UNIT 9 GE Elect 7 Gender Society
UNIT 9 GE Elect 7 Gender Society
UNIT 9 GE Elect 7 Gender Society
International and National GAD Observances
Lesson Outcome
Here are three international Inspiring Movies to watch that we never know
it has an impact to women existence from their struggles to victory experiences.
Sharing Time!
Now, it’s your turn to share and give a brief background of what movie you have
watched which shows an impact to women’s existence from their struggles to
The IWD logo is in purple and white and features the symbol of Venus,
which is also the symbol of being female.
JUSTICE Justice means being afforded the same equal rights and opportunities as
men and it is based on respect and equality amongst people.
DIGNITY Dignity, as a value, refers to the idea that all people have the right to be
valued, respected and receive ethical treatment.
HOPE Hope the feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
EQUALITY Equality means ensuring all people have equal opportunities to make the
most of their lives and talents, and that no one has poorer life chances due to
their background or status.
COLLABORATI Strength in numbers and voice are critical in driving change.
TENACITY Tenacity was a key principle with tireless effort in fighting for change. "Deeds
not words".
RESPECT Respect for others and respect for self in forging gender equality. Equality
can only be achieved if the diversity, differences and qualities of women are
truly valued.
APPRECIATIO Through celebration of women success and contribution, populations become
N appreciative of the role women and increased awareness and expectation
that women will not be marginalized, discriminated against or absent from
future successes moving forward.
EMPATHY Seeking to understand others, caring for and valuing diversity, and
appreciating difference are key to forging deep relationships to affect change.
FORGIVENESS Focusing attention and effort on the way forward, reconciling discrimination
through encouraging awareness and banding together to affect positive
change is all part of what International Women's Day stands for.
Values that guide International Women's Day for the type of action, behavior
and ethos associated with this critical and globally-supported day.
According to United Nations,
1909: IWD started in America when the Socialist Party protest on streets.
They called it National Women’s Day, and it took place on February 28.
2017-2022 Theme
In 2017, the PCW Board Members and Inter-Agency Technical
Working Group identified the theme “We Make Change Work for
Women”, which shall be used from 2017-2022.
It highlights the empowerment of women as active contributors to
and claimholders of development.
This pursuit of development is also anchored on the commitment of
“Malasakit at Pagbabago” or True Compassion and Real Change.
Elements of the Theme
The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) leads the annual
National Women’s Month Celebration and explained the acronym chosen
for the theme, “WE Make Change Work for Women”.
WE = Women’ Empowerment – empowering women enables them
to confidently and meaningfully engage with appropriate institutions
to ensure that they contribute to and benefit from development and
Specifically, the celebration aims to:
Inform and engage women as stakeholders of government programs
and services to promote citizen-centric governance and make “change”
a conscious effort to know, understand, and provide what ALL citizens
Time Out 1
What I Can do
Look for a pair that will serve as your interviewer and you will be the
interviewee on the first round then exchange task on the second round or vice
versa. Here, the interviewer will ask general questions stated below. Write the
answer inside the box.
This activity aims to compare real life answers in the perspective of gender
Round 1 Questions Round 2
Interviewee’s Name: Interviewer Interviewee’s Name:
What life struggle you have
encounter that makes you
value your worth as a person?
Campaign Background
Legal mandates for the annual campaign to end VAW
Campaign Theme
Time Out 2
What I Can do?
Instruction: Using the adopted theme from year 2016 to 2021, “VAW-free
community starts with Me” Proposed a Barangay Community Activity that
will raise an awareness to End Violence Against Women within your
Barangay Level.
This activity aims to encourage individual to think of an initiative, plan, and
care and help to end violence within the community level.
Be guided of the format:
(think of a catchy/unique title for your activity in line with the theme.)
(propose a convenient time and date for the participants and facilitator)
(propose an area or setting where can you conduct safely and freely the proposed
(Name the persons and agency that can help you to make your activity possible including
your target participants)
(This includes your activity objectives, outcomes/impact, processes, registration and
selection that will make your activity possible)
This is the real life story of Hope. Not her real name. She got molested by her
biological father last September 10, 2013. Through several interviews and during the
investigation the horrible details were discovered. Hope was manipulated by her father
showing adult material and then bribed to perform sexual activities with her father.
Brief History of the International Day of the Girl Child
On December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly voted to pass a
resolution adopting October 11, 2012 as the inaugural International Day of
Girls. The resolution states that the Day of Girls recognizes empowerment of
and investment in girls, which are critical for economic growth, the
achievement of all Millennium Development Goals, including the eradication of
poverty and extreme poverty, as well as the meaningful participation of girls in
decisions that affect them, are key in breaking the cycle of discrimination and
violence and in promoting and protecting the full and effective enjoyment of
their human rights, and recognizing also that empowering girls requires their
active participation in decision-making processes and the active support and
engagement of their parents, legal guardians, families and care providers, as
well as boys and men and the wider community.
Time Out 3
D. International Human Rights Day
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights plays a
prominent role in coordinating worldwide efforts to celebrate the day, which
routinely features cultural events and performances, public meetings and
seminars, and other educational activities in promotion of human rights.
Dec. 4, 1950, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution (423 [V]) that
invited all UN member states and any other interested organizations
to commemorate the Dec. 10, 1948, proclamation of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR) with an annual celebration, called Human Rights
Each year a theme is chosen to draw attention to a particular facet of the effort
to uphold human rights. Themes have included ending discrimination, fighting
poverty, and protecting victims of human rights violations. Additionally, since
1968, which the UN designated as the International Year for Human Rights,
the organization has periodically awarded a United Nations Prize in the Field
of Human Rights on Human Rights Day.
According to the United Nations, human rights: “Ensure that a human being will be
able to fully develop and use human qualities such as intelligence, talent, and
conscience and satisfy his or her spiritual and other.
Human Rights Characteristics
Source: https://www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org/human_rights_basics
Time Out 4
What I Can do
Are you in favor of adopting International Human Rights Day as part of an
advocacy of Student Council Officers within your school? Support your answer.
This activity aims to: encourage students to think of an initiative to spread
awareness of human rights within school premise. Write your answer below.
worldaidsday.org. National Aids Trust.
World AIDS Day was first observed on December 1, 1988 to bring greater
awareness to HIV, as well as to commemorate those affected by the disease.
It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV to
show support for people living with HIV and to commemorate those who have
died from AIDS related illness.
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This is the name of
the disease caused by HIV. AIDS is defined by the development of certain
cancers, infections or other severe long term clinical manifestations.
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It targets the immune system
to weaken people’s defense against many infections and some types of
cancer. The most advanced stage of HIV infection is AIDS.HIV is spread by
sharing needles and by having sex with a person who is infected. Preventing
the spread of HIV means avoiding contact with other people’s blood.
HIV can be transmitted via the exchange of a variety of body fluids from
infected people, such as blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal secretions. HIV
can also be transmitted from a mother to her child during pregnancy and delivery.
Individuals cannot become infected through ordinary day-to-day contact such as
kissing, hugging, shaking hands, or sharing personal objects, food or water.
Risk factors:
Behaviors and conditions that put individuals at greater risk of contracting
HIV include:
having unprotected anal or vaginal sex;
having another sexually transmitted infection (STI) such as syphilis,
herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea and bacterial vaginosis;
sharing contaminated needles, syringes and other injecting
equipment and drug solutions when injecting drugs;
receiving unsafe injections, blood transfusions and tissue
transplantation, and medical procedures that involve unsterile
cutting or piercing; and
experiencing accidental needle stick injuries, including among health
1988 – Inaugural Event 2002 – Live and Let Live: Stigma and Discrimination
1989 – Our World, Our Lives – Let’s Take Care of 2003 – Live and Let Live: Stigma and Discrimination
Each Other 2004 – “Have you heard me today?” Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS.
1990 – Women and AIDS 2005 – Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise.
1991 – Sharing the Challenge 2006 – Keep the Promise – Accountability
1992 – Community Commitment 2007 – Keep the Promise – Leadership “Take the Lead
1993 – Time to Act 2008 – Keep the Promise – Leadership “Lead, Empower, Deliver"
1994 – AIDS and the Family 2009 – Keep the Promise – Universal Access and Human Right
1995 – Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 2010 – Keep the Promise – Universal Access and Human Right
1996 – One World. One Hope. 2011 – Getting to Zero: Zero New HIV infections. Zero
1997 – Children Living in a World with AIDS discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths.
1998 – Forces of Change: World AIDS Campaign 2012 – 2015 Getting to Zero: Zero New HIV infections. Zero
with Young People discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths.
1999 – Listen, Learn, Live! World AIDS Campaign 2016 – Access Equity Rights Now
with Children & Young People 2017 – Increasing Impact Through Transparency, Accountability,
2000 – AIDS: Men Make a Difference and Partnerships
2001 – “I care. Do you?” 2018 – Know Your Status
2019 — Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Community by Community
Time Out 5
What I Can do
Create your own campaign slogan as a support in fighting against AIDS.
This activity aims to encourage students to deal with problems in positive ways.
Be creative, imaginative and unique.
(According to www.oxforddictionary.com slogan is a noun referring to a motto or
memorable phrase associated with movement or group.)
F. Pride Month
Pride Month is an entire month dedicated to the uplifting of LGBTQ voices,
celebration of LGBTQ culture and the support of LGBTQ rights.
Throughout the month of June, nationwide, there have traditionally been
parades, protests, drag performances, live theatre and memorials and
celebrations of life for members of the community who lost their lives to
Pride events are geared toward anyone who feels like their sexual identity falls
outside the mainstream -- although many straight people join in, too.
LGBT is an acronym meaning lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. The
term sometimes is extended to LGBTQ, or even LGBTQIA, to include queer,
intersex and asexual groups. Queer is an umbrella term for non-straight
people; intersex refers to those whose sex is not clearly defined because of
genetic, hormonal or biological differences; and asexual describes those who
don't experience sexual attraction.
Marsha P. Johnson is often credited with throwing the first punch at the
Stonewall Inn. She was a black trans woman celebrating her 25th birthday at
the time of the riots and a tour de force in the gay community. She passed
away in 1992 at just 46 years old after police found her body in the Hudson
River her death was initially ruled a suicide, despite friends and loved ones
insisting that could not be the case.
Sylvia Rivera was an activist and self-professed drag queen who also played a
part in the Stonewall Riots. She fought for transgender rights alongside
Marsha P. Johnson, creating S.T.A.R. (Street Transvestite Action
Revolutionaries) to help house homeless LGBTQ youth. She advocated for
transgender rights until her passing in 2002.
Stormé DeLarverie was a gay rights activist and drag performer who was also
at Stonewall when it was raided that night. Her friend, Lisa Cannistraci,
told the New YorkTimes upon her death in 2014.
Where did the Pride name come from?
Pride marchers on June 25, 2017, in Istanbul, Turkey. The 2017 LGBT Pride
March there was banned by authorities, but organizers defied the order before
being dispersed by police and tear gas.
It's credited to Brenda Howard, a bisexual New York activist nicknamed the
"Mother of Pride," who organized the first Pride parade to commemorate the
one-year anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.
What's the origin of the rainbow flag?
In 1978, artist and designer Gilbert Baker was commissioned by San
Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk one of the first openly gay elected
officials in the US to make a flag for the city's upcoming Pride celebrations.
Baker, a prominent gay rights activist, gave a nod to the stripes of the
American flag but drew inspiration from the rainbow to reflect the many groups
within the gay community. A subset of flags represent other sexualities on the
spectrum, such as bisexual, pansexual and asexual.
Time Out 6
What I Can do
Draw a symbol containing the
different color of LGBT flag that best
symbolize their community. Then
explain why. This activity aims to
encourage students to think original
idea in giving importance to the
LGBTQ community. Be creative,
imaginative and unique.
Test I: Identification
Instruction: Identify and write the correct answer on the space provided.
________________2. The color purple, green and white that signify IWD originated
from what country?
Test II. Essay
1. Name an existing program that value women within your barangay. Briefly
discuss what that program is all about.
Test III.
Create or draw your own poster about the Theme “18-Day Campaign to
End VAW. Be Creative, imaginative and Unique.
http://tutorbright.com/the-educational-value-of films/#:~:text=Films%20are%20great%20for
https://undocs.org/A/RES/66/170 (lesson
be-heard-by-a-court r
https:/ /WorldAIDSDay/