Seminar 3

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Lesson plan 3

Date: Course : I Course : АЗ1а, ҮМ1а,ОЁ1а,Тогооч1а Hour : 80 min

 Topic: Survivor tale
Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will get knowledge about reported speech.
 Skills: S3: Give an opinion at sentence level when talking about when something
would be of no use to you in an emergency/ survival situation
 S4: Respond sentence and discourse level using the words about natural disaster
 Use simple forms of reported speech to report statement and commands.
 Book: English IX p102-104

Teacher’s support Student activities Recourses

Check your selves: Match the word


When the students watch the

with picture. T prepares pictures of
pictures and answer the
T shows the pictures of some nature some natural disaster.
disaster .
Reported speech:
T provides the main point of the  Ss will learn and write
grammar. down the grammar –
1. Reported speech is when we tell reported speech .
someone what another person said.  They will learn and make
the sentences using
reported speech.
 Ss will note the main
point and repeat the
lesson .
 T prepares the
worksheet for the
grammar – reported

 T prepares more
examples about the
main grammar

Practice: Let’s do it.

 Practice 1: Change the sentences
into reported speech.
T provides the sentences and
student will change it.  Ss will read the sentences
Practice 2: Write the backshift in and write the reported - T prepares the
the reported speech. speech. When they do this sentences for each
T provides work sheet for each practice, they will learn the student.
student. structure of reported - T prepares the
Practice 3

speech. structure of reported

T provides the picture with
 Ss will change the verb speech for each
tense into reported speech. student.
 Ss will look at the picture - T prepares the
and read the sentences and picture for each
change them into the student.
reported speech.
Evaluation  T evaluates the students’
ability of understanding the
T prepares questions
grammar , speaking, and
and quiz.
 Individual, peer and group
Homework:  Ss do the exercise English –IX. Exercise
 Rewrite the sentences to  Then Ss explain and talk 12. Page 105

make the reported speech. about it.

 Read the text and complete
the missing words.

Хянасан. ЕЭТэнхимийн арга зүйч: ......................................../ Ц.Ундармаа /

Боловсруулсан багш: ............................................................ / Ш.Оюунбилэг /

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