Rubric 2024 ELP 330 Semester Examination

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MODULE NAME: Education System Law and Policy Rubric CODE: ELP 330


Levels of achievement
Criteria Exceeds expectation Target achieved Target partially achieved Target not achieved

5 4 3 1
Introduction Introduction with indication Introduction with indication of Introduction partially clear Introduction not clear
of focus and relevant focus but slightly relevant with irrelevant focus and irrelevant

25 19 13 6
Experience on the Experience clearly stated and Experience clearly stated but Clearly stated but not explicit Not stated no citations
implementation of explicit discussion with slightly explicit. Suitable with little citation form on legislation and
educational legislation appropriate literature and citations/clauses from legislation and policies. policies made
relevant references to legislation and policies made.
literature reviewed
15 12 8 5
Knowledge, understanding Knowledge, understanding Knowledge, understanding and Knowledge, understanding Unsubstantiated
and experiences gained and experiences gained are experiences gained are clearly and experiences slightly argument with no flow
from the module and the clearly articulated with articulated with limited articulated with inconsistent of ideas. No use of
areas in which I find my examples used. Coherent examples used. Coherent flow of ideas and examples examples
previous experience argument with logical flow of argument with logical flow of
succeeding ideas ideas
30 25 15 10
The areas of the module Critical and clear reflection Slightly critical with clear Little reflection on the areas Poor reflection on the
which I need further on the areas for further reflection on the areas for for further development and areas for further
development and the development and the further development and the the strategies to be used to development and the
strategies to be used to strategies to be used to meet strategies to be used to meet meet such developmental strategies to be used to
meet such developmental such developmental needs such developmental needs needs meet such
needs developmental needs
10 7 5 3
How the assignments Contribution clearly Contribution clearly articulated Contribution partially Contribution not clearly
written served to articulated with explicit but slightly explicit. Discussion articulated. Partial discussion articulated with poor
contribute the attainment discussion on the attainment on the attainment of critical on the attainment of critical discussion on the
of critical and specific of critical and specific and specific learning outcomes and specific learning attainment of critical
learning outcomes for the learning outcomes of the of the module and personal outcomes of the module and and specific learning
module as well as the module and personal development slightly personal development outcomes of the module
attainment of personal development articulated and personal
development development
10 7 5 3
Technical skills: correct Five pages reflective essay; Five pages reflective essay; Five pages reflective essay; Essay is not well
and appropriate use of topics of discussion topics of discussion numbered; topics of discussion not structured; inconsistent
intext referencing; numbered; essay in essay in paragraphs; conclusion numbered; long paragraphs; paragraphs; lot of
complete and correct list paragraphs; conclusion written; appropriate conclusion not written; grammatical errors and
of references; citations written; appropriate referencing, few grammatical inappropriate referencing, punctuations;
that consists of peer- referencing, no grammatical errors, essay follows an few grammatical errors, inappropriate in-text
reviewed sources errors, essay follows an academic essay format; intext essay follows an academic references; not
academic essay format; referencing correct; incomplete essay format; intext references list and
intext referencing correct; list of references; peer- referencing incorrect; sources used; no
correct list of references; reviewed sources used incomplete list of references; evidence of editing
peer-reviewed sources used peer-reviewed sources used
5 4 3 1
Conclusion Well summarized conclusion Written conclusion with little Conclusion written without No evidence of written
with reference to the references to the contents of references to the contents of conclusion for the
contents of the assignment the assignment the assignment assignment
Total 100

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