Tutorial 1-Queueing Tutorial

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Tutorial -Queueing Model

Q1. Customers arrive at a milk parlour being manned by a single Individual at rate of 25
per hour. The time required to serve a customer has exponential distribution with a
mean of 30 per hour. Discuss the various characteristics of the queuing system,
assuming that there is only one server.

Arrival rate (λ) = 25 per hour, Service rate (μ) = 30 per hour

Expected number of units in system (Ls) =

Expected queue length (Lq) =

Expected waiting time in the queue

Q2. In a service department manned by one server, on an average 8 customers arrive

every 5 minutes while the server can serve 10 customers in the same time assuming
Poisson distribution for arrival and exponential distribution for service rate. Determine:
a) Average number of customers in the system.
b) Average number of customers in the queue.
c) Average time a customer spends in the system.
d) Average time a customer waits before being served.

Sol 2.
Arrival rate (λ) = 8/5 =1.6 customers per minute.
Service rate (μ) = 10/5 = 2 customers per minute.
a) Average number of customer in the system.

b) Average number of customer in the queue.

c) Average time a customer spends in the system.

d) Average time a customer waits before being served

Q3. Consider a single-server queue with infinite buffer space

(a) Consider the situation • The inter-arrival time is a constant and is given by 1 sec •
The service time required by each customer is always 0.5 sec 2 What is the mean waiting
time per customer?
(b) Consider the situation • The inter-arrival time is exponentially distributed with mean
1 sec • The service time required by each customer is exponentially distributed with
mean 0.5 sec What is the mean waiting time per customer?

Sol 3.
(a) There is no queueing at all in this case. The mean waiting time W is 0 sec
(b) The mean arrival rate is λ = 1 customers per sec. The mean service rate is µ = 2
customers per sec.
we have T = 1 /(µ − λ )= 1 /(2 – 1) = 1 sec
Therefore, the mean waiting time W is given by W = T – (1/ µ )= 1 − 0.5 = 0.5 sec
Q.4 Arrivals at a telephone both are considered to be Poisson at an average time of 8 min
between our arrival and the next. The length of the phone call is distributed exponentially,
with a mean of 4 min
(a) Expected fraction of the day that the phone will be in use.
(b) Expected number of units in the queue Expected waiting time in the queue.
(c) Expected number of units in the system.
(e) Expected waiting time in the system
(f) Expected number of units in queue that from time to time.
(g) What is the probability that an arrival will have to wait in queue for service?
(h) What is the probability that exactly 3 units are in system
(i) What is the probability that an arrival will not have to wait in queue for service?
(j) What is the probability that there are 3 or more units in the system?
(k) What is the probability that an arrival will have to wait more than 6 min in queue for
(l) What is the probability that more than 5 units in system
(m) What is the probability that an arrival will have to wait more than 8 min in system?
(n) Telephone company will install a second booth when convinced that an arrival would
have to wait for attest 6 min in queue for phone. By how much the flow of arrival is
increased in order to justify a second booth.

Sol 4
Q.5 In a self service store with one cashier, 8 customers arrive on an average of every 5
mins. and the cashier can serve 10 in 5 mins. If both arrival and service time are
exponentially distributed, then determine
(a) Average number of customer waiting in the queue for average.
(b) Expected waiting time in the queue
(c) What is the probability of having more than 6 customers In the system
Sol 5
Q.6 Consider a box office ticket window being manned by a single server. Customer
arrives to purchase ticket according to Poisson input process with a mean rate of 30/hr.
the time required to serve a customer has an ED with a mean of 90 seconds determine:
(a) Mean queue length.
(b) Mean waiting time in the system.
(c) The probability of the customer waiting in the queue for more than 10min.
(d) The fraction of the time for which the server is busy.

Sol 6
Q.7 A T.V repairman repair the sets in the order in which they arrive and expects that the
time required to repair a set has an ED with mean 30mins. The sets arrive in a Poisson
fashion at an average rate of 10/8 hrs a day.
(a) What is the expected idle time / day for the repairman?
(b) How many TV sets will be there awaiting for the repair?
Sol 7
Q.8 In a bank there is only on window. A solitary employee performs all the service
required and the window remains continuously open from 7am to 1pm. It has discovered
that an average number of clients is 54 during the day and the average service time is
5mins / person. Find
(a) Average number of clients in the system
(b) Average waiting time
(c) The probability that a client has to spend more than 10mins in a system.
Sol 8
Q.9 A departmental Secretary receive an average of 8 job / hr. many are short jobs, while
other are quiet long. Assume however, that the time to perform a job has an ED mean of
6mins determine
(a) The average elapsed time from the time the secretary receives a job, until it is
(b) Average number of jobs in a system
(c) The probability that the time in the system is greater than ½hr.
(d) Probability of more than 5 jobs in the system.

Sol 9
Q.10 At a one-man barber shop customers arrive according to P.D with a mean arrival
rate of 5/hr. The hair cutting time is ED with a haircut taking 10 min on an average
assuming that the customers are always willing to wait find:
(a) Average number of customers in the shop
(b) Average waiting time of a customer
(c) The percent of time an arrival Can walk right without having to wait
(d) The probability of a customer waiting more than 5mins
Sol 10

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