Experimental Investigation in Paver Block by Replacing Normal Sand With Manufacturing Sand & It'S Strength Comparison

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Dr. Balbir Singh Ruprai(1), Jayesh R. Atkare(2), Aishwarya R. Bhalme(3), Aditya N. Gulhane(4), Harshal R. Malkhede(5), Roshan G.
K.D.K. College Engineering,
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering(1), UG Students, B. Tech. Department of Civil Engineering(2),(3),(4),(5),(6)

Abstract Objectives 2. Compressive strength of M30 Grade of Conclusion

The research focuses on Paver blocks, also 1. Investigate the effect of replacing natural The study explores the use of manufacturing
Concrete with % M-sand for 14 days
known as concrete, used in landscaping and sand with manufacturing sand on the sand in paver block production, revealing
construction for pathways, driveways, and patios. properties of paver blocks. N/mm2 variations in strength compared to traditional
M30 grade concrete is used, prompting the use of 2. Analyze the compressive strength of paver sand. The results highlight the importance of
alternative materials like M-sand and fly ash. considering factors like durability, economic
blocks produced using manufacturing sand
The main ingredients are cement, sand, feasibility, environmental impact, and
compared to those made with natural sand.
aggregates, and water. The concrete is mixed in a practicality in construction projects. While the
mixer, poured into moulds, and compacted using 3. Evaluate the durability and performance
findings suggest promising avenues for
vibrators. After curing, the blocks are inspected characteristics of paver blocks when exploration, limitations need to be
for dimensions, surface finish, and strength to manufactured with different types of sand. acknowledged. Further research is needed to
meet industry standards. Tests are conducted on 4. Determine the cost-effectiveness of evaluate the suitability of manufacturing sand
cubes to assess their quality and durability. The manufacturing sand as a replacement for for paver block production, guiding future
compressive strength, flexural, and tensile natural sand in paver block manufacturing. studies and potentially influencing industry
strength of concrete made of manufacturing sand 5. Explore the feasibility of scaling up 3. Compressive strength of M30 Grade of standards.
were found to be superior to other materials. production using manufacturing sand for
commercial applications in the construction Concrete with % M-sand for 28 days References
Key Words: manufacturing sand, paver blocks, industry. N/mm2 International Journal for Research in Applied
fly ash, compression test, tensile test, flexural 6. Investigate the feasibility of incorporating Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
test, water absorption test ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact
additives or reinforcements to optimise the
Factor: 7.538 Volume 11 Issue VI Jun 2023
strength and performance of paver blocks
Introduction Ambrish N Pandey, Abhishek Yadav et al.
Manufacturing paver blocks is a crucial process made with manufacturing sand.
“Waste Plastic Used In Paving Block: A
for creating durable and aesthetically pleasing Research” IJSRR, Volume 07, Issue 03, March
pavement materials used in landscaping, road Result & Discussion 2019.
construction, and outdoor flooring projects. The 1. Compressive strength of M30 Grade of K.Gowtham, P. Jeba Nalwin et al. “Reuse of
process involves selecting raw materials, mixing Plastic Waste in Paver Blocks” IJERT, Vol. 6
them in a concrete mixer, the mixture, and Concrete with % M-sand for 7 days N/mm2 Issue 02, February-2017.
ensuring proper compaction. The blocks are then
cured to achieve full strength, and quality checks 4. Flexural strength of m- sand-based paver
are performed to ensure they meet required
specifications. The continuous use of paver block after 28 days Name of Projectee Signature Guide
blocks poses problems with availability, cost, Jayesh Atkare
and environmental impact. This paper reports Aishwarya Bhalme
tests on M30 grade concrete, focusing on its
properties and potential impact on structural Aditya Gulhane Dr. Balbir Singh
integrity and performance. The findings can Harshal Malkhede (Professor, Civil
guide the selection of manufacturing paver Engineering Department)

blocks for various applications. Roshan Umredkar

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