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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

A Comparative Study of Promotional Strategy of

Two-Wheeler in India

Dr. Sarita Maxwell, assistant professor,Department of commerce and business

administration,university of Allahabad
Neha Yadav,Research scholar university of Allahabad

The word "Strategy" is essential for all business organisations in the highly competitive world of today.
Organizations are now beginning to understand how important customer-centric and aggressive marketing
promotional strategies are to becoming successful leaders. Despite the fact that globalisation has made
opportunities available to everyone, the market is still crowded with some unknown risks and lots of
competition. Due to the competition, promotional strategies must strive to be distinguishable, different, and
advantageous. It is vital to examine the effects of promotional strategies on consumers' decision-making
processes in order to understand consumer purchasing behaviour or responses to promotional strategies of 2-
wheeler companies. In order to better understand the needs, wants, and desires of the consumers, it investigates
the variables and characteristics of individual consumers, such as demographic and behavioural variables.
Over the past ten years, India's two-wheeler market has grown progressively. Any organisation needs to be
aware of the underlying motives and factors that influence consumer choices when making purchases of goods
and services. This study aims to identify the various variables that affect consumers' purchasing decisions for
the two-wheeler segments in New Delhi, India. The primary data used in this study was gathered from a
questionnaire survey of 2-wheeler users in the city of New Delhi. This study discusses demand trends for two-
wheelers as well as consumer motivations. This consumer study was carried out to examine consumer
preferences in the Indian market. This study aims to identify the characteristics that have the greatest influence
on two-wheeler vehicle purchases. It aims to evaluate customer satisfaction in order to assess the performance
of chosen two-wheeler companies. Finally, it makes some important recommendations for the growth of the
two-wheeler industry.

Key words: Promotional Strategies, Branding, Packaging, Labelling, Pricing, Survival, Profit, Product

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One of India's most thriving and expanding industries is the auto industry. The manufacturing gross domestic
product of the nation is 22% of what is produced in this sector (GDP). One of the industries that directly and
indirectly creates the most jobs is the auto industry. According to estimates, every job created in the
automotive industry generates between three and five indirect ancillary jobs. For many international
automakers, India's domestic market and growth potential have been very alluring. After China and Japan,
India is currently the third-largest exporter of two-wheelers worldwide. A Standard Chartered Bank report
claims that India is presently the world's third largest exporter of two-wheelers after China and Japan.
Due to increased affordability, rising incomes, and untapped markets, it is anticipated that the coming
years will witness steady but cautious growth. The Indian automobile industry is expected to experience
significant growth with support from the government and global trends like the drop in natural rubber prices.
Since Bajaj Auto began bringing "Vespa" scooters into India and selling them there in 1948, the two-wheeled
vehicle market in that country has advanced significantly. Since then, customers' preferences have
significantly shifted in favour of high-tech, fuel-efficient motorcycles and gearless scooters.
In India, there are many changes happening in the two-wheeler industry. Even today, motorcycles
make up a sizeable portion of the two-wheeler market. Due to the congested traffic, poor public transportation
in many areas of the country, fuel efficiency, spacious features, and gearless scooter market's rapid growth.
The Indian two-wheeler market has undergone significant change. declining sales figures have hurt market
leaders from the previous decade, while Japanese companies have started building strong base across India.
In the two-wheeler industry, there are currently eight major players, and additional players are making
a bid for attention in this expansive and competitive market. Hero MotoCorp Limited, Bajaj Auto Limited,
Honda Motorcycles & Scooters India (HMSI) Pvt. Ltd., and TVS Motors are a few of the companies that
together account for a sizeable portion of the two-wheeler market. Other businesses like Yamaha Motors,
Suzuki Motorcycle India, Mahindra Two-Wheelers, and Royal Enfield are behind them.
An Indian two-wheeler manufacturer is called Bajaj Auto Limited. The "Hamara Bajaj" slogan used
for the scooter segment quickly gained popularity among Indians in general and middle class families in
particular. The company successfully transitioned from being a scooter manufacturer to a motorcycle
manufacturer over the past ten years. After the successful introduction of new motorcycle models like the
Pulsar 150, Pulsar 200, Pulsar 220cc DTS-i, Pulsar 150 DTS-i, Pulsar 135cc, Discover 100cc, 125cc, 150cc,
Pulsar 200 NS, KTM-DUKE 200cc, 350cc, etc., it has experienced significant growth over the past ten years.
The two-wheeler industry in India's marketing environment, growth, performance, and business
should be examined in light of the aforementioned facts. Large company Bajaj Auto Limited has experienced
significant changes in the marketplace and business. A business that once had a significant market presence
is currently dealing with fierce competition and losing market share in its sector. Thus, the researcher tries to
analyse Bajaj Auto Limited's and other newly emerging two-wheeler companies' marketing and promotional

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Customers have become more sophisticated and conscious of the quality and value satisfaction they
are seeking from the products and services in this consumer-dominated society. They are more aware of their
legal rights.
Today, the customer is king. Therefore, the development of strategic marketing skills is crucial if an
organisation wants to survive in this consumer-dominated and globalised era due to the challenges of global
competition, rapidly changing technology, changing customer needs, and shifting demographic and cultural
In simple terms, marketing can be thought of as the link connecting the two major economic sectors
of producers and consumers. As is common knowledge, producers create their products with the intention of
profitably selling them on the market, while consumers buy those products and services to satisfy their needs
and desires. However, there is a divide between these two social groups. The marketing contributes to bridging
the divide between the two. Marketing is essentially anticipating and listening to market demands, then
meeting those demands profitably.
In this age of globalisation, promotional strategies, a new field of knowledge, are becoming more well-
known and respected. Since it is a specialised area of the social sciences, it is dynamic. It encompasses a wide
range of activities, including product development and planning, innovation and modification of products,
branding and packaging, product obsolescence, pricing, distribution channels, physical distribution, as well
as the areas of advertising, personal selling, publicity, sales promotion, etc. Product promotion strategies cover
not just tangible goods but also services, concepts, locations, and organisational structures. Promotional
strategies are crucial for the nation, society, and consumers as well as for the manufacturer. It helps businesses
plan and make decisions, distribute goods and services, generate revenue, gather crucial information, and
make the best use of their available resources. It contributes to raising the social standard of living. by offering
a wide range and variety of goods and services, as well as pertinent market data. These tactics assist consumers
in more effectively satiating their needs and wants (Mamoun, 2012).
Marketing Mix:
Professor Neil Borden of the Harvard Business School identified several corporate performance actions that
affected consumers' decisions to buy goods or services in the early 1960s. Borden proposed in an article for
the Harvard Business Review that actions represented a marketing mix. Borden's work was advanced by
Professor E.J. McCarthy, "a contemporaneous colleague at the Harvard Business School, who proposed that
the marketing mix could be summarised into four elements, namely Product, Place, Price, and Promotion."
(Singh and Kumar, 2011)
Philip Kotler explains it “as a set of marketing tools that a firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives
in the target market” (Milind, 2011). McCarthy, explained market mix also known as the "four Ps" formula,
which stands for "Product, Place, Price, and Promotion." The process of combining the 4Ps with the efficient
use of organisational resources for customer satisfaction is thus the composition of the marketing mix. As the
market and environment change, so does the marketing mix, making it a dynamic concept.

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Figure: Composition of Marketing Mix

Components of Marketing Mix:

McCarthy proposed the four components of the marketing mix, also referred to as the "4 Ps of
marketing": the product, place, price, and promotion. These components have been mentioned bellow.

The centrepiece of all marketing efforts is the product. Without it, the marketing mix would be
incomplete, and without it, there would be no business. Anything can be a product, including a physical item,
an idea, a service, or a company. We can see the advantages and services that go along with the tangible
product in addition to it. When it comes to the product-related portion of marketing, a marketer must make
choices regarding the product's features, appearance, quality, packaging, brand, warranty, and various services
and support options.
Planning and developing the ideal product, branding, grading, standardisation, packaging, labelling, new
product development, product dropping, etc. are all included in managing the product. As a result, a business
must consider a number of factors when developing a product, including the needs and wants of the target
market, their purchasing habits, their age, income, and cultural preferences, the competitive environment,
business customs, legal considerations, technological advancement, etc.

One of the most crucial elements of the marketing mix is price. In contrast to the three Ps—Product,
Place, and Promotion—which incur costs for the business, the only factor that brings in money is the price.
One of the most difficult aspects of a company's marketing strategy to address is pricing. Pricing includes
setting pricing objectives, pricing policies, incentives, etc. in addition to determining the price. According to
this, the company must decide the basis for setting the price, i.e., whether it will be determined based on the
product's costs, demand, competitive environment, or any other basis, when determining prices. Numerous
factors, including the state of the economy, the life cycle stage of the product, customer behaviour, and other
components of the marketing mix, are taken into account when making pricing decisions.

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Place/Channel of Distribution:
The elements that give the product a sense of place are referred to as place. How is the product
transported to customers, where is it manufactured, and where is it stored under the place element of the
marketing mix? The location of each of these things should guarantee that the product arrives at its destination
undamaged and on time. Moving the product from producer to consumer, either directly or through
intermediaries, is what it is all about. Decisions about the channel of distribution, including the type of
channel, the number and type of intermediaries like wholesalers and retailers, the intensity of distribution, and
physical distribution methods like transport and warehouses, among others, are significant decisions that are
made in consideration of various factors like the buyer's geographic location, strength of the potential
customers, nature of the product, competitive condition in the market, etc.
Promotion, as a part of the marketing mix, is a powerful tool that aids in influencing potential
customers to select their goods and services. Without being able to clearly communicate the benefits of such
a product and service to the target market, a successful product or service is meaningless. Any activity
intended to increase consumer awareness of a product or persuade them to buy it is referred to as promotion.
Making customers aware of the product and then persuading them to purchase it is the fundamental goal of
promotion. The promotion consists of publicity, personal selling, sales promotion, and advertising. These
promotional tools are employed in consideration of a number of variables, including the nature of the product,
the target market, the company's available resources, its strengths and weaknesses, and the availability of
promotional tools.
These promotional tools are employed in consideration of a number of variables, including the nature
of the product, the characteristics of the target market, the resources available to the company, its strengths
and weaknesses, the accessibility of promotional tools, the associated costs, etc. Promotional decisions include
those made when creating promotional objectives and policies, choosing promotional tools, choosing a
promotional budget, and determining how effectively promotional programmes are working, among other
Pawan Chabra (2011) Today, every second bike sold in the premium segment is a Pulsar,
demonstrating Bajaj's dominance in the Indian market. This was made possible by the company's ongoing
efforts to keep the motorbike looking modern. As of FY 2010–2011, Bajaj holds over 50% of the market in
the premium segment, with Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India coming in as a distant second with a mere
19% market share. He claimed that Bajaj's scooter business was doomed when it formally ceased production
of its iconic Chetak in December 2002. In order to advance its goal of building a respectable motorcycle
brand, the company made significant investments in R&D and marketing. The company made significant
investments in R&D and product development, but faced difficulties with sales and distribution because their
dealers had little experience selling motorcycles. As a result, the entire dealership network was given
motorcycle sales training.

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Peter Kotler (2012) Harley Davidson dealers, from the CEO to the sales team, keep in touch with
clients personally via social media and in-person interactions. Knowing each customer personally and
conducting ongoing research to stay on top of their evolving needs and experiences aid Harley-Davidson in
better defining their target market.
According to Mohanty and Bagodi (2008) the two-wheeled vehicle industry is experiencing a period
of increased customer satisfaction, and the traditional strategies used by service organisations to draw
customers are frequently insufficient. According to Abhijeet Singh and Brijesh Kumar (2011) Hero Honda
Motors Ltd. is implementing a programme called Good life Passport to Relationship Reward with the aim of
fostering novel customer interactions. This programme provides participants with a magnetic card that stores
all of their information and functions as a loyalty benefit card when used to access any service at a showroom
or workshop.
According to Milind (2011)12, GM-Marketing at Bajaj Auto, the company is currently working to
shift the industry from a commuter to a biker mindset. The company's current focus is on keeping the mother
brand and the subbrands distinct. The main goal of creating individual brands is to create differentiation,
which will make it easier for Bajaj Auto to build relationships with its customers.
According to Fitzsimmons (2017), the profitability of automakers depends on utilising value-added
services. For instance, automakers have found that financing and after-sales service can generate sizable
profits. Oyama (2012) states that Honda Motor wants to dominate the Indian market and that by 2020, Indian
operations should account for 30% of Honda's worldwide sales. Honda's market penetration in rural areas fell
to less than a third of Hero Moto Corp. due to production issues HMSI had in the past with most of its models
having the longest waiting times nationwide.
Kathirvel and Chandrasekaran (2009) conducted surveys on consumer behaviour to carefully examine
the customer's wants. The study also aids in understanding various marketing factors like product features and
price. This study will contribute to our understanding of how consumers are influenced to favour a particular
brand and the issues they encounter when using those brands.
According to Upadhyay (2013), the industry has experienced phenomenal growth over the past two
fiscal years. A market trend favouring rural areas over urban areas is expanding more quickly. According to
a survey, the market for two-wheelers will continue to expand in the years to come. In rural areas, two-wheeler
demand is anticipated to grow even more. By building more and better infrastructure, such as good roads, and
by utilising cutting-edge technology, one can gain an advantage over rivals across the nation.
The automobile industry in India is booming, according to J.P. Sharma and Anjali Bhatnagar (2006),
especially since restrictions on foreign collaborations were lifted. With a revenue of about Rs 120 billion, the
auto component industry has elevated itself to the status of a significant economic sector. The automotive
industry is also the biggest consumer of raw materials like high-value rubber and plastics, as well as steel,
aluminium, and zinc alloys. This study looked at these multiplier effects on the manufacturing and service
sectors and examined why the automobile sector is seen as India's main driver of growth. In a nutshell, the

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pressure to pay taxes and duties has always been a problem for the road transportation sector, despite the fact
that it is regarded as the economic foundation of the nation.
Duggani & Rao (2014) examined how Honda Bikes managed its relationships with various customers
when it launched new products, which helped Honda become the market leader in many different market
segments. It was assumed by Honda that the majority of high-income group customers preferred the supply
of Honda Bikes. Honda Bikes are known to about 70% of consumers. The majority of customers agree that
Honda products are of the highest quality and are reasonably priced; 50% of customers think the price of
Honda bikes is reasonable. However, 10% of the customers want the quality to be improved.
The auto industry in general and two-wheeler industry in particular is currently dealing with urgent
and new challenges. The industry is under pressure from factors such as globalisation, individualization,
digitalization, and escalating competition. The automotive industry's voluntary environmental commitments
and rising safety standards have also contributed to the upcoming changes. Success no longer depends on size.
Only businesses that discover novel ways to add value will be successful in the future. According to this
viewpoint, a strategic methodology is required in order for them to change for the competition.
Numerous factors that affect the global automotive industry are making it more complex and affecting
the financial options available to automakers. The majority of these variables interact and are highly
interdependent on one another. Some of these factors, though, are market-driven, and as a result, the
automakers are powerless to directly affect them. These elements consist of:

● Globalization, regionalization, and market convergence: National markets are becoming more
and more globalised as a result of the effects of liberalisation. This increases the opportunity
for businesses to enter new markets while also raising the risk of new competitors or more
intense competition in established markets.

● Increasingly diverse consumer aggregate behaviour patterns: Consumers are no longer satisfied
with standardised goods that meet their specific needs. Companies must therefore reduce their
target groups if they want to draw customers to the products they are selling.
However, consumers typically do not reward businesses for their more customised
products due to the increased global competition, which places a stronger emphasis on price
rather than brand loyalty. These factors have led to more stringent requirements for automobile
manufacturers in their line of work.

● Accelerated product portfolio modification and diversification: These businesses must reduce
product lifecycles in order to respond quickly with innovative products to changing consumer
expectations and individual needs.

● Increasing demands for innovation and adaptability in manufacturing and development:

Development teams are already overworked due to the complexity of digital technology as well
as the shortened product lifecycles. Another factor is the rise in parallel development initiatives
as businesses create more and more niche models for particular target audiences. Certainly,

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new development methods like virtual reality are needed for this. For instance, using this
method allowed BMW to complete the Z4 model's development in just 30 months.

Objectives of the Study:

The present study has the following objectives:

● Analysing the promotional objectives and target market strategies of the two-wheeler companies.

● Examining different dimensions of product decisions.

● Examining pricing methods, policies and practices adopted by the companies.

● Examining the promotional decisions of the companies.

Research Methodology

Research Design

The study used the following methodological approach to help achieve the stated objectives. It primarily
focuses on analysing the sales promotion tactics of major two-wheeler players and how they affect consumers'
shopping experiences. Additionally covered are the methodology, sample unit, sample frame, sample size
calculation, statistical tools and techniques, questionnaire design, and analysis method used in this study.

The research framework begins with a review of the relevant literature, which includes articles and
reports from various secondary sources. A structured interview schedule was created in relation to customer
preferences, opinions, and perceptions of major two-wheeler players' sales promotion strategies. After
receiving positive results and putting the changes into practise, the final interview schedule was created, the
primary survey was carried out and then the data was coded.

Research Approach

There are two different types of research methodologies: inductive methodology and deductive methodology.
A deductive approach aims to test an existing theory and arrives at a specific observation from general
observations, whereas an inductive approach develops a theory and makes broad generalisations from detailed
observations. As a result, the researcher used a deductive method in this study.


The study focuses on those participants who have either purchased any two-wheeler during last two years and
those who are planning to purchase the same. Total 216 participants (participants who had purchased any new
two-wheeler during last two years) were studied from New Delhi area. The age of the participants ranged
from 20 to 40 years. The participants were selected through convenient sampling technique.

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Statistical Analysis

In order to analyse the date percentage analysis and chi-square analysis was used. Chi-square test is used when
we wish to explore relationship between two categorical variables. Each of the two variables can have two or
more than two levels.


The data obtained through survey was analysed using percentage analysis and chi-square technique. The
obtained results have been mentioned bellow.

Table 1: Showing percentage of responses in favour of major two-wheeler company and chi-square.

Item Hero Honda Motorcycle Bajaj India TVS Motor Chi-square

MotoCorp and Scooter India Auto Yamaha Company
Offer Best Prise 12.4 28.77 18.42 25.17 15.24 9.328*

Offer Best Discount 9.65 28.32 24.24 25.56 12.23 14.28**

Offer Innovative Models 45.6 22.9 18.54 7.43 5.34 51.94**

Advertisements are Eye 13.24 16.86 34.15 20.43 15.32 13.89**

Sales Offers are Tempting 22.45 19.12 17.18 22.04 19.21 0.976

Positive Word-of-mouth
Enhances my Chances of 15.46 18.25 23.42 17.32 25.55 3.668
Company Provides Great 20.12 10.11 25.23 29.3 15.24 11.72*
Offers During Mega Sales
Customer Review Helps in 35.54 20.18 25.12 15.12 4.04 27.31**
Better Purchase
Company has Good 25.2 22.76 28.15 11.35 12.54 11.58*
Company Provides Enough 25.42 18.32 22.54 13.23 20.29 4.228
Service Stations
Customer Dealing is 18.23 17.43 25.23 21.88 17.23 2.415
Company is Known for its 35.24 15.8 23.34 17.32 8.3 20.26**
Quality of Products
Company Provides Easy EMI 18.34 19.25 20.32 25.86 16.23 2.599
Options to Pay
Company Offers Value for
Money (Benefits Exceeding 26.63 25.62 15.54 12.23 19.98 7.79
Company Offers Wide Range
of Product Choices (Different 28.54 29.23 13.68 16.12 12.43 13.52**
Like Company’s Special 18.17 21.12 18.12 25.27 17.32 2.155
*Significant at 0.05 level, **Significant at 0.01 level

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Offer best prise

30 25.17
20 15.24


Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Offer Best Discount

30 24.24 25.56
15 9.65
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Offer Innovative Models

30 22.9
25 18.54
15 7.43
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

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Advertisements are Eye Catching

25 20.43
20 15.32
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Sales Offers are Tempting

25 22.45 22.04
19.12 19.21
20 17.18



Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Positive Word-of-Mouth Enhances My Chances of


30 25.55
25 18.25 17.32
20 15.46
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

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Company Provides Great Offers During Mega Sales

30 25.23
25 20.12
20 15.24
15 10.11

Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Customer Review Helps in Better Purchase

40 35.54
30 25.12
25 20.18
20 15.12
10 4.04
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Company has Good Reputation

30 25.2

15 11.35


Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

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www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 4 April 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Company Provides Enough Service Stations

30 25.42
25 20.29
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Customer Dealing is Conducive

30 25.23
25 21.88
18.23 17.43 17.23
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Company is Known for its Quality of Products

40 35.24
30 23.34
15.8 17.32
15 8.3
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

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Company Provides Easy EMI Options to Pay

30 25.86

25 20.32
18.34 19.25
20 16.23



Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Company Offers Value for Money (Benefits

Exceeding Price)

26.63 25.62
25 19.98
20 15.54
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

Company Offers Wide Range of Product Choices

(Different Models)
28.54 29.23
20 13.68 12.43
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India

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Like Company’s Special Offers

30 25.27
25 21.12
18.17 18.12 17.32
Hero MotoCorp Honda Bajaj Auto India Yamaha TVS Motor
Motorcycle and Motor Company
Scooter India


As per the obtained findings of the present research investigation major two-wheeler players in Indian
market use various promotional strategies to promote their respective product. However, different customers
have their own choices, preferences, opinions and perception towards those promotional strategies. The
present study focused on 16 parameters for comparing 5 major two-wheeler companies. Out of these 16
parameters, significant differences were found on 9 parameters. Which are discussed below.
The first question was asked related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you
offer the best prise for their product. The findings showed that most responses were found in favour of Honda
Motorcycle and Scooter India (28.77 %). The chi-square = 9.328, p<0.05 revealed that there was significant
difference between the percentage of responses received for different two-wheeler companies on this criterion.
The next question was asked related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you
offer the best discount offer for their product. The findings showed that most responses were found in favour
of Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (28.32 %). The chi-square = 14.28, p<0.01 revealed that there was
significant difference between the percentage of responses received for different two-wheeler companies on
this criterion.
The third question was asked related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you
offer the best innovative models for their customers. The findings showed that most responses were found in
favour of Hero MotoCorp (45.60%) which was way ahead of others. The chi-square = 51.94, p<0.01 revealed
that there was significant difference between the percentage of responses received for different two-wheeler
companies on this criterion.
The fourth question was asked related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you
offer the best advertisements which are eye catching for their customers. The findings showed that most
responses were found in favour of Bajaj Auto (34.15%) which was way ahead of others. The chi-square =
13.89, p<0.01 revealed that there was significant difference between the percentage of responses received for
different two-wheeler companies on this criterion. The add with key words ‘Hamara Bajaj’ was famous among
the generations.

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The responses related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you provides the
best offers during Mega Sales for their customers. The findings showed that most responses were found in
favour of Bajaj Auto (25.23%). The chi-square = 11.72, p<0.05 revealed that there was significant difference
between the percentage of responses received for different two-wheeler companies on this criterion.
The next question was asked related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you
the customer review helps in better purchase for their customers. The findings showed that most responses
were found in favour of Hero MotoCorp (35.54%) which was way ahead of others. The chi-square = 27.31,
p<0.01 revealed that there was significant difference between the percentage of responses received for
different two-wheeler companies on this criterion.
The responses related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you has good
reputation for their customers. The findings showed that most responses were found in favour of Bajaj Auto
(28.15%). The chi-square = 11.58, p<0.05 revealed that there was significant difference between the
percentage of responses received for different two-wheeler companies on this criterion.
The next question was asked related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you
is known for its quality of products. The findings showed that most responses were found in favour of Hero
MotoCorp (35.24%) which was way ahead of others. The chi-square = 20.26, p<0.01 revealed that there was
significant difference between the percentage of responses received for different two-wheeler companies on
this criterion.
The question was also asked related to which of these five two-wheeler companies according to you
offers wide range of product choices (different models) for their customers. The findings showed that most
responses were found in favour of Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (29.23%), closely followed by
Hero MotoCorp (28.54%). However, both these firms were way ahead of rest of the firms on this criterion.
The chi-square = 13.52, p<0.01 revealed that there was significant difference between the percentage of
responses received for different two-wheeler companies on this criterion.
Whereas, with respect to responses received for Sales offers are tempting, Positive word-of-mouth
enhances my chances of purchase, Company provides enough service stations, Customer dealing is conducive,
Company provides easy EMI options to pay, Company offers value for money (benefits exceeding price),
Like company’s special offers; there was no significant difference between the received responses for different
two-wheeler forms.
India is one of the few countries on earth where every second person owns a two-wheeled vehicle. The
two-wheeler industry expanded by almost 13%, and since then, that number has been rising. Customers are
now aware of the value of buying appropriate vehicles.
Based on the quantity of two-wheelers it produces annually, Hero MotoCorp is the world's largest two-
wheeler manufacturer. The business is renowned for its innovative practises, particularly since it gained
notoriety for producing the world's most fuel-efficient two-wheeler, the Splendor iSmart, which gets 102
kilometres per litre. Hero Cycles of India and Honda Motors of Japan merged to form the company, which
began operations as Hero Honda in 1984. After the two companies' 2010 separation, Hero Cycles and Honda

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Motors became rivals. Hero MotoCorp produces a number of well-known two-wheelers, including the
Splendor, Glamour, CBZ, Achiever, Karizma, Hunk, Passion, and CB series two-wheelers. The company is
renowned for designing the scooters Pleasure and Maestro.
Every person immediately thinks of the brand Activa when considering the purchase of a two-wheeler.
Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI), which sells more than two lac units of the Activa alone each
month, is India's second-largest two-wheeler manufacturer. Together with Kinetic Engineering Limited,
Honda dominated the Indian two-wheeler market in the 1980s. Before Mahindra Motors acquired Kinetic,
both businesses collaborated between 1984 and 1998. The most popular two-wheeler in India is the Honda
Active, which has been produced there since 2000. Before beginning to sell its own motorcycles like the
Shine, Unicorn, CBR 150R and 250R, Dream Yuga, CB Trigger, etc. in 2010, HMSI was also a partner with
Honda MotoCorp. Currently, the company's Shine and Unicorn brands rank among the best-selling bikes in
the nation. Despite the company's sales growth being relatively slow, it appears that it is growing steadily with
each passing year.
One of the few prosperous automakers in India, Bajaj sells three- and four-wheel vehicles in addition
to two-wheelers. The business was founded in Rajasthan in the 1930s, and it has since expanded to become
one of India's largest two-wheeler manufacturers. Between the 1960s and 1990s, Bajaj enjoyed a reasonably
prosperous period during which time the majority of the vehicles that dominate Indian streets were produced
by the business. Scooters like the Vespa 150, Priya, and Bajaj Chetak were among the best-selling items for
the business. Only in the 1990s, with the widespread production of motorcycles, did Bajaj relinquish its
position as the market leader.
Despite the fact that people prefer motorcycles to scooters, Bajaj managed to stay in the market by
producing its own line of bikes. The Avenger, Pulsar, Platina, and Discover are currently among the
company's most well-known and best-selling two-wheelers in India. To increase its market share in the 100cc
segment, the company is currently preparing to release variations of the Platina and CT100. The company
also produces other well-known motorcycles, including the KTM Duke and the Kawasaki Ninja.
A section of the India-based Yamaha Motor Company in Japan Yamaha Motor controls 4% of the
motorcycle market in the country and about 7.5% of the scooter market. India Yamaha Motor sells about
15,000 scooters each month. The R15, SZ-X, FZ16, Fazer, SS 125, Crux, YBR 110, and YBR 125 are just a
few of the well-known two-wheelers produced by the company. YZF R1M and R1 are just two examples of
the racing superbikes that India Yamaha Motor is known for selling. The YZF-R1M is priced at about Rs. 29
lacs, whereas the R1 is about Rs. 22 lacs.
When it first started doing business in 1877, TVS Motor Company focused on industries like finance,
insurance, and automobiles. However, TVS started narrowing its focus to just automobiles in 1955. When the
company worked with Suzuki Motors to release two-wheelers like the Suzuki Samurai, Suzuki Shogun, and
Suzuki Fiero in the 1980s, it attracted attention from all over the world. Over the past 20 years, TVS's Scooty
brand has been one of the top performers in the scooter market. The most popular brand of scooter among
working women and college girls continues to be Scooty. The company also makes the Jupiter and Wego

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scooters, both of which are selling extremely well in the Indian market. Other brands that appear to be catching
up include Mahindra, Harley Davidson, Suzuki, Triumph Motorcycles, Piaggio, and Royal Enfield, in addition
to the country's two-wheeler manufacturers mentioned above.

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