SPM Bahasa Inggeris Copy of SPM Bi Kertas 2 Set3

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SULIT 1119/2

LTS 2006 SET 3

1119/2 No Kad Pengenalan: ……………..Angka Giliran: ……………
Kertas 2



Kertas 2

Dua jam lima belas minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi empat
bahagian .
2. Jawab semua bahagian.
3. Anda dinasihati supaya mengambil masa
25 minit untuk menjawab Bahagian A, 25 Section Marks
minit untuk menjawab Bahagian B, 50
minit untuk Bahagian C dan 35 minit untuk A 15
Bahagian D.
4. Soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan dalam
kertas ini mungkin mempunyai tiga atau B 10
empat pilihan jawapan.

Instructions: C 25
1. This question paper consists of four
sections. D 25
2. Answer all sections.
3. You are advised to spend about 25
minutes on Section A, 25 minutes on Total 75
Section B, 50 minutes on Section C and
35 minutes on Section D.
4. Questions in this paper might have three
or four options.

Kertas ini mengandungi 19 halaman bercetak.

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Section A

[15 marks]

Question 1 – 8

For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to find
the best answer. Then circle A, B, C or D on the answer sheet provided.

1 Read the extract below and answer the question that follows.

People in their 60s, particularly men, often consider themselves to be at their

intellectual or creative peak. They may be some slowing in their speed of
recollecting information but older brains can compensate by using stored

Adapted from The Star, January 2006

From the extract we know that, men at 60s are

A lazy

B at their best

C in high spirit

D self-centered

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2 Read the information below and answer the question that follows.

Max Loh a college student is an

enthusiast with an unusual liking for
characters in afros. He was first
introduced in Manga in the form of
Doraemon and Kimba the white lion.
He is currently head over heels with
the Kingdom Hearts series.

Adapted from The Star January 2006.

The phrase head over heels, tells us that Mak Loh is … the Kingdom Heart series.

A fond of

B crazy over

C proud about

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3 Study the pie chart below and answer the question that follows.

Reasons For Dropouts Among Form 5 Students

parental peer
objection pressure

part- time

Which one of the factors contributes to the largest percentage among of dropouts in
form 5?

A part-time jobs

B peer pressure

C parental objection

D financial problems

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4 Read the advertisement below and answer the question that follows.


Sales assistant wanted urgently !

If you are interested,

apply in writing to:
 19 years and above
 able to speak Bahasa Melayu
Living Forever
P.O Box 3122
and English.
 polite and hardworking
32600 Ipoh
 ability to speak Chinese will be Closing Date:
an advantage
 willing to work shifts and
15 April 2006
 must be Malaysian

From the advertisement we know that, only those

A with good qualification should apply.

B who can speak Chinese should apply.

C willing to work on weekdays should apply.

D willing to work on Saturdays and Sundays should apply.

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Questions 5-6

Read the cartoon strip and answer the questions that follow.

Adapted from The Star, January 2006

5 From the conversation it is understood that both of them are very

A angry.

B weary.

C hungry.

6 The conversation probably taken place in a

A home.

B library.

C restaurant.

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7 Read the conversation below and answer the question that follows.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruben were discussing their son’s university plans.

“I would rather that Mike went to the local university,” said Mrs. Ruben.

“I think he might be out of his depth if he goes away from home. He is so shy.”

“Nonsense!” replied Mr. Ruben.

Mrs. Ruben thinks that Mike might be out of his depth if he leaves home.
This means that Mike

A is a timid person.

B is close to his parents.

C will not be able to cope.

8 Read the note below and answer the question that follows


Remember to pick the clothes up before it rains

cats and dogs. Warm up the food and make sure Ivan take

his dinner before going to bed. Dad and I will be late.


From the note, Rufena has to pick up the clothes

A after dinner.

B after warming the food.

C before the heavy down pour.

D before cats and dogs dirty them.

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Questions 9 – 15

Read the following passage and choose the best answer. Then, circle A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet

Water mining could be Perak’s newest source of revenue if the Federal Government
approves a proposal to tap underground water under the inter-state project involving water
transfer to Selangor.

A joint venture company is interested though it would call _9_ an investment of

billions of ringgit.

The water is to be supplied to the Klang Valley and could _10_ between RM30 million
and RM40 million _11_ annual revenue for Perak.

Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali said a site in the Batang Padang district
had _12_ identified due to its proximity to Selangor and the quality of underground water.

"The company has done a preliminary study of the underground water and it has been
found to be of good quality, untainted and with _13_ high calcium and mineral content," he
said. "It will therefore cost less to treat the water _14_ it is supplied to the people."

Tajol said the State Government would also look into water mining in Perak. "We
want to ensure this will not cause an imbalance in the State’s water resources, which could
_15_ the people to dangers like sinkholes, cave-ins and contaminated water.”

Adapted from New Straits Times, February 2006.

9 A on 13 A a
B by B an
C off C the
D for

10 A generate 14 A after
B generates B since
C generated C before
D generation D during

11 A in 15 A expose
B on B exhaust
C out C exposed
D into

12 A be
B been
C become
D became

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Section B

[10 mark]
Questions 16 – 25
Read the information given below and then answer the questions that follow

Sony Cyber-shot DS-40 iPod Nano

With a focus on performance, Sony's Take everything you love about
Stamina series of Cyber-shot digital iPod and shrink it. Available at
cameras set a new standard for 1GB (240 songs), 2GB (500
speed, battery life and picture quality songs) and 4GB (1,000 songs)
in compact cameras. Perfect for the models. The pencil-thin iPod
first-time digital camera buyer. Nano will take your music places
you never dreamt of.

Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 video game and
entertainment system places
you at the centre of the
experience. Xbox 360 ignites a
new era of digital entertainment
that is always connected,
always personalized and
always in high definition.

Panasonic TH-42PX50U
A plasma TV with vibrant colours, The DVD-LS50
displays an incredible 8.58 billion It features a 7-inch (diagonal
colours for a superior picture. Deep screen measurement) LCD
blacks provide excellent shadow detail 16: 9 screen, built-in stereo-
during dark scenes, while brilliant speakers.
whites allow Panasonic plasmas to It has dual headphone jacks.
render bright scenes with vivid realism.

Apple PDA 103

High-resolution colour LCD and RIM's SureType keyboard
effectively converges it into a telephone keypad and
keyboard to fit the size of a traditional mobile phone. A
speakerphone for impromptu conference calls.

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Questions 16 – 20
For each of the description below, name the item that is most suitable for the following

No Description Product
16 Ranjit’s hobby is playing video games.

17 Puteri Husna wants to watch movies on a bigger screen at


18 Eva is in Singapore. She wants to treasure the beautiful

moments there.

19 A gadget that would keep Sarah in touch with friends and


20 Jue Shueng loves music. He wishes for a product that would

store all his favourite songs.

[5 marks]
Questions 21 – 25

Based on the information given, give short answers to the following questions.

21 Dina wants to buy her 12 year old son a birthday present. She knows that her son
likes to play video games. She should buy


22 The diagonal screen measurement of the DVD-LS50 is


23 Sony Cyber-shot DS-40 is handy for


24 Knowing that her best friend loves to listen to music, Intan bought an iPod Nano as a
present. How many songs can be recorded in a 2GB model?


25 Daddy loves watching TV. Sheena intends to buy him a superb set. Which gift will suit
daddy best?


[5 marks]

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Section C

[25 marks]

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

1 Awakened by the joyful songs of a multitude of birds, Ali and Zamri

joined the others for an early breakfast. They ate in a shaded corner of
the idyllic courtyard, most of which was now bathed in the early morning
sun. Ali thought it looked even more beautiful.

2 After breakfast, they had to leave their temporary haven of peace and 5
quiet. A short and uneventful ride through the still quiet narrow streets
brought them to a small jetty where their boat was waiting. Everyone felt
sad having to leave so soon.

3 The boat was an old ‘perahu’, its flaking red paint badly in need of a new
coat. Quite high and narrow at the prow, it swept down to a low and fairly 10
wide stern which looked to be barely out of the water. It was heavily
laden with sacks of rice.

4 “Is it safe?” asked Ani doubtfully.

5 Uncle Daud laughed. “Of course it is, but just be sure to keep your hands
out of the water – crocodiles, you know.” 15

6 Ani’s doubt changed to a look of panic. “Crocodiles! No one told me

there would be crocodiles!”

7 Both Uncle Daud and Father laughed together that time. Father
answered, “Don’t worry, there’ll be no crocodiles to trouble us today! I
promise!” 20

8 Ani still did not look convinced but said no more.

9 They were only passengers and a little makeshift sun-cover had been
rigged in the mid-section of the boat where they were to sit. It looked like
a small tent without sides, its bright blue and white stripes a sharp
contrast to the rest of the boat. It looked quite cheerful. 25

10 Uncle Daud began talking to the empty boat and it was a few moments
before Ali realised that Uncle Daud had not gone crazy but he was
talking to a little wizened old man who was sitting between two sacks of
rice in the rear of the boat. Ali thought he looked very old indeed. He had
a little short grey hair near his temples and stubby grey whiskers on his 30
chin. His eyes seemed to be almost closed as if he was sleeping and he
answered their uncle with only a slight nod or shake of his head. Uncle
Daud appeared very satisfied with this one-sided conversation.

11 “This is Haji Tuah. He is the best boatman on this part of the river. He’ll
take you as far as the government lodge today. It’ll take you about seven 35
hours. He knows the caretaker, so you can stay there tonight and
tomorrow go on to your Father’s old village.”

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12 They quickly said their fond goodbyes. They got into the boat, its noisy
engine already moving them slowly out into the current. They all waved
until the round figure of Uncle Daud disappeared as the boat rounded a 40
bend in the river. Ali felt sad to be leaving their new-found uncle but
thoughts of the day ahead soon occupied his mind.

13 The mighty Rejang was wide and deep. Its waters, laden with silt were a
reddish-brown colour. It did not seem to be flowing quickly here and the
old noisy Mercury engine was clearly not having an easy task. The 45
mangroves made an impassable barrier which lined the river banks as
far as the eye could see. He wondered how far inland the swamps went.

14 Zamri tapped him on the shoulder. “Ali, look at this.” He was pointing at
the far bank on their left. A few poorly built timber houses were perched
precariously on stilts over the river. A couple of tiny boats were moored 50
underneath. Fishing nets were drying in the sun and a small group of
young children were calling to them and waving happily from a mud bank
near the houses.

15 Ali waved back. 55

Adapted: Lost in the Jungle by Chris Smeaton
The Macmillan Press Ltd. 1996

Questions 26 – 30
Answer all the questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.

26 (a) From paragraph 1, what woke Ali and Zamri?

…………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 2, which word means ‘dull’?

………………………………………………………..………………………………. [1 mark]

27 From paragraph 7, why did both Uncle Daud and Ani’s father laugh at her?


………………………………….………………………………………..…………….. [2 marks]

28 From paragraph 9, what made the old boat look cheerful?

…………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark]

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29 From paragraph 10,

(a) why did Ali think that Uncle Daud was ‘crazy’ at first?

……………………………………………………………...……………………………. [1 mark]

(b) the word ‘wizened’ probably means

…………………………………………………………………...……………………….. [1 mark]

30 (a) From paragraph 13, why was the old Mercury engine ‘clearly not having an easy


………………………………………………….……………………………………. [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 14,

(i) what was the possible occupation of the people living in the timber houses?

………………………………………….……………………………………………. [1 mark]

(ii) Give one evidence to support your answer.

…………………………………………..………………………………………….. [1 mark]

31 This article describes the beginning of the children’s journey by boat.

Write a summary of
 what the boatman looked like
 what Ali saw from the boat

Credit will be given for the use of own words but care must be taken not to change the
original meaning.

Your summary must

 be in continuous writing
 use material from lines 26 - 53
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Haji Tuah was the best boatman on this side of ….

[15 marks]

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[15 marks]

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Section D

[25 marks]

32 Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

Monsoon History

The air is wet, soaks Reading Tennyson, at six

Into mattresses, and curls p.m. in pajamas,
In apparitions of smoke. Listening to down-pouring
Like fat white slugs furled rain: the air ticks
Among the timber, with gnats, black spiders fly,
Or silver fish tunneling Moths sweep out of our rooms
The damp linen covers Where termites built
Of schoolbooks, or walking Their hills of eggs and queens zoom
Quietly like centipedes, In heat. We wash our feet
The air walking everywhere For bed, watch mother uncoil
On its hundred feet Her snake hair, unbuckle
Is filled with the glare The silver mesh around her waist,
Of tropical water. Waiting for father pacing
The sand as fishers pull
Again we are taken over From the Straits after monsoon.
By clouds and rolling darkness.
Small snails appear The air is still, silent
Clashing their timid horns Like sleepers rocked in the pantun,
Among the morning glory Sheltered by Malacca.
Vines. This was forty years ago,
When nyonya married baba.
Drinking milo,
Nyonya and baba sit at home. Shirley Geok-lin Lim
This was forty years ago.
Sarong-wrapped they counted
Silver paper for the dead.
Portraits of grandfathers
Hung in the parlour.

a. Give one animal imagery that is used in the poem to show the sluggish

[1 mark]

b. Give one evidence in the poem that shows that it was a rainy season.

[1 mark]

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c. How do you know that the family is proud of their baba and nyonya heritage?
Give an example from the text.

[1 mark]

d. Explain in your own words, why did the poet use the word ‘History’ in the title of the


[2 marks]

33 Read the extract from the short story ‘The Drover’s Wife’ below and answer the following

It is near sunset, and the thunderstorm is coming. The children must be brought
inside. She will not take them into the house, for she knows the snake is there and may, at
any moment, come up through the cracks in the rough, slap floor; so she carries several
armfuls of firewood into the kitchen, and then takes the children there. The kitchen has no
floor, or, rather, an earthen one – called a “ground floor” in the centre of the place. She
brings the children in and makes them get on this table. They are two boys and two girls –
mere babies. She gives them some supper and then, before it gets dark, she goes into the
house and snatches up some pillows and bedclothes – expecting to see or lay her hand on
the snake at any minute. She makes a bed on the kitchen table for the children, and sits
down beside it to watch all night.
She has an eye on the corner and a green sapling club laid in readiness on the
dresser by her side; also her sewing basket and a copy of The Young Ladies’ Journal. She
has brought the dog into the room.
Tommy turns in under protest, but says he’ll lie awake all night and smash that
snake; under the bed-clothes.

a. Why did the drover’s wife put the children on the table?

[1 mark]

b. What can you tell about the character of the drover’s wife from the first paragraph in
the above extract?

[1 mark]

c. What is the use of the green sapling club?

[1 mark]

d. What is the name of the dog? Why did she bring it into the house?

[2 mark]

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34 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Jungle of Hope - Keris Mas

The Pearl - John Steinbeck

The Return - K.S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Readers have personal opinions to the ending of a piece of writing.

How would you end the story if you were given the opportunity to rewrite the ending of the


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[15 marks]


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1 A B C D 9 A B C D

2 A B C 10 A B C D

3 A B C D 11 A B C D

4 A B C D 12 A B C D

5 A B C 13 A B C

6 A B C 14 A B C D

7 A B C 15 A B C

8 A B C D

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