354 Unit Plan

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Unit Plan/Learning Segment & Quad Text Set

Number of lessons: 3 Lessons

Subject: Math
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Unit/ Learning Segment Title: Dividing Decimals

1. Rationale Statement
This topic is the final topic of module 1 which included an exploration of division of decimal numbers
by one-digit whole number divisors using place value charts and disks. Lessons begin with easily identifiable
multiples such as 4.2 ÷ 6 and move to quotients that have a remainder in the smallest unit (through the
thousandths). Written methods for decimal cases are related to place value strategies, properties of operations,
and familiar written methods for whole numbers (5.NBT.7). Students solidify their skills with an understanding
of the algorithm before moving on to division involving two-digit divisors. Students apply their accumulated
knowledge of decimal operations to solve word problems at the close of the module.

2. Quad Text Set

Visual Text: Accessible Text:

Informational Text: Hook/Complex Text: Model lesson.

This blog provides information on dividing
3. Central Focus
This unit will build on students’ prior knowledge of multi-digit multiplication and division, multi-digit
whole number and fraction operations, and arithmetic operations including division by a fraction. This
unit will help students read, write, and compare decimals to the thousandths and add, subtract, multiply,
and divide decimals to the hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place
value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. Students will
apply the learning from this unit to further their understanding of place value. Students will demonstrate
this learning by completing an end of unit exam that tests their understanding of place value, adding of
decimals, subtracting of multiplication of decimals and division of decimals.

4. Essential Questions
How can we use our understanding of place value to divide decimals by single-digit whole numbers, and
how does this relate to a written method for solving these problems?
How can we use our understanding of place value to divide decimals with a remainder, and how does
this relate to a written method for solving these types of problems?
How can we solve word problems using decimal operations?

5. Learning Standards
5.NBT.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
a. Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number
names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 × 100 + 4 × 10 + 7 × 1 + 3 × (1/10) +
9 × (1/100) + 2 × (1/1000).
b. Compare two decimals to thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each
place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or
drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the
relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written
method and explain the reasoning used.
5SL1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners; express ideas
clearly and persuasively, and build on those of others.
5SL1a: Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; draw on that
preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.

6. Unit Plan/Learning Segment Goals

Students will be able to divide by single-digit whole numbers involving easily identifiable multiples
using place value understanding and relate to a written method.
Students will be able to divide decimals with a remainder using place value understanding and relate to a
written method.
Students will be able to divide decimals using place value understanding including remainders in the
smallest unit.

7. Unit Plan/Learning Segment Assessments

Students were previously assessed using a quiz that assessed students’ understanding of multiplying
fractions and place value.
Students will be assessed throughout the unit using homework and worksheets that align with the lesson
objective for that day.
The lesson will be differentiated using:
-Tiered Assignments: Students will be provided with different levels of assignments based on
their skill level.
-Flexible grouping: Students will work in groups based on their skill level.
-Manipulatives: Base ten blocks and fraction tiles will be used to help students visualize.
-Individualized Instruction: Provide students with individualized instruction based on their skill
level and learning style.

8. A Parent/Guardian Letter:
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are excited to let you know that your child will be starting a unit on decimal division in their
math class. This unit will focus on helping your child develop a strong understanding of dividing decimals using
place value and related written methods.

Over the course of this unit, your child will be working on various activities and assignments
that are designed to help them master the concept of decimal division. They will be learning how to divide
decimals by single-digit whole numbers, decimals with remainders, and decimals expressed in the smallest unit.

To support your child’s learning, I encourage you to review their work with them at home and
assist them in practicing the skills they have learned in class. You can also ask them to explain the concepts they
have learned, as this will reinforce their understanding and build their confidence in the subject.
Additionally, if your child is struggling with any aspect of this unit, please do not hesitate to
reach out to me. I am here to support your child’s learning and are happy to provide additional resources and
support if needed.

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working together to help your child
succeed in this unit.

Miss Meade

9. Resources and Materials

● white board, markers, linked anchor charts, pencils, papers, linked worksheets

10. Unit Plan/Learning Segment Calendar: Link to calendar

11. References
Eureka Math: A Story of Units. Grade 5, Module 1,Place Value and Decimal Fracition. (2015).
Adbussalaam, Katrina

Day One of Three

Unit Essential Question: How can we use our understanding of place value to divide Key Points:
decimals by single-digit whole numbers, and how does this relate to a written method for ● dividing decimals by single
solving these problems? digit whole numbers
Objective(s): Students will be able to divide by single-digit whole numbers involving ● relate the division to a written
easily identifiable multiples using place value understanding and relate to a written method. method
Student Learning Statement: I will be able to divide by single-digit whole numbers
involving easily identifiable multiples using place place understanding and relate to a written
New York State Next Generation Learning Standards:
★ 5.NBT.3
★ 5.NBT.7
★ 5SL1
★ 5SL1a

Vocabulary (Academic Literacies Hallmark 2):

● Tier 2 Vocabulary: product, quotient
● Tier 3 Vocabulary: multiple, hundredth, tenth,

Connection to Previous Lessons: Assessments:

● Students were previously taught multi-digit multiplication and division, multi-digit ● Pre-Assessment: Students
whole number and decimal fraction operations, and arithmetic operations including were previously assessed
dividing by a fraction. using a quiz that assessed
students’ understanding of
Connection to Future Lessons: multiplying fractions and
● Students will use this lesson to make connections between fractions and decimals. place value.
● During the Lesson: Students
will be assessed informally
during the lesson based on the
answers they give orally as
well as their work during
independent practice.
● Post-Assessment: Students
will be assessed using the
homework worksheet.

Lesson Procedure (approximately ___60____ minutes)

● Introduction: Review
○ Students will complete the following problems in unit form:
■ 4 x 3 = 12 ones
■ 4 x .02 = 8 tenths
■ 4 x 3.2= 12 and 8 tenths
○ Students will compare decimal fractions using greater than, less than, or equal to signs.
■ 13.7 _ 12.86, .78 _ 78/100, 4.39, _ 5.08 _ fifty-eight tenths
○ Today we are going to use our knowledge of place value in the decimal system to divide fractions.
● CT Problem (approximately __5___ minutes):
○ A group of 5th grade students are planning a fundraiser where they sell candy bars. They have a total of 375 candy
bars to sell, and they want to divide them equally among all 25 students in their class. What is the total number of
candy bars that each student will receive? Show your work and express the answer as a decimal.
■ 375 divided by 25 = 15.0
● Guided Practice (I Do, You Watch): Mini Lesson Model (approximately 5-10 minutes)
○ Students will use a hundreds to thousandths place value chart to follow along.
○ Problem 1: .9 ÷ 3 =.03
■ I’m going to draw 9 tenths in the place value chart.
■ Now, I’m going to divide 9 tenths into 3 equal groups.
■ I know that there are going to be 3 tenths in each group, so I am going to group them accordingly.
■ Now, I am going to write the equation in unit form (9 tenths divided by 3 equals 3 tenths)
● Unit form helps us divide because when we identify the units, it’s just like dividing 9 apples into
three groups-if you know what unit you are sharing, then it’s just like whole-number division because
we can think about the basic fact.
■ Write: 3 groups of ___ =.09 on the board.
● What is the unknown in the equation?
○ 3 tenths.
○ Repeat this with Problem 2: .24 ÷ .006
○ Repeat with Problem 3: .032 ÷ 8 = .004

● Guided Practice (I Do, You Help) (approximately 5-10 minutes):

○ Problem 1: 1.5 ÷ 5 = .03
■ Let’s read the equation stating the whole in unit form.
■ What is useful about reading the decimal as 15 tenths?
● When you say the units, it’s like a basic fact.
■ So, what is 15 tenths divided by 5?
● 3 tenths.
■ Let’s try 1.5 ÷ 5. Read the equation in unit form to help us find the quotient.
● 105 hundredths divided by 5.
■ Is there another way to name this quantity?
● 1 one and 5 hundredths - 10 tenths and 5 hundredths
■ Which way of naming 1.05 is the most useful when dividing by 5? Why? Turn and talk with your partner.
● 10 tenths and 5 hundredths because they are both multiples of 5. This makes it easy to use basic facts
to divide mentally. The answer is 2 tenths and 1 hundredth - 105 hundredths is easier for me because
I know 100 is 20 fives, so 105 is 1 more: 21. 21 hundredths. - I just used the algorithm for Grade 4
and got 21.
○ Repeat with Problem 2: 3.015 ÷ 5

● Guided Practice (You Do, I Help) (approximately 5-10 minutes):
○ Problem 1: Let’s compare the relationship between 4.8 ÷ 6 and 48 ÷ 6
■ What relationships can you notice between these two equations? How are they alike?
● 8 is ten times greater than .8, 48 is ten times greater than 4.8. The digits are the same, but the decimal
points are in different places.
■ How can 48 ÷ 6 help us with 4.8 ÷ 6? Turn and talk with your partner.
● If you know the basic fact, then you can get a quick answer. You just need to remember what units
are really in the problem.

● Guided Practice (You Do, I Watch) (approximately 15-20 minutes):

○ Let’s try this set of problems. Remember what we know about whole numbers to help us when we divide the decimal

● Closure/Exit Ticket (approximately 2-3 minutes):

○ What is 7.2 ÷ 9? Remember to use what we know about whole numbers to help.
■ .8

Small Groups: Homework: Students will complete

For the problem set, groups will be differentiated this way: this worksheet for homework.
High: All (1-3)
On Grade Level: 1 and 2
Low: 1 and 2 with teacher assistance.

Differentiation: Materials: student white board and

● Tiered Assignments: Students will be assigned problems based on their skill level. marker, teacher white board and
● Flexible grouping: Students will be grouped based on their skill level. marker, place value chart
● Manipulatives: Base ten blocks and fraction tiles will be used to help students
● Individualized Instruction: Students will be provided with individualized instruction
based on their level and learning style.

Further Knowledge of Students:

● ELL (English Language Learners): Translations will be provided in the student’s native language. Pictures and visuals will
be provided with labels in the students’ native language.
● Students with Disabilities (504s/IEPs): Visual aids (base ten blocks, fraction tiles), step-by-step instruction, multiple
modalities (visual, auditorary, and kinesthetic-hands on activities with the base ten blocks), scaffolding (use of the place value
chart, drawing pictures for grouping, sentence starters), extra time on assignments and exams
● Students receiving RTI: pre-assessment (determine student’s knowledge of division and decimals), small group instruction,
step by step instruction, modified problems, modeling, use of visuals, multiple modalities (visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic-hands on activities with base ten blocks)
Day Two of Three

Unit Essential Question: How can we use our understanding of place value to divide Key Points:
decimals with a remainder, and how does this relate to a written method for solving these ● dividing decimals with
types of problems? remainders
Objective(s): Divide decimals with a remainder using place value understanding and relate
to a written method.
Student Learning Statement: I can divide decimals with a remainder using place value
understanding and relate to a written method.
New York State Next Generation Learning Standards:
★ 5.NBT.3
★ 5.NBT.7
★ 5SL1
★ 5SL1a

Vocabulary (Academic Literacies Hallmark 2):

● Tier 2 Vocabulary: product, quotient
● Tier 3 Vocabulary: multiple, hundredth, tenth, remainder

Connection to Previous Lessons: Assessments:

● Students were previously taught decimal division by single-digit whole numbers ● Pre-Assessment: Students
involving easily identifiable multiples using place value understanding and relating were previously assessed
to a written method. using a homework assignment
Connection to Future Lessons: from day 1 which tested their
● Students will use this lesson to divide decimals with remainders in the smallest unit. understanding of decimal
division by single-digit whole
● During the Lesson: Students
will be assessed on their
understanding in class. They
will also be assessed during
their problem set.
● Post-Assessment: Students
will be assessed using the
homework worksheet.

Lesson Procedure (approximately ___60____ minutes)

● Introduction: Review
○ Teacher will project a place value chart from millions to thousands.
○ Students will complete: 2.4 ÷ 3 and 3.6 ÷ 6.
○ Today we are going to use our knowledge of decimal division to learn how to divide decimals with remainders.
● CT Problem (approximately __5___ minutes):
○ A bag of potato chips contain .96 grams of sodium. If the bag is split into 8 equal servings, how many grams of
sodium will each serving contain?
■ .96 ÷ 8 = .12
● Guided Practice (I Do, You Watch):
○ Problem One: 6.72 ÷ 3
■ Teacher will draw a place value chart with 3 groups at the bottom.
■ Teacher will represent 6.72 on the place value chart.
■ I’m going to begin with our largest unit. I will share 6 ones equally with 3 groups. I know that there are 2
ones in each group.
■ Teacher will draw 2 place value disks in each group, and cross off the dividend as they are shared.
■ I’m going to give each group 2 ones and I know that they are 6 ones in all.
■ Teacher will show the subtraction in the algorithm. Now, we have zero ones left to share.
■ Now we are going to share our tenths. 7 tenths divided by 3. I know I can share 2 tenths with each group.
■ Using our place value disks, I am going to share the tenths. I’ll show what we did on the place value chart
and in my written work.
■ I know that we now share 6 tenths in all.
■ I also know that we have to subtract the tenths we have already share. Since we distributed the 6 tenths into 3
groups, so we have to subtract them.
■ Now that we shared 6 tenths in all, there is only 1 tenth left to share.
■ I know that we can’t share 1 tenth with 3 groups, so I can exchange 1 tenth for 10 hundredths.
■ Now, we have 12 hundredths.
■ I know that we can share 12 hundredths, so I am going to share 4 hundredths to each group.
■ Now, I am going to subtract 12 hundredths and we have none left.
■ Now, let’s look at our 3 groups. I know that 2.24 in each group. There are no more units left to share.
○ Repeat with 5.16 ÷ 4

● Guided Practice (I Do, You Help) (approximately 5-10 minutes):

○ Problem 1: 6.72 ÷ 4.
■ Teacher will complete the same steps as in the direct instruction, while stopping and asking students for
answers along the way instead of providing answers.
● Guided Practice (You Do, I Help) (approximately 5-10 minutes):
○ Problem 1: 20.08 ÷ 8
■ Let’s solve this problem with our elbow partner. Make sure to draw the place value disks and record all steps
of your algorithm.

● Guided Practice (You Do, I Watch) (approximately 15-20 minutes):

○ Let’s try this problem set.

● Closure/Exit Ticket (approximately 2-3 minutes):

○ Use your place value chart to help you solve 5.372 ÷ 2.
■ 5.372 ÷ 2 = 2.686

Small Groups: For the problem set, groups will be differentiated this way: Homework: Students will complete
● High: All this worksheet for homework.
● On Grade Level: 1-3
● Below: 1 and 2

Differentiation: Materials: student white board and

● Tiered Assignments: Students will be assigned problems based on their skill level. marker, teacher white board and
● Flexible grouping: Students will be grouped based on their skill level. marker, place value chart
● Manipulatives: Base ten blocks and fraction tiles will be used to help students
● Individualized Instruction: Students will be provided with individualized instruction
based on their level and learning style.

Further Knowledge of Students:

● ELL (English Language Learners): Translations will be provided in the student’s native language. Pictures and visuals will
be provided with labels in the students’ native language.
● Students with Disabilities (504s/IEPs): Visual aids (base ten blocks, fraction tiles), step-by-step instruction, multiple
modalities (visual, auditorary, and kinesthetic-hands on activities with the base ten blocks), scaffolding (use of the place value
chart, drawing pictures for grouping, sentence starters), extra time on assignments and exams
● Students receiving RTI: pre-assessment (determine student’s knowledge of division and decimals), small group instruction,
step by step instruction, modified problems, modeling, use of visuals, multiple modalities (visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic-hands on activities with base ten blocks)
Day Three of Three

Unit Essential Question: How can we solve word problems using decimal operations? Key Points:
Objective(s): Students will be able to divide decimals in word problems using place value ● dividing decimals in word
understanding problems
Student Learning Statement: I can divide decimals in word problems using place value
New York State Next Generation Learning Standards:
★ 5.NBT.3
★ 5.NBT.7
★ 5SL1
★ 5SL1a

Vocabulary (Academic Literacies Hallmark 2):

● Tier 2 Vocabulary: product, quotient
● Tier 3 Vocabulary: multiple, hundredth, tenth, remainder

Connection to Previous Lessons: Assessments:

● Students were previously taught to divide decimals with remainders in the smallest ● Pre-Assessment: Students
unit. were previously assessed
Connection to Future Lessons: using a homework assignment
● Students will use this lesson to further their understanding of place value and from day 2 which tested their
decimals. understanding of decimal
divisions with remainders.
● During the Lesson: Students
will be assessed on their
understanding in class. They
will also be assessed during
their problem set.
● Post-Assessment: Students
will be assessed using the
homework worksheet.

Lesson Procedure (approximately ___60____ minutes)

● Introduction: Review
○ Let’s review what we learned yesterday.
■ 6.75 ÷ 3
○ Today we are going to use decimal operations and our understanding of place value to solve word problems.
● CT Problem (approximately __5___ minutes):
○ Jess and three friends buy snacks for a hike. They buy trail mix for $5.42, apples for $2.55, and granola bars for
$3.39. If the four friends split the cost of snacks equally, how much would each friend pay?
■ 11.36 ÷ 4 = 2.84
● Guided Practice (I Do, You Watch):
○ Problem 1: Mrs. Frye distributed $126 equally among his 4 children for their weekly allowance. How much money
did each child receive?
■ Let’s identify our variables first. I know our variables are Mrs. Frye’s money. I am going to draw a bar to
represent Mrs. Frye’s money.
■ The most important information from the first sentence is $126 dollars and 4 children received an equal
■ I can represent this in my diagram by having $126 at the top, since it’s the total and splitting (dividing) the
bar into four equal parts.
■ Let’s go back to the question. I am looking to find out how much each child received.
■ I know that 4 bars are equal to $126 dollars. So, I am going to divide $126 by 4
● 126 ÷ 4 = $31.50
■ I know that each student will get $31.50.

● Guided Practice (I Do, You Help) (approximately 5-10 minutes):

○ Let’s try another problem together.
○ Problem 1: Brandon mixed 6.83 lb of cashews with 3.57 lb of pistachios. After filling up 6 bags that were the same
size with the mixture, he had 0.35 lb of nuts left. What was the weight of each bag?
■ 10.05 ÷ 6 = 1.675
○ Repeat the same steps as in the direct instruction.
● Guided Practice (You Do, I Help) (approximately 5-10 minutes):
○ Problem 1: A fisherman caught a fish that weighs 2.55 pounds. He wants to divide it equally among his 5 friends.
How much fish will each friend get?
■ 2.55 ÷ 5 = .51
■ Let’s solve this problem with our elbow partner. You can draw a picture to help you visualize. Be sure to
record all steps in your algorithm.
● Guided Practice (You Do, I Watch) (approximately 15-20 minutes):
○ Let’s try this problem set.

● Closure/Exit Ticket (approximately 2-3 minutes):

○ Use your place value chart to help you solve 5.372 ÷ 2.
■ 5.372 ÷ 2 = 2.686

Small Groups: For the problem set, groups will be differentiated this way: already compl Homework: Students will complete
● High: All (2, 3, 5. 1-4 were completed in class) this worksheet for homework.
● On Grade Level: 2 and 3
● Below: 5 with teacher assistance

Differentiation: Materials: student white board and

● Tiered Assignments: Students will be assigned problems based on their skill level. marker, teacher white board and
● Flexible grouping: Students will be grouped based on their skill level. marker, place value chart
● Manipulatives: Base ten blocks and fraction tiles will be used to help students
● Individualized Instruction: Students will be provided with individualized instruction
based on their level and learning style.

Further Knowledge of Students:

● ELL (English Language Learners): Translations will be provided in the student’s native language. Pictures and visuals will
be provided with labels in the students’ native language.
● Students with Disabilities (504s/IEPs): Visual aids (base ten blocks, fraction tiles), step-by-step instruction, multiple
modalities (visual, auditorary, and kinesthetic-hands on activities with the base ten blocks), scaffolding (use of the place value
chart, drawing pictures for grouping, sentence starters), extra time on assignments and exams
● Students receiving RTI: pre-assessment (determine student’s knowledge of division and decimals), small group instruction,
step by step instruction, modified problems, modeling, use of visuals, multiple modalities (visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic-hands on activities with base ten blocks)

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