Research Toudev Group 2

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Situation Analysis

The San Carlos Heights is a public place in which people are free to visit
the site anytime. It has the perfect scenic view of mountains and breathtaking
scenery of the city. San Carlos Heights is already a known tourist spot and lots of
tourists visit this mountain in order to relax and to avoid the negativity of the
society. The mountain welcomes the tourist to fill the silence, to chill, and to
enjoy the moment of being alone without societal disturbance. During daytime,
many tourists enjoy hiking and jogging in the area as part of their recreation and
in Evening, tourist will visit the site to mesmerized the perfect view of city lights.

San Carlos Heights features a variety of elements, including developed

activities supported by nature, breathtaking views of mountains and cities, and
natural resources. It is renowned for its scenic surroundings and comparatively
calm ambiance in contrast to Cebu City. San Carlos Heights is valued for its
closeness to nature, with certain spots providing views of the surrounding
mountains or the metropolitan skyline. It is also well located close to retail malls,
schools, and other establishments, which makes it a desirable option for families
and people looking for a suburban lifestyle in Cebu City.

San Carlos Heights in Quiot Pardo, Cebu City, offers a comfort residential
with a balance of urban convenience and suburban quietness, making it an
attractive location for families, professionals, and individuals seeking a peaceful
yet accessible place to live. Like other communities, San Carlos Heights in Quiot
Pardo, Cebu City, has its share of said drawbacks or negative features, even
though it generally provides a comfortable living environment. Despite of its
scenic view, the site is undeveloped and it has no facilities such as parking lot,

benches, etc. While some areas of Cebu City offer helpful public transportation
connections, San Carlos Heights might not have easy access to any public
transportation. Residents who depend on public transportation for their daily
commute or errands may find this limitation to be challenging and no available
street lights on the uphill area.


Tourist Profiling

100 respondents

DEMOGRAPHIC Variables Count and


11-15 9%
16-20 42%
Age 21-25 29%
26-30 9%
31-35 2%
36-40 2%
41-45 5%
46-50 2%

Gender Male 39%

Female 61%


Nature-Friendly 11%
Motivations Relaxation 55%
View 33%

Lifestyle 1%

Unwinding 92%
Interest Recreation 5%
Job-related 3%


Once 45%
Visit Frequency Twice 33%
Thrice 22%

Time Spent 20-30 mins 7%

1 hour 29%
2-3 hours 50%
3-4 hours 14%

250 43%
500 14%
700 9%
Budget 1000 17%
2000 10%
3000 5%
5000 3%

Private vehicles 17%
Mode of Transportation Habal-habal 30%
Walking 53%
Cebu City 81%
Visitors Home Location Outside Cebu City 16%
Cebu Province 3%

After gathering the demographic information, the developers discovered

that the age of the majority of tourists falls between 21-25, followed by 26-30,
16-20,11-15,36-40,0-5, 6-10, and 46-50 respectively. The gender who visits the
most to the site is Male followed by Female. They intend to visit the site to
unwind and relax because they are inclined to spend their time with a scenic
view and great services, they respect the aesthetic appreciation of nature. It also
attracts people who wish to unwind, relax, and have peace of mind while
overlooking the city. Enjoying the ambiance with natural fresh air while
maintaining peace of mind.

According to the psychographic data, most tourists who visit the site have
in mind the idea to unwind and relax, followed by the location being nature-
friendly, for the scenic view, and lifestyle. The majority of the visitors come from
Cebu City. Private cars are one of their ways of transportation; the visit costs
between ₱500 and ₱700 per person. Occasionally, the place sees a rise in visitors
from the afternoon to the evening to enjoy the scenic view, relax, have
refreshments after work, or study; guests satisfy their expectations through
positive reviews on social media and the staff's excellent service.


SWOT analysis is a commonly used strategic planning tool in tourism planning

and development. It serves as a strategic tool to assess the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats pertinent to this vibrant destination.

Strengths: Weaknesses:

● San Carlos Heights is rich in natural ● The area is uphill that may cause
features, which contribute to its struggles to individuals who will go
attractive look and environmental there.
richness. ● People without access to private cars
● San Carlos Heights is a well-liked may find it difficult to get to the
destination for those who live there as location because there may not be
well as visitors situated in a beautiful many public transportation options.
setting with breathtaking sweeping ● Lack of additional attractions or
scenery. unique visitor experiences to be
● This area is appealing as a residential attractive to a diverse range of tourists.
and relaxation hub because of its ● Limited parking facility infrastructure.
convenient transit and easy access to Visitors may find this inconvenient,
nearby cities. particularly during busy periods when
● Not prone to landslides, unlike many the tourist attraction is crowded.
other places, San Carlos Heights is
relatively shielded from worries about
landslips, preserving the stability and
security of people there and

Opportunities: Threat:

● Infrastructure Development, ● Unexpected natural Calamity, being

spending money on infrastructure in a tropical climate zone, San Carlos
projects such as public amenity Heights may face the threat of
improvements and utility development, typhoons, which can bring strong
and road improvements will improve winds, heavy rains, and storm surges.
San Carlos Heights overall quality of life ● The resources, environment, and
and attract new investment. infrastructure of San Carlos Heights are
● San Carlos Heights scenic beauty and under pressure due to the city's rapid
natural features have the potential to urbanization and population growth,
boost tourism, create jobs and which results into society's problem.
opportunity for surrounding businesses,
and promote environmental
● San Carlos Heights can foster
expansion, creative thinking, and
sustainability by diversifying its
economic base outside of established
sectors, leading to a stronger and
competitive economy.

In order to set new objectives and identify the destination’s value, the
developers, conducted a SWOT analysis to learn more about it and what will
make the place to be developed. San Carlos Heights is an excellent place to
spend time, given that it offers a nice blend of recreational options, scenic
location, and a potential development.

Due to the location’s geographical distance, their one possible advantage may be
its easy access to amenities and transportation. Individuals can easily obtain
essentials, which cause them convenient to their everyday life.



Goal Setting Objectives Strategies

To provide Providing them with the Develop
accommodations and essential services and infrastructure,
facilities to the tourists amenities such as promote tourism
and local community. improvement of roads, facilities, engage the
traveler's accommodations, community, and
picnic areas, coffee shop, secure funding for
lighthouse, mini playground essential services and
and restrooms. amenities.
Sustaining the scenic Protecting the natural Implementing waste
view of the tourist spot. beauty of the heights. management and
promoting tree
planting to enhance
the environment. This
could involve
deforestation, soil
erosion, pollution, and
protecting the living
and non-living things

Increase tourism revenue Attract more tourists to the Advertise the tourists
and economic growth in destination by developing spot through online
San Carlos heights exciting and safe and by giving
experiences. satisfactory service to
the tourists.

Promote sustainable Reduce waste generation Prioritize "Reduce,
practices in activities, and promote responsible Reuse, Recycle",
accommodation, and waste management. compost organics, and
infrastructure encourage responsible

Position Statement

Considering its current lack of built-in amenities and accommodations, San

Carlos Heights has a special chance to develop a sustainable tourism experience.
Visitors encounter difficulties when traveling on roads that are unfinished, which
emphasizes the importance of carefully planning to protect the surrounding
environment. Developers, understood the area's potential, propose establishing
businesses that strengthen the community and boost the city's economy. For this
reason, developers suggest to build a coffee shop, picnic area, playground for
kids, and a light-house for perfect view of city. There is a guarantee that visitors
looking for a real and complete experience will be captivated by the breathtaking
mountain views and city views.


In developing the Tourism at San Carlos Heights in Quiot Pardo, Cebu

City, the developers research the possible collaboration of public sectors to help
in maintaining the landscape and generate revenue in the said tourist
destination. Together with the collaboration of DENR (Department of
Environment and Natural Resources) it can help enforce environmental laws and
regulations, ensuring tourism development adheres to sustainable practices like
waste management, water conservation, and pollution control. In accordance of
law aims to implement a systematic, global, and sustainable solid waste

management program in collaboration with stakeholders, with the goal of
safeguarding the environment and public health.

On the other hand, working with the Department of Trade and Industry
(DTI), this initiative examines how government policies affect entrepreneurship
and economic growth in San Carlos Heights. DTI can help the business that the
developers suggested because DTI maintain responsibly the business operations
and it safeguard the consumer’s right. The DTI implement consumer protection
law and regulations. The law is under The Consumer Act of the Philippines, also
known as Republic Act No. 7394, states that the State's policies are to safeguard
the interests of consumers.

Lastly, in collaboration with DENR, DTI, and the community, it can create
a thorough tourism development plan that outlines a sustainable vision for the
area, such as implementing safety and security of every visitors, Maintaining the
roads, drainage system, waste collection, etc. With the help of Local
Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act No. 7160), this Code will establish the
system and defines the power of community near San Carlos Heights.

Through the help of these public sectors, we believe that San Carlos
Heights is a place where you can relax, yet, with rules and legislation, San Carlos
will be known for its scenic view and sustainability.


According to Johnson, E. (2021, November 16), The primary factor that

makes these restaurants unique is their location. These places can have an
abundance of natural elements. The coffee shop’s surroundings may feel serene
due to the attractiveness of the surrounding plants and trees.
The psychological advantages of spending time in nature is widely
established. According to studies, spending time in natural environments reduces
blood pressure, stress hormones, and induces feelings of relaxation. Restaurants
that connect elements of nature encourage an environment that supports their

customers' emotional and mental health. As a result, dining experiences are
more carefree and joyful because patrons are less likely to feel pressured or


The development plan promotes sustainability that focuses on preserving

the natural resources and minimizing the environmental impact. This includes
green spaces, and energy-efficient infrastructure.

Preservation of culture and taking into account the community’s

belonging. This could entail the traditions of the local community be promoted
and be respected.

Encouraging residents, and improving the overall state of the area, and
providing an opportunity that will be made accessible for all.

Ensuring the safety and security of the residents and also the tourists by
implementing strategies including preventing crime, safe lighting, and emergency

Raising the public’s awareness and encouraging conservation actions to

save the environment, lessen harmful impacts on the environment, and the
improvement of the area.

TITLE: Tourism Development Plan in San Carlos Heights, Quiot, Pardo,
Cebu City


We, students from Asian College of Technology International Educational

Foundation (ACT-IEF) conducting this survey as part of San Carlos Heights, Quiot
Pardo tourism developmental plan. This survey is done to help San Carlos
Heights to improved its place by fulfilling the tourists needs and wants. We
guarantee that the information you provide will be kept completely confidential.

Part 1: Demographic Profile of respondents

Please put a check or provide information in the following questions.

1. What is your age?


2. Please identify your gender.

□ Male

□ Female

Part 2: Psychological Information of respondents

1. What is your primary motivation when visiting the site?

□ Nature-Friendly

□ Relaxation

□ View

□ Lifestyle

2. What sort of things or common interest did you do when you visit the San
Carlos Heights?

□ Unwinding

□ Recreation

□ Jobs related

Part 3: Travel Behavior of respondents

1. How often do you visit San Carlos Heights?

□ Once a week

□ Twice a month

□ Thrice a month

2. Who are your companions when visiting San Carlos Heights?

□ Alone

□ Couple

□ Friends

□ Family

□ Workmates

3. How many hours do you spend at San Carlos Heights, during each visit?

□ 20-30 mins

□ 1 hour

□ 2-3 hours

□ 3-4 hours

4. How much is your Budget for spending at San Carlos Heights per visit?

□ 250 pesos

□ 500 pesos

□ 700 pesos

□ 1000 pesos

□ 2000 pesos

5. What is your preferred mode of transportation when visiting San Carlos


□ Private Vehicle

□ Motorcycle

□ Walking

□ Motor riders/ Habal-Habal

Part 4: Geographical Origins of Tourist:

1. Where is your home address located?

□ Cebu City
□ Cebu Province, please specify
□ Outside Cebu, please specify




San Carlos Heights is a scenic overlook with a stunning city view in Quiot, Pardo,
Cebu City, Philippines. It is also a popular destination for residents in Quiot and
Pardo, and for visitors from Cebu City, attributed to its beautiful scenery,
refreshing mountain air, and interesting outdoor activities. Here are some of the
resources that exist in San Carlos Heights:


San Carlos Heights, Quiot, Pardo are mainly residential areas, however
certain natural resources can still be found there, although on a smaller scale
than in rural areas. Here's a summary of possible resources and their

1. Soil- This may sound simple, yet soil is a vital natural resource. It serves
as the foundation for buildings, supports landscaping, and can even be
used to produce plants for food or beauty in backyards or community
gardens. Maintaining good soil is essential for rainwater drainage and
plant growth, even in urban areas.
2. Trees- Tress in residential areas provide several advantages, making them
vital natural resources. They provide shade, which is especially useful
given Cebu's hot and humid climate. Trees also help to filter chemicals,
increase air quality, and create a more pleasing environment.
Furthermore, they could reduce pollution from noise and stormwater
runoff, limiting flooding threats.

3. Biodiversity- Even in developed environments, a surprising amount of
biodiversity can be found. Green spaces in residential areas, even tiny
patches of plants, can provide as a home for insects, birds, small
mammals, and other animals. This urban wildlife helps to maintain a
healthy environment and can provide people with opportunities for leisure.
4. Green landscapes and Parks- San Carlos Heights is expected to have
green spaces and parks that provide people with leisure opportunities
while also helping to conserve biodiversity in the urban setting. Such
areas have trees, shrubs, and other vegetation, which improves air quality
and provides habitat for wildlife.


San Carlos Heights in Quiot, Pardo, Cebu, Philippines, is a culturally rich

town with historical sites cultural activities. These landmarks act as focal points,
providing a connection to the community's history and traditions. These
celebrations honor local traditions, arts, San Carlos Heights' traditional practices,
customs, and rituals are essential to the community's identity and continuity,
connecting members together throughout generations. Food is an important
aspect of the community's cultural legacy since it allows people to celebrate their
heritage, share memories, and develop friendships. Language and dialects also
contribute to the cultural environment, functioning as vehicles for communication
and expression, reflecting the region's shared heritage, and instilling a sense of
belonging in its citizens. music, dancing, and cuisine, conserving and handing
them down to future generations.


San Carlos Heights, Quiot, and Pardo, which are mainly residential areas
in Cebu City, Philippines, might seem to be a surprising location for a coffee
shop. However, the tourist spot holds a secret reservoir of human resources,
which may ensure your wander success and sustainability. Establishing a coffee
shop in San Carlos Heights, Quiot, Pardo, Cebu, Philippines, requires the hiring of
a number of community human resources to assure the venture's success and
sustainability. Here are some potential human resources:

1. Barista – who spans the entire coffee life cycle, from pulling flawless
espresso shots to crafting specialty drinks like lattes and macchiatos with
meticulous milk steaming for latte art.
2. Cashier - are the customer service champions, greeting you with a warm
smile and setting the positive tone for your experience.
3. Waiter/Waitress- whose customer service champions, greeting you with a
warm smile and setting the positive tone for your experience.
4. Maintenance Workers- the silent guardians behind the scenes, keeping
things running smoothly. They're responsible for checking fire
extinguishers and smoke detectors, keeping exits clear, and addressing
any potential hazards.


The infrastructure resources of San Carlos Heights in Quiot, Pardo, Cebu,

Philippines, are vital to the community's growth and quality of life. The network
of roads and transportation infrastructure provides safe and efficient travel inside
the community while also connecting it to nearby communities. Residents' health
and sanitation are ensured by their access to reliable public utilities such as

electricity, water supply, and sanitation services. Communication, commercial
operations, and information access are all facilitated by modern
telecommunications infrastructure, which includes phone lines and high-speed
internet connectivity. Educational facilities, healthcare services, and commercial
areas all offer chances for learning, health care, economic activity, and
employment in the community. Recreational and community facilities encourage
social contact, leisure activities, and community cohesiveness. In addition,
emergency service infrastructure protects public safety and security during an


San Carlos Heights in Quiot, Pardo, Cebu, Philippines, has access to a

variety of technological tools that improve its people' connectedness,
productivity, and quality of life. High-speed internet connectivity is readily
available, allowing citizens and businesses to communicate effortlessly, obtain
information, and use online services. Mobile networks are critical to ensuring
connection, allowing residents to stay connected and access digital services even
in remote locations. San Carlos Heights is linked to flourishing technology
enterprises, which drive innovation, economic growth, and job opportunities.
Digital literacy efforts make sure residents have the necessary skills and
knowledge to properly use technology and participate in the digital economy.
Overall, the wealth of technology resources in San Carlos Heights improves the
community's quality of life while also encouraging its continued growth and
advancement in the digital age.


San Carlos Heights in Quiot, Pardo, Cebu, Philippines, has a variety of
financial resources to support its economic activity and people' well-being.
Residents of the town have access to banking institutions that provide savings
accounts, loans, and investment options, allowing them to manage their money
and access funds for both personal and professional use. Investment
opportunities in real estate, tourism, agriculture, and infrastructure attract
investors, stimulating economic growth and development. Microfinance
institutions and cooperatives provide financial services to underserved
communities and small businesses, promoting financial inclusion and
empowerment. Finally, informal savings and credit groups offer a social safety
net and help address financial needs and emergencies within the community.
Overall, these financial resources contribute to the economic vitality, resilience,
and prosperity of San Carlos Heights.


The marketing strategy being used is through advertising and promoting it to the
public with the help of social media platforms. By doing so, the information on
the site can be accessible and available to everyone, which also allows visitors to
share the information. The site has its own Facebook page, Tiktok, Instagram
and a website which the visitors can message with any other questions or
concerns regarding the site.


People who are looking for relaxation who wish to stay away from the pollution
of the city are the target market for San Carlos Heights. International and local
visitors at any age can take advantage of the site’s relaxation and lovely scenery
while paying a budget friendly fee.


Interesting, refreshing location to relax are in high demand in today’s market.

And the developers put more effort to the project, the coffee shop and picnic
area, which will make it unique. Since it’s brand-new, everyone will be eager to
pay a visit and experience the breathtaking view of the San Carlos Heights.


Marketing strategies for San Carlos Heights could include due to the there is one
infrastructure that are situated close to San Carlos Heights, that is a great deal of
direct and indirect competition. The neighbouring site also offered the same
activities such as relaxation, breathtaking view and scenic view. Lumadnong
Lantawan Swimming Pool at Brgy. Quiot Pardo, Cebu are the site that nearly
situated in the site.

Establishing a strong online presence on websites and social networking sites to

highlight the site’s attractiveness, and post reviews. Making interesting content,
films, and images that showcases San Carlos Heights qualities and experiences
and posting it via a variety of social media in order to draw in and interact with
potential visitors.

Encourage satisfied visitors to leave positive reviews on the websites in order to

build reputation and attract new business. Requesting visitors to comment on a
regular basis and making changes in response to their recommendations to
improved the San Carlos Heights overall experience.


To implement a diverse activities is vital in tourist planning and growth in the

specific location. Offering a diversity of activities that can attract different market
groups helps in supporting sustainable practices. By having a wide variety of
activities, stakeholders can create unique and remarkable experiences for
guests. This not only enhances their overall satisfaction but also encourages
them to stay longer and spend more, thus maximizing economic benefits for the

Recreational Activities
San Carlos heights provides both leisure and recreational activities. The
recreational activities they have are the following:

1. Hiking – The visitors can enjoy hiking through the rough road together
with other hikers since it’s far from highway but when you reach the
heights you will be greeted a vastly different view of Cebu .

2. Mountain Biking – Visitors can do biking because the trail itself quite
challenging as it has steep loose sections as well as tricky rock garden
which made the activity fun.

3. Photographs – The site is perfect for picture taking since it has perfect
scenic view and instagrammable city lights at night.

4. Strolling – Visitors can enjoy roaming around the destination area since it
has a wide space to leisurely pace.

5. Sight Seeing – Since this site is on the top, guests can witness different
views. Sea view, mountain view and city view, and the major part is to
see the sunrise and sunset.

6. Picnic – Amenities are available for picnics nearby the shop so that
visitors could bond with their family and friends. As well as mini parks for
their children.

Cultural Activities

The road to San Carlos heights is part of a local pilgrimage trail due
to the presence of Way of the Cross stations. During holy week , Stations
of the Cross are visited for devotional exercise of visiting and praying in
front of each of the 14 stations and meditating during the Lenten Season,
particularly on Good Friday, it is best to visit the site during holy week
season because it’s less crowded and more serene despite the pilgrimage
exodus on the other religious places.

Wellness Activities

San Carlos heights provides mountain lighthouse to see the scenic

and panoramic view that can make you feel free and experience peace of
mind. This time of the year they are looking forward to set up a flatland
which allows activities that are related to wellness and body care.

1. Jogging – The site also allows visitor to perform jogging around the
area for those who wants to strengthen their muscles and burn

2. Hiking – Doing wellness activities such as hiking is more convenient

doung it in the site due to its spacious and peaceful surrounding.


In order to build and manage tourism ventures strategically, it is important to

study the competitive landscape of a place. This procedure helps to identify the
destination's unique selling prepositions and makes it possible to create tactics
that will help set it apart from competitors.

Direct competition- Cafe Eufemia, Zal Cold Brew, SEBU CHA CAFE. These are
direct competitors in the surrounding area who provide similar coffee and

Indirect competition- La Vie Parisienne, Starbucks.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

I. Age

Highest: 16-20 years old

Lowest: 46-50 years old
Based on the data from San Carlos Heights, it appears that the highest age
group of visitors falls within the range of 16-20 years old, while the lowest age
group of visitors falls within the range of 46-50 years old. This suggests that the
location may be more popular among younger individuals, may be attributed to
its appeal as a location for relaxation, chilling, and unwinding. This demographic
likely enjoys the recreational activities and facilities available, which are tailored
to their preferences and interests. Additionally, the site's accessibility may cater
more to younger visitors, while older individuals may find it less convenient due
to limited accessibility and possibly less suitable amenities for their needs and
II. Motivation

Highest: Relaxation
Lowest: Lifestyle
The data from San Carlos Heights shows that the top motivation for people there
is relaxation, while lifestyle ranks as the lowest motivation. This suggests that

residents prioritize activities that help them unwind and reduce stress over
pursuits related to their lifestyle or material possessions.

III. Interest

Highest: Unwinding
Lowest: Jobs related
The data from San Carlos Heights shows that visitors there are most interested
in activities that help them relax and unwind. This could mean they enjoy things
like hobbies, leisure activities, or simply taking it easy. On the other hand, they
seem less interested in activities related to their jobs. This might mean they
prefer to keep work and personal life separate, or they have other interests
outside of their careers. Understanding these interests can help the community
plan events and activities that appeal to residents and make them feel more
connected to each other. It shows that visitors in San Carlos Heights value
relaxation and leisure time, and they might benefit from opportunities to unwind
and enjoy themselves outside of work.

IV. Companion

Highest: Friends
Lowest: Workmates
The data from San Carlos Heights indicates that the most common reason people
visit is to spend time with friends, while the least common reason is to spend
time with workmates. This suggests that residents of San Carlos Heights value
socializing with friends more than spending time with colleagues from work.

V. Locality

Highest: within Cebu

Lowest: outside Cebu
The data suggests that the highest preference for location among residents of
San Carlos Heights is within Cebu, while the lowest preference is outside Cebu.
This indicates that residents may prefer engaging in activities closer to home
where they can interact with friends, family, or local communities. Moreover,
cost considerations come into play, as venturing outside Cebu may incur
additional expenses such as transportation and accommodation fees.

VI. Transportation

Highest: Walking
Lowest: Private Vehicles
The data on transportation preferences in San Carlos Heights reveals that
residents show a higher preference for walking compared to using private
vehicles, which ranks as the lowest option. This suggests that residents favor
pedestrian-friendly modes of transportation over relying on private cars or
vehicles. Possible reasons for this preference may include the desire for physical
activity, environmental considerations such as reducing carbon emissions,
convenience for short-distance travel within the community, or possibly limited
access to private vehicles among certain segments of the population.
Understanding these transportation preferences can inform urban planning
efforts to prioritize pedestrian infrastructure and promote sustainable modes of
transportation within San Carlos Heights.




The developers at San Carlos Heights in Quiot Pardo, Cebu developed effective
strategies to address the objectives and goals of the area. The developers
explore and analyze various development strategies for San Carlos Heights to
ensure its sustainable growth, community involvement, and long-term success.
Assess factors such as engineering requirements, environmental impact, cost
analysis, and potential return on investment. The developers determine the need
for coffee shop, picnic area, and other recreational amenities considering the
scenic view of the area. The developers plan the area strategically to offer
visitors a different perspective of the surrounding natural beauty. The developers
will prioritize the visitors safety by providing a safety standards and regulations.
The entire area is constantly being monitored by surveillance cameras. To
achieve the expectations of visitors, the developers offers a high-quality
infrastructure, hospitality, that must be offered. Positive feedback and their
opinion of the location will results to the developers level of fulfilment. The
developers developed the coffee shop, picnic area as part of the overall visitors
experience. Designing a comfortable visually appealing coffee shop that offers a
open space of the surrounding scenic beauty. They will ensure that the coffee
shop infrastructure, picnic area is accessible to a wide range of visitors that will
visit in the area. It can also benefit visitors not only physically, emotionally but
also mentally. In conclusion, the success of the development area will be greatly
influenced by having a clear and targeted strategies.












BRICKS 50 1000 PCS . 50 ,000
CEMENT BAGS 300 50 BAGS 15,000
STEEL RODS 150 200 PCS. 30,000
GLASS PANES 200 60PCS. 12,000
PAINTS 1000 5 GALLONS 5,000
SOLAR PANELS 28 ,490 5 142 ,450

DOORS 13,500 2 PCS. 27 ,000

TOTAL: 283,720




ESPRESSO 56,998 1 56,998
COFFEE GRINDER 6,300 2 12 ,600
COMMERCIAL 3,970 2 7,940
TABLES 5,000 7 PCS. 35,000
CHAIRS 855 28 PCS. 23,940
COUNTER 15,000 1 15,000
REFREGIRATOR 27,898 1 27,898
HOLLOWBLOCKS 25 300 PCS. 7,500
CEMENT BAGS 300 10 BAGS 3 ,000
PAINTS 1000 2 GALLONS 2,000
PAI NT BRUSHES 1,090 1 SET 1,090
TILES(VINYL) 1,044 1 SET (50) PCS. 1 ,044
LIGHT BULBS 42 12 PCS. 504
SINK 6,588 1 PC. 6,588
TOILET BOWL 2,830 2 PCS. 5,660
FAUCET 709 2 PCS. 1,418
STEEL BARS 156 60 PCS. 9,360
TIE WIRE (#16) 80 30 KLS. 2,400

FAUCET 119 4 PCS. 476
DOORS 15,500 2 PCS. 31,000
MINI 100,000 1 SET 100,000
ARTIFICIAL 3,499 10 METER 34,990
TOTAL:386, 854



TOTAL:132, 752



TOTAL: 1,991,280


The developers will monitor the success of the development plan in San Carlos
Heights by tracking the number of visitors every month. An inventory will be
conducted regularly to assess any increase in visitor numbers. Through this
process, the developers aim to identify economic growth in the area and
evaluate how the newly implemented projects are providing new opportunities
for the local community. Additionally, we will monitor the condition of the area to
ensure its ongoing quality and assess whether visitor numbers contribute to its

San Carlos Heights exhibits several strengths as a tourism destination, including
its natural beauty, diverse recreational activities, and family-friendly atmosphere.
However, challenges such as accessibility issues, the need for infrastructure
development, and potential environmental and cultural impacts must be carefully
addressed to ensure sustainable tourism development.

Plan Implementation is the phase in which plans are turned into actions to
accomplish particular goals. It entails distributing resources, designating roles,
and executing task in line with with the plan. Coordination between team
members in necessary at this phase to guarantee that duties are carried out
effectively and efficiently.

Tourism Development in San Carlos Heights, Quiot, Pardo, Cebu City


Abangan, Marc Dave

Barco, Mia

Camaso, Jaira

Garcia, Riezle Mae

Jaron, Jush


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