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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2023-106859 on 14 June 2023. Downloaded from on June 15, 2023 at Univ Of West Ontario GSTR101749364
Sport Concussion Office Assessment
Tool – 6
Jon Patricios ‍ ‍,1 Geoff M Schneider,2 Jacqueline van Ierssel,3
Laura K Purcell,4 Gavin A Davis,5 Ruben J Echemendia,6,7
Pierre Frémont,8 Gordon Ward Fuller,9 Stanley Herring,10
Kimberly G Harmon,11 Kirsten Holte,12 Mike Loosemore,13
Michael Makdissi,14,15 Michael McCrea,16 William P Meehan, III,17,18
Patrick O’Halloran,19,20 Zahra Premji,21 Margot Putukian,22
Isla Jordan Shill,23 Michael Turner,24,25 Kenzie Vaandering,26
Nick Webborn,27 Keith Owen Yeates,28 Kathryn J Schneider23

Serials Acquisitions Unit. Protected by copyright.

‍‍Correspondence to Professor Jon Patricios,

Wits Sport and Health (WiSH), School of Clinical
Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg-­Braamfontein 2193,
South Africa; j​ pat@​mweb.​co.​za

Patricios J, et al. Br J Sports Med June 2023 Vol 57 No 11    651

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Wits Sport and Health (WiSH), School of Clinical Funding The authors have not declared a specific research funding to the Medical College of Wisconsin
Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the grant for this research from any funding agency in the from the National Institutes of Health, Department of
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors. Veterans Affairs, Centers for Disease Control and
Department of Radiology, University of Calgary, Prevention, Department of Defense, National Collegiate
Calgary, Alberta, Canada Competing interests GAD is a member of the Athletic Association, National Football League, and
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Scientific Committee of the 6th International Consensus Abbott Laboratories. He receives book royalties from
Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Conference on Concussion in Sport; an honorary Oxford University Press. He serves as clinical consultant
Department of Padiatrics, McMaster University, member of the AFL Concussion Scientific Committee; to Milwaukee Bucks, Milwaukee Brewers, and Green
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Section Editor, Sport and Rehabilitation, Bay Packers, and is Co-­Director of the NFL
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Parkville, NEUROSURGERY; and has attended meetings organised Neuropsychology Consultants without compensation.
Victoria, Australia by sporting organisations including the NFL, NRL, IIHF, He serves as consultant for Neurotrauma Sciences. He
Psychology, University of Missouri Kansas City, Kansas IOC and FIFA; however, has not received any payment, receives travel support and speaker honorariums for
City, Missouri, USA research funding or other monies from these groups professional activities. JP is an editor of BJSM for which
University Orthopedics Concussion Care Clinic, State other than for travel costs. RJE is a paid consultant for he receives an honorarium. He is an unpaid consultant
College Area School District, State College, Stage the NHL and co-­chair of the NHL/ NHLPA Concussion to the World Rugby Concussion Advisory Group for
College, Pennsylvania, USA Subcommittee. He is also a paid consultant and chair of which he also serves as an Independent Concussion
Rehabilitation, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, the Major League Soccer concussion committee, and a Advisor (fee per consultation). Other unpaid positions
Canada consultant to the US Soccer Federation. He previously include being medical advisor to South African Rugby,
School of Health and Related Research, University of served as a neuropsychology consultant to Princeton Co-­chair of the Scientific Committee, 6th International
Sheffield, Sheffield, UK University Athletic Medicine and EyeGuide. He is Conference on Concussion in Sport (travel and
Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine, currently a co-­PI for a grant funded by the NFL accommodation subsidised), Board member of the
Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine and (NFL-­Long) through Boston Children’s Hospital. He Concussion in Sport Group and a Scientific Advisory
Neurological Surgery, University of Washington, occasionally provides expert testimony in matters Board member of EyeGuideTM. ZP No COI to declare.
Seattle, Washington, USA related to MTBI and sports concussion, and occasionally LP CASEM Board Member, President-­Elect
Department of Family Medicine, University of receives honoraria and travel support/reimbursement 2022-­2023NIH R34 Grant for EPICC Study (Eye
Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA for professional meetings. PF is a coinvestigator on a Problems In Concussed Children), Site PISpeaker at
Department of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, research grant from the NFL’s ’Play Smart. PlaySafe.’ various conferences. MP is a consultant and Chief
Calgary, Alberta, Canada Initiative and an Executive committee member of the Medical Officer of Major League Soccer, and serves as a
Institute for Sport Exercise and Health, University Canadian Concussion Network (financed by the Senior Advisor, for the National Football Leagues’ Head,

Serials Acquisitions Unit. Protected by copyright.

Collage Hospital London, London, UK Canadian Institute of Health Research). He received Neck & Spine Committee. She serves as a member for
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental honorarium for an Expert group discussion on blood the FA Research Task Force, the US Soccer Medical
Health - Austin Campus, Heidelberg, Victoria, biomarkers for concussion in December 2020. GWF has Advisory Committee and the NOCSAE Scientific
Australia received travel expenses to attend academic meetings Advisory Committee. She has served as a member of
La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research from World Rugby. He has also collaborated on the UK Concussion Foundation Protocol Forum, as a
Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia research projects with World Rugby as chief or consultant for the CDC Concussion work, as an expert
Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, co-­investigator. He is previous associate editor of the panel member of the Concussion in Sport Group. She is
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA British Journal of Sports Medicine. He has not received part of the IOC Mental Health Working Group, and the
Sports Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, any other payments or support from any sporting or USOPC Mental Health Advisory Committee. She serves
Massachusetts, USA commercial bodies. He has no other conflicts of interest. as a Team Physician for US Soccer, has received funding
Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, KGH is Research Development Director, Pac-­12 for concussion research (NCAA-­CARE-­DoD 2.0, ended
Boston, Massachusetts, USA Conference Member, Pac-­12 Brain Trauma Task Force 2020), has received honoraria and reimbursement for
Neurotrauma and Ophthalmology Research Group, Member, NFL Head Neck and Spine Committee Deputy travel for speaking and conferences, has written
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Editor, British Journal of Sports Medicine Head Football chapters for UpToDate, received royalties for the
Health Education England West Midlands, Edgbaston, Physician, University of Washington Dr. K. Alix Hayden Netter’s Sports Medicine textbook and has provided
UK has nothing to disclose. SAH Co-­founder and senior work as an expert for cases involving concusports
Libraries, University of Victoria, Victoria, British advisor, The Sports Institute at UW Medicine (unpaid), medicine topics. GMS is an owner of a multidisciplinary
Columbia, Canada Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and practice (managinsion, team physician and other sg
Chief Medical Officer, Major League Soccer, New York, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Board patients with MSKpain disorders).He is a board member
New York, USA Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline of Hockey Calgary (Calgary, AB, Canada) and Chair of
Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre, Faculty of Workgroup (unpaid), Concussion in Sport Group (travel the Alberta Association of Physiotherapy. He received
Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, support), NCAA Concussion Safety Advisory Group funding for the administrative aspects of the writing of
Canada (unpaid),Team Physician, Seattle Mariners, Former Team two of the systematic reviews that informed the
International Concussion and Head Injury Research Physician, Seattle Seahawks, occasional payment for consensus process. KJS has received grant funding from
Foundation, Tottenham Court Road, London, UK expert testimony, travel support for professional the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, National
University College London, London, UK meetings ML is the CMO GB Boxing, CMO GB Football League Scientific Advisory Board, International
University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology, Calgary, Snowsports. NE Director GB Taekwondo. NE Director Olympic Committee Medical and Scientific Research
Alberta, Canada SWA (share options). Director Active Movement. Fund, World Rugby, Mitacs Accelerate, University of
Medical Committee, International Paralympic Director GB Obstacle course racing. Founder and Calgary) with funds paid to her institution and not to
Committee, Bonn, Germany medical board member of Safe MMA. Director of her personally. She is an Associate Editor of BJSM
Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Marylebone Health Group. Private medical practice at (unpaid) and has received travel and accommodation
Calgary, Alberta, Canada ISEH 170 Tottenham Court Road. Private medical support for meetings where she has presented. She is
practice Marylebone Health Group. MMa Sport and coordinating the writing of the systematic reviews that
exercise medicine physician working in private will inform the 6th International Consensus on
Twitter Jon Patricios @jonpatricios consulting practice. Shareholder of Olympic Park Sports Concussion in Sport, for which she has received an
Medicine Centre in Melbourne. Ex-­senior physician at educational grant to assist with the administrative costs
Contributors JSP conceived the format of the Sports the Hawthorn Football Club (AFL) Ex-­Chief Executive associated with the writing of the reviews. She is a
Concussion Office Assessment Tool and created the Officer of the AFL Doctors Association. Research grants member of the AFL Concussion Scientific Committee
first version (SCOAT6). The concept of the tool was received from the Australian Football League, outside (unpaid position) and Brain Canada (unpaid positions).
presented at the 6th International Conference on the submitted work. Travel support received from the She works as a physiotherapy consultant and treats
Concussion in Sport, Amsterdam, October 2022. The Australian Football League, FIFA and the International athletes of all levels of sport from grass roots to
SCOAT6 content was discussed at a dedicated Tools Olympic Committee to attend and present at professional. MT is employed full-­time as the CEO and
international conferences. Member of the Scientific Medical Director of ICHIRF—a paid post he has held
workshop at the conference and JSP tasked with
Committee for the 6th International Consensus since April 2015. Hon Medical Adviser to the
creating the next iteration. These have been shared Conference on Concussion in Sport. Honorary member Professional Riders Insurance Scheme (PRIS)—
with coauthors of an accompanying editorial The of the International Concussion in Sport Group. discretionary honorarium Member of the Premier
Sports Concussion Office Assessment Tool 6 (SCOAT6): Honorary member of the Australian Rugby Union League Head Injury Advisory Group (HIAG)—no
Background, rationale and development" who have Concussion Advisory Group. Independent Concussion remuneration Director of ICHIRF Ireland—no
made edits until this submitted version was finalised. Consultant for World Rugby. MMc has received remuneration Honorary Medical Adviser to the

666 Patricios J, et al. Br J Sports Med June 2023 Vol 57 No 11


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Concussion Foundation—no remuneration Member of Canada Foundation, and National Football League discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are
the expert panel for the Dept of Digital, Culture, Media Scientific Advisory Board; he derives income only from not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and
and Sport review into concussion in amateur sport—no the grant from NIH. He serves as a member of a CIHR responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the
remuneration Attendance at conferences or meetings as grant review panel for which he receives a small content. Where the content includes any translated
a guest speaker—reimbursement of travel expenses, honorarium. He receives book royalties from Guilford material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and
complimentary registration and payment of hotel Press and Cambridge University Press. He has received reliability of the translations (including but not limited
accommodation and meals by the organising travel support and honorarium for presentations to to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology,
committee No stocks or options in any concussion-­ multiple organisations. He has served or serves on the drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible
related company No consultancies, board or editorial following committees/boards for which he receive(d) for any error and/or omissions arising from translation
positions related to concussion. Jvl is the founder of honorarium: 1. Independent Data Monitoring and adaptation or otherwise.
R2P Concussion Management. NW is Chair, British Committee (IDMC), Care for Post-­Concussive Symptoms
Paralympic Association (voluntary) IPC Medical © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2023. No
EffecCveness (CARE4PCS-­2) Trial, National Institute for
Committee Member (voluntary) Concussion in Para commercial re-­use. See rights and permissions.
Child Health and Human Development. 2.
Sports (CIPS), founding member (voluntary) BJSM Published by BMJ.
Observational Study Monitoring Board (OSMB),
Editorial Board member (voluntary) Sports Horizon, Approaches and Decisions in Acute Pediatric TBI ► ► Additional supplemental material is published
Board of Directors—equity share—see https://www.​ (ADAPT) Trial, National Institute of Neurological online only. To view, please visit the journal KOY is Editor-­in-­Chief of the Disorders and Stroke National Research Advisory online (http://​d x.​d oi.​o rg/​1 0.​1 136/​b jsports-​2 023-​
Journal Neuropsychology and receives an editorial Council, National Pediatric Rehabilitation Resource 106859).
stipend from the American Psychological Association. Center, Center for Pediatric Rehabilitation: Growing
He is an unpaid consulting editor for the journals Research, Education, and Sharing Science (C-­
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology and Journal of PROGRESS), Virginia Tech University.
Head Trauma Rehabilitation. He is an unpaid member
of the Scientific Advisory Committee for Brain Injury Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
To cite Patricios J, Schneider GM, van Ierssel J, et al.
Canada. He is the chair of the Canadian Concussion Ethics approval Not applicable. Br J Sports Med 2023;57:651–667.
Network, which is funded by a grant from Canadian
Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to his institution; Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; Accepted 5 June 2023
he is the principal applicant on the grant but receives internally peer reviewed.
Br J Sports Med 2023;57:651–667.
no income from it. He is a principal investigator on Supplemental material This content has been doi:10.1136/bjsports-2023-106859
another grant from CIHR from which he derives no

Serials Acquisitions Unit. Protected by copyright.

supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by
income. He is a co-­investigator on research grants from BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have ORCID iD
CIHR, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Brain been peer-­reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations Jon Patricios

Patricios J, et al. Br J Sports Med June 2023 Vol 57 No 11 667

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