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Home care

and I&I solutions

Corbion is a leading global manufacturer of natural L-Lactic Acid and Lactates. Our products are
supplied to a variety of markets focused on natural food preservation, biobased chemicals and
monomers for Poly Lactic Acid.
For the home and I&I industry, Corbion offers Lactic Acid and Lactic Acid derivatives. Corbion’s
products are highly effective and yet readily biodegradable therefore an ideal choice for
environmentally safer and more sustainable scale removers and disinfectants.

Corbion Home Care,

Institutional & Industrial
cleaning ingredients
80 years of experience Biobased products
The foundations of Corbion were laid in 1931 when Lactic Acid and Lactates are made from renewable
Mr. Jansen established a Lactic Acid factory in resources such as sugar beet, sugar cane, corn and
Schiedam, the Netherlands. Corbion has 80 years of tapioca. Corbion stands for pure, and builds on this
experience in the development, manufacturing and concept. We seek to use processes based on nature
marketing of its products in a broad range of like fermentation, crystallization and filtration.
industries. Today Corbion is a global player in natural
food preservation and biobased chemicals. Sustainability and innovation
New products, processes and applications, improved
Global presence product quality and production efficiency have
Headquartered in the Netherlands, Corbion operates always been important reasons for our continuous
production plants in the USA, the Netherlands, Spain, innovation efforts. Now, sustainability and a reduced
Brazil and Thailand. With a global network of sales carbon footprint have joined this list. Our innovation
offices, we are always close by to help you with your programs focus on renewable feedstock materials,
application development. minimizing use of auxiliary chemicals, reducing
energy use, integrating green energy and
replenishing nutrients into agricultural soil.

Home care and I&I applications

Surface Laundry Manual Toilet
Product name Disinfectants Industrial Institutional
care care dishwashing care

PURAC® Sanilac a a a a a a a

PURAC® 88T a a a a a

PURAC® 80 a a a a a

Home care and
I&I solutions
„„Easy to formulate
„„Biobased readily biodegradable

Antimicrobial scum remover, combining multiple cleaning benefits in one

PURAC® Sanilac is Corbion’s L(+) Lactic Acid used as an single ingredient. With buffering capacity, PURAC® 88T can
antimicrobial agent. It delivers outstanding antimicrobial also help stabilize formulations. A highly concentrated,
benefits to a variety of cleaning and disinfecting products in L-Lactic Acid solution of 88% in water, PURAC® 88T is
home care, industrial and institutional applications. colorless, has a neutral odor and is readily biodegradable.
PURAC® Sanilac offers a wide range of antimicrobial efficacy PURAC® 88T is an environmentally friendly option in a market
in one single product with its dual action of antibacterial and sector where sustainability is key.
antiviral properties. This level of effectiveness against so
many types of both microorganisms makes PURAC® Sanilac Biobased solvents
an excellent choice for a wide variety of products. PURASOLV® is a range of esters of L-Lactic Acid. They are
clear, colorless liquids with a mild odor. Lactate esters are
Readily biodegradable and non-toxic to the environment and nontoxic, biodegradable, and have excellent solvent
humans, PURAC® Sanilac has a GRAS (Generally Recognized properties that can replace organic and halogenated
As Safe) status and is a safe alternative to many traditional solvents for a wide range of industrial and consumer uses.
biocides. It does not sensitize skin. Current market applications in the detergent area include
lactate esters as water-rinsable degreasers for industrial
PURAC® Sanilac is globally available. In the United States, it is cleaning, wipe solvents, paint strippers and hand degreasers.
registered as an active at the Environmental Protection Several PURASOLV® lactate esters are registered at the EPA
Agency (EPA) under Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and under FIFRA as list 4A/4B inerts.
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and is also approved for the DfE
(Design for the Environment) pilot program. In Europe, Buffering
PURAC® Sanilac is noted for the following product types Buffers reduce the variation in the pH of products. pH
under the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) No 528/2012: Variation is detrimental to consistent product quality, product
PT 1 PT 2, PT 3 and PT 4. It can therefore be used in stability and shelf life. Lactic Acid is an excellent biobased
registered disinfectant formulations as an active, according buffer and can be used optimally as a buffering agent for
to our notification dossiers. PURAC® Sanilac is registered as a detergent products with a pH value lower than 5.
preservative for detergents with the Swedish Eco-label (Bra
Miljöval). Let us know how we can help you
At Corbion, we are proud of our ability to develop sustainable
Descaling and soap scum removal and biobased ingredient solutions in partnership. Whether
PURAC® 88T is an optimal ingredient for the detergents your requirements are focused on microbial control, cleaning
industry. It is both an excellent descaling agent and a soap and descaling, or product stability, connect with us to find
the natural solution for you.

Home care and I&I solutions

Soap scum Solvent
Product name Antimicrobial Descaling Buffering Degreasing
removal cleaning

PURAC® Sanilac a a a a

PURAC® 88T a a a

PURAC® 80 a a a

Let us know how we can help you

Corbion Headquarters Corbion Production Location Corbion Sales Office Corbion Innovation Center

Canada The Netherlands Korea

Poland Russia China Japan

USA Spain India

France Singapore

Mexico Brazil Thailand

Corbion in Home Care
For the home and I&I industry, Corbion offers Lactic Acid and Lactic Acid derivatives. Corbion’s products are highly
effective and yet readily biodegradable therefore an ideal choice for environmentally safer and more sustainable
scale removers and disinfectants.

About Corbion
Corbion is the global market leader in lactic acid, lactic acid derivatives, and a leading company in emulsifiers,
functional enzyme blends, minerals, vitamins and algae ingredients. We develop sustainable ingredient solutions
to improve the quality of life for people today and for future generations. For over 100 years, we have been
uncompromising in our commitment to safety, quality, innovation and performance. Drawing on our deep
application and product knowledge, we work side-by-side with customers to make our cutting edge technologies
work for them. Our solutions help differentiate products in markets such as food, home & personal care, animal
nutrition, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and bioplastics. In 2016, Corbion generated annual sales of € 911.3
million and had a workforce of 1,684 FTE. Corbion is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.
Home Care • 10/2017

Interested in solutions for Home Care? Go to [email protected]

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of any data, information or opinions contained herein or as to their suitability for any purpose, condition or application. None of the data, information or opinions herein may
be relied upon for any purpose or reason. Corbion disclaims any liability, damages, losses or other consequences suffered or incurred in connection with the use of the data,
information or opinions contained herein. In addition, nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any products in conflict with existing patents
covering any material or its use.

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