Social Networking For Social Integration

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Introduction Social Structure: The Building Blocks of Social Life

Social networks are the Social life is composed of many levels of building blocks,
most means of from the very micro to the very macro. These building
communication used by a blocks combine to form the social structure.
large number of people Social structure
especially the youth. Social structure refers to the social patterns through
Nowadays, no one can live which a society is organized and can be horizontal or
without having an vertical. Horizontal social structure- refers to the social
account on Facebook or relationships and the social and physical characteristics of
twitter or on an other communities to which individuals belong
kinds of social network in Vertical social structure- more commonly called social
order to be connected to inequality, refers to ways in which
the whole world. a society or group ranks people in a hierarchy.
What is social Philosophical Theories About The Formation
networking? of Society
Social network is a social Society was not formed instantly.
structure made of nodes Many sociologist have attempted to trace the formation
(Which are generally based on the political, economic, religious, and legal
individuals or perspectives. Some have even conceived about forming an
organizations) that are ideal or perfect society, a society that is impossible to
tied by one or more establish, or one that is similar to a fairy tale. No matter
specific types or what causes the formation of society, one thing is certain:
interdependency, such as society is formed to protect and promote the welfare of
values, visions, ideas, every individual.
financial exchange, Plato (429-347B.C.E.)
friendship, kinship, Societies are formed towards a particular purpose.
dislike, conflict or trade. A human being is not self-sufficient because he/she is
Why to use Social capable of producing everything that he/she needs for
Networking survival.
Socializing Societies are formed out of individual necessity. People
- make friends form a community because of their interdependence on
-create groups, one another. Societies are therefor formed for mutual
communities benefit.
Sharing information- 3 classification of Society according to Plato
files 1. Rulers- are responsible in making decisions. They must
- music, video, pictures possess the virtue of wisdom, understand reality, and be
Create Blogs impartial in making decisions.
Time utility
Lower cost 2. Soldiers- are tasked in defending the state against
- via- internet, mobile threats to domestic and external security. They must
phone, GPRS,etc. possess the virtue of courage and be obedient in carrying
Builds credibility out orders despite personal risk.
Matchmaking 3. People- are the governed. They must exhibit the virtue
Business of moderation and the ability to set aside personal desires
Discussions for higher purpose. When each of the classes fulfils its own
Take advices role properly and does not try to take over the function of
Advertising at cheap cost any other class, the entire society as a whole, according to
Social networks, Plato, will run smoothly. Harmony will be attained and
connectivity, & that is genuine justice.
Aristotle( 384-322 B.C)
small words
Aristotle discussed the Locke believed that the reason why men want to abandon
city (polis) in his work the ideal state of nature is due to
entitled Politics. “inconveniences” suffered by the majority of rational
He considered the city as people. These “inconveniences’’ include
a natural community ignorance of laws, unfair adjudication , and lack of
which had prior authority to enforce the laws, and hence the vulnerability
importance than the of people violated by strong who impose their will.
family, for he believed Meaning and Nature of Community
that the city is more Community
important that its Is a social group with some degree of “we feeling” living
part(family). in a given area. To develop a real
He described man as a community, it is essential that the people in it participate
political animal by nature in its activities and acquire a sense of belonging. (Poplin
and regarded politics as 1972)
similar to an organism Community as a group of people living in a contiguous
rather than machine. geographic area, having common centers of interest and
Confucius (551-479 B.C) activities and functioning together in the chief
Confucianism Philosophy concern of life. (Osborn and Neumeyer)
is based on the idea of Community is a local grouping within which people carry
love and compassion. out a full round of life activities(Horton 1984)
Societies where morals Elements of Community
and virtue are given 1. People- The very basic component of society. Without
highest regard are likely this component, society will not exist.
to prosper. Confucius 2. Territory- When people live together in clusters, they
highlighted the value of a eventually declare themselves as belonging to that
code of conduct for the particular territory
society. He also stressed 3. Interaction- It refers to the day-to-day encounter with
“doing what is right or the other members of the community.
wrong is a matter of 4. Common Values- Common norms and values shared
choice to every by each member promote closer ties to members. Living
individual.’’ together promotes sharing of sentiments and goals.
Thomas Hobbes (1588-
1679) Basic Social Institutions
He elucidated on what Family
would it be like without a Family is the primary agent of socialization. It is the
society or government. He environment where the child is born and in which his/her
described this condition earliest experiences with other people occur. The
as “state of nature”. In experiences have a lasting influence on his/her
this state of nature, each personality.
person can do whatever Religious Institutions
he/she pleases to do Economic and Political Institutions, Educational
without fear of being Institutions
punished. For him people Socialization
are egoistic by nature and Socialization is a real life-long process of learning whereby
will continue to promote the individual acquires the accepted beliefs, values,
their own self-interest. sentiments, norms, and behaviour of his/her group and
The state of nature is society. I t is through socialization that the individual
understood as “absence of becomes a functioning member of his/her group.(Medina,
authority”. This condition 2001)
will lead to war.
John Locke (1632-1704)
Espiritu(1986) defined through other circumstances beyond their control, such as
socialization as a process race, ethnicity, gender, or family background. Ascribed
by which social sharing status is typically not achieved through personal effort or
and transmission occur. merit.
Socialization has two Achieved Status- Achieved status is attained through
processes in one: individual effort, skills, accomplishments, or qualifications.
The process of learning to Examples of achieved status include educational
be competent members of attainment, occupation, income level, and social recognition
the society and The earned through personal achievements or accomplishments.
process of developing This position is often a job title, but many other types of
oneself. The individual is positions exist: student, parent, sibling, relative, friend,
capable of developing the and so forth. It should be clear that status as used in this
self as he/she engages in way conveys nothing about the prestige of the position, to
interactions with other use a common synonym for status. A physician’s job is a
“selves’’ to attain the goals status with much prestige, but a shoeshiner’s job is a
of the society in general. status with no prestige. Any one individual often occupies
Importance of several different statuses at the same time, and someone
Socialization can simultaneously be a banker, Girl Scout troop leader,
Human culture is mother, school board member, volunteer at a homeless
transmitted from one shelter, and spouse.
generation to the next. Agents of Socialization
The young become part of 1. Family
an organized society. 2. Peer Group
The individual acquires a 3. School
social self and 4. Mass Media
personality. 5. Religion
The individual leans 6. Primary Group
his/her role in a society. Processes of Group Interaction
Knowledge and skills are 1. Cooperation- occurs when people work together to
developed to ensure achieve shared goals or promote common interest.
satisfaction of needs and 2. Competition- occurs when individuals or groups
human survival. struggle to reach the same goal.
Social Role and Status 3. Conflict- a social process whereby two or more groups
Role- is a pattern of consciously seek to block one another in achieving a
behaviour that is expected desired goal, or to defeat or annihilate one another.
of an individual who Factors Affecting Small Group Interaction
occupies as particular 1. Size- The smaller the size of a group, the higher the
status in society. interaction; the bigger the size, the lesser the interaction.
Status- is a rank or 2.Proximity- The closer the distance of people, the more
position relative to other the interaction; the farther the distance, the lesser the
positions in a particular interaction.
group at particular time. 3. Communication Patterns- interaction of group
Types of status members can be facilitated or retarded by patterns of
*Ascribed status communication
*Achieved Status 4. Cohesion- This refers to the degree of attraction
Ascribed status- Status members feel for the group. Extensive interactions tend to
that someone is born with produce positive feelings.
and has no control 5. Social Control- A small group rarely has access to legal
overthis type of status is or formal sanctions, yet it exercises profound control over
assigned to individuals individuals. The basis of the control is fear- fear of not
involuntarily at birth or being accepted by group.
Social Class The Low-Income Class: Striving for Economic Stability
Refers to a group of The low-income class constitutes a substantial portion of
people having a similar the Philippine population, facing economic challenges and
social rank. limited access to resources. This class includes individuals
Refers to a set of families and families with modest incomes, often living below the
that share equal or nearly poverty line. Limited educational opportunities, limited
equal prestige according access to healthcare, and a lack of secure employment are
to the criteria of common issues faced by the low-income class.
evaluation in the system Government social programs and interventions aim to
of stratification. alleviate poverty and improve the living conditions of this
Determinants of segment.
SocialClass The Middle-Income Class: Aspirations for Progress
1. Education- one of the The middle-income class represents a growing sector of the
most important factors in Philippine society. Individuals in this class generally have
determining one’s social more stable incomes, better educational opportunities, and
class. An individual who access to essential services. They are engaged in a diverse
has obtained a university range of occupations, including professionals,
degree is able to move to a entrepreneurs, and skilled workers. The middle-income
higher class stratum. class aspires for upward mobility, seeking to improve their
Compared to those socioeconomic status and provide better opportunities for
without college education, their families.
-professionals are The High-Income Class: Influence and Prestige
regarded highly by the The high-income class comprises the wealthiest
society. individuals in the country. They enjoy significant economic
2. Income- A family’s privileges, access to exclusive education, and luxurious
income determines the lifestyles. The high-income class includes influential
lifestyle of its members. business tycoons, prominent politicians, and other elite
The higher the income, members of society. Their wealth and social connections
the higher the class often afford them considerable influence and prestige.
stratum. There are also “unwritten” social classes based on
3. Intelligence- educational attainment and political power or influence. It
Intelligent people are is apparent that highly educated people seem to get more
usually recognized in the respect than those who did not finish college. They get
society. Oftentimes, their more respect and are classified as “better” or “higher
opinions are solicited in level”citizens.
case of an impasse on a
certain contentions issue.
4. Occupation- The
quality of education,
training, and work
experience are the
determining factors in
one’s social class based
on occupation.
Social Classes in the
1. Low-income class
2. Middle-income class
3. High-income class

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