Axially Loaded Spiral Columns

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C1 Column

The material properties are as follows:

fcu = 250 kg/cm2
fy = 2800 kg/cm2
fyp = 2400 kg/cm2

Step 1: Determine cross section and Asc
PU.L = 900.0 ton
The most economical percentage of steel µ is 1% to 1.5%. Assume that µ=1%,
substitute in equation to find the area of the cross section as first trial.
Pu = Ac (0.4 fcu +0.0076 fy)
900.0 x 1000 = Ac (0.4 x 250 + 0.0076 x 2800)
Ac = 7420.84 cm2
π 2
Ac = D
D = 97.2 cm
The nearest round number is 100 cm. Assume that the concrete cover is 2.5
cm then the core diameter Dk equals
Dk = 60 - 5 = 95 cm
The area of the concrete,
π 2 π
D = MERGEFIELD D_cm_ 100 =MERGEFIELD Area_Of_Concrete_Ac ¿ 0.0 x 7853.98cm2
Ac =
4 4
The area of the core,
π 2 π
A k = D k = MERGEFIELD Dk_cm 95 =MERGEFIELD Area_Of_Core_Ak ¿ 0.0 x 7088.22cm2
4 4

0.01 Ac =
cm2 As.min = the
0.01 × MERGEFIELD Area_Of_Concrete_Ac ¿ 0.0 x 7853.98=¿78.54

maximum of 0.012 Ak= 0.012 X 7088.22 = 85.06

Asc= 0.01 Ac = 78.54 cm2

Asc= 85.06 cm2

Choose 34 Ø 18 (86.52 cm2)

Step 2: Determine spiral reinforcement

Applying in the second equation to determine the volume of the spiral (V sp)

Pu = 0.35 fcu Ak +0.67 fy Asc + 1.38 x fyp Vsp

Note that Asc chosen will be used

900.0 x 1000 = 0.35 x 250 x 7088.22 + 0.67 x 2800 x 86.52 +1.38 x 2400 x Vsp

Vsp = 35.47 cm2

V sp . min=0.36
( )
f cu
[ (
A c − A k ]=0.36
MERGEFIELD Fcu_kgcm2250
MERGEFIELD Fy_kgcm2 2800
[ MERGEFIELD Area_Of_Concrete_Ac ¿ 0.0 x

V sp . min=MERGEFIELD Vsp_min_cm2 ¿ 0.0 x 24.61cm2

∴ V sp=MERGEFIELD Vsp_cm2final ¿ 0.0 x 35.47 cm2

Step 3: Design of spiral

Assuming that bar diameter of the spiral is 8 mm, Asp= 0.503 cm2.Use the
following equation to determine the stirrup pitch p
π A sp Dk
V sp

π × MERGEFIELD Asp_cm2 ¿ 0.00 x 0.503× MERGEFIELD Dk_cm ¿ 0.0 x 95.0

p= =MERGEFIELD Pcm ¿ 0.0 x 4
MERGEFIELD Vsp_cm2final ¿ 0.0 x 35.47

Round to the smallest pitch p=4 cm

P < 8 cm and p > 3 cm ....o.k.

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