Math 1 Demo

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School Manuel Lugod Central School Grade Level 1

Prepared by Maria Isabel L. Tuyor Quarter IV
Date and Time April 12, 2024 /8:00-9:00 am Week
Cooperating Teacher Jennifer Bungalon, MT 1
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of time and non-standard
unit of length, mass and capacity.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply knowledge of time and non-standard
measures of length, mass and capacity in mathematical problems
and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competency & Compares objects using comparative words: long, longer ,longest
Code (M1ME-IVc-19)

At the end of a 50-minute period, the learners are able to compare

objects using the words long, longer and longest with 80%
proficiency level.
II. CONTENT Comparing objects using comparative words: long, longer, longest
A. Reference BOW, Internet
B. Materials Flashcards, visual aids, pictures, realias
C. Integration English: used describing words long, longer and longest; Music
D. Strategies Jumbled Letters, Storytelling, Interactive Teaching/ Learning
A. Preliminary Activities
Prayer/ Greetings/ Presenting of House Rules

Let us all stand for the prayer. In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen
Good morning class! How are you today? Good morning Teacher Mar. We are fine. How
about you?
I'm fine too.

These are our class rules.

Did you get it? Yes, teacher.

B. Drill
Strategy: Scrambled Letters
Can you guess what word will be formed through
this letters?

N G O L LONG , teacher.

Very good! It's long. It would be the big word for

today's lesson.
C. Review
Who can remember of our lesson last week? Our lesson is about the days in a week.

What are the days in a week? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
What day is today? Friday teacher.
Very good!
D. Motivation
Before we start a new lesson for today, let us
sing first I love Math. Are you ready? Yes teacher.
M A T H, M A T H
I love Math, I love Math
It is so exciting , very interesting
Very good! I love Math, I love Math…
E. Presenting examples/ instances of the new
I have a story for you today. Lend me your ears
so you could answer the questions. Are you Yes, teacher.
One day, a monkey was terribly
hungry. On his search for food, he reached
the river. He was so happy upon seeing a
bunch of bananas on its tree on the
opposite side of the river. He really
wanted to get those bananas and it them
all. But, he had a big problem. He couldn't
pass the river because he couldn't swim. If
he will use a log bridge, there's a
crocodile and would surely eaten by it.
Upon looking up, he saw something that
he might use in crossing the river.

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills #1
What do you think did the monkey saw upon Rope or vine teacher.
looking up?
Very good!
There were three ropes that he saw. He needs Long teacher.
only one and it should be what?
Very good!

Now, let us help the monkey so he could cross

the river. I will group you into three and each (Learner 's group choice may vary.)
group will choose from Rope A, B or C .
G. Discussing new concepts and practicing new
skills #2
Now, let us find out from these ropes what the
monkey will use in crossing the river.
(The teacher unrolls the first choice, the second,
and the last to be unrolled is the longest one.)

Which rope will the monkey use? Rope B teacher.

Why will he use Rope B? Because it is the longest and would reach the
Very good! banana.

Again, what is our big word for today?

Long, longer and longest are words in Long teacher.
comparing length.
H. Developing mastery(Leads to Formative
Assessment #3)
Now take a look at these.

(Learners cooperate in answering.)

Now, I need pupils who will write their answers
on the chart. Put 1 to the long object, 2 to the
longer, and 3 to the longest.
Very good!
I. Finding practical applications of concepts and
skills in daily living
Now, I need three girls from the class to come
in front showing a long, longer, longest hair. I
also need three boys showing a long, longer,
longest pants. Who will volunteer? (Three girls and three boys come in front.)
Now, arrange the girls according to their hair
length and the boys to the length of their pants. (Learners answers may vary according to the
actual setting.)
Very good!
J. Making generalizations and abstraction
about the lesson
What lesson have you learned today? Do you We learned about long, longer, longest.
know now how what words will be used in
comparing length?

Very good, I think you are ready now for the Yes, teacher.
K. Evaluating learning
Directions: Compare objects by writing 1, 2 and 3
on the box to show the order from long, longer
and longest.

L. Assignment
Draw objects showing long, longer, longest.

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