Application of Satellite Data and AI

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Applications of Satellite

Data and AI
Satellite data combined with AI algorithms are revolutionizing various fields
such as agriculture, disaster management, and climate change monitoring.

Ayush Kishore(21410005)
Dheerendra Chandra(21113044)
Sudha Sri Bokka(21113040)
Enhancing Crop Yield Prediction

Smart Farming Irrigation Management Pest Detection

AI models analyze satellite data to Satellite imagery combined with

provide accurate predictions of By monitoring soil moisture levels AI can quickly identify pest
crop yields, allowing farmers to via satellite, AI systems can infestations, enabling farmers to
optimize their agricultural optimize irrigation schedules to take timely actions to protect their
practices. ensure plants receive water at the crops.
right time and in the right
Monitoring Climate Change
1 Sea Surface 2 Deforestation and 3 Assessing Carbon
Temperature Forest Fires Dioxide Levels

Satellite data is used to AI algorithms analyze Satellites equipped with

monitor changes in sea satellite imagery to detect sensors measure the
surface temperature, deforestation and forest concentration of
providing valuable insights fires, supporting atmospheric carbon
into ocean dynamics and conservation efforts and dioxide, contributing to the
climate patterns. proactive fire management. understanding of climate
change and its effects.
Mapping Affected Areas Post-Disaster

Disaster Response Population Infrastructure

Displacement Assessment
Satellite imagery combined
with AI mapping algorithms AI models can analyze Satellites can capture high-
can rapidly assess the extent satellite data to estimate the resolution images that AI
of damage after a disaster, number of displaced algorithms can process to
aiding in efficient relief individuals, helping assess structural damages to
efforts. authorities allocate resources buildings and critical
and provide assistance. infrastructure.
Early Warning Systems for Natural Disasters

1 Tropical Storm Prediction

By analyzing satellite data, AI algorithms

can accurately predict the formation and
Flood Monitoring 2 movement of tropical storms, enabling
Satellites equipped with radar sensors can early warnings and timely evacuations.
track rising water levels, providing real-
time data to AI systems that can generate
flood forecasts and trigger alarms.
3 Earthquake Detection

Using seismic products derived from

satellite data, AI can help identify
earthquake patterns and provide valuable
insights for early detection and response.
The future of satellite
navigation with Ai and
machine learning
• The primary benefit of AI-powered satellite
navigation systems is their ability to significantly
reduce the time it takes to accomplish tasks.
• By utilizing AI algorithms and machine learning,
these systems can quickly assess and process
data, allowing for more efficient navigation. AI
technology can also be used to update existing
satellite navigation systems, making them more
reliable and accurate than traditional systems.
The role of AI in
enhancing satellite based
search and rescue efforts
• AI can detect changes in color,
temperature, and other features
that may indicate the presence of
a person or vessel. This helps to
narrow down the search area and
increase the accuracy of the
• For example, AI can be used to
detect smoke plumes, rafts, and
other signs that can help
locate survivors.
The combination of satellite data and AI has immense potential to transform
various industries by providing actionable insights, improving decision-making,
and fostering sustainable development.

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