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Teacher: Area:
Dates and June 26,2023 (8:10- 9:00) Quarter:


The learners
1. Define and describe adverbs of manner, time,
A. Content Standards and place.
2. Identify adverbs of manner, time, and place in
a sentence.

The learners
B. Performance 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences
using appropriate grammatical structures.

Compose clear and coherent sentences using

Learning adverbs of manner, time, and place
Competencies EN6G-Ig-4.4.1

Compose Clear and Coherent Sentences Using

II. CONTENT Adverbs of Manner, Time, And Place

A. References
English MELC Quarter 4 Module 6 EN6G-Ig-4.4.1

Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Images,

B. Materials
Graphic Organizers
Defining, Identifying, Composing, Expressing,
C. Process Skills
D. Value
Integration Araling Panlipunan- appreciates the significant KRA 1 Objective
roles of community workers in society. 1(Indicator 1)
Music- the learners present a song using different Applied knowledge
types of adverbs. content within and
ICT/TLE- the learners will use the application word across curriculum
cloud to express what they learned in the lesson. teaching areas.
Arts- the learners will design and create words
formed into letters on what they learned about the
lesson and comic strip about adverbs.
ESP- appreciate the importance of being humble
and kind to other people.
Mathematics- the teacher uses numbers in
briefcase and learners will be given numbers to
determine who will have the chance to answer one
question from the briefcase with corresponding

IV. PROCEDURES  Meet and Greet with the learners.

A. Preliminaries  Prayer
Before the  Checking of Attendance
Lesson  Energizer
 Setting of Group Standards

B. Reviewing ELICIT
Previous KRA 1 Objective 2
DEAL OR NO DEAL GAME (Indicator 2)
Lesson The teacher picks a number and lets the learner bearing the - Used a range of
number picks a briefcase.
teaching strategies
enhance learner
achievement in
numeracy skills.

Mathematics Integration- the teacher uses

numbers in briefcase and learners will be given
numbers to determine who will have the chance to
answer one question from the briefcase with
corresponding points.

the purpose of  The teacher lets the group leaders choose an
the Lesson envelope containing pictures of different community
workers jobs/activities.
 The teacher asks the group to list all the adverbs they KRA 1 Objective 1
can think of that would be appropriate to use to (Indicator 1)
describe or otherwise modify the selected verb. Applied knowledge
 The teacher will a lot two-minute time frame to finish
content within and
the activity.
across curriculum
 The teacher will award ribbons to the group who came
teaching areas.
up with the most adverbs.

Araling Panlipunan- appreciates the significant

roles of community workers in society.

D. Discussing EXPLORE KRA 3 Objective 7

New Concepts (Indicator 7)
and practicing
New Skills
LOGICAL ADVERB GAME - Planned, manage
 The teacher distributes a container containing meta developmentally
cards to every group. sequenced teaching
 The teacher lets the learners arrange the cards, paste
learning processes
them in the activity sheet and form meaningful
meet curriculum
sentences using the given words.
requirements and v
 The teacher checks the outputs of the learners and
teaching contexts.
records the score in the score sheet, ribbons will be
given according to group standing in the activity.
KRA 1 Objective 2
(Indicator 2)
- Used a range of
teaching strategies
enhance learner
achievement in liter

E. Developing The teacher presents first the learning

Mastery objectives for the lesson.


KRA 3 Objective 9
(Indicator 8)
-Selected, develope
organized and used
appropriate teachin
learning resources,
including ICT, to ad
learning goals.

 Reading a short story.

KRA 1 Objective 3
(Indicator 3)
- Applied a range of
teaching strategies
develop critical and
creative thinking, a
well as other higher
order thinking skills

ESP- appreciate the importance of being humble

and kind to other people.

Development of HOTS Questions

Comprehension Questions:
1. How did the King rule his land?
2. Why did he think of himself as the greatest
3. Is it good to be proud? Why or why not?
6. What moral lesson did you get from the story?

PowerPoint and Video Presentation

 The teacher uses video presentation for
further development of the lesson.

 The teacher further discusses the lesson

through PowerPoint presentation.
 Using the word art, the group will accomplish KRA 3 Objective 9
F. Making (Indicator 8)
the word cloud wherein they will give what
and they have learned in the lesson using words -Selected, develope
abstraction organized and used
formed in different shapes.
about the appropriate teachin
Lesson  The group will present their outputs thru learning resources,
screen share. including ICT, to ad
learning goals.

ICT/TLE- the learners will use the application word

cloud to express what they learned in the lesson.
Arts- the learners will design and create words
formed into letters on what they learned about the
lesson and comic strip about adverbs.

Practical a. The students will be grouped into four.
of Concepts
b. The group will be given task cards for them to
c. Afterwards, they will perform the tasks.

Setting of Group Standards

1. Respect each other’s idea and work
cooperatively with your group.
2. Perform your task with all your best.
3. Do not make unnecessary noise especially
when other groups are reporting their tasks.
4. Always wear a smile and be confident upon
presenting your output.

Grading Group Performances

1. The voices are loud 3 points

and clear.
2. Cooperation can be
seen in the group. 2 points
3. Create meaningful
sentences using 10 points
4. Creative in presenting
their outputs. 10 points
TOTAL 25 points

Group 1
Using the different adverbs of place given in the task
card, the group will create a short comic strip/story
book to be presented in the class.

Group 2
Using the different adverbs of time given in the task
card, the group will create a meaningful sentence to
be presented in the form of song.

Group 3
Using the different adverbs of manner given in the
task card, the group will create a meaningful
sentence to be presented in the form of poem.

Group 4
Using the different adverbs given in the task card,
the group will create a reader’s theatre presentation.

VI. ASSESSMENT Direction: Use the following words/phrases inside

the box to form a meaningful sentence.
KRA 4 Objective10
(Indicator 9)
-Designed, selected
organized and used
diagnostic, formativ
and summative
assessment strateg
consistent with
curriculum requirem


REFLECTION: In the Class demonstration about the lesson Compose clear and coherent
sentences using adverbs of manner, time, and place, 37 out of 38 learners g
80% in the assessment conducted after the discussion.

 As an insight, the use of HOTS (Higher Order Thinking skills) que

helped improve my learners’ mastery of the lesson and let them m
and think outside the box, actively analyze ideas and concepts,
evaluated it to come up with a correct judgement in the circumsta
presented, and created solutions to questions and tasks given to
rather than memorizing and rehearsing material to showcase thei
learning mastery.
 Using a variety of learning activities will help students learn more
the lesson as well as encourage them to participate and cooperat
their group. I also observed that those who are not usually partici
in all group activities showed interest of the tasks because they k
they are good at this aspect and were motivated to participate an
their respective ideas. The only problem was the time allotted in
executing a variety of activities was extended to give way for the
accomplishment of the tasks.

Prepared by:

Teacher III
Checked and Observed:

Master Teacher II

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