AK Checklist - v1

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□ ranged movement: Move half distance

Checklist when firing one-handed ranged weapons.

Can't move and fire two-handed weapons.
This campaign uses the following rules
from the Advanced Knavery supplement. □ splash damage: Determine splash
radius, then roll DEX check for all targets.
Half damage on success, none on 21+.
PC Creation (p. 1)
□ prime requisite: Reduce two ability □ exertion: F ill an item slot with over-
scores to raise another. exerted wound to succeed on a free
□ demi-human: Start with non-human
anatomy at the cost of a career. □ scars: Ignore one incoming wound and
take a permanent scar. Not recommended
□ materialistic: Start weaker, but with unless it would save your life.
more item slots.
□ fleeing: When delving, groups flee a
□ blessed: Start with a relic and mission specific distance based on speed.
from your patron at the cost of a career.
□ polyglot: Start with an additional Maneuvers (p. 4)
language at the cost of a career.
□ target-driven: Target chooses to take
□ doomed: Start more powerful, but either damage or maneuver effect.
cannot heal wounds.
□ attacker-driven: Attack sacrifices
damage to make maneuver harder to avoid.
Discovery (p. 1)
□ discovery xp: Gain cumulative XP for Settlements (p. 5)
traveling (starting at 30) or delving
□ size: Population thresholds for villages,
(starting at 10) that resets after resting.
towns, and cities.
□ selling maps: Sell maps that increase
□ taxation: Collect 5c per family from
in value based on how many hexes/rooms
settlements you govern.
you've explored.
□ growth: Invest in a settlement to grow
its population.
Delving (p. 2)
□ lockpicking: Locks need 3 actions □ events: Roll random events and
(either twist, tap, or rake) in correct order factions when settlements level up.
to open. Locks never require the same □ starting over: New PCs start at
action twice in a row. settlement level, or lowest party level
□ read magic: 6 attempts to guess the (whichever is lower).
correct 5-letter cypher word. GM reveals
solved, present, and absent letters after each Warfare (p. 6)
guess. □ sieges: Long-term battles in fixed
locations. PCs in sieges roll hazard die.
Combat (p. 3) □ garrisons: Strong, entrenched units.
□ phased initiative: Initiative proceeds □ death: Roll for population decline
in two phases: "move + missiles", then following a siege battle.
"melee + magic."

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