FS1 EPISODE 5 (AutoRecovered)

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This learning episode provides you an opportunity to examine how

classrooms are structured or designed to allow everyone’s maximum

participation for effective learning. You will also examine how classroom
management practices affect learning. This episode enhances the application of
the theories learned in the following professional subjects such as Facilitating-
Learner Centered Teaching and the Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning

Your Learning Objectives

At the end of the episode, you must be able to plan in managing time,
space, and resources, and illustrate a learning environment appropriate and
conducive to learning.

Your Learning Needs

An inclusive classroom climate refers to an environment where all students

feel supported intellectually and academically and are extended a sense of
belonging in the classroom regardless of identity, learning preferences, or
education. Such environments are sustained when instructors and students work
together for thoughtfulness, respect, and academic excellence, and are key to
encouraging the academic success of all students. Research indicates that many
students may be more likely to prosper academically in settings with more
collaborative modes of learning that acknowledge students’ personal experiences
(Kaplan and Miller 2007).

Student learning can be enhanced by establishing a classroom tone that is

friendly, caring, and supportive, and that lets students explore the relationships
among course material, personal, and social experiences. Instructors can
consider a variety of areas to promote inclusivity, including the syllabus, choices
in assigned reading, discussion expectations, and personal style.
To maintain an inclusive classroom Top Strategies for Inclusive
climate, the instructor can: Teaching

• Structure classroom ✓ Establish guidelines for

conversations to encourage
respectful and equitable
participation ✓ Be transparent about
• Anticipate sensitive issues and expectations.
acknowledge racial, class or ✓ Do not ask individuals to speak
cultural differences in the for an entire group.
classroom when appropriate
✓ If conflict arises, acknowledge
• Model inclusive language
• Use multiple and diverse it.
examples ✓ Illustrate concepts with
• Personally connect with multiple and diverse examples.
✓ Promote a growth mindset.
• Provide alternative means for
participation ✓ Include a Diversity Statement
• Respectfully communicate with on the syllabus.
students ✓ See examples of faculty
• Address offensive, implementing principles of
discriminatory, and insensitive inclusive teaching
comments for their behavior.
• Perform a Self-Assessment

Now, are you ready for your observation activity? I bet you are, so let’s begin.
Your Activity 5.1
Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: DAREX A. NUCAL Signature: ______________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade IV – Mt. Pinatubo Date: ______________________

To realize you’re learning objectives, you need observe and use the observation
sheet provided for you to document your observations.

Your Observations

Use the Activity form below to document your observations.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note
their ages.
I am assigned to a classroom with some students who have
special needs. The majority of my students are between the ages of 8
and 10, but a number of them are between the ages of 12 and 16.
During my observation, I discovered that my learners have a wide
range of characteristics. There are energetic and eager learners, as
well as those who are very quiet and lovable, some are artistic, a few
who are very curious and often ask questions, there are also
sleepyheads, and little leaders who help in managing the classroom.

2. How many boys are there? How many girls?

I have 43 students, 23 are boys and 20 are girls.

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own
As I’ve observed, they are still on the stage where they are still
trying to manage their own behavior.

4. Can the learners already work independently?

Yes, the learners can already work independently, although
they still require support from the teacher on occasionally. When
delivering directions, make sure to convey them clearly to avoid the
learners asking a lot of follow-up questions.
5. Describe their span of attention or engagement.
Speaking of the students' attention span, it is extremely short,
making it a challenge to the teacher. You ask them to be quiet for a
time, but then a minute after they begin talking with their peers again.
To get their attention, you must work hard and be really patient.

Your Analysis

Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management

practices. It is also good to ask the teacher for additional information, so
you can validate your observation. Write your notes below.

1. Since we have no face-to-face classes, recall the time when you were
high school or elementary. Does your classrooms have areas for
specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books, student belongings,
supplies, etc). Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these
areas for specific purposes are not present?
Yes, there are areas that serves specific purposes inside
the classroom. At the back of the class is a cabinet which also
serve as the storage place, it is where the modules, books, and
classroom supplies are stored. Beside the cabinet is the storage
bin area. In the front, beside the green board is the small sink
that serves as the learners’ hand wash area, above it is another
cabinet where the learners personal cups and toothbrushes are

2. Were there rules and procedures posted in the classroom? Do these

rules reinforce positive behavior? List down the rules.
Yes, the class have rules and procedures that reinforce
the learners’ positive behavior but it was only verbally relayed.
There are no procedures nor any instruction posted inside the
classroom, this because of the DepEd order 21 given by the
DepEd secretary Sarah Duterte in which she orders that
classroom walls shall remain bare and devoid of posters,
decorations or other posted materials.

3. What are the routines of the resource teacher? (prayer, attendance,

assignment, warm up activities) How are they done?
Before officially starting the class, the students clean the
classroom. The cleaners are in charge in cleaning inside while
others clean the outside area, some of the boys are also
assigned to gather water for the comfort room. The class starts
with the prayer, followed by the singing of the national anthem,
then they’ll have exercise after. After that, the teacher will also
check the students’ attendance as well as their assignments.

4. Does your classroom before have seating arrangement? What’s the

basis of the arrangement? Does this help in managing the class?
The class didn’t follow the traditional sitting
arrangement which is alphabetical, this is because most
students in the class especially boys are very noisy and loves to
chitchat with their peers that’s why my resource teacher
decided to arrange them randomly. The teacher ensures that
they are setting away from their circle of friends, in this way the
student can pay attention to the lesson more.

5. What does the resource teacher do to reinforce positive behavior?

I've noticed, my resource teacher places a strong focus on
discipline. He always ensures that students are listening
throughout the class discussions, and he also praises students
who actively participate as well as those who received excellent
grades on tests and exercises. He also calls the attention of
those students who are not listening and doing things that are
not related with the class.

Your Reflection
Reflect as a future teacher. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

Being a teacher means becoming a second parent to the

students. As an aspiring educator I believed that positive discipline must
really be enforced towards the students since it is an effective method of
handling disobedient learners inside the classroom. We must also bear in
mind positive discipline can be enforced through punishment or reward.
We can eliminate undesired behaviors without causing verbal or physical
harm to our learners, potentially creating a better learning environment.
This may also empower our students to take responsibility for how they
act or behave.
Your Activity 5.2
Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom

Resource Teacher: DAREX A. NUCAL Signature: ______________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade IV – Mt. Pinatubo Date: ______________________

To realize your learning objectives, you need observe a class and accomplish the given

Your Observations
Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners
Management (Fill this out after the
1. Specific Areas in the  There are areas  Being in a well
classroom inside the organize
classroom that classroom will
serves as a place help the student
where the to become more
modules, book, comfortable in
and other studying.
materials are
being stored and
organize. This
will help the
classroom to
look more
organize and

2. Classroom Rules  There are no  The students will

posters about the know what they
classroom rules should and should
but the students not do. This also
are well aware of ensures that the
it since the students will
teacher reminds behave
them from time appropriately
to time. inside the
3. Classroom Procedures  Establishing  The students will
good routines be aware of what
and procedures the teacher
makes the daily expects of them.
tasks automatic
so that you can
focus on
4. Daily Routines  Establishing good
 A daily routine is routines makes
a set of activities the daily tasks
that teachers and automatic. The
students must students will
follow on a daily know the things
basis. that they should
do with or
without the
5. Seating Arrangement  The arrangement  Having class
of students official seating
inside the arrangement
classroom. could prevent the
students from
talking with each
other and just
focus of the class
Seating can also
help the teacher
to easily monitor
the class.
6. Handling misbehavior  Taking actions  Properly handling
about the the student’s
students’ bad misbehavior
attitude or without getting
wrong doing. overboard will
help the students
understand their
wrong doings so
that they will not
repeat it again.
7. Reinforcement of  It involves adding  This will help to
Positive Behavior something motivates the
positive or student to
desirable in practice positive
response to the behavior for them
behavior. to get a reward
from the teacher.

Your Analysis

Analyze and answer the questions below.

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’
It helps the students a lot. A good classroom organization make them focus
on their study more. The classroom organization and routines also affect the
learner’s behavior by means this is because they are already aware on how they
will act in the classroom which also helps them to decrease unwanted behavior

2. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in
I personally think that when designing the classroom as well as
the routines the teacher should always consider the purpose of it as
well as if the students are capable on following it. The teacher must
also constantly remind the class about the rules and regulation in
order to maintain the class organization.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the

learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?
Based on my observations, I think that in managing the
learner’s behavior the teacher must strictly enforce the rules and
regulations inside the classroom, in this way the student well be aware
about what they should and should not do. Reinforcing positive
behavior by giving the students rewards and word of affirmation for
their good behavior and punishment if they disobey.

Your Observations
Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade

year level do you see yourself. What section? What routines and procedures
would you consider for this level? Why?
A few years from now, I see teaching TLE in grade 10 level. Our
class procedures will start with a prayer, followed by the singing of the
national anthem, and the recitation of the DepEd mission, vision, and
core values. There will be an exercise to warm them up. The students
will review the previous topic, followed by an activity connected the
new lesson.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would
you choose these rules?
1. Cleanliness – the class should maintain the cleanliness both inside and
outside the classroom.
2. Group cleaners – the group cleaners will clean their assigned areas;
this is to ensure that everyone is helping in maintaining the cleanliness.
3. Proper Uniform – to ensure that the students look clean and proper.
4. No cellphones allowed - this policy will that the students won’t use
gadgets during class hours to avoid problems such as cheating playing
5. On time submission of requirements – this is to avoid score
deductions and to help them develop time consciousness and
6. No talking when the teacher is teaching – This will help the students
be more respectful, they will be mindful that listening is another form of
3. Should learners be involved in making class rules?
Yes, students must be involved in the creation of class
regulations. Discussing and developing the classroom rules with the
students will aid in building open communication with them, hearing
their perspectives, and making them feel respected and heard.
Through student involvement they will clearly understand the
importance of the classroom rules and regulation.

Your Learning Proofs

I. Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put
pictures of the physical space and learning stations which contribute to the
effective implementation of classroom management.
Congratulations. You are done with the observation activity for the Learning
Episode 5. To successfully end your Learning Episode 5, go to your LMS and
answer the Learning Episode 5 Quiz.

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