Lesson Planning Clinic - Worksheet
Lesson Planning Clinic - Worksheet
Lesson Planning Clinic - Worksheet
LESSON PLANNING CLINIC WORKSHEET (for five-step lesson plan) Corps Member: Lesson Plan Date: Karthik Karunanithy Grade Level: CMA: Form 2 Lesson Execution Date:
If you teach English language learners, consider the following questions as you create your agenda. o What are the specific language demands (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) required of my objective, and how will I scaffold them? How will I teach students the vocabulary, language structures, and prior knowledge they need to meet the objective/complete the assessment? How will I provide students with the resources they need (word banks, dictionaries, pictures, etc.)?
Creating a Detailed Agenda Using the guiding questions listed below, and referencing those on the 5-step LP template, backwards plan the components of your lesson in the order outlined. Infuse investment strategies throughout your lesson, but pay particular attention to your opening it should intrigue students and convince them of the relevance of the content. Independent Practice How will students independently practice the knowledge and skills required of the objective, such that they solidify their internalization of the key points prior to the lesson assessment? o How will I structure Independent Practice so that students are working on tasks that will fully prepare them for the lesson assessment? o When and how would I intervene to support this Independent Practice? Allow students to work on the assessment. 15 minutes time is given, for students to work independently on a set of questions, to evaluate their understanding and grasp of the subject.
So the locus of the black nails that are of a constant distance of 25cm from the red nail is the circle with a radius of 25cm and the red nail is at its centre. (B) A horse is tied with a 10m rope to a fixed 20m stick. The end of the rope can slide along the stick. Sketch the locus of points that the horse can reach. ANSWER:
If we imagine that the horse is a point and the stick is a line, then the locus of the points that horse can reach is a parallel line to the given line.
(C) Mark a point on your notebook and name it. Then find the locus of points, which are 10cm equidistant from the marked point. ANSWER: Mark the point and name it O. The locus of points, which are 10cm equidistant from the point O gives a circle. Introduction of New Material How will I explain the knowledge and Say: The path the moving object follows consists of a 5
Locus formed: A circle with center Q and radius m. Say: Have you ever ride on a roller coaster? Imagine the path the roller coaster takes as it moves. [Draw and illustrate with the above example] Say: In science and mathematics, the path followed by a moving object is called a locus. Locus by definition means that it is a set of points traced out by a point which moves according to some law. Say: The word loci means more than one locus (the plural form) [Write definition from Key Points on the board (on the right side for students reference)] Demonstrate locus, given different situations: 1. Choose a point P on the floor of the classroom. 2. What is the locus of points, on the floor, that are 1 m from P? 2. Mark two points on the board, A and B. What is the locus of points that are equidistant from A and B. 3. Draw a line on the board. What is the locus of points that are at 10 cm distant from the line. Opening What information do I need to convey during my opening, such that my students are prepared to be successful in mastering the objective? How will I engage students and hook their interest so that they want to master the objective?
Say: Look at the picture handout Ive just given you. Can anyone tell me what are we looking at? Say: We see headlights of cars, both direction. As seen by the headlights taillights in the picture above, a locus of points (the headlights or taillights) is the path traced out by the moving points under given conditions (following the road). Say: Think of a locus as a "bunch" of points that all 6