Cl.8 U.5L.2 Presents and Wishes Color
Cl.8 U.5L.2 Presents and Wishes Color
Cl.8 U.5L.2 Presents and Wishes Color
Grade: VIIIth
Specific Competence: Communicative and Pragmatic Competences (Production of oral messages and written messages.)
Sub Competences:
1.1 Identifying some everyday verbal norms in familiar situations referring to life in a message.
2.1 Participating in simple oral communication on familiar topics.
3.3 Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
3.1 Selecting from the text the information necessary to solve the tasks.
Methods and techniques: Mind Map, Silent reading, Group work, Discussion, Matching.
Materials: Surprise Box, Computer, Projector, Chalk, Blackboard, Worksheets, Hand-outs, Visual aids, Pupil’s Book -
English for Life- 8th form, G. Burdeniuc, E. Onofreiciuc…, Student’s Book -English for Life - 8th. form.
N Methods,
forms of
EVOCATION The T Greets the pupils Ss greet the T T – Ss -speaking -to create a Whole class 1 min
Warm up and the guests, with a short -listening relaxed work
Organizes the class for poem & answer Ss - T atmosphere for
the lesson.
the T’s the lesson
Checking the Teacher checks the Pupils present T – Ss -speaking Textbooks, -to check the Individual 6 min
Homework homework from pupils their homework Ss - T -reading Copybooks, homework work
`workbooks and checks and then enter - vocabulary ICT, Kahoot -to review the Online test
the vocabulary of the
on Kahoot apps. studied
previous lesson, using
the web tool Kahoot. platform and vocabulary.
verify the
vocabulary they
have learnt
using this web
Motivation for Teacher asks Ss what Ss complete the T – Ss -speaking Mind Map -to complete a Communicat 2 min
the new lesson topic did they study at mind map and - writing ICT mind map; ive Method
the last lesson. T asks stick the papers Ss – T Individual
pupils to complete a
Activity 1 on the work
MIND MAP with words
related to holidays. ( blackboartd.
joy, happiness,
presents, wishes…) The ss put
The teacher announces down the topic
of the lesson.
the topic of the lesson
and its objectives.
REALIZATION T. introduces the new Ss note the new T – Ss -writing Textbooks -writing and Repetition 4 min
OF MEANING words that will be used words and Ss – T -pronouncing Vocabularies pronouncing Whole class
Practice throughout the lesson. pronounce the new words work
chorally and chorally and
The new vocabulary is
individually. individually;
Activity 2 also written on slides in - making short
ppt presentation, the sentences with
teacher reads the the new words;
words and the pp Ss make orally
repeat them. short sentences
Orally, the pupils are with the new
asked to make up words.
sentences using one of
the new words in order
to make them better
understand and
memorize new
Practice T. asks Ss some Ss answer the T-Ss -speaking Textbooks -speaking Brainstormi 1 min
questions on the topic questions and Ss-T about offering ng
Activity 3 about receiving and speak about the and receiving
presents they gifts;
making presents.
got or offered.
(ex. 1, 2 page nr. 70)
T asks Ss to pick an Ss pick objects 3 min
object from the sack from the sack Ss-T -speaking Realia -speaking
and to explain who will and express about presents
this present fit for and their opinion and occasions;
on what occasion. about whom
they can offer
this object as a
present and on
which occasion.
Teacher proposes Ss a Ss listen and T-Ss -listening Laptop -listening and Listening 5 min
Practice listening activity where complete the Ss-Ss -writing - Worksheets writing the Writing
they have to complete sentences with reading right words; Reading
the sentences with the the missing -reading the
Activity 4 Individual
missing word. word. sentences;
https://dorinavacari.blogs work Ss read and
check their
Pre-reading Teacher asks the Ss to Ss read the title T-Ss -speaking Textbook -commenting Communicat 1 min
predict what the text of text and try Ss-T on the title of ive Method
Practice (page 71, p/b) will be to predict what the text; Whole class
the text will be -predicting the
about by reading and work
about. text content;
Activity 3 commenting on its title.
While-Reading The teacher asks pupils Ss read the text T-Ss -reading Textbooks -reading the Reading 7 min
to read the text, in groups, select Ss-Ss -writing Copybooks text; Writing
Practice dividing them in three and write in Ss-T -speaking -selecting and Group work
groups, and to select their copybooks writing the
from each paragraph the sentences main ideas of
Activity 4 the main idea to follow that constitute the paragraphs;
while choosing a gift. the main idea of
Group 1: parts 1 to 3; the paragraph.
Group 2: parts 4 to 6; Then they
Group 3: parts 7 to 9. present them to
the class.
Post-reading Teacher asks pupils to Ss in groups T-Ss -reading Textbook -reading and Reading 5 min
read once again in read the text Ss-Ss -writing Copybook writing the Writing
Practice silence the text and to and fulfill the right words; Group work
find and transcribe tasks.
from the text:
Activity 5 Group 1- the synonyms Ss present the
to the given words: result of their
Group 2 – the work
antonyms to the given
Group 3 – match the
words with their
REFLECTION Teacher asks pupils if Ss watch the T-Ss -listening Cartoon -watching the Watching 5 min
they had ever got cartoons and Ss-Ss -speaking Laptop cartoon and Listening
Practice presents that change answer the speaking; Discussions
their way of thinking, questions based
Whole class
acting… The T. on it.
Activity 6 proposes the pupils to work
watch a short cartoon
“The Present”.
Was the ending
How does the film
make you feel?
Has your opinion of the
boy’s character
Does the film have a
Evaluation T evaluates the Ss, gives Ss listen to the T - Ss Register, -to evaluate the 1 min
Kahoot sheets marks & comments teacher. Record students
them. books
Assigning T gives the Ss the Ss write down T - Ss -writing Record -to write down 1 min
Homework homework: their books the homework
-study the new words homework.
-Ex.1,6,7 (Writing) p.57
* writing a mini essay