Contest Rules and Criteria
Contest Rules and Criteria
Contest Rules and Criteria
66 s, 2019
OBJECTIVES To showcase the student’s care and love for the environment through
their creative and musical skills.
No. of Required 8-10 participants per year level.
Composition Any grade level
Duration of the 3-5 minutes
Rules and Guidelines 1. The lyrics must be original written in Filipino and must be
theme based.
Adaptation of melody is allowed.
2. Acapella is allowed or any musical instrument can be used
as accompaniment.
3. Instrumentalists are included as participants.
4. No pyro techniques allowed.
5. Choreography is allowed but limited only to hand
movements (participants should be stationary).
6. Performance is 3-5 minutes only. One point deduction will
be made from the average score for every 30 seconds
exceeded and 5 points deduction for any violation of the
above mentioned rule.
7. Participants should wear their Division YES-O t-shirt only.
8. Lyrics in four (4) copies should be submitted during the
9. The judge's decision is final and irrevocable.
Criteria Lyrical Content……………………….............. 30%
Mass appeal………………………………………... 20%
Musicality…………………………………………... 20%
Musical Element (Harmony & Melody… 20%
Mastery……………………………………………... 10%
Total …………………………………………………… 100%
Objective/s To showcase the students' bodily kinesthetic skills, creative
and musical skills
No. of Required Participants 8 to 10 participants per year level
Duration of Competition 3-5 minutes
Rules and Guidelines 1. Must be environment-related interpretative dance
2. Use the main song "Kapaligiran" by Asin and may mash up
song of their choice.
3. No pyro techniques allowed.
4. Music must have lyrics and maybe two mixed or only one.
5. One point deduction for every 30 secs exceeded.
6. Cleanliness should be observed after the performance. One
(1) point deduction for violation of the said rules.
7. Only bodily props are to be used.
8. The judges' is final and irrevocable
Criteria Mastery and execution – 20%
Musicality and Effective Use of Props and Costume – 20%
Concept – 30%
Interpretation – 40%
Total – 100%
EcoVIDEO (Eco-friendly School / Eco-Tourism)
1 team per year level
All contents and audio in the video must be original and are owned by the
participant/s. Non-copyright music/audio is allowed. All creative visual tools
such as animations, simulations, physical demonstrations, or visual aids are
allowed. The contestant will be held accountable to any issues that may arise
about the originality and accuracy of the content.
There shall be three main rounds: EASY, AVERAGE, and DIFFICULT Five
questions will be given for every round observing the following points:
In case of a tie after the summation of all points across the 3 rounds, a
clincher round will be given to determine the top 3 winners observing the
sudden death system.
Participants shall prepare 4 cards indicating letters A-D each. Each will be
raising the cards that state their answers asked by the Quizmaster.
The contest will be hosted by a moderator who will read the questions and
manage the time.
The e-poster should be created using any digital tools (Canva, GIMP,
Inkscape, Adobe Spark, Piktochart, Gravit Designer, Adobe Products).
Participants may also use other tools or software programs, if they ensure
that the elements used are free for commercial use and do not infringe on
any third-party copyrights.
The e-poster must be original and should not have been submitted or used
in any other contest or event.
Participants will pick a question and will be given 3 minutes to prepare and another 3
minutes to answer.
Participants are not allowed to have any gadget during the contest proper.
There will be a 1-point deduction for every 30-second overtime from the respective
judges' total score before determining the rank of the contestants.
Judge's decision is final and irrevocable. Participants agree to be bound by the official
contest rules, guidelines, and decisions of the judges.
- Assessing how unique and new the photo is, including the originality and
creativity of the idea, subject matter, and execution, as well as the use
of any unconventional or innovative techniques.
Photos can be taken using any smartphones and camera. The smartphone or
camera must activate the timestamp to appear in the photo. Coaches shall
assist his/her participant in the activation of the device's timestamp prior to
the contest proper.
Entry must not contain any product logo/watermarks or any text in the image
and must be the contestant's original work.
Photo must not contain any copyrighted material including artworks and other
Entry must not have been awarded in any other photo contests and/or
commercially published whether for news, advertising or otherwise.
1. Only one male and one female contestant is allowed per year level
2. The candidates must be registered camp participants and a bonafide high school student of
the division heishe is representing
a. Production Number-contestants during the talent night competition must wear their
school's/division's YES-O shirt and denim shorts or pants and footwear that match the
outfit. On the pageant night, contestants must wear the prescribed outfit designed by
the contest committee.
b. Talent Show -talent must have relevance to the environmental awareness or cause and
must not exceed 5 minutes. However, 1 point will be deducted from the total score for
every 30 seconds exceeded. Only minimal props are allowed.
c. Kalikasan Attire shall wear creative costume using a combination of indigenous/natural
material and recycled/recyclable materials
i. Male - butterfly
ii. Female - fairy
d. Gown and Barong- shall wear creative costume using RECYCLED/RECYCLABLE materials
ONLY!. Materials used in the Gown/Barong must be described or elaborated during the
actual ramp show. (Gown/Barong description must be submitted to the organizers
during the final rehearsal on February 8, 2013)
e. Question and Answer-The questions to be answered must have relevance to the
Over-all Criteria
Gown/Barong - 20%
Interview - 25%
Special Awards
a. Mr. and Ms. Photogenic – The official photographer will choose the winner
b. Mr. and Ms. Popularity – The most numbers of likes in the Facebook fan page for the
Minor Awards
a. Best in Production Number - the judging will be based on the following criteria: Mastery
30%, Skill 20%, Poise and Projection 30%, Stage Presence 10%, Audience Impact 10%.
Total 100%.
b. Best in Talent - the judging will be based on the following criteria: Mastery and Skill
25%, Relevance to the theme 25%, Originality and Artistry 25%, Showmanship 25%.
Total 100%.
c. Best in Kalikasan Attire - the judging will be based on the following criteria: Originality &
Creativity, 40%, Poise 20%, Stage Presence 20%, Projection 20%. Total 100%.
d. Best in Barong/Gown - the judging will be based on the following criteria: Suitability
30%, Elegance 30%, Poise Carriage and Projection 40%. Total 100%.
e. Best in Interview - the judging will be based on the following criteria: Content 30%,
Fluency of Speech and Consistency 25%, Pronunciation and Diction 25%, Stage Presence
20%. Total 100%.
Specific Rules and regulations, including schedules, shall be administered by the committee.
Failure to comply shall amount to automatic disqualification.