Lipid Metabolism

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr.

Dr. Dalya Shakir


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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

Lipids are a family of biomolecules that have the common property of being soluble in
organic solvents, like ether or chloroform, but not in water. They serve multiple purposes in
the body, such as storing energy, protecting and insulating internal organs, and acting as
chemical messengers. Because they are not soluble in water, lipids are also important
components of cellular membranes that function to separate the internal contents of cells from
the external environment.
Unlike the polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids, lipids are not polymers. Further, lipids
are mostly small molecules.

Classification of lipids
Lipids are broadly classified into simple, complex, derived and miscellaneous lipids.
1. Simple lipids : Esters of fatty acids with alcohols. These are mainly of two types
(a) Fats and oils (triacylglycerols) : These are esters of fatty acids with glycerol.
The difference between fat and oil is only physical. Thus, oil is a liquid while fat is a solid at
room temperature.
(b) Waxes : Esters of fatty acids (usually long chain) with alcohols other than glycerol. Waxes
are used in the preparation of candles, lubricants, cosmotics, ointments, polishes etc.
2. Complex (or compound) lipids : These are esters of fatty acids with alcohols
containing additional groups such as phosphate,
nitrogenous base, carbohydrate, protein etc.
They are further divided as follows
(a) Phospholipids : They contain phosphoric
acid and frequently a nitrogenous base. This is
in addition to alcohol and fatty acids.
(i) Glycerophospholipids: These phospho-
lipids contain glycerol as the alcohol e.g.,
lecithin, cephalin (figure A).

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

(ii) Sphingophospholipids : Sphingosine is the alcohol in

this group of phospho- lipids e.g., sphingomyelin (figure
(b) Glycolipids : These lipids contain a fatty acid,
carbohydrate and nitrogenous base.
The alcohol is sphingosine, hence they are also called as
glycosphingolipids. e.g., cerebrosides, gangliosides.
(c) Lipoproteins : Macromolecular complexes of
lipids with proteins.
(d) Other complex lipids : Sulfolipids, amino- lipids and
lipopolysaccharides are among the other complex
3. Derived lipids : These are the derivatives obtained on
the hydrolysis of group 1 and group 2 lipids which
possess the characteristics of lipids. These include
glycerol and other alcohols, fatty acids, mono- and
lipid (fat) soluble vitamins, steroid hormones, hydro- carbons and ketone bodies.
4. Miscellaneous lipids : These include a large number of compounds possessing the
characteristics of lipids e.g., carotenoids, squalene, hydrocarbons such as pentacosane (in
bees wax), terpenes etc.

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

Metabolism of lipids
In both animals and plants, the excessive fat is stored in various parts of the body in large
quantities in the form of neutralized and insoluble triglycerides (fat). It decomposes and
quickly destroys to provide energy necessary for the cell.
Fat has an important role in nutrition, because it has a high energy value (9.3 kilocalories per

Oxidation (catabolism) of fatty acid

The main path to catabolize fatty acid is β-oxidation. β-Oxidation may be
defined as the oxidation of fatty acids on the β-carbon atom. This results in the sequential
removal of a two carbon fragment from the carboxyl end of the fatty acyl CoA, producing
acetyl CoA, NADH, and FADH2. β-oxidation of fatty acid are performed within mitochondrial
matrix which contains all the enzymes and coenzymes necessary for catabolism.

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

The β-oxidation of fatty acids involves three stages

I. Activation of fatty acids occurring in the cytosol
Fatty acids are found in the cytoplasm in their inactive raw form, so they must be activated in
the cytoplasm before they enter the mitochondrial matrix. This is the only step in the complete
degradation of a fatty acid that requires energy from ATP. In the presence of ATP and
coenzyme A, the enzyme acyl-CoA synthetase (thiokinase) catalyzes the conversion of a fatty
acid (or FFA) to an “active fatty acid” or acyl- CoA, using ATP and forming AMP and PPi.

II. Transport of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria

The inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to fatty acids. A specialized
carnitine carrier system (carnitine shuttle) operates to transport activated fatty acids from
cytosol to the mitochondria. This occurs in four steps (figure 1)
1. Acyl group of acyl CoA is transferred to carnitine (β-hydroxy γ-trimethyl
aminobutyrate), catalyzed by carnitine acyltransferase I (present on the outer surface of inner
mitochondrial membrane).
2. The acyl-carnitine is transported across the membrane to mitochondrial matrix by a
specific carrier protein.

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3. Carnitine acyl transferase II (found on the inner surface of inner mitochondrial

membrane) converts acyl-carnitine to acyl CoA.
4. The carnitine released returns to cytosol for reuse.

[(figure 1) carnitine shuttle for transport of activated fatty acid (acyl CoA) into mitochondria]
III. β-Oxidation proper in the mitochondrial matrix.
Each cycle of β-oxidation, liberating a two carbon unit-acetyl CoA, occurs in a sequence of
four reactions (Fig.2).
1. Oxidation : Acyl CoA undergoes dehydrogenation by an FAD-dependent
flavoenzyme, acyl CoA dehydrogenase. A double bond is formed between β and α
carbons (i.e., 2 and 3 carbons).
2. Hydration : Enoyl CoA hydratase brings about the hydration of the double bond to form β-
hydroxyacyl CoA.
3. Oxidation : β-Hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase catalyses the second oxidation
and generates NADH. The product formed is β-ketoacyl CoA.
4. Cleavage : The final reaction in β-oxidation is the liberation of a 2 carbon fragment, acetyl
CoA from acyl CoA. This occurs by a thiolytic cleavage catalysed by β-ketoacyl CoA
thiolase (or simply thiolase).

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

Fig. 2 : β-Oxidation of fatty acids

The new acyl CoA, containing two carbons less than the original, reenters the β-oxidation
cycle. The process continues till the fatty acid is completely oxidized.

The overall reaction for each cycle of β-oxidation

Cn Acyl CoA + FAD + NAD+ + H2O + CoASH C(n–2) Acyl CoA + Acetyl CoA +
FADH2 + NADH + H+.

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

Energy yield from fatty acid oxidation

The energy yield from the β-oxidation pathway is high. For example, the oxidation of a
molecule of palmitoyl CoA to CO2 and H2O produces 8 acetyl CoA, 7 NADH, and 7 FADH2,
from which 131 ATP can be generated; however, activation of the fatty acid requires 2 ATP.
Thus, the net yield from palmitate is 129 ATP (Figure 3)

Figure (3) Summary of the energy yield from the oxidation of palmitoyl CoA (16 carbons). CC = acetyl CoA.
*Activation of palmitate to palmitoyl CoA requires the equivalent of 2 ATP.

Energy calculation:
Number of round = number of carbon atom of fatty acid / 2 = 16/2= 8 round
8 rounds give 7 FADH2 = 7 *2 = 14 ATP
8 rounds give 7 NADH = 7 *3 = 21 ATP
8 rounds give 8 acetyl CoA (8 TCA cycle)= 8 * 12= 96 ATP
Activation step of fatty acid consumed two ATP = - 2 ATP
Overall net energy = 14 + 21+ 96 – 2 = 129 ATP

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

Ketone bodies (an alternate fuel for cells)

In humans and most other mammals, acetyl-CoA formed in the liver during oxidation of fatty
acids can either enter the citric acid cycle or undergo conversion to the “ketone bodies,”.
The compounds namely acetone, acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate (or 3-
hydroxybutyrate) are known as ketone bodies Only the first two are true ketones while β-
hydroxybutyrate does not possess a keto (C=O) group.
Ketone bodies are water-soluble and energy yielding. Acetone, however, is an
exception, since it cannot be metabolized.

Ketone bodies are formed in the mitochondrial matrix in the liver and are released from the
liver to the blood, generating what is called ketosis, then they are transported through the
blood to the surrounding tissues such as the brain, heart, kidney and muscles, where they are
oxidized by TCA. ketone bodies reach the highest levels in the event of extreme hunger or
eating large quantities of fat or diabetes.
Ketone bodies are important sources of energy for the peripheral tissues because:
1) they are soluble in aqueous solution and, therefore, do not need to be
incorporated into lipoproteins or carried by albumin as do the other lipids.
2) serve as important sources of energy for the peripheral tissues such as skeletal muscle,
cardiac muscle, renal cortex etc. Also during prolonged starvation, ketone bodies are the
major fuel source for the brain and other parts of central nervous system.
3) The production of ketone bodies and their utilization become more benefit when glucose is
in short supply to the tissues, as observed in starvation, and diabetes mellitus.

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

Synthesis of ketone bodies by the liver (Ketogenesis)

The synthesis of ketone bodies occurs in the liver. The enzymes for ketone body synthesis are
located in the mitochondrial matrix. Acetyl CoA, formed by oxidation of fatty acids,
pyruvate or some amino acids, is the precursor for ketone
bodies. Ketogenesis occurs through the following reactions (Fig.4).
1. Two moles of acetyl CoA condense to form acetoacetyl CoA. This reaction is catalysed by
thiolase, an enzyme involved in the final step of β-oxidation. Hence, acetoacetate synthesis is
appropriately regarded as the reversal of thiolase reaction of fatty acid oxidation.
2. Acetoacetyl CoA combines with another molecule of acetyl CoA to produce β-hydroxy β-
methyl glutaryl CoA (HMG CoA). HMG CoA synthase, catalysing this reaction, regulates
the synthesis of ketone bodies.
3. HMG CoA lyase cleaves HMG CoA to produce acetoacetate and acetyl CoA.
4. Acetoacetate can undergo spontaneous decarboxylation to form acetone.
5. Acetoacetate can be reduced by a dehydrogenease to β-hydroxybutyrate.

Fig (4): Synthesis of ketone bodies

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

Metabolism of cholesterol
Cholesterol is found exclusively in animals; hence it is often called as animal sterol. The total
body content of cholesterol in an adult man weighing 70 kg is about 140 g i.e., around 2 g/kg
body weight. Cholesterol is amphipathic in nature, since it possesses both hydrophilic and
hydrophobic regions in the structure.

Functions of cholesterol
Cholesterol is essential to life, as it performs a number of important functions
1. It is a structural component of cell membrane.
2. Cholesterol is the precursor for the synthesis of all other steroids in the body. These
include steroid hormones, vitamin D and bile acids.
3. It is an essential ingredient in the structure of lipoproteins in which form the lipids in
the body are transported.
4. Fatty acids are transported to liver as cholesteryl esters for oxidation.

Cholesterol biosynthesis
About 1 g of cholesterol is synthesized per day in adults. Almost all the tissues of the body
participate in cholesterol biosynthesis. The largest contribution is made by liver (50%),
intestine (15%), skin, adrenal cortex, reproductive tissue etc.
The enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis are found in the cytosol and microsomal
fractions of the cell. Acetate of acetyl CoA provides all the carbon atoms in cholesterol.

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The reducing equivalents are supplied by NADPH while energy are provided by ATP. For
the production of one mole of cholesterol, 18 moles of acetyl CoA, 36 moles of ATP and 16
moles of NADPH are required.
The synthesis of cholesterol may be learnt in 5 stages
1. Synthesis of HMG CoA
2. Formation of mevalonate (6C)
3. Production of isoprenoid units (5C)
4. Synthesis of squalene (30C)
5. Conversion of squalene to cholesterol (27C).
The detailed reactions of cholesterol biosynthesis are given in figure (5) as follow:
1. Synthesis of β-hydroxy β-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) :
Two moles of acetyl CoA condense to form acetoacetyl CoA. Another molecule of acetyl
CoA is then added to produce HMG CoA.
2. Formation of mevalonate :
HMG CoA reductase is the rate limiting enzyme incholesterol biosynthesis. This enzyme is
present in endoplasmic reticulum and catalyses the reduction of HMG CoA to mevalonate.
The reducing equivalents are supplied by NADPH.
3. Production of isoprenoid units :
In a threestep reaction catalysed by kinases, mevalonate is converted to 3-phospho 5-
pyrophosphomevalonate which on decarboxylation forms isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP).
The latter isomerizes to dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DPP). Both IPP and DPP are 5-carbon
isoprenoid units.

4. Synthesis of squalene:
IPP and DPP condense to produce a 10-carbon geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP). Another
molecule of IPP condenses with GPP to form a 15-carbon farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP). Two
units of farnesyl pyrophosphate unite and get reduced to produce a 30-carbon squalene.

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5. Conversion of squalene to cholesterol :

Squalene undergoes hydroxylation and cyclization utilizing O2 and NADPH and gets
converted to lanosterol. The formation of cholesterol from lanosterol is a multistep process
with a series of about 19 enzymatic reactions. The following are the most important reactions
 Reducing the carbon atoms from 30 to 27.
 Removal of two methyl groups from C4 and one methyl group from C14.
 Shift of double bond from C8 to C5.
 Reduction in the double bond present between C24 and C25.

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Figure (5): Biosynthesis of cholesterol

Degradation of cholesterol
The steroid nucleus (ring structure) of the cholesterol cannot be metabolized in humans.
Cholesterol (50%) is converted to bile acids, excreted in feces, serves as a precursor for the
synthesis of steroid hormones, vitamin D, coprostanol and cholestanol. The latter two are the
fecal sterols, besides cholesterol.

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Lecture 6+7 Clinical Biochemistry Dr. Ali Fahim & Prof. Dr. Talat T.K & Dr. Dalya Shakir

I. Synthesis of bile acids

The bile acids serve as emulsifying agents in the intestine and actively participate in the
digestion and absorption of lipids. The synthesis of primary bile acids takes place in the liver
and involves a series of reactions (Fig.6). Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid are the
primary bile acids and the former is found in the largest amount in bile. In the bile, the
conjugated bile acids exist as sodium and potassium salts which are known as bile salts.

Figure (6) Outline of bile acid synthesis (*–Primary bile acids, **–Secondary bile acids).
Enterohepatic circulation : The conjugated bile salts synthesized in the liver accumulate in
gall bladder. From there they are secreted into the small intestine where they serve as
emulsifying agents for the digestion and absorption of fats and fat soluble vitamins. A large
portion of the bile salts (primary and secondary) are reabsorbed and returned to the liver through

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portal vein. Thus the bile salts are recycled and reused several times in a day. This is known as
enterohepatic circulation. About 15-30 g of bile salts are secreted into the intestine each day
and reabsorbed. However, a small portion of about 0.5 g/day is lost in the feces. An equal
amount (0.5 g/day) is synthesized in liver to replace the lost bile salts. The fecal excretion of
bile salts is the only route for the removal of cholesterol from the body.

Cholelithiasis: Bile salts and phospholipids are responsible for keeping the cholesterol in bile
in a soluble state. Due to their deficiency (particularly bile salts), cholesterol crystals
precipitate in the gall bladder often resulting in cholelithiasis—cholesterol gall stone disease
figure (7). Cholelithiasis may be due to defective absorption of bile salts from the intestine,
impairment in liver function, obstruction of biliary tract etc.

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figure (7) cholesterol gall stone disease

II. Synthesis of steroid hormones from cholesterol

Cholesterol is the precursor for the synthesis of all the five classes of steroid hormones
(a) Glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol)
(b) Mineralocorticoids (e.g. aldosterone)
(c) Progestins (e.g. progesterone)
A brief outline of steroid hormonal synthesis is given in figure (8).

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Fi.gure (8) Simplified scheme of steroid biosynthesis. The enzymes involved are (1) the cholesterol side
chain cleavage enzyme, (2) steroid C17 hydroxylase, (3) steroid C17, C20 lyase, (4) steroid C21 hydroxylase, (5)
steroid 11β-hydroxylase, (6) steroid C18 hydroxylase, (7) 18-hydroxysteroid oxidase, and (8) aromatase

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III. Synthesis of vitamin D

7-Dehydrocholesterol, an intermediate in the synthesis of cholesterol, is converted to
cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) by ultraviolet rays in the skin.


Lipoproteins are molecular complexes that consist of lipids and proteins (conjugated
proteins). They function as transport vehicles for lipids in blood plasma. Lipoproteins deliver
the lipid components (cholesterol, triacylglycerol etc.) to various tissues for utilization.
Classification of lipoproteins
Five major classes of lipoproteins are identified in human plasma.
1. Chylomicrons : They are synthesized in the intestine and transport exogenous (dietary)
triacylglycerol to various tissues. They consist of highest (99%) quantity of lipid and lowest

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(1%) concentration of protein. The chylomicrons are the least in density and the largest in size,
among the lipoproteins.
2. Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) :
They are produced in liver and intestine and are responsible for the transport of endogenously
synthesized triacylglycerols.
3. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) : They are formed from VLDL in the blood circulation.
They transport cholesterol from liver to other tissues.
4. High density lipoproteins (HDL) : They are mostly synthesized in liver. HDL particles
transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to liver (reverse cholesterol transport).
5. Free fatty acids—albumin : Free fatty acids in the circulation are in a bound form to
albumin. Each molecule of albumin can hold about 20-30 molecules of free fatty acids.

Metabolism of lipoproteins
Lipoprotein metabolism divided into two class
1. Transport of exogenous
(dietary)lipids (chylomicron
2. Transport of endogenous lipids
Apo B-100 lipoprotein guided
system Apo A1 governed lipoprotein

A general picture of lipoprotein metabolism is depicted in Fig.9. Chylomicrons (nascent) are

synthesized in the small intestine during the course of fat absorption. They contain apoprotein
B48 and mostly triacylglycerols. Apo B48 name is given since this apoprotein contains 48%
of protein coded by apo B gene (apo B100 is found in LDL and VLDL). Chylomicrons are
produced when nascent particles combine with apo C II and apo E, derived from HDL. The
liver synthesizes nascent VLDL containing apo B100 which are rich in triacylglycerols and

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cholesterol. Circulating HDL donates apo C II and apo E to convert nascent VLDL to VLDL.

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Figure (9) steps of lipoprotein metabolism

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