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Earth’s Core: Geophysics Of A

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Geophysics of a Planet’s
Deepest Interior
Professor of Physics and Geophysics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States

Professor of Physics, Bard College at Simon’s Rock, Great Barrington, MA, United States

Adjunct Professor, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States
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About the authors vii Appendix 109

References 111
Preface ix
Further readings and resources 112
1. Radial structure of Earth’s core 4. Outer core dynamics
1.1 Geophysical evidence 1
4.1 The outer core environment 115
1.2 Reference models 3
4.2 Dimensionless parameters 118
1.3 Analysis of the seismic wavefield 4
4.3 Thermochemical transport and buoyancy 121
1.4 Viscoelastic attenuation 11
4.4 Steady laminar flows 124
1.5 Scattering 12
4.5 Waves in the outer core 135
1.6 Anisotropy 14
4.6 Outer core convection 143
1.7 Viscosity 15
4.7 Numerical dynamos 151
1.8 Summary 17
4.8 Summary 168
Appendix 1.1 Moment of inertia 18
Appendix 169
Appendix 1.2 Elastic equation of motion 19
References 175
Appendix 1.3 Seismic nomenclature 21
Further readings and resources 176
Appendix 1.4 Adams-Williamson equation and the Bullen
parameter 23
Appendix 1.5 Viscoeleastic attenuation parameterization 24
5. Boundary regions
Appendix 1.6 Birch’s law and seismic velocity/density 5.1 D00 (lowermost mantle region) 179
relations 26 5.2 CMB topography 186
Appendix 1.7 Composite elastic moduli and density 27 5.3 E0 region (uppermost outer core) 187
Appendix 1.8 Elastic anisotropy 28 5.4 F region 189
Appendix 1.9 Equations of state 30 5.5 ICB topography 190
References 31 5.6 Summary 191
References 192
2. Chemical and physical state of the core
6. Inner core explored with seismology
2.1 Composition of the core 33
2.2 Temperature in the core 38 6.1 Elastic anisotropy 195
2.3 Transport properties of the core 40 6.2 Attenuation and scattering 197
2.4 Thermodynamics of the core 46 6.3 Hemispherical differences 201
2.5 Inner core mineralogy 57 6.4 Differential rotation 204
2.6 Summary 64 6.5 Shear modulus, density, and viscosity 207
Appendix 2.1 Construction of phase diagrams and the 6.6 Summary 212
partition coefficient 64 References 213
Appendix 2.2 Thermodynamic relations and the Gruneisen
parameter 67 7. Inner core dynamics
Appendix 2.3 The free electron Fermi gas, phonons,
and the Debye model 68 7.1 Solidification of the inner core 215
Appendix 2.4 Miller indices and pole figures 69 7.2 Deformation in the inner core 223
References 71 7.3 Annealing: Recovery, recrystallization, grain growth,
Further reading 73 and coarsening 234
7.4 Grain size and the deformation mechanism map of the
3. Geodynamo and geomagnetic basics inner core 239
7.5 Inner core viscosity 240
3.1 Preliminaries 75 7.6 Inner core elastic anisotropy, attenuation, and isotropic
3.2 The geomagnetic field in the core 78 heterogeneity 242
3.3 The geodynamo process 91 7.7 Summary 244
3.4 Geomagnetic images of the core flow 104 References 245
3.5 Summary 109 Further reading 246

vi Contents

9.2 Seismology 281

8. Formation and evolution of the core 9.3 Mineral physics 283
9.4 Core dynamics 286
8.1 Formation of the core 247 References 289
8.2 Core evolution 259
8.3 The geodynamo in the deep past 271
8.4 Seeding the early geodynamo 273
Notation tables 291
8.5 Summary 276 Core properties and parameters 297
Appendix 276 Glossary 301
References 278 Index 309

9. Future research goals

9.1 Introduction 281
About the authors

Vernon F. Cormier is a professor of physics and geophysics at the University of Connecticut. He received a BS from
the California Institute of Technology and an MPhil and a PhD from Columbia University. His research has specialized
in seismic wave propagation and deep Earth structure, with applications that have included earthquake ground
motion, monitoring of underground nuclear tests, and the structure and dynamics of the crust, mantle, and core.
He has served as an editor for the Geophysical Journal International and Physics of the Earth’s Interior. Among services
to professional societies, he has served the Seismological Society of America as Vice President and the American
Geophysical Union as Secretary of the Seismology Section and Chair of the Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior (SEDI)
interest group.
Michael I. Bergman is the Emily H. Fisher Professor of Physics at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, where he teaches
courses ranging from introduction to geology to solid-state physics to a field course in volcanology on the island of
Montserrat. He earned a BA from Columbia University and a PhD from MIT. His research has focused on the solid-
ification and deformation of metals, alloys, and aqueous solutions, with applications to Earth’s core and sea ice. He is
the recipient of the Doornbos Memorial Prize for research on the deep Earth by a beginning investigator, has been the
long-standing secretary of SEDI, and has served as a guest editor for several journals.
Peter L. Olson is an adjunct professor at the University of New Mexico. He earned a BA from the University of
Colorado Boulder; an MA and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley; and taught earth and planetary
science for 37 years at Johns Hopkins University. His research focuses on the dynamics of planetary interiors, including
Earth’s mantle and core. His service activities include Editor for numerous journals, past President of the Tectonophy-
sics Section of the American Geophysical Union, and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

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Earth’s core is the most remote part of our planet, recognized as a compositionally distinct region little more than a
century ago. It remains the final frontier of our knowledge about Earth. Advances in seismology, computational and
experimental mineral physics, geodynamics, geomagnetism, paleomagnetism, and geochemistry have made core
research into a truly multidisciplinary effort. Exploration of the solar system has revealed iron-rich cores in all the ter-
restrial planets and several planetary satellites. Exoplanet exploration will doubtless reveal many more. Most obser-
vationally accessible of all cores, Earth’s offers great challenges for understanding its composition, structure, and
dynamics. Molten iron at over 4000 K churns in the outer core to produce Earth’s magnetic field, and is compressed
to a solid in the inner core to pressures that exceed three million times the atmospheric pressure. Research of Earth’s
core requires applying known chemistry and physics to an extreme environment, while being open to new theories to
explain surprising phenomena.
The aim of this book is twofold: to give the foundation required to investigate Earth’s core and to present the out-
standing research questions. Our intended audience includes those at the beginning of their graduate studies. Few of
the audience will have studied deep Earth geophysics in detail, having entered the field with disparate backgrounds in
physics, geology, chemistry, mathematics, or engineering. While we assume our readers have a background in at least
one of these disciplines, we endeavor to broaden their comprehension of other disciplines that bear on the core. This
will, for example, enable an established researcher to appreciate more clearly the issues discussed at multidisciplinary
meetings such as the Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior.
In Chapters 1–3, we present (1) the basic radial structure of the core; (2) its composition, temperature, and material
properties, core thermodynamics, and inner core mineralogy; and (3) geomagnetism and elementary dynamo theory.
These chapters review the seismology, mineral physics, and geodynamics required to begin a study of the core. Much
in these chapters is widely accepted by the geophysical community, except the precise composition of the core, and
some of the material properties of iron and its alloys under core conditions, which continue to be active areas of
research. Chapters 4–7, while still presenting foundational material, emphasize current research problems. These
include (4) details of outer core dynamics and the dynamo process; (5) boundary layers on both sides of the
core–mantle boundary and above the inner core boundary; (6) inner core seismology, including elastic anisotropy
and attenuation; and (7) inner core solidification and deformation. Some overlap of topics is inevitable because dif-
ferent disciplines often ask the same questions. Chapter 8 delves into the truly speculative—the formation and early
evolution of the Earth and its core. We conclude with Chapter 9: a brief chapter on future directions.
There are many excellent monographs that cover the particular disciplines relevant to Earth’s deep interior. Except
for those on geomagnetism and dynamo theory, few of these specialize in applications to the core and are often more
detailed than useful for introducing topics of current research. Stacey’s Physics of the Earth and Anderson’s New Theory
of the Earth come closest to the spirit of this book, although they do not focus on the core. The choice of topics here
reflects those that are of the most pressing interest, tempered by our own expertise. It is for this reason that the book
is admittedly short on the contributions of geochemistry. In a book of this broad scope, it is not possible to cover details
of experimental techniques, ab initio calculations, or computational methods for seismology or dynamo studies. Many
excellent detailed reviews on the research topics introduced in this book can act as supplements and extensions to the
book, including Elsevier’s Treatise on Geophysics.
The question of how to deal with uncertainty is central to the study of Earth’s core. Readers will immediately
encounter instances of uncertainty, starting in Chapter 1 and increasing as the book progresses. For example, the uncer-
tainty in seismic wave speeds in the core is generally less than 1%, but for density a few percentage. The temperature of
the core is uncertain at about 10% level, and it is difficult to put uncertainties on quantities such as alloying elements in
the core. Many thermodynamic and geomagnetic field properties inside the core have uncertainties as large as a factor
of 2. Certain dynamical properties, such as the outer core convective velocities, are uncertain by almost an order of
magnitude, and the outer and inner core viscosities even more so. In many cases, the uncertainty itself is uncertain.
In light of these uncertainties, the challenge becomes how to apply quantitative tools to infer the operation of a sys-
tem whose properties are known, in many cases, only within broad limits. We respect uncertainties by considering a

x Preface

range of values for each such property. We then do not restrict ourselves to one set of data, one interpretation, or one
model. We must be cognizant of the assumptions that go into any interpretation or model, and be open to the pos-
sibility that new observations and new ideas may well replace long-accepted ones. It is this combination of imagination
guided by rigorous science and sound judgment that gives the exploration of the core its special character.
A number of problems, additional resources, and links to engage the student are available at the following website:
https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals/book-companion/9780128114001. The instructor site will be avail-
able by February 2022. The problems concern fundamental seismology, materials science, and fluid mechanics,
and others pertain to the core in particular. They are ranked in order of difficulty by asterisks from one to three, with
the most difficult being suitable for discussions leading to research investigations.
This book has been enriched by generous contributions of figures as well as by conversations and debates with
research collaborators, students, and colleagues from seismology, mineral physics, and geodynamics. Vernon espe-
cially thanks Paul Richards for early collaborations on seismic wave propagation and core structure, and Donald
Helmberger for demonstrating the equal importance of source and structure to the interpretation of seismograms.
Michael thanks Thierry Alboussiere, Jeremy Bloxham, Dave Cole, Renaud Deguen, David Fearn, Ludovic Huguet,
Eric Kramer, Dan Lewis, Ted Madden, Sebastian Merkel, Peggy Shannon, Quentin Williams, and James Yu for their
advice, assistance, and encouragement with the book and over the years. Vivian Shi provided much-needed assistance
with line figures. Peter acknowledges the contributions to the book by the many graduate students and postdoctoral
researchers who worked with him on the core and the deep Earth.
We each thank our families for the thoughtful support that made our book project possible. Vernon thanks his wife
Leslie for the early idea of writing this book and his son Kiat for shared sports breaks. Michael thanks Sarah and Ben for
forgoing more than a few excursions to kayak through swamps, and his wider family for their general support. Peter is
and will forever be grateful for the support of his family, Claudia, David, and Nicholas.

Confectioner’s view of Earth (originally published in The New Yorker, September 26, 1999).

Radial structure of Earth’s core

1.1 Geophysical evidence

Earth’s core, as we know it today, extends to about half of Earth’s radius. It consists of a liquid outer core of iron
alloyed with nickel and other unknown light elements and a predominantly Fe-Ni solid inner core with lesser amounts
of lighter elements. In most parts of this book, we examine Earth’s core as a snapshot in time, when it has been possible
for humans to measure or estimate its internal properties from its magnetic and gravitational fields, its elastic structure
from seismic wavefields, its variations in rotation, and its chemistry from rocks brought to its surface by its internal
dynamics or deposited as meteorites. Its current chemistry, state, and dynamics have evolved over a much deeper
period of time, starting from the origin of the solar system. We save a glimpse of that deeper time period for Chapter 8.
In this chapter, we briefly review gravity, magnetic, and seismic evidence of gross core structure. We emphasize
seismic observations because they are capable of imaging its deep interior in three dimensions at spatial scales
approaching 10 km or less. These small scales are those of elastic velocity variations. Elastic velocities, which are com-
bined functions of elastic moduli and density, are only weakly sensitive to viscosity and can have complex and often
unknown correlations with chemistry and other physical properties important to the geodynamo such as electrical and
thermal conductivity. Nonetheless, many useful relations exist for predicting how seismic velocities change due to
variations in rheology, composition, temperature, and pressure (see Appendices 1.4–1.9).

1.1.1 Moment of inertia and gravity

Even chemically homogeneous planets can be expected to exhibit some density stratification, with density increas-
ing with depth due to volumetric compression from the effects of increasing pressure toward their centers. The uncom-
pressed bulk density of Earth (4050 kg/m3), however, is much higher than that predicted for the uncompressed density
of mantle silicates (3000 kg/m3). This inescapably leads to the conclusion that the existence of the density stratification
must be also accompanied by a compositional stratification.
A first-order representation of a planet’s stratification in density is given by its measured moments of inertia. Two
moments of inertia of Earth can be measured from the spatial variation of its gravitational potential, determined from
observations of the path of Earth-orbiting satellites, and from the measured precessional period of its axis of rotation
about a normal to its orbital plane about the sun (Appendix 1.1). These two measurements are substituted into two
equations and for two unknowns, the moment of inertia about Earth’s axis of rotation and that for an axis lying in its
equatorial plane. The equatorial moment of inertia is slightly larger than the polar, representing the effects of flattening
from Earth’s rotation. Within two significant digits both moments of inertia are 0.32MR2, where M and R are the mass
and average radius of the Earth, respectively. Since the moment of inertia of a homogeneous sphere is 0.4MR2, it is clear
that denser material must exist nearer its center. Since the compression of silicate minerals with increasing pressure at
depth is not sufficient to explain this low moment of inertia, this provides evidence for iron concentrated in a core
beginning at a depth approximately halfway to its center.

1.1.2 Magnetic field: Spatial spectrum and time variation

The spatial and temporal behavior of Earth’s magnetic field provides additional, indirect evidence, for the location,
state, and physical properties of Earth’s outer core. Downward extrapolation (Chapter 3) of the spatial spectrum of

Earth’s Core 1 Copyright © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2 1. Radial structure of Earth’s core

Earth’s magnetic field predicts a whitened spatial spectrum of low-order spatial harmonics about halfway to Earth’s
center. This agrees with the behavior expected for a dynamo consisting of an electrically conducting fluid in convective
motion, driven by vigorous flows over a wide range of scales. From the time variations of Earth’s magnetic field, the
magnitudes of the convective velocities of this fluid are inferred to be on the order of 10–20 km/year, more than 5
orders of magnitude larger than the convective velocities of Earth’s mantle and observed plate motions at its surface
(cm/year). From the observations of Earth’s gravity, rotational motion, and magnetic field alone, we can thus conclude
that it has a dense, electrically conducting, low viscosity fluid, outer core, with a radius about half of Earth’s. That it is
enriched in iron can be inferred from the known chemistry and density of surface igneous rocks and iron meteorites, in
combination with measured solar abundances, stripped of hydrogen and helium.

1.1.3 Seismology: Body waves and normal modes

Solutions to the seismic equation of motion (Appendix 1.2) can establish strong constraints on composition from the
elastic moduli and densities of Earth’s core from the measurement of elastic vibrations observed as body waves above
0.01 Hz in frequency and normal modes in the millihertz band. Solutions in the high-frequency band propagate as
body waves (compressional P and shear S) outward from an earthquake, explosion, or impact in quasi-spherically
shaped wavefronts, sampling the elastic wave speed of the Earth along ray paths normal to the wavefront. Solutions
in the low-frequency band are described by the elastic normal modes of Earth. Mode spectra are identified and mea-
sured in the frequency domain, whereas body wave velocities are inferred from the travel times of waves observed in
seismograms recorded in the time domain.
Emil Wiechert in 1896 was the first physicist and seismologist to quantify the existence of a metallic core. Timing of
seismic body waves beginning in the early 20th century with the work of Oldham and Lehmann provided estimates of
its internal elastic properties and state with depth, adding constraints to its density structure, and more precisely locat-
ing the radii of the boundaries of the liquid outer and solid inner cores (Fig. 1.1). By the 1930s, global seismometer
coverage was sufficient to reveal the existence of the inner core. With current coverage, the signatures of the sharp
discontinuities of the outer and inner cores can be easily observed (Fig. 1.2). Evidence of the outer core came from
the observation of a shadow zone, in which no direct P and S waves are observed beginning around a great circle range
of 95°. This is consistent with a strong sharp decrease in P wave velocity and the absence of direct S waves beneath a
radius of 3480 km, due to the fluidity of the outer core. Evidence for an inner core originated from the identification of a
P wave multipath, associated with a travel time triplication of P waves (different core waves arrive at the same distance
from different angles as explained in Section 1.3.1) arriving in the great circle range of 120–155°. This is predicted by a
sharp increase in P wave velocity at radius 1215–1220 km.
FIG. 1.1 The pioneering seismologists who
determined the basic structure of the core. Left
to right, with date of seminal publications on
Earth’s core: Emil Wiechert (1896), Richard
Oldham (1906), and Inge Lehmann (1936).

Knowledge of the state (liquid or solid) of the core has been obtained from seismology in both the body wave and
free-oscillation frequency bands. The lack of S waves propagating through the outer core is inferred from the travel
time and polarization of SKS waves, which propagate as S waves in the mantle and compressional waves in the liquid
outer core (Fig. 1.3). Direct observation of shear waves propagating in the solid inner core (PKJKP) has been difficult
because the amplitude of this wave is quite weak. Weak PKJKP amplitude is due to the small coefficient of conversion
of P to S waves at the inner core boundary for possible angles of incidence on the inner core boundary. Further weak-
ening of PKJKP is also possible due to the possibility of shear wave splitting from the elastic anisotropy of the inner core,
which will widen a single pulse into two interfering PKJKP pulses on both vertical and radial components of motion.
Free oscillation eigenfrequencies are consistent with a liquid outer core and a solid inner core with a bulk averaged shear
velocity of 3.5 km/s. Using correlation wavefields, Tkalcic and Pham (2018) reported a value of 3.42 km/s at the ICB
1.2 Reference models 3
rising to 3.58 km/s at Earth’s center. These values have been problematic to reconcile with estimates from likely inner
core compositions, which are predicted to approach 5 km/s for nearly pure iron at the temperatures and pressures of
the inner core (see Chapter 6).

PKJKP window

Time (sec) 1600




1000 ow

100 120 140 160 180
Range (deg)

FIG. 1.2 Body wave travel time curves created by stacking 90,673 seismograms from 3648 shallow earthquakes (<50 km depth) from Shearer et al.
(2011). (Nomenclature of labeled waves is associated with their ray paths in Earth and is explained in Appendix 1.3.) A signature of the outer core is
the P wave shadow, where the direct P wave fades into a wave diffracted (Pdiff ) around the core-mantle boundary. A signature of the inner core is
the bifurcated PKP curve evident between 150° and 180°, consisting of a faster PKIKP wave, having a near horizontal slope, transmitted through the
inner core and a slower PKP wave, having a steeper slope, transmitted through only the outer core. The shear wave traveling through the solid inner
core (PKJKP) cannot be easily detected.

FIG. 1.3 P and S wave polarization sensitivities to the solid/liquid states of the inner/outer cores. Left: the shear wave transmitted through the
inner core wave is predicted to exist as only an SV polarized S wave within a solid, isotropic inner core. Right: the liquid state of the outer core can be
confirmed by the polarization of the SKS wave, in which only the SV polarized component of the S wave incident on the core-mantle boundary can be
converted to a P polarized wave in the liquid outer core (K) and then converted to an SV polarized wave on exit.

1.2 Reference models

When determining the detailed structure of Earth’s interior, it is useful to seek deviations from reference Earth
models, which assume an average, radially symmetric, elastic, and density structure. Two such models are PREM
(Dziewonski and Anderson, 1981) and AK135-F (Kennett et al., 1995) as shown in Fig. 1.4. These and other reference
models are available as comma-separated (CSV) spreadsheet files from web pages of the Data Management Center of
the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS DMC, 2011). The core model of PREM assumes a
4 1. Radial structure of Earth’s core

chemically homogeneous and neutrally buoyant outer and inner core. PREM is designed to fit a suite of elastic-free
oscillations and a catalog of travel times of body waves. Since body waves interacting with the boundaries of Earth’s
inner and outer core have a relatively complex structure (Figs. 1.5 and 1.6), PREM ignores fitting cataloged travel times
in distance ranges where the travel time curves of body waves exhibit this complexity. Hence, body wave studies fre-
quently choose AK135-F rather than PREM as the best reference model for core structure. AK135-F adds details in the
form of changes in gradients to elastic velocity and density above the core-mantle boundary and on either side of the
inner core boundary. In later chapters, we will see that changes in velocity and density gradient have important con-
sequences for chemistry and stable stratification of the outer core. It is thus not surprising that their existence and lat-
eral variation is still one of the more active areas of core research.
Readers of seismological literature will encounter references to a historical scheme of lettered regions of the Earth A–
F developed by K. Bullen to classify depth regions differing in elastic velocity and/or its gradient in depth. Extensions
of Bullen’s classification scheme have led to identifying a region D00 (the region 200–300 km above the core-mantle
boundary) and regions E0 and F of similar thicknesses in the liquid outer core just below the core-mantle boundary
and just above the inner core boundary, respectively. Modern research concentrates on interpreting the seismic
observations that best constrain smaller scale structures of Bullen’s D00 , E0 , and F regions. Changes in composition
and the velocity gradients near the boundaries of the outer and inner cores (CMB and ICB), too small to be represented
in Fig. 1.4, and the existence of scatterers in D00 and the uppermost inner core are important for understanding the
dynamics and evolution of the inner and outer cores. Evidence for and models of small perturbations near the
CMB and ICB are treated in Chapter 5.

FIG. 1.4 Plotted starting 120 km above the core-mantle boundary (CMB) at radius 3480 km are reference models PREM (solid) and AK135-F
(dashed) for P wave velocity (blue, black in print version), density (red, dark gray in print version), and S wave velocity (green, light gray in print
version) from the lowermost mantle to the center of Earth’s inner core. The inner core boundary (ICB) at radius 1220 km separates the liquid outer core
from the solid inner core. The location of Bullen’s ( Jeffreys and Bullen, 1940) depth regions D00 (lowermost mantle), E0 (uppermost outer core), and
F (lowermost outer core) are marked.

1.3 Analysis of the seismic wavefield

Observable elastic vibrations of Earth sensitive to core structure occur over a broad spectrum of frequencies, from
less than 1 mHz to greater than 10 Hz. The solution of the equation of motion of these vibrations and their observations
are commonly divided into either a representation as body waves or normal modes. Body waves propagate outward
from an earthquake, explosion, or impact source as quasi-spherical wavefronts whose normals are called rays. For a
normal mode of oscillation, the whole Earth vibrates at a discrete frequency, with an amplitude that exponentially
decays with time from its initial excitation. The vibrations form a quilted pattern of a small number of nodes of zero
amplitude at its surface, similar to the spatial pattern of the modes of a drum head in 2D or a stringed instrument in 1D.
1.3 Analysis of the seismic wavefield 5
The representation either as traveling body waves or normal modes of vibration begins with the treatment of the elastic
equation of motion (Appendix 1.2). A body wave representation is accurate when gravity and the pseudo-forces of
rotation can be neglected in the equation of motion at sufficiently high frequency. At lower frequencies, a normal mode
representation is required because the magnitude of the forces of gravity and rotational pseudo-forces (centrifugal and
Coriolis) can be close to the magnitude of the elastic contact forces.

1.3.1 Body waves

Body wave constraints on densities are relatively weak, being only sensitive to the sharp changes in the product of
velocity and density or seismic impedance at steep angles of incidence to material discontinuities. The bulk modulus or
incompressibility obtained from joint P and S wave velocities constrains the density gradient through the Adams-
Williamson equation (Appendix 1.4). In the free-oscillation band, however, gravity becomes a restoring force in the
equation of motion, and mode eigenfrequencies can establish additional constraints on core density. Density profiles
of the core have been determined from combined inversions of body wave velocities, mode eigenfrequencies, and mass
and moment of inertia of Earth, together with the assumption of neutrally buoyant stratification.
The body waves commonly used to study core structure are subject to two discontinuous changes in elastic wave
velocities and densities, one at the core-mantle boundary and one at the inner core boundary. Any rapid or discon-
tinuous decrease in elastic velocity produces a caustic and two paths in a lit zone, each having opposite sign of cur-
vature in their associated travel time curves. A caustic is a surface, line, or point in space where body waves are
strongly focused and frequency-independent ray theory breaks down. Any rapid or discontinuous velocity increase
produces a triplication of the travel time curve. A triplication is a region of distances in which three body waves having
different ray paths (multipaths) can arrive at the same seismic station, for example, the travel time curves for P waves
interacting with the inner core boundary at distances greater than 145° in Fig. 1.5. The points where the curvature of
travel time curves changes sign are the distances at which the caustics intersect the Earth’s surface.
The interaction with the core boundaries of P waves, whose polarization direction is coincident with the direction of
their rays, provide an example of the waveform complexity induced by a discontinuous velocity decrease at the core-
mantle boundary, followed by a discontinuous velocity increase at the inner core-mantle boundary. It is the existence
of this complexity in travel time curves that enables an estimate of the depths of both Earth’s outer and inner cores to
within 10 km or less. A shadow zone and caustic are induced in P waves by a discontinuous P velocity decrease at the
core-mantle boundary, and a triplication is induced by a discontinuous P velocity increase at the inner core boundary.

FIG. 1.5 P wave seismograms (left) observed from a deep focus earthquake at 140° emphasize several complex interactions with both the inner
core (PKIKP + PKiKP) and the outer core and the core-mantle boundary (PKP, diffraction from the B caustic and C cusp, and CMB scattering). A high-
pass filter emphasizes a precursor to PKIKP + PKiKP scattered from the CMB region, while in the broadband recording the low-frequency diffraction
from the B caustic becomes visible. The travel time curve (right) shows ray-theoretical waves as black lines, low-frequency diffracted waves as dashed
red lines, and high-frequency scattered waves from the CMB as dotted blue lines.
6 1. Radial structure of Earth’s core

FIG. 1.6 Left: ray paths and travel time curves

of core P waves, identifying key distance ranges
sensitive to inner core structure: a precritical
reflection, where PKiKP amplitudes are small,
and a postcritical reflection PKiKP, where
P waves are totally reflected. Right: synthetic
record section of P wave displacement from an
explosive source illustrating how the complexity
of the travel time curve is expressed by complex-
ity in the P body waves. Two frequency-
dependent waves, not predicted by ray theory,
are visible in the wavefield: a diffraction from
the inner core boundary (PKP-Cdiff ) and the dif-
fraction from the outer core caustic (PKP-Bdiff ).
The change in shape of PKP-AB wave visible as
the latest arriving pulse after 152° is due to a
π/2, phase shift relative to the PKIKP wave.

The triplication is denoted by lines connecting points A, B, and C in the travel time curves shown in Figs. 1.5 and 1.6.
The P waves transmitted through the outer core are sometimes denoted as either PKP-AB or PKP-BC according to the
branch of their travel time curve.
The velocity decrease at the core-mantle boundary generates a reversal of the travel time-distance curve plotted for a
series of increasing vertical takeoff angles. A strong focusing of PKP waves occurs at the caustic distance B. In standard
reference Earth models, the core shadow zone starts at 95° and the caustic distance at point B is close to 145°. The dis-
continuous increase in velocity at the outer-inner core boundary generates the triplication C-D-F. Frequency-dependent
diffraction occurs along the extension of BC to longer distances. A lower amplitude partial reflection along the dashed
segment extends from D to shorter distances. In addition to the effects induced by radially symmetric structure, lateral
heterogeneity near the core-mantle boundary can scatter higher frequency body waves in all directions, detectable by a
high-frequency (>1 Hz) coda that arrives before PKIKP at distances that precede the B caustic, riding on top of a low-
frequency signal diffracted from the caustic. Scattering at the core-mantle boundary can also induce a high-frequency
arrival, less-frequently observed, between PKIKP (PKP-DF) and PKP (PKP-AB) at ranges beyond cusp C. The curved
dashed line extended to shorter distances from point B in Fig. 1.5 represents the minimum arrival time of these high-
frequency PKIKP precursors scattered from either heterogeneity near or topography on the core-mantle boundary. The
combined effects of the P wave scattered by heterogeneities near the CMB and the B caustic diffraction are best seen in
broadband seismograms spanning a distance range of P wave core interaction between 130° and 145° (Figs. 1.5 and 1.6).
The amplitude of the PKiKP wave varies from small values at short distances and near vertical incidence to a total
reflection as it approaches grazing incidence on the inner core. PKiKP corresponding to the range of total (critical)
reflection is the travel time branch labeled PKP-CD in Figs. 1.5 and 1.6. The transition in amplitude of PKiKP from
precritical to postcritical reflection is a gradual, frequency-dependent transition surrounding the distance of point D.
Unlike the motion of P waves polarized parallel to the direction of their rays, the motion of S waves is polarized
perpendicular to the direction of their rays, similar to the polarization of electromagnetic waves. Assuming elastic
isotropy, the orientation of the transverse polarization of an S wave is fixed by the orientation of the slip vectors along
an earthquake fault plane. This polarization is commonly decomposed into an SV component in the plane containing
the source, receiver, and center of Earth, and an SH component perpendicular to that plane. The SH component of
S polarization cannot be converted to a compressional wave in Earth’s liquid outer core because SH particle motion
has no component in the propagation direction of the converted P wave. Hence, its interaction with the outer core
produces only a pure SH polarized ScS and a diffracted S. SV polarized waves can convert to P waves and vice versa
at the core-mantle boundary. Since compressional waves in the core are faster than the S waves on the mantle side of
1.3 Analysis of the seismic wavefield 7
FIG. 1.7 SV interactions with the core-mantle
boundary region in which an SPdiffKS wave is
excited (Rondenay et al., 2010).

Δ (sec)

Pd S

mantle OC IC CMB

1020 1040 1060 1080

T - 3.4 Δ (sec)

the core-mantle boundary, the travel time curves of SV polarized S, ScS, and SKS waves are examples of a triplication
equivalent to a discontinuous velocity increase. The SKS wave should be a purely SV polarized wave (Fig. 1.3). This is
indeed the case, except for cases in which significant anisotropy occurs in the mantle along the path exiting the outer
core to the receiver. Fig. 1.7 shows an example observation of SV polarized S waves interacting with both the outer and
inner core boundaries. It illustrates another important S interaction with the CMB in which at some angles the SV
polarized SKS wave can excite a P wave diffracted along the CMB before it converts to a compressional K wave at
the outer core. This can happen at either the receiver end, source end, or both ends of a path, and has been useful
in research on the structure and lateral variation of structure in the D00 region at the base of the mantle.
Similar to the sequence of underside reflections that are excited by the velocity increase at the inner core boundary
(PKIIKP, PKIIIKP +..) shown in Fig. 1.7 travel time curves, there is a sequence of underside reflections of the outer core
boundary (SKKS + SKKKS +…) excited by the equivalent increase of S velocity on the mantle side of the CMB to the
higher compressional (K) velocity on the outer core side of the CMB. These collections of underside multiples are exam-
ples of interference head waves or whispering gallery waves. The amplitudes and travel times of the SmKS multiples
are especially sensitive to the compressional wave velocity and its gradient in Bullen’s E0 region of the uppermost inner
core, and have been used to determine if there exists a stably stratified layer at the top of the outer core that does not
participate in the primary convection driving the geodynamo (Chapter 5).
For a given frequency content the sensitivity of body wave travel times and amplitudes to elastic velocity structure
can be represented by a banana-shaped volume surrounding their ray paths, the lower the frequency, the wider the
waist of the banana (Fig. 1.8). Midway along the ray connecting a source and receiver, the diameter of the zone of

FIG. 1.8 3D sensitivity kernels for an SH wave in a homo-

geneous sphere at an epicentral distance of 120° calculated in
narrow frequency bands centered at 25 mHz (top) and 50 mHz
(bottom). In these examples, the sensitivity kernels are calcu-
lated using an approximate ray-theoretical approach
described in Zhao et al. (2000).

-5 0 5
(x 10-7 s/km3)
8 1. Radial structure of Earth’s core

highest sensitivity is roughly the size of the square root of the length of the ray path times wavelength (Nolet and
Dahlen, 2000). This zone of sensitivity can more accurately be estimated from the volume of the first Fresnel zone
surrounding a ray path. The first Fresnel zone contains all Snell rays connecting a source location, a point scatterer
location, and a receiver location, such that the difference between that path and the least-time Snell ray path is less
than a half period. More precise measures of a zone of sensitivity can be determined from a superposition of the normal
mode eigenfunctions that correspond to a representation of specific body waves. Calculated either from rays or normal
modes, the sensitivity
  kernel K is a function of both frequency and space. It is defined by integrating over volume a 3-D
δVP, S
perturbation VP, S to seismic velocity that is needed to model the observed difference in travel time δtP,S between
that predicted from a reference and true velocity structure:
ððð   δV 
! P, S
δtP,S ¼ KP,S ω, x d3 x (1.1)
Body waves, whose ray paths turn from downward to upward propagation, are especially sensitive to structure near
their turning points. Areas of this enhanced sensitivity are of special interest for structures near the core-mantle bound-
ary and inner core boundary, where phase and chemistry change either discontinuously or over a depth transition
whose width is much less than the dominant wavelength of the body wave. Examples include core grazing P and
S waves observed before the shadow of the core-mantle boundary and beyond the shadow as frequency-dependent
diffractions, Pdiff and Sdiff. Another important core-grazing wave is PKP-AB observed at distances far from the PKP-B
SKS and SKnKS are strongly sensitive to structure on both sides of the core-mantle boundary. The collection of SKS,
SKKS, S3KS, … at distances greater than 110° has been used as a test for the existence of a chemically distinct region of
stable stratification at the top of the outer core. Inner core boundary grazing PKiKP at postcritical incidence at ranges
between D and C, together with PKIKP in the same distance range, has been used to infer structure in the uppermost
inner core. The distance of the PKP-C cusp, together with the amplitude, travel time, and pulse dispersion of PKP-Cdiff
diffracted around the inner core has been important in constraining structure at the bottom of the outer core (Bullen’s
F region) as well as determining bounds on inner core topography.
Differential travel times measured by cross-correlating the waveforms of two body waves that have nearly identical
ray paths in shallower regions have proved to be a powerful approach in removing the effects of shallower hetero-
geneous structure where the sensitivity kernels of the two waves overlap. Fig. 1.9 shows the effective sensitivity of

FIG. 1.9 Sensitivity kernel for PKP-DF—Pdiff differential times at low frequency. S and R denote source and receiver locations, respectively. From
Karason, H., van der Hilst, R., 2001. Tomographic imaging of the lowermost mantle with differential travel times of refracted and diffracted core phases. J. Geophys.
Res. 106, 6559–6588.
1.3 Analysis of the seismic wavefield 9
the difference between the travel time of a P wave transmitted through the inner core and the travel time of a P wave
diffracted around the outer core. The effect of the near identical ray paths through the upper mantle is minimized, and
the resultant sensitivity is focused on D00 structure near the core-mantle boundary. A similar approach can be used to
image structure of the E0 region of the uppermost outer core using the difference between the travel time SKKS
and SKS.
With increased density of digitally recorded and telemetered seismic networks, it has become possible to extract
weaker body waves sensitive to core structure using techniques of stacking and cross-correlation. Among these are
PcP, PKiKP, and PKIIKP at near vertical angles of incidence on the core-mantle and inner core boundaries. At near
vertical angles, these P waves are sensitive to only to the P velocity and density changes at discontinuities. Frequency
dependence and complexity of their waveforms may reveal the nature of any transition zone structures in the bound-
ary region. The most elusive of these weak waves is the PKJKP wave, which is a compressional wave that converts to
an S wave in Earth’s solid inner core, and converts back to a compressional wave in the outer core. The conversion
coefficient of the compressional K wave in the outer core into the SV polarized wave in the solid inner core is very
small for all possible angles of incidence. Making the observation of PKJKP even more difficult is that for some inci-
dence angles and types of elastic anisotropy (Appendix 1.8) the energy of the inner core S wave may be split into two
interfering S waves, differing in polarization from either SH or SV, and arriving at slightly different times.
P waves can be observed from reflections by the outer core boundary (PcP) or inner core boundary from either
above (PKiKP) or below (PKIIKP). At more grazing angles of incidence (precritical PKiKP) and PKIIKP at ranges less
than 180°, their amplitudes are affected by both P and S velocity discontinuities and density discontinuities. For
P waves at near vertical angles incidence, the amplitudes of reflected and transmitted P waves depend only on the
P velocity and density discontinuities and are nearly independent of the shear velocity jumps at the outer and inner
core boundaries. At near vertical incidence, all of the CMB and ICB reflected waves are at a precritical angle of inci-
dence and are partially reflected and hence are weak and relatively difficult to detect in the presence of ambient noise
and other scattered waves. When these partial reflections are observable, their amplitudes in combination with
P velocity estimates from waveform and travel time modeling can potentially provide better estimates of the density
jump at the inner core boundary. This density jump is important to driving a core dynamo powered by compositional

1.3.2 Free oscillations

An earthquake, explosion, or an impact source can excite the free oscillations (normal modes) of Earth. They are best
observed in the frequency domain, Fourier transforming a seismogram recorded in the time domain. Structure near the
boundaries of the outer and inner cores, where chemical heterogeneity and phase changes are most likely, is an impor-
tant goal of current research. Structure near these boundaries can ideally be inverted from Stoneley type modes, whose
energy is concentrated near either the core-mantle boundary or inner the core boundary. Unlike body waves, which
provide relatively weak constraints on density gradients and density jumps near discontinuities, normal mode oscil-
lations are measurably affected by a gravitational restoring force. Thus, they can provide constraints on the average
density throughout a depth region.
The eigenfrequencies of free oscillations are classified as either spheroidal (nSm m
l ) or toroidal (nTl ) modes. The motions
of spheroidal modes are perpendicular to Earth’s surface; those of torroidal modes are tangent to Earth’s surface.
Superpositions of spheroidal modes correspond to P-SV body waves and Rayleigh surface waves; those of toroidal
modes correspond to SH body waves and Love waves. The subscript l in nSl and nTl is termed as the angular order
number and its value is related to the wavelength λ between peaks in displacement of the mode at the Earth’s surface at
radius R by the relation l ¼ 2πR
λ . The subscript n is termed as the radial order number and also the overtone number. The
radial order number n corresponds to the number of nodes with depth in the Earth where the displacement of the mode
is zero and undergoes a reversal in the sign of its motion. Each angular order number l can have 2 l + 1 possible azi-
muthal order number m of modes having slightly different eigenfrequencies clustered about a center frequency. Modes
having low radial order number n and small angular order number l are most sensitive to upper mantle structure.
These modes largely comprise the elastic energy making up Love and Rayleigh surface waves. Modes having large
radial order number n and small angular order number l are most sensitive to deep mantle and core structure, com-
prising energy that makes up deeply penetrating body waves. Mode nomenclature, the senses of motion, and sub-
scripts n and l and superscript m are described in detail in Appendix 1.3.
The 2 l + 1 eigenfrequencies possible for different azimuthal order numbers m would all be equal (degenerate) in a
spherically symmetric, nonrotating, elastic, isotropic Earth. Degeneracy is removed, making each m have slightly
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