Oyem et al
Oyem et al
Oyem et al
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care
in the Central Hospital Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria: A Public Health Perspective
Received: April 2024
Accepted: August 2024
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) is a common bacterial infection that affects any part of
the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. During
Keywords: pregnancy, anatomical and hormonal changes create an environment favorable for the
Knowledge, Preventive proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract, increasing the susceptibility to UTIs
practices, Level of education, which can lead to serious complications for both the mother and the foetus. This study
aimed to assess the knowledge of prevention practices related to UTI among pregnant
Interventions women attending antenatal care. A structured survey was conducted with a diverse
Corresponding author: sample of pregnant women receiving antenatal services in central hospital, Agbor. The
[email protected] findings revealed a varied level of awareness and understanding among the
ORCID ID: 0002-5883-5030 participants regarding UTI prevention practices. While a significant portion (83.6%)
Phone No:+23407034717335 of the respondents demonstrated a good grasp of preventive measures, such as
adequate hydration and personal hygiene, there were areas where knowledge gaps
were evident. Notably, knowledge about the importance of regular urine tests during
antenatal care and the consequences of untreated UTI. The results underscore the need
for targeted public health interventions during antenatal care appointments to enhance
pregnant women’s knowledge of UTI prevention. Improved awareness in this regard
can potentially reduce the incidence of UTI during pregnancy and mitigate associated
risks. Healthcare providers must play a pivotal role in delivering comprehensive
information and guidance, ensuring the well-being of both expectant mothers and their
unborn children.
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
in the perineal skin. It includes the effect of water a day), regular and complete
of turbulence of the urinary stream [11]. bladder evacuation can prevent UTI
Urinary tract infections occur more often infection [15]. Sexual activity; is another
in women than men, at a ratio of 8:1. factor that predisposes pregnant women
Approximately 50-60% of women report to UTI (Staphylococcus aureus) for
at least one UTI in their lifetime, and example which is a member of skin flora
one in three will have at least one that might stay on the skin and get
symptomatic UTI necessitating transmitted during sexual intercourse)
antibiotic treatment by age 24 [9]. and enhances transmission of UTI
especially in females [9], Again, the
In a study conducted in Tanzania [12]. It practice of lubricating the vagina with
was observed that there was a high saliva, which may serve as an alternative
prevalence (63.47%) of urinary tract for low income earners to the use of
infections among participants at the vagina lubricants may predispose to
central hospital. The study found that UTI.
most of the participants (68.11%) have
little knowledge and awareness about The knowledge of UTIs is very crucial
urinary tract infections. According to in preventing its occurrence and
this study, the knowledge about urinary recurrence [5]. The introduction of
tract infection is still a problem despite knowledge-based public health
several studies that come with this factor Initiatives to antenatal care will go a
and recommendations. Even among long way in reducing the incidences of
universities in Nigeria, awareness of UTI UTI in Pregnant women. This issue
is low [13]. cannot be over- emphasized because of
the tremendous effect UTI has on the
UTI exists among pregnant women health of individuals, claiming lives
attending antenatal clinics with a under severe circumstances. However,
prevalence rate of 31.0% and knowledge proper treatment results in quick
and attitude regarding UTI and its recovery from the contagion. As earlier
prevention is low among pregnant stated, women are at a high risk of this
women [14]. The international incidence infection due to the short nature of their
of UTI is difficult to accurately assess urethra and because of this treatment
especially in developing countries. should be commenced as soon as it is
However, there is paucity of research on diagnosed so that the prognosis will be
pregnant women’s knowledge of positive.
prevention practice of urinary tract
infection in Nigeria and Delta State This paper assesses the knowledge of the
particularly. prevention practices of urinary tract
infection (UTI) among pregnant women
In addition, studies suggest that simple attending antenatal in the central
change in life style, such as good hospital, Agbor putting into cognizance
hygiene, adequate hydration (6-8 glasses
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
their age and level of education as it education and UTI prevention practices,
affects the awareness and prevention of while the fourth section of the
this public health menace. questionnaire sought to establish the
relationship between preventive
2.0 Materials and Methods practices and urinary tract infection.
2.1 Study Area and Population The test re-test method was used to
A descriptive design was adopted as establish the reliability of the instrument.
considered fit for the study since it The instrument was tested using the chi-
involves gathering information from square statistical method at 0.05 level of
members of the population. Oral significance. The questionnaire was
permission was obtained from the Chief administered personally (face-to-face) to
Medical Director (CMD) of the Central the respondents. Some vital information
hospital, Agbor. Oral consent was also was passed to the respondents about the
gotten from the population of the study whole exercise. The questionnaire was
consisting of a hundred (100) women collected after completion. The personal
attending antenatal in Central Hospital, data collected from the study was
Agbor, Delta State between July and analyzed using simple percentages, the
September, 2023. A random sampling research hypotheses were analyzed using
technique was used to select the entire the chi-square statistical method at 0.05
population as a sample of the study. level of significance. The null hypothesis
(Ho) was rejected when the chi-square
2.2 Data Collection Instrument and calculated is greater than the chi-square
Statistical Analysis tabulated (critical region), otherwise it is
The instrument used for data collection
for this research work was a structured 2.3 Research Hypotheses
questionnaire. The questionnaire
contained thirty-one (31) items drawn Ho1: There is no significant relationship
from the research hypotheses. The between age and knowledge of urinary
questionnaire is a close-end one with tract infection.
four sections. Sections A, B, C and D. Ho2: There is no significant relationship
The first section gathered personal between level of education and
information on the pregnant women knowledge of urinary tract infection.
attending antenatal. The second section
of the questionnaire was for the Ho3: There is no significant relationship
collection of information relating to age between the respondent’s preventive
and knowledge assessment of UTI. The practices and urinary tract infection.
third section was based on random
questions aimed at finding out the 3.0 Results
relationship between the level of 3.1 Data Presentation and Analysis
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
18-25 24 24
26-35 59 59
36 and above 17 17
1 21 21
2 32 32
3 28 28
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
4 and above 19 19
FSLC 18 18
O'Level 53 53
Graduate 26 26
Post Graduate 03 03
Table 4a: Relationship between age and knowledge of urinary tract infection.
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
*figures in the bracket are the expected frequencies derived from the observed frequencies while the results outside the bracket are the observed
For hypothesis 2 to be tested (Table 5a), In order to test the hypothesis (Table 6a),
items 7,8,9,10,11 and 12 of the items 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the
questionnaire were proffered because of questionnaire were into consideration
their relevance to the hypothesis. because of their relevance to the
From Table 5b, the Chi-square
calculated is 319.4 while the Chi-square From Table 6b, we observed that the
tabulated (critical value) is 24.9 at 0.05 Chi-square calculated is 474.3 while the
level of significance. The calculated Chi-square tabulated (critical value) is
value was found greater than the critical 24.9 at 0.05 level of significance. Since
value, therefore the null hypothesis the calculated value is greater than the
(Ho2) was rejected and it was concluded critical value, we reject the null
that there is a significant relationship hypothesis (Ho3) and conclude that there
between the level of education and is a significant relationship between the
knowledge of urinary tract infection. respondent’s preventive practices and
urinary tract infection.
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
Total 367
Table 5a: Relationship between level of education and knowledge of urinary tract
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
Table 6a: Relationship between the respondent’s preventive practices and urinary tract
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
significant portion (83.6%) of the [17]. However, there were areas where
respondents demonstrated a good grasp knowledge gaps were evident. Notably,
of preventive measures, such as adequate knowledge about the importance of
hydration and personal hygiene. This regular urine tests during antenatal care
corroborates with studies done in and the consequences of untreated UTI.
Philippines, which highlighted that good These observations we made were
hygiene practices were present in consistent with a similar study
women despite unsatisfactory conducted in Behbahan, Iran, which
knowledge levels of pregnant women showed women possessing moderate
[16]. In another study carried out in levels of knowledge with good attitude
Zambia, good hygiene and appropriate and health behaviours towards the
health related practices of pregnant prevention of UTI [18].
women, such as clothing manner, ways
of urination and washing techniques
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419
Oyem et al. (2024) FJPAS Vol 9(2) ISSN: 2616-1419