Dupont Dryfilm Photoresist

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DuPont™ Riston® 200 Series


Product Description
(Physical Parameters)

• Negative working, aqueous processable dry film photoresist

• Suitable for pattern plate applications on scrubbed and
unscrubbed electroless copper and most Direct Plate surfaces.
• Suitable for print and etch application with acid or alkaline
• Suitable for some gold plating applications.
• Suitable for some photochemical machining (chemical milling)
• Suitable for tent-and-etch applications.

Available Thickness: 38 microns (1.5 mil)

50 microns (2.0 mil)
Unexposed Color in Yellow Light: Green
Exposed Color in Yellow Light: Dark Green
Exposed Color in White Light: Blue
Print-Out (Phototropic) Image: Strong
Contrast to Copper: Strong
Odor: Low

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 1

PART 1: Copper Surfaces and Surface Preparation Jet Pumice:
3F or 4F grade, unfused, 15-20 % v/v, fines removal and
Electroless Copper Surfaces replenishment per vendor recommendations; high pressure 10
Post-Electroless Rinsing/ Drying bar (147 PSI) final rinse (pH 6-8); hot air dry.
Jet or Brush Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3):
• Drag-out rinse: 1 minute; stagnant, to remove
most of the copper solution.
• Counterflow rinse: 2 tanks, 2 minutes each, air Follow vendor recommendations.
• Heated (stagnant) rinse: 3 minutes; 50-65°C (120-150°F) Compressed Pad Brushing:
for removal of residual electro-
500 grit; 7-9 mm (1/4- 3/8") brush foot print; high pressure (8-
• Neutralization/ Passivation:5 minutes, 5 vol% sulfuric 10 bar) final rinse (pH 6-8).
acid+ 5 wt% citric acid or Bristle Brushing:
commercial antitarnish.
500 grit; 7-9 mm (1/4-3/8") brush foot print; final rinse: 2-3 bar,
• Counterflow rinse: 2 tanks, 2 minutes each, air
sparged. pH 6-8.
• Deionized water rinse: 1 minute, pH 5-7. Note: Electroplated copper surfaces for tent-and-etch
• Drying: Blow dry (uniform, stain-free
applications are frequently “de-noduled” e.g. by compressed
copper); followed by 5-10
minutes oven drying at 60-65°C pad brushing prior to pumice scrubbing.
(140-150°F) if needed to
completely remove moisture
Control Tests:
from holes.
• Water Break Test: •30 seconds
• Ra: 0.10-0.3 μm
Unscrubbed Electroless Copper
No antitarnish applied Direct Plate (Metallization)
Riston® 200 can be laminated to unscrubbed electroless A variety of Direct Plate processes are in use as alternatives
copper with or without anitarnish. to the formaldehyde based electroless process. Dry film
Minimize prelamination hold time (<4 hours) to avoid oxidation adhesion and/or plating bath compatibility should be confirmed.
and recontamination, with no antitarnish. Some Direct Plate processes are preceded by a microetch to
Regeneration of surface after excessive (>4 hrs.) hold remove activator (catalyst) from copper surfaces. This
times: produces a smooth copper surface especially when more than
1. Hot soak panel for 3 minutes
0.8 μm (30 microinches) are removed.
2. Rinse thoroughly
3. Etch 0.13 μm (5 microinches) of copper
4. Rinse thoroughly Vendor Copper (Print & Etch)
5. Dip in 5-10% sulfuric acid / 5 vol% citric acid
Scrubbed Vendor Copper

Antitarnish Applied See: “Scrubbed Electroless Copper Surface” for scrubbing

The following antitarnishes have been used successfully per step.

manufacturers recommendations: To remove vendor applied antitarnish conversion coatings (e.g.

• Enthone Enteck Cu56 chromate conversion coatings) and/or copper tarnish (oxides),
it is recommended to precede pumice or aluminum oxide
Scrubbed Electroless Copper Surfaces scrubbing with a spray acid cleaner or 10-15% sulfuric acid or
Brush Pumice: a microetch.
3F or 4F grade, fused, 15-20 % v/v, 9-12 mm (3/8-1/2") brush
foot print, fines removal and replenishment per vendor Chemically Cleaned Vendor Copper
recommendations; high pressure (10 bar) final rinse (pH 6-8); Alkaline Spray Cleaner for removal of organic contaminants
hot air dry. followed by a spray microetchant for conversion coating
(chromate) and/or copper oxide removal (about 2-2.5 μm; 80-
100 microinch etch). A 10% sulfuric acid spray may be used
between alkaline cleaner and microetchant to help with the
conversion coating removal. In this case only 1.5 μm (60

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 2

microinch) microetch depth is required. To remove residual Note: use distilled water; hard water is acceptable but may
salts after microetching from the copper surface, an acid rinse cause scale build up and clog nozzles.
or efficient water spray rinsing have been employed Note: Reduced lamination roll pressure and/or temperature
successfully. In-line systems for prelamination cleaning may may be required in tenting applications to avoid tent breakage
not require an antitarnish treatment after chemical preclean to and resist flow into through-holes.
preserve the cleaned surface. Non-in-line systems with hold
times of several hours will require antitarnish. For antitarnish
Post-Lamination Hold Time
selection: see “Electroless Copper with Antitarnish”. • Panels may be exposed immediately after lamination;
however, allow enough time for panels to cool to room
Electrochemically Cleaned Vendor Copper temperature before lamination (about 15 minutes; use
accumulator in in-line systems).
Conveyorized systems combining reverse current • Minimize hold time for best tenting performance.
electrochemical cleaning and microetching are offered to • Maximum hold time (guidelines):
effectively remove chromate conversion coatings with minimal Wet Lamination: 24 hours
Dry Lamination: up to 3 days
copper removal. The alkaline electrochemical cleaner first Hold times should be determined empirically based on the
removes trace organics and chromates. After a rinse, a temperature and relative humidity of the storage area.
microetch removes about 0.8μm (30 microinches) of copper.
Following a second rinse an antitarnish may be applied. Note: Guideline- strip within 5 days after lamination.

Double-Treated Copper Surfaces Panel Handling/Racking/ Stacking

Normally no prelamination cleaning required; vapor degreasing
or chemical cleaning to remove organics is optional. Tacky Preferred: Vertical racking in slotted racks
roller cleaning recommended to remove particles. Less desirable: Stacking

To minimize adverse effects: stack on edge vertically after

PART 2: Lamination cooling; avoid dust and dirt trapping between panels; insert
unlaminated panel between stack support and first laminated

Lamination Conditions panel to protect laminated panel. Unlaminated support panel

DuPont HRL-24 & HRL-24/YieldMaster® Film Laminator should be at least as big as the laminated panels. Thin flexible
• Pre-Heat: Optional innerlayers usually cannot be racked. Preferred techniques:
• Roll Temperature: 105°C ±5°C(221 ±9°F)
• Roll Speed: 0.6-1.5 m/min (2-5 ft/min) hanging panels vertically or stacking on edge after cool down.
• Air Assist Pressure: 0-2.8 bar (0-40 psig) If innerlayers are stacked horizontally in trays, the stack height
should be limited especially for panels with thin photoresist
Note: for 1•4 bar use heavy-duty rolls)
and fine circuitry.
• Water flow Rate, each valve
(YieldMaster® models only) : 5 – 15 cc/min
PART 3: Tenting
Riston® 200 has been designed to provide excellent tenting in
Note: use distilled water; hard water is acceptable but may both plating and etching processes. Tents of 6.3 mm (250 mil)
cause scale build up and clog nozzles. or larger can be tented. For large holes best yields are
obtained with the Riston® 220. For best results minimize hold
time between lamination and exposure, use optimized
Lamination Conditions
DuPont ASL-24 & ASL-24/YieldMaster® Film Laminator developer conditions, reduce possible handling damage , and
• Seal Bar Temp.: 65 ±15°C (150 ±27°F) optimize board deburring. Tent failure rates below 1.0%
• Lam. Roll Pressure: 3.0-5.0 bar ( 43-72 psig)
• Lamination Temp.: 105 ± 10°C (220 ± 18°F) should be possible in most applications.
• Seal Time: 1-4 seconds
• Seal Bar Pressure: 3.5-4.5 bar (50-65 psig)
• Lamination Speed: 1.5-3 m/min (5-10 ft/min)

• Water Flow Rate, each valve (Yieldmaster® models only):

5-15 cc/min

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 3

PART 4: Exposure Vacuum Frame Operation

• Contact Mode:
Preferred: Hard Contact
Resolution (Lines & Spaces; L/S)
• Check for small, immovable Newton’s Rings as an
indicator of good contact between the panel, phototool,
• In Optimized Production Environment and vacuum frame cover
(hard contact, high intensity exposure, good
development and rinse control): 75 micron (3 mil L/S) • Use air bleeder veins to channel air to vacuum port and
reduce vacuum drawdown time.
• In Lab Environment: 50 micron (2 mil L/S) • Bleeder Vein Thickness: same as panel

PART 5: Development

Phototool (5 mil) Line Reproduction with Riston® 200

1:1 Reproduction ± 2 micron (0.080 mils) from nominal
215 RST 12 - 18 • Sodium carbonate, anhydrous, ( soda ash), Na2CO3
220 RST 12 - 20
Working solution: 0.85 wt%. Use 8.5 g/l (0.071 lb./gal)

• Sodium carbonate, monohydrate; Na2CO3•H2O

Note: DuPont PC-530 a medium collimated light exposure unit. Working solution: 1.00 wt%. Use 10 g/l (0.083 lb./gal)

Exposure Intensity • Potassium carbonate (potash; K2CO3)

• >5 mW/cm2 at the photoresist surface for For make up use either potassium carbonate powder, i.e.
200-250 μm (8-10 mil) L/S resolution; higher intensities
anhydrous (potash) K2CO3 or a liquid concentrate such as
are desirable for finer L/S.
DuPont D-4000 developer (40% concentrate):
Working solution: 1.0 wt%. Use 0.018 liter of D-4000 per
liter of sump, or use 10g/liter (0.083 lb/gal) of anhydrous
Exposure Energy vs “Steps Held” For Recommended potassium carbonate.
Exposure Range

Riston® 215 220

Equations to calculate required amounts for

mJ/cm2 35-90 45-100 desired wt% of working solutions:
RST 12-20 12-20
SST 8-10 8-10 • Na2CO3: kg Na2CO3 = wt% x sump vol
liters x 0.01 lb. Na2CO3
= wt% x sump vol gallons x 0.083
• D-4000: liters (or gallons) D-4000 = wt% x
• Steps held can vary by +/-1 RST depending sump vol liters (or gallons) x 0.018
• K2CO3: kg K2CO3 = wt% x sump vol
on the development breakpoint used
liters x 0.01 1lb. K2CO3
.• If panels are exposed when warm, there = wt % x sump vol gallons x 0.083
may be a slight increase in the steps held.

• RST = DuPont Riston® 25-Step Density Tablet;
• SST = Stouffer 21-Step Sensitivity Guide;
• “Step Held” = last step covered •50% with photoresist.

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 4

Control Test Note: Total time in developer = Time to clean divided by
Titration of fresh developer solution (e.g. 25ml), before Breakpoint.
defoamer addition, with 0.1 N HCl to the Methyl Orange end • Time to Clean ( time in developer to wash off unexposed
point. resist):16-21 seconds for Riston® 215 depending on
wt% = N x ml HCl x FW / 20 x ml conditions.
Sample • Shorter times to clean are achieved at higher
(N= acid normality; FW = formula weight) temperatures, higher carbonate concentrations, and
FW of Na2CO3=106 higher pressures.
FW of Na2CO3•H2O= 124 • If developer conveyor speed is too fast for match with
FW of K2CO3 = 138 other in-line equipment: lower soda ash concentration
down as far as 0.5wt%. Consider lowering
Defoamers temperature. Do not lower spray pressure below
Riston® 200 will usually require some defoamer. The need for recommended levels.
defoamer and the amount required are dependent on water
quality, carbonate purity, photoresist loading, and equipment Resist Loading
design. If required, add 0.8 - 1.3 ml/liter (3-5 ml/gallon) of:
• Resist Loading:0-0.3 mil-m2/liter (0-12 mil-ft2/gal)
• Alpha Metals (Ardrox) PC 4772 or PC4772D
• Chemelex BB Note: this range gives a fairly constant time to clean; higher
loadings increase the time to clean.
For batch operation: add defoamer during initial make up; For
automatic replenishment systems: add defoamer directly to the
Rinsing & Drying Recommendations
sump in a high turbulence area at a predetermined rate. Do not
• Rinse water: hard water preferred (140-320 ppm
add defoamer to the supply tank or to the replenishment
CaCO3 equivalent), but 200 can be developed in soft
water. If hard water is not available, a first soft water
rinse may be followed by a dilute acid rinse, followed by
Development conditions
a water rinse.
• Spray Pressure: 1.4-2.4 bar (20-35 psig)
• Rinse temperature: 15-25°C (60-80°F)
• Spray Nozzles: high impact direct-fan nozzles
• Rinse spray pressure: 1.4-2.4 bar (20-35 psig). Use
preferred; a combination of cone
high impact , direct-fan nozzles.
and fan nozzles may be preferred if
• Effective Rinse Length: Minimum of 1/2 of length of
film tent breakage is experienced.
developer chamber; >1/2 preferred.
• Chemistry:
• Drying: blow dry thoroughly; Hot air preferred
Na2CO3: 0.7-1.0 wt%; 0.85 wt% preferred
Na2CO3•H2O: 0.8-1.1 wt%; 1.0 wt% preferred
K2CO3: 0.8-1.1 wt%; 1.0 wt% preferred
• For batch processing: adjust conveyor speed to
• Temperature: 27-35°C (80-95°F); 30°C (85°F)
maintain desired breakpoint; dump developer solution
when pH of solution reaches 10.2.
Dwell Time
• Developer conveyor speed: see “Dwell Time”.
• Breakpoint: 50-70% % (60 % preferred)
• Feed & Bleed: to keep loading at about 0.2 mil-m2 l (8 mil-
• Time in Developer (Dwell Time), at 2.0 bar (30 psig)
ft2/gal), activate addition of fresh developer at pH 10.5;
spray pressure, 60% breakpoint, 30°C, fresh developer
stop addition when pH 10.7 is reached.
solution at recommended carbonate concentrations in a
Chemcut 2000 developer:

Riston® 215: 30-40 seconds

Riston® 220: 40-55 seconds

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 5

• Rinse
Developer Solution pH Response to Resist - Two-stage, counterflow
Loading for Riston® 200 - Flow: sufficient to prevent color, foam, solids buildup
- Rinse temperature: 15-25°C (60-80°F); preferred range: 20-
pH Loading Loading 25°C (70-80°F)
(mil-m2/lt) (mil-ft2/gal) - Rinse time: • 1 minute
10.97 0 0
10.81 0.05 2 Microetch
10.67 0.10 4 • Etch Depth: 0.15-0.26 μm (5-10 μ”) of copper
10.48 0.20 8 - Sodium or ammonium persulfate & 1% H2SO4 at 20-25°C (68-
10.33 0.30 12 77°F)
Control Test:
• Check etch rate by weight loss with coupon.
Hold Time after Development before Prepare coupons in the same manner as production
0-5 days panels (e.g. antitarnish treatment of electroless copper,
Riston® 200 lamination, development, preplate clean;
Note: minimize white light exposure during post development use realistic hold times).
hold to prevent film embrittlement.
PART 7: Etching
Developer Maintenance • Riston® 200 series resists are compatible with most
Clean at least once a week to remove resist residue, calcium acid etchants, e.g. cupric chloride (free HCl normality <
carbonate (scale), defoamer, and dye from developed resist. 3.0 N), H2O2/H2SO4, and ferric chloride.
Dye buildup can be minimized by the use of anti-foam. • Riston® 200 series resist are compatible with alkaline
ammonical etchants (pH < 9.5).
PART 6: Plating
(acid copper sulfate; tin/lead, tin; nickel; gold) During alkaline etching, the replenisher flood rinse should be
(Follow plating vendors’ recommendations ) well vented (flow toward etch chamber) to minimize ammonia
vapors that may attack the resist.
Preplate Cleaning
• Preplate Cleaning Process Sequence
PART 8: Stripping
- Acid Cleaner : 40-55°C (105-130°F); 2-3 minutes
Aqueous Caustic (NaOH or KOH) Conveyorized
- Spray Rinse: 1-2 minutes
- Microetch to remove 0.15-0.26 μm (5-10 μ")
copper (time: as required)
• Dwell Time = 2x Time to strip resist
- Spray Rinse: 1-2 minutes
• High caustic concentrations produce larger skin sizes
- Sulfuric acid (5-10 vol%) dip; 1-2 minutes
and higher loading capabilities.
- (Optional: spray rinse; 1-2 minutes)

• Recommended Acid Hot Soak Cleaners Stripper Dwell Times (seconds) at 55°C
(130°F), 1.7 kg/cm2 (25psig ), Over
Note test results, e.g.: Recommended Exposure Range
MacDermid Metex 9268: 10 vol%;38- 50°C (100-120°F); 3 - 5
215 220
Note: Other cleaners may perform equally well but have not 1.5 wt% NaOH 80 -110 sec 150 -190 sec

been tested. 3.0 wt% NaOH 60 - 80 100 -120

1.5 wt% KOH 110 -140 120 -170
3.0 wt% KOH 50 -70 90-110

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 6

• KOH generally produces smaller skin sizes than NaOH. rinse chamber. The most effective filter systems collect the
stripper skins immediately after they were generated, before
Particle Size at 1.5% NaOH: 2-4 mm entering recirculation pumps, and they feature continuous
Particle Size at 3.0% NaOH: 3-10 mm removal of skins from the stripper solution.
Particle Size at 1.5% KOH: 1-3 mm
Particle Size at 3% KOH: 2-10 mm Equipment Cleaning
• Solubility of Stripped Particles: TBD • Cleaning of Equipment
• Rate of dissolution of Stripped Particles: TBD Drain and flush with water. Fill unit with 5 wt% KOH or NaOH,
heat to 55°C (130°F), and circulate (spray) for 30 minutes to
• Higher stripping temperature increases the stripping dissolve photoresist particles. Then drain the unit. Repeat
rate. procedure if required to remove heavy residues. Remaining
• Stripping rate can be increased with higher impact blue dye stains on equipment may be removed by circulating 5
sprays. Use higher pressures and/or high-impact spray vol.% HCl at 55°C (130°F) for 30 minutes (HCl can damage
nozzles. Avoid low impact deflector nozzles. stainless steel). Then drain the unit, fill with water, recirculate
• Time to strip increases with white light exposure. A 20% for 30 minutes, and drain. There are also proprietary cleaners
increase in strip time over 8 days exposure is not available which may offer better results.
• Higher levels of exposure increase Time-to-Strip: Proprietary Strippers
Are used for higher strip speed, higher resist loading, to
minimize chemical attack on tin or tin/lead, or to reduce copper
oxidation, e.g. to facilitate AOI.
Additives for foam control may not be required depending on
equipment design and operation.
The following proprietary strippers have been used
Alpha Metals (Adrox) PC4069
Riston® 200 % TTS Increase Atotech BC 925F
Riston® Step 10-18 Dexter RS 1609
3% KOH/NaOH 0 - 10% Atotech RR3
1.5% KOH/NaOH 15 - 40%

Other strippers may perform equally well but have not been

Controls/ Solution Maintenance:

Reworking Panels for Re-use
• Preferred: Continuous replenishment (feed & bleed)
Stripped panels may contain organic residues from photoresist
using board count.
or defoamers. After stripping, regenerate a fresh copper
Maintain resist loading at < 0.4 mil-m2/liter (<15 mil-
surface as follows, before mechanically cleaning the panels:
square feet/ gallon ), for caustic strippers
• Soak for three minutes in a hot soak cleaner at the
• Batch: up to 0.5 mil-m2/liter (20 mil-square feet/ gallon).
recommended temperature.
Maintain breakpoint at <50% by lowering conveyor
• Rinse thoroughly.
speed or by starting batch stripping with a lower
• Etch 0.13 μm (5 microinches) of copper if panels are
breakpoint and changing the solution once breakpoint
deeply oxidized.
moves above 50%. However, low breakpoints can lead
• Rinse thoroughly.
to attack of solder on plated work, or cause copper
• Dip in 5-10% sulfuric acid.
• Rinse thoroughly
• Filtration Systems
• Dry
Spray stripping equipment should contain a filtration system to
collect and remove resist skins to avoid nozzle clogging, to
extend stripper life, and to avoid resist skins from reaching the

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 7

See recommendations in the General Processing Guide (DS98-

Waste Disposal
For questions concerning disposal of photoresist waste refer
to the latest DuPont literature and Federal, State, and Local

Safe Handling
Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Riston® dry
film photoresist vapors. The vapor MSDS for this film was
prepared using the highest lamination roll temperature
recommended for use. If you choose to exceed this
temperature, be aware that the amount of vapor may increase
and that the identity of the materials vaporized may vary from
those in the MSDS. For more Safe Handling information, see
publication TB-9944 “Handling Procedure for DuPont
Photopolymer Films”.

For further information, please contact your local


DuPont Electronic Technologies

14 T. W. Alexander Drive
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA

This information corresponds to DuPont’s current knowledge on the subject. It is offered solely to provide possible suggestions for your own
experiments and is not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine the suitability of DuPont’s products for
your particular purposes. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available.

Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions, it makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with
any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any
patent right
Caution : Do not use in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications, see
“DuPont Medical Caution Statement”, H-51459.

DS95-17 Rev. 6.0 (07/07) 8

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