Cookery Rubrics
Cookery Rubrics
Cookery Rubrics
5 4 3 2
Hygiene Practices:
PPE Complete PPE has been worn With PPE but with minimal With PPE but Majority of PPE No PPE has been used during
insufficiency of PPE are still lacking the entire demonstration.
HAIR(BOYS&GIRLS) Hair was neatly tied/Proper The hair was partly neat or The hair was messy all day No hairnet and the hair are
haircut for boys presentable very unpresentable and very
NAILS Nails are neatly trimmed Nails are neatly trimmed but Nails are not properly trimmed Nails are not properly trimmed
with cuticles and the cuticles are present
during the actual
Cleanliness of working area Working area was very neat Working area was partly neat Working area was Working area was very dis-
and well maintained and unpresentable organized, not maintained and
arranged accordingly. no arrangement at all.
Safety Precautions:
Safety work habits Always following safety Partly following the safety Following the safety Safety procedures during
procedures during actual procedures procedures but not consistent. actual demonstration was not
demonstration applied.
Proper use of tools, equipment Accuracy and safety of Accuracy and safety of Accuracy and safety of Accuracy and safety of
and materials handling tools and equipment handling tools and equipment handling tools and equipment handling tools and equipment
was excellently followed. was partly followed. was followed but very was NOT followed the entire
inconsistent. actual demonstration.
Manners and right Conduct Very respectful and well Partly respectful and behaved Inconsistency of respect and disrespect and negative
behaved during the actual during the actual behavior during the actual behavior during the actual
demonstration. demonstration. demonstration. demonstration was present
during the actual
For garnish:
Creativity Presentation of garnish was Presentation of garnish was Presentation of garnish was Garnish was not creative
very unique and excellent partly unique. somehow unique.
Neatness Garnish was neatly presented Garnish was partly neat during Garnish was somehow neat Garnish was very
presentation during presentation unpresentable and very messy