Global Hazards Edexcel AS Revision

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Unit 1: World at Risk

Global hazards

Name: ___________________________________
Geography @ Okehampton College
Geography Department now available on
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Context hazard: Widespread (global) threat due to environmental factors such as

climate change
Geophysical hazard: A hazard formed by tectonic/geological processes
(earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis)
Hazard: A perceived natural event which has the potential to threaten both life and
Hydro-meteorological hazard: A hazard formed by hydrological (floods) and
atmospheric (storms and droughts) processes
Vulnerability: A high risk combined with an inability of individuals and communities
of cope
Disaster: A hazard becoming reality in an event that causes deaths and damage to
goods/property and the environment
Risk: The probability of a hazard event occurring and creating loss of lives and
Albedo: How much solar radiation a surface reflects
Climate change: Any long term trend or shift in climate (average weather over 30
years) detected by a sustained shift in the average value for any climatic element
(e.g. rainfall, drought, storminess)
Enhanced greenhouse effect: This occurs when the levels of greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere increase owing to human activity.
Fossil fuels: Energy sources that are rich in carbon and which release carbon dioxide
when burnt (eg coal)
Global warming: A recently measured rise in the average surface temperature of the
Greenhouse effect: The warming of the Earth’s atmosphere due to the trapping of
heat that would otherwise be radiated back into space – it enabled the survival of life
on Earth.
Tipping point: The point at which a system switches from one state to another
Feedback mechanism: Where the output of a system acts to amplify (positive) or
reduce (negative) further output (e.g. the melting of Arctic permafrost leads to the
release of trapped methane which leads to further global warming)
Frequency: How often an event of a certain size (magnitude) occurs.
Magnitude: The size of the event (e.g. size of an earthquake on the Richter Scale)
Asthenosphere: A semi-molten zone of rock underlying the Earth’s crust
Conservative boundary: A boundary between plates where the movement of the
plates is parallel to the plate margin and the plates slide past each other.
Constructive boundary: A boundary between plates where the plates are diverging
or moving apart
Destructive boundary: A boundary between plates where the plates are converging
(moving together)
Lithosphere: The crust of the Earth, around 80-90km thick
Magma: Molten material that rises towards the Earth’s surface when hotspots within
the asthenosphere generate convection currents
Natural hazard: a natural event or process which affects people eg causing loss of life
or injury, economic damage, disruption to people’s lives or environmental degradation
Plates: Rigid, less dense ‘slabs’ of rock floating on the asthenosphere
Hotspot: A localised area of the Earth’s crust with an unusually high temperature
Plume: An upwelling of abnormally hot rock within the Earth’s mantle
Inter-tropical convergence zone: A zone of low atmospheric pressure near the
equator. This migrates seasonally.

The nature of hazard
A natural event such as a tsunami only becomes a hazard if it threatens humans.
There are many different types of hazard. Environmental hazards are specific events
like earthquakes or floods, usually classified into
• Natural processes: where the hazard results from an extreme geophysical or
hydro-meteorological event, such as a flood or volcanic eruption
• Natural-technological disasters: where natural hazards trigger technological
disaster (e.g. flooding causes a dam to burst)
• Technological accidents: such as Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploding
Environmental hazards are related in varying degrees to context hazards which
operate at a global or continental scale.

Chronic hazards such as global

warming and the El Nino-La Nina
cycle may increase the threat
from environmental hazards; for
example, a sea level rise
increases the risk of coastal

Some key features of

environmental hazards make
them a huge threat:
• The warning time is normally short and onset is rapid (apart from droughts)
• Humans are exposed to hazards because people live in hazardous areas through
perceived economic advantage or over-confidence about safety.
• Most direct losses to life or property occur within days or weeks of the event,
unless there is a secondary hazard.
• The resulting disaster often justifies an emergency response, sometimes on the
scale of international humanitarian aid.

Some socioeconomic characteristics, such as a high population density, high poverty

level or corrupt and inefficient government increase people’s vulnerability and amplify
the risks, particularly of death,
from environmental hazards.

Types of natural hazard

• Geophysical hazards
result from geological or
processes (e.g.
volcanoes, earthquakes
and tsunamis). These
are of two types,
internal earth processes
of tectonic origin (e.g.
earthquakes, tsunami
and volcanic activity)
and external earth
processes of

geomorphological origin involving mass movements (e.g. landslides, rockslides,
rock falls)
• Hydro-meteorological hazards result from atmospheric or hydrological processes
(eg floods, storms and droughts). Hydro-meteorological hazards are those
caused by running water and its processes (hydro) and those associated with or
caused by weather patterns (meteorological). They include floods, debris and
mud flows, hurricanes, coastal storm surges, thunder and hailstorms, rain and
wind storms (including tornadoes), blizzards and other severe storms, drought,
bushfires, temperature extremes, sand and dust storms.

What are disasters?

When does a natural hazard become a
Dregg’s model of defining disasters shows
how some kind of overlap is required before
a hazard becomes a disaster. A disaster is
a matter of scale; it is simply bigger than a
natural hazard. However, it is difficult to
define precisely. Insurance companies –
who do a lot of research into global hazards
– attempt to define disasters. In 1990,
Swiss Re defined a disaster as an event in
which at least 20 people died, or insured damage of over US$16 million value was

Disasters and vulnerable populations

Whether a hazard becomes a disaster or not can depend on how vulnerable the
people who are exposed to it are. An increasing proportion of the world’s population
lives in areas which are exposed to hazards. Examples include:
• People in Bangladesh who are threatened by floods and cyclones
• People who live on steep slopes where landslides may be common, such as the
favelas (shanty towns) in many Brazilian cities.

Who studies hazards?

People study hazards from different perspectives, such as:
• Scientists, e.g. geomorphologists (who study landform processes), geologists
(rocks) and hydrologists (water)
• Those who study societies e.g. economists, sociologists and psychologists
• Applied scientists e.g. civil, structural and hydrological engineers
• Private companies e.g. insurers
• Public bodes e.g. national and local governments
• Cultural organisations and individuals e.g. writers, photographers and even

Investigating the world’s worst hazards

Which are the world’s worst hazards? The answer depends on the year, 2004-5 was
bad for disasters, beginning just before the new year with the 2004 Boxing Day
tsunami. Between December 2004 and December 2005, 300 000 deaths occurred
globally – one of the worst 12 months on record. On average, 77 000 people were
killed annually in natural disasters between 2000 and 2005, although that figure is
lower if the 2004 tsunami is removed from the calculation. Care should be taken

when comparing years directly, because the total number of deaths can be hugely
affected by a single major disaster like this. Most deaths from disasters occur in Asia.

Which hazards have the worst impacts?

Floods and windstorms may be greatest in number, but do they cause the most
deaths or create the most damage? The data are complex but patterns do stand out:
• Earthquakes cause occasional major damage, but there is no upward trend.
• Damaging floods are increasing, but not consistently so
• Damaging windstorms are also increasing, though again not always

Why are floods and windstorms increasing?

The media almost always say that it is due to global warming. The theory is that the
• Increased warming of the earth causes warm air to rise, creating convection
cells – which form hurricanes
• Increasing temperatures increase evaporation, which in turn leads to increasing
rainfall – and therefore greater flooding.

Or is this part of a natural cycle? Research shows that the Atlantic Ocean – where
many windstorms begin – appear to work in a cycle of peaks and troughs. The period
around 1930-1935 showed increased storm activity, with major falls and increases
occurring in cycles since then. So, although there has been an increase in hurricane
activity since the mid 1990s, there were previous increases in the 1950s and 1970s.

How significant are natural hazards?

There are no data for deaths from hazard events globally, only for those events which
are large enough to be called disasters. Although numbers vary considerably from
year to year, on average fewer than 100 000 deaths are recorded each year from
natural disasters worldwide. This is:
• 30 times fewer than the number who die from HIV/AIDS
• 35 times fewer than the number of road deaths
• 50 times fewer than the number of smoking-related deaths

The risk of disaster

A hazard event can become a disaster, especially when it occurs in areas where
environments and people are vulnerable. The types of risk from global hazards are:
Hazards to people – death and severe injury, disease, stress
Hazards to goods – economic losses, infrastructure damage and property damage
Hazards to the environment – pollution, loss of flora and fauna, loss of amenity

Why do people remain exposed to hazards?

Changing risks: It is difficult to predict when or where an event may occur or what
the magnitude will be. Natural hazards vary in space as well as time because of
changing human activities and changing physical factors, such as tectonic plate
movements. The rise in sea level means that low-lying coastal plains that were once
safe places to live are now more prone to storm surge and flood. Deforestation of
watersheds leads to less interception of rain and more flashy hydrographs, increasing
the frequency and magnitude of flood events.
Lack of alternatives: Often the world’s poorest, most vulnerable people are forced
to live in unsafe locations such as hillsides or floodplains, or regions subject to
drought, owing to shortage of land or lack of knowledge or better alternatives.

Benefits versus costs: People may subconsciously weigh up the benefits versus the
costs of living in high risk areas. The benefits of fertile farming land on the flanks of a
volcano, for example, may outweigh the risk from eruptions.
Risk perception: People tend to be optimistic about the risk of hazards occurring.
They are comforted by statistics which show that the risk of death from hazard events
is far lower than that from influenza or car accidents. They also believe that if a high
magnitude event has occurred, they may be safe for the next few years, although this
is not true.

Measuring risk – the risk equation

People living in areas of high physical
exposure to hazards and with high levels
of human vulnerability will be the most
at risk and these people are largely
found in the poorest countries of the

The risk equation measures the level of

hazard risk for an area:

Frequency or magnitude of hazard x level of

Risk = vulnerability
Capacity of population to cope

R= V

Where: H = Type of hazard

V = Vulnerability to hazard
C = Capacity to cope/recover

We can begin to understand the risk equation by first recognising that not all natural
hazards (H) are equally devastating. Certainly, the impact that earthquakes have on
buildings results in more deaths (worldwide, per year) than the effects of either
cyclones or floods. Landslides and avalanches are fast-acting hazards that tend to

happen without warning, unlike cyclones, which can be monitored and to some extent
predicted and planned for.

Investigating the risk equation further, it is apparent that not all of the earth’s
inhabitants are at equal risk from natural hazards. For example, whilst theoretically it
is possible for nearly any location on earth to experience an earthquake, they are
likely to be far more powerful in places that are located at or near the boundaries of
the tectonic plates. The chances are that people who live along plate boundaries
would be far more likely to experience an earthquake of a large magnitude than those
who do not. In effect, this makes these people and their communities more
vulnerable (V) to earthquakes.

The concept of vulnerability is quite easy to extend to other hazards; if you do not live
in close proximity to a volcano, then you are not likely to be threatened by lava flows.
However, that is not to say that your location may not be affected by clouds of
volcanic ash, which can significantly alter the climate of places many miles, even
continents, away from their point of origin. It is important to note that vulnerability
can also be increased by other factors such as poverty.

Capacity (C) refers to the ability of a community to absorb, and ultimately recover
from, the effects of a natural hazard. We have already noted that people in Japan
increase their capacity to cope with the effects of an earthquake by regularly
practising how to respond to a major quake. In theory, this will mean that their
community will have a better chance of coping with a large earthquake than if they
had not practised these procedures. Compare this to the capacity to cope that
currently exists in a sprawling slum in the less developed world, where dwellings have
been hastily constructed from poor quality materials, and where there is neither the
time nor resources to commit to a large-scale community training programme. The
effects of this lower capacity increase the risk that this community faces from these

As our knowledge of natural hazards has steadily grown, so too has our preparedness
for these events and our ability to cope with, and recover from, them. That said, the
risk equation shows us that millions of people are still at the mercy of the natural
environment, and that their ability to survive is largely determined by factors that are
beyond their control.

Frequency or magnitude of hazard is increasing

Use of fossil fuels is warming the planet. The resulting change in climate is increasing
the frequency and severity of weather-related hazards (e.g. floods, droughts,
windstorms) and expanding the range of disease carriers.

It is clear that the number of reported natural disasters is increasing with each
passing year. Some argue that this is due to improvements in technology that allow
even the smaller-scale and more isolated disasters to be recorded. Others suggest
that with international monitoring agencies like the Belgium-based Centre for
Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) in operation, people are
encouraged to report the occurrence of natural hazards more than in the past thus the
numbers go up because of better recording rather than any other trend.

Decreasing numbers of deaths

What is interesting about the increase in the reported number of natural disasters is
the fact that there has been a decrease in the number of reported deaths due to these
disasters. During the period from 1900 to 1940, approximately 500,000 people were
reported to have been killed by natural disasters each year. After 1940, however, this
annual death toll rapidly decreased, to the point where in the early part of this
century, the number of people killed by natural disasters each year is less than

This falling toll due to natural hazards reflects the ability of humankind to understand
natural hazards better, including improvements in our ability to predict their
occurrence and to take the appropriate precautions (such as evacuation). For those
living in the developed world, this knowledge also encourages the construction of
houses that are more likely to withstand the effects of most natural disasters. Sadly,
this is not always the case in the less developed world.

Increasing numbers of people affected and economic costs

While fewer people die each year as a result of natural hazards, these events are
affecting more people than ever before. At the same time, they are taking a greater
economic toll than in the past. Since 1980, the average annual economic cost of
natural hazards has risen from less than $20 billion to more than $160 billion. In the
same period, the number of people reported as being affected has risen from an
annual average of 100 million to more than 200 million.

The year 2005, in which Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the USA, was
clearly an ‘above average’ year. In 2005, the number of people who were reported to
be affected by natural disasters was more than 650 million.

There is an increase in our capacity to cope with disaster. Logic would say that in
modern times we should be less at risk from natural hazards, because we have
increased our capacity to understand and manage the effects of disasters. Disaster
warning systems and emergency responses are better now than at any stage in
human history. The preparedness of governments to respond appropriately in the face
of crises has improved dramatically in the last few decades, with the global
community being able to provide relief within hours. Scientists and engineers have
provided us with the latest in disaster-proof building materials and governments have
increasingly strengthened building regulations through appropriate codes of
construction in disaster-prone areas.

We are experiencing a simultaneous increase in our vulnerability to natural hazards.
While there have been improvements in our capacity, in the later half of the 20th
century, we have significantly increased our vulnerability to natural hazards through a
combination of economic, social-demographic and technological factors. These
factors far outweigh the gains made in terms of capacity.

Economic factors of vulnerability: exploitation of natural resources

As we continue to degrade our environment by exploiting natural resources in pursuit
of economic progress, we are making ourselves more vulnerable to natural hazards.
Changes that humans make to the physical environment remove many of the natural
buffers that exist between our communities and natural hazards. Clearing of
vegetation from hillsides or sloping land, in order to allow for development, is a well-
recognised example. Although this practice is known to increase the risk of
landslides, it continues to be carried out in a variety of global settings to create more
useable land for agriculture or in the pursuit of profits from forestry. In a similar way,
the draining and filling of wetlands to create land for housing or industry is equally
risky. This practice can significantly alter drainage patterns within this natural
environment and expose the new development to flooding.

Socio-demographic factors of vulnerability: population growth and

The rapid growth of the human population has meant that there are more people on
the planet, and therefore a greater number of people at potential risk from natural
hazards. Urbanisation has also continued at a great pace. More of us now live in
urban areas than ever before. Additionally, most urban centres are located in coastal
areas, and these are the parts of the world which are most exposed to the hydro-
meteorological hazards such as cyclones for floods.

The net result of urbanisation is the concentration of people and infrastructure. Even
though natural hazards have a low probability of occurring, when they strike in highly
urbanised areas, they do so with a high cost. The greatest economic cost of a natural
disaster clearly lies in replacing lost infrastructure. The hidden costs of a disaster can
also include the cost of taxpayer-funded disaster relief programmes, tax breaks to
assist communities to rebuild, and the inevitable increase in the price of goods and
services as businesses re-establish themselves after a disaster.

As the need for more land for urban centres has continued to grow, the opening up of
marginal areas which are at higher risk of natural hazards, such as floods has
occurred. Insurers have responded by charging higher premiums to those who occupy
these areas. Whilst this seems appropriate in the developed world, there are no such
guarantees of overage in the less developed parts of the world.

An ageing population
In a demographic sense, the ageing population of the developed world has, in effect,
made our communities more susceptible to natural hazards. Older people (65+) are
the least mobile in a community and have less capacity to take action either before or
after a natural disaster. In an interesting contrast, it is the mobility of the rest of the
population – who are now freer to move between locations for work or family reasons
that at any other stage in human history – that has broken down what demographers
refer to as our ‘community memory’. In the past, when people were less mobile,
communities built up a strong local knowledge about natural hazards and their likely
effect on local places. This was an effective reminder to people about the places that
were worst affected by natural hazards and helped to prevent, or at least discourage,
development in the riskier parts of the local environment. Sadly, with our increased
mobility during our working lifetimes, this community memory has diminished.

Technological factors of vulnerability: dependence on technology

How has development been allowed to take place in areas that are in effect more
exposed to the risks associated with natural hazards? Our belief that we are able to
predict and control the natural environment and its processes are partly responsible.
This belief has led us to develop areas for human habitation which previously may not
have been considered safe or viable. We have developed a reliance on technology for
our salvation from the hazards of the natural world. This includes the early warning
detection systems that allow us to prepare for the onset of a natural hazard, such as a
cyclone, flood, tsunami or earthquake. It also includes physical barriers, such as levee
banks and flood control systems that help to contain or divert floodwaters away from
major urban centres. A flood control network is used on the River Thames to protect

London. This has helped the city to expand and develop to a tremendous size, despite
the fact that much of it rests on the flood plain of one of Britain’s main rivers.

We are more dependent now on our systems of water, power, communication and
transport than ever before. When these systems collapse under the onslaught of a
natural hazard, we are unable to fend for ourselves, Many of us would struggle to
cope with a power cut for a few hours, let alone for the days or weeks that might
follow a severe natural disaster. Even the infrastructure designed to protect us from
natural hazards can in effect make us more vulnerable, especially if it ages and is not
replaced. Worse still, it may not be designed to withstand the intensity of the hazard
that we might experience. Of course, this will not be evident until it is too late, as
when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in 2005.

Level of vulnerability is increasing

Hazards become disasters only when people get in the way. Unsustainable
development involves poor land use (e.g. building on floodplains, unstable slopes and
coasts) and environmental degradation (e.g. bleaching of coral reefs, destruction of
coastal mangroves, deforestation of water catchments). This is increasing the
vulnerability of millions of people.

Capacity to cope is decreasing

Communities need skills, tools and money to cope with the effects of climate change.
However, debt repayments, unfair trade arrangements, selective foreign investment,
and rich countries directing aid funds towards politically strategic regions rather than
the most needy mean that the poorest and most vulnerable communities lack these
resources. Rural-urban migration is also undermining traditional coping strategies.

The future
The most affected areas will be the poorest countries and communities in the world,
particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, parts of south-east Asia, and many of the small
island developing states. The future risk equation emphasises how the development
gap between rich and poor countries is actually widening.

Hazard trends
The term ‘hazard’ and ‘disaster’ are often used interchangeably, in spite of there
being a clear distinction between a hazard as a potentially threatening event, and a
disaster as the realisation of a hazard event.

How good are disaster statistics?

Disaster statistics are reported by governments to UN agencies. They are only as
good as the methods used to collect them. There are several reasons to question the
data obtained:
• There is no universally agreed numerical threshold for designating an event as a
disaster, such as 25 or 100 deaths, or 1% of the population affected, or 1% of
annual GDP lost, or a combination of these.
• Reporting of disaster death numbers depends on whether direct (primary)
deaths only or indirect (secondary) deaths from subsequent hazards or
associated diseases are counted.
• Location is significant. Events in remote places away from the media spotlight
are frequently under-recorded. Around 10% of all data from the last 10 years
are missing.

• Declaration of disaster deaths and casualties may be subject to political
influences. The impact of the 2004 tsunami in Myanmar (Burma) was ignored
by its government, but in Thailand, where many foreign tourists were killed, the
impact was initially overstated and then played down to conserve the Thai
tourist industry.
• Statistics on major disasters are complex to collect, especially in remote rural
areas of developing countries or densely populated squatter settlements where
statistics on population are inaccurate.
• Time-trend analysis, which involves interpreting historical data to produce
trends, can be difficult. Much depends on the intervals selected and whether
the means of data collection have remained constant. Trends can be upset by a
cluster of mega disasters, as in 2005-2006.

Analysis of hazard trends

In a globalised world more disasters will be reported as a result of improved access to
information technology. Equally, with a world population of over 6 billion and rising,
there will be increasing numbers of vulnerable people living in poverty, especially in
Africa. However, these facts alone do not account for the rising trends. The
occurrence of hydro-meteorological hazards has increased dramatically since the
1960s, with a knock-on effect on the overall rising trend. In contrast, the number of
geophysical disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis) shows fluctuations
(known as timescale variations) but no overall rising trend.

Magnitude and frequency

Magnitude is the size of a natural hazard event so represents the amount of work
done (eg the energy given off during a volcanic eruption). Magnitude scales
categorise events according to size/energy and enable people to understand the
processes and to model the likely impacts. Scales include:
• Hurricanes: Saffir-Simpson scale (1-5)
• Earthquakes: Richer Scale (1-10 log scale)
• Tornadoes: TORRO or Fujita intensity scales
• Volcanic eruptions: explosivity index
Lower magnitude events, such as an earth tremor of Richter Scale 2.5, have less
impact on people than high-magnitude events, such as the earthquake which caused
the 2004 south Asia tsunami, measuring 9.1 on the Richter Scale.

Frequency s the number of events of a given magnitude hat occur over a period of
time. Low magnitude events are likely to have a more frequency recurrence level,
and therefore to present more frequent but less devastating risks.

Contrasting trends
For geophysical hazards, the variations over time can be accounted for by the
clustering of events along mobile (usually destructive) plate boundaries. There have
been a number of earthquakes off the coast of Indonesia, where the Indian plate is
being subducted beneath the Burma plate. Other mobile active zones include Iran
and Turkey. However, there is no solid evidence that the frequency or magnitude of
earthquakes or volcanic eruptions is increasing. Nevertheless, geophysical activity
remains a huge killer.


contrast, the number of reported hydro-meteorological events is definitely on the

increase. This is likely to be associated with climate change. It is predicted that
global warming will increase the frequency, magnitude and impact of hydro-
meteorological disasters. Another explanation of the increased frequency of such
disasters lies in the context hazard of increased environmental degradation caused by
population pressure. Deforestation and other loss of land cover, for example, as
people cut down trees for firewood or clear forest to grow crops, can lead to flash
flooding. Ecosystems undamaged by human impact provide protection against
natural disasters (e.g. mangroves protect coasts against tsunamis). We cannot be
sure that damage to the environment causes disasters, but it is clear that it makes the
impacts of natural hazards worse. Short term fluctuations in climate caused by El
Nino Southern Oscillation also have an impact on hydro-meteorological disasters.

Human factors in disasters

Physical factors such as ENSO contribute to the growth in hazards, but human
behaviour plays a part too because it leads to increased vulnerability.

Rapid population growth

Growing world population means
• Pressure on land which leads to people living in high risk areas, such as low-
lying flood-prone land in Bangladesh
• Growing numbers of very elderly people, e.g. there are concerns about the
vulnerable elderly in hazardous areas of the world such as Japan (prone to
earthquakes) and Florida (hurricanes)
• A growing proportion of the very young in developing countries who are also
vulnerable in the event of a disaster

Deforestation and land degradation

Pressure on land from growing populations also leads to:
• Pressure on land to gain farmland, which can cause flooding and soil erosion and
contributes to climate change.
• Destruction of mangroves as coastal areas are developed, which leads to
coastal erosion and flooding
• Farming in marginal areas and deforestation for firewood, which leads to

Rural-urban migration and rapid uncontrolled growth of cities lead to:
• The development of squatter settlements on areas at risk of landslides or

Informal housing like this is also vulnerable to earthquakes.

Poverty and politics

Disasters tend to have a greater impact in poorer countries:
• Earthquakes have much higher death tolls in less developed countries which
cannot afford the technology to build earthquake proof buildings
• Developing countries may not be able to afford to prepare for emergencies (eg
Bangladesh relies on foreign aid to provide flood and cyclone shelters)
• If populations are poorly educated and have little access to communications
technology it is harder to prepare them for disasters
• It is difficult to get aid to remote areas with poor infrastructure such as roads
and bridges
• Corrupt governments may misuse resources, making disasters worse or prevent
international aid reaching their populations

Trends in human costs of disasters
Reported deaths
The number of people reported killed by disasters fell dramatically in the 20th century
because better prediction techniques and protection measures were developed. The
death rate has levelled off in recent years in spite of better disaster management.
This is largely because of increasing numbers of hydrometeorological hazards events
which became disasters. There is a fluctuating but steady rate of around 25,000-
40,000 deaths per year. However, some years are exceptions. Several huge disasters
made 2004-05 unforgettable, the south Asia tsunami which killed an estimates
250,000, two record hurricane seasons, and the Kashmir earthquake which claimed
75,000 lives.

Number of people affected

The number of people affected by hazards and disasters shows an overall rising trend
since 1991. Being ‘affected’ means surviving the disaster but losing your home, crops
and animals, livelihood or health for a designated period. On average, 188 million
people per year are affected by disasters – six times as many as are affected annually
by conflicts.
There is a clear relationship between the numbers affected and the level of social and
economic development in a country. The vast majority of people affected are in
developing and least developed countries.

Economic losses
Economic losses from disasters have grown exponentially, nearly tripling between
1980-89 and 1990-99. This is far greater rate than the growth in the number of
disasters. Insured losses have increased less dramatically than total economic losses.
It is far too simple to say that developing countries suffer the greatest number of
deaths and developed countries the greatest economic impact of disasters. The
economic losses appear greater in richer countries because of the value of their
economies and the cost of making good the damage. For example, the insurance
costs of repairing a house damaged by flood in the UK may be great, but in
Bangladesh it is not uncommon for people to lose their crops, houses, and all their
possessions in a flood, none of which will have been insured. Many developing
countries depend on cash crops or tourism for their income, and both of these can be
devastated by a natural disaster. Economic losses in poorer countries may be smaller
in actual figures but far greater as a proportion of their annual GDP. Economic losses
are increasing faster than a number of disasters, larges because of the growing
economies of many recently and newly industrialised countries, especially in Asia.

Global disaster trends: a summary

Natural disasters are more common in countries with a low and medium level of
development. Many of these countries are in tropical areas which have monsoon
rainfall or hurricanes. Disasters cause more death and disruption in poor countries,
which lack the resources and funds to develop high-tech prevention and prediction
systems. Damage in absolute economic terms remains highest in high-income
countries but in relative terms it is much more devastating for poorer countries.

Global hazard patterns

The distribution of geophysical hazards

The three main geophysical hazards are earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis.
Knowledge of plate tectonics is fundamental to understanding the occurrence of
geophysical hazards.

The main earthquake zones are clustered along plate boundaries. The most powerful
earthquakes are associated with destructive and conservative boundaries.

Plate tectonics
• According to plate tectonics theory the lithosphere or Earth’s crust is divided
into seven major sections or plates, and a number of smaller ones. Some plates
are oceanic (e.g. the Pacific plate), others continental. These plates float on the
underlying semi-molten mantle known as the asthenosphere. There are three
major types of plate boundary – constructive, destructive and conservative –
each of which has particular geophysical hazards associated with it.
• Hotspots from within the asthenosphere generate thermal convection currents
which cause magma (molten material) to ruse towards the Earth’s surface. This
continuous process forms new crust along the line of constructive boundaries,
where the plates are diverging.
• At the same time, older crust being destroyed at destructive boundaries, where
plates converge. The type of activity here depends on whether both plates are
continental, both plates are oceanic or an oceanic plate is being subducted or
dragged down beneath a lighter continental plate.
• At conservative boundaries, two plates slide past each other and there is no
creation or destruction of crust.
• The type of movement and the degree of activity at the plate margins almost
totally controls the distribution, frequency and magnitude of earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions.
Destructive plate boundaries
• Destructive boundaries where oceanic crust is being subducted beneath a
continental plate, or where two oceanic plates collide, produce a full range of
earthquake types (shallow, intermediate and deep). The force of compression
as the plates meet causes stresses in the crust, and when the pressure is
suddenly released, the ground surface immediately above shakes violently.
• The point at which pressure release occurs within the crust is known as the
earthquake focus, and the point immediately above that at the Earth’s surface is
the epicentre.
• At the destructive boundaries where two continental plates are colliding to
produce fold mountains shallow, highly damaging earthquakes occur. These
present a hazard risk over a wide area in countries such as India and Iran.

Constructive plate boundaries

Constructive plate boundaries (where oceanic plates are moving apart) are associated
with large numbers of shallow, low magnitude earthquakes as magma rises. Most are
submarine (except in places like Iceland) and so pose little hazard to people.

Conservative plate boundaries

Conservative boundaries, where there is lateral crust movement, produce frequent
shallow earthquakes, sometimes of high magnitude: for example, along the San
Andreas fault system of the western USA.

Other earthquakes
A small minority of earthquakes occur within plates, usually involving the reactivation
of ancient fault lines. Occasionally, earthquakes can result from human actions such
as dam and reservoir building, which increase the weight and therefore stress on the
land. These occur where there is no record of earthquakes.

Earthquake hazards
• Primary hazards result from ground movement and ground shaking. Surface
seismic waves can cause buildings and other infrastructure (e.g. pipes for water
and gas supply) to collapse.
• Secondary hazards include soil liquefaction, landslides, avalanches, tsunamis
and exposure to adverse weather. These can add significantly to the death toll.

Most of the injuries and deaths that occur in an earthquake are a result of people
being hit by falling roofs or being trapped in collapsed buildings. In the more
developed world, and especially those parts that are prone to earthquakes, buildings
may be designed and engineered to withstand the vibrations of an earthquake. Sadly,
in less developed parts of the world, where buildings may be less rigidly constructed
or made from cheaper, readily available materials (including mud, bricks or stone),
the death toll from earthquakes can be significantly higher.

Volcanic eruptions
The world’s active volcanoes are found in three tectonics situations: at constructive
and destructive plate boundaries, and at hotspots. The type of tectonic situation
determines the composition of the magma and therefore the degree of explosivity of
the eruption, which is a key factor in the degree of hazard risk. Hazard risk can come
from dormant volcanoes which have not erupted in living memory (e.g. Mt St Helens).

The materials ejected from volcanoes can include magma (molten rock, which when
exposed above ground, is referred to as ‘lava’), volcanic gases (such as hydrogen
sulphide), ash and dust. An ‘active’ volcano is one which is in the process of erupting
or showing signs that an eruption is imminent.

The rocks that are extruded from volcanoes tend to be rich in minerals and nutrients,
and are highly sought after by miners and farmers alike. This in part explains why –
throughout history – so many settlements have been built next to or near volcanoes.
Even in this modern age, this trend continues. Around the Bay of Naples in Italy, 3
million people live within 20km radius of Vesuvius, one of Europe’s most notorious
volcanoes. It is also important to bear in mind that lava flows actually help to create
new land. The small island of Iceland, in the Northern Atlantic, was created by
volcanic activity, and continues to grow in size as the years pass. Today, Iceland is
home to almost 300,000 people, who live alongside the island’s volcanoes.

Constructive plate boundaries

Most of the magma that reaches the Earth’s surface wells up at oceanic ridges such as
the mid-Atlantic. These volcanoes are mostly on the sea floor and do not represent a
major hazard to people except where they emerge above sea level to form islands
such as Iceland. Rift valleys occur where the continental crust is being ‘stretched’.
The East African rift valley has a line of 14 active volcanoes, some of which can
reduce dangerous eruptions (Mt Nyragongo in DR of Congo, 2002).

Destructive plate boundaries

Some 80% of the world’s active volcanoes occur along destructive boundaries.
Soufriere Hills in Montserrat, West Indies is an example of a volcano formed where two
ocean plates collide. When oceanic plates are subducted beneath continental plates,
explosive volcanoes such as Mt St Helens are formed. The ‘ring of fire’ around the
Pacific has many such volcanoes.

Hotspots are localised areas of the lithosphere which have an unusually high heat
flow, and where magma rises to the surface as a plume. Hawaii is an example. As a
lithosphere plate moves over the hotspot, a chain of volcanoes is created.

Volcanic hazards
Apart from the local impacts of lava flows the most catastrophic impacts of volcanoes
are pyroclastic flows, ash falls, tsunamis and mudflows.

The distribution of slides

Slides include a variety of rapid mass movements, such as rock slides, debris flows,
snow avalanches, and rainfall, and earthquake induced landslides.

• Landslides are the seventh biggest killer with over 1,400 deaths per year,
ranking above both volcanoes and drought. Most areas affected are
mountainous, and experience landslides after abnormally heavy rain and/or
seismic activity.

• Human factors also play a part. Deforestation of hillsides in southeast Asia and
building on hill slopes in Hong Kong have both led to widespread slides following
• We associate landslides with high rainfall areas such as those located within the
earth’s tropics. Here, where hurricanes and monsoons can dump large amounts
of rainfall in a matter of hours, soil can very quickly become saturated.

Snow avalanches
• Snow avalanches are concentrated in high mountainous areas such as the
Southern Alps of New Zealand or the Rockies of North America. Avalanches
tend to occur on slopes steeper than 35°.
• An average of 40 deaths a year in Europe and over 100 in North America are
caused by avalanches. Recent research has suggested that global warming
may be increasing avalanche occurrence, although trends in deaths have
slowed because of effective management.

The distribution of hydro-meteorological hazards

These extreme weather hazards are widespread in their distribution, growing in
frequency and increasingly unpredictable in their locations.

Drought has a dispersed pattern – over one-third of the world’s land surface has some
level of drought exposure. This includes 70% of the world’s people and agricultural
value, which means that drought has an effect on global food security.

drought is an extended period of lower than average precipitation which causes water
shortage. Droughts can extend for as little as one year, during which the rainfall that
is received is noticeably lower than in average years. More often, however, a drought
is a dry period that extends over two or more growing seasons for years. Droughts
can be localised, occurring in relatively small regions (approximately the size of a
country or state), or they can be much larger, affecting, at their worst, entire
continents. Some parts of the world are more drought-prone than others, due to the
variability of rainfall from one season to the next. This includes large parts of
Northern Africa, Central Asia and most of Australia.
Reduced levels of rainfall in just one or two seasons can often be coped with because
of the existing supplies of water that are held in storage such as rivers, lakes, dams
and reservoirs. The careful rationing of water use will usually help a community
manage its water needs until the rains come again. However, when surface water
storages are not recharged and replenished for a number of consecutive seasons, the
situation can become desperate. In these circumstances, all non-essential uses of
water tend to be the first to be completely restricted (in more developed parts of the
world this might include watering gardens and washing cars). After this, the situation
becomes extremely serious indeed, because it may no longer be possible to irrigate
crops and water animals, as dwindling water supplies are prioritised for human use,
At this point the ability of a community to feed itself is places under threat.
Eventually, and in the worst case, a severely drought affected community may not be
able to meet its own water needs for purposes such as drinking and sanitation. This
can lead to the rapid spread of both dehydration and disease, resulting in widespread

Causes of drought
The causes of drought include the following:
• Variations in the movement of the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ). As
the ITCZ moves north and south through Africa, it brings a band of seasonal
rain. In some years, high pressure zones expand and block the rain-bearing
winds. In southern Ethiopia and Somalia, where farmers depend for food on
rain-fed agriculture, famines may result if the summer rains never arrive.
• El Nino can bring major changes to rainfall patterns. In particular, it can bring
drought conditions to Indonesia and Australia.
• Changes in mid-latitude depression tracks. In temperate regions, depressions
bring large amounts of rainfall. However, if blocking anticyclones form and
persist, depressions are forced to track further north, leading to very dry
conditions. Droughts in the UK and France (1976, 1989-92, 1995, 2003 and
2006) as well as in the US Midwest in the 1930s were all related to this cause.

Drought hazards
Drought leads to failure of crops and loss of livestock, wildfires, dust storms and
famine. It has economic impacts on agriculture and water-related businesses in
developed countries.

Flooding is a frequent hazard and is evident in some 33% of the world’s area, which is
inhabited by over 80% of its population. Regional scale, high magnitude floods are
frequent events in India/Bangladesh and China.


flood occurs when land that is usually dry becomes inundated. In most cases, floods
occur after a prolonged period of rainfall, which causes water course to burst their
banks and overflow. Sometimes, floods occur because the systems that have been
designed to cope with average levels of rainfall, such as storm water drains and levee
banks, simply fail to work properly because of a blockage or a structural weakness.
Floods can even occur in regions that have experienced no recent rainfall themselves.
Floods can even occur in regions that have experienced no recent rainfall themselves.
This is especially true of regions that lie downstream of regions with heavy rainfall or
vast amounts of melt water.

Some areas are more prone to flooding than others. For example, the relatively low-
lying nation of Bangladesh is regularly inundated by melt waters that originate in the
mountainous regions of its neighbours India and Nepal.

Causes of flooding
• By far the most common cause is excessive rainfall related to atmospheric
processes, including monsoon rainfall and cyclones. In temperate climates, a
series of depressions sometimes brings prolonged high rainfall.
• Intense rainfall sometimes associated with thunderstorms can lead to localised
flash flooding. These sudden floods can have a devastating impact.
• The El Nino Southern Oscillation can bring devastating floods, as in Mozambique
in 1997 and 2006.
• Rapid snowmelt can add water to an already swollen river system.

Flooding hazards
In developing countries flooding may lead to deaths by drowning and disease,
destruction of food crops and infrastructure and loss of homes. In developed
countries it disrupts transport and infrastructure, damages livelihoods and creates
high insurance costs.

• Storms include tropical cyclones, mid-latitude storms and tornadoes. Tropical
cyclones are violent storms between 200 and 700km in diameter. They occur in

the latitudes 5-20° north and south of the equator. Once generated, cyclones
tend to move westward and are at their height of destruction.
• Tropical cyclones or hurricanes will only occur over warm ocean (over 26°C) of at
least 70m depth at least 5°N or 5°S of the equator in order that the Coriolis
effect (very weak at the equator) can bring about rotation of air.

The term ‘cyclone’ can be applied to any area of low atmospheric pressure that is
created when air rises from the surface of the earth. As the air rises into the
atmosphere, it is cooled and condensation occurs. This may result in the formation of
clouds and eventually precipitation, both of which often characterise low pressure
systems. As he rising air is relatively unstable, cyclone can also bring windy
conditions and are often associated with storms. Tropical cyclones, also commonly
known as hurricanes and typhoons, are fuelled and formed by warm ocean water.
Temperate cyclones are formed when air of different characteristics converges and
rises, drawn upwards by an accelerating jet stream.

The most intense cyclones are those that develop over the warm waters of the earth’s
tropics. Here, the warmth of the tropical ocean rapidly heats the air lying just above
its surface. As the air rises into the atmosphere, condensation is rapid and cloud
formation occurs quickly. The tropical cyclones that result from this process are often
very large, and their behaviour can be extremely hard to predict. Tropical cyclones
that begin life in the Atlantic Ocean are often referred to as ‘hurricanes’. Those that
begin in the Pacific Ocean are sometimes called ‘typhoons’ (Asia) or ‘cyclones’

Tropical cyclones can continue to grow in size and strength while they remain over a
warm ocean. Usually, the point at which a cyclone crosses a coastline will be the
point of greatest destruction. For those living in small island communities, such as
those found throughout Polynesia in the Pacific Ocean, a tropical cyclone can spell
potential devastation for an entire island. Once cyclones cross from sea to land, they
tend to lose their strength rapidly, as they are no longer fed by the warmth and
moisture of the oceans. Often, they end up as much less violent ‘rain-bearing

depressions’ which can bring large amounts of much-needed rainfall to relatively dry
inland areas.

Tropical storm hazards

Storms cause damage in several ways, including heavy rain (leading to floods and
mudslides), high wind velocity and very low central pressure (leading to storm surges
and coastal flooding). They can be devastating (e.g. Hurricane Katrina).

Disaster hotspots
Identifying and defining hazard hotspots
In 2001 the World Bank’s Disaster
Management Facility, together
with the Center of Hazard and
Risk Management at Columbia
University began a project to
identify disaster hotspots, not only
at a country level but within a
country. These hotspots are
multiple hazard zones. The
project assessed the risk of death
and damage. The level of risk
was estimated by combining
exposure to the six major natural
hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes,
landslides, floods, drought and
storms). Historical vulnerability (from data from the last 30 years) was combined with
potential vulnerability based on size, density and poverty of the population (as
measures of mortality) and GDP per unit area (as a measure of potential economic

The World Bank’s global risk analysis was noteworthy for its use of geographic
information systems techniques. Grid squares of 2.5 minutes latitude and longitude
were used as a base for various estimates of hazard probability, occurrence and
extent, and these were then related to the economic value of the land, its population
and population density, and vulnerability profiles. As the aim was to identify disaster
as opposed to hazard hotspots, only cells with a minimum population of 105 or
densities or above 5 per km² were entered on the database of around 4 million cells.

Managing a hazard hotspot

The identification of multiple hazard zones has major implications for development
and investment planning, and for disaster preparedness and loss prevention.
However, many hazard-prone areas have long lists of priorities more immediate than
risk management, such as poverty reduction, or fighting HIV/AIDS, and may be unable
to afford the technology required to cope with multiple hazards. Most countries face
some kind of hazard, but six countries stand out as being the most hazard-prone in
the world: the Philippines, Japan, India, Bangladesh, China and Indonesia.

The Philippines, an island arc in southeast Asia,
consists of over 7,000 islands, many very
small, concentrated at latitudes between 5 and
20°N of the equator. It lies in a belt of tropical
cyclones (typhoons) and astride an active plate
boundary. The dense oceanic Philippines plate
is being subducted beneath the Eurasian plate.
The country experiences a tropical monsoon
climate and is subject to heavy rainfall.
Flooding can lead to landslides because of the
deforestation of many hillsides.

The Philippines is a lower-middle income

country which is developing fast. With a
rapidly increasing young population, average
population densities for the whole country are
high at 240 people per km² with up to 2,000
people per km² in the megacity of Manila.
Many of these people are very poor and live on
the coast, making them vulnerable to locally
generated tsunamis and typhoon generated
storm surges. On average, about ten typhoons
occur each season, especially in Luzon.

In response, the government has established several organisations to carry out

forecasting, warning, hazard risk assessment, disaster training and education. These
include the National Disaster Co-ordinating Council; Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical and Astronomical Services; and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology
and Seismology, Land use planning and building regulation, and structural

programmes of defences help people to survive the huge range of hazards facing

• It sits across a major plate boundary, so it faces significant risks from volcanoes
and earthquakes
• Its northern and eastern coasts face the Pacific, the world’s most tsunami-prone
• It lies within south-east Asia’s major typhoon belts. In most years, it is affected
by 15 typhoons and struck by 5 or 6 of them.
• Landslides are common in mountain districts

Area: the Philippines consists of about 7000 islands, and is 25% bigger than the UK
Population: 91 million in 2007
Wealth: GDP in 2006 was US$5000 per capita; a middle income country according to
the World Bank
Landscape: mostly mountainous, with coastal lowlands, many people live and work on
steeply sloping land

Mount Pinatubo’s volcanic eruption in June 1991

Mount Pinatubo’s eruption was the biggest the world had seen for over 50 years. The
volcano showed signs of eruption in April 1991, with steam explosions and minor
earthquakes. A 10km exclusion zone was set up around Pinatubo by government
advisers, who eventually extended the zone to 30km – evacuating more people each
time it was extended. Two weeks before the blast, they produced a video outlining
the risks of pyroclastic flows and lahars.

By 9 June 1991, 58 000 had been evacuated reaching 200 000 by 12 June (when the
first eruption sent a cloud of ash 20km into the atmosphere, spreading over South-
East Asia within three days). The second eruption, on 15 June, was cataclysmic, a
dome on the side of the volcano collapsed, creating a pyroclastic blast and causing
huge lahars. However, effective monitoring and management reduced Pinatubo’s
death and injury toll to just over 4300 people.

• 350 people died, including 77 in the lahars that occurred.

• Some evacuees died in camps, where they were exposed to disease
• 80 000 hectares of farmland were buried beneath ash, disrupting the livelihoods
of 500 000 farmers and their family members
• Economic losses were US$710 million mainly agriculture and property.

The Philippines lies on the boundary between two tectonic plates, the Philippine and
Eurasian. The Eurasian Plate is forced beneath the Philippine, creating the deep
Manila Ocean Trench, to the west. The plates move in a series of ‘jerks’, producing an
earthquake each time they do so.

Other hazard risks

Some hazard risks in the Philippines are complex because they have multiple effects.
One earthquake in 2006:
• Killed 15 people, injured 100 and damaged or destroyed 800 buildings
• Generated a local tsunami 3 metres high
• Triggered landslides which breached the crater wall of Parker Volcano, and then
fell into Maughan Lake...
• ...creating a flood which washed away houses

The Guinsaugon landslide

Guinsaugon was a village in the central Philippines. In February 2006, a mudslide
completely engulfed the village and its land, covering 3km² and killing about 1150
people. It was not unusual – a series of storms in December 2004 killed 1800 people
in the north-eastern Philippines. In 2003, 200 people were killed in landslides.
Typhoons and storms kill several thousand people there every decade.

The physical causes were:

• There was unseasonable torrential rain; 2000mm of rain fell in 10 days in
February – normally the dry season
• La Nina – a cyclic ocean and wind current affecting South East Asia – was
probably the cause of the rainfall.
• A 2.6 magnitude earthquake struck just before the slide and may have triggered

The human causes included:

• Deforestation of native forest cover protecting the soil. In 50 years, logging has
reduced several million hectares of forest to about 600 000 today
• Replacement of native forest by shallow rooted trees, such as coconuts, further
reducing soil protection.


The state of California contains nearly 40
million people and has an economy the
size of a high-income country. However,
it suffers from a vast range of hazards,
including high risks from geophysical
hazards (especially earthquakes) as well
as a range of atmospheric hazards such
as fog, drought and associated wildfires,
and major impacts from the El Nino
Southern Oscillation. The hazardous
zone is concentrated along the San
Andreas Fault, which runs parallel to the

California is home to the megacity of Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego. Much
of the coastline is ‘crowded’ as various land uses compete for prime space. The
human-physical interface increases the danger from hazards, and only sophisticated
management prevents California from becoming a disaster zone (recent major events
such as the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989 led to very few deaths). Nevertheless
California contains an underclass of around 3.5 million people, many of them semi-
legal migrants, a large proportion of whom live in hazardous locations.

Ever since 1849, when gold was discovered, California has been one of the most
desirable places to live in the USA. It is wealthy; its economy is the world’s sixth
largest, bigger than France or Italy. 25 Californian counties have per capita incomes
of over US$65 000 (about £35 000) per year, making them amongst the world’s
wealthiest places. Yet the risk map above, showing the likelihood of hazard
occurrences, identifies California as the USA’s most hazardous state. There are two
reasons for this: plate tectonics and climatic patterns, particularly those related to El
Nino and La Nina.

Plate tectonics and California

San Francisco seems like a city living on the brink of disaster. Its residents know that
it lies along the San Andreas fault, where the Pacific Plate moves north-westwards
past the North American Plate. The two move in the same direction but the Pacific
Plate moves move more quickly, thus creating friction. This is called a conservative
plate boundary. The San Andreas fault is the fracture – or fault line – between them.
It runs along the Californian coast from Los Angeles north to San Francisco. Other
fault lines run parallel to the major fault; San Francisco is built over two of them.

These faults move regularly, causing earthquakes. In 1906, San Francisco was
destroyed in an earthquake measuring 8.2 on the Richter Scale. It fractured gas pipes
(which caused explosions and fires) and water mains (which could have prevented the
spread of the fires). A further earthquake, of magnitude 7.1, occurred in 1989. With
is epicentre at Loma Prieta, it caused major damage and deaths. Some buildings
collapsed, while others were badly shaken. Five years later, a further earthquake
shook Northridge in Los Angeles.

The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in San Francisco

• Date and time: 5.04pm, 17 October 1989
• Magnitude and location: 7.1; epicentre Loma Prieta in the Santa Cruz mountains
• A magnitude 5.2 aftershock struck the region 37 minutes after the main
• 63 people died and 13 757 were injured (most were killed when a freeway
• 1018 homes were destroyed and 23 408 damaged
• 366 businesses were destroyed and 3530 damaged
• The damage cost US$6 billion

The 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles

• Date and time: 4.31am, 17 January 1994
• Magnitude and location: 6.7; striking the densely populated San Fernando Valley
in northern Los Angeles
• There were many thousands of aftershocks (mostly in magnitude 4.0-5.0) during
the following weeks, causing further damage

• 57 people died and over 1500 were seriously injured
• 12 500 buildings were damaged; 25% suffered severe-to-moderate damage
• 9000 homes and businesses were without electricity for several days (20 000
without gas), and 48 500 people were without water
• There was damage to several freeways serving Los Angeles – choking traffic for

Dealing with earthquake threats

What if there was another major earthquake? The panels above show that in
wealthier countries the economic damage can be great, whereas the impacts in
developing economies tend to affect people. To protect themselves, most Californians
insure their property against earthquake damage. After the Loma Prieta and
Northridge earthquakes, demand for insurance rose sharply. But, by 1996, it had
dropped to below 1989 levels, and has declined further since. Many people avoid the
cost of taking out insurance.

Climatic patterns and California

California has a reputation as a state where the weather is always perfect, but it
suffers periodic changes which can be hazardous. Sometimes drought occurs and
forest fires threaten, while at other times floods and landslides provide headline news.
Flood risks in California vary, but they coincide with El Nino; forest fires and drought
coincide with La Nina.

The Boxing Day tsunami, 2004

Tsunamis occur where:
• Earthquakes measure more than 6.5 on the Richter Scale
• The earthquake’s focus is shallow beneath the Earth’s surface
• The focus is also beneath the ocean

The earthquake that caused the Boxing Day tsunami was estimated at between 9.0
and 9.3 on the Richter scale, and was over 100 times stronger than the one which
caused the Kobe earthquake in 1995. The thrust heaved the floor of the Indian Ocean
towards Indonesia by about 15 metres, and, in so doing, sent out shock waves. Once
started, these radiated out in a series of ‘ripples’, moving almost unnoticed across
oceans until they hit land. The longer and shallower the costal approach, the more
the ripples built up in height. The waves that struck the shallow coastline near Banda
Aceh (only 15 minutes from their origin), and parts of Sri Lanka were nearly 17 metres
high on impact.

Sri Lanka – who died in the 2004 tsunami?
Sri Lanka was the second most seriously affected country after Indonesia, with over
30 000 deaths, 5 700 people missing and 861 000 people displaced. One survey
carried out in Ampara (an eastern coastal district of Sri Lanka) found that the most
vulnerable people had suffered the most. This area had previously experienced rapid
coastal urbanisation. Its economy is also based on tourism and subsistence fishing,
which left it vulnerable to the tsunami.

In this part of Ampara, out of a population of
3533 (living in 859 households), 12.9% died.
Of these:
• Most deaths occurred during and
immediately after the disaster
• More than double the number of
women died, compared to men
• 56% of victims were children
• The elderly and disabled were more
likely to die than young, healthy
adults; 15% of deaths were of people
aged over 50

Other factors which increased people’s

vulnerability were:
• Whether they were indoors at the time
of the tsunami (13.8% of casualties).
Women and children were more likely
to be inside on the morning of the
tsunami. Even compared with those
on the beach or in the sea, people at
home were more likely to die.
• The quality of the building they were in, either in terms of its structure or its
location and exposure to the full force of the waves. 14% of deaths occurred in
buildings that held up well or withstood the initial impact.
• Whether they belonged to a fishing family (15% of deaths)
• Whether they had lower educational qualifications. Those with higher
educational qualifications were 20% less likely to die if educated to secondary
level, and 60% less likely if educated to university level. Uniersity educated
people earn more and could afford to live away from high-risk locations.
• Whether they earned lower incomes. In Ampara, 15 000 rupees (US$150) per
month is a high wage. Most deaths occurred in households earning 1-2999 and
3000-5999 rupees, with few deaths in the highest earnings category.

Environmental change and the tsunami

One clear factor has emerged from several countries affected by the tsunami – the
countries which suffered most were those where the tourism industry has grown
rapidly in recent years. Many coastal areas of Thailand and Sri Lanka have been
cleared of coastal mangrove swamps to make way for hotels and resorts. Mangroves
act as a natural barrier, absorbing wave power and creating a natural coastal buffer
zone. Damage from the tsunami was noticeably reduced in coastal areas which had
maintained their mangrove swamps, beach forest and coral reefs.

Title: ____________________________________________________

itle: ____________________________________________________

What? Where? When? Why? Who?


All of the text to create this revision document has been taken in its unedited form
from the three textbooks released for the Edexcel AS specification. Likewise, the
diagrams and maps have been scanned from these sources. This is purely to create
one comprehensive document to support the course.

Digby et al (2008) AS Geography for Edexcel Oxford University Press: Oxford
Warn et al (2008) Edexcel AS Geography Philip Allan: Oxfordshire
Byrne et al (2008) Edexcel AS Geography Pearson Education: Harlow

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