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Universidad del Instituto Cultural Dominico Americano – UNICDA Area of Education


Integration of Artificial Intelligence in High School Teaching and Learning Processes of

English Language: A Study of 12th and 11th Grade Students in the year 2023-2024 at IQ

International School (District 1504) and Miel Christian School (District 1503) Disquisition

Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree Bachelor's in Education

with a Bachelor in Teaching English as a Second Language Presented by: Pamela Solano

2020-20-3-0038 Rondy Villanueva 2020-30-3-0039 Thesis Advisor: Lucia Zimbron Santo

Domingo, D.N

República Dominicana Exploring the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in High School

Teaching and Learning Processes: A Study of 11th and 12th Grade Students in the year

2024 at IQ International School (District 1504) and Miel Christian School (District 0622) in

Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional.

Acknowledgment: We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the UNICDA

community for their unwavering support and guidance throughout this journey. Their

dedication to our learning and enrichment has been truly remarkable, and we are incredibly

grateful to have been a part of such a nurturing community. We extend our thanks to

UNICDA as an institution for providing us with the opportunity to pursue our academic and

professional goals. Their commitment to excellence and innovation has been instrumental

in our success. We also want to thank our coordinator, Ligia Henriquez, for her leadership

and support. Her guidance has been invaluable, and we are grateful for her dedication to

our development. Finally, we express our gratitude to all the teachers who have been a

part of this process. Your expertise, passion, and dedication to teaching have inspired us

to strive for excellence. 6 Thank you for your unwavering support and for helping us

reach our goals. Pamela Solano & Rondy Villanueva I would like to begin by expressing

my deepest gratitude to our families, who have been a constant source of support and
encouragement throughout this journey. Their unwavering belief in us and willingness to

help in every aspect have 6 been instrumental in our success. I would like to extend my

heartfelt thanks to Cesar Abel Santil for his dedication and commitment to our growth and

learning. His guidance and support have been invaluable, and we are truly grateful for his

mentorship. I am also grateful to Solangel Melendez for her guidance and for providing us

with real teaching experiences that have enriched our learning process. Her passion for

teaching and commitment to our development have been truly inspiring.

I would like to acknowledge our adviser, Lucia Zimbron, for her insightful recommendations

and unwavering support throughout this investigation. Her expertise and guidance have

been instrumental in shaping our research and academic development. I also want to

thank our career coordinator, Ligia Henriquez, for her encouragement and advocacy on our

behalf. Her 8 support has been a source of motivation for us to strive for excellence.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers who have been a part of my

journey as a UNICDA student. Your dedication and passion for teaching have inspired me

to become a better educator. Rondy Villanueva First and foremost, thank you to God for

being the author of my life and for being my greatest sustenance. It is through His strength,

knowledge, and guidance 18 that I have been able to embark on this wonderful journey.

8 I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Lucia Zimbron, my thesis supervisor, for

their invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement throughout this journey. Their

expertise, patience, and unwavering commitment have been instrumental in shaping this

thesis. I extend sincere thanks to Cesar Abel Santil for his unwavering dedication and

guidance, which have deeply enriched our learning journey. His 31 mentorship has been

invaluable, and we are profoundly grateful for his support.

I also want to express gratitude to Solangel Melendez for her exceptional guidance and the

genuine teaching experiences she provided. Her passion for teaching and commitment to

our growth have been truly motivating. I am indebted to my family for their endless love,
encouragement, and understanding during this challenging endeavor. To my parents, 6

thank you for being the main promoters of my dreams, for believing and trusting in me, and

for always desiring and longing for the best in my life. Thank you for every piece of advice

and every word that guided me throughout my life. 8 I am grateful to my husband for

understanding me in every aspect. 6 Thank you for being an unwavering support in my

life, for being the happiness encapsulated in one person, for being my everything reflected

in another person whom I love dearly, and for whom I am willing to always face everything.

To my friends and colleagues, especially Jefferson and Anthony who provided

encouragement, advice, and moral 30 support, thank you for being there through the ups

and downs of this journey. Thank you 8 to everyone who has played a part, no matter

how big or small, in the completion of this thesis. Last but not least, I want to express my

heartfelt gratitude to Rondy Villanueva for being my steadfast companion throughout this

journey. 6 Thank you for the time invested and the effort exerted, despite the challenges

we encountered. Your unwavering companionship since day one of this journey has been

invaluable. Pamela Solano

Dedication I dedicate this work to my father, who has always been by my side, teaching

me, taking care of me, guiding me, and loving me. 18 I could not have asked for anyone

else to share my achievements. To my siblings, Rolando Moises, Coral and specially

Magdalena, lovingly Nicole, for sharing her knowledge with me and for always having faith

8 in my abilities and potential. To my best friend Anna, for encouraging me and 31

always being there to listen when I needed her, for her unconditional support and

friendship. To my classmate Pamela, who has worked by my side the entire way. And

finally, to my mother, the light of my life, the person who has been there saving me every

time I am struggling. 18 I could not have done anything without you in my life. 6 I am

grateful for sharing this life with you and for being able to call you my mother. Thank you

for always believing in me, for your unconditional love, and for shaping me into the person I

am today. Rondy Villanueva


Chapter I Introduction 5 Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a potent ally in the

transformation of education in recent years, presenting promising chances to improve

language learning encounters. AI integration into ESL instruction offers a plethora of

opportunities in multilingual educational contexts where upholding academic integrity is

critical. (District, 2023) With time restrictions and changing student engagement dynamics,

the integration of AI technologies into English language instruction in bilingual

schools—best illustrated by the application of Artificial Intelligence—opens possibilities to a

dynamic educational landscape. AI encourages better language skills and tailored learning,

but it also raises questions about student autonomy, academic integrity, and the changing

roles of teachers. (Seo, 2021) Instead of seeing this integration as a challenge in and of

itself, educators can see it as an exciting opportunity to experiment with cutting-edge

teaching strategies and adjust to the ever-evolving needs of students. IQ International

School and Miel Christian School are taking proactive measures to address issues related

to AI integration, acknowledging the necessity for thorough research in this area. By

working together, educators are investigating how AI may affect in a positive manner

student autonomy, pedagogical approaches, and the entire teaching and learning process

in bilingual learning settings. These schools are laying the groundwork for thoughtful AI

integration and creating real learning environments where students flourish by encouraging

a culture of creativity and inquiry. 1 Through the use of study findings, educators can

leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the educational process and enable students

to become effective and self-sufficient

language learners. AI emerges as a catalyst for transformative change rather than a threat

to traditional education through cooperative efforts and careful application, ushering in an

era of unmatched innovation and potential in education. Problem Statement ´´Human

minds are not computers, and computers are not human minds´´ Many of the goals set

forward to improve teaching and learning are not being reached today. Teachers are

looking for adaptable, safe, and effective ways to fulfill these concerns 18 with the help of

technology. Naturally, educators are curious about whether the quick advancements in

technology in daily life may assist. Like everyone else, educators make use of 24 AI-

powered services in their daily lives. Examples include automated travel planning on their

phones, voice assistants in their homes, and tools that can create essays, fix grammar,

and finish sentences. (Educational Technology, 2023, 1) Teachers are hesitant to integrate

artificial intelligence 1 (AI) into their teaching practices due to fear and a lack of

technological knowledge. They worry about potential job displacement caused by the

implementation of AI systems in education. Additionally, there is concern that excessive

reliance on AI could lead to a future lack of essential skills among students. Teachers are

concerned that if it becomes too simple for students to pass off work done by computers as

their own, they would not acquire the necessary skills. It's known that AI may "hallucinate"

by giving false information that could mislead students, which adds to worries that its

usage could encourage cheating. Therefore, generative AI has been outright prohibited in

several schools. (Roberts, 2023)

Actually, what some teachers are not aware of is that Artificial intelligence can help them

manage their time more effectively by automating certain tasks, 1 allowing them to focus

on teaching. AI can also assist in reducing the overwhelming feeling teachers may

experience by providing support in planning, grading, and organizing classroom activities.

By alleviating some of these burdens, 1 AI can help teachers feel more motivated and

creative, ultimately leading to more effective teaching and learning experiences. For

students, it's essential not to deprive them of technology, including artificial intelligence, as

the world is constantly evolving. AI is already integrated into the daily operations of many

businesses, and denying students 30 the opportunity to learn about AI would hinder their

ability to effectively participate in society. AI can also play a crucial role in guiding students
towards future careers. By analyzing extensive amounts of data, AI algorithms can provide

insights into job prospects and market trends, suggesting suitable career paths based on

students' interests, skills, and the demand in the job market. This can help students make

more informed decisions about their future and better prepare them for the workforce.

(Pare, 2023) Symptoms of the problem In schools such as IQ International School and Miel

Christian School, there is a lack of active application of AI technologies by students and

teachers, even when students and teachers both have a basic comprehension of

technological tools, including artificial intelligence. The institutional policies of the schools,

which limit 2 the use of AI, contribute to this lack of implementation. The restriction is

justified by the management and teachers of the schools believing that AI does not

correspond with the abilities required for students' academic and personal growth. This

viewpoint reflects a larger worry expressed by the educational community on how

technology is influencing students' educational experiences. Even if both teachers and

students may be knowledgeable about using AI, the schools' position highlights

a conscious decision to give preference to other kinds of skill development that are thought

to be more advantageous for students' long-term performance. Why Research Concern?

This research is crucial due to some observations that conducted at MIEL Christian School

and IQ International School raise concerns about the slow progress being made in

accomplishing instruction and learning objectives. Fear and a lack of technological know-

how prevent educators from integrating AI, even if they are looking for flexible and efficient

technology solutions. Concerns include the possibility of employment displacement,

students depending too much on AI without learning critical skills, and AI encouraging

dishonest behavior or supplying false information. Certain AI applications are outright

forbidden in both; IQ International School and MIEL Christian School. Teachers must be

made more aware of AI's ability to help with time management, workload reduction, and

creative stimulation, all of which 1 will lead to better results. Restricting students' access

to AI might make it more difficult for them to adjust to the changing needs of society and
choose careers. 5 As a result, there is increasing agreement that it is critical to accept AI

in education while resolving any issues and maximizing its advantages. Projection Looking

ahead, the implementation of innovative solutions 2 based on artificial intelligence (AI) is

crucial to addressing educational and teaching challenges. These solutions can customize

teaching and learning to suit the individual needs of students, analyzing data on student

performance and learning styles to provide personalized recommendations and adaptive

educational resources. In addition, continuous integration 1 of AI-based technology in

the classroom, such as virtual assistants and adaptive learning platforms, can improve the

efficiency of the educational process by providing instant feedback and additional support

resources. Control In terms of monitoring, artificial intelligence 25 plays a crucial role in

data collection and analysis to monitor the progress and impact of educational

interventions. AI systems can analyze large amounts of data on student performance,

classroom participation, 1 and the use of technology to identify significant trends and

patterns. In addition, AI can provide valuable insights into areas of improvement in

teaching and learning, as well as provide specific recommendations to optimize the

educational process, contributing to a more adaptive education system, inclusive and

student-centered. I.I. Origin The present challenges in integrating Artificial Intelligence into

English language teaching in bilingual schools stem from a confluence of factors shaping

the modern educational landscape. Firstly, the rapid advancement of technology has

ushered in an era where traditional teaching methods often struggle to keep pace with the

evolving needs of students. As digital natives, students are increasingly accustomed to

interactive and personalized learning experiences offered by technology. However, amidst

this technological surge, there's a growing dissonance between traditional educational

approaches and the preferences of today's learners. Furthermore, students today face a

myriad of distractions and time constraints, with competing demands from extracurricular

This diminishing attention span and lack of dedicated study time pose significant

challenges for educators striving to engage and motivate students effectively. 2 On the

other hand, teachers find themselves grappling with their own set of challenges. Despite

their dedication to fostering a dynamic learning environment, they often encounter barriers

such as limited time and resources. The demanding nature of the profession, coupled with

administrative duties and curriculum requirements, leaves little room for experimentation

and creativity in teaching practices. Additionally, the pressure to adhere to standardized

testing and academic benchmarks further exacerbates the situation, constraining teachers'

autonomy and impeding their ability to tailor instruction to meet the diverse needs of

students. As a result, educators find themselves in a perpetual struggle to strike a balance

between meeting institutional demands and nurturing a passion for learning among their

students. The aforementioned challenges are not merely inconveniences but rather

fundamental impediments to the educational process with far-reaching implications. The

lack of student interest and time represents 6 more than just a hurdle; it signifies a

disengagement from learning that can have profound effects on academic achievement

and long-term educational outcomes. Students who feel disconnected from the learning

experience are less likely to retain information, participate actively in class discussions, or

develop essential critical thinking skills. Similarly, the shortage of creativity and time among

teachers poses a significant barrier to innovation and instructional effectiveness. Without

the freedom to explore new teaching methodologies or adapt to emerging pedagogical

trends, educators risk falling into a rut of

monotony, where teaching becomes a mechanical task rather than a dynamic and

transformative experience. Furthermore, 1 the integration of AI into education introduces

a host of ethical and practical considerations that demand careful scrutiny. Issues such as

data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the potential erosion of student-teacher relationships

require thorough investigation to ensure that AI technologies are implemented in a manner

that upholds ethical standards and promotes positive learning outcomes. Therefore, it is
imperative to investigate these challenges comprehensively, not only to understand their

underlying causes but also to identify innovative solutions that foster a more engaging,

inclusive, and effective learning environment for all stakeholders involved. I.2. Description

This research will be conducted at IQ international school, Calle Luis amiama tio no 10,

Arroyo Hondo, Santo Domingo and MIEL Christian School, located at Av.Privada, Santo

Domingo. Currently in the centers mentioned in the previous paragraph the following

variables are identified that are affecting 1 the use of Artificial Intelligence in the 12th and

11th secondary classrooms. At the same time, 5 as a result, there are indicators that do

not contribute to a better technological development of the observational community. In the

first visits to the institutions some informal conversations emerged with the teachers related

to the use of Artificial Intelligence (Chat Gpt) and what potential uses these would

implement to your teaching methods and whether the implementation of the platform in

classrooms could be beneficial to improve student participation and learning in classrooms.

As a result, a percentage disagreed for the following reasons: a) it can be a double-edged

sword. I don’t think the student has the maturity to handle it. b) students wouldn’t have a

decent level of logical reasoning. c) use by the student, and may leave any idea or process

of creativity in the

hands of this AI. d) transfer information directly or indirectly to Artificial Intelligence owners

because it can be used against us. Some possible causes that do not contribute to better

technological development in the school community could be due to a lack of adequate

infrastructure, limitations in the training of teachers in advanced educational technologies,

or a school culture that does not encourage innovation 1 and the adoption of new

technologies. After providing the survey on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in

classes, a large percentage of teachers disagreed for the reasons presented in the

previous paragraph. Therefore, if students continue not to be exposed to artificial

intelligence due to teacher ignorance or poor practices in its implementation, meaningful

learning and development opportunities are likely to be missed. First, lack of exposure to
artificial intelligence could limit students' ability to acquire skills relevant to the future, such

as computational thinking, solving complex problems 25 and the ability to adapt to

changing technological environments. As a result of the above, we believe that there is a

need to provide more technological education at different educational levels for the reason

that a large part of the teaching population is unaware of the advantages of AI by not being

aware of the advantages of correctly applying artificial intelligence platforms. I.3.

Formulation How does the integration of Artificial Intelligence influence the teaching and

learning methods used in high school English language classrooms at IQ International

School and MIEL Christian School.? I. Research Questions:

1. How is Artificial Intelligence currently incorporated into high school English language

classrooms at IQ International School and MIEL Christian School, and what specific tasks

does it support? 2. How is the influence 5 of Artificial Intelligence on students' language

proficiency, writing skills development, and overall learning outcomes? 3. What are the

attitudes and perspectives of teachers and students towards 1 the integration of Artificial

Intelligence in English language learning, including perceived benefits, challenges, and

potential improvements? 4. How privacy considerations are associated with the use of

Artificial Intelligence in high school classrooms, and how can these be addressed? 5. What

are the potential negative aspects or limitations of implementing Artificial Intelligence in

high school English language teaching and learning processes? 6. What type of topics

must be integrated using AI? 3.4. Objectives This investigation has one general objective

and four specific objective which are described below: 3.4.1. General Objective Analyze

the 1 application of Artificial Intelligence in high school English language learning

environments at IQ International School and MIEL Christian School and its implications for

teaching practices, aiming to provide insights for 39 the development of a tailored AI usage

policy. 3.4.2. Specific Objectives

● Analyze the Current 1 Integration of Artificial Intelligence: Evaluate the current status of
Artificial Intelligence integration in high school English language classrooms at IQ

International School and MIEL Christian School, including the extent of its utilization and

the specific tasks for which it is employed. ● Examine 1 the use of Artificial Intelligence on

English Language Learning Outcomes: Investigate the use of Artificial Intelligence on

students' language proficiency and overall learning outcomes, scrutinizing whether Artificial

Intelligence enhances language acquisition. ● Explore Teacher and Student Perceptions:

Delve into the attitudes and perspectives of teachers and students regarding the

integration of Artificial Intelligence in English language learning, examining their views on

the benefits, challenges, and potential improvements related to its usage. ● Evaluate

Ethical and Privacy Implications: Examine the ethical and privacy considerations

associated 1 with the application of Artificial Intelligence in high school classrooms,

analyzing issues such as data security, student privacy, and ethical use of AI technologies,

and proposing strategies to address potential concerns.


Chapter II - Theory Frame 2.1 Artificial Intelligence Before we explore how AI operates in

education, let's first define this technology broadly. Artificial intelligence enables machines

to 28 perform tasks that typically rely on human thinking. Programs and devices powered

by AI can make decisions, solve problems, comprehend and replicate human language,

and glean insights from unorganized data. (Hamilton, 2023) Artificial intelligence, within the

realm of computer science, concentrates on developing software that replicates behaviors

and cognitive abilities typically associated with human intelligence. This encompasses

abilities like reasoning, learning, problem-solving, and even creativity. AI applications span

15 a broad spectrum of tasks, such as language translation, image recognition, guiding

autonomous vehicles, identifying and treating cancer, and, notably in the realm of

generative AI, generating content and knowledge rather than solely accessing and

retrieving it. (Bailey, 2023 ) Various perspectives exist for comprehending AI, with two
primary categories being rules-based and machine learning-based AI. Rules-based AI

relies on predefined decision-making rules to generate recommendations or solutions,

representing the foundational form of AI. An illustration is found in 2 intelligent tutoring

systems (ITS), capable of offering detailed feedback to students. In contrast, machine

learning-based AI is more advanced, as it allows machines to learn and enhance their

performance over time, especially when exposed to vast and intricate datasets. In

educational settings, machine learning-based AI can serve multiple purposes, such as

tracking student activities and constructing models for accurately forecasting student

outcomes. Despite still being in its developmental stages, machine learning-based AI has

demonstrated impressive capabilities in tackling intricate problems not governed by fixed

rules, like evaluating students' written responses or analyzing extensive datasets.

Additionally, within the AI domain, distinctions arise based on specific technological

applications. One significant area is natural language processing, which involves machines

understanding textual content. Automated essay scoring exemplifies this, utilizing natural

language processing to assess written essays. Recommender systems and predictive

models are also crucial facets of AI, employing data-driven approaches for forecasting. For

instance, Netflix utilizes an AI-driven recommender system to suggest new movies to its

users. (Jimenez & Boser, 2021). 2.2 1 Artificial Intelligence in education Given the

widespread influence of artificial intelligence today, its integration into various sectors,

including education, is unsurprising. It offers significant benefits and 10 has the potential to

address key educational hurdles, although it's important to acknowledge accompanying

risks, which are explored in detail later in the text. Opinions on AI's role in education vary,

with some eagerly anticipating its potential benefits while others express concerns about

potential drawbacks. AI has already been popular in the corporate sector, but now it is

gaining popularity in the education sector, both 2 in teaching and learning and overall

campus management (Dhawan & Batra, 2021). The origins of AI are traced back to a

workshop hosted by John McCarthy at Dartmouth College 11 in the United States in 1956.
He used the phrase 2 artificial intelligence for the first time when explaining that a

computer can be built to replicate any part of learning (Pedró, 2020). On the other hand,

Luckin et al. (2016) argue that it is since 1970 that AI has been in the field of education and

has been focused on creating computer programs that allow

for individualized learning and creating automated evaluation and feedback. This shows

that AI is nothing new and has been there for ages; the term just became more known and

received propaganda around it. Moreover, Miao et al. (2021) already established a

UNESCO Artificial Intelligence 2 and Education Guidance for Policy-makers in order to

guide policy-makers to better understand the potential and implications of AI for teaching

and learning and create policies for their institution. This document was also done in order

to ensure that the 34 use of AI in educational contexts actually aids in the achievement of

SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning

opportunities for all. This UNESCO guidance aims to help policymakers better understand

the potential 35 and implications of AI for teaching and learning (Miao et al., 2021).

According to the document, providing low-cost models for developing AI technologies,

ensuring that the interests of 29 low- and middle-income countries are represented in

meaningful discussions and decisions, and building bridges between these countries and

those with more advanced AI implementation are all necessary if AI is to support SDG 4

(Miao et al., 2021). However, this document doesn’t take into consideration different

contexts and countries with different resources than others. Now, knowing Artificial

Intelligence 28 and how it is composed; it is necessary to see its scope, especially in the

educational area, as this is the main construct of social life worldwide. As it has been said,

education has changed radically due to various factors, including society, pandemic, and

technology. Therefore, addressing it from highly influential spheres is convenient since it is

inconceivable to talk about education without mentioning technology, and currently without

mentioning Artificial Intelligence. The impact of this technological era on education is so

great that there are many significant topics. Hence, the international consideration of
government entities has

given greater importance to this issue, with the intention that educational agents can

introduce technologies into their classrooms and be part of Education 4.0, which, according

to Navarrete (2021), cited by Acuña (2022), is "that which promotes the application of

physical and digital resources that provide innovative solutions to current and future

challenges of society," and thus it can be immersed in this so-called fourth industrial

revolution, where the interaction between machine and human is imminent. In relation to

this, Ansari (2018), referenced by Flores, et al., (2020), states that: in this context, human-

machine learning becomes valuable by promoting self-learning and flexibility. A reality in

which we already live, and which requires addressing by 11 teachers and students, in

order to go hand in hand with this new society and its foundations. Education has evolved,

and therefore the way of approaching it cannot remain static and immutable as it 28 is part

of the social being that characterizes individuals. In this area of life, the perspective turns

towards instruction, which is organized and seeks to transform the educational context

using advanced technology and automation. 2.3 Contribution 5 of AI to Education In their

eagerness to evolve and bring to reality what seemed impossible less than a decade ago -

humanoid robots performing everyday activities - humans have managed to systematize,

program, and create machines that intelligently carry out tasks typical of humans. It is

believed that, with the intention of harnessing technology for human improvement, a matter

not in question but also admitting other interpretations, it is a reality that surrounds us and

already has us involved 11 in all aspects of human life; nowadays, they are closely related

to the technological era, and every social fact always has an impact on education. The

challenges of 21st-century education framed within technological and social changes are

highly evident.

UNESCO, in this regard, refers to the development of an online repertoire aimed at

providing a concentrated platform to Member States to deliberate on the best way to teach
AI to children, young people, teachers, and anyone involved in the academic education of

others so that they may know more about its functioning, its use, and its possible

implications for humanity. Consequently, it is necessary to discuss the contributions that AI

brings to education. Based on the Annual Report on the use of technology in education by

BlinkLearning, a technological company specialized in the development of solutions for

education, 68% of educators affirm that motivation in the classrooms increases in relation

to ICT, and its main pedagogical preeminence is access to 36 a greater number of

contents (74%) (Press, 2023). This interest increases considerably with the presence of

the internet, social networks, and everything related to technology. (Gross, 1992) states

that in the educational applications of AI: Two general types can be distinguished, those

aimed at providing and facilitating certain learning to the student, and those aimed at

helping the teacher in tasks such as planning, designing, and organizing teaching tasks.

Given its adaptability, both for those mediating knowledge and for those receiving it, it is

beneficial and generates advantages and benefits for both participants in educational

activities (p.74). However, in the historical and evolutionary course of AI and its impact on

education, the following contributions can be globally distinguished: ● Design of advanced

curriculum programs: AI facilitates teachers to provide relevant, updated information more

quickly, thus creating trendier and more beneficial content for students.

● Personalized tutoring: Through these, it is possible to analyze students' performance and

provide real-time feedback and general recommendations, thus optimizing the teaching-

learning process and improving academic performance. The most outstanding example of

these AI-based tutoring systems is the virtual tutoring system developed by Stanford

University. Although it has also been applied in Latin American countries, currently in Peru,

a pilot project has been launched for the implementation of virtual math tutors in primary

and secondary schools in rural areas. ● Virtual counseling without human intervention:

Once a utopia, now a reality that facilitates the teaching-learning process and allows

personalized resolution of any doubts or problems students may have. Chatbots are a vivid
example of this. ● Personalized learning contents: Each participant in the educational

process has a different time and way of learning, so through AI, it can be adapted to each

case and offer the appropriate contents in the way that best fits the student: videos, texts,

audios, etc., in a more proactive and effective manner. ● Prediction of school dropout:

School dropout 1 is one of the major problems worldwide for education, for various

reasons. Artificial intelligence facilitates the detection 15 of the problem and allows

anticipating it, thus providing viable solutions to prevent or significantly reduce school

dropout. These are some of the most significant contributions of AI to education, although

the field is broad and vast, regarding the various positive ways in which artificial

intelligence can help promote more efficient and adaptable education in this era of the

digital revolution. In addition to this, some applications have been developed and put into

operation 5 as a result of artificial intelligence for the educational field, among which are:

Prismas, Thinkster Math, Capcut, Gradescope, Scribble, Diffusion Grammarly, Deep L,

Duolingo, Aleks, and

Coursera. All functional, adaptable, and beneficial tools in educational activities, both for

teachers and students. 2.4 Advantages vs disadvantages 1 of artificial intelligence in

education The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in education presents distinct

advantages, revolutionizing both student learning and teaching methods. Nevertheless, it

also carries inherent drawbacks and risks. The author employed the ChatGPT language

model to uncover the prevalent advantages and disadvantages of AI in education.

Numerous potential benefits stem from incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into

education: 1. Tailored learning experiences: AI systems can tailor learning experiences to

individual students by analyzing their performance and providing personalized feedback

and assistance where needed. 2. Increased efficiency: Automation of 13 routine tasks

such as grading and scheduling by AI systems enables educators to allocate more time to

essential responsibilities like lesson planning and student interaction. 3. Enhanced student

engagement: AI-driven platforms can 7 create interactive and engaging learning materials
tailored to students' interests and learning styles. 4. Enhanced accessibility: AI

technologies can improve access to education for students with disabilities through

features like text-to-speech and speech recognition. 5. Enhanced outcomes: By offering

personalized support and feedback, AI systems 1 have the potential to boost student

performance and identify and assist students at risk of falling behind.

It's crucial to emphasize that AI should complement 21 rather than replace human

educators, serving as a tool to enrich the learning journey and support educators' efforts.

(OpenAI, 2023) Personalized learning stands out as a remarkable feature, as it identifies

areas where students require assistance and offers tailored support. This function is

particularly valuable given the time constraints often faced by teachers; by adapting to

each student's unique needs, AI supplements educators' efforts and facilitates more

efficient learning. Similarly, improved efficiency through task automation enables teachers

to 13 dedicate more time to assisting students, thereby enriching their learning

experiences. AI systems designed 7 to enhance student engagement by aligning with

their interests can be especially motivating, as students can simultaneously enjoy activities

they love while learning. Accessibility is another crucial aspect, benefiting students with

disabilities or those who simply require alternative learning methods. 29 AI tools such as

text-to-speech and speech-to-text systems enhance educational accessibility. Moreover,

personalized learning leads 7 to improved learning outcomes, further emphasizing the

efficacy of AI in education. In addition to these advantages, AI facilitates instant access to

answers and task assistance, eliminating the need to wait days for a response. This is

particularly beneficial for shy students or those apprehensive about asking questions. AI

tutoring systems offer immediate feedback, fostering continuous learning. Furthermore,

augmented and virtual reality technologies can enhance engagement, with virtual reality

environments offering immersive course tasks. Moreover, artificial intelligence streamlines

various tasks such as information retrieval, text summarization, spell checking, plagiarism

detection, and translation, contributing to 7 a more efficient learning process. (Hooper,


While artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant potential for enhancing education, it also

carries several noteworthy drawbacks, as discovered by ChatGPT: 1. Bias and

discrimination: AI systems may perpetuate or exacerbate existing biases and

discrimination, particularly if they are trained on biased data, potentially leading to biased

or discriminatory outcomes. 2. Overreliance on technology: Dependence on AI in education

may result in a reduced emphasis on crucial skills like 25 critical thinking, problem-solving,

and collaboration, as students may rely excessively on technology to perform tasks. 3.

Lack of human interaction: AI systems cannot fully replicate the value of human interaction

in education. 22 Students may miss out on the personalized support and nuanced

explanations provided by human teachers, particularly when grappling with challenging

concepts. 4. Cost: Implementing 13 AI technologies in educational settings can be

financially burdensome, leading to disparities between institutions with the resources to

adopt AI and those without, potentially exacerbating educational inequalities. 5. Privacy

and security concerns: AI systems in education may collect sensitive student data, raising

concerns about privacy breaches and misuse. Unauthorized access to this data could lead

to privacy violations and other adverse consequences. 1 It is essential to carefully weigh

these potential disadvantages, along with others, when considering the integration of AI

into educational practices. Thoughtful consideration of these factors is crucial to making

informed decisions about the adoption and implementation of AI technologies in the

classroom. (OpenAI, 2023) Indeed, bias and discrimination pose significant risks when

employing 5 artificial intelligence in education, particularly in endeavors to foster equality

within schools. An AI system might

inadvertently favor one demographic over another due to inherent biases in its algorithms,

potentially leading to unfair treatment, such as preferential selection of a female student

over a male counterpart. Furthermore, there's a notable risk of addiction and excessive
reliance on AI technology. Constant access to AI solutions for problem-solving can

diminish students' independent thinking abilities, impacting their problem-solving skills,

critical thinking, and collaboration. Students 37 may become overly dependent on AI tools,

bypassing the opportunity to engage in meaningful interactions or seek guidance from

peers or educators. Moreover, while AI systems can provide information efficiently, they

may lack the nuanced explanations and interpersonal engagement that human interaction

offers. This deficiency could impede students' communication skills and hinder their 15

ability to engage in fruitful discussions, as AI responses tend to be straightforward, lacking

the depth and complexity of human interaction. The financial implications also cannot be

overlooked. The cost associated with implementing AI technologies may create disparities,

widening the gap between affluent and underprivileged students and institutions. Not all

students have access to the necessary resources, exacerbating inequalities in educational

opportunities. Lastly, 4 privacy and security concerns loom large. 13 AI systems in

education often collect sensitive student data, raising legitimate worries about data

breaches and misuse, potentially compromising students' privacy and exposing them to

various risks. In sum, while AI holds promise for education, careful consideration of these

risks is imperative to ensure that its implementation promotes rather than undermines

educational equity, 7 critical thinking, collaboration, and privacy.

2.5 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for educational purposes 13 Artificial intelligence (AI) in

education presents several ethical challenges. Privacy is a major concern, as unauthorized

access to personal information can lead to breaches of existing laws and standards. AI

systems often request permission to access personal data, but many individuals may

unknowingly grant access without fully understanding the extent of data sharing. This lack

of choice raises ethical dilemmas, as students may face unequal treatment or academic

penalties for non-compliance. Surveillance, which tracks user actions and preferences to

predict future behaviors, encroaches upon students' privacy rights and limits their

autonomy. Predictive 4 algorithms may perpetuate existing biases, exacerbating

inequalities and unfair treatment. Bias and discrimination are inherent risks associated with

AI systems. Machine learning models can inadvertently incorporate biases in the data they

are trained on, leading to discriminatory outcomes. The reliability of information generated

by AI tools poses a significant risk, as the sources used, reliability, currency, and potential

biases are often unclear. Educational institutions must establish guidelines to ensure the

ethical and accurate use of AI-generated content. 2 The impact of AI on future job

prospects in the education field is a pressing ethical concern, as AI can perform tasks

traditionally handled by humans, potentially leading to job displacement. Therefore, careful

regulation, transparency, and ethical oversight are necessary to ensure responsible 4 use

of AI technologies in educational settings. Usos de la inteligencia artificial en educación

The field of education has always been dynamic and ever-changing, with recent

technological advancements, ongoing research, the widespread adoption of virtual learning

amid in-person

constraints, and more contributing to its evolution. While 2 artificial intelligence (AI) is

increasingly prevalent across industries, its application in education remains a question.

Despite its longstanding presence in instructional technology, AI has only recently gained

widespread usage in this field. With the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning, AI

promises enhanced accessibility, efficacy, and efficiency in education. Its implementation

spans from automated administrative tasks to personalized learning approaches. (Puntillo,

2023) “According to (Puntillo, 2023), artificial intelligence is a field of constant

transformation and dynamism. In recent years it 38 has gained a lot of popularity in its

integration in various daily tasks. However, here we are evaluating the popularity that has

taken in education, this can revolutionize the way 13 of teaching and learning, making

learning more attractive and effective and accessible. Even people with limited resources

can access it with just one click on an electronic device with internet access. But how could

we use it in education?” Artificial intelligence offers us a world 2 of new applications and

possibilities that we can apply to education, In addition to the fact that it adapts and
constantly evolves which allows the opportunities to use it 1 in the field of education

especially are practically unlimited. Doctor Martin Rebour wrote this in his web article

called The impact of artificial intelligence on education and teaching. (Rebour, 2023) Below

we list the possible uses 5 of artificial intelligence in education, according to Viktoriya’s

article on itransition website (Shamkina, 2024) (University, 2023), the following are cited: 1.

Learning process personalization: In order to understand each student’s needs and

attitudes, AI-based platforms can collect and analyze student data on how they interact

with instructional materials, how long it takes to complete the exercises, how well they

perform in general and the results of the tests.

2. Automation of the teacher’s mundane tasks: AI helps teachers by automating tedious 1

tasks such as grading exams, freeing up time for student interaction. With advanced

language models, AI is becoming increasingly proficient in evaluating short written answers

and essays, improving its ability to evaluate writing skills. 3. Administrative processes: AI

enables educational institutions to 1 automate administrative tasks such as student

applications, enrollment, facility management, HR procedures, and recruiting. Leveraging

AI for administrative tasks and customer service can significantly reduce costs, improve

management efficiency, and better address student needs. 4. Resource planning: AI not

only improves 13 learning outcomes, but also simplifies the management of school

infrastructure. 20 For example, AI can efficiently handle resource planning tasks such as

calculating food, learning materials, or stationery, ensuring timely procurement and

delivery. This adaptability is crucial for schools, especially amid uncertainties such as those

caused by the pandemic. 5. Use AI writers for efficient research: AI can conduct thorough

research on a topic 12 in seconds and compile text along with references, helping students

produce original, well-referenced writing. 6. Integrate AI writers into evaluation tasks:

Design assessment tasks that leverage AI writers to produce text efficiently, followed by

critical annotations of the generated content. 7. Compare and evaluate text variations: Use

different AI writers to generate multiple versions of text on the same topic, allowing
comparison and evaluation. 8. Discriminate between AI and human text: Attribute routine

text to AI writers, human writers or hybrids based on suitability, and provide a justification

for selection. In addition, explore 12 the role of AI in creative processes, such as

generating poetry using

platforms like Google’s Verse by Verse, and research several AI-based content creators

relevant to your discipline, evaluate their possibilities, such as multilingual capabilities or

optimization for search engines. 9. 5. Curriculum design: Curriculum development is

notoriously 2 challenging due to the ever-changing knowledge landscape. AI excels not

only in adapting lesson plans for individual students, 23 but also in improving the school or

even the national curriculum. Artificial intelligences most used 4 in the field of education #

Uses Tools 1 Creation of course plans and lessons ChatGPT, Top Hat 2 Differentiated

learning Dreambox, Smart Sparrow, Knewton 3 Automatic Classification Gradescope 4

Identifying gaps in knowledge Trayectoria exacta 5 Exams preparation Examsoft, R.test,

Classpoint 6 Management and automation of tasks Zapier 7 Personalized virtual tutoring

Ardilla AI 8 Creative designs Canva 9 Improving digital learning MATHia, Duolingo 2.7.

Real-World Applications: 1. Virtual Tutors: Chat GPT serves as a virtual tutor, providing

personalized assistance and guidance to students.

2. Language Learning: It simulates real-life language interactions, aiding students in

practicing speaking and listening skills. 3. Exam Preparation: Chat GPT acts 14 as a study

buddy, offering comprehensive explanations and study tips for exam preparation. 4.

Interactive Storytelling: It engages students in interactive storytelling and gamification,

enhancing creativity and problem-solving abilities. 5. Feedback Automation: Chat GPT

automates grading and feedback processes, saving educators time and effort. 6. Content

Generation: It assists educators in generating educational content for lectures, study

materials, and assessments. 2. 8. Key Concepts: 1. Artificial intelligence: Technology that

enables machines to do tasks usually requiring human intelligence. 2. Education

integration: Incorporating AI 3 into teaching and learning methods. 3. Machine learning:

AI that learns from data and improves over time without explicit programming. 4. Rules-

based AI: AI that follows predefined rules to make decisions. 5. Natural language

processing: AI's ability to understand and interact with human language. 6. Personalized

tutoring: AI systems that provide customized help and feedback to students. 7. Virtual

counseling: AI systems that offer personalized assistance without human intervention.

8. Predictive models: AI algorithms that forecast future outcomes based on data patterns.

9. Adaptive learning: AI adjusts teaching methods 4 based on individual student needs

and progress. 10. Curriculum design: Using AI to create updated and relevant educational

content quickly. 11. Student engagement: AI tools that make learning 1 more interactive

and interesting for students. 12. Task automation: AI systems that handle routine tasks like

grading to free up educators' time. 13. Accessibility: AI technologies that make education

more available to everyone, including those with disabilities. 14. Dropout prediction: AI

predicts 20 students at risk of quitting school early so interventions can be made. 15.

Privacy concerns: Worries about AI collecting and using personal data without consent. 16.

Bias and discrimination: AI systems unintentionally favoring certain groups or ideas due to

biased data or algorithms. 17. Human interaction: The value of personal connections in

education that AI may lack. 18. Ethical challenges: Moral issues arising from the use of AI

in education, such as fairness and accountability. 19. Job displacement: Concerns that AI

may replace human educators and support staff in schools.

20. ChatGPT: An AI chatbot developed by OpenAI that can 14 understand and generate

human-like text. CHAPTER III

Chapter III 3. Methodological Framework This chapter addresses the epistemological

aspects of the study, including the following: the type of research, the scope, the

objectives, the population, the sample, the operationalization of variables, the idea to
defend, the description of data collection instruments, and their validation; and the

investigative approach. The data processing and analysis procedures, 11 as well as the

limits discovered, are also explained. 3.1. Approach This research has a mixed approach

because we use quantitative and qualitative procedures also because we measure

opinions and graphs. 3.2. Research Type The type of study 7 in this research is

descriptive since it focuses on the breakdown of the characteristics of the use of artificial

intelligence, its benefits, drawbacks and applications during the teaching-learning process.

3.3. Delimitation This study dives into how 12th-grade students and their English teacher at

IQ International School and MIEL Christian School are using Artificial Intelligence to learn

English. While previous research has explored different language learning apps, we're

zooming in on how this cutting-edge technology is shaking things up in the classroom. 17

At IQ International School we've got a cozy group here: just 8 students and 2 teachers and

at MIEL Christian School there were 30 students and 2 teachers. They're the seniors of the

school, around 32 17 to 18 years old, gearing up for the big wide world beyond high


These groups let us really get into the nitty-gritty of how Artificial Intelligence is changing

the English learning game for them. We're curious about what Artificial Intelligence brings

to the table as an extra learning tool for 2 both students and teachers. By chatting with

the students and their teacher, we hope to understand how this fancy tech is 6 making a

difference in their English lessons. Now, remember, we're not talking about the whole

school here—just this awesome bunch of seniors. And not all of them have their own

devices, so some are borrowing from their folks. It's all part of the real-life mix we're

exploring. Our focus is solely on Artificial Intelligence. This is all about the unique

experience of 5 using Artificial Intelligence in the 12th-grade English class at IQ

International School and MIEL Christian School. Techniques and Methods: Investigation

scope: 3.4. Operationalization of variables # Measuremen t Variables Indicators

Techniques Instruments 1 Analyze Artificial Intelligence Utilization Frequency of AI tool

usage by teachers and students. Types of AI tools utilized Data collection: Interview to list

of AI tools utilized and the frequency of usage. Observation and survey.

2 Examine 1 Use of Artificial Intelligence on English Language Learning Outcomes

Percentage increase in fluency and accuracy of language skills after AI-supported practice.

Data collection: Standardized language proficiency test Multiple choice questionnaire and

survey. 3 Explore The perceptions of teacher and student 4 regarding the integration of

AI Survey responses from teachers and students regarding their attitudes toward AI

integration. Data collection: Interviews with a selected group of participants. Survey for

teachers and students Open - ended questions 4 Evaluate The ethical and privacy

implications associated with AI usage in education. Communication between educational

institutions with parents letting them know 29 about the use of this information field. 3.6.

Population and Sample The population of this research was compounded by the total

number of students and teachers of English in 12th and 11th grade from 17 the IQ

International School and MIEL Christian School, found during the week.

Elements Grade Population Students 11th Grade 12th Grade IQ - 8 students 2 - 12th -

female 6 - 11th - males MIEL - 3 0 students 13 - 12th - (3 males and 10 females) 17 - 11th

(10 males and 7 females) Teachers 11th Grade 12th Grade IQ: 2 MIEL: 2 3.7. Instruments

of data collection 1. Open-ended questions for teacher and students: This questionnaire is

composed of two open-ended questions in which the teacher discusses how, in his or her

opinion, 4 the development of education coincided with the use of artificial intelligence in

students' learning. 2. Multiple-choice selection questionnaire: This questionnaire contains

five basic questions on the knowledge that students were expected to gain over the school

year 1 through the use of AI. 3.8. Limitation of the study So far, the preparation of the

report of this investigation has not confronted any obstacle.

CHAPTER 4 Analysis and presentation of the results

This chapter delineates the outcomes derived from the data collection instrument utilized.

Initially, it examines the findings of the survey administered to students, aimed at analyzing

their perception regarding 1 the integration of Artificial Intelligence within high school

education. Subsequently, it delves into 9 the results of the survey administered to

teachers. 4.1. Results of the survey on the student perception on ChatGPT integration in

High School Education. Table 1 Familiarity with ChatGPT Technology Response

Frequency Percentage Not familiar at all 0 0% Slightly familiar 2 5.30% Moderately familiar

16 42.10% Very familiar 9 23.70% Extremely familiar 11 28.90% Total 100%

Based on the data, a large number of students (71.1%) are quite familiar with ChatGPT,

suggesting they're ready to 1 incorporate it into their learning. Additionally, around 28.9%

are very or extremely familiar, showing expertise in using ChatGPT. This familiarity means

students might be more willing to try new learning methods and use AI (ChatGPT) for

studying and collaborating. However, despite their familiarity, some students may still need

support to fully utilize this AI 33 (ChatGPT) for academic purposes, such as workshops or

tutorials to enhance their skills and address any challenges they face. Table 2 Experience

with AI-powered chatbots Response Frequency Percentage Yes 36 94.70% No 2 5.30%

Total 100.00% The data reveals that an overwhelming majority of students (94.7%) have

prior experience with ChatGPT or similar AI-powered chatbots, indicating a notable level of

familiarity with this technology. This widespread usage suggests that students are already

comfortable with

interacting with AI-powered chatbots, potentially streamlining the integration process of

ChatGPT into their learning routines. This familiarity with AI (ChatGPT) may lead to

increased engagement and acceptance among students, fostering a more conducive

environment for leveraging 1 the benefits of AI in education. However, it's essential to

acknowledge that a small minority of students (5.3%) have not yet utilized ChatGPT or
similar AI-powered chatbots. 9 This highlights the importance of providing additional

support and resources to ensure equitable access to ChatGPT-related educational

opportunities for all students. By addressing potential gaps in experience and offering

tailored assistance, educators can ensure that every student has the opportunity to benefit

from 1 the integration of Artificial Intelligence into high school teaching and learning

processes, promoting inclusivity and equal participation 33 in the digital age. Table 3

Technology Use for Educational Purposes Response Frequency Percentage Rarely or

never 1 2.60% Occasionally 1 2.60% Sometimes 5 13.20% Often 6 15.80% Very often 25

65.80% Total 100.00%

The data presents a clear picture of students' use of technology outside of the classroom,

with a startling 80.3% of respondents stating they use it frequently for learning. This depicts

a generation that is firmly rooted in digital learning and that primarily relies on devices like

computers, tablets, and cellphones 32 to continue their education after school.

Furthermore, 13.2% of students say they use technology frequently, demonstrating a

regular use of digital tools for educational purposes. 3 These results highlight the

potential for using technology to improve student learning experiences in the context of our

inquiry on the integration of Artificial Intelligence in high school teaching and learning

processes. Since most students are engrossed in digital 7 learning, there is a strong case

for integrating AI as an additional resource to enhance their academic experience. Table 4

Likelihood of Trying ChatGPT Response Frequency Percentage Not likely at all 4 10.40%

Unlikely 9 23.70% Neutral 9 23.70% Likely 8 21.10% Very likely 8 21.10%

Total 100.00% This data reveals a diverse range of attitudes among students towards 16

the potential use of ChatGPT for school-related tasks. While a significant portion of

students (39.5%) express reservations, with 13.2% stating they are not likely at all and

23.7% indicating they are unlikely, there is also a considerable proportion of students

(31.6%) who express openness to the idea. Specifically, 15.8% of students say they are
likely to try using ChatGPT, while an equal percentage (15.8%) express a very likely

inclination. In the investigation, understanding students' diverse attitudes towards Artificial

Intelligence´s (ChatGPT) potential integration into high school 9 teaching and learning

processes is essential. While some students express reservations, a notable proportion

also show openness to the idea. Educators and researchers must address students'

concerns and effectively communicate the benefits of Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) as a

learning tool to foster a supportive environment for exploring innovative educational

technologies. Table 5 Perceived Enhancement of Learning Experience Response

Frequency Percentage

Strongly disagree 1 2.60% Disagree 2 5.30% Neutral 19 50% Agree 10 26.30% Strongly

agree 6 15.80% Total 100.00% This data illustrates a varied 23 range of opinions among

students regarding 7 the potential benefits of integrating Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT)

into the classroom. While a majority of students (60.5%) express neutral sentiments,

indicating uncertainty or ambivalence towards the idea, there are also significant

proportions of students who express both positive and negative views. Specifically, 21.1%

of students agree or strongly agree that integrating Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) could

enhance their learning experience, while 10.5% disagree or strongly disagree with this


In the investigation, students' opinions on integrating Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) into

the classroom vary widely. While the majority express neutrality, indicating uncertainty,

significant proportions both agree and disagree with the idea. Some students see potential

benefits in AI´s (ChatGPT) integration for enhancing their learning experience, while others

harbor doubts or skepticism. Educators must engage with students, clarify the benefits of

Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT), address concerns, and create a supportive environment

for exploring innovative educational technologies. By understanding and addressing

students' perceptions, educators can foster informed discussions and collaboration towards
effectively integrating AI (ChatGPT) into classroom practices. Table 6 Preference for

Learning Recommendations Response Frequency Percentage Strongly prefer traditional

methods 2 5.30% Prefer traditional methods 15 39.50% Neutral 16 42.10% Prefer

ChatGPT 4 10.50% Strongly prefer ChatGPT 1 2.60% Total 100.00%

The information shows that students have varying preferences when it comes to where

they get study aids or personalized learning advice. 3 The majority of students (71.1%)

indicate that they would like to get guidance from textbooks or teachers, suggesting that

they either highly prefer or prefer traditional approaches. 15 On the other hand, a

noteworthy percentage of students (15.8%) indicate that they either significantly prefer

ChatGPT over conventional methods or favor it at all. 3 These results highlight the

significance of taking into account students' preferences and comfort levels with various

learning advice sources within the context of the investigation. Even though a sizable

portion of students might choose conventional approaches, a sizable portion think that

using AI (ChatGPT) for tailored learning assistance is beneficial. The preferences of

students should be recognized and respected 9 by educators and researchers as they

look for ways to incorporate AI (ChatGPT) into the teaching and learning process.

Teachers can accommodate the varied requirements and preferences of their students and

consequently improve their learning experiences by providing flexibility and options 19 for

personalized learning support. Table 7 Comfort Level with AI-Powered Chatbots

Response Frequency Percentage Very uncomfortable 1 2.70% Uncomfortable 3 7.90%

Neutral 13 34.20% Comfortable 14 36.80% Very comfortable 7 18.40% Total 100.00%

According to this data, students' comfort levels with the concept of communicating with 16

an AI-powered chatbot for educational reasons vary widely. There are some students who

feel less comfortable or ambivalent about the future, despite 3 the majority of students

(54.4%) expressing varying degrees of comfort, with 29.4% feeling either comfortable or

very comfortable.
10 Within the framework of the study, these results emphasize how critical it is to attend to

students' concerns and comfort levels while dealing with AI-powered chatbots in learning

environments. While a sizable majority of students would find this concept to be either very

comfortable or comfortable, others might have doubts or worries. Teachers and

researchers need to be aware of these worries and take action to allay them. This will

reassure students who might be wary of using AI-powered chatbots for learning. Teachers

should encourage students to investigate the possible advantages of interacting with AI-

powered chatbots by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, which will ultimately

improve their learning experiences. Table 8 Potential for Understanding Complex Concepts

Response Frequency Percentage Not at all 0 0% A little 3 7.90% Moderately 16 42.10%

Very much 13 34.20% Extremely 6 15.80% Total 100.00%

According to the data, most students have a favorable opinion of AI´s (ChatGPT) ability to

help them learn difficult topics or subjects in the classroom. More specifically, 35.6% of

students think AI (ChatGPT) might be very much or extremely helpful to them 9 in this

area, and 21.2% feel that its benefits are moderate. This indicates that AI´s (ChatGPT)

potential to 26 be a useful tool for improving students' learning experiences by helping

them understand difficult academic material is widely acknowledged by students. The

goals of the 2 study on Artificial Intelligence integration in high school teaching and

learning procedures are closely aligned with these findings. They emphasize how crucial it

is to take into account students' perspectives and use Artificial Intelligence as a helpful tool

to help students grasp difficult ideas more deeply. Teachers can effectively utilize AI´s

(ChatGPT) ability to improve student comprehension and academic accomplishment in the

classroom by confirming students' positive perceptions and offering opportunities for

meaningful participation with the platform. Table 9 Interest in ChatGPT Integration

Response Frequency Percentage Yes 31 81.60% No 7 18.40%

Total 100.00% According to the research, 81.6% of students said 19 they would like to see

AI (ChatGPT) included in their usual class activities. This indicates that students are really

interested in seeing it integrated. This resounding majority shows a noteworthy degree of

openness and excitement about using technology as a tool to improve their educational

experiences. This optimistic perspective 23 is in line with the investigation's goals of

investigating Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) incorporation into high school teaching and

learning procedures. It also suggests a promising possibility to use this technology to

enhance academic achievement and student involvement. 15 On the other hand, a lower

percentage of students (18.4%) say they are not interested in using AI (ChatGPT) in class.

Even if this group is small, their opinions are nonetheless important and show how

important it is to address any misgivings or potential issues 4 with the use of new

educational technologies. Teachers can utilize this knowledge to put methods into place

that deal with students' concerns and guarantee a welcoming environment so that AI

(ChatGPT) can be successfully included into lessons. Overall, the data highlights how

open-minded students may be to using cutting-edge teaching tools like AI (ChatGPT),

laying the groundwork for more research and use in high school teaching and learning

procedures. Table 10 Importance of Educator Training Response Frequency Percentage

Not important at all 3 7.90% Slightly important 1 2.70% Moderately important 11 28.90%

Very important 14 36.80% Extremely important 9 23.70% Total 100.00% The information

shows how students feel differently about how important it is for teachers to be trained on

how to use AI (ChatGPT) in their lessons. Although most students 21 understand the

importance of this kind of training—53.9% of them think it's very important or extremely

important—some students think it's less necessary. While a lower percentage (5.9%)


the training to be either not important at all or marginally important, a noteworthy amount of

students (11.8%) see it as fairly important, showing a recognized but not overwhelming
value. This range of opinions emphasizes how important it is to deal with varying attitudes

and give top priority to all-encompassing training programs that accommodate the various

7 needs and preferences of instructors. The research underscores the need of offering

educators training on the proper integration of AI (ChatGPT) into their pedagogical

approaches. The fact that most students recognize the value 21 of this kind of instruction

indicates that they are aware of how AI (ChatGPT) may affect their educational

experiences. Stakeholders can enable the smooth integration of AI (ChatGPT) into

classroom practices and eventually improve 4 student engagement and academic

achievement by making sure educators have the requisite training and expertise. This

emphasizes how crucial it is to 1 work together to develop customized training curricula

that cater to the requirements and preferences of teachers, creating a welcoming

atmosphere that makes it easier to successfully include AI (ChatGPT) into 19 the teaching

and learning procedures of high schools. Table 11 1 Concerns about Privacy and Data

Security Response Frequency Percentage Yes 33 86.80% No 5 13.20% Total 100.00%

According to the findings, a sizable majority of students (86.8%) voice worries about data

security or privacy when utilizing AI (ChatGPT) in a classroom, although a lesser

percentage (13.2%) do not. Students are noticeably concerned about possible security and

privacy hazards when using ChatGPT in an educational setting, as seen by the high

frequency of concerns among students. These results highlight how crucial it is to address

students' privacy and data security concerns when using Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT)

into high school teaching and learning procedures 10 within the framework of the

investigation. When using Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) as a teaching tool, educators

and stakeholders must give priority to safeguarding student privacy and data security, as

demonstrated by the overwhelming majority of students who voiced concerns. 1 Through

the implementation of strong privacy standards and clear information regarding data

handling methods, instructors may allay students' concerns and establish a secure and

encouraging environment that will facilitate the seamless integration of Artificial Intelligence
(ChatGPT) into teaching practices.

Table 14 Beneficial Subjects for ChatGPT Response Frequency Percentage Not likely at

all 0 0% Unlikely 10 26.40% Neutral 11 28.90% Likely 11 28.90% Very likely 6 15.80%

Total 100.00% This data shows a variety of student perspectives about encouraging their

friends to use Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) for academic objectives. There are students

who are less likely to refer to Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT), even if 3 the majority of

students (52.9%) express varying degrees of likelihood, with 21.1% considering it likely

and 13.2% stating they are extremely likely to do so. More specifically, 26.3% of students

say they are hesitant or neutral about telling their friends about Artificial Intelligence


3 These results highlight the significance of comprehending students' attitudes and

beliefs regarding recommending Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) for academic purposes

within the framework of the investigation. While a sizable percentage of students could be

willing to tell their peers about Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT), others might be hesitant or

unsure. In addition to addressing any worries or misunderstandings students may have,

educators and researchers should give concise justifications for the possible advantages of

utilizing Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) as a teaching tool. Teachers can empower

students to make knowledgeable decisions about integrating Artificial Intelligence

(ChatGPT) into their academic activities by creating a supportive environment and

facilitating educated debates. Table 15 Overall Optimism about ChatGPT's Impact

Responses Frequency Percentage Not optimistic at all 1 2.60% Slightly optimistic 3 7.90%

Moderately optimistic 16 42.10% Very optimistic 10 26.30% Extremely optimistic 8 21.10%

Total 100.00%

According to this research, students' degrees of optimism in Artificial Intelligence´s

(ChatGPT) ability to improve education are not all the same. There are students who are
less positive about ChatGPT's potential impact on education, even if 3 the majority of

students (72.1%) express varying degrees of optimism, with 31.6% thinking it fairly hopeful

and 23.7% indicating they are either very optimistic or extremely optimistic. In particular,

7.9% of students report feeling neither very optimistic nor pessimistic. 10 Within the

framework of the study, these results demonstrate the range of viewpoints among students

about the possible advantages of incorporating Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) into high

school instruction. While a sizable percentage of students might be upbeat about

ChatGPT's beneficial effects on education, others might be hesitant or uncertain. In

addition to addressing any worries or misunderstandings students may have, educators

and researchers should give concise justifications for the possible advantages of utilizing

AI (ChatGPT) as a teaching tool. Teachers may encourage students to see AI ́s (ChatGPT)

potential to improve education and help them succeed academically by creating a

supportive environment and facilitating educated conversations.

4.2. Results of the survey on the Teacher Survey on Implementing 5 Artificial Intelligence

in the Classroom Table 1 Familiarity with Artificial Intelligence Technology Responses

Frequency Percentage Not familiar at all 0 0% Sliglthy familiar 0 0% Moderately familiar 1

25% Very familiar 1 25% Extremely familiar 2 50% Total 100% Tabla 2 Previous

Experience with Artificial Intelligence Responses Frequency Percentage Yes 4 100% No 0

0% Total 100%

Tabla 3 Frequency of Technology Usage for Educational Purposes Responses Frequency

Percentage Rarely or never 0 0% Occasionally 1 25% Sometimes 2 50% Often 0 0% Very

often 1 25% Total 100% Tabla 4 Likelihood of 16 Using Artificial Intelligence for School-

Related Tasks Responses Frequency Percentage Not likely at all 0 0% Unlikely 0 0%

Neutral 1 25% Likely 3 75% Very likely 0 0% Total 100% Table 5

Beliefs about the Educational Enhancement through Artificial Intelligence Integration

Responses Frequency Percentage Strongly disagree 0 0% Disagree 0 0% Neutral 1 25%

Agree 3 75% Strongly agree 0 0% Total 100% Table 6 Comfort Level with Interacting with

Artificial Intelligence for Educational Purposes Responses Frequency Percentage Very

uncomfortable 0 0% Uncomfortable 0 0% Neutral 0 0% Comfortable 3 75% Very

comfortable 1 25% Total 100% Table 7 Perceived 5 Impact of Artificial Intelligence on

Understanding Complex Concepts

Responses Frequency Percentage Not at all 0 0% A little 0 0% Moderately 0 0% Very

much 2 50% Extremely 2 50% Total 100% Table 8 Interest in Artificial Intelligence

Integration into Regular Classroom Activities Responses Frequency Percentage Strongly

disagree 0 0% Disagree 0 0% Neutral 1 25% Agree 3 75% Strongly agree 0 0% Total

100% Table 9 Importance of Educator Training on Artificial Intelligence Integration

Responses Frequency Percentage

Not important at all 0 0% Slightly important 0 0% Moderately important 0 0% Extremely

important 4 100% Total 100% Table 10 Likelihood of Recommending Artificial Intelligence

to Peers Responses Frequency Percentage Yes 4 100% No 0 0% Total 100% Table 11

Optimism about 5 the Potential Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education Responses

Frequency Percentage Not optimistic at all 0 0% Slightly optimistic 0 0% Moderately

optimistic 0 0% Very optimistic 3 75%

Extremely optimistic 1 25% Total 100% Qualitative data Field Report Exploring 1 the

Integration of Artificial Intelligence in High School Teaching and Learning Processes of

English Language: A Study of 12th and 11th Grade Students in the year 2023-2024 17 at

IQ International School (District 1504) and Miel Christian School (District 1503) Date:

March 11th, 2024 Observers: Pamela Solano, Rondy Villanueva School: IQ International

School Grade Level: 12th and 11th Subject: Kickoff Meeting for AI Integration Artificial

Intelligence in Classrooms Introduction: On March 11th, 2024, a kickoff meeting was held
at IQ International School with key stakeholders to introduce the idea of AI integration

using ChatGPT in classrooms. The meeting aimed to meet with the director and

coordinator to explain the objectives and planned implementation of AI 9 integration in the

classroom, which is part of a research project. Description of Setting: 27 IQ International

School, located at Calle Luis Amiama Tió no. 10, Santo Domingo, is a bilingual medium-

sized institution that follows life-long learning strategies in its methodologies. The school

boasts a

well-presented reception office, medium-sized classrooms, and open spaces where 11

students are able to learn and interact. Observation Details: The kickoff meeting

commenced with an introduction by the project lead, who outlined the objectives and goals

of integrating Artificial Intelligence in classrooms. The presentation highlighted the benefits

of 22 using AI in education, such as personalized learning, increased student engagement,

and improved learning outcomes. The director and coordinator had stated 26 that it was

not a priority for the institution for students and teachers to make use of it as a resource

since doing so would allow the IA to manage all of the work. After the introduction about

what AI was and its potential they showed keen interest in the proposal, asking insightful

questions about the implementation process and potential challenges. They expressed

their support for the project and emphasized 9 the importance of incorporating technology

in education to prepare students for the future. During the meeting, there was a lively

discussion among the stakeholders, with suggestions and ideas being shared to enhance

the implementation plan. The atmosphere was collaborative and supportive, indicating a

strong commitment to making the project successful. Conclusion: The kickoff meeting at IQ

International School was a success, with key stakeholders showing enthusiasm and

support for 1 the integration of Artificial Intelligence in classrooms. The meeting laid the

foundation for further collaboration and planning, setting a positive tone for the

implementation of the project. Date: March 14th, 2024 Observers: Pamela Solano, Rondy

Villanueva School: IQ International School Grade Level: 12th and 11th

Subject: Meeting, Testing, and Observing the 12th and 11th Grade Students, Introduction

to Artificial Intelligence Description of Setting: The classroom of the 12th grade 17 at IQ

International School was small, with all students placed together around one big desk. All

students were able to use their devices; some used iPads while the rest worked on

laptops. The institution has good internet service, which made the process easier to apply

the evaluation tool, which was a survey. Observation Details: We began the visit by

observing the class dynamic and how they used to work. Then we introduce ourselves and

explain to them the purpose of our visit. Some students and even some teachers were not

familiar with what Artificial Intelligence was. So we gave them a brief review about what AI

is and how we can apply these resources 11 to teachers and students in their teaching

practices and learning process. The students were intrigued by the technology and actively

engaged in the lesson. They asked questions and explored different ways to use AI in their

studies. The teacher facilitated the discussion and encouraged students to think critically

about the use of AI in education. We applied the evaluation tool, a survey about how well

informed were both teachers and students about this AI. After the class, we held a meeting

with the 11 teachers and students to collect feedback on their experience with ChatGPT.

The teachers expressed enthusiasm for integrating ChatGPT 1 into their teaching

practices, citing its potential to enhance student learning and engagement. However, some

teachers presented their disagreement about the implementation of AI, expressing

concerns that ChatGPT could make students lazier and enable them to cheat on their

assignments. Conclusion: Our visit to IQ International School was informative, as we

observed the positive use 19 of AI on teaching and learning. While most teachers and

students were enthusiastic about 1 the integration of AI, some expressed

concerns about its potential drawbacks. It is essential to address these concerns and

ensure that the implementation of AI is done thoughtfully and responsibly. Regular check-

ins with teachers should be held to address any challenges or questions that may arise.
Date: March 18th, 2024 Observers: Pamela Solano, Rondy Villanueva School/Setting:

MIEL Christian School Grade: 12th and 11th Subject: Meeting, testing, and observing the

12th-grade and 11th students and introducing what ChatGPT is. Description of Setting:

MIEL Christian School is located at Av.Privada, Santo Domingo. It is a bilingual, big-sized

private school. The institution has regular classrooms capable of holding up to 25 students.

MIEL Christian School follows their beliefs in God, excellent formation, and

transformational leadership as their motto. The institution boasts wide open spaces where

11 students are able to learn, have fun, and interact safely with each other. Observation

Details: The school provided good access to the internet for its students, who were

observed working in a regular classroom. There were 13 students in the 12th-grade

classroom and 21 students in the 11th-grade classroom. Each student had their devices,

and they were seated in stations. The assessment tool (survey) was projected onto the

whiteboard. 1. We began by meeting with the supervisor and the academic principal to

present the project about 1 the application of AI in the classroom. 2. We then proceeded

to the 12th-grade classroom, where the coordinator joined us. We introduced ourselves

and explained the purpose of our visit. We had a 15-minute discussion about what

ChatGPT is and its uses in the classroom, emphasizing the advantages for teachers and

students. We distributed a survey to the students to analyze their perception of 1 the

integration of AI in the classroom.

3. After 30 minutes, we moved to the 11th-grade classroom, where 21 students welcomed

us. We followed the same process of introducing ourselves and explaining the purpose and

use of ChatGPT. We distributed the same survey to the students. 4. Before leaving, we

met with the homeroom teacher of the 11th grade and provided him with a survey about

teachers' perception of the implementation of ChatGPT 26 in the classroom. The teacher

declined to provide us with any pictures. Conclusion: The visit to MIEL Christian School

was productive in introducing the concept of AI to 2 both students and teachers. Initially

they showed themselves worried about the misuse of AI, however the students showed
interest and curiosity about 1 the integration of AI in their English learning process. The

feedback from both students and teachers will be valuable in further 16 understanding the

potential benefits and challenges of implementing AI in the classroom.


CHAPTER 5. Discussion of the results This chapter presents a thorough examination 40

and discussion of the research findings, employing both inductive and deductive thinking to

analyze the results. Through inductive reasoning, specific observations and patterns from

the data are used to derive broader themes and insights. 9 This approach allows for a

detailed exploration of the data, uncovering underlying trends and implications. Following

the inductive analysis, a deductive approach is applied to evaluate the findings in relation

to existing theories and literature. By comparing the results with established concepts,

theories, and research, the discussion aims to validate the findings and provide 2 a

theoretical framework for understanding them. The results of the research reveal 1 the

transformative potential of AI in higher education. As Artificial Intelligence represents just

the beginning of AI's evolution, it is essential to approach its integration with caution and

foresight. The promise of 'AI for all' 10 must be that everyone can take advantage of the

technological revolution underway and access its fruits, notably in terms of innovation and

knowledge (UNESCO, n.d., as cited in Generative AI and Global Education). AI has the

power 3 to revolutionize education and empower individuals worldwide, but its

implementation must be guided by ethical considerations and a commitment to equity.

Appendix BUDGET Exploring the Integration of ChatGPT in High School Teaching and

Learning Processes: A Study of 12th Grade Students in the year 2024 at IQ International

School (District 1504) and Miel Christian School (District 1503) Description Quantity Cost


Transportation 16 times uber 5,080 RD$ 5,080 RD$ Articles of clothing/dress 8 articles

6,880 RD$ 6,880 RD$ Meals 9 articles 5,100 RD$ 5,100 RD$ Impressions 3 impressions

600 RD$ 600 RD$ Filling of the final project 4 pasting 900 RD$ 3,600 RD$ Judges

Refreshments 1 cheese platter 2,000 RD$ 2,000 RD$

3 virtual_tutor_for_personalized_learning_experiences
4 ugh_AI-driven_Analytics_in_Higher_Education_Institutions
12 education
14 ai-conversations/
21 adopting-ai/
32 united-states/
35 h_import_761bcdad-d1e3-40c9-819d-03c4ac725f26?_=376709eng.pdf&to=40&from=8
36 education/
39 weinberger-aihkf
<1% Chapter 5
40 FINAL.pdf?sequence=7




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