Air Chicago XL/XXL Towel Folder

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Air Chicago XL/XXL

Towel Folder

Chicago Dryer Company
Technical Manual #3019-078b

Chicago Dryer Company, 2200 N. Pulaski, Chicago, Illinois 60639

Telephone: 773-235-4430 Fax: 773-235-4439
Air Chicago XL/XXL
Instruction Manual

Table of Contents

1-1 Warranty ................................................................................................. 1-1

1-2 Scope of the Manual .............................................................................. 1-2

1-3 Safety ..................................................................................................... 1-3

1-3.1 Safety During Daily Operations .................................................. 1-3
1-3.2 Safety During Maintenance and Repair ..................................... 1-3
1-3.3 Safety Features .......................................................................... 1-4

2-1 Site and Utility Requirements ................................................................. 2-1

2-2 Installation Procedures ........................................................................... 2-2

2-2.1 Inspection ................................................................................... 2-2
2-2.2 Positioning the Folder................................................................. 2-2
2-2.3 Electrical Connection .................................................................. 2-4
2-2.4 Compressed Air Connection ...................................................... 2-6
2-2.5 Final Protective Wrapper Removal ............................................. 2-6
2-3 Pre-Operational Checkouts .................................................................... 2-7
2-3.1 Security of Hardware .................................................................. 2-7
2-3.2 Start Up Procedures ................................................................... 2-7
2-3.3 CHI Panel Checkout ................................................................... 2-9
2-3.4 Primary Folding Checkout ........................................................ 2-10
2-3.5 Crossfolding Checkout ............................................................. 2-11
2-3.6 Checkout Completion ............................................................... 2-11

Table of Contents Air Chicago XL/XXL


3-1 Safety ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3-1.1 Working Safely ........................................................................... 3-1
3-1.2 Safety Features .......................................................................... 3-2
3-1.3 Clearing a Jam Safely ................................................................ 3-3
3-2 Daily Operation ...................................................................................... 3-4
3-2.1 General Operating Controls ....................................................... 3-4
3-2.2 CHI Panel Controls..................................................................... 3-5
3-2.3 Start-Up ...................................................................................... 3-6
3-2.4 Automatic Operation ................................................................... 3-6
3-2.5 Manual Operation ....................................................................... 3-7
3-2.6 Resetting the Counters ............................................................... 3-7
3-2.7 Shut-Down.................................................................................. 3-7
3.2.8 Pause Operation ........................................................................ 3-7
3-3 Maximum Productivity ............................................................................ 3-8
3-3.1 Processing Standards ................................................................ 3-8
3-3.2 Work Habits .............................................................................. 3-10


4-1 Daily PM ................................................................................................. 4-2
4-1.1 Clean the Folder ......................................................................... 4-2
4-1.2 Clean Photosensors ................................................................... 4-2
4-1.3 Check All Stop Buttons and Interlocks ....................................... 4-3
4-2 Weekly PM ............................................................................................. 4-4
4-2.1 Check Air Filter/Regulator .......................................................... 4-4
4-2.2 Polish Metal Surfaces ................................................................. 4-4
4-2.3 Check Ribbon Condition ............................................................. 4-4
4-2.4 Check and Clean Inverter ........................................................... 4-5
4-3 Monthly PM ............................................................................................ 4-6
4-3.1 Clean and Oil Drive Chains ........................................................ 4-6
4-3.2 Check Setscrews ........................................................................ 4-6
4-3.3 Lubricate Bearings as Needed ................................................... 4-6
4-4 Semi-Annual PM .................................................................................... 4-7
4-4.1 Inspect Gear Reduction Unit ...................................................... 4-7
4-4.2 Clean Air Filter/Regulator ........................................................... 4-7

Air Chicago XL/XXL Table of Contents

5-1 Locations of Components ...................................................................... 5-1
5-1.1 Photosensor Location and Function ........................................... 5-1
5-1.2 Ribbons and Rolls ...................................................................... 5-2
5-1.3 Drive Chains and Belt................................................................. 5-3
5-2 Circuit Trace ........................................................................................... 5-4

5-3 CHI Diagnostic System .......................................................................... 5-4

5-4 CHI Panel TEST Mode ........................................................................... 5-5

5-4.1 General Procedure ..................................................................... 5-5
5-4.2 Primary Fold Test ....................................................................... 5-6
5-4.3 Crossfold Test ............................................................................ 5-6
5-4.4 Stacker/Conveyor Test ............................................................... 5-7
5-4.5 Ski Width Test ............................................................................ 5-7
5-4.6 Sensor Activation Test .............................................................. 5-8
5-5 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 5-8
5-5.1 General Index .......................................................................... 5-9
5-5.2 CHI Panel Message Index ..................................................... 5-11
5-5.3 Electrical and Mechanical ...................................................... 5-12
5-5.4 Primary Folding ...................................................................... 5-17
5-5.5 First Crossfold Section ........................................................... 5-20
5-5.6 Second Crossfold Section ...................................................... 5-22
5-5.7 Stacker Section ...................................................................... 5-23
5-5.8 Exit Conveyor ......................................................................... 5-24
5-5.9 Return Conveyor .................................................................... 5-24
5-5.10 Parameter Messages ............................................................. 5-24
5-5.11 Sensor Function ..................................................................... 5-24
5-5.12 Compressed Air System ........................................................ 5-25
5-5.13 Drive Train Function ............................................................... 5-26

Table of Contents Air Chicago XL/XXL

6-1 Safety Considerations ............................................................................ 6-1

6-2 Parts Availability ..................................................................................... 6-2

6-3 CHI Panel Adjustments and Programming ............................................ 6-2

6-4 Photosensors ......................................................................................... 6-3

6-4.1 Make Sure The Sensors Are Clean ............................................ 6-3
6-4.2 Make Sure The Sensors Are Mounted Securely ........................ 6-3
6-4.3 Alignment ................................................................................... 6-4
6-4.4 Sensitivity Adjustment ................................................................ 6-5
6-4.5 Photosensor Replacement ......................................................... 6-5
6-5 Proximity Sensor Adjustment ................................................................. 6-6

6-6 Stacker Sensor Adjustment .................................................................... 6-7

6-7 Primary Runners Limit Switch Adjustment ............................................. 6-8

6-8 Mechanical Adjustments ...................................................................... 6-10

6-8.1 Primary Fold Runners Adjustment ........................................... 6-10
6-8.2 Primary Air Manifold Adjustment .............................................. 6-13
6-8.3 First Crossfold Pinch Point Adjustment .................................... 6-14
6-8.4 Clutch Adjustment .................................................................... 6-14
6-8.5 Crossfold Air Manifold Adjustment ........................................... 6-15
6-8.6 Second Crossfold Steel Fingers Adjustment ............................ 6-16
6-8.7 Stacker Adjustments ................................................................ 6-17
6-9 Ribbon Tension Adjustments ............................................................... 6-18
6-9.1 Feed, Intermediate, and Transfer Ribbons ............................... 6-18
6-9.2 Stacker Ribbons ....................................................................... 6-19
6-9.3 Exit Ribbons ............................................................................. 6-20
6-9.4 Return Ribbons ........................................................................ 6-20
6-10 Replacing Ribbons ............................................................................... 6-21
6-10.1 Replacing Missing Ribbons ...................................................... 6-21
6-10.2 Replacing Worn Ribbons .......................................................... 6-22
6-11 Feed Ribbon Idler Roll Friction Material Replacement ......................... 6-23

6-12 Tracking Tape Replacement ................................................................ 6-24

Air Chicago XL/XXL Table of Contents

6-13 Drive Chains and Belt Tension Adjustment .......................................... 6-26

6-13.1 Motor-Driven Chains ................................................................ 6-26
6-13.2 Jackshaft-Driven Chains .......................................................... 6-27
6-14 Primary Fold Adjustments .................................................................... 6-28
6-14.1 Conveyor Stop Position Adjustment ......................................... 6-28
6-14.2 Low Air Pressure Adjustment ................................................... 6-28
6-15 Stacker Door Speed Adjustment .......................................................... 6-29





Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Chapter 5

Unusual operating symptoms observed during
checkout or operation of the folder must be 5-1 Locations of
diagnosed and corrected before starting or Components
resuming production runs. This chapter should
be used as a guide for locating and determining 5-1.1 Photosensor Location and
the type of trouble. Function
Causes may be mechanical or electrical in Two types of photosensors are used to detect
nature. Mechanical problems can often be towels as they pass through the Air Chicago XL,
detected by visual inspection. Electrical light operate and dark operate. Both types send
malfunctions require maintenance personnel a signal input to the control board.
familiar with electrical/electronic circuitry. Only
qualified maintenance personnel should When triggered, dark operate photosensor
troubleshoot and repair the folder. signals turn OFF the input LED on the control
board. Light operate photosensor signals turn ON
This chapter includes the below listed sections. the input LED on the control board when they
are triggered.
5-1 Location of Components
The two over-width sensors PE6A, and PE6B
5-2 Circuit Trace are light operate, the rest of the photosensors are
5-3 CHI Diagnostic System dark operate. The photosensors and their
functions are listed below and shown in Figure
5-4 CHI Panel TEST mode 5-1.
5-5 Troubleshooting 1. The inlet photosensor PE1 (A) detects and
Any remedy beyond the capability of the user helps measure items as they are fed into
requires repair by trained and experienced the folder. It is center mounted between
personnel. Please contact your authorized the feed ribbons, under the control panel.
CHICAGO  dealer or the Chicago Dryer 2. The first crossfold photosensor PE3 (B)
Company service department. signals when it detects the leading edge
of items for the air blast. It is centered
behind the rear access plate.
Only trained personnel 3. Overwidth photosensors PE6A and PE6B
experienced with electrical and (C) are located on either side of the first
mechanical repair should crossfold photosensor. They detect items
with missing or improper primary folds.
troubleshoot and repair the
folder. 4. Second crossfold photosensor PE4 (D) is
located near the middle of the intermedi-
ate ribbons. It signals when it detects the
WARNING leading edge of items for the air blast.
Turn power OFF at the main 5. Stacker photosensor PE5 (E) is located
disconnect switch before doing near the end of the Stacker Ribbons. It
any repairs. signals when it detects the leading edge
of items for opening the stacker doors.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

5-1.2 Ribbons and Rolls

Items are carried through the Air Chicago XL The transfer ribbons transport the items onto
by six sets of ribbons. Each set of ribbons, their the stacker doors where the discharge ribbons
drive and idler rolls are identified in Figure 5-1. push the items from above, to their stop point.

The feed (inlet) ribbons reach the entire length The stacker doors open and drop the items onto
of the folder. They convey the items through the the exit conveyor. The items are stacked on the
primary fold section. When a long piece is to be exit conveyor and transported to the return
folded, these ribbons will stop briefly. conveyor.

After the primary folds are complete, the feed The return conveyor has two sets of ribbons.
ribbons carry the items to the rear of the unit One set is powered directly by the drive chain.
where an air blast creates the first crossfold. This The second set is powered by a chain driven by
moves the items onto the intermediate ribbons. the idler roll sprocket of the first set of ribbons.

The intermediate ribbons transport the items

forward toward the second crossfold air bar where
the second air blast pushes the items on the
transfer ribbons.

Figure 5-1: Rolls, Ribbons, and Photosensors.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

5-1.3 Drive Chains and Belt 5-1.3.4 Width-Adjusting Chains

There are six drive chains in the right end Three chains extend almost the full length of
frame, and a drive belt in the left end frame. The the Air Chicago XL near the top of the right end
chains and the belt drive the various rolls and frame. The width motor (MTR3) drive shaft and
adjusts the ski width. sprockets drive chains E and F. Drive chain E
powers chain D. The three width-adjusting chains
5-1.3.1 Main Drive Chain (D, E, F) move the primary fold runners in and
The output shaft from the main gear reducer
extends into the right end frame. It is powered
5-1.3.5 Stacker Drive Belt
by MTR1 which is found at the right rear of the
folder. The sprocket on this shaft powers the main The output shaft from the gear reducer on
drive chain (Figure 5-2, A). This chain turns the stacker motor MTR2 extends into the left end
sprocket on the drive roll for the Intermediate frame. The pulley on this shaft powers the stacker
Ribbons. ribbons drive belt. This belt turns the pulley on
the drive roll for the stacker ribbons.
5-1.3.2 Feed Ribbons Drive Chain
5-1.3.6 Exit Conveyor Drive Chain
A second sprocket on the Intermediate Ribbons
drive roll powers the feed ribbons drive chain A small chain connects the output of the gear
(B). This turns the clutch that powers the feed reducer on MTR4 to the drive roll for the exit
ribbons drive roll. ribbons. This chain is under the conveyor.

5-1.3.3 Transfer Ribbons Drive Chain 5-1.3.7 Return Conveyor Drive Chains
At the front of the right end frame, a shaft A small chain connects the output of the gear
extends from one of the Intermediate ribbons reducer on MTR5 to the drive roll for one set of
idler rolls. This shaft has a sprocket which powers return ribbons. Another chain connects the two
the third chain (C). This chain drives a sprocket drive rolls together. These chains are under the
on the transfer ribbons drive roll. conveyor.

& B
D ) $
E &
C A#

Figure 5-2: Six drive chains in the right end frame.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

5-2 Circuit Trace 5-3 CHI Diagnostic

Most of the control circuits on the folder
operate in a similar way. If there is a malfunction,
The Air Chicago XL is equipped with a
use this procedure to trace each of the components
sophisticated microcomputer monitoring system.
to find the problem.
The CHI panel informs the operator of a problem
1. Press a STOP button and open the left end in case of an electrical or mechanical malfunction
frame. As a temporary measure during in the folder. The diagnostic system on the folder
testing, defeat the safety interlock switch has several functions:
by pulling out the plunger.
• Monitors the 24 VAC Fold Controller
WARNING • Monitors start-up operation
Safety devices should only be
defeated temporarily while the • Monitors primary and crossfold
work is being done. NEVER functions
operate the machine unless all • Monitors all built-in safety devices
safety systems are working
correctly. • Prompts operator at CHI Panel to
troubled area
2. To diagnose the problem, start the unit, • Provides air assist to guide flatwork for
feed a piece and observe the problem area. fold operations
You can also use the CHI panel’s TEST
• Monitors for Sensor Errors
procedures, which are found in the CHI
Panel Operation Bulletin. • Detects and Pinpoints Jams
3. If the output LED on the main control Messages from the diagnostic system are
board does not come on, and the input shown on the folder’s CHI panel display (Figure
LED does, the main control board is bad. 5-3).

4. If both of the above LEDs come on, but

the device (air valve actuator, relay) stays
off, there may be an open circuit between
the output of the board and the device.

5. If the connection is good, then the device

is bad.

6. The relays have devices dependent on

them. Check for an open circuit or a bad
motor, clutch, or contacts.

Figure 5-3: The CHI panel controls the folder and

gives diagnostic messages.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

5-4 CHI Panel TEST Mode

Use the CHI Panel’s TEST mode to cycle one
of the fold functions. When a function is in TEST, WARNING
the air valves and mechanical parts are operated The safety microswitches are
sequentially and the LEDs on the control board only to be defeated temporarily
indicate the output signals. In the following while the work is being done.
sections, the various tests are described and the NEVER operate the machine
LED numbers given. Refer to the schematics in unless all safety systems are
the Schematics Section and the CHI Panel working correctly. Serious
Operation Bulletin in this manual. injury could result.

5-4.1 General Procedure 5. Start the folder.

To use the CHI panel to test one of the Air 6. Press and hold down the TEST button.
Chicago XL’s functions, follow these steps first:
7. Press ENTER while holding TEST. Re-
1. Use the schematic that is a part of this lease both buttons.

2. Turn off the folder.

NOTE: During testing, the sig-
3. Open the left end frame door and locate nals will make certain LEDs light
the main control board MPC1 (Figure 5- on the main control board. Each
4). During the test, the LEDs on the board of the following sections includes
will light to show the control signals. a table of the LED numbers to
4. The unit will not work while a safety
microswitch is open. As a temporary mea-
sure during this work, defeat the door
switch by pulling out the plunger.

Figure 5-4: The main control board is inside the left end frame.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

5-4.2 Primary Fold Test 5-4.3 Crossfold Test

1. Enter Test mode. 1. Enter Test mode.

2. The cursor bar should be under PRI. If it 2. Press the CURSOR button until the cur-
is not, press the CURSOR button until it sor bar is under CRS.
3. Press ENTER. The CHI panel will auto-
3. Press ENTER. The CHI panel will auto- matically begin to operate the air valves
matically begin to operate each of the air shown in the CHI panel display. It will
valves involved in the primary fold shown continue to trigger each valve until you
in the CHI display. It will continue to trig- press the TEST button to stop the test.
ger each valve until you press the TEST
button to stop the test.
CROSS1 (10) CROSS2 (11)
HI (4) LEFT (5) RIGHT (6)

LE D Output Component ID*

LE D Output Component ID* HIGH
4 MPC1 Air HI SOL4
5 MPC1 A i r LE F T SOL5 11 MPC1 SOL11
6 MPC1 Air Right SOL6
4. After you stop the test sequence, the SE-
4. After you stop the test sequence, the SE- LECT TEST menu is displayed.
LECT TEST menu is displayed. 5. To select another item to test, go to Step
5. To select another item to test, go to Step 2 in any test section. To stop testing, press
2 in any of the test sections. To stop test- the TEST button to exit the SELECT
ing, press the TEST button to exit the TEST screen.
*NOTE: “ID” refers to the sche-
*NOTE: “ID” refers to the sche- matic reference for the corre-
matic reference for the corre- sponding component.
sponding component.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

5-4.4 Stacker/Conveyor Test 5-4.5 Ski Width Test

1. Enter Test mode.
1. Enter Test mode.
2. Press the CURSOR button until the cur-
2. Press the CURSOR button until the cur-
sor bar is under STK.
sor bar is under WID.
3. Press ENTER. The CHI panel will auto-
3. Press ENTER. The CHI panel will begin
matically begin to operate the air valves
to operate the air valves shown in the CHI
shown in the CHI panel display. It will
panel display. It will continue to trigger
continue to trigger each valve until you
each valve until you press the TEST but-
press the TEST button to stop the test.
ton to stop the test.


SKIS OUT (14) SKIS IN (13)
EXIT1 (15) EXIT1 (16)

LE D Output C omponent ID * LE D Output Component

12 MPC 1 D OOR SOL12
15 MPC 1 SOL15
16 MPC 1 SOL16 4. After you stop the test sequence, the SE-
LECT TEST menu is displayed.
4. After you stop the test sequence, the SE- 5. To select another item to test, go to Step
LECT TEST menu is displayed. 2 in any of the test sections. To stop test-
ing, press the TEST button to exit the
5. To select another item to test, go to Step
2 in any test section. To stop testing, press
the TEST button to exit the SELECT
TEST screen.

*NOTE: “ID” refers to the sche-

matic reference for the corre-
sponding component.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

5-4.6 Sensor Activation Test 6. After you stop the test sequence, the SE-
LECT TEST menu is displayed.
1. Enter Test mode.
7. To select another item to test, go to Step
2. Press the CURSOR button until the cur-
2 in any of the test sections. To stop test-
sor bar is under SENS.
ing, press the TEST button to exit the SE-
3. Press the ENTER button. The following LECT TEST screen.
message will appear in the display.

SENSOR ACTIVATION TEST 5-5 Troubleshooting

Operational symptoms and possible causes are
listed in the order of probability. If a symptom
4. The CHI panel will automatically begin
occurs that is not addressed in this guideline,
to test the sensors listed below. If any sen-
please contact your authorized CHICAGO 
sor fails the test, one of the following er-
dealer or the Chicago Dryer Company Service
ror messages will appear.

SENSOR FAILED/MISALIGNED The Troubleshooting Section is divided into

CROSSFOLD #1 (#3) the following subsections:

5-5.1 General Index

5-5.3 Electrical and Mechanical
5-5.4 Primary Folding
CROSSFOLD #1 (#6) 5-5.5 First Crossfold Section
5-5.6 Second Crossfold Section
5-5.7 Stacker Section
STACKER (#5) 5-5.8 Exit Conveyor
5-5.9 Return Conveyor
5. The test will continue until you press the
5-5.10 Parameter Messages
TEST button to stop the test.
5-5.11 Sensor Function
LE D Input Location
5-5.12 Compressed Air System
5-5.13 Drive Train Function

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.1 General Index

5-5.2 CHI Panel Message Index ............................................................... 5-11

5-5.3 Electrical and Mechanical

Machine Will Not JOG or START. Message Screen is Blank ........................ 5-12
Machine Will Not JOG or START. Message is Displayed ............................. 5-13
Feed Ribbons Do Not Work ........................................................................... 5-14
Intermediate Ribbons Do Not Work ............................................................... 5-14
Transfer Ribbons Do Not Work ...................................................................... 5-14
Stacker Ribbons Do Not Work ....................................................................... 5-15
Exit Conveyor Ribbons Do Not Work ............................................................. 5-15
Return Conveyor Ribbons Do Not Work ........................................................ 5-16
Ribbons Do Not Track Straight ...................................................................... 5-16
Noisy Operation ............................................................................................. 5-16

5-5.4 Primary Folding

Feed Ribbons Do Not Work ........................................................................... 5-17
Primary Folding Does Not Work. Message is not Displayed ......................... 5-17
Material Jams or Fails to Pull in Properly at Feed Table ............................... 5-17
Primary Folding Does Not Work. Message is Displayed ............................... 5-18
Primary Folding is Erratic ............................................................................... 5-19
Inaccurate Fold .............................................................................................. 5-19

5-5.5 First Crossfold Section

Intermediate Ribbons Do Not Work ............................................................... 5-20
Flatwork is Caught by Pinch Rolls Before First Crossfold Air Blast ............... 5-20
No First Crossfold .......................................................................................... 5-20
Flatwork Jammed in Pinch Rolls .................................................................... 5-21
Inaccurate Fold .............................................................................................. 5-21

5-5.6 Second Crossfold Section

Transfer Ribbons Do Not Work ...................................................................... 5-22
No Second Crossfold ..................................................................................... 5-22
Inaccurate Fold .............................................................................................. 5-22

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.7 Stacker Section

Stacker Ribbons Do Not Work ....................................................................... 5-23
Stacker Does Not Work ................................................................................. 5-23

5-5.8 Exit Conveyor .................................................................................. 5-24

5-5.9 Return Conveyor ............................................................................. 5-24

5-5.10 Parameter Messages ....................................................................... 5-24

5-5.11 Sensor Function .............................................................................. 5-24

5-5.12 Compressed Air System ................................................................. 5-25

5-5.13 Drive Train Function ........................................................................ 5-26

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.2 CHI Panel Message Index

Start Fault Messages
STACKER MOTOR FAULT !SERVICE/CLEAR FAULT! ......................... 5-13
CONVEYOR MOTOR OVERLOAD !SERVICE/CLEAR FAULT! ......................... 5-13
FRONT STOP !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD! ....................... 5-13
LEFT PANEL INTERLOCK !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD! ....................... 5-13
MAIN MOTOR OVERLOAD !SERVICE/CLEAR FAULT! ......................... 5-13
RIGHT PANEL INTERLOCK !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD! ....................... 5-13
TOP GUARD INTERLOCK !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD! ....................... 5-13
LOW AIR PRESSURE !SERVICE/CLEAR FAULT! ......................... 5-13

Run Messages
1ST CROSSFOLD FAILED .................................................................... 5-20
FAULTY CODE RETURNED .................................................................... 5-18
ITEM SPACING TOO CLOSE .................................................................... 5-18
JAMMED @ CROSS1 (NOT DETECTED @ CROSS2) ................. 5-21
JAMMED @ CROSS2 (NOT DETECTED @ STACKER) ............... 5-22
JAMMED @ PRIMARY (NOT DETECTED AT CROSS1) ................ 5-18
SENSOR FAILED/MISALIGNED CROSSFOLD #1 (#3) PE3 .......................... 5-20
SENSOR FAILED/MISALIGNED CROSSFOLD #2 (#4) PE4 .......................... 5-22
SENSOR FAILED/MISALIGNED STACKER (#5) PE5 .................................... 5-23
STACKER DOOR FAILED .................................................................... 5-23
ITEM TOO LONG TO FOLD .................................................................... 5-18
ITEM TOO SHORT TO FOLD .................................................................... 5-18

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.3 Electrical and Mechanical

Machine Will Not JOG or START. Message Screen is Blank
1. Check the incoming voltage and make sure the electrical disconnect switch is turned ON.

2. Check for tripped circuit breakers. If the circuit breaker continues to trip, determine and correct
the cause before resetting the breaker.

3. The fuses in the main disconnect switch have blown. Determine and correct the cause before
replacing the fuses.

4. Check the wire connections to the control board.

5. The 24 VAC transformers may be bad.

6. Check Relays CR1 and CR2.

7. Display/Keyboard Controller Circuit Board MPC2 in the CHI Panel may not be connected or
may be bad.

8. Fold Controller Circuit Board MPC1 is bad.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

Machine Will Not JOG or START. Message is Displayed

NOTE: Refer to the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin, Section III Testing to test the
various functions. Use the schematics in the Schematics section for component
identification and troubleshooting.

Start Fault Messages

1. “STACKER MOTOR FAULT / !SERVICE/CLEAR FAULT!”. Shut down the folder at the
main disconnect switch, wait five seconds and restart the folder. If message appears again, check
to the wiring to the inverter or, the inverter may be bad.


MP1. Make sure the chains, bearings, rolls, sprockets and ribbons are free from binding.

3. “FRONT STOP / !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD!”. Check the stop button for proper operation.

4. “LEFT PANEL INTERLOCK / !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD!”. Replace the panel or check the


and wiring. Make sure the chains, bearings, rolls, sprockets and ribbons are free from binding.

6. “RIGHT PANEL INTERLOCK / !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD!”. Replace the panel or check

the switch.


check the switch.

8. “TOP GUARD INTERLOCK / !REPLACE PANEL/GUARD!”. Replace the panel or check the

9. “LOW AIR PRESSURE / !SERVICE/CLEAR FAULT!”. Check the air pressure supply and its
shut-off valve.

NOTE: When a safety switch is open in the starting circuit. The message tells
which STOP button or interlock switch to check.

Never operate the folder unless all safety devices are working correctly.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

Feed Ribbons Do Not Work

1. Check for a broken or loose drive chain in the right end frame.

2. If the ribbons overlap one another or move from side to side, see Ribbons Do Not Track Straight

3. If the ribbons do not move at all, check for a tripped circuit breaker. Determine and correct the
cause before setting the breaker.

4. If the clutch does not engage, check the connections to the clutch.

5. If the clutch engages, but the ribbons do not move:

• The clutch requires mechanical adjustment. See the Repair Chapter for directions.
• Tracking tape on the drive roll has worn smooth. See the Repair Chapter for directions.

Intermediate Ribbons Do Not Work

1. Check for a broken or loose drive chain in the right end frame.

2. If the ribbons overlap one another or move from side to side, see Ribbons Do Not Track Straight

3. Check the drive sprocket and shaft for binding.

4. Tension on the Intermediate ribbons is wrong. Adjust the tension following the directions in the
Repair Chapter.

5. Tracking tape is worn smooth. Replace the tracking tape following the directions in the Repair

Transfer Ribbons Do Not Work

1. Check for a broken or loose drive chain.

2. If the ribbons overlap one another or move from side to side, see Ribbons Do Not Track Straight

3. The Transfer Ribbons drive roll is powered by a chain from an Intermediate Ribbons idler roll.
Check the chain for breakage and tension.

4. Tension on the Transfer Ribbons is wrong. Adjust the tension following the directions in the
Repair Chapter.

5. The tracking tape on the Transfer Ribbons drive roll is worn smooth. Replace it following the
directions in the Repair Chapter.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

Stacker Ribbons Do Not Work

1. If the ribbons overlap one another or move from side to side, see Ribbons Do Not Track Straight

2. Check the drive belt for proper tension.

3. If the ribbons do not move at all, circuit breaker CB2 is tripped. Determine and correct the cause
before setting the breaker.

4. Check the wiring to MTR2.

5. If the motor turns, but the ribbons do not move:

• Tension on the Stacker Ribbons is wrong. Adjust the tension following the directions in the
Repair Chapter.

• Tracking tape on the drive roll has worn smooth. See the Repair Chapter for directions.

Exit Conveyor Ribbons Do Not Work

1. Make sure the exit conveyor power cord is plugged into the folder.

2. If the ribbons overlap one another or move from side to side, see Ribbons Do Not Track Straight

3. Check the electrical connections to motor MTR4.

4. Tension on the ribbons is wrong. Adjust the tension following the directions in the Repair

5. The tracking tape on the drive roll has worn smooth. Replace it following the directions in the
Repair Chapter.

6. Refer to the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin and perform the Stacker/Conveyor test in Section
III Testing. Check that LED 15 on the main control board lights during the test. If not check the
fuse for that LED. A blown fuse will disable the circuit.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

Return Conveyor Ribbons Do Not Work

1. Check for a broken or loose drive chain.

2. If the ribbons overlap one another or move from side to side, see Ribbons Do Not Track Straight

3. Check the electrical connection to motor MTR5.

4. Tension on the Return ribbons is wrong. Adjust the tension following the directions in the Re-
pair Chapter.

5. The tracking tape on the Return ribbons drive roll is worn smooth. Replace it following the
directions in the Repair Chapter.

Ribbons Do Not Track Straight

1. Ribbons are worn or the clipper lacing is broken. Replace a pair of ribbons or the entire set
following the directions in the Repair Chapter.

2. Tracking tape missing or worn. Replace the tape following the directions in the Repair Chap-

3. Ribbon tension is wrong. See the Repair Chapter for adjustment instructions.

Noisy Operation
1. Mechanical components are not correctly lubricated. Follow the directions in the Preventive
Maintenance Chapter to lubricate:

• Replace any bearing that does not operate smoothly and quietly after being lubricated.
• If chains are noisy after lubrication, adjust their tension and make sure that the sprockets are
tracking straight.
2. Follow the directions in the Repair Chapter and adjust the tension on all the chains.

3. Check for loose, worn, or misaligned sprockets and chains.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.4 Primary Folding

Feed Ribbons Do Not Work
See the Feed Ribbons Do Not Work Section under the Electrical and Mechanical heading above.

Primary Folding Does Not Work. Message is not Displayed

1. The CHI control panel is not turned on. Press a SIZE SELECT button for automatic fold control
or use the buttons on the bottom row for manual fold selection.

2. See Compressed Air Supply at the end of this chapter.

3. Flatwork is not fed properly. See the Operating Guidelines Chapter for flatwork processing

4. Test the primary fold system using the CHI panel TEST mode.

Material Jams or Fails to Pull in Properly at Feed Table

1. Front edge rolling up during feeding. Instruct operators in correct technique.

2. The guide bar on the front of the folder is too high. Adjust to correct height.

3. Primary fold runners need to be polished. Spray an old towel with furniture polish and run it
through the folder several times. Make sure the towel goes under the skis.

4. Material catches on an edge. Instruct operators in correct technique.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

Primary Folding Does Not Work. Message is Displayed

On start up, the CHI panel (MPC2) establishes communication with the Fold Controller Circuit Board
(MPC1). Normally, the LED’s labeled RX and TX on the control board will blink for about one second
as communication begins.


Communication is initiated at the CHI panel. If the Fold Controller receives no signal from the
CHI panel, the RX LED will never come on.

• The four-wire communications cable from the CHI panel to the Fold Controller has come
off. Make sure the connection at both ends is tight.
• The communications cable has a broken or loose wire. The connector may be reversed.
• If the Fold Control receives the signal (RX) but does not respond, the TX LED will never
come on.
• The Fold Controller Circuit board is bad and must be replaced.
2. Message reads “ITEM SPACING TOO CLOSE”
Watch the READY light on the front panel. It will be on when the Air Chicago XL is ready for the
next piece.


First crossfold photosensor PE3 did not send a signal within the expected amount of time.

• The piece is jammed in the primary folding area. Follow the recommended procedures in
Clearing a Jam Safely in the Operating Guidelines Chapter.
• The Feed Ribbons have stopped.
• Check PE3 following the steps in Sensor Function below.
One or both of the first crossfold overwidth photosensors, PE6A and PE6B, sent a signal.

• Wrong program was selected with the SIZE SELECT buttons.

• Poor feeding technique. See Operating Guidelines Chapter.
5. Message reads “ITEM TOO LONG TO FOLD” or
message reads “ITEM TOO SHORT TO FOLD”

The Air Chicago XL will only fold pieces with a length between 18" and 72" (460 mm - 1830

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.


Test the first half of the system by pressing the button marked > < and check LED 13 on MPC1.

• Test the other half of the system by pressing the button marked < > and check LED 14 on

• Check the Width Encoder PX17 under the control panel. It should be 0.02 to 0.04 inches
from the head of the set screw on the collar.

• Check Limit Switches LS11 and LS12 under the control panel.
• If the motor doesn’t move, there is an open circuit to motor MTR3, or the motor is bad.

Primary Folding is Erratic

1. The wrong program was selected with the SIZE SELECT buttons. Feeding technique is wrong.
See the Operating Guidelines Chapter.

2. One or more photosensors is dirty or needs adjustment. Check the Inlet sensor PE3.

3. The compressed air pressure is set incorrectly. See the specifications in the Appendix.

4. The primary fold section needs adjustment. Use the TEST mode of the CHI panel to find the area
that needs work. See the Repair Chapter for directions on making the adjustments. Check:

• Alignment of the primary air bars.

• Runners move into the correct position.

Inaccurate Fold
1. Do the checks under Compressed Air System at the end of this chapter.

2. The fold delay is wrong. See the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin to adjust.

3. Air blast is too short. See the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin to adjust.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.5 First Crossfold Section

Intermediate Ribbons Do Not Work
See the Intermediate Ribbons Do Not Work Section under the Electrical and Mechanical heading above.

Flatwork is Caught by Pinch Rolls Before First Crossfold Air Blast

1. Feeding is wrong. See the Operating Guidelines Chapter.

2. The alignment of the CROSS1 components needs to be adjusted. Follow the directions in the
Repair Chapter to:

• Check the First Crossfold clearance.

• Check the position of the back plate.
• Check the position of the rolls.

No First Crossfold
1. Message reads “1ST CROSSFOLD FAILED”

The material is not seen by the Second Crossfold sensor PE4.


Sensor PE3, in the center of the back plate, must be working correctly to trigger the 1st crossfold.
See Sensor Function at the end of this chapter.


Sensors PE6A and PE6B, on either side the back plate, must be working correctly to prove the 1st
crossfold. See Sensor Function at the end of this chapter.

4. See Compressed Air System at the end of this chapter.

5. Check LED 9 and LED 10 on MPC1. Check the connection to SOL4 and SOL10. Check if the air
bar is clogged.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

Flatwork Jammed in Pinch Rolls

1. Message reads “JAMMED @ CROSS1 / (NOT DETECTED @ CROSS2)”

Second crossfold photosensor PE4 did not send a signal within the expected amount of time.

• Use the JOG REVERSE button to back out a piece of flatwork jammed at the 1st crossfold
station. Never reach into the folder when the unit is active.

• If the jam does not clear using the JOG button, shut power OFF at the main disconnect
switch to be sure the folder is safe. Remove the jam by hand. Never reach into the folder
when the unit is active. Make sure everyone is clear before restarting the folder.

• The piece has fallen behind the folder.

• Check PE4 following the steps in Sensor Function below.
2. The primary folding is wrong.

3. The air blast needs adjustment. See the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin for directions.

4. The position of the pinch rolls needs adjustment. See the Repair Chapter for directions.

5. The friction material covering the pinch rolls is worn. See the Repair Chapter for directions to
replace the material.

6. If there is no air blast, and the piece falls on the floor:

• The trigger sensor for the 1st crossfold, PE3 may be bad. See Sensor Function at the end of
this chapter.

• There may a problem with the air system. See Compressed Air System at the end of this

Inaccurate Fold
1. Do the checks under Compressed Air System at the end of this chapter.

2. The fold delay is wrong. See the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin to adjust.

3. Air blast is too short. See the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin to adjust.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.6 Second Crossfold Section

Transfer Ribbons Do Not Work
See the Transfer Ribbons Do Not Work Section under the Electrical and Mechanical heading above.

No Second Crossfold
1. The CHI panel is in manual mode and only one crossfold is selected.

2. See Compressed Air System at the end of this chapter.


Stacker photosensor PE5 did not send a signal within the expected amount of time.

• Use the JOG REVERSE button to back out a piece of flatwork jammed at the 2nd crossfold
station. Never reach into the folder when the unit is active.

• If the jam does not clear using the JOG button, shut power OFF at the main disconnect
switch to be sure the folder is safe. Remove the jam by hand. Never reach into the folder
when the unit is active. Make sure everyone is clear of the unit before restarting the folder.

The trigger sensor for the 2nd crossfold, PE4, needs adjustment. See Sensor Function at the end
of this chapter.

5. Check, LED 11 on MPC1. Check the connection to SOL11. Check if the air bar is clogged.

6. If there is an air blast, but the piece falls on the floor, the air blast is too short. See the CHI Panel
Operation Bulletin to adjust.

Inaccurate Fold
1. Do the checks under Compressed Air System at the end of this chapter.

2. The fold delay is wrong. See the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin to adjust.

3. Air blast is too short. See the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin to adjust.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.7 Stacker Section

Stacker Ribbons Do Not Work.
See the Stacker Ribbons Do Not Work Section under the Electrical and Mechanical heading above.

Stacker Does Not Work


See Sensor Function at the end of this chapter. Look at the trigger sensor for the stacker, PE5.


Stacker sensor did not send a signal within the expected amount of time.

• Use the JOG REVERSE button to back out a piece of jammed flatwork. Never reach into
the folder when the unit is active.

• If the jam does not clear using the JOG button, shut power OFF at the main disconnect
switch to be sure the folder is safe. Remove the jam by hand. Never reach into the folder
when the unit is active. Make sure everyone is clear of the unit before restarting the folder.

• See Sensor Function below.

3. Message reads “STACKER DOOR FAILED”

The sensor is staying on after the cycle is complete. See the CHI Panel Bulletin for the Stacker/
Conveyor test.

4. See Compressed Air System at the end of this chapter.

5. Check LED 22, on MPC1. Check LED 12 on MPC1 and the SOL 12 connection.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.8 Exit Conveyor

1. See the Exit Ribbons Do Not Work Section under the Electrical and Mechanical heading above.

2. Check LED 15 on MPC1 and the connections for SOL15.

5-5.9 Return Conveyor

1. See the Return Ribbons Do Not Work Section under the Electrical and Mechanical heading

2. Check LED 16 on MPC1 and the connections to SOL16.

5-5.10 Parameter Messages


The CHI panel contains a static memory with your programming selections. If one of the neces-
sary components is missing or bad, this message will display. Call an authorized service outlet
for instructions.


The CHI panel recognizes that the chip has been replaced. The folder will use the programming
selections in the chip, which are probably the factory defaults. See the Programming Section in
the CHI Panel Operation Bulletin to make other selections.

5-5.11 Sensor Function

See Figure 5-1 for the sensor locations.

1. The sensor is dirty. Clean it with a soft cloth.

2. The sensor is out of alignment. Make sure the sensor is aimed straight up or down.

3. The sensor is “seeing” a ribbon. Adjust the sensor to “see” between ribbons, or correct the
ribbons so that they track straight and do not cover the sensor.

4. For each sensor, there is an LED on the control board MPC1. Use the schematic to find the LED
for the sensor in question. Cover the sensor. Overwidth sensors will turn on the LED when they
are covered, all other sensors will turn off the LED. If this LED function is wrong:

• There is an open circuit between the sensor and control board MPC1.
• The sensor is bad.

Air Chicago XL/XXL Troubleshooting

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.12 Compressed Air System

Many different systems are affected by the compressed air supply. Do these checks to make sure it is

1. Make sure the valve between the machine and the air supply is open.

2. The supply from the facility must be on. Compressed air must be provided that is clean and dry.
This is very important because the air will blow directly on the flatwork. The compressed air
supply must meet the pressure and air flow requirements noted in the Technical Specifications in
the Appendix of this manual.

3. The air filter/regulator needs to be serviced regularly. A dirty filter can reduce pressure and/or

4. Check the hose to the valve in question. It may be plugged.

5. Use the CHI panel’s TEST mode to check the operation of the air valves involved. If a valve
doesn’t work:

• There is an LED on the Fold Controller Circuit Board, MPC1, for each air valve. Use the
schematic to find the LED for the valve in question. If the LED does not come on when the
valve is supposed to open, check the fuse for that LED. If the fuse is good, MPC1 is bad and
must be replaced.

• There is an open circuit between the control board and the actuator.
• The actuator on the valve is bad.
• The air lines are plugged or the valve itself is bad.

Troubleshooting Air Chicago XL/XXL

Only trained personnel with experience Read the Repair chapter and make
in electrical or mechanical repair Troubleshooting sure that the power is disconnected
should troubleshoot and repair the unit. before doing any repairs.

5-5.13 Drive Train Function

Several drive trains are used on the folder. They share common features and can all be diagnosed using
the procedure below. Check the components for the particular drive train you are troubleshooting:

1. The motor protector has tripped. Reset it. If the motor protector continues to trip, check:

• It may be set wrong. See the schematic and the Technical Specifications sheet for correct

• There is a mechanical problem causing excessive motor loading. Check the gearbox and all
sprockets and rolls driven by the drive chain.
2. The drive chain and its system have a problem. Check:

• The chain is broken or loose. Replace a broken chain or adjust the tension following the
directions in the Repair Chapter.

• A sprocket has come loose from the shaft or has lost a tooth.
• A bearing is not properly lubricated. Follow the procedures in Preventive Maintenance to
lubricate components. Replace any component that does not work smoothly and quietly
after lubrication.

• Shaft is broken or bent. Replace the roll.

3. Input voltage is too high or low.

4. There is an open circuit between the contactor and the motor protector, or between the motor
protector and the motor. Check for an open connection in one wire on a three phase motor.

5. The motor protector is bad and must be replaced.

6. The motor is bad.

Skyline S1-S20 Installation
Folder 6500-025E App:GW

Speed Drive Output
Feet per Minute (m/min) 160 (49.1)

Total 2.0 (1.5)
Main Drive , HP (kW) 1 (0.75)
Discharge Drive , HP (kW) 1/2 (0.375)
Servo Drive , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)
Conveyor Drive 1 , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)
Conveyor Drive 2 , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)

Electrical Frequency : All Models 50 / 60 Hz

Total Amps 6.0 5.5 3.0 2.7 2.2
Three Phase Voltage 208 230 380 460 575

Total Amps 17.0 8.5

Single Phase Voltage 115 230

Compressed Air
Maximum Air use , CFM (l/min) 8½ (238)
Operating Pressure , PSI (kPa) 80-120 (550-820)
Inlet Size , inch ½
Drain Size , inch ¼
Factory recommended settings . Adjust as necessary . Use caution when testing.

Approximate Shipping Weight Towel Folder Conveyor

Domestic , lb (kg) 2500 (1134) 350 (160)
Export , lb (kg) 2800 (1270) 500 (225)

Specifications subject to change without notice.

Folder 6500-108B App:GW

Speed Drive Output
Feet per Minute (m/min) 160 (49.1)

Total 2.0 (1.5)
Main Drive , HP (kW) 1 (0.75)
Discharge Drive , HP (kW) 1/2 (0.375)
Servo Drive , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)
Conveyor Drive 1 , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)
Conveyor Drive 2 , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)

Electrical Frequency : All Models 50 / 60 Hz

Total Amps 6.0 4.2 3.0 2.1 1.7
Three Phase Voltage 208 230 380 460 575

Total Amps 12.0 8.5

Single Phase Voltage 115 230

Compressed Air
Maximum Air use , CFM (l/min) 8½ (238)
Operating Pressure , PSI (kPa) 80-120 (550-820)
Inlet Size , inch ½
Drain Size , inch ¼
Airbar Pressure , Left Side , PSI (kPa) 30 (210)
Airbar Pressure , Right Side , PSI (kPa) 30 (210)
Factory recommended settings . Adjust as necessary . Use caution when testing.

Approximate Shipping Weight Towel Folder Conveyor

Domestic , lb (kg) 2700 (1225) 350 (160)
Export , lb (kg) 3000 (1361) 500 (225)

Specifications subject to change without notice.

Folder 6500-418 App:GW

Speed Drive Output
Feet per Minute (m/min) 160 (49.1)

Total 2.0 (1.5)
Main Drive , HP (kW) 1 (0.75)
Discharge Drive , HP (kW) 1/2 (0.375)
Servo Drive , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)
Conveyor Drive 1 , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)
Conveyor Drive 2 , HP (kW) 1/6 (0.125)

Electrical Frequency : All Models 50 / 60 Hz

Total Amps 6.0 5.5 3.0 2.7 2.2
Three Phase Voltage 208 230 380 460 575

Total Amps 17.0 8.5

Single Phase Voltage 115 230

Compressed Air
Maximum Air use , CFM (l/min) 8½ (238)
Operating Pressure , PSI (kPa) 80-120 (550-820)
Inlet Size , inch ½
Drain Size , inch ¼
Factory recommended settings . Adjust as necessary . Use caution when testing.

Approximate Shipping Weight Towel Folder Conveyor

Domestic , lb (kg) 2820 (1280) 350 (160)
Export , lb (kg) 3130 (1420) 500 (225)

Specifications subject to change without notice.

Skyline S1-S20 Installation


These torque values are approximate and should not be accepted as accurate limits. Indeterminate
factors (surface finish, type of plating and lubrication) in specific applications preclude the publication
of accurate values for universal use.

DO NOT USE the below values for gasketed joints or joints of soft materials.
DO NOT USE your torque wrench for values greater than its maximum scale reading.


Socket Head Stainless
SIZE SAE 2 SAE 5 SAE 8 Cap Screws Brass Type 303
1/4-20 6 11 12 13 5 5
1/4-28 7 13 15 16 6 7
5/16-18 13 21 25 27 8 9
5/16-24 14 23 30 33 9 10
3/8-16 23 38 50 52 15 17
3/8-24 26 40 60 60 16 18
7/16-14 37 55 85 86 23 25
7/16-20 41 60 95 95 25 28
1/2-13 57 85 125 130 32 37
1/2-20 64 95 140 145 34 40
9/16-12 80 125 175 180 44 50
9/16-18 91 140 195 210 48 54
5/8-11 111 175 245 255 68 75
5/8-18 128 210 270 290 73 80


SIZE 4.6 4.8 5.8 8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9
M5 3 4 5 7 8 11 12
M6 5 6 8 12.5 14 17 20
M8 12 16 20 30 34 44 50
M 10 23 32 40 60 70 85 100
M 12 40 56 70 103 120 150 180
M 14 65 90 110 167 190 240 280
M 16 100 140 170 270 290 380 440
M 20 200 330 520 740 860
Skyline S1-S20 Installation

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