Chapter A2
Chapter A2
DBMS has to provide some uniform methods to access the RDBMS system supports a tabular structure of the data and a
stored information. relationship between them to access the stored information.
DBMS does not support distributed database. RDBMS supports distributed database.
DBMS is meant to be for small organization and deal with RDBMS is designed to handle large amount of data. it
small data. it supports single user. supports multiple users.
Examples of DBMS are file systems, xml etc. Example of RDBMS are mysql, postgre, sql server, oracle etc.
Functions and Tools of a DBMS
1. Data Dictionary Management
Data Dictionary is where the DBMS stores definitions of the data elements and
their relationships (metadata).
The DBMS uses this function to look up the required data component structures
and relationships. When programs access data in a database they are basically
going through the DBMS.
This function removes structural and data dependency and
provides the user with data abstraction. This makes things a
lot easier on the end user. The Data Dictionary is often
hidden from the user and is used by Database
Administrators and Programmers.
Functions and Tools of a DBMS
2. Data Storage Management
This particular function is used for the storage of
data and any related data entry forms or screen
definitions, report definitions, data validation
rules, procedural code, and structures that can
handle video and picture formats.