input data from each input block, I/O block, and remote
drop each time the block or Remote I/O Scanner has the communications token.
(Because this data is broadcast, it may be received by any other bus interface module
operating on the bus).

Inputs from Block 4


1 2 3 4

The Bus Controller stores all the input data it receives. Once per CPU sweep, the CPU
reads all discrete and analog inputs from the Bus Controller. (Analog data is not

Output Data from the CPU

As the application program executes, the CPU sends outputs and any commands to
the Bus Controller. The Bus Controller stores this data, transmitting it on the bus each
time it has the communications token. Unlike inputs, which are broadcast, outputs are
directed to the specific device that should receive them.


Reads Stored Inputs
Stores New Outputs

1 2 3 4
has token

Outputs for 4 Input/2 Output Analog Blocks

Four words of %AQ memory are assigned to a 4 Input/2 Output block by the
configuration software. The CPU stores the output data as shown below. Locations
“n+2” and “n+3” are not used by the block.
n+3 n+2 n+1 n %AQ
not used not used channel 2 channel 1

GFK-2017 Chapter 1 Introduction 1-7


Amount of I/O Data on the Bus

The amount of I/O data exchanged during one Genius bus cycle depends on the types
of devices on the bus.

Data Lengths for Genius Blocks

Data lengths for Genius I/O blocks are shown below. For %I and %Q memory, the
sizes shown are in bits. For %AI and %AQ memory, the sizes shown are in words.
Module Data Lengths
Block Type
%I (bits) %Q (bits) %AI (words) %AQ (words)
115 VAC Grouped I/O blocks 8 8
115 VAC Isolated I/O blocks 8 8
16 Ckt AC Input Block 16
16 Ckt DC Sink/source blocks 16 16
32 Ckt DC Sink/source blocks 32 32
Relay Output blocks 16
4 Input/2 Output Analog Blocks 4 2
Current-source Analog I/O Blocks 4 2
Current-source Analog Output Blocks 6
RTD Input blocks 6
Thermocouple blocks 6
High-speed Counter 16 16 15
PowerTRAC Module 16 16 18

Many Genius I/O blocks have both inputs and outputs on the same block. Blocks
configured in the software as having both inputs and outputs will occupy identical
references in both %I and %Q memory. Unused references cannot be assigned to
other inputs or outputs, and should not be used in the application program.

Data Lengths for an I/O Station or Series 90-70 Remote Drop

The Bus Controller sees each VersaMax I/O Station, Field Control I/O Station, or
Series 90-70 Remote Drop on the bus as a single I/O device. Each I/O Station or
Remote Drop can exchange up to a total of 128 bytes of inputs and 128 bytes of
outputs (8 discrete points represent one byte and 1 analog channel uses 2 bytes) on
the Genius bus.

1-8 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Genius blocks and other devices on the bus will automatically report faults, alarms and
certain other predefined conditions to the CPU.
Inputs and Fault Message
Bus from Block 3

1 2 3 4
F Fault

Only one diagnostic message can be sent during any bus scan. If a fault message has
already been sent (by another device) during that scan, a device saves its own
diagnostic message until the next available bus scan. For example, if the
communications token is currently at device 2, and faults occur at devices 3 and 4 at
the same time, device 3 can send its diagnostic message if another message has not
already been sent. Device 4 must wait at least one more bus scan to send its
diagnostic message.
The Bus Controller stores any diagnostic messages it receives. They are read
automatically by the CPU. Faults may then be displayed in the fault table. Details are
in chapter 4.

In addition the built-in diagnostics capabilities of Genius devices, the application

program can make use of additional diagnostics mechanisms provided by the CPU:

▪ System Status References that have been defined for Genius use.

▪ Fault and No Fault contacts that can be used to detect fault and lack of fault

▪ Alarm contacts that can be used to indicate when an analog value has reached an
assigned alarm limit.
See chapter 4 for details.

Input Defaults if the Bus Controller is Lost

In an RX7i system, if a Bus Controller is missing, mismatched, or failed, the RX7i CPU
sets the input data from each of that Bus Controller's bus devices to its configured
default states (either Hold Last State or Off (0).

In a Series 90-70 system, if a Bus Controller fails, the Series 90-70 CPU holds all
input data from that Bus Controller at its last valid states, regardless of each block's
configured input default parameter.

GFK-2017 Chapter 1 Introduction 1-9


The Bus Controller supports all Genius datagrams:

Datagram Type Type Description

Read ID Requests identifying information from a device on the bus.
Read ID Reply The automatic response to a Read ID datagram.
Read Configuration Requests configuration data from a device on the bus.
Read Configuration Reply The automatic response to a Read Configuration datagram.
Write Configuration Sends configuration data to a device on the bus.
Assign Monitor Commands a device on the bus to direct an extra copy of each Fault
Report to another device on the bus.
Read Diagnostics Requests diagnostics data from a device on the bus.
Read Diagnostics Reply The automatic response to a Read Diagnostics datagram.
Write Point Sends up to 1 word of bit data to a Series Six or Series Five PLC or
to a host computer.
Read Block I/O Requests I/O data from some types of Genius blocks.
Read Block I/O Reply The automatic response to a Read Block I/O datagram.
Report Fault An automatic diagnostic message received from a device on the
Pulse Test Commands a discrete block to pulse its outputs.
Pulse Test Complete Automatic indication that outputs have been pulsed.
Clear Circuit Fault Clears one specific circuit fault.
Clear All Circuit Faults Clears all circuit faults on bus devices.
Switch BSM Causes a Bus Switching Module to switch to alternate bus, if
Read Device Reads up to 128 bytes of CPU data via another Bus Controller.
Read Device Reply The response to a Read Device datagram.
Write Device Sends up to 128 bytes of data to a CPU, via its Bus Controller.
Read Data Requests temporary data from a High-speed Counter block.
Read Data Reply The automatic reply to a Read Data datagram.
Write Data Sends temporary data to a High-speed Counter block.
Read Map Requests the I/O map configuration of a Remote I/O Scanner.
Read Map Reply Automatic response to a Read Map datagram.
Write Map Sends I/O map configuration to a Remote I/O Scanner.

Additional datagrams, not listed above, are sent as system messages; they do not
involve any application programming. The Genius I/O System User’s Manual explains
datagrams in detail. It also shows the formats of the data that is transferred by
In the application program, COMMREQ instructions are used to send datagrams and to
read any unsolicited datagrams that have been received. See chapter 5 for

1-10 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Global Data
Global Data is data that is automatically and repeatedly broadcast by a Bus Controller.
The Genius Bus Controller can send up to 128 bytes of Global Data each bus scan. It
can receive up to 128 bytes of Global Data each bus scan from each Bus Controller on
its bus.

Sending Global Data

Once set up by configuration (see chapter 3), Global Data is broadcast automatically.
Other Bus Controllers that receive the Global Data will place it in these memory
Bus Controller Sends Other CPU Places Global Data in this Memory Location:
Global Data To:

PACSystems RX7i %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, %AQ memory if manually-configured, or %G
CPU memory if automatically-configured. Memory type and beginning
address are chosen during configuration of the receiving bus

Series 90-70 CPU %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, %AQ memory if manually-configured, or %G
memory if automatically-configured. Memory type and beginning
address are chosen during configuration of the receiving bus

Series 90-30 CPU %G memory location corresponding to Device Number (16-23) of

the Bus Controller that sent the data.

Series Six CPU Register memory. Beginning address selected during configuration
of the Series 90-70 Bus Controller that sent the data.

Series Five CPU Register memory. Beginning address selected during configuration
of the Series 90-70 Bus Controller that sent the data.

Computer Interface PCIM or QBIM Input Table Segment corresponding to Device

Module Number of the Series 90-70 Bus Controller that sent the data.

GFK-2017 Chapter 1 Introduction 1-11


Receiving Global Data

The Bus Controller can be configured to receive or ignore Global Data from any other
Bus Controller. The memory type and length for incoming Global Data are also
selected during configuration, as described in chapter 3. The RX7i or Series 70-70
CPU can place incoming Global Data in %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, or %AQ memory.

In the following example, CPU 1 sends 64 bits of Global Data beginning at %I0101 to
CPU 2. CPU 2 places this data into its own memory beginning at %I0017. CPU 2
sends 8 words of %AQ data beginning at %AQ0001 to CPU 1. CPU 1 places this data
into its own memory beginning at %AI0032.


%I0101 - %I0164 %I0017 - %I0081

%AI0032 - %AI0039 %AQ0001 - %AQ0008

1-12 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Chapter Installation

This chapter explains:

▪ How to install and remove a Bus Controller.

▪ How to connect a Genius serial bus.
▪ How to terminate a bus if a Bus Controller is physically at either end.

For Additional Information, Also See:

Chapter 1 for a description and illustration of the Bus Controller, explanation of its
LEDs, and specifications for the Genius bus.
Chapter 3 for configuration instructions.
Chapter 6 for information about dual bus and dual controller systems.

GFK-2017 2-1

Installing the Bus Controller

1. Be sure the rack is powered down.
2. Position the Bus Controller at its intended location.
3. Push the Bus Controller into the card guide until it is aligned with the connector on
the rack backplane.
4. Pressing the upper and lower flanges on the left of the module, push it into the
connector until it clicks onto the rack rails.
Look to see that the board has seated properly in the connector.
5. Complete the bus connections to the front of the board as described on the next

Removing the Bus Controller

1. Power down the rack in which the Bus Controller is located. Before removing
power, it is important to consider the impact on the controlled process.

2. If the PLC is not part of a redundant system, the bus wiring can be removed from
the Bus Controller.
If the PLC is part of a redundant system and another CPU on the bus is now
functioning as the controller, the Bus Controller can be removed without powering
down the bus, provided the Bus Controller’s Serial 1 terminals and Serial 2
terminals have been jumpered as described in this chapter. If this has been done,
do not disconnect the bus cable or any terminating resistor. Remove the terminal
assembly from the Bus Controller carefully. Avoid contact with exposed cable
wiring. Place the terminal assembly with the bus wiring still attached, in a
protected location.


If exposed wiring comes in contact with conductive material, data on the bus
may be corrupted, possibly causing the system to shut down.
3. Squeeze the retaining clips at the top and bottom of the cover to disengage them
from the rack rails.
4. Pull the board firmly to remove it from the backplane connector.
5. Slide the board out of the card guide to remove it from the rack.

2-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Connecting the Serial Bus

For information about bus selection and installation, you should refer to the
Genius I/O System User’s Manual.
Connect the bus cable to the terminal assembly on the front of the Bus Controller. The
tie–down screws can be removed to accommodate ring-type connectors. Terminal
designations, illustrated below, are also shown on the module faceplate.
The maximum exposed length of bare wires should be two inches. For added
protection, each shield drain wire should be insulated with spaghetti tubing to prevent
the Shield In and Shield Out wires from touching each other or the signal wires.





Replacing an Older Bus Controller

If this hardware (GIOC1) is being used to replace older hardware (GIOA1 or GIOB1:
see markscreen on the edge of the board), the GENIUS bus connections to the Bus
Controller must be rewired. Refer to the wiring label inside the module cover for detals
concerning the proper wiring of the connector. Note that GIOC1 hardware was also
used with Genius Bus Controller versions IC697BEM731B and C.

Shield In and Shield Out Connections in an Existing Installation

The actual positions of the Bus Controller’s Shield In and Shield Out terminals are
correctly shown above. On the faceplates of older Bus Controllers and in earlier
revisions of the documentation, these terminals are shown reversed. Regardless of
the markings on the faceplate, all Series 90-70 Bus Controllers have their Shield In and
Shield Out terminals in the positions shown above.
Because of this inconsistency, Bus Controllers in an existing installation may have their
Shield In and Shield Out terminals incorrectly connected (that is, not as illustrated
above). For most applications, this should not be a problem, and rewiring is not
necessary. If noise immunity is a particular concern, however, rewiring of the Shield In
and Shield Out terminals on these older Bus Controllers is recommended.

GFK-2017 Chapter 2 Installation 2-3


Terminating the Bus

Each Genius communications bus must be terminated at both ends by its characteristic
impedance, as explained in the Genius I/O System User’s Manual.
If the Bus Controller is located at the endlevel
of a1bus,
1 install the appropriate resistor
figure bi level 1
across its Serial 1 and Serial 2 terminals.
table_big level 1



Wiring for Bus Continuity

For a redundancy system, where another CPU on the bus will be capable of acting as
a controller, jumpers should be installed on the Bus Controller’s terminal assembly as
shown at right. This will allow possible removal of the terminal assembly in the future
without breaking the continuity of the bus.
For bus continuity, jumper the Serial 1 terminals together and jumper the Serial 2
terminals together (even if the Bus Controller is at the end of the bus). Alternatively,
use only one terminal of each pair, and wire both cable ends to the selected terminals.




2-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Chapter Bus Controller Configuration

A Bus Controller and the devices on its bus must be configured in two basic, different
1. The Bus Controller and the devices on its bus must be configured as part of the
PLC system using the programming software.
2. The devices on the bus must also be configured separately. This includes:
A. Configuring I/O blocks with a Hand-held Monitor and/or Write
Configuration COMMREQs. For a Series 90-70 PLC, some devices can be
configured directly from the programmer on an operating Genius bus.

B. Configuring Remote Drops with the programming software.

C. Configuring redundant Bus Controllers with the programming software

This book only covers configuration of Bus Controllers with the programming software.

For Additional Information, Also See:

Chapter 5, which describes Read Configuration and Write Configuration COMMREQs.

Chapter 7, which describes data monitoring, distributed control, and redundant control
The Genius Analog and Discrete Blocks Manual, which includes instructions for
configuring I/O blocks.
The Genius I/O System and Communications Manual, which details the data that can
be transferred using Read Configuration and Write Configuration COMMREQs.
The Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner User’s Manual, which covers configuration of
Remote Drops.

GFK-2017 3-1

Adding a Bus Controller to the Configuration

Select the slot location for the Bus Controller. Right click. Select Add Module from the
menu. Select the Bus Controller tab.

Click OK.
To edit a previously-selected module's operating characteristics, double-click
the module in the Project tab or right-click on it and choose Configure.
The Parameter Editor window appears.

The default entries can be used as is, or changed. Until a valid configuration is stored
to the CPU, the Bus Controller will not operate on the Bus, and its Channel OK LED
will not light.

3-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Configuring the Bus Controller Settings

Select the Settings Tab.

Configure the following parameters as needed for the system:

Serial Bus Ordinarily, the Serial Bus Address assigned to a Bus Controller is 31. Any
Address number from 0 to 31 can be used; each must be unique on that bus.

For redundancy applications, specific Serial Bus Addresses are required, as

described in chapter 7. Note: If Serial Bus Address and Redundancy Mode
(on the Redundancy tab) are valid, two redundant Bus Controllers (source
and paired) are moved or inserted to the new bus locations. However, if the
newly-selected Serial Bus Address has already been assigned to another
device on the bus, the two Bus Controllers are not moved. If you make the
Serial Bus Address available, you must return to this tab and re-enter the
Serial Bus Address to update the paired Bus Controller.
Data Rate All devices on a bus must use the same data rate: 153.6 Kbaud standard,
(bps) 153.6 Kbaud extended, 76.8 Kbaud, or 38.4 Kbaud. Selection of a data rate
depends on the application, as explained in the Genius I/O System User’s
Manual. Usually, the bus length determines the data rate. The entry made
here establishes the data rate for the Bus Controller only. If the default data
rate (153.6 Kbaud standard) will not be used, the data rate of other devices
on the bus must also be changed. Typically, this is done using a Hand-held

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-3


Error Rate This entry determines how the Bus Controller will respond to errors on the
bus. If the Bus Controller should drop off the bus when a specified number of
errors occurs within a 10-second period, enter that number of errors here. If
the Bus Controller should remain on the bus when errors occur and try to
maintain communications, enter 0 here.
If the bus includes a Bus Switching Module (BSM) or another device that
controls bus switching, the Error Rate MUST be set to 0. Otherwise, the Bus
Controller may drop off the bus when the BSM is switching a device to the

If the error rate is set to 0, the Bus Controller will use a rate of 10 errors in 10
seconds. If the detected error rate exceeds 10, the Bus Controller will remain
on the bus and flash the Communications LED. The LED will continue to
flash until the number of detected errors is less than 10 errors in 10 seconds.
If the error rate is set to a value greater than 0, the Bus Controller will monitor
the bus for errors. If the number of errors exceeds the configured error rate,
the Bus Controller will turn off the Communications LED and drop off the bus.
The Bus Controller will remain off the bus until the number of detected errors
is less than the configured error rate.
Reference This entry can be used to verify that references already configured for
Address devices on the Genius bus match the status references assigned to the same
devices with the programmer software. If ENABLED, references are checked
for all configured devices except PowerTRAC blocks or “GENA”-based bus
devices. This feature will not detect or configure an unconfigured device, or
correct references that do not match.
I/O Scan Set The Scan Set (as defined in the CPU's Scan Sets tab) assigned to this
module. This can be used only on RX7i and on Release 7 or later 900-series
90-70 CPUs. For all other CPUs, leave this field at its default setting (1).

3-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Configuring Global Data

Select the Global Data tab to configure the Bus Controller to send Global Data.

Configuration (Read-only) the Configuration Mode is always Manual.

From Address Specify the beginning PLC address from which data will be transmitted
on the bus. It can be from %I, %Q, %G, %R, %AI, or %AQ memory.
Data Length This entry specifies the amount of Global Data to be sent each bus scan.
If Global Data will not be used, set Data Length to zero.

If bit-oriented memory (%I, %Q, or %G) is selected, this may be 0 to

1024 bits. It must be a multiple of 8. If you enter a number that is not a
multiple of 8, the software will automatically adjust it upward to the next
highest multiple of 8. For example, any number between 9 and 15 would
be automatically adjusted upward to 16.
If word-oriented memory (%AI, %AQ, or %R) is selected, this may be 0
to 64 words. If more than 64 words are selected, the software
automatically adjusts the length to 64 words. The total amount of
memory specified must not exceed the configured memory size for that
memory type.
For example, if %R00001 is selected for From Address and the Data
Length is set to 4, the block of data would consist of %R00001 through
To (Optional) If the data is going to be sent to another Series 90-70 Bus Controller, this
entry is not needed. The destination memory address is specified as part
of the target device's configuration.
If the data is going to be transmitted to a Series Six PLC or a Series Five
PLC, enter the beginning register address where the data will be stored
in the other PLC. Only one destination address can be specified for
Global Data sent by each Bus Controller. If there is more than one
Series Six and/or Series Five PLC on the bus, they must all use the
same register address for Global Data received from this Bus Controller.
For information about selecting and entering a register address for one
of these PLCs, refer to the Genius I/O System and Communications
User's Manual, GEK-90486-1.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-5


Configuring Genius Redundancy on the Redundancy Tab

Genius redundancy for the Bus Controller can be configured on the Redundancy tab
as described below. Genius redundancy for the system can be configured using built-in
wizards as explained next in this chapter. The wizards can also be used to configure
Series 90-70 Hot Standby CPU redundancy for specific Series 90-70 CPU models.
When configuring a redundant Series 90-70 PLC system, remember to change the
Loss of IOC fault from fatal to diagnostic. Otherwise, loss of a Bus Controller will
cause the CPU to shut down. (This change can be made in the CPU configuration.)
Also, when using Genius redundancy, do not set the CPU’s Backplane
Communications window (for Series 90-70 CPUs, this is the System Communications
window) to 0. When using Constant Sweep mode, be sure to allow enough time for the
Backplane Communications window to run. There must be enough time for the Bus
Controllers to exchange information about Genius devices that are lost or added.

Selecting the Redundancy Mode

Select the Bus Controller's Redundancy Mode first. Changing the Redundancy Mode
selection can reset some or all of the parameters that you have already entered.

Redundancy The type of redundancy, if any. See chapter 7 for more detailed
Mode descriptions of redundancy modes. Configuration examples for
redundancy are also shown on the following pages.
Note: if you set up a Bus Controller for redundancy, then either
COPY or UNDELETE the Bus Controller’s configuration, the
Redundancy Mode of the copy or restored version is reset to
NONE and the Redundancy of blocks on the bus is reset to NO.
None: This is the default. None means the Bus Controller
communicates with a single bus, it is the only controller on the bus
sending outputs, and no I/O devices on the bus are set up for any
type of redundancy.
If, during subsequent configuration of devices on the bus, any
device is set up for redundancy, Redundancy Mode is
automatically changed to Dual Bus.
Similarly, if Redundancy Mode is set to anything except NONE,
any devices on the bus that have already been configured
automatically have their Redundancy parameter set to YES.

3-6 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Dual Bus:

Select Dual Bus if there are two busses, each of which has its own Bus Controller. The
Bus Controllers can be in the same PLC or separate PLCs. Switching devices, usually
Genius Bus Switching Modules (BSMs), each link up to seven additional devices to the
dual busses.

Bus Bus
Controller Controller




Redundant Controller:

Select this for redundant Bus Controllers, either in the same PLC or separate PLCs:


Bus Bus
Controller Controller

(Device 31) (Device 30)

1 2 3 4 5

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-7


Dual Bus and Redundant Controller:

Select Dual Bus and Redundant Controller for a system that combines redundant Bus
Controllers with a dual bus. It requires two PLCs and four Bus Controllers:


Bus Bus Bus Bus

Controller Controller Controller Controller
(Device 31) (Device 31) (Device 30) (Device 30)


1 2 3 4A 4B

3-8 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Configuring Redundancy Parameters

When you select the Redundancy Mode, the additional parameters described below
can be configured.
Paired GBC: Both dual bus and dual controller redundancy use pairs of Bus Controllers.
This selection specifies the location of the other Bus Controller of the pair.
The three choices are:
Internal: If the Redundancy Mode is either dual bus or redundant control
and both Bus Controllers are located in the same PLC (not
necessarily in the same rack), select Internal. You must also
enter a Paired GBC Addr (see below).
External: If the Redundancy Mode is either dual bus or redundant control
and the other Bus Controller is in another PLC, select External.
Int/Ext: Automatically selected if Redund Mode is set to Dual Bus /
Redundant Controllers. You must also enter a Paired GBC
Addr (see below).
If, during subsequent configuration of devices on the bus, any is set up for
redundancy, Paired GBC is automatically changed to External.
Switch Time: This is the amount of time that will be allowed for switching on a dual bus.
The choices are 2.5 seconds and 10 seconds. If the Redundancy Mode is
either Dual Bus or Dual Bus / Redundant Controllers and the total bus
scan time on either bus is expected to exceed 100ms, change the Switch
Time selection to 10 seconds. If the Bus Controller stops receiving input data
from a device or devices on the bus, it will wait this specified time period
before defaulting inputs or generating fault reports.
Be sure to select the same time period when configuring the devices on the
bus with a Hand-held Monitor or Write Configuration COMMREQs. This
determines the length of time I/O devices on the bus allow for bus switching,
before defaulting their outputs.
Paired If you selected Internal for Paired GBC, enter the location of the other Bus
GBC Addr Controller. For example:

For rack # and slot #, enter the rack and slot number where the other Bus
Controller is located. The bus # entry should be left as 1.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-9


Using the Redundancy Wizards

The Redundancy wizards automatically configure different redundancy options. They
will add the required modules, with the correct parameter settings, to the rack system.
For a Series 90-70 system only, this wizard can be called multiple times to create
additional secondary hardware configurations. Operations performed by the wizard
cannot be undone. Back up the Hardware Configuration before using the wizard. When
configuring a redundant Series 90-70 PLC system, remember to change the Loss of
IOC fault from fatal to diagnostic. Otherwise, loss of a Bus Controller will cause the
CPU to shut down. (This change can be made in the CPU configuration.)
To use the Redundancy wizards to configure a system, right-click in the Hardware
Configuration and choose Redundancy. Select Wizard.

3-10 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Redundancy Wizards
The Redundancy wizards that are selectable will depend on whether you are
configuring a Series 90-70 or RX7i system. For example:

▪ Set up a Primary Rack System for CPU Redundancy. This wizard configures
Hot Standby CPU Redundancy for a Series 90-70 CPU IC697CPU780,
IC697CGR772, or IC697CGR935 only.

▪ Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy, selects a Genius redundancy scheme and
the location of the Bus Controllers.

▪ Copy a Redundant Genius Bus, synchronizes two redundant busses. You can
choose whether the destination bus is cleared before the copy and whether all
devices or only devices marked redundant are copied. The source Bus Controller
defaults to the slot that is currently selected. If the source and destination are not
properly paired, including Redundancy Mode and Serial Bus Address, the copy
operation is not allowed.

▪ Generate Secondary Hardware Configuration from the Current Configuration,

creates a secondary hardware configuration from an existing primary rack system
when configuring Hot Standby CPU Redundancy for a Series 90-70 CPU
IC697CPU780, IC697CGR772, or IC697CGR935 only. This wizard is available
only if the current rack system contains a CPU780, CGR935, or CGR772, and the
Redundancy Mode (on the CPU configuration Redundancy tab) is set to Primary.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-11


Redundancy Wizard: Set up a Primary Rack System for CPU Redundancy

For a Series 90-70 PLC, this wizard sets up Hot Standby CPU redundancy for three
CPU models: IC697CPU780, IC697CGR772, or IC697CGR935. For more information
about Series 90-70 CPU redundancy for CPU models IC697CGR772 and
IC697CGR935, please see the Series 90-70 Enhanced Hot Standby CPU Redundancy
User's Guide, GFK-1527A. For information about redundancy for CPU model
IC697CPU780, please see the Series 90-70 Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User's
Guide, GFK-0827. Both documents are available online at

1. Select Set up a Primary Hardware Configuration for CPU Redundancy:

2. Select Next.

3-12 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


3. Choose the CPU type and redundancy type to configure. For example, “Single Bus
with Preferred Master”:

4. Select Next.
5. Review the configuration parameters:

6. If the CPU, redundancy type, Bus Transmitter location and Redundancy module
location are correct, select Finish to complete the redundancy configuration.

7. Another wizard, also accessed from the Redundancy: Wizards menu can be used
to generate the secondary hardware configuration, as described later in this

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-13


Redundancy Wizard: Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy

Use this wizard to select a Genius Redundancy type. You can call this wizard multiple
times to configure additional redundant busses in the same system.
1. In the Redundancy wizard, select: Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy. Select Next.

2. Select a redundancy scheme:

▪ Dual bus, one PLC

▪ Dual bus, two PLCs

▪ Redundant controllers, one PLC

▪ Redundant controllers, two PLCs

▪ Dual bus and redundant controllers, two PLCs

All of these options are described on the following pages.

3-14 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy: Dual Bus One PLC

Select Dual Bus One PLC if there are two busses, each of which has its own Bus
Controller. The Bus Controllers are in the same PLC, but can be located in different
racks. Switching devices, usually Genius Bus Switching Modules (BSMs), each link up
to seven additional devices to the dual busses. All Genius devices downstream of a
bus switching device must be configured for BSM Present.

CPU Bus Bus

Controller Controller




1. In the Redundancy wizard, select: Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy, then Dual
Bus One PLC:

2. Click Next.
3. Select rack and slot locations for the primary Bus Controller and the paired Bus
Controller. On a PACSystems RX7i, if you cannot select the expansion rack you
want, you need to add it to the rack system.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-15


4. Click Next.
5. Review the settings for Redundancy Scheme and Bus Controller locations.

6. If settings are correct, click Finish.

When you click Finish, the software creates the two Genius busses and adds two Bus
Controllers to the rack system. The parameter settings of the second Bus Controller
(except for the rack and slot numbers, and Serial Bus Address) are the same as those
of the first Bus Controller. The two Bus Controllers are, by default, assigned Serial Bus
Addresses 30 and 31. Each bus now contains an image of its Bus Controller.

3-16 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy: Redundant Controllers, One PLC

This type of Genius Redundancy uses two Genius Bus Controllers (GBCs) in the same
CPU system, controlling one Genius bus.

Bus Bus
Controller Controller
30 31

1 2 3 4 5

1. In the Redundancy wizard, select: Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy.

2. Click Next.

3. Select Redundant Controllers, One PLC:

4. Click Next.
5. Select rack and slot locations for the primary and paired Bus Controllers. On a
PACSystems RX7i, if you cannot select the expansion rack you want, you need to
add it to the rack system.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-17


6. Click Next.

7. Review the settings for Redundancy Scheme and Bus Controller locations. If
settings are correct, click Finish.
When you click Finish, the software adds two Bus Controllers to the PLC. The
parameter settings of the second Bus Controller (except for the rack and slot numbers,
and Serial bus Address) are a copy of those of the first Bus Controller. The two Bus
Controllers are, by default, assigned Serial Bus Addresses 30 and 31. Those Serial
Bus Addresses should not be changed.

Configuring the Devices on the Bus

Genius devices used in this system may be redundant or non-redundant. To configure
devices on a Genius bus, see Configuring a Genius Bus.
Although there is only one Genius bus in this system, each Bus Controller has its own
Genius bus structure. If all devices on the bus are configured as redundant, the bus
structures for the two bus controllers will be identical. However, if there are non-
redundant devices on the bus, they will only appear in the Genius Bus window of the
Bus Controller in which they were configured.

3-18 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy: Redundant Controllers, Two PLCs

This type of Genius Redundancy uses redundant controllers in two PLCs, controlling
the same bus.


Bus Bus
Controller Controller

31 30

1 2 3 4 5

1. In the Redundancy, wizard, select Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy.

2. Click Next.

3. Select Redundant Controllers, Two PLCs:

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-19


4. Click Next. Select the rack and slot location for the primary Bus Controller. On a
PACSystems RX7i, if you cannot select the expansion rack you want, you need to
add it to the rack system.

5. Click Next.

6. Review the settings for Redundancy Scheme and Bus Controller locations. If
settings are correct, click Finish. If you need to make changes, click Back.
When you click Finish, a second Genius Bus Controller is added to the PLC. The
parameter settings of this second Bus Controller (except the rack and slot numbers,
and Serial Bus Address) are the same as the first Bus Controller. The Serial Bus
Address for the primary Bus Controller is, by default, 31. The Serial Bus Address of the
other Bus Controller is 30. You should leave the Serial Bus Addresses at their default

Configuring the Devices on the Bus

Genius Devices used on this system may be redundant or non-redundant. To configure
devices on a Genius bus, see Configuring a Genius Bus.
Although there is only one Genius bus in this system, each Bus Controller has its own
Genius Bus window. If all devices on the bus are configured as redundant, the Genius
Bus windows for both Bus Controllers are the same. If there are non-redundant devices
on the bus, they only appear in the Genius Bus window of one Bus Controller.

3-20 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy: Dual Bus and Redundant Controllers with Two PLCs
This Genius Redundancy option consists of two PLCs, each with two Bus Controllers,
controlling dual busses. Two open rack slots must be available in this PLC for the Bus
Controllers. The paired Bus Controller may be in any rack.
Select Dual Bus and Redundant Controller for a system that combines redundant Bus
Controllers with a dual bus. It requires two PLCs and four Bus Controllers:


Bus Bus Bus Bus

Controller Controller Controller Controller
(Device 31) (Device 31) (Device 30) (Device 30)


1 2 3 4A 4B

1. In Redundancy wizard, select Add GBCs for Genius Redundancy and click the
Next button.
2. Select Dual Bus and Redundant Controllers, Two PLCs:

3. Click Next.
4. Select the rack and slot locations for the two Bus Controllers. On a
PACSystems RX7i, if you cannot select the expansion rack you want, you
need to add it to the rack system.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-21


5. Click Next.

6. Review the settings for Redundancy Scheme and Bus Controller locations. If
settings are correct, click Finish. If you need to make changes, click Back.
When you click Finish, two Genius busses are created and two Bus Controllers are
added to the PLC. The parameter settings of the second Bus Controller (except for the
rack and slot numbers and Serial Bus Address) are the same as for the first Bus
Controller. The two Bus Controllers are, by default, assigned Serial Bus Addresses 30
and 31. Each bus contains an image of both Bus Controllers.

3-22 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Redundancy Wizard: Generate Secondary Hardware Configuration from the Current

For a Series 90-70 PLC, this wizard generates a secondary hardware configuration for
three CPU models: IC697CPU780/CGR772/CGR935. For more information about
Series 90-70 CPU redundancy for CPU models IC697CGR772 and IC697CGR935,
please see the Series 90-70 Enhanced Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User's Guide,
GFK-1527A. For information about redundancy for CPU model IC697CPU780, please
see the Series 90-70 Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User's Guide, GFK-0827. Both
documents are available online at
This wizard is available only if the current rack system contains a CPU780, CGR935,
or CGR772, and the Redundancy Mode (on the CPU configuration Redundancy tab) is
set to Primary.

1. In the Redundancy wizard, select: Generate Secondary Hardware Configuration

from the Current Configuration.

2. Click Next.

3. Select Mirror to Secondary Hardware Configuration or Generate Secondary

Hardware Configuration in the following file.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-23


Adding Devices to the Bus Configuration

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware configuration folder and
then the rack that contains the Bus Controller.
2. Right-click the slot containing the Bus Controller to display this menu.

From here you can add, copy, cut, replace, paste, and delete modules on the bus.

Configuring the Serial Bus Address of a Device

1. When you add a device, select a Serial Bus Address for the Genius device.

2. After selecting the Serial Bus Address, the Device Catalog appears. Use the tabs
to display lists of modules. For example:

3. Select the device to add at the selected Serial Bus Address and click OK. A
configuration screen for that device will appear.
You must enter a configuration screen for each device. This assigns program
references to the device's data and establishes certain system parameters. It does
NOT configure the characteristics of the bus devices themselves. That separate
configuration is normally done using a Hand-held Monitor, but may also be done using
Communication Request instructions in the application program. For information about
Communication Request instructions, see chapter 5. For a Series 90-70 PLC CPU, it
may be possible to directly configure device parameters as described later in this

3-24 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Configuring the Device Reference Address

A device’s Reference Address is the beginning reference for its input and output data.
The software automatically assigns the next available reference address within a
memory type. If the address displayed is not appropriate, a different address can be
entered. Discrete references must begin on a byte boundary (a byte boundary is a
number which is one greater than a multiple of 8, for example: 9, 17, or 25). If you
assign a reference address out of sequence, the software will then continue to
increment that number for additional modules. For example, if you assigned the
reference %I0401 to the first input module and it had 16 circuits, the software would
next assign %I0417 or %QI0417 to an input or combination block. You could change
this to a different address. A message appears when the highest available address has
been assigned, although you may have skipped lower addresses.
References for Devices having both Discrete and Word Inputs: For some bus
devices (an example is the High-speed Counter block), the input data that is routinely
broadcast by the block consists of BOTH discrete and word-type data. For such a
block, the configured Reference Address represents three memory locations (in %I,
%Q, and %AI memories) instead of the two (%I and %Q) assigned to other types of
blocks. This is shown in the Settings tab illustrated below.

References for Inputs-only or Outputs-only Devices: An Inputs-only block uses one

reference in %I or %AI memory for each circuit on the block. Similarly, a block with
outputs only requires one reference in %Q or %AQ memory only.
References for Mixed I/O Blocks with both Inputs and Outputs: A Genius I/O block
that has both inputs and outputs uses the same number of input and output references,
regardless of the block’s actual I/O mix.
An analog block with 4 inputs and 2 outputs requires four words of analog input
memory and four words of analog output memory. The block only uses the first two
output words, but the second two output words cannot be used for outputs because
they cannot be assigned by the configuration software. However, they can be used for
internal registers in the application program.
References for Redundancy: During operation, the CPU handles I/O data the same
way for redundant and non-redundant systems. For any redundant Bus Controller pair
in the PLC, each CPU sweep the CPU receives a one set of bus inputs and sends one
set of bus outputs. The CPU does not maintain two sets of references for devices that
are set up for redundancy.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-25


Reference Address Configuration Example

As the following examples show, it is not necessary to configure blocks in Serial Bus
Address sequence. Serial Bus Addresses are unrelated to the assignment of
Reference Addresses.

1 2 3 4 5
INPUT REFERENCES 17-24 1-4 5-10 1-16
31 OUTPUT REFERENCES 17-24 1-4 1-16

1 2 3 4 5

The bus has five blocks:

Serial Bus Address 1: 8-circuit Isolated I/O block
Serial Bus Address 2: 4 Input/2 Output analog block
Serial Bus Address 3: 16-circuit discrete Relay Output block
Serial Bus Address 4: RTD analog block (6 inputs, no outputs)
Serial Bus Address 5: 16-circuit discrete Inputs-only block
The order in which the blocks are configured determines their reference assignments.

3-26 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Reference Address Example Configuration 1:

Here, the first block to be configured is Serial Bus Address 5, the 16-circuit Inputs-only
block. The configuration software assigns to it %I0001. The second block configured is
Serial Bus Address 3, the Relay Output block. The software assigns to it %Q0001. If
Serial Bus Address 1, the 8-circuit Isolated I/O block, were configured next, the
software would automatically assign it %QI0017.

1 2 3 4 5


INPUT REFERENCES 17-24 1-4 5-10 1-16
31 OUTPUT REFERENCES 17-24 1-4 1-16

1 2 3 4 5


%QI0017-%QI0024 %Q001-%QI0016 %I0001-%I0016

The assignment of %I and %Q memory would then be:

%I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 16 32

%Q x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 16 32

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-27


Reference Address Example Configuration 2:

If the 16-circuit Input block were configured first, the 8-circuit Isolated block second,
and the 16-circuit Relay block third, the software would not go back and assign
reference address %Q0001 to the Relay block.

1 2 3 4 5


INPUT REFERENCES 17-24 1-4 5-10 1-16
31 OUTPUT REFERENCES 17-24 1-4 25-40

1 2 3 4 5


%QI0017-%QI0024 %Q0025-%QI0040 %I0001-%I0016

The automatic memory assignments in %I and %Q would be like this instead:

%I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 16 32

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
%Q 1 16 32

x x x x x x x x
33 40

In this case, the Reference Address %Q0001 could be entered from the keyboard,
resulting in the memory usage shown first.

3-28 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Disabling Outputs
If outputs are disabled, the Bus Controller will not send output data from the CPU to the
designated device(s). Output Disable is not selectable for inputs-only devices. Inputs-
only blocks are ALWAYS sent a dummy message to turn on their I/O Enabled LEDs.
It is possible for outputs to be disabled or re-enabled using Communication Request
instructions in the application program. If this capability will be needed, the outputs
should be enabled during I/O configuration.
Ordinarily, the configuration software would be used to disable outputs that should
remain disabled. To re-enable such inputs, it would be necessary to change the
configuration and re-store the new configuration to the PLC.
Outputs might be disabled in a system where multiple CPUs are used for distributed
control, or a system using the CPU as an assigned monitoring device. Examples are
shown below.

Selectively Disabling Outputs for Distributed Control of I/O Blocks: Some systems use
two or more CPUs on the same bus for distributed control of I/O blocks. In a distributed
control system, each CPU sends outputs to (and receives fault reports from) certain
blocks on the bus and not others. This is accomplished by selectively enabling or
disabling outputs to the blocks.


Bus Interface Bus Interface Bus Interface

Module Module Module

(Device 31) (Device 30) (Device 7)


1 2 3 4 5 6

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-29


Disabling Outputs for an Assigned Monitor: If the CPU will be used to monitor
inputs from certain blocks on the bus, outputs to those blocks should be disabled.
When being used as a monitor, the CPU will also receive fault reports and
configuration change messages if the blocks have been sent Assign Monitor


Bus Bus Outputs

Controller Controller Disabled


1 2 3 4

Output data for these blocks will be supplied by one or more other CPUs on the
same bus.


Bus Bus
Controller Controller


1 2 3 4

If a CPU is used as a monitor, it may NOT have two of its Bus Controllers located
on the same bus. Otherwise, the CPU would receive input data from both Bus
Controllers for the same references, and internal system errors will result.

3-30 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Bus Device Redundancy Configuration

If a bus device will be used in dual bus or dual controller mode, or both, set the entry
for Redundancy to YES.

If Redundancy is set to YES for any device on a bus, the Bus Controller must also be
configured for a form of redundancy: dual bus, redundant control, or dual
bus/redundant control.
The configuration software will automatically attempt to supply a correct configuration
when you set device Redundancy to YES:
▪ If the Bus Controller is configured for a Redundancy Mode of NONE, and you set
the Redundancy of any device on the bus to YES, the Bus Controller’s
configuration is automatically changed to Redundancy: DUAL BUS and Paired
▪ If the Bus Controller is configured for a Redundancy Mode of either DUAL BUS or
Redundant Control (Redundant Controller), and Paired GBC is INTERNAL, each
device on the bus is automatically configured at the same bus address (Serial Bus
Address) on the redundant bus, and given the same reference addresses.
If Paired GBC is set to EXTERNAL, the block is not automatically configured on
the other bus of the pair.
▪ If the Bus Controller is configured for a Redundancy Mode of dual bus/redundant
controllers each device on the bus is automatically configured at the same bus
address (Serial Bus Address) on the redundant bus, and given the same reference

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-31


Changing a Device's Serial Bus Address

If you want to change the Serial Bus Address of any device that has already been
configured on the bus (including the Bus Controller:
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware configuration folder.
2. Expand the Rack that contains the Bus Controller and expand the slot containing
the Bus Controller.
3. Select the device you want to configure. Its Serial Bus Address is displayed in the

Edit the Serial Bus Address as required. It can be any value from 0 through 31. You
cannot change a bus device's Serial Bus Address to that used by the Bus Controller. If
you change the selected device's Serial Bus Address to one already that is assigned to
a device on the bus, the existing device will be replaced.

3-32 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Configuring a Remote Drop

Enter or select the Serial Bus Address of the Remote I/O Scanner on the bus.

If a Remote I/O Scanner has an SBA conflict on an operating bus, it
will not scan the modules in the remote drop until the fault is cleared.
Select the Remote I/O Scanner from the Genius Interface tab:

The redundancy mode of the Remote I/O Scanner is automatically matched to the
Redundancy Mode configuration of the Bus Controller.

Please refer to the Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner User’s Manual for information
about selecting input defaults, enabling outputs, and defining the I/O mapping for the
Remote I/O Scanner.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-33


Configuring a Remote Bus Controller, Genius Communications Module, PCIM, QBIM, or

GENI-based Device on the Bus
Select the Bus Controller or other device from the appropriate list.

Select the Settings

Select the device's communications properties.

If Redundancy is set to YES, the local Bus Controller must also be configured for a
form of redundancy. The configuration software will automatically attempt to supply a
correct configuration when you set device Redundancy to YES.

3-34 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Set Up Global Data

If a Bus Controller on the bus will not accept Global Data from the Bus Controller being
configured, its entry for Config Mode should be NONE.

If it will accept the Global Data, select the CPU reference address for the data to be
placed after it is received.
To: The beginning address in %I, %Q, %G, %AI, %AQ, or %R memory.
Input The amount of Global Data expected to be received. For bit-oriented
Length: data, this is the number of bits. For word-oriented data, it is the
number of words. If the expected data length (defined by
configuration) and the actual data length (defined by the content of the
Read ID Reply message from the module) don’t agree, a System
Configuration Mismatch fault is placed in the PLC Fault Table.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-35


Configuring a PowerTRAC Block or High-speed Counter Block

Select the Intelligent Option tab. Select the High-speed Counter or correct PowerTRAC
block type.

Configuring Parameters for a PowerTRAC Block

A PowerTRAC Block has both bit-type data and word-type data. You can select the
beginning references for both. The required lengths are shown. You can also select the
default state for the block’s input data, and enable or disable CPU outputs to the block.

If Redundancy is set to YES, the Bus Controller must also be configured for a form of
redundancy. The configuration software will automatically attempt to supply a correct
configuration when you set device Redundancy to YES.

For more information about the content and format of PowerTRAC block data, please
see the PowerTRAC Block User’s Manual.

3-36 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Configuring Parameters for a High-speed Counter Block

A High-speed Counter Block has both bit-type data and word-type data. You can select
the beginning references for both.
Control/Status The %QI reference location for the block’s discrete I/O data. The length
is fixed at 16 bits.
High Speed The %AI reference for the block’s word data. The length is fixed at 15
Counter Data words.

For more information about the content and format of this data, please see the High-
speed Counter User’s Manual.
If Redundancy is set to YES, the Bus Controller must also be configured for a form of
redundancy. The configuration software will automatically attempt to supply a correct
configuration when you set device Redundancy to YES.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-37


Configuring a Generic Device on the Bus

A device on the bus can be configured as a “generic” I/O device. This might be done to
provide selections for “input defaults” and “outputs enabled” that are not otherwise
available for a given Genius product, or to configure a device that is not included in the
other menus.
To configure a generic device, select Generic Genius I/O from the menu of “3 Party”

Press the Enter key. A configuration screen like this will appear:

Select the beginning references and lengths for the module’s bit and word data. The
combined lengths of bit and word inputs (%I and %AI) must exactly match the amount
of data that will be sent by the device. The combined lengths of bit and word outputs
(%Q and %AQ) must exactly match the amount of data that will be sent by the Bus
Controller to the device. If the generic device being configured is a Bus Controller,
assign it INPUTS ONLY.
You can also select the default state for the device’s input data, and enable or disable
CPU outputs to the device.
If the generic module's Redundancy is set to YES, the local Bus Controller must also
be configured for a form of redundancy. The configuration software will automatically
attempt to supply a correct configuration when you set device Redundancy to YES.

3-38 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Copying a Bus Configuration

To copy a Genius bus configuration, the destination Bus Controller must already be
configured. You can optionally choose whether the destination bus is cleared before
the copy and whether all devices or only devices marked redundant are copied. The
source Bus Controller defaults to the slot that is currently selected. If the source and
destination are not properly paired, including Redundancy Mode and Serial Bus
Address, the copy operation is not allowed.

Copying a Bus Configuration without Copying the Bus Controller Parameters

To copy only the bus configuration without copying the parameter settings of the Bus
1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware configuration folder and
then the Rack that contains the Bus Controller.
2. Right-click the slot containing the source Bus Controller and choose Copy Genius

3. The Copy Bus dialog box appears. Select the rack and slot location of the
destination Bus Controller and click OK.

Copying a Bus Configuration and the Bus Controller Configuration

To copy a bus configuration with the same Bus Controller parameters:
1. Right-click the slot containing the Bus Controller and choose Copy.
2. Then, right-click the destination slot and choose Paste.
The Bus Controller parameter settings and the bus settings are copied.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-39


Setting All Bus Devices to Redundant or Non-Redundant

1. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware configuration folder and
then the Rack that contains the Bus Controller.
2. Right-click the slot containing the Bus Controller and choose either Set All Devices
Redundant or Set All Genius Devices Non-Redundant:

3. Devices that have a Redundancy parameter will be set accordingly.

3-40 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Programmer Configuration of Bus Devices

For a Series 90-70 PLC only, it is possible to download parameters and data points to
some types of Genius devices over a functioning bus. You can also upload block
parameters and points data from the device, verify the equality of the device, and
protect or unprotect the device configuration.

Devices that Support Programmer Configuration Features

The Genius devices that support these functions with a Series 90-70 PLC are:
Discrete Input Modules IC660BBD110
Discrete Output Modules IC660BBR100, IC660BBR101
Discrete Mixed Modules IC660BBD020, IC660BBD021, IC660BBD022,
IC660BBD023, IC660BBD024, IC660BBD025,
IC660BBD100, IC660BBD101, IC660BBS100, IC660BBS101,
IC660BBS102, IC660BBS103
Analog Input Modules IC660BBA101, IC660BBA103, IC660BBA106, IC660BBA021,
IC660BBA023, IC660BBA026
Analog Output Modules IC660BBA105, IC660BBA025
Analog Mixed Modules IC660BBA100, IC660BBA104, IC660BBA020, IC660BBA024
Intelligent Option Modules IC660BBD120, IC660BPM020, IC660BPM100
Genius Bus Controller IC697BEM731

Programmer Instructions for Genius Devices

1. If the Hardware Configuration is unequal, download the Hardware Configuration to
the PLC.
2. In the Project tab of the Navigator, expand the Hardware configuration folder.

3. Expand the Rack that contains the GBC and expand the slot containing the GBC.
4. Right-click the Genius device and choose:

▪ Download Genius Configuration.

▪ Upload Genius Configuration

▪ Verify Genius Configuration

▪ Protect Genius Device. If this operation is successful, neither a Hand-held

Monitor nor programmer can change any parameter on the Genius device until
you unprotect it

▪ Unprotect Genius Device. If this operation is successful, any parameter on

the Genius device can be changed with a Hand-held Monitor or programmer.
5. For some operations, a confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes.
6. The results of the operation are displayed in the Feedback Zone.

GFK-2017 Chapter 3 Bus Controller Configuration 3-41


Viewing the Bus Controller Power Consumption

The Power Consumption tab shows the power consumed by the Genius Bus Controller. This
information is a read-only.

3-42 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Chapter Diagnostics

This chapter describes the following diagnostics capabilities in a system that uses
Genius I/O and communications:

▪ Relevant system status references.

▪ Fault and No Fault Contacts, which can be used with program references or with
the built-in fault-locating references.

▪ High Alarm and Low Alarm Contacts, which will indicate when an analog reference
has reached one of its alarm limits.

▪ Fault Table faults related to the Bus Controller and Genius devices.

For Additional Information, Also See:

Chapter 1 for an overview of Genius fault reporting.
Chapter 5, which describes the use of Read Diagnostics, Clear Circuit Faults, and
Clear All Circuit Faults COMMREQs (Communication Requests).
Chapter 7 to learn how the Bus Controller’s redundancy capabilities can optionally be
utilized to check its I/O and diagnostics data memory when it is not used with a dual
bus or as a dual controller.

GFK-2017 4-1

System Status References

System status references are pre-defined locations and nicknames. They can be
included in an application program to check for fault-related conditions. The following
system status references are of special interest for a system with a Bus Controller:

Reference Nickname Conditions Indicated When Set

%SA0009 CFG_MM System Configuration Mismatch
%SA0012 LOS_RCK Loss of Rack
%SA0013 LOS_IOC Loss of Bus Controller
%SA0014 LOS_IOM Loss of I/O module
%SA0017 ADD_RCK Addition of Rack
%SA0018 ADD_IOC Addition of Bus Controller
%SA0019 ADD_IOM Addition of I/O module
%SA0022 IOC_FLT Bus fault or Bus Controller fault
%SA0023 IOM_FLT I/O module fault
%SA0029 SFT_IOC Bus Controller software failure
%SB0016 MAX_IOC Too many Bus Controllers (maximum is 31)
%SC0011 IO_FLT I/O fault occurred
%SC0013 IO_PRES Fault logged into I/O Fault Table
%S00010 IO_FULL I/O Fault Table is full

These references and their Nicknames can be used like any other type of reference.

A PLC system includes one Bus Controller. During CPU configuration, the system
status fault LOS_IOC has been designated a diagnostic (rather than fatal) fault.
LOS_IOC represents loss of the Bus Controller; if this occurs, the Loss of IOC fault will
be placed in the I/O Fault Table. In this example, the application program also
monitors the LOS_IOC reference. If this reference is set, the contact passes power
flow to an output coil, which energizes a warning light on an operator panel.

LOSS_IOC %Q00023

4-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Fault and No Fault Contacts

FAULT and NO FAULT contacts can be used to detect fault or lack of fault conditions
on a discrete (%I or %Q) or analog (%AI or %AQ) reference, or they can be
programmed with fault locating references (see below). Unless they are used ONLY
with fault-locating references, fault memory for their use must be set up as part of the
CPU configuration.
A FAULT contact will detect a fault in a discrete or analog input or output, or a
hardware component of the system. The contact passes power flow if the reference
has a fault.

%AI0034 %M00053

When used with a %I, %Q, %AI, or %AQ reference, a fault associated with the FAULT
contact must be cleared to remove it from the fault table and stop the contact passing
power flow. Clearing such a fault with a Hand-held Monitor does not remove it from the
fault table or stop the contact passing power flow.

NOFAULT contacts will also detect faults in discrete or analog inputs and outputs. A
NO FAULT contact passes power flow if its associated reference does not have a
circuit fault.

%I00167 %Q00168

Fault Locating References

Both FAULT and NO FAULT contacts can be programmed with fault-locating
references to identify faults associated with system hardware. These fault references
are for informational purposes only. The PLC does not halt execution if one of these
reference faults occurs. For a Genius device in a Series 90-70 system, the format of
the fault-locating reference is M_rsbmm In an RX7i system, the format is
M_rssbmmm. In these formats, r is the rack number 0 to 7, and s is the slot number of
the Bus Controller; b is the bus number, and mm is the Device Number (serial bus
address) of the affected Genius device (00 to 31). For example, M_46128 represents
rack 4, slot 6, bus 1, module 28.

How FAULT and NO FAULT Contacts Handle Bus Controller Faults in an RX7i System
For an RX7i system (only), if a Bus Controller failure fault is reported to the fault tables,
all bus and module fault-locating references associated with that Bus Controller are
set. The FAULT contact passes power flow and the NO FAULT contact does not pass
power flow. When a Bus Controller reset fault is reported to the fault tables, all of the
bus and module fault-locating references are cleared. The FAULT contact does not
pass power flow and the NO FAULT contact passes power flow.

GFK-2017 Chapter 4 Diagnostics 4-3


High Alarm and Low Alarm Contacts

The HI ALARM and LO ALARM contacts will indicate that an analog reference has
reached one of its alarm limits. These alarm limits are established when a device is
configured. If an alarm limit is reached, a block or Remote I/O Scanner sends the high
alarm or low alarm message to the Bus Controller. Analog alarms are not considered
fault conditions. This information is ignored by the FAULT and NO FAULT contacts, as
explained on the previous page.

The analog input assigned to reference %AI00015 has been configured to have the
following Alarm Limits:
150 ft/sec High Alarm
25 ft/sec Low Alarm

If the input exceeds a rate of 150 feet per second, a HI ALARM contact energizes
internal coil %M00002.

%AI0015 %M00002

If the same analog input slows to a rate of 22 feet per second, its LO ALARM contact
energizes internal coil %M00003.

%AI0015 %M00003

4-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Fault Table Definitions for Genius Devices

Faults and alarms from I/O devices, Bus Controller faults, and bus faults are
automatically logged into the I/O Fault Table.

Clearing Faults in the Fault Table

You must clear the I/O Fault Table from the programmer for the fault to be cleared in
the PLC CPU and for the associated fault contact to be cleared. Clearing faults with a
Hand-held Monitor alone does not remove them from the Fault Table, or cause any
associated -[FAULT]- contacts to stop passing power flow.

Clearing the Fault Table causes the Bus Controller to send a Clear All Circuit Faults
background message to all blocks on the bus. Faults can be cleared from the Fault
Table either from the programmer screen or by the application program.
Clearing the Fault Table removes the faults it contains; it does not clear fault conditions
in the system. If the condition that caused a fault still exists and is detected, the fault
will be reported again.

Removing I/O Force Messages from the I/O Fault Table

When a point is forced on a Genius block with a Hand-held Monitor, a fault is
registered in the I/O Fault Table. Subsequent forces on the same block do not
generate additional messages. Only when all forces are removed from the block does
the Bus Controller log an Unforce message in the I/O Fault Table.

Loss of Device Faults Caused by High Bus Error Rate

If the bus is experiencing a high error rate (possibly due to electrical interference or
damaged cable), Loss of Device faults may be logged into the Fault Table. Loss of
Device faults that are logged in conjunction with I/O Bus Faults can be usually be
attributed to the poor quality of the bus installation. The condition causing the bus
errors should be corrected as soon as possible.

GFK-2017 Chapter 4 Diagnostics 4-5


Fault Table Definitions Associated with Genius Devices

Fault or Indicates Fault Indicates Fault Indicates
Category Fatal Type Description
CIRCUIT D Short DISCRETE Circuit fault on LOSS POWER Loss of user side power
FAULT circuit, FAULT discrete I/O SHORT CIRCUIT Short in user wiring
open wire, point
etc. OVERLOAD Sustained overcurrent
NO LOAD Very low or no current flow
OVER TEMP Switch temperature too high
SWITCH FAIL Genius “smart switch” failure
POINT FAULT Integral individual point fault
FUSE BLOWN Integral output fuse blown.
ANALOG Fault on AI LOW ALARM Input channel low alarm
FAULT analog I/O
AI HI ALARM Input channel high alarm
AI UNDER RANGE Input channel under range
AI OVER RANGE Input channel over range
OPEN WIRE Open wire detected on input
AQ UNDER RANGE Output channel under range
AQ OVER RANGE Output channel over range
CS FEEDBACK ERR Feedback error from Current-
source Analog block
GENA Fault on a GENA CKT FLT Fault on a GENA analog or
FAULT GENA discrete point
LL Fault on a AI LOW ALARM Input channel low alarm
ANALOG low-level
AI HI ALARM Input channel high alarm
FAULT analog
channel AI UNDER RANGE Input channel under range
AI OVER RANGE Input channel over range
OPEN WIRE Open wire detected on input
WIRING ERROR Improper RTD connection or
thermocouple reverse junction
INTERNAL FAULT Cold junction sensor fault on
thermocouple block, or internal
error in RTD block.
INPUT SHORT Input channel shorted
REMOTE Fault on a n/a Any fault detected by a Remote
FAULT Remote I/O I/O Scanner and sent to the PLC.

4-6 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Fault Table Definitions Associated with Genius Devices (continued)

Fault or Indicates Fault Indicates Fault Indicates
Category Fatal Type Description
LOSS OF D Block no NOT SPEC No reason specified
responding. AD COMM Loss of A/D
FAULT communications.
ADDITION D New block
OF DEVICE appeared
GENIUS D Redundant
bus switched
I/O BUS D Genius bus BUS FAULT Genius bus fault
FAULT fault
BUS OUT Bus Controller disabled
DISABLE all outputs on the bus
communications timed
out between the PLC
CPU and the Bus
SBA Bus Controller’s Device
CONFLICT Number duplicated
elsewhere on bus.
MODULE fault, watch FAULT Watchdog, etc..) FAIL NVRAM failure
dog timeout
CAL MEM FAIL Genius calibration
memory failure
SHARE RAM Genius Shared RAM
FAIL fault
INTRNAL CKT Genius internal circuit
FLT fault
WD TIMEOUT Watchdog Timeout
(discrete I/O modules
POINT FAULT Point fault (also
indicated for CIRCUIT
FAULT category)
FUSE BLOWN Integral output fuse
blown (also indicated
A TO D Analog to digital
COMM communications fault or
FAULT calibration error
USER Scaling error cause out
SCALING of range values

GFK-2017 Chapter 4 Diagnostics 4-7


Fault Table Definitions Associated with Genius Devices (continued)

Diag. or
Fault Fatal Indicates Fault Indicates Fault
Category Type Description
ADDITION D Addition of Bus
OF IOC Controller
LOSS OF IOC F* Loss of or missing
Bus Controller
BUS F* Bus Controller
CONTROLLER software fault
FORCED D Genius I/O point
CIRCUIT forced (eg: from
Hand-held Monitor)
UNFORCED D Last forced circuit
CIRCUIT released (eg: from
Hand-held Monitor)
EXTRA DEVICE D Found extra device on
Genius bus
EXCESSIVE D Bus Controller has HIGH ERROR Bus Controller has
FAULTS stopped reporting RATE dropped off the bus for at
faults because too least 1.5 seconds.
many have occurred
GBC D Bus Controller DG QUEUE Incoming datagram queue
SOFTWARE software exception FULL is full
RW QUEUE The queue for Read/Write
FULL requests in the Bus
Controller is full. The
requests may be from the
Genius bus or from
LP MAIL The low-priority mail
REJECTED queue from the Bus
Controller to the PLC is
full. The response to the
PLC was lost.

* May be configured as (D)iagnostic, particularly in a redundant system.

4-8 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Chapter Communication Requests

This chapter explains how to use Communication Requests to:

▪ Pulse Test outputs on Genius blocks

▪ Read the configuration of a device on the bus, or the Bus Controller

▪ Write configuration data to a device on the bus or a Bus Controller

▪ Assign a device on the bus to monitor fault reports from Genius blocks
▪ Clear a circuit fault on the bus
▪ Clear all faults on the bus
▪ Switch a Bus Switching Module
▪ Read diagnostics (faults) from a device on the bus or the Bus Controller
▪ Read up to 64 words of data from a device on the bus
▪ Write up to 64 words of data from the CPU to a device on the bus
▪ Enable/disable all outputs from the Bus Controller to devices on the bus
▪ Enable/disable the Bus Controller’s ability to receive or transmit Global Data
▪ Enable/disable I/O fault categories
▪ Send a datagram to a device on the bus.
▪ Send a datagram to a device which then sends a reply datagram.
▪ Transfer an unsolicited incoming datagram from the Bus Controller to the CPU.
▪ Write up to 2 words of output data to each device on the bus.
▪ Change the first two words of Global Data sent by the Bus Controller.
▪ Read the Serial Bus Address of the Bus Controller.
For Additional Information, Also See:
The Genius I/O System and Communications Manual (GEK-90486-1), which describes
Genius Datagrams in detail.

COMMREQs and Passwords

Level 1 and 2 passwords, which prevent write access, cannot be used in applications
that include COMMREQs. COMMREQs require write access to return their completion

GFK-2017 5-1

Programming for a Communication Request

In order to communicate with an intelligent module (such as a Bus Controller), the
application program should perform the following three actions.
First, the program must supply the content of the communication. Block Moves
or similar program instructions can be used to place the information into CPU memory.
This content is called the Command Block.

CPU Memory Application


Command Block Edit Content of


Second, the program must use a COMMREQ instruction to perform the intended

Bus Controller
to Device

Third, the program should check the status of the requested task by looking at an
area of CPU memory that is referred to as the Status Block.

CPU Memory Application


Status Block Check completion of


COMMREQs should be executed sequentially. The application program should check

the status of the previous COMMREQ to a Bus Controller before sending it another
one. Failure to do this may result in improper operation of the Bus Controller.

5-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ Command Block Format

The first step in programming communications requests is to set up the contents of the
communication. This can be done using Block Moves or similar program instructions,
as shown later in this chapter.
CPU Memory Application

Command Block Edit Content of


Data is placed together in adjacent locations in CPU memory to form a Command

Location Data
address “Data Block” Length
address + 1 Wait/No Wait Flag
address + 2 Status Pointer Memory Type
address + 3 Status Pointer Offset
address + 4 Idle Timeout Value
address + 5 Max. Communication Time
address + 6 to address + 70 Data Block

The length of the Command Block depends on the type of COMMREQ being sent. 70
words is the maximum, for a COMMREQ that transfers a 128-byte datagram; most
Command Blocks are much shorter. A table on page 5-5 gives an overview of the
contents of each type of COMMREQ that may be sent to a Series 90-70 Genius Bus

Command Block Contents

Command Block contents are described below:

Length: The first word of the Command Block indicates the “data block” length.
This is the amount of data from [address + 6] to the end of the
Command Block Each type of COMMREQ command has a unique
Data Block, as shown in this chapter.
Wait/No Wait This must be set to 0 for No Wait.

Status The Status Pointer Memory Type and Offset (see below) identify the
Pointer location of the function’s associated Status Block. The Status Block is
Memory where the COMMREQ will return its status. If one of the bit-oriented
memories (%I or %Q) is used as the status location, its bits can be
monitored (see page 5-9).
Location Data
address + 1 Status Pointer Memory
address + 2 Status Pointer offset

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-3


The high byte of address + 2 of the pointer is not used; it must be zero.
The low byte of address + 2 specifies the type of memory where the
Status Pointer will be located.

For This Memory Type: Enter This Number:

%I discrete input table 70
%Q discrete output table 72
%R register memory 8
%AI analog input table 10
%AQ analog output table 12
%W Bulk memory (RX7i only) 196

Status Address + 3 of the Command Block contains the address within the
Pointer memory type selected. The offset of the status location is 0-based.
Offset: For example, if the Status Block were located at %R099, memory type
would be specified as 08 (for %R memory) and the offset would be 98.
If %W memory is used, the address must be in the range %W00001 to
Idle Timeout This field is not used for the No Wait mode of communication.
Maximum This field is not used for the No Wait mode of communication.
Data Block: The Data Block contains the parameters of the command. Complete
descriptions of all commands appear later in this chapter. The Data
Block begins with a Command Number in Address +6. The Command
Number identifies the type of communications function to be
performed. The following Command Numbers are used for the Genius
Bus Controller:
Command Function
1 Pulse Test Outputs
2 Read Configuration
3 Write Configuration
4 Read Diagnostics
5 Clear Circuit Fault
6 Clear All Circuit Faults
7 Assign Monitor
8 Outputs enable/disable
9 Global Data enable/disable
10 Switch BSM
11 Read Device
12 Write Device
13 Dequeue Datagram
14 Send Datagram
15 Request Datagram Reply
16 I/O Fault Category enable/disable

5-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Commands 14 and 15 are used to send Datagrams. Most of the other

commands listed above can also be sent as datagrams. For more
information, see page 5-12.

Command Block Quick Reference

This table summarizes the content of the COMMREQ commands for a Bus Controller.

Command Block Content

Add. Add. +1 Add.+2 Add.+3 Add.+4 Add.+5 Add.+6 Add.+7 Add.+8 to
Description Length Wait/ Status Status Idle Max. COMMR Additional Content
No Wait Pointer Pointer Timeout Comms. EQ #
Memory Offset Value Time
Pulse Test 2 0 ” ” 0 0 1 Device
Read Configuration 5 ” ” ” ” ” 2 Add.+7 to Add.+10: see page 5-
Write Configuration data ” ” ” ” ” 3 Add.+7 to Add.+n: see page 5-15
length +3
Read Diagnostics 5 ” ” ” ” ” 4 Add.+7 to Add.+n: see page 5-
Clear Circuit Fault 3 ” ” ” ” ” 5 Device circuit
SBA* number
Clear All Circuit 2 ” ” ” ” ” 6 ”
Assign Monitor 3 ” ” ” ” ” 7 ” Monitor
SBA* (0-
Outputs Enable, 0 ” ” ” ” ” 8 ” 1
Disable (enable)
or 0
Global Data Enable, 3 ” ” ” ” ” 9 ” ”
Switch BSM 3 ” ” ” ” ” 10 ” 0 (bus A)
or 1 (bus
Read Device 16 ” ” ” ” ” 11 Add.+7 to Add.+21: see page 5-
Write Device 13 to 77 ” ” ” ” ” 12 Add.+7 to Add.+n: see page 5-28
Dequeue Datagram 7 ” ” ” ” ” 13 Add.+7 to Add.+12: see page 5-
Send Datagram 6 to 70 ” ” ” ” ” 14 Add.+7 to Add.+n: see page 5-
words 32
Request Datagram 10 to 78 ” ” ” ” ” 15 Add.+7 to Add.+n: see page 5-35
Reply words
I/O Faults Enable, 3 ” ” ” ” ” 16 Device
Disable SBA*

* Serial Bus Address (Device Number)

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-5


The COMMREQ Instruction

After supplying the content of the communication in the Command Block, the
application program uses a COMMREQ instruction to request communications with the
Bus Controller.


Bus Controller
to Device

COMMREQ Inputs and Outputs

The COMMREQ instruction has four inputs and two outputs:

Enable COMM_
First word of command block IN FT

Location SYSID

Task identifier TASK

5-6 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


(enable) Permissive logic that controls power flow to the COMMREQ function
The memory location of the Command Block, which contains the
specific command information. The Command Block may be located
in any word-oriented area of memory (%P, %L, %R, %AI, or %AQ).
A hex value that gives the rack and slot location of the Bus Controller.
Use this format:

R S 1 2

rack rack 1
slot slot 2

Rack Slot Hex word value

0 4 0004h
7 2 0702h

TASK: For Bus Controller version IC697BEM731, the task is always “1”.

The function’s OK and FT outputs can provide power flow to optional logic which can
verify successful completion of the COMMREQ. The OK and FT outputs may have
these states:

ENable Error? OK output FT output

active no true false
active yes false true
not active no execution false false

The OK and FT outputs are never both true at the same time; OK indicates correct
execution while FT indicates a fault condition. The COMMREQ passes power flow to
OK unless:

▪ The specified Device Number (serial bus address) is not present.

▪ The specified task is not valid for the device. This is not checked if the specified
device is a Genius Bus Controller.

▪ The data length is zero.

If any fault above occurs, the function passes power flow to FT instead.
If there are errors in the portion of the Command Block used specifically by the Bus
Controller (for example, the Device Number entered is incorrect), these errors are
reflected in the value returned in the status location, not in the FT output.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-7


COMMREQ Status Block

When the Bus Controller receives the communication from the CPU, it returns its
current status to the CPU at the memory location reserved for that purpose. This
memory location is referred to as the “Status Block”. Possible status values that may
be returned are listed on the next page.
When a command is complete, the Bus Controller writes any resulting data into the
area designated in the command, and sets the status to Complete (4).

Because COMMREQs require write access to return their status, level
1 and 2 passwords, which prevent write access, cannot be used with

If one of the bit-oriented memories (%I or %Q) is used as the status location, its bits
can be monitored. These bits correspond to the binary values listed below. For
example, if %I048 were selected as the beginning location, reference %I050 would be
set to 1 each time the COMMREQ completed successfully.

Clearing the Status Block

COMMREQs to the Bus Controller should be executed sequentially. Before sending a
COMMREQ to the Bus Controller, the application program should check the status of
any previous COMMREQ to that Bus Controller.

CPU Memory Application


Status Block Check completion of


When the previous COMMREQ has completed, the program should set the Status
Block to a value not in the list on the next page. Establishing this initial condition
allows the program to differentiate between the result of an earlier command and the
currently-executing command.

5-8 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Contents of the Status Block

The Status Block is two words of memory to which the Bus Controller returns the status
of the COMMREQ.
The lower word is used for general information about the execution of the COMMREQ:
decimal binary (bit)
0 000000000000 Bus Controller busy
1 000000000001 Command not accepted, Bus Controller busy with previous request
4 000000000100 Command completed successfully
8 000000001000 Command terminated due to syntax error
16 000000010000 Command terminated due to data error
Command terminated due to suspended activity on bus
32 000000100000
No data to transfer
64 000001000000
Command not supported by target device
128 000010000000
Only No Wait commands may be sent to the target device
256 000100000000 Maximum Comms. Time must be greater than or equal to 5ms
512 001000000000 Text buffer invalid in wait mode
1024 010000000000 Device did not accept the message, or timed out.
2048 100000000000

The upper word of the status location provides additional status information.

11 Non-discrete block specified for Pulse Test
21 Non-I/O device specified for Read Configuration
51 Invalid circuit number
71 Non-controller device specified for Assign Monitor
101 Switch BSM - device not BSM
102 Switch BSM - bus position greater than 1
121 P and L access not available
141 Function code greater than 111
142 Sub function code greater than 255
143 Priority greater than 1
144 Datagram length greater than 134
201 Invalid Device Number (greater than 31, but not 255)
202 Incorrect length for the command type
203 Device Number not configured or not active
204 Previous No Wait command in progress; current No Wait command not accepted
205 Invalid status pointer location specified
206 Command number is out of range
207 Subcommand code is out of range
208 Only partial data transferred
209 Device Number 255 not allowed for this command
210 Command specified is not valid for Genius Bus Controller
211 Command specified is only valid for controller devices
212 Command specified is not supported by the device to which it was sent
213 Invalid Alarm Enable/Disable mask

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-9


Programming Examples
The following example shows how a Communication Request can be used to clear a
circuit fault on point 4 of a Genius I/O block whose Device Number is 20.

CONST IN Q %R00100 CONST IN Q %R00101 CONST IN Q %R00102
00003 00000 00008
0001 0001 0001

CONST IN Q %R00103 CONST IN Q %R00104 CONST IN Q %R00105
00098 00000 00000
0001 0001 0001

CONST IN Q %R00106 CONST IN Q %R00107 CONST IN Q %R00108
00005 00020 00004
0001 0001 0001

%Q00128 %Q00129
%R00100 IN FT S


This example logic uses a series of Move instructions to assemble the data that will be
used as inputs for the Communication Request instruction, and for its associated
Command Block.
Address Contents Value Description
%R100 Command length 3 No wait
%R101 Wait/No Wait Flag 0 Selects %R memory type
%R102 Status Pointer Memory 08 Address in %R memory (%R099)
%R103 Status Pointer Offset 98 Unused (No Wait selected)
%R104 Idle Timeout Value 0 Unused (No Wait selected)
%R105 Max.Communication Time 0 Clear Circuit Fault
%R106 Command Number 5 Device Number of the block
%R107 Device Number 20 Clear 4th point on block (For a COMMREQ, points
%R108 Point to be cleared 4 are numbered starting at 1 (not 0). If this were a
datagram message instead of a COMMREQ
command, points would begin at 0).

5-10 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


The Move instructions are executed during the first CPU sweep, when the special
reference FST_SCN is true. This assures that the Communication Request will never
be executed with incomplete or incorrect parameters.
The example uses the reference %Q128 as a permissive to the Communication
Request. Output %Q129 is set if the Communication Request executes successfully.
If it does not, output %Q130 is set instead. For the Communication Request, failure
might occur if the Communication Request has been set up incorrectly, or for any of
the other errors specified in the beginning of this chapter. A fault output is NOT caused
by failure to receive a reply. This must be detected from the contents of the status

%Q00128 %Q00129
%R00100 IN FT S


Another way to assemble the data for the example Command Block would be to use a
Block Move instruction:

CONST IN1 Q %R00100 CONST IN1 Q %R00107
+00002 +00020
+00000 +00004
+00008 +00000
+00098 +00000
+00000 +00000
+00000 +00000
+00005 +00000

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-11


COMMREQs and Datagrams

The table below lists datagrams with their Subfunction Codes, shows the best ways to
send datagrams, and explains what happens to datagrams from other devices.
Datagram (hex code) Ways to Send It How Incoming Datagram is Handled
Read ID (00) COMMREQ 15 (Request Datagram Reply) * Bus Controller replies automatically to Read ID
datagram received from bus device.
Read ID Reply (01) (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 15 was used
to send Read ID datagram. *
Read Configuration (02) COMMREQ 2 (Read Configuration) Bus Controller ignores it.
COMMREQ 15 (Request Datagram Reply) *
Read Configuration Reply (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 2 or 15 was
(03) used to send Read Configuration datagram. *
Write Configuration (04) COMMREQ 3 (Write Configuration) Bus Controller ignores it.
COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram)
Assign Monitor (05) COMMREQ 7 (Assign Monitor) Bus Controller ignores it.
COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram)
Begin Packet Sequence(06) COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram) Bus Controller ignores it.
End Packet Sequence (07) COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram) Bus Controller ignores it.
Read Diagnostics (08) COMMREQ 4 (Read Diagnostics) Bus Controller replies automatically.
COMMREQ 15 (Request Datagram Reply) *
Read Diagnostics Reply (09) (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 4 or 15 was
used to send Read Diagnostics datagram. *
Write Point (0B) COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram) Bus Controller ignores it.
Read Block I/O (0C) COMMREQ 15 (Request Datagram Reply) * Bus Controller ignores it.
Read Block I/O Reply (0D) (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 15 was used
to send Read Block I/O datagram. *
Report Fault (0F) (Sent automatically) Received from bus devices; Bus Controller
automatically places the fault in the Fault Table.
Pulse Test (10) COMMREQ 1 (Pulse Test) * Bus Controller ignores it.
Pulse Test Complete (11) (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 1 was used
to send Pulse Test datagram. *
Clear Circuit Faults (12) COMMREQ 5 (Clear Circuit Fault) Bus Controller ignores it.
COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram)
Clear All Circuit Faults (13) COMMREQ 6 (Clear All Ckt Faults) Bus Controller ignores it.
COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram)
Switch BSM (1C) COMMREQ 10 (Switch BSM) Bus Controller ignores it.
COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram)
Read Device (1E) COMMREQ 11 (Read Device) Bus Controller automatically sends reply.
COMMREQ 15 (Request Datagram Reply)
Read Device Reply (1F) (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 11 or 15 was
used to send Read Device datagram. *
Write Device (20) COMMREQ 12 (Write Device) Bus Controller processes automatically.
COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram)
Read Data (27) COMMREQ 15 (Request Datagram Reply) Bus Controller ignores it.
Read Data Reply (28) (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 15 was used
to send Read Data datagram. *
Write Data (29) COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram) Bus Controller ignores it.
Read Map (2A) COMMREQ 15 (Request Datagram Reply) Bus Controller ignores it.
Read Map Reply (2B) (Sent automatically) Handled automatically if COMMREQ 15 was used
to send Read Map datagram.
Write Map (2C) COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram) Bus Controller ignores it.
* All datagrams can be sent using COMMREQ 14 (Send Datagram). If COMMREQ 14 is used to send a
datagram that has a reply, COMMREQ 13 (Dequeue Datagram) must also be used, to obtain the reply from
the Bus Controller’s queue of unsolicited incoming datagrams

5-12 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ #1: Pulse Test Command

The Pulse Test command causes the Bus Controller to send a normal-priority Pulse
Test datagram.
Pulse testing is used to verify the operation of outputs on discrete Genius I/O blocks. It
checks whether the outputs will change state, and whether output circuits (wires, power
sources, loads) will start or stop current flow. Any circuit faults generated by pulse
tests are reported through the normal Report Fault message. Pulse testing is
recommended for blocks that seldom change state. It is typically done once per hour,
or once per shift; it should not be done more often than once per minute. Pulse testing
provides assurance that when needed, an output will operate correctly. Blocks that
control outputs that change state frequently do not need to be pulse-tested. Pulse
testing does not provide enough energy to activate mechanical devices such as motor
starters, relays, or solenoid valves, but may change the state of a very small load. If
appropriate, blocks can be configured (with the Hand-held Monitor or via a Write
Configuration command) to ignore a Pulse Test datagram. Pulse testing can also be
done using a Hand-held Monitor.

Command Block Format for the Pulse Test Command

Address: Command Length 2

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
type RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 1
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31. Or enter 255 to Pulse Test all discrete blocks.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-13


COMMREQ #2: Read Configuration Command

The Read Configuration command is used to request configuration data from any block
on the bus. It causes the Bus Controller to send a normal-priority Read Configuration
datagram to the indicated block. After receiving the request, the block returns its
configuration data to the Bus Controller in 16-byte increments. When the Bus
Controller has received all the configuration data, it transfers the data to the memory
location specified in the Command Block. Because configuration data consists of both
bit-type and byte-type portions, it is best to place it in word memory, then move the bit-
oriented data to bit memory (%M or %T is recommended). Contents of Read
Configuration Reply messages for I/O blocks are shown in the Genius I/O System
User’s Manual.

Before a block can be sent this command, its Device Number (serial bus address) must
be set up by software configuration. In addition, the block must have had its Device
Number entered using a Hand-held Monitor.

Command Block for the Read Configuration Command

Address: Command Length 5

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For %W,
this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 2
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31.
Address +8: Maximum data memory 18 words (288 bits): any discrete block
length. May represent 13 words (208 bits): 16 Circuit AC Input block
either bits or words 42 words (672 bits): Analog blocks (4 inputs/2 outputs)
(depends on the memory 42 words (672 bits): RTD or Thermocouple blocks
type selected below). 42 words (672 bits): 6-input Analog blocks
35 words (560 bits): High-speed Counter
13 words (208 bits): PowerTRAC Block

If the length of data returned by the device exceeds this

length, the Bus Controller writes as much data as
possible to the PLC CPU and returns a data error to the
COMMREQ status location.
If the same COMMREQ will be used to read
configuration data from more than one type of block (for
example, in a subroutine), be sure to allow enough
length to accommodate the largest amount of data that
might be returned.
Address +9: Memory type of the 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
location where the Bus RX71 only, also 196 (%W). If %W is used, the offset
Controller will place the selected (below) must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
data in the CPU.
Address +10: Memory offset Beginning address for the data.

5-14 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ #3: Write Configuration Command

The Write Configuration command is used to send configuration data from the CPU to
a block on the bus. (The Bus Controller cannot write configuration data to another bus
interface module or to a Hand-held Monitor). A Write Configuration command to the
Bus Controller itself would be rejected with status 128 (command not supported by
target device).
Before a block can be sent this command, its Device Number (serial bus address) must
be set up by software configuration. In addition, the block must have had its Device
Number entered using a Hand-held Monitor.
The PLC sends the intended configuration data from CPU memory to the Bus
Controller. The Bus Controller schedules background Write Configuration messages to
the block. Once message transmission begins, the Bus Controller sends the
configuration data to the block, up to 16 bytes per bus scan. The block does not use
any of the new configuration data until it all has been received. No new commands
can be sent to the block until the operation has been completed. When all the data
has been sent, the Bus Controller changes the status to 4 (Done).

The length of the data sent with this command must exactly match the length required
by the device. If the lengths are not equal the Bus Controller returns a Syntax Error to
the COMMREQ status location.

Command Block for the Write Configuration Command

Address: Command Length This number equals the amount of configuration data
to be sent, plus 3. For example, for an RTD block,
which has 42 words of configuration data, you would
enter 45 here. Configuration data formats for all
Genius I/O blocks are shown in the Genius I/O
System User’s Manual.
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ).
type For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 3
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31. (SBA of the block to which configuration data
will be written).
Address +8: Length of configuration Up to 248 bytes (128 words) of configuration data
data in bytes. may be written to a device. See “COMMREQ #2:
Read Configuration” for data lengths.
Address +9 to Configuration Data Configuration data formats are given in the Genius
Address +n: I/O System User’s Manual.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-15


COMMREQ #4: Read Diagnostics Command

Use this command to request diagnostic information from a block or a bus interface
module. Diagnostics can be requested from any block, even those configured not to
issue Report Fault messages. The diagnostic data returned by a block indicates faults
that have occurred since powerup or since the last Clear Faults datagram. Current
diagnostic state can be found by issuing a Clear Faults command to the circuit(s) or
channel(s) to clear the fault history, then issuing a Read Diagnostics command.
This command causes the Bus Controller to send a Read Diagnostics datagram to the
specified device. When the device receives this datagram, it returns a Read
Diagnostics Reply datagram. I/O blocks return data in message segments of up to 16
bytes per bus scan. The content of the Read Diagnostics Reply message depends on
the device being queried. The first word of the reply must contain the length of the
data that follows. Data is packed two bytes per word. Message formats are shown in
the Genius I/O System User’s Manual. When all the data has been received, the Bus
Controller transfers it to the CPU and sets the COMMREQ status to 4 (Done).
Command Block for the Read Diagnostics Command

Address: Command Length 5

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For %W,
this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 4
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31 (of the device whose diagnostics are to be read).
Address +8: Maximum data memory This entry tells the CPU how much memory will be
length, in bits or words needed to store the data returned by the block. The
(depends on the memory number of bits or words needed depends on the number
type selected below). of circuits on the block, and the block type:
10 words (160 bits): Discrete I/O blocks, 8-ckt
18 words (288 bits): Discrete I/O blocks, 16-ckt
34 words (544 bits): Discrete I/O blocks, 32-ckt
8 words (128 bits): Analog, 4 input/2 output blocks
8 words (128 bits): RTD Input Blocks
8 words (128 bits): Thermocouple Input Blocks
6 words (96 bits): High-speed Counter
(For a PowerTRAC Block, status information is
automatically provided as “input” data.
If the data returned by the designated device exceeds
this length, the Bus Controller will write as much as
possible to the PLC CPU and return a data error to the
COMMREQ status location.
Address +9: Memory type of the 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). Since
location where the Bus diagnostic data is both bit-type and byte-type, use of
Controller will place the word memory is recommended. Bit-type data can then
data in the CPU. be moved to a bit memory such as %T or %M.
Address +10: Memory offset Beginning address for the data. For %W, this must be in
the range 00001 – 65536.

5-16 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ #5: Clear Circuit Faults Command

The Clear Circuit Faults command is used to clear any faults on a specified circuit of a
Genius I/O block. The Clear Circuit Fault command causes the Bus Controller to issue
a normal-priority Clear Circuit Fault datagram.

Command Block for Clear Circuit Faults

Address: Command Length 3

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
type RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 5
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31 (.of the Genius block on which the circuit to be
cleared is located).
Address +8: Circuit Number This is the relative number of the circuit, not its
reference number. The first circuit on the block is
considered to be number 1. For example, to clear
faults on circuit 5, you would enter 5 here. For a 4
Input/2 Output analog block, circuit numbers 1 to 4 are
for inputs, 5 and 6 are for outputs.

COMMREQ #6: Clear All Circuit Faults Command

The Clear All Circuit Faults command is used to clear all faults on a Genius I/O block.
It causes the Bus Controller to issue a normal-priority Clear All Circuit Faults datagram.

Command Block for Clear All Circuit Faults

Address: Command Length 2

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
type RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 6
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31 (of the Genius block on which the circuit to be
cleared is located). To send this datagram to all
blocks on the bus, enter the number 255.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-17


COMMREQ #7: Assign Monitor Command

An Assigned Monitor is an additional bus interface module (usually in another CPU)
that monitors Genius I/O devices on the bus. Remote I/O Scanners and I/O blocks
broadcast their inputs to all devices on the bus. Therefore, any interface module on
the bus will receive all inputs sent by the blocks. However, blocks direct fault reports
and configuration change messages only to the bus interface module that sends them
outputs. Blocks configured for CPU Redundancy will automatically transmit two copies
of any fault report or configuration change message, directing them to Device Numbers
30 and 31.
The Assign Monitor command can be used to have Genius I/O devices send extra fault
report and configuration change messages to a monitoring bus interface module.
Blocks would send two copies of each fault report or configuration message in a non-
redundant system. Blocks in a redundant system would send three (two to the
redundant bus interface modules, and the third to the Assigned Monitor).





Multiple CPUs might be used to monitor different blocks on the same bus. However,
only one device can be assigned to monitor any given block.
When the Bus Controller receives the Assign Monitor COMMREQ command from the
CPU, it issues a normal-priority Assign Monitor Datagram to one block or to all blocks
on the bus. If sent to bus interface modules, it has no effect.

5-18 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Command Block for the Assign Monitor Command

Address: Command Length 3

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
type RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 7
Address +7: Device Number of the 0 - 31
block(s) that should
send extra fault reports
Address +8: Device Number of the 0 - 31 to send this command to one block. To send
bus interface module this command to ALL blocks, enter the number 255. If
that will RECEIVE the only some blocks should report to the faults to the
extra fault reports. assigned monitor (for example, to minimize bus scan
time), program separate Assign Monitor commands to

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-19


COMMREQ #8: Enable/Disable Outputs Command

The Enable/Disable Outputs command can be sent to the Bus Controller to disable
sending outputs to any blocks whose outputs were enabled during I/O (software)
configuration. Outputs that were configured as disabled are NOT affected by this
COMMREQ command. The effect of disabling outputs is the same as running the
control in Run/Disable mode.

Command Block for the Enable/Disable Outputs Command

Address: Command Length 3

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
type RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 8
Address +7: Device Number Enter 0-31 to enable or disable outputs to one block.
To enable or disable outputs to ALL devices on the
bus, enter the number 255.
Address +8: Enable/Disable To disable outputs to the device(s) specified in
command address +7, enter 0. To enable outputs, enter 1.

5-20 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ #9: Enable/Disable Global Data

If Global Data has been enabled, this COMMREQ command can be used after
powerup to disable or re-enable the sending of Global Data from the Bus Controller, or
receiving it from one or more devices on the bus.

If this COMMREQ attempts to enable Global Data when it is already enabled, or to

disable Global Data when it is already disabled, the Bus Controller ignores the request
and returns status 4 (successful completion) to the Status Block.

Command Block for the Enable/Disable Global Data Command

Address: Command Length 3

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
type RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 9
Address +7: Device Number Enter 0-31 to specify the bus interface module
to/from which Global Data is being enabled or
disabled. This may be the Device Number of the
Bus Controller itself, or of any other bus interface
module on the bus.

To enable or disable the Bus Controller sending

Global Data, enter the Bus Controller’s Device

To enable or disable the Bus Controller receiving

Global Data from another bus interface module,
enter the Device Number of that bus interface

To enable or disable the Bus Controller sending or

receiving ANY Global Data, enter the number 255.
If 255 is entered, the command will complete
successfully if there are any controller devices on
the bus.
Address +8: Enable/disable To disable Global Data to or from the device specified
command in address +7, enter 0. To enable Global Data, enter

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-21


COMMREQ #10: Switch BSM Command

In a dual bus system, the Switch BSM command can be used to cause a Bus
Switching Module to select a bus. This command causes the Bus Controller to issue a
normal-priority Switch BSM datagram.
The program must already know which bus is currently selected. The CPU may issue
the Switch BSM command at intervals to ensure continued proper bus switching
capability. If the command is successful, the CPU will report a Loss of Block diagnostic
for the BSM Controller block and for any other block on the same bus stub. If the dual
bus system includes a second Bus Controller controlling the other bus, that Bus
Controller should report an Addition of Block diagnostic for each of those blocks. If the
BSM position is currently forced by the Hand-held Monitor, the command will have no
effect. A data error is returned to the status reference if the block does not control a

Command Block for the Switch BSM Command

Address: Command Length 3

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ).
For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 10
Address +7: Device Number of the 0-31
Genius block to which the
Bus Switching Module is
Address +8: Desired bus position Bus A (0) or Bus B (1). If not 0 or 1, syntax error
is returned.

5-22 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ #11: Read Device Command

To read up to 128 bytes of data from another CPU and place it in PLC CPU memory,
use the Read Device command. This causes the Bus Controller to issue a normal-
priority Read Device datagram. When the data is received, it will automatically be
placed in the CPU memory location specified in the Command Block.

Command Block for the Read Device Command

Address: Command Length 16

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12
(%AQ). For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status.
For %W, the range is 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 11
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31, for the device which is the source of
the data.
Address +8: Memory address, bytes 1, 2. Specify the location where data will be read
Address +9: ” FROM. See the instructions on the following
pages. (It is not necessary to specify a
memory address when sending a Read
Device COMMREQ to a computer).
Address +10: Program name, characters 1, 2 Required to read %P or %L memory in an
Address +11: ” characters 3, 4 RX7i or Series 90-70 PLC CPU. See the
Address +12: ” characters 5, 6 instructions on the following pages. If the
Address +13: ” characters 7, 8 target of the command is another type of
device, Address +10 through Address +17
are ignored; they may contain any value.
Program names are limited to 7 characters.
Character 8 and all other trailing characters
MUST be entered as nulls.
Address +14: Block name, characters 1, 2 Required to read %L memory in an RX7i or
Address +15: ” characters 3, 4 Series 90-70 PLC CPU. For %P, Address
Address +16: ” characters 5, 6 +14 through Address +17 are ignored. Block
Address +17: ” characters 7, 8 names are limited to 7 characters. Character
8 and all other trailing characters MUST be
entered as nulls.
Address +18: Data length, in words, bytes or For RX7i or Series 90-70, data length is bits
bits. This is the amount of data to or words, depending on the memory type
be read. being read. For other types of devices, the
length is given as expected by the device.
The maximum length is equal to 128 bytes.
Address +19: Maximum memory length Value in bits or words (depends on memory
needed for the returned data type selected below).
Address +20: Memory type to receive the 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12
returned data (%AQ). For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +21: Memory offset Beginning address for the data. For %W, the
range is 00001 – 65536.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-23


Memory Specification for Read Device and Write Device

The following pages explain how to specify the target memory type when sending a
Read Device or Write Device datagram to an RX7i or Series 90-70 PLC CPU, or to a
Series Six PLC, Series Five PLC, or host computer.

Memory Specification: RX7i, Series 90-70 PLC, or Series 90-30 PLC CPU
In address + 8 enter the memory type, using one of the numbers listed in the table

Target Value Bits per

Memory (decimal) Description Reference
%L 0 Local register memory (each subroutine) 16
%P 4 Program register memory 16
%R 8 Register memory 16
%AI 10 Analog input memory 16
%AQ 12 Analog output memory 16
%I 16 Discrete input memory (byte mode) 8
70 Discrete input memory (bit mode) 1
%Q 18 Discrete output memory (byte mode) 8
72 Discrete output memory (bit mode) 1
%T 20 Discrete temporary memory (byte mode) 8
74 Discrete temporary memory (bit mode) 1
%M 22 Discrete momentary internal memory (byte mode) 8
76 Discrete momentary internal memory (bit mode) 1
%SA 24 Discrete system memory group A (byte mode) 8
78 Discrete system memory group A (bit mode) 1
%SB 26 Discrete system memory group B (byte mode) 8
80 Discrete system memory group B (bit mode) 1
%SC 28 Discrete system memory group C (byte mode) 8
82 Discrete system memory group C (bit mode) 1
%S 30 Discrete system memory (byte mode) 8
84 Discrete system memory (bit mode) 1
%G 56 Discrete Genius automatic global data table (byte mode) 8
86 Discrete Genius automatic global data table (bit mode) 1
%W 196 Bulk memory (for RX7i only) 16

Memory Offset
In address +9, enter a numerical offset within this memory type, for the beginning of
the data. Memory offsets start at 0; thus %R1 and %I1 are both accessed using a
Memory Offset of 0.

5-24 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Example A: For 3 bits starting at %I0014, you would enter the offset 13, and a data length of 3 bits.

Example B: To write data to an RX7i, Series 90-70 PLC, or Series 90-30 PLC CPU beginning at
%R100, you would enter the Memory Type 8 (decimal) and the Memory Offset 99

Bit Mode or Byte Mode for an RX7i, Series 90-70 PLC, or Series 90-30 PLC CPU
Bit-oriented memories (%I and %Q) can be accessed either on byte boundaries (byte
mode) or as a string of bits (bit mode). Bit mode is used to access a single point within
a discrete memory, or a collection of points within a discrete memory which need not
start or end on a byte boundary. Byte mode is used to access one or more groups of 8
contiguous points within a discrete memory, and must start on a byte boundary.
In byte mode, the Message Offset reflects the byte being read or written. Offset 0
corresponds to bits 1-8, offset 1 to bits 9-16, and so on.
In bit mode, the Message Offset reflects the bit being read or written, offset 0
corresponds to bit 1, offset 1 to bit 2, and so on.
In bit mode, one or more bytes of data are read or written, even though some of the
bits within the bytes might be ignored. The bit or bits will be in the correct offset
position within the byte. For example, if three bits starting a %I0020 are requested,
they will appear in the middle of the returned data byte. The “-” indicates unused bits.
On READ, they are guaranteed to be 0. On WRITE, they are ignored.
- - I22 I21 I20 - - -
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

If four bits starting at %I00007 are requested, two bytes are transferred.
- - - - - - I10 I9 I8 I7 - - - - - -
b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
byte boundary byte boundary

Entering a Program or Block Name

If the target of the command is an RX7i, Series 90-70 PLC, or Series 90-30 PLC CPU,
and the memory type to be read is either %P or %L, a program name and, possibly a
block name, must be entered. Names are limited to 7 characters. Character 8 and any
other trailing characters must be nulls. Names are entered in ASCII hex format, as
indicated by the following example:
Sequence is reversed in
(nul)(nul) (nul) 1 T E S T reference table.

Hex equivalents entered

00 00 00 31 54 53 45 54 in Command Block.
Address + 13 Address + 12 Address + 11 Address + 10

Hex ASCII equivalents are listed in appendix A. Lowercase letters are not valid in

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-25


Memory Specification: Series Six PLC

For a Series Six PLC, Read Device and Write Device include an absolute memory
location in either Register memory or I/O Status Table memory. Byte 4 of the address
must be 80 hex.

Absolute Address
Series Six Memory Type
Decimal Hexadecimal
I/O Status Table Outputs 08192 - 08319 2000 - 207F
Inputs 08320 - 08447 2080 - 20FF
Register Memory R00001-R16384 16384 - 32767 4000 - 7FFF


When sending a Write Device COMMREQ to a Series Six PLC, be

sure the CPU address specified is for the register table (first hex
digit is 4-7) or the I/O Status Table (first hex digit is 2). Writing
CPU data to any other absolute memory location may cause
potentially hazardous control conditions.

Memory Specification: Series Five PLC

For a Series Five PLC, [Address+8] of the Read Device or Write Device COMMREQ
contain a memory offset, which is the beginning location for the data:

Series Five Memory Type Offset (hex)

Register Memory R00001 to R16384 0000 - 7FFF
I/O Memory I1+0001 to I1+1024 8000 - 807F
I2+0001 to I2+1024 8080 - 80FF
O1+0001 to O1+1024 8100 - 817F
O2+0001 to O2+1024 8180 - 81FF
I0001 to I1024 8200 - 827F
O0001 to O1024 8280 - 82FF
O1-0001 to O1-1024 8300 - 837F
O2-0001 to O2-1024 8380 - 83FF
I1-0001 to I1-0512 8500 - 853F

To find the exact offset in the register table, follow these steps:
1. Subtract 1 from the register number.
2. Multiply the result by 2 to find the decimal byte offset.
3. Continue as described below.
For a decimal offset in the register or I/O tables:
1. Convert the decimal number to hex.
2. Add the hex number to the beginning offset for that memory type.

5-26 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Example of Read Device

In the following example, an RX7i CPU reads ten words of %P memory starting at
location %P0050 from program “TEST1” in a Series 90-70 PLC.

%Q00001 PLC
%R00001 IN FT Genius
GBC #31 Bus GBC #29

Program Name ABC TEST1

Initiating Device X
Target Device X
Command Block Location %R001-%R022
(COMMREQ parameters)
Status Block Location %R023-%R024
(COMMREQ Status)
COMMREQ Output References %Q001, %Q002
Memory location to read data from %P050-%P060

Memory location to place data %AQ050-%AQ060

When the data is received from the target PLC, the requesting PLC will store it
beginning at %AQ0050 in its own memory.

Example Command Block

Command Block
Register Description Value Comment
Address +1 Wait/No Wait 0 No Wait
Address +2 Memory type for Status Pointer 8 %R memory
Address +3 Starting address for Status Pointer 22 %R023 (1 + 22 offset)
Address +4 Timeout value 0 Not used for No Wait
Address +5 Max Communication Time 0 Not used for No Wait
Address +6 Command Code 11 Read Device
Address +7 Device Number 29 Target Bus Controller
Address +8 Memory Address bytes 1 & 2 2 %P memory
Address +9 Memory Address bytes 3 & 4 49 %P0050 (1 + 49 offset)
Address +10 Program Name characters 1 & 2 ’ET’ TEST1
Address +11 Program Name characters 3 & 4 ’TS’
Address +12 Program Name characters 5 & 6 ’1’ character 6 is null *
Address +13 Program Name character 7 & 8 xx Ignored (don’t care)
Address +14 Block Name characters 1 & 2 Ignored
Address +15 Block Name characters 3 & 4 Ignored
Address +16 Block Name characters 5 & 6 Ignored
Address +17 Block Name character 7 & 8 Ignored
Address +18 Data length (word) to read 10 10 words
Address +19 Destination length (words) 10 10 words
Address +20 Memory type for received data 12 %AQ memory
Address +21 Memory offset for data 49 %AQ0050 (1+49 offset)

* In hex, the two values in Address +12 are 31h (ASCII 1) and 00h (ASCII nul).

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-27


COMMREQ #12: Write Device Command

To send up to 128 bytes of data to another CPU on the bus, use the Write Device
command. Any type of data that can be addressed by its memory type and offset can
be sent. This command causes the Bus Controller to issue a normal-priority Write
Device datagram to the specified device. To send a Write Device datagram with high
priority, see COMMREQ #14: Send Datagram.

Using Write Device Messages Instead of Global Data

Write Device datagrams can be used together with Global Data, or can replace Global
Data. Consider using Write Device datagrams instead of Global Data if Global Data
takes up too much bus scan time for the application, data does not need to be sent
every bus scan, or the CPU sweep time becomes too long for the application.
If this datagram will be broadcast, and there is another Series 90-70 Bus Controller on
the bus that should NOT receive it, send the datagram using COMMREQ #14 instead.

Command Block for the Write Device Command

Address: Command Length 13 - 77. Enter the number of words from Address
+6 to the end of the data.
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ).
For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 12
Address +7: Device Number 0 - 31, for the device to be written to.
Address +8: Memory address, bytes 1, 2. Enter the location for data to be written to. See the
Address +9: ” instructions for “Read Device”. (It is not necessary
to specify a memory address when sending a
Write Device COMMREQ to a computer).
Address +10: Program name, characters 1, Required to write %P or %L memory in an RX7i,
Address +11: 2. Series 90-70, or Series 90-30 CPU. See the
Address +12: ” characters 3, 4. instructions for “Read Device”. If the target of the
Address +13: ” characters 5, 6. command is another type of device, Address +10
” characters 7, 8. through Address +17 are ignored; they may
contain any value.
Address +14: Block name, characters 1, 2. Required to write %L memory in an RX7i, Series
Address +15: ” characters 3, 4. 90-70, or Series 90-30 CPU. For %P, Address
Address +16: ” characters 5, 6. +14 through Address +17 are ignored. Block
Address +17: ” characters 7, 8. names are limited to 7 characters. Character 8
and all other trailing characters MUST be entered
as nulls.
Address +18: Data length, in words, bytes or Writing an RX7i, Series 90-70, or Series 90-30
bits. This is the amount of data CPU, data length is bits or words, depending on
to be read. the memory type being read. For other types of
devices, the length is given as expected by the
device. The maximum length is 128 bytes.
Address +19 Data to be written to the other
to Address +n: device.

5-28 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ #13: Dequeue Datagram Command

The Bus Controller handles most incoming datagrams automatically, with no additional
programming required. Under certain circumstances, however, the Dequeue
Datagram command must be used to transfer incoming datagrams to the CPU.
Program the Dequeue Datagram command for the following:

▪ Replies that are received after sending Reply-type datagrams with the Send
Datagram command. (If Send Datagram with Reply is used instead, it
automatically handles replies).

▪ Unsolicited datagrams that are not recognized by the Bus Controller (Function
Code not 20).

Command Block for the Dequeue Datagram Command

Address: Command Length 7

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12
(%AQ). For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status.
For %W, the range is 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 13
Address +7: Maximum data memory length Enter bit or word value (depends on the
memory type selected below). This entry tells
the CPU how much memory will be needed to
store all the data.

If the length of data returned by the device

exceeds this length, the Bus Controller writes
as much data as possible to the PLC CPU
and returns a data error to the COMMREQ
status location.
Address +8: Memory type Enter the number that represents the location
where the Bus Controller will place the data in
the CPU: 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI),
or 12 (%AQ). ). For RX71 only, also 196
Address +9 Starting address Beginning address for the data. For %W, this
must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +10 Function code of the Enter a function code. or enter FF hex to
datagram. match any function code.
Address +11: Subfunction code of the Enter a subfunction code, or FF hex to match
datagram. any subfunction code.
Address +12: Device Number (sender) Enter 0 - 31, or FF hex to match any Device

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-29


Number of Dequeue Datagram Commands Needed

One Dequeue Datagram command is needed for each incoming datagram. If multiple
incoming Datagrams are expected during one CPU sweep, it will be necessary to place
multiple Dequeue Datagram commands in the program to assure their efficient transfer
to the CPU.
The number of Dequeue Datagram commands needed depends on whether the
Datagrams have been sent using Normal or High Priority, and the relative lengths of
the CPU sweep time and the scan time of the bus, as explained below.

If the Bus Scan Time is Greater than the CPU Sweep Time
If all Datagrams on the bus are sent with Normal Priority, there is a limit of one
incoming Datagram per CPU sweep. Therefore, only one Dequeue Datagram
command per sweep will be needed to handle incoming Datagrams.
If all Datagrams on the bus are sent with High Priority, the Bus Controller can
potentially receive one Datagram from each transmitting device during a scan. The
program should include the same number of Dequeue Datagram commands as
incoming Datagrams.

If the Bus Scan Time is Less than the CPU Sweep Time
If the bus scan time is significantly shorter than the CPU sweep time, you can estimate
the number of Dequeue Datagram commands that must be sent to the Bus Controller
to accommodate incoming Datagrams on that bus.
First, determine how many scans can occur in one CPU sweep. For example, if the
bus scan were 20ms and the CPU sweep were 90ms, the ratio between them would be
4.5 to 1. This should be rounded upward to 5.
This is the maximum number of Normal Priority Datagrams that might be received in a
single CPU sweep. Plan to have the same number of Dequeue Datagram commands
to that Bus Controller in the program to handle the incoming Datagrams.
For High Priority Datagrams, multiply the number found above by the total number of
devices on the bus that might send a High Priority Datagram to the Bus Controller in
one bus scan. This is the total number of incoming Datagrams from that bus that the
program might have to handle in a single CPU sweep. Plan on this number of
Dequeue Datagram commands to the Bus Controller.

Additional Logic for Incoming Datagrams

Up to 16 datagrams are enqueued by the Bus Controller in an internal queue. These
include any unsolicited reply-type datagrams. This permits the program to, for
example, send a Read ID Send Datagram and dequeue the Read ID Reply with the
Dequeue Datagram COMMREQ.
If the 16-item queue fills, an informational fault GBC_SOFTWR_EXCPTN is logged
(Fault Type is DQ_QUEUE_FULL) in the I/O Fault Table. If the Dequeue Datagram is
issued and there are no datagrams in the queue, the Status Pointer is set to NO DATA

5-30 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Program logic should be used to assure that no datagrams are lost by being
accidentally written over. This might be done by copying each datagram to another
memory location, or by changing the data memory location specified in the Command
Block after each incoming datagram is received.

Format of Returned Data

The Dequeue Datagram returns data in the following format.
Location High Byte Low Byte
Memory Address Data Length Status byte
Memory address +1 Subfunction code Function code
Memory address +2 Data byte 2 Data byte 1
▼ ▼ ▼
▼ ▼ ▼
▼ ▼ ▼
Memory address +69 Data byte 134 Data byte 133

Items are explained below.

Status Byte: The status byte reports the Device Number of the device that sent the
datagram. It also indicates whether the message was broadcast or
directed by the other device.
bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
B/D x x n n n n n

Device Number
(5 bits: 0-31 decimal)

Broadcast (1)
Directed (0)

Data Length: The number (0 to 134) of data bytes after the subfunction code.
Function The function code of the received message: 0 to 111 decimal or 0 to
Code: 6F hex.
Subfunction The subfunction code of the received message: 0 to 255 decimal or 0
Code: to FF hex.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-31


COMMREQ #14: Send Datagram Command

Most datagrams are normally programmed using their assigned COMMREQ command
numbers. However, datagrams can also be sent using the Send Datagram command
and the Request Datagram Reply command. The Send Datagram command might be
used to send:

▪ Datagrams for which no COMMREQ command number is defined, such as Begin

Packet Sequence, End Packet Sequence, and Write Point.

▪ Read Device and Write Device datagrams that are broadcast, but which should be
ignored by another Series 90-70 Bus Controller.

▪ Datagrams that must be guaranteed transmission during the next bus scan. This
should be done with restraint, for the reasons explained on the following pages.

▪ Datagrams that do not cause another device to send back a reply, such as Pulse
Test, or Write Configuration.
Datagrams that DO cause another device to send back a reply, such as Read
Diagnostics or Read Configuration, are usually programmed using their assigned
COMMREQ numbers or the Request Datagram Reply command (COMMREQ
#15). However, if Send Datagram is used to send datagrams that cause replies,
the Dequeue Datagram command must be used to transfer the replies to the CPU.

Before using Send Datagram, refer to the table on page 5-12 for more information
about COMMREQs and datagrams.

5-32 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Command Block for the Send Datagram Command

Address: Command Length 6 – [6+ datagram length in words]. Enter the
number of words from Address +6 to Address
+n. The length should be able to support the
maximum data length in words that might be
sent with the command.
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 14
Address +7: Device Number of the 0 - 31, or 255 to broadcast the message.
device to receive the
Address +8: Function code For any datagram listed below, 32 decimal (20 hex).
Address +9 Subfunction code (hex) See the list on page 5-12.
Address +10 Priority Enter 0 for normal priority, or 1 for high priority.
Address +11: Datagram length (in bytes) Enter the actual length of the Datagram, beginning at
[address +12].
Address +12: Datagram content Enter the entire datagram as part of the Command
to Address+n: Block. The Genius I/O System User’s Manual shows
datagram structures. If the Send Datagram
command is used to broadcast a Read or Write
Device datagram, and that datagram should be
IGNORED by another Series 90-70 Bus Controller,
set the first byte of the datagram as shown in the
System User’s Manual (this byte is normally 0), to FE

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-33


Datagram Priority
A Bus Controller can send one datagram per bus scan. That datagram may be
assigned either normal priority or high priority. Therefore, during one bus scan, there
may be one normal priority datagram followed by up to 31 high priority datagrams, or
up to 32 high priority datagrams sent by the devices on the bus.
In one bus scan (one complete rotation of the bus token among all devices on the bus),
there can be just one normal priority datagram sent by any device. If a normal priority
datagram or similar system message (such as a fault report) has already been sent by
any device (including itself), a device must wait until its next turn on the bus before it
can send a normal priority datagram.

Datagrams and I/O Blocks

If the bus will also be used for I/O block control, normal priority datagrams are
recommended to allow other messages such as fault reports (which the system
handles as normal priority datagrams) to get through. In addition, normal priority
datagrams ensure that bus scan time is only modestly delayed for communications.
Bus scan time affects the response time of any I/O data on the bus. If there are I/O
blocks on the bus, use high priority only if the datagram transmission cannot be
delayed. Normal priority will work satisfactorily except when there are many devices
attempting to send datagrams simultaneously.

Number of Datagrams per CPU Sweep

The application program should include logic that verifies successful completion of
earlier datagrams before requesting new ones. Because a Bus Controller can only
send one datagram per bus scan, the number of datagrams that can be executed
during the same CPU sweep of program logic depends on the relative lengths of the
CPU sweep and the bus scan.
If the Bus Scan Time is Greater than the CPU Sweep Time: If the bus scan time is
greater than the CPU sweep time, the Bus Controller will be able to send no more than
one datagram during one execution of the application program. Successful
transmission of a normal priority datagram will depend on the absence of datagram
and system message traffic on the bus.
If the Bus Scan Time is Less than the CPU Sweep Time: If the bus scan time is
significantly shorter than the CPU sweep time, the bus may be able to transmit multiple
datagrams during one execution of the application program.

5-34 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Effect of Datagrams on the Genius I/O Bus: Normal Priority Datagrams allow fault
reports and Hand-held Monitor communications on a bus to continue undisturbed.
Only one Normal Priority Datagram is allowed each bus scan, so the scan time stays
relatively constant, and I/O update timing varies only by small increments.

If High Priority Datagrams are being transmitted constantly, the Hand-held Monitor will
not function properly; fault reports from blocks will be prevented from being transmitted
on the bus, and regular Communication Request commands (such as Write
Configuration commands) to that Bus Controller will fail with a transmission error. For
these reasons, use of High Priority Datagrams on a bus with I/O blocks should be
avoided if possible.
If High Priority Datagrams are transmitted infrequently, they will cause some delay in
the Hand-held Monitor communications and other normal system messages, but the
delay should not be noticeable.
High Priority Datagrams will typically put more pressure on the Bus Controller to
transfer multiple Datagrams per CPU sweep. However, this can also occur with
Normal Priority Datagrams if the bus scan time is much shorter than the CPU sweep
Maximum CPU Sweep Time Increase for Datagrams: To estimate the impact of
Datagrams on CPU sweep time, add together the times required for all Datagrams that
might be sent between the Bus Controller and the CPU during one sweep if No Wait
mode is selected. Repeat this for each Bus Controller in the PLC that sends or
receives Datagrams.

Total Datagram Bytes Sent x .031ms =

(may be none)

+ LARGEST incoming Normal Priority

Datagram Received, bytes x .031ms =

+ Total incoming High Priority

Datagrams Bytes Received x .031ms =

+ 1.200ms = ______ms

Additional Information about Timing

If you need more information about timing for datagrams, Global Data, I/O devices, and
remote drops, please refer to the Genius I/O System User’s Manual.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-35


COMMREQ #15: Request Datagram Reply Command

The Request Datagram Reply command can be used to send any datagram that
causes the target device to return a reply, such as: Read Configuration or Read
Diagnostics. With this command, the Bus Controller automatically transfers replies to
the CPU; no separate Dequeue Datagram command is needed to handle them. These
datagrams are normally programmed using their assigned COMMREQ command
numbers. The primary reason for sending any of these datagrams using COMMREQ
#15 would be to assign it high priority, guaranteeing that it would be sent on the next
bus scan. Before doing this, see COMMREQ #14: Send Datagram for important
information about datagram priority.

Command Block for the Request Datagram Reply Command

Address: Command Length 10 - 78. Enter the number of words from Address +6 to Address +n.
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For RX71 only,
also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For %W, this must be
in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 15
Address +7: Device Number of the 0 - 31
device to receive the
Address +8: Function code For any datagram listed below, 32 decimal (20 hex).
Address +9 Subfunction code (hex) of 00 Read ID
the datagram to be sent. 02 Read Configuration
08 Read Diagnostics
0C Read Block I/O
1E Read Device
27 Read Data
Address +10 Priority Enter 0 for normal priority, or 1 for high priority.
Address +11: Datagram length (in bytes) Enter the actual length of the Datagram, beginning at [address +16].
Address +12: Subfunction code (hex) of 01 Read ID Reply
the reply 03 Read Configuration Reply
09 Read Diagnostics Reply
0D Read Block I/O Reply
1F Read Device Reply
28 Read Data Reply
Address +13: Memory type for the reply 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For RX71 only,
also 196 (%W).
Address +14: Memory offset Beginning address for the data. For %W, this must be in the range
00001 – 65536.
Address +15: Maximum data memory Enter a value in bits or words, depending on the memory type
length needed selected. This entry tells the CPU how much memory will be
If the length of the memory needed to store all the reply data. The length depends on the
is smaller than the amount message and device type.
of reply data received, the - for Read Configuration Reply, see COMMREQ #2.
extra portion of the data will - for Read Diagnostics Reply, see COMMREQ #4.
be lost, and a data error - for Read Device Reply, message length depends on
(16) will be returned to the device type. May be up to 64 words.
status location. - for Read Data Reply, message length is 5 words.
- for Read ID Reply, message length depends on device
type. See the Genius I/O System User’s Manual.
Address +16 to Datagram Content Enter the entire datagram as shown in the Genius I/O System User’s
Address +n: Manual.

Format of Returned Data

Returned data format is the same as for Dequeue Datagram. See page 5-31.

5-36 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


COMMREQ #16: Enable/Disable I/O Fault Categories

The Enable/Disable I/O Fault Categories command can be sent to the Bus Controller to
disable or re-enable the reporting of all I/O faults, or Addition/Loss of Block faults.
If all I/O faults are disabled, the Bus Controller will not forward to the CPU any fault
reports it receives from devices on its bus. This includes all I/O faults, as well as Loss
of Block and Addition of Block messages.

It is also possible to disable only reports of Addition or Loss of Block conditions, while
still forwarding other faults from the devices on the bus. This can be useful in a system
where blocks are intentionally switched on and off the bus, or in other applications
where these messages are not wanted.
If the passing of some or all fault reports is disabled for non-redundant devices, the
corresponding point-specific fault contacts will operate. They are not affected by the
use of this COMMREQ. Some system-level and block-level fault contacts are affected
by the loss of the inhibited information. For redundant devices, the CPU won't set the
point faults for redundant devices if fault reporting is turned off. In addition, when fault
reporting is turned off, the associated fault locating references are not updated.

Command Block for the Enable/Disable I/O Fault Categories Command

Address: Command Length 3

Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For
type RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For
%W, this must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 16
Address +7: I/O Fault Category to be It may be:
enabled or disabled. 0000 all I/O fault categories enabled.
FFFF all I/O fault categories disabled.
0006 Addition/Loss of Block fault
categories disabled.
Address +8: Must be:
0000 if Address +7 is 0000 or 0006.
Must be:
FFFF if Address +7 is FFFF.

The default is for all fault categories to be enabled.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-37


COMMREQ #17: Do Output Command

To immediately send a total of up to 128 bytes (64 words) of output data to selected
discrete devices on the bus (2 words per device), use the Do Output command. The
output data is transferred immediately to the Bus Controller, which transmits it to the
specified devices during its next turn on the bus. The user should also place the same
data in the output table, to insure that the same data will be transferred to the Bus
Controller as part of the normal output update.
To use the command, set flags of all bus addresses that are to receive output data,
then enter the data into the COMMREQ addresses that correspond to those devices
(for example, you would enter output data into locations [address+11] and
[address+12] to update a block at serial bus address #1). To minimize the impact on
bus scan time. Devices to be updated using this method should be configured to have
the lowest possible serial bus addresses, and the overall message length should be
kept as short as possible.

Caution: none of the outputs on a targeted device should be updated in any other way
during the PLC sweep.

5-38 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Command Block for the Do Output Command

Address: Command Length 5 to 64. Enter the number of words from Address +6 to the
end of the output data to be transferred to the Bus Controller.
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For RX71
type only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For %W, this
must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications 0
Address +6: Command number 17
Address +7, Flags for Device Each bit represents a potential target bus address. In
Address +8: Numbers 0-15 Address +7, LSB is Device Number 0. MSB is Device
Flags for Device Number 15. In Address +8, LSB is Device Number 16. MSB
Numbers 16-31 is Device Number 31.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
MSB Device Numbers (SBAs)

Set to 1 any bit that corresponds to a block that will receive

output data from the Do Output command.
Address +9, Outputs for Device Each bit represents an output, with output 1 in the LSB.
Address +10 Number 0
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
MSB Circuit Numbers

Bits that correspond to circuits that are used as inputs, or are

unused, or are not present on the block are ignored.
Address +11 Outputs for Device Use command length to determine the last serial bus address
Address +12 Number 1 serviced. Registers past that point will not be used in the
to Address Outputs for Device command.
+72 Number 31

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-39


In this example, there are two blocks on the bus that should be updated using Do
Outputs. The first is a 16-circuit block located at Device Number 1. All 16 of its circuits
are used as outputs. The second device is a 32-circuit block located at Device Number
2. On this block, circuits 17 to 32 are used as outputs. (In this application, Device
Number 0 is used by the Hand-held Monitor).

Address +0: Command Length For this example, the length is 9 (the number of words from
(number of words from Address +6 to Address +14). This limits the number of
Address +6 to the end of registers used, and only serial bus addresses 0, 1 and 2 will
the data.) be affected.
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 8 (%R)
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 17
Address +7: Flags for Device Numbers This marks serial bus addresses 1 and 2 as the targets.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

Address +8 Flags for Device Numbers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Address +9, Outputs for Device 32 bits: “don’t care” in this example, because the flag for
Address +10 Number 0 serial bus address 0 is set to 0.

Address +11 Outputs for Device 32 bits. In this example, Device Number 1 is a 16-circuit
Address +12 Number 1 block. All 16 circuits (shown below as 1s for clarity) are
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The result will be to turn all 16 outputs on. The remaining 16

bits are ignored, because the block has only 16 points.
Address +13 Outputs for Device 32 bits. In this example, Device Number 2 is a 32-circuit
Address +14 Number 2 block. Circuits 17-32 (shown below as 1s) are outputs.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The result will be to turn points 17 - 32 on. To turn any of
these points off, place a zero in the corresponding bit (for
example, to turn output #32 off, put a zero in the MSB).

5-40 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Using the Do Output Command for Global Data

The Do Output command can also be used to immediately change the content of the
first 2 words of Global Data being sent by a Bus Controller in the same PLC. Program
COMMREQ #17 with the contents listed below. The two data words are transferred
immediately to the Bus Controller, overwriting the first two words of that Bus
Controller’s usual Global Data. During that Bus Controller‘s next turn on the bus, the
Global Data it transmits will begin with these two words, followed by its remaining
Global Data. The changed data is sent only once following receipt of the COMMREQ.
During its next turn on the bus, the Bus Controller will again send the entire contents of
its assigned Global Data memory references. If the new data should be sent more than
once, the application program should also copy the data into those memory references.

To use the command, in [address+7] and [address+8] set the flag corresponding to the
serial bus address of the Bus Controller that will send the Global Data. Enter the data
into the COMMREQ addresses that correspond to those devices (for example, you
would enter output data into locations [address+71] and [address+72] to update a Bus
Controller at serial bus address #31).

Command Block for the Do Output Command for Global Data

Address: Command Length 5 to 64. Enter the number of words from Address +6 to the
end of the Global Data to be transferred to the Bus Controller.
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12 (%AQ). For RX71
only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status. For %W, this
must be in the range 00001 – 65536.
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 17
Address +7, Flags for Device Numbers 0-15 Each bit represents a potential target bus address. In Address
Address +8: Flags for Device Numbers 16- +7, LSB is Device Number 0. MSB is Device Number 15. In
31 Address +8, LSB is Device Number 16. MSB is Device
Number 31.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
MSB Device Numbers (SBAs)
Set to 1 the bit that corresponds to the serial bus address of
the Bus Controller that will be sending the Global Data.
Address +9 Global Data Each serial bus address is assigned 2 words in the command.
up to Enter the data into the 2 words that correspond to the device
Address +72 you are updating.

GFK-2017 Chapter 5 Communication Requests 5-41


COMMREQ #18: Read Serial Bus Address of the Bus Controller

To read the serial bus address of a Bus Controller in the same system, send it a Read
Serial Bus Address command.

Command Block for the Read SBA Command

Address: Command Length 3
Address +1: No Wait 0
Address +2: Status Block memory type 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12
(%AQ). For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +3: Status Block offset Beginning address for the COMMREQ status.
For %W, this must be in the range 00001 –
Address +4: Idle timeout value 0
Address +5: Max. communications time 0
Address +6: Command number 18
Address +7: Memory type to receive 70 (%I), 72 (%Q), 8 (%R), 10 (%AI), or 12
data returned (%AQ). For RX71 only, also 196 (%W).
Address +8 Offset for memory type If a bit memory type (%I or %Q) is specified in
specified in Address +7. Address +7, the offset must be on a byte
boundary (multiple of 8, +1). For %W, this must
be in the range 00001 – 65536.

5-42 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Chapter Reading Bus Status Information

This chapter explains how the application program in a PACSystems or Series 90-70
CPU can read information about the status of the Genius bus:
 Reading the Serial Bus Addresses of Active Devices
 Format of the Bus Status Data that is Returned
 RX7i CPU: Reading Serial Bus Addresses
 Series 90-70 CPU: Reading Serial Bus Addresses
 Reading the Status of the Datagram Queue
 Format of the Datagram Queue Status Data that is Returned
 RX7i CPU: Reading Datagram Queue Status
 Series 90-70 CPU: Reading Datagram Queue Status

GFK-2017 6-1

Reading the Serial Bus Addresses of Active Devices

Chapter 5 explains how the application program can read the Serial Bus Address of a
"local" Genius Bus Controller in the system using COMMREQ #18.
The application program can also read the status of each Serial Bus Address on the
bus directly from the Bus Controller's 32k shared ram memory. Similar program
functions are available for an RX7i CPU and for a Series 90-70 CPU. Both are
described on the following pages.

Format of the Bus Status Data that is Returned

The function returns 32 bits; one for each potential Serial Bus Address. The bit
corresponding to the bus address of the Bus Controller itself is always 0.

byte 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 byte 2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SBA 2 SBA 10
SBA 3 SBA 11
SBA 4 SBA 12
SBA 5 SBA 13
SBA 6 SBA 14
SBA 7 SBA 15


byte 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 byte 4 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SBA 16 SBA 24
SBA 17 SBA 25
SBA 18 SBA 26
SBA 19 SBA 27
SBA 20 SBA 28
SBA 21 SBA 29
SBA22 SBA 30
SBA 23 SBA 31

Bits are set to 1 for devices that are on the network and properly configured with the
correct data length. Bits for devices that are configured as outputs-only are off if the
CPU is not controlling the device.

6-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


RX7i CPU: Reading Serial Bus Addresses

In an RX7i system, the application program can determine which devices are currently
active on a Genius bus by sending a BUSRD instruction to the Bus Controller.


Rack R ST Read Status

Slot S Q Data read from

Bus Controller
Subslot SS

Region RGN

Offset OFF

No special configuration is required to use this function. The CPU automatically defines
region 1 for the Bus Controller to be the Bus Controller's 32k dual port memory.
Program the Bus Read parameters as shown below.

BUS READ Parameters for Reading Serial Bus Addresses

Program the BUSRD_WORD with the following parameters:

Parameter Description Enter

LEN The number of words to read. 2 for BUSRD_WORD, or
R Rack number The rack number of the Bus Controller
S Slot number The slot number of the Bus Controller
SS Subslot number (optional, defaults to 0) 0
RGN Region. (Optional, defaults to 1) 1
OFF Offset 07E8h
ST (Optional.) Reference for the BUSRD status information.
Q Reference for bus status data that is read from the Bus Controller

GFK-2017 Chapter 6 Reading Bus Status Information 6-3


Series 90-70 CPU: Reading Serial Bus Addresses

In a Series 90-70 system, the application program can read determine which devices
are currently active on a bus by sending a VMERD instruction to the Bus Controller.
The format is:

(permissive logic) VME RD (ok)


rack location code AM

slot location code ADR Q location for reply to VMERD

VME READ Parameters for Reading Serial Bus Addresses

For a Series 90-70 CPU, program a VMERD_WORD with the following parameters:
Parameter Enter
AM Bus Controller Rack 0 = 29h
Rack Location Rack 1 = 1Eh
Code Rack 2 = 1Dh
Rack 3 = 1Ch
Rack 4 = 1Bh
Rack 5 = 1Ah
Rack 6 = 19h
Rack 7 = 18h
ADR Bus Controller The sum of:
Slot Location 07E8h + (800h x slot number of Bus Controller)
Code Example:
Slot 2 = 07E8h + 2 x 800h = 17E8h
Slot Code
2 17E8h
3 1FE8h
4 27E8h
5 2FE8h
6 38E8h
7 3FE8h
8 47E8h
9 4FE8h
Q Location for The reply will be 32 bits of data. Specify %I, %Q, %M, %T,
Reply to or %G for byte data, or %R, %P, %L, %AI, or %AQ for
VMERD word data. The output Q address should be a bit memory
type starting on a byte boundary.
LEN Length of data Must be 2 words or 4 bytes to read the 32 address bits.

6-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Reading the Status of the Datagram Queue

The application program can read the status of a Bus Controller's internal datagram
queue directly from the Bus Controller's 32k shared ram memory. Similar program
functions are available for an RX7i CPU and for a Series 90-70 CPU. Both are
described here.

Format of the Datagram Queue Status Data that is Returned

The function returns one byte of data. If 0 is returned, there are no datagrams in the
queue. If 1 is returned, there are one or more datagrams in the queue.

RX7i CPU: Reading Datagram Queue Status

In an RX7i system, the application program can read the datagram queue status by
sending a BUSRD_BYTE instruction to the Bus Controller.


Rack R ST Read Status

Slot S Q Data read from

Bus Controller
Subslot SS

Region RGN

Offset OFF

No special configuration is required to use this function. The CPU automatically defines
region 1 for the Bus Controller to be the Bus Controller's 32k dual port memory.
Program the Bus Read parameters as shown below.

BUS READ Parameters for Reading the Datagram Queue Status

Program the BUSRD_BYTE with the following parameters:

Parameter Description Enter

LEN The number of bytes to read. 1
R Rack number The rack number of the Bus Controller
S Slot number The slot number of the Bus Controller
SS Subslot number (optional, defaults
to 0)
RGN Region. (Optional, defaults to 1) 1
OFF Offset 07F2h
ST (Optional.) Reference for the BUSRD status information.
Q Reference for bus status data that is read from the Bus Controller

GFK-2017 Chapter 6 Reading Bus Status Information 6-5


Series 90-70 CPU: Reading Datagram Queue Status

In a Series 90-70 system, the application program can read the datagram queue status
by sending a VMERD_BYTE instruction to the Bus Controller.

(permissive logic) VME RD (ok)


rack location code AM

slot location code ADR Q location for reply to VMERD

VME READ Parameters for Reading Datagram Queue Status

Parameter Enter
AM Bus Controller Rack 0 = 29h
Rack Location Rack 1 = 1Eh
Code Rack 2 = 1Dh
Rack 3 = 1Ch
Rack 4 = 1Bh
Rack 5 = 1Ah
Rack 6 = 19h
Rack 7 = 18h
ADR Bus Controller The sum of:
Slot Location 07E8h + (800h x slot number of Bus Controller)
Code Example:
Slot 2 = 07E8h + 2 x 800h = 17E8h
Slot Code
2 17E8h
3 1FE8h
4 27E8h
5 2FE8h
6 38E8h
7 3FE8h
8 47E8h
9 4FE8h
Q Location for The reply will be 1 byte of data. Specify %I, %Q, %M, %T,
Reply to or %G for byte data.
LEN Length of data 1 byte

6-6 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Chapter Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and

This chapter describes the following types of I/O control systems:

▪ Data Monitoring: Where an additional CPU (either a PLC or a computer)

monitors inputs and diagnostics from some or all of the blocks on a bus.
▪ Distributed Control: Where two or more CPUs control different I/O blocks on the
same bus.
▪ Redundancy: The use of dual busses, dual controllers, or both.

These types of systems are possible because of the unique operation and
communications capabilities of Genius I/O devices on a bus. Each Genius I/O block
broadcasts its input messages to all other devices on the bus. Therefore, more than
one CPU can receive inputs from the same blocks.
The CPUs can communicate on the same bus, allowing formation of a common
database. In addition, any CPU can send datagram messages to any other device on
the bus.

For Additional Information, Also See:

Chapter 1, which describes non-redundant types of systems.

Chapter 4 for configuration details.

Chapter 5 for descriptions of COMMREQs that might be used in a monitoring or
redundancy system.
For information about GMR (Genius Modular Redundancy) for CPU models
IC697CPM790, CPU789, and CPU788, please see the GMR User's Manual, GFK-
1277, which is online at
For information about Enhanced Hot Standby CPU Redundancy Series 90-70 PLC
CPU models IC697CGR772 and CGR935, please see the Series 90™-70 Enhanced
Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User's Guide, GFK-1527.

GFK-2017 7-1

Data Monitoring
In addition to the PLC or computer running the application program, other CPUs on the
bus can monitor inputs, diagnostics, and Configuration Change messages sent by
Genius I/O devices.




Monitoring Inputs
Genius I/O devices broadcast their inputs once per bus scan. These inputs may be
accessed by any PLC or computer on the bus.

If the RX7i or Series 90-70 CPU will be used to monitor inputs from I/O devices not
being controlled by its application program, the devices will be configured in the same
manner as other I/O devices on the bus. The PLC will use the Reference Number
assigned to each I/O device to store its inputs. Even though the monitoring PLC would
not ordinarily be expected to send outputs to devices being monitored, outputs to those
devices should be disabled when the PLC’s I/O configuration is done. This will prevent
any unwanted outputs being sent to the I/O devices from the monitoring PLC.

If a computer is used to monitor I/O data on the bus, it is important to consider data
type, message length, and message format when programming the computer. For
example, a High-speed Counter block sends its word-type data first, followed by
discrete data. Other devices have different data formats.
Monitoring Diagnostics and Configuration Change Messages
In addition to receiving the broadcast input data, one PLC or computer on the bus may
also receive extra copies of any fault reports and configuration change messages that
may be sent by the bus devices. This PLC or computer, referred to as the Assigned
Monitor, may not send control outputs to an I/O device. If the monitor is capable of
sending outputs to a I/O device it is monitoring, those outputs must be disabled.
The monitoring device can communicate with other devices on the bus through Global
Data or datagram messages. For example, it would be possible for a monitoring
device to send a Read Diagnostics datagram to an I/O device that was not configured
to send it fault reports automatically.
This feature is compatible with both redundant and non-redundant Genius

7-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Distributed Control
Distributed control means that two or more Bus Controllers are sending control outputs
to different I/O devices on the same bus. Ordinarily, these Bus Controllers would be in
different PLCs, but with the Series 90-70 Bus Controller, they can be in the same PLC.

Diagnostics are only automatically sent from the block to the Bus Controller that is
controlling its outputs. The Assign Monitor datagram can be used to command blocks
on the bus to also direct fault reports to a second Bus Controller.
This is a form of split control, not a type of redundancy. Bus Controllers and devices
on the bus are set up for CPU Redundancy Mode = None, since each I/O device is
receiving outputs from only one Bus Controller. Remember that all I/O devices on the
bus broadcast inputs to all bus interface modules automatically.
For example, a Bus Controller is configured at Bus Address 31, and the I/O devices it
will control are configured at Bus Addresses 1 and 2. A Bus Controller in another PLC
is located at Bus Address 30. The I/O blocks it will control are located ate Bus
Addresses 3 and 4. A third Bus Controller is at Bus Address 7. Two I/O blocks on its
bus are located at Bus Addresses 5 and 6. All devices are connected by the same




(Device 31) (Device 30) (Device 7)


1 2 3 4 5 6

When setting up an RX7i or Series 90-70 system for distributed control, there are two
different ways to assign references to I/O devices:
A. Each Bus Controller can be assigned just those I/O devices whose outputs it
controls. If this is done, devices that are not configured for a Bus Controller (but
which are actually present on the bus) will generate Extra Device faults in that PLC
at startup. Once these faults are cleared, they will not reappear unless power is
cycled to the Bus Controller or I/O device.
B. Each Bus Controller can be assigned all of the I/O devices actually present on the
bus. Outputs are disabled to I/O devices controlled by another Bus Controller.
This means that each I/O device must be assigned a Reference Number in each
CPU. References assigned to devices controlled by another CPU are unavailable
for further use.

GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-3


Redundancy provides extra protection for critical processes through duplication of
system components. For an RX7i or Series 90-70 (rev 4.0 or later) PLC CPU and Bus
Controller (rev. 4.0 or later), the following can be configured:
▪ Dual bus, one PLC
▪ Dual bus, two PLCs
▪ Redundant controllers, one PLC
▪ Redundant controllers, two PLCs
▪ Dual bus and redundant controllers, two PLCs
These redundant systems are described on the following pages. If the Series 90-70
PLC is rev. 3, see page 7-17 instead.

Important Considerations
The suitability of a redundancy scheme depends on the requirements of the
application. Some important factors to be considered are described below.
1. CPU synchronization is not supported.
▪ Using a Genius bus, transferring data from the master CPU to the backup CPU
can take 10 to 20 CPU sweeps, depending on the quantity of data.
▪ The RX7i or Series 90-70 CPU has transitional bits, but does not have a table
that can be transferred from one CPU to another for synchronization. One-
shots, counters, and transitional contacts cannot be guaranteed to be the
same in both CPUs.
▪ The timebase is not transferrable, so timers (real time and running time)
cannot be guaranteed to be the same. Timers and counters in program blocks
that are not called every sweep may produce different results.
▪ For PID function blocks, elapsed time may be different in the two PLCs,
because it represents the total time since PLC powerup.
2. Hot Standby redundancy should only be used for systems that do not require
bumpless transfer of control from one CPU to the other.
Specific Series 90-70 PLC CPUs provide advanced redundancy features that are not
described here.
▪ Three CPU models support GMR (Genius Modular Redundancy):
IC697CPM790, CPU789, and CPU788. A GMR system normally consists of
one to three identical CPUs running identical application programs. Control
and diagnostic functions are provided by special GMR software. For
information about GMR, please see the GMR User's Manual, GFK-1277, which
is online at
▪ Series 90-70 PLC CPU models IC697CGR772 and CGR935, used with a
Redundancy Communications Module, provide Enhanced Hot Standby CPU
Redundancy for one or more Genius I/O networks. For information about
Enhanced Hot Standby CPU Redundancy, please see the Series 90™-70
Enhanced Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User's Guide, GFK-1527, also
available at

7-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Dual Bus Redundancy

Dual busses can be used to provide backup protection against cable break or loss or
removal of a Bus Controller. Each bus of the dual bus pair has its own Bus Controller.
The two Bus Controllers can be located in the same PLC or in two PLCs.
If the Bus Controllers are in the same PLC, they can be placed in the same rack, or
they can be placed in different racks to protect against rack failure.
For applications that do not require bumpless transfer of control, the Bus Controllers
can be located in different PLCs.

If bumpless transfer is a requirement, bus redundancy with two PLCs
is not recommended since the second PLC is essentially off-line
before the switch.

Dual Bus Operation

In dual bus redundancy, bus selection is controlled by a switching device (either a Bus
Switching Module, or a Remote I/O Scanner module with built-in bus switching






Clusters of up to eight devices each can be connected to a dual bus by a switching

device. The maximum number of devices that can be located on both busses is 30,
which requires at least 4 bus switching devices.
If the bus switching device stops receiving outputs from the active bus, it automatically
switches to the other bus. If the bus it switches to is operational, the regular I/O
updates will resume with the Bus Controller on the new bus. An “Output Default
Timeout” of 2.5 or 10 seconds must be selected for each bus device, so its outputs do
not default during this switchover/login process. Bus switching and block login requires
finite periods of time. This varies from system to system, depending on the Genius bus
scan time, the CPU sweep time, and the number of devices switching. Generally,
switchovers are completed before the 2.5 second timeout expires. The 10-second
option is available for systems requiring a longer switchover period. During the timeout
period, outputs hold their last valid output state.

GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-5


If, after switching due to loss of communications on the original bus, no outputs are
received on the new bus, the bus switching device does not switch back. It waits until
communications are restored on the newly-connected bus, or until power is cycled.
This prevents unnecessary switching when no communications are available.

Data Transfer on a Dual Bus

In dual bus redundancy, both Bus Controllers are capable of sending outputs to the
devices on the bus. However, the devices in a bus cluster will only receive outputs
from the bus that is currently selected by their switching device.
Similarly, although the devices in a cluster continually broadcast input data and
diagnostic messages, they are only received by the Bus Controller on the bus that is
currently selected by their switching device. The Bus Controller on the inactive bus
cannot receive inputs, fault reports or Configuration Change messages.

Non-redundant Devices on a Dual Bus

Although most devices in a dual bus system will probably be connected to both bus
cables via a switching device, it is possible to have non-redundant devices connected
directly to one bus of the pair. The following illustration represents a dual bus with
some non-redundant I/O blocks.



1 2 3 4A 4B


Both of the Bus Controllers are configured at Bus Address 31 on their respective
busses. A Bus Switching Module interfaces three redundant I/O blocks to the dual bus.
The redundant blocks are configured at Bus Addresses 1, 2, and 3 on both busses.

There are also two non-redundant I/O blocks. Each of them is configured at Bus
Address 4 on its bus.

7-6 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


During normal operation, both bus A and bus B operate in the same way as a single
▪ Blocks 1, 2, and 3 interface to either bus A or bus B, as selected by the BSM.
▪ Block 4A communicates with the Bus Controller on bus A only.
▪ Block 4B communicates with the Bus Controller on bus B only.






1 2 3 4A 4B


If Bus Controller A stops communicating with the redundant blocks (due to program
action, a Bus Controller fault, a cable break, or loss of power), then:
▪ The BSM will switch the cluster of blocks 1, 2, and 3 to bus B.
▪ Block 4A, which is a non-redundant block, will no longer receive outputs from its
Bus Controller, and will no longer be able to send inputs or diagnostics to the PLC.
If there are outputs on block 4A, they will either hold their last state or default,
depending on the block’s configuration. Although communications have been
interrupted, the block is still receiving power, so any outputs that were ON or that
default to ON will continue to operate.






1 2 3 4A 4B


GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-7


Number of Bus Devices on a Dual Bus

Up to 30 bus devices can be connected, either directly or as part of a cluster, to a dual
bus. Redundant devices count toward both busses’ totals. Non-redundant devices only
count in the total of the bus to which they are directly connected. That means more
devices can be used on a dual bus if some are not redundant.





Number of Bus Controllers in a PLC with Dual Busses

Although using non-redundant devices on a dual bus increases the total number of bus
devices that can be used on a dual bus, it decreases the number of Bus Controllers
that can be used in the PLC. That is because any Bus Controller that has both
redundant devices and non-redundant devices on its bus counts as 2 Bus Controllers
against the total of 31 permitted in a system.
Counts as two Bus Controllers, because its bus
includes both non-redundant and
1 2 redundant blocks

In a large system, grouping non-redundant devices on the same bus or busses will
permit the greatest number of Bus Controllers to be used in the PLC. For example, a
PLC could have 30 Bus Controllers with all redundant devices, and 1 Bus Controller
with all non-redundant devices.

7-8 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Dual Bus with the Bus Controllers in Two PLCs

In a dual bus system where the Bus Controllers are in the same PLC, the same
application program automatically acts on inputs received from the devices and creates
outputs for them, regardless of which bus is active at any given time.
But if the Bus Controllers are NOT in the same PLC, the application program must
monitor the busses dynamically to determine the correct reference to use at any given
time. Because the CPUs cannot communicate with each other on the dual bus, another
Bus Controller is needed in each CPU, on each bus, to transmit synchronization data
between the two CPUs. Global Data or datagrams can be used.





1 2 3 4 5

The illustration shows an optional Bus Controller in each CPU, connected via an
additional Genius bus, for data sharing between the CPUs. In this example, the
additional Bus Controllers are for communications only; they do not control I/O. In that
case, it is not necessary to give them the same Bus Addresses.

Disabling Outputs from the Backup Bus Controller

When using bus redundancy with two PLCs, it may be necessary to disable the outputs
sent by the backup Bus Controller until the application program has logged in all the
devices, then enable outputs under program control. If this is done, the additional time
without outputs must not cause the total time without outputs to exceed the 2.5 or 10
second timeout selected for the block.

GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-9


Redundant Controllers
Redundant controllers provide backup controller protection for devices on a bus. The
redundant controllers can be in the same PLC (in the same rack or in different racks),
or in two PLCs.
Bus Controller redundancy with one PLC provides protection against failure of the Bus
Bus Controller redundancy with two PLCs, represented below, provides protection
against failure in the Bus Controller or elsewhere in the primary PLC.




1 2 3 4 5

Synchronizing Dual CPUs

Since bus devices broadcast their inputs to all CPUs on a bus, redundant Bus
Controllers in separate PLCs need to maintain synchronization of their output data.
Datagrams and Global Data can be used to synchronize the PLCs.

Either PLC can monitor the outputs of the other using the Outputs with Feedback
feature of discrete Genius I/O blocks. Since I/O blocks can monitor the actual state of
the load and feed this state back to the PLC as input data, both PLCs can monitor the
actual state of all outputs.

7-10 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Bus Device Configuration: Hot Standby or Duplex Mode

For a redundant controller system, devices on the bus can be individually configured
(using a Hand-held Monitor or Write Configuration datagrams) for Hot Standby or
Duplex CPU Redundancy mode, or none.

Hot Standby Mode

If the system does NOT require bumpless transfer of control from one PLC to the other,
devices on the bus can be configured for Hot Standby CPU redundancy. Here, Hot
Standby mode is shown using two PLCs. However, it can also be done with one PLC;
with one rack or separate racks.
Bus Bus
Controller Controller
31 30


In Hot Standby mode, blocks receive outputs from both Bus Controllers, but they are
normally controlled directly by the Bus Controller at Bus Address (Device Number) 31.
If no output data is available from Bus Address 31 for a period of three bus scans, the
outputs are immediately controlled by the Bus Controller at Bus Address 30. If output
data is not available from either 30 or 31, outputs go to their configured default or hold
their last state. The Bus Controller at Bus Address 31 always has priority, so that when
31 is on-line, it always has control of the outputs.
Analog blocks, when configured for CPU redundancy, must be operated in Hot
Standby redundancy mode.

GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-11


Duplex Redundancy Mode

If a bus device is configured for Duplex mode, it receives outputs from BOTH Bus
Address 30 and 31 and compares them. Here, Duplex mode is shown using two
PLCs. It can also be done with one PLC, with one rack or separate racks.
31 30

outputs outputs

If both outputs are the same, the device sets the output to that state. If both outputs
are not the same, the device sets the output to its preselected Duplex Default State.
The following table shows how outputs operate in Duplex redundancy.

Commanded Commanded Configured Actual Output

State, from Bus State, from Bus Duplex Default State
Address 31 Address 30 State
On On Don‘t Care On
Off On Off Off *
Off Off Don’t Care Off
On Off On On *
* Decided by “Duplex Default State” selection.

If either 30 or 31 stops sending outputs to a device, the outputs are directly controlled
by the remaining device.
Only discrete blocks can be configured for Duplex redundancy mode. If there are
analog blocks on the same bus, they can be configured in Hot Standby mode or no
CPU redundancy.

In both Hot Standby and Duplex modes, both CPUs get the inputs
from the blocks automatically. In addition, the blocks automatically
send fault reports to both Bus Controllers.

7-12 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Dual Bus and Redundant Controllers

The two methods just described can be combined for dual bus and controller
redundancy. A dual bus/dual controller system provides protection against failure in the
bus trunk cable, the Bus Controller and the PLC. Through application programming,
dual bus/dual controller redundancy can be implemented in two different ways:
A. For operation with both Hot Standby and Duplex devices on the bus. This
application does NOT provide bumpless transfer of control.
B. For bumpless transfer of control as long as both Bus Controllers in the primary
PLC are available (transfer is not bumpless between PLCs, however). This
application is not suitable for devices that must operate in Duplex CPU
Redundancy mode.
Details of both types of application are given on the following pages.

Basic Operation of a Dual Bus/Dual Controller System

Both Bus Controllers in a given PLC must use the same Bus Address (either 30 or 31).






1 2 3 4A 4B


In the example system represented above, both bus A and bus B operate in the same
way as a single bus, dual CPU system. Blocks 1, 2, and 3 interface to both PLCs via
Bus Controllers 31(A) and 30(A) whenever the active bus is bus A, or via Bus
Controllers 31(B) and 30(B) whenever the active bus is bus B. Block 4(A) interfaces to
both PLCs via Bus Controllers 31(A) and 30(A). Block 4(B) interfaces to both PLCs via
Bus Controllers 31(B) and 30(B).
All four Bus Controllers are capable of sending outputs, although only outputs from the
Bus Controllers on the active bus are actually received. It may be necessary to disable
the outputs sent by the backup Bus Controller until the application program has logged
in all the devices, then enable outputs under program control. If this is done, the
additional time without outputs must not cause the total time without outputs to exceed
the 2.5 or 10 second timeout selected for the block.
Inputs and Diagnostics
Both Bus Controllers on the selected bus automatically receive all inputs and fault
reports from any device on the bus that has been configured as being in “CPU
Redundancy” mode.

GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-13


Bus and Controller Redundancy for Hot Standby Devices

When both PLCs provide outputs, and devices are configured for Hot Standby CPU
Redundancy, the sequence of control in case of bus controller, bus, or PLC failure is:
primary PLC, bus A
► backup PLC, bus A
► primary PLC, bus B
► backup PLC, bus B
Because the PLCs are operating independently, each time the control switches from
one PLC to the other there may be a “bump” in the process. This may be of no
consequence in some applications, and of significant consequence in others.

31 30
Normal Operation

In the default setup shown at left, during normal operation

Bus Controller 31A in the primary PLC controls all
devices set up for Hot Standby CPU redundancy.


31 30
Control Passes to Backup PLC on Bus A

If the device fails to receive valid output data from Bus

Controller 31 for three bus scans, it will permit Bus
Controller 30A to control its outputs.


Control Passes to Bus B
If the device that controls bus switching stops receiving
outputs from bus A for a period of three bus scans, it
switches to bus B. Normal operation then resumes on
bus B. Bus Controller 31B controls (in the primary PLC)
controls all devices set up for Hot Standby CPU

Control Passes to Backup PLC on Bus B
If the device fails to receive valid output data from Bus
Controller 31 for three bus scans,it will permit Bus
outputs Controller 30B to control its outputs.

7-14 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Bus and Controller Redundancy for Duplex Devices

If the application requires that bus devices operate in Duplex CPU Redundancy mode,
outputs must be enabled to both the primary and the backup PLC. The sequence of
control in case of Bus Controller, bus, or PLC failure is:

control shared by Bus Controllers 31 and 30 on bus A

► Bus Controller 30, bus A
► control shared by Bus Controllers 31 and 30 on bus B
► Bus Controller 30, bus B

Because the PLCs are operating independently, each time the control switches from
one PLC to the other there may be a “bump” in the process. This may be of no
consequence in some applications, and of significant consequence in others.

31 30
Normal Operation

In the default setup shown at left, during normal operation

Bus Controllers 31A and 30A jointly control any devices
set up for Duplex CPU redundancy.

outputs outputs

31 30
Devices Controlled by Bus Controller 30 on Bus A

If a duplex device fails to receive output data from Bus

Controller 31A for three bus scans, it will permit Bus
Controller 30A to control its outputs.


Control Passes to Bus B
If the device that controls bus switching stops receiving
outputs from bus A for a period of three bus scans, it
outputs outputs
switches to bus B. Normal operation then resumes on
B bus B. Bus Controllers 31B and 30B jointly control any
devices set up for Duplex CPU redundancy.

Control Passes to Backup PLC on Bus B
If a duplex device fails to receive output data from Bus
Controller 31B for three bus scans, it will permit Bus
outputs Controller 30B to control its outputs.

GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-15


Operation Remains with Primary PLC, Dual Bus and Dual Controllers
The following application is for devices configured in Hot Standby CPU Redundancy
mode. It is not suitable for devices that operate in Duplex CPU redundancy mode. The
order of control is:
primary PLC, bus A
► primary PLC, bus B
► backup PLC, bus B
► backup PLC, bus A

This provides “bumpless” transfer of control within the primary PLC, and within the
backup PLC, although there will still be a bump in the process when control is
transferred from PLC to PLC.
31 disabled 30
Normal Operation

During normal operation, Bus Controller 31A in the

primary PLC controls all devices. At powerup, the
application program in the backup PLC sends a Disable
B Outputs COMREQ to Bus Controller 30A. That prevents
the backup PLC from assuming control following a bus
A switch from bus A to bus B (see below).
31 reenbled 30
Control Passes to Bus B

Because Bus Controller 30A in the backup PLC is not

sending outputs, if the bus switching device stops receiving
outputs from Bus Controller 31A for a period of three bus
outputs B
scans, it switches to bus B. Normal operation then
resumes on bus B. Bus Controller 31B in the primary PLC
controls all devices set up for Hot Standby CPU
redundancy. After the bus switch is completed, the
application program in the backup PLC should re-enable
outputs from Bus Controller 30A, so it will be ready to
31 30
resume control if needed.

Control Passes to Backup PLC on Bus B

If Bus Controller 31B stops sending outputs, or if the
primary PLC is not available when the bus switches, Bus
Controller 30B in the backup PLC controls all devices.

Control Passes to Backup PLC on Bus A

31 30
If a device stops receiving outputs from Bus Controller 30B
for three bus scans, the bus switches to A again. If outputs
from Bus Controller 31A have not been restored, Bus
Controller 30A in the backup PLC assumes control. If
outputs from Bus Controller 31A have been restored,
outputs normal operation resumes. The application program in the
backup PLC should once again disable outputs from Bus
Controller 30A to bring the system back to its original
operating mode.

7-16 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017


Genius Redundancy for Series 90-70 Rev. 3

Bus redundancy for a rev. 3 CPU and Bus Controller requires the written approval of
GE Fanuc application engineering. Operation of bus redundancy is as described earlier
in this chapter.

Dual Bus and Dual Controllers

To provide CPU redundancy, Bus Controller redundancy, and bus redundancy, a
Series 90-70 PLC with version 3 CPU and Bus Controller must include two or four
CPUs and four Bus Controllers. Clusters of up to eight devices each can be connected
to both busses by bus switching devices.







A system like the one depicted above provides protection against single point failure in
a CPU or Bus Controller or on a bus trunk cable. It does not protect against failure of a
bus switching device, a BSM controller block, or a bus stub connecting blocks in a
The devices in each cluster communicate only with the bus that is currently selected.
The other CPU does not receive inputs, Report Fault datagrams, or Configuration
Change datagrams from the blocks. Therefore, if the switching device switches busses,
the newly-selected CPUs will not have the most current inputs or diagnostics from the
devices in the cluster.
In a version 3 system, bus devices MUST be configured with one set of references for
operations on bus A, and a separate set of references for operations on bus B. The
application program must decide which bus is operational, and use the appropriate set
of references for the devices’ I/O data.

GFK-2017 Chapter 7 Data Monitoring, Distributed Control, and Redundancy 7-17


7-18 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Appendix ASCII Code List
In Read Device and Write Device datagrams, either uppercase or lowercase letters can
be used for program and task names if the Bus Controller is version 3.0 or later. For
earlier versions of the Series 90-70 Bus Controller, program and task names must be
all uppercase.
Char. Dec. Hex. Char. Dec. Hex. Char. Dec. Hex.
NUL 0 00 0 48 30 [ 91 5B
SOH 1 01 1 49 31 \ 92 5C
STX 2 02 2 50 32 ] 93 5D
ETX 3 03 3 51 33 ^ 94 5E
EOT 4 04 4 52 34 _ 95 5F
ENQ 5 05 5 53 35 ’ 96 60
ACK 6 06 6 54 36 a 97 61
BEL 7 07 7 55 37 b 98 62
BS 8 08 8 56 38 c 99 63
HT 9 09 9 57 39 d 100 64
LF 10 0A : 58 3A e 101 65
VT 11 0B ; 59 3B f 102 66
FF 12 0C < 60 3C g 103 67
CR 13 0D = 61 3D h 104 68
SO 14 0E > 62 3E i 105 69
SI 15 0F ? 63 3F j 106 6A
DLE 16 10 @ 64 40 k 107 6B
DC1 17 11 A 65 41 l 108 6C
DC2 18 12 B 66 42 m 109 6D
DC3 19 13 C 67 43 n 110 6E
DC4 20 14 D 68 44 o 111 6F
NAK 21 15 E 69 45 p 112 70
SYN 22 16 F 70 46 q 113 71
ETB 23 17 G 71 47 r 114 72
CAN 24 18 H 72 48 s 115 73
EM 25 19 I 73 49 t 116 74
SUB 26 1A J 74 4A u 117 75
ESC 27 1B K 75 4B v 118 76
FS 28 1C L 76 4C w 119 77
GS 29 1D M 77 4D x 120 78
RS 30 1E N 78 4E y 121 79
US 31 1F O 79 4F z 122 7A
SP 32 20 P 80 50 { 123 7B
! 33 21 Q 81 51 | 124 7C
’’ 34 22 R 82 52 } 125 7D
# 35 23 S 83 53 ~ 126 7E
$ 36 24 T 84 54 “ 127 7F
% 37 25 U 85 55
& 38 26 V 86 56
’ 39 27 W 87 57
( 40 28 X 88 58
) 41 29 Y 89 59
* 42 2A Z 90 5A
+ 43 2B
, 44 2C
- 45 2D
. 46 2E
/ 47 2F

GFK-2017 A-1
A-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller – July 2003 GFK-2017

Clear Circuit Fault COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-17,

A 6-1
Command Block, 5-11, 5-27
AD Comm fault, 4-7 Communication Request Commands, 5-1, 6-1
Add. of Bus Controller fault, 4-7 COMREQ, 5-1, 6-1
Addition of Block fault, 4-7 Command Block, 5-3
Addition of Bus Controller status reference, 4- Command Numbers, 5-4
2 Commands
Addition of I/O Module status reference, 4-2 Assign Monitor, 5-5, 5-18
Addition of Rack status reference, 4-2 Clear All Circuit Faults, 5-5, 5-17
AI Hi/Low Alarm fault, 4-6 Clear Circuit Fault, 5-5, 5-17
AI Under/Overrange fault, 4-6 Dequeue Datagram, 5-5, 5-29
Alarm Contacts, 4-4 Global Data Enable, 5-5, 5-21
Analog Data Format, 1-7, 3-25 I/O Fault Categories Enable, 5-37
Analog faults, 4-6 I/O Faults Enable, 5-5
AQ Under/Overrange fault, 4-6 Outputs Enabled, 5-5, 5-20
Assign Monitor COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-18, 6-1 Pulse Test, 5-5, 5-13
Assigned Monitor, 3-30 Read Configuration, 5-5, 5-14
Read Device, 5-5, 5-23
Read Diagnostics, 5-5, 5-16
B Request Datagram Reply, 5-5, 5-36
Send Datagram, 5-5, 5-32
Baud Rate, 1-5, 3-3
Switch BSM, 5-5, 5-22
Bit or Byte mode for memory-access
Write Configuration, 5-5, 5-15
datagrams, 5-25
Write Device, 5-5, 5-28
Bus Examples, 5-10, 5-11
Configuration, 3-24
Outputs, 5-7
Connection to, 2-3
Program Instruction, 5-6
Continuity, 2-4
Quick Reference, 5-5
Length, 1-5
Status, 5-9
Terminating, 2-4
Status Block, 5-8
Type, 1-5
Status Pointer, 5-3
Bus Address, 3-2 COMREQs and Passwords
Bus Controller Allowable password levels, 5-1
Configuration, 3-2, 3-34 Config Mem fault, 4-7
Description, 1-4
Installation, 2-2
Bus Controller, 3-2, 3-34
Number in System, 1-3
Devices on bus, 3-24
Operation, 1-6
Global Data, 3-11, 3-34
Removal, 2-2
High-speed Counter, 3-36
Bus Controller Fault status reference, 4-2
PCIM, QBIM, 3-34
BUS CONTROLLER software fault, 4-8 PowerTRAC Block, 3-36
Bus fault, 4-7 Remote I/O Scanner, 3-33
Bus Fault status reference, 4-2 Configuration mismatch reference, 4-2
Bus Out Disable fault, 4-7 Connection to the Bus, 2-3
Bus Scan, 1-6, 5-30 CPU Redundancy, 7-10
Bus Scan Time, 5-34 CPU Sweep, 5-30, 5-34
CS Feedback Error fault, 4-6
Cal Mem fault, 4-7 D
Catalog Number, 1-3 Data Monitoring, 3-30, 7-2
Circuit Faults, 4-6 Data quantities, 1-8
Clear All Circuit Faults COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5- Datagram Priority, 5-34
17, 6-1 Datagrams, 1-10, 5-5
Incoming, 5-12, 5-30

GFK-2017 Index-1

Number per CPU Sweep, 5-34

Priority, 5-32 H
Ways to Send, 5-12, 5-32
Hand-held Monitor
Dequeue Datagram Command, 5-29
Compatibility, 1-4
Dequeue Datagram COMREQ, 5-5 Connector on Bus Controller, 1-4
DG Queue fault, 4-8 Headend fault, 4-7
Diagnostics, 1-9, 7-2 HIgh Error Rate fault, 4-8
Disable Outputs, 3-29, 3-30 High-speed Counter, 3-25
Discrete faults, 4-6 High-speed Counter, configuration, 3-36
Distributed Control, 3-29
Dual Bus
configuration, 3-15 I
I/O Blocks, 1-3, 1-8
E I/O bus fault, 4-7
I/O data, 1-8
Enable/Disable Global Data COMREQ, 5-1, 5- I/O Fault Categories Enable COMREQ, 5-5, 5-
21, 6-1 37
Enable/Disable Outputs COMREQ, 5-1, 5-20,
I/O Module Fault status reference, 4-2
I/O Table Full, status reference, 4-2
Errors, number on bus, 3-2 Input Short fault, 4-6
Excessive faults, 4-8 Inputs
External GBC, redundant Monitoring, 7-2
configuration, 3-9
Inputs and Outputs, 1-6, 1-7, 3-25
Extra Block fault, 4-8 Install the Bus Controller, 2-2
Internal fault, 4-6
F Internal GBC, redundant
configuration, 3-9
Fault Intrnal Ckt fault, 4-7
Contacts, 4-3 Isolation, 1-5
Fault Clearing, 4-5
Fault Identification Reference, 4-6
Fault Locating References, 4-3 J
Fault Logged, status reference, 4-2
Jumpers on Terminal Assembly, 2-4
Fault Reports, disable sending to CPU, 5-37
Fault Table, 4-5
Forced/Unforced Circuit fault, 4-8 L
Fuse Blown fault, 4-6, 4-7
Channel OK, 1-4, 3-2
G I/O Enabled, blocks, 3-29
Module OK, 1-4
GBC Software Exception fault, 4-8 LL Analog Faults, 4-6
GENA faults, 4-6 Loss of Block fault, 4-7
Genius blocks, 1-3, 1-8 Loss of BUS CONTROLLER fault, 4-8
Genius Bus Scan, 1-6 Loss of Bus Controller status reference, 4-2
Global Data, 5-28 Loss of I/O Module status reference, 4-2
%G memory for, 3-11 Loss of or Missing IOC fault, 3-6, 3-10
Automatic configuration, 3-11 Loss of Rack status reference, 4-2
Configuration, 3-11, 3-34
Loss Power fault, 4-6
Length, 3-11
Receiving, 3-35
LP Mail Rejected fault, 4-8
Reference for another host type, 3-11
Series 90-70 PLC, 1-11
Global Data Enable COMREQ, 5-5, 5-21
Memory for Global Data, 3-11
Memory for I/O Blocks, 1-8, 3-25

Index-2 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller User's Manual–July 2003 GFK-2017

Memory for Read/Write Device, 5-24 configuration, 3-6, 3-15

Modulation technique, 1-5 Redundancy, references for, 3-25
Module Description, 1-4 Redundant control
Monitoring, 7-2 configuration, 3-7
Reference Address, 3-25
References, not used, 1-8
N References, status, 4-2
No Fault contacts, 4-3 Remote Drop, 1-3, 3-33
No Load fault, 4-6 Remote I/O Scanner, 3-33
Not Spec fault, 4-7 Remove the Bus Controller, 2-2
Request Datagram Reply COMREQ, 5-5, 5-36
RW Queue Full fault, 4-8
Open Wire fault, 4-6 S
Disable, 3-29, 3-30 SBA conflict fault, 4-7
Outputs Enable COMREQ, 5-5, 5-20 Send Datagram COMREQ, 5-5, 5-32
Over Temp fault, 4-6 Series 90-70 PLC Global Data Operation, 1-11
Overload fault, 4-6 Share RAM fault, 4-7
Short Circuit fault, 4-6
Signal/noise ratio, 1-5
P Software Failure status reference, 4-2
Paired GBC Status LEDs, 1-4
configuration, 3-9 Status of COMREQ, 5-9
Passwords Subfunction Code, 5-12, 5-36
Levels suitable for COMREQs, 5-1 Switch BSM COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-22, 6-1
PCIM Switch Fault fault, 4-6
Configuration, 3-34 Switching time, of redundant bus
Receiving Global Data, 1-11 configuration, 3-9
Point fault, 4-6, 4-7 System Status references, 4-2
PowerTRAC Block, configuration, 3-36
Priority, 5-34
Programming for a COMREQ, 5-2
Pulse Test COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-13, 6-1 Terminating the Bus, 2-4
Q Bus scan and CPU sweep, 5-34
Token passing, 1-6
QBIM Too Many Bus Controllers, status reference, 4-
Configuration, 3-34 2
Receiving Global Data, 1-11

R User Scaling Error fault, 4-7
Read Configuration COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-14,
Read Configuration Datagram, 5-36 W
Read Data Datagram, 5-36 WD Timeout fault, 4-7
Read Device COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-23, 6-1 Wiring Error fault, 4-6
Read Device Datagram, 5-36 Write Configuration COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-15,
Read Diagnostics COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-16, 6- 6-1
1 Write Device COMREQ, 5-1, 5-5, 5-28, 6-1
Read Diagnostics Datagram, 5-36
Redundancy, 3-31, 7-4
Redundancy Mode

GFK-2017 Index Index-3


Index-4 Series 90-70 Genius® Bus Controller User's Manual–July 2003 GFK-2017

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