Reviewer 1ST Quarter
Reviewer 1ST Quarter
Reviewer 1ST Quarter
- Some activities that one can practice to get to know ATTITUDE HAS THREE COMPONENTS:
themselves better are Enneagram Affirmations, 1. Affective – feeling and emotions
journaling, and Johari's Window. 2. Behavioral – the way the attitudes influences
The Johari Window 3. Cognitive – beliefs and knowledge about the
- Is a model that requires a method of inquiry to
capture a visual representation of one's level of self-
5. Spiritual Development – is define as discovering
awareness, personal development, and
oneself beyond the ego known as the soul. Spirit or
the inner essence that often disregarded or taken for
- It is also referred to as the disclosure/feedback
model of self-awareness. It is an original concept by
- A social psychologist, Albert Bandura, defined
two American Psychologists namely Joseph Luft and
personality as the interaction of many factors that
Harrington Ingham hence the Johari.
affect a person (thoughts, feelings, and body
characteristics), his/her behavior and his
- It was originally meant to be a model for
interpersonal awareness and self-development. It
- Bandura sees “Human Agency” (FILTER) the capacity
has four quadrants. These four parts are known as
of human to exercise control over their own lives as
the open, blind, hidden, and unknown self.
the essence of humanness.
- He believe that people are “ self regulating, pro-
- The Johari Window: Open Self - The open self
active, self reflective and self organizing”
quadrant refers to the part of one's self that is
- In his view, human reaction is a result of the
known to the person and other people as well. It is
interplay of three variables (P) Person which includes
synonymous with the conscious self—what one is
cognitive, affective and biological factors (B)
aware of. It is what the person consciously shows
Behavior and (E) Environment.
everyone else. Examples of the content of the open
self may be your general disposition and B.F SKINNER ON PERSONALITY CONDUCT OF THE
preferences. ENVIRONMENT.
1. Physiological Development – Refers to the physical - Example: one’s capacity to excel in school may have
come from observing hard working parents or
changes in the body as well as the senses and
directly experiencing support from them.
changes in skills related to movement.
- Because of this nurturing environment with
2. Emotional Development – Has to do with the POSITIVE MODEL one is able to acquire POSITIVE
feelings that your experience. When we fail to pay SELF SCHEMAS.
attention to our feelings and emotions. Our
judgment becomes clouded. Which may cause us to
do things or not do things that we may later regret. (+) Research show that people who believe in their
capacity to excel tend to perform better
(+) People with high efficacy view challenge as an
3. Social Development – is about our inborn capacity opportunity to be equipped.
to relate to others. To connect and to feel (-) People with weak efficacy do not believe in their
belongingness. ability to succeed.
(-) When they evaluating themselves they only see 3 INTERACTION STYLE THAT INDIVIDUAL USE TO COPE
their weaknesses. Moving Towards People - (Compliance) these
People become very dependent on others and seek
“What a person believe he/she can and can’t do matters” affection, attention and approval.
Moving Against People - (Aggression) these people
Self Regulation - Self regulation pertains to the ways in which may have a tendency to bully others, take advantage
we control and direct our own actions. In control theory of of others or push people around
self regulation of Charles Carver and Michael Scheier’s (1981, Moving Away from People - (Isolation) these people
1998) they assert that self-awareness allows individual to desire privacy, independence and self-sufficiency.
assess how one is doing in meeting one’s goals and
aspirations. Toward Becoming Responsible Adolescence
Challenging STIMULI or things that happened to
people like a time pressured exam, going to
unfamiliar places or death of love one’s
A Person’s response to what happens to him
The subjective experience of DISTRESS in response
to perceived environmental problem
1. Self Awareness
Emotional Awareness
Accurate Self Assessment
Self Confidence