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Domestic Water Supply System
In a house, water is needed for carrying out various activities. The system
of drawing water from treatment plant and making it available at all
appliances (fixtures) for use is known as domestic water supply system.
As per the use, water supply system carries hot and cold water
throughout the house. Pipes convey water from source to various
appliances. The flow of water to appliances is controlled by valves and
faucets (tap). The used water is conveyed to drain.
Based on the coming of water into the house, water supply system is of
two types:
•Direct Water Supply system
•Indirect Water Supply system
1. Direct Water Supply System:

• In direct water supply system all appliances in a house receives water from the rising
main i.e of Municipal supply mains.
• Water available at all faucets is pressured potable water.
• No cistern is required to store water first and then making it available for use. Cistern
(tank) is required only if hot water system is of storage type. Here also, the cistern stores
only hot water.
• Cold water is from rising main.
• In order to install direct water supply system, rising main (Main pipe from where water
enters house) should have sufficient pressure so that the water reaches fixtures without
causing inconvenience in use of fixture even at upper storeys.
• As rising main pressure is high, a pressure reducing valve may be required to maintain
required water flow. This system avoids contamination of water, caused by storing water
in underground or overhead tank.
02. Indirect Water Supply System:

• Water enters house from the rising main. After entering, it is branched off into
kitchen sink and towards storage tank.
• Storage tank is first filled and then water is supplied to appliances from same.
• The location of storage tank should be at some height so that water flows down
easily under gravity without any external pressure.
• Only Kitchen sink has portable water available.
• All other appliances have stored tank water.
• Indirect water supply system is flexible because when mains run out of water,
stored water is a benefit till mains flow return.
A plumbing fixture is an exchangeable
device which can be connected to a
plumbing system to deliver and drain
Rainwater harvesting
Water is our most precious natural resource and essential for all life and it plays an
important role in transforming the lives of people to better and healthier one.
“Do you know that the scarcity of water continue to be a growing problem. “
But the best way to conserve water is its judicious use. Demand for processed supply
water is rising day by day due to an increasing population, urbanization,

Nowadays, access to sufficient amount of water is a major issue to most people living in
both rural and urban areas.. Rainwater harvesting is the most acceptable and viable
solution to help solve water crisis problems for various sectors. To this day, the concept
of rainwater harvesting for house has been accepted all over the world.
1. What is rainwater harvesting and why is it important?
• Rainwater is one of the purest sources of water available as it contains very
low impurities.
• Harvesting rainwater is an ancient practice and you might have think that
why are we practicing it. Because, till today this valuable practice in growing
in popularity due to its various benefits in our modern times.
• Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is the most acceptable and sustainable
method/solution to attenuate water crisis issues in the both rural and urban
areas all over the world.
The system involves simple collection and storing of rainwater from surfaces
it falls so that it can be used for later use (domestic, commercial or agriculture

Now, the time to take initiative for rainwater harvesting for houses has arrived.
Why because, the idea behind the process of rainwater harvesting is very
simple. Rainwater harvesting, in its broadest sense, a modern way of save water
at home/house. Rainwater harvesting has brought more relief during times of
droughts. It is the best possible way to save water and invoke the society
towards the importance of water. So, it really makes sense to set up a rainwater
harvesting system now.
Urban and rural models are the two models associated
with rainwater harvesting for houses.
1. Rural model:
In rural areas, house roofs are built with sheets or bricks and etc. Here, rainwater comes
to the edges easily and hence water can be collected through gutters. Rural people use
fine cloth material to filter the rainwater from the roof. Here, collected water can be
used to store water either for domestic use, livestock, or for agricultural needs.
2. Urban model:
Here, rainwater from the house roof is collected through rainwater gutters and stored in
a storage tank. The system is designed to support both potable and non-potable needs
of the family at their doorstep. Rooftop rainwater harvesting for recharging groundwater
is a common practice implemented in individual houses.

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