MK042 HCY Brochure-061715
MK042 HCY Brochure-061715
MK042 HCY Brochure-061715
Table of Contents
About Diazyme.................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction........................................................................................ 3
2. What is Homocysteine?........................................................................ 4
3. Homocysteine Metabolism................................................................... 4
4. What isTotal Homocysteine?................................................................. 4
5. What Causes Elevation of Homocysteine?............................................. 5
6. Homocysteine and Disease................................................................... 6
How Does Homocysteine Cause Vascular Disease?............................... 6
Homocysteine and Cardiovascular Disease........................................... 6
Homocysteine and Diabetes................................................................ 8
Homocysteine and Renal Failure......................................................... 9
Homocysteine and Alzheimer’s Disease.............................................. 10
7. Interactions of Homocysteine with Classical Risk Factors.................... 11
8. Homocysteine and Heart Disease Test Panel........................................ 12
9. Homocysteine Testing......................................................................... 13
Recommendation from American Heart Association.......................... 13
Who Should be Tested?.................................................................... 14
How is Homocysteine Tested?........................................................... 14
How do these methods work?............................................................ 15
What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of these tHcy Methods?........17
10. Sample Collection and Handling........................................................ 18
11. Homocysteine Reference Ranges......................................................... 20
12. Homocysteine Lowering Therapy........................................................ 21
13. Clinical Action................................................................................... 23
14. Frequently Asked Questions............................................................... 24
15. References.......................................................................................... 26
1. Introduction
2. What is Homocysteine?
intermediary derived from the essential sulphur
containing amino acid, methionine. Hcy Molecule
3. Homocysteine Metabolism
5 - 10%
The other oxidized forms are mixed disulfides of Hcy-S-S-Cys Mixed Disulfide 5 - 10%
Hcy-Hcy or Hcy-Cys which account for 5–10% Protein-Cys-S-S-Hcy 70 - 80%
of total Hcy. Free Hcy, or so called reduced Hcy,
is less than 1% in plasma (see table 1). Total Hcy Table 1.
refers to the sum of protein bound, oxidized and reduced Hcy, and is expressed as tHcy. In
most clinical laboratories, tHcy testing is performed.
5. What Causes Elevation of Homocysteine?
T here are several factors that cause elevation of Hcy levels in blood. They are listed below:
The extent to which these factors affect blood Hcy levels is shown in figures 2 and 3.
1. B Vitamin Deficiency:
Health Enzymes B6, B12, and folic acid are needed for the
Status enzymes involved in Hcy metabolism
2. Enzyme Deficiency:
Life Renal Genetic defects in genes encoding for
Style Function enzymes such as MTHFR and MS as
these enzymes are involved in the Hcy
metabolic pathways
Sex Drugs
3. Renal Dysfunction:
Age Renal failure patients have extremely
Figure 2. high Hcy levels due to less efficient renal
clearance of Hcy
4. Drug Interaction:
Certain drugs such as Methotrexate and
Cyclosporine A cause elevation of Hcy
5. Age:
Hcy levels increase with age
6. Sex:
The average Hcy levels in men are higher
than those of women
7. Life Style:
Stress, physical inactivity, smoking, and
coffee drinking cause elevation of Hcy
8. Health Status:
Hcy levels are low in healthy subjects but
are elevated in subjects with suboptimal
health conditions
Figure 3.
6. Homocysteine and Disease?
T he exact mechanism by which elevated Hcy causes atherosclerosis is still unclear. However,
the following hypotheses have been proposed:
1. Direct toxic effects that damage
the cell lining inside arteries.
2. Promotes vascular inflammation.
3. Accelerates oxidation of
low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
4. Synergistic effects with other risk factors.
Figure 4.
T here is mounting clinical evidence that elevated tHcy is an independent risk factor
for the development of cardiovascular disease. Meta-analysis of clinical studies has
established that a 5 μmol/L increase in tHcy is equivalent to approximately 20 mg/dL increase
in total cholesterol levels. Many studies have shown that the connection between tHcy levels
and atherosclerosis is even
Coronary Artery Occlusion
stronger than the connection
between atherosclerosis and
cholesterol. A dose-dependent
correlation between tHcy
and cardiovascular risk has
been established as shown
in Figures 5 and 6 from the
Framingham Study, N. Engl
J. Med. (1995), 232, 268-91.
The study has shown that the
risk of cardiovascular disease is
doubled by a 5 μmol/L increase
of plasma tHcy. Figure 5. Figure 6.
Prospective studies have demonstrated that tHcy levels are a strong indicator of cardiovascular
related mortality (Figure 7). Nygard, et al., (N.Engl. J. 337: 230-6, 1997), found that the
mortality ratio doubled when plasma tHcy level was twice as high (Table 2).
Boushey, et al., performed
a meta-analysis of twenty Homocysteine Levels and Mortality
seven clinical studies, and Hcy level (μM) Mortality Ratio
summarized the odds
9.0-14.9 1.9
ratio between elevated
tHcy and development of 15.0-19.9 2.8
vascular disease (Table 3). >20.0 4.5
Hcy also predicts late (ρ = .02)
outcome of survival rates Nygard, O. et al., (1997) N. Engl. J. Med. 337: 230-6
from coronary events as
described in the findings Figure 7. Table 2.
by Schnyder, et al. (J.
Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2002, Meta-analysis of 27 Clinical Studies
20: 40(10), 1769-1776).
This study followed 549 Disease Category Sex OR (95% Cl)
patients for 58 weeks
after successful coronary Coronary artery disease M 1.6 (1.4-1.7)
angioplasty. As shown in (17 studies) F 1.8 (1.4-2.3)
Figure 8, the percentages Cerebrovascular disease
of event-free survival are M/F 1.9 (1.6-2.3)
(11 studies)
reciprocally proportional
Peripheral vascular disease
to the plasma levels of M/F 6.8 (2.9-15.8)
(3 studies)
tHcy. That is, the higher
the tHcy level, the lower Table 3.
the survival rate.
Hcy is a strong predictor of ischemic stroke recurrence. Boysen, et al., studied the association
between Hcy and stroke. They investigated whether elevated total Hcy measured within 24
hours of acute stroke was an independent risk factor for recurrent stroke. They found that
serum Hcy was significantly higher in the 105 patients who experienced a recurrent stroke
during the follow-up period than in patients without recurrence. The geometric mean was
13.4 versus 11.8 (Figure 9).
Hcy levels (µmol/L)
Event-free survival, %
P < 0.008
Figure 8. Hcy predicts late outcome after Figure 9. Hcy is a predictor of ischemic
coronary angioplasty stroke recurrence
H cy concentrations are a
higher risk factor for death
in type 2 diabetes patients (non-
insulin dependent diabetes)
as compared to non-diabetic
patients. Ueland, et al., showed
that the combined effects of
elevated tHcy levels increased
the risk of total mortality in
587 diabetes mellitus patients
who had been diagnostically
confirmed for coronary artery
disease. As shown in Figure 10,
the investigators concluded that
the combination of elevated
Hcy and diabetes exponentially
increased the risk of mortality in
diabetic patients.
Figure 10. Hcy and Diabetes, Promotion of CVD Risk
Hoogeveen, et al., demonstrated that
among type 2 diabetic subjects with
tHcy levels >14 µmol/L, the estimated
survival time was significantly shorter
than type 2 diabetic subjects with
tHcy concentrations <14.0 µmol/L
(Figure 11).
The elevation of tHcy levels in diabetic
patients is believed to be related to
the degree of diabetic nephropathy,
especially in type 2 diabetes patients
who often have metabolic problems
and unhealthy lifestyles that
Figure 11. may contribute to elevated tHcy
Survival curve of Type II Diabetic subjects concentrations when compared with
in relation to baseline homocysteine levels non-diabetic subjects.
tH cy levels are highly elevated in renal failure patients. Impaired renal excretion
and/or tubular metabolism of Hcy, and extra renal factors, like secondary vitamin
deficiencies (e.g., in connection with hemodialysis), genetic causes, and altered Hcy
metabolism are among the reasons.
In a cross-sectional study, Muntner,
et al., measured plasma tHcy levels in
16,000 patients in comparison with
their glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
After standardization for age, race or
ethnicity, and sex, the estimated GFR
was found to be strongly associated
with higher levels of tHcy. When the
patient group’s average tHcy levels
were higher than 32.5 µmol/L, their
GFR rates were more than 5 times
lower than patient groups with lower Figure 12. Prevalence of elevated Hcy in
average tHcy levels (Figure 12). patients with chronic renal disease
Hcy and Alzheimer’s Disease
T he search for modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease has been intensive. Three
risk factors previously identified for the disease are age, family history, and the presence
of a specific genetic trait termed APOE epsilon 4. Recently, Dr. Sudha Seshadri at Boston
University reported that elevated Hcy is a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer’s
disease (N. Eng. J. Med, 346: Feb. 14, 2002). In the study, the investigators, using data from
the Framingham Heart Study, found that 30% of people showing the highest tHcy levels
had twice the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease as people with average levels, although
even mild elevations appeared to add
some risk. The study concluded that
elevated tHcy accounts for about 15%
of the population’s risk in developing
Alzheimer’s disease. This implies that
if tHcy were entirely removed from
the equation, 15% of cases may be
preventable. Moreover, it was concluded
a 40% increase in developing Alzheimer’s
disease was associated with each five
µmol/L rise in tHcy levels.
Though the mechanism linking Hcy and
Alzheimer’s disease is poorly understood,
it is possible that Hcy is toxic to brain
cells, possibly by excessive stimulation,
resulting in neuronal damage due to
CNS ischemia (Figure 13). Figure 13.
7. Interactions of Homocysteine with Classical Risk Factors
G raham, et al., (1997) examined the interactions between elevated tHcy and classical
(conventional) risk factors in a multi-center European case-control study involving 750
cases of atherosclerotic vascular disease
(cardiac, cerebral, and peripheral) and
800 controls of both sexes younger than
60 years old. This study found that the
increased fasting tHcy level showed supra-
additive effects on risk in both smokers
and hypertensive subjects, especially in
women. The authors concluded that an
increased plasma tHcy level confers an
independent risk of vascular disease similar
to that of smoking or hyperlipidemia.
Synergistic effects on risk were observed
between elevated tHcy and smoking and
hypertension, respectively (Figure 14).
8. Homocysteine and Heart Disease Test Panel
Figure 15.
Figure 16.
9. Homocysteine Testing
Who Should Be Tested?
E levated Hcy is not only an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but it also
interacts synergistically with classical risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes
and hyperlipidemia. Therefore, the identification of hyperhomocysteinemic patients with a
high risk of vascular disease is of particular importance.
Patients having the disease indications listed in Table 4 are recommended to have their tHcy
levels tested.
Proposed Patient Groups and Hcy Testing Recommendations
Recommended Not Recommended
Asymptomatic subjects X
Patients with manifest CVD X
Strong family history of premature CVD X
Asymptomatic, high risk patients:
Smoking X
Hypertension X
Dyslipidemia X
Diabetic Disease X
Renal Insufficiency X
Alzheimer’s Disease X
Pregnancy complications X
Table 4.
How Is Hcy Tested?
P atient serum or plasma samples are used in tHcy testing. In the test, serum or plasma is
first treated with a reducing agent that converts all Hcy species into the reduced form
which is measured either directly or after derivatization. Currently, there are three main tHcy
test methods available to the clinical laboratories. They include:
1. Chromatographic method
2. Immunoassay method
3. Enzyme cycling method
The Chromatographic method or HPLC method-based tHcy test was developed in the early
1980s, and is mainly used in research laboratories.
The Immunoassay-based tHcy test was developed in the mid 1990s, and has been automated
for special immunoassay instruments.
The latest technology in tHcy testing is the enzyme cycling-based method that has been
developed in the last few years. The enzyme cycling method can be used on any automated
clinical chemistry analyzer, and is quickly becoming the preferred method for clinical
3. Enzyme Cycling Method:
What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages
of these tHcy Test Methods?
10. Sample Collection and Handling
Food intake and diurnal and seasonal variations: A small meal will not influence
tHcy concentrations in healthy people, whereas intake of a large, protein-rich meal may
increase the plasma tHcy concentration by 10-15% after 6-8 hours. This may explain the
diurnal variation, with tHcy concentrations being lowest in the first
part of the day and highest in the evening. Plasma tHcy is most likely
not subject to seasonal variation. For accurate tHcy testing, there is no
need for fasting before blood collection, however, a light meal or low
protein food intake is recommended.
Serum or plasma preparation: After blood collection, but
prior to removal of the blood cells, there is a time and temperature-
dependent increase in tHcy. This is because the synthesis of Hcy is
still taking place inside the red blood cells and Hcy is continuously
released into the serum or plasma. At room temperature, the increase
in tHcy is about 1 µmol/L per hour, but is not dependent on the initial
tHcy concentration. Hence, this corresponds to an ~10% increase per
hour at room temperature in a typical sample with 10 µmol/L tHcy.
Therefore, it is very important to centrifuge blood samples immediately
after collection to separate the plasma and the blood cells. If immediate
centrifugation of anticoagulated whole blood is not possible, the
artificial increase of tHcy can be reduced by keeping the blood on ice
and separating the plasma from the cells within 1 hour.
For plasma preparation, heparin or EDTA are the recommended anticoagulants. For serum
preparation, SST tubes (gel serum tubes) are recommended to separate cells and serum by
centrifugation within 30 min. The tHcy concentration remains stable for at least 48 hours at
room temperature without removal of serum from the tubes since the gel cloth prevents the
diffusion of Hcy from packed cells into the serum phase. Thus, the use of SST tubes for tHcy
determination is preferred as it simplifies the blood collection procedure.
Use of Hcy stabilizers has been suggested, but is not recommended since some of the
stabilizers may not be compatible with tHcy testing methods. For example, SAH hydrolase
inhibitor 3-deazaadenosine can not be used as a Hcy stabilizer when either the immunoassay
or enzyme cycling assay are used for tHcy testing. This is because both of these methods use
SAH hydrolase in their assays.
10. Sample Collection and Handling (continued)
Stability of tHcy in stored plasma/serum: After removal of the blood cells, tHcy in
plasma or serum is stable. No changes are observed for at least 4 days at room temperature,
for several weeks at 4°C, or for several years at -20°C.
Freeze-thaw cycles are usually well tolerated, however, after freezing, it is often observed that
heterogeneity of the sample matrix is a common problem. Given this, thorough mixing of
the samples is required after thawing.
11. Homocysteine Reference Ranges
R eference ranges, normally defined as the central 95% confidence interval of tHcy in a
presumed healthy population will vary with age, gender and ethnicity of the specific
population studied. Therefore, the reference range should be determined by each laboratory
to conform to the characteristics of the population being tested.
Furthermore, lower and upper reference ranges should Age tHcy, μmol/L
be established in countries with mandatory food folic acid
Newborns 3-6
fortification, like in the U.S. and Canada. In these countries,
vitamin supplementation has resulted in a considerable Adolescents 5-8
reduction of tHcy values in the general population. Adults (15-65 yrs old)
The values listed in the table below were presented by Vilaseca, Male 6- 15
et al. (Clin Chem 43:690, 1998) and; Faure- Delanef, et al. Female 3- 12
(Am J Hum Genet 60:1001, 1997). In most of the U.S.
Elderly (>65 yrs old) 15-20
clinical laboratories, the cut-off value for adults (<65 years
old) is 15 µmol/L. However, in the European countries, a Centenarians 25-27
plasma tHcy concentration of 12 µmol/L has been used as the
Table 5.
upper limit of the “normal” range (see Table 5).
Generally, newborns and pregnant women have the lowest normal ranges (3-6 µmol/L),
whereas the elderly (>65 years old) have the highest normal range (15-20 µmol/L).
The Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association has suggested that “a basal tHcy
level <10 µmol/L is a reasonable therapeutic goal for subjects at increased risk, rather than
the definition of “normal” based on population statistical values of the mean ± 2SDs.” The
distribution of tHcy frequency levels in humans is depicted in Figure 22. Most people have
tHcy levels between 6–11 µmol/L.
Borderline Hcy levels (12-15 µmol/L): This range
Frequency (%)
• Cardiovascular
• Diabetes may vary considerably with the population studied
• Alzheimer’s and might trigger clinical decisions like cause-
• Osteoporosis
• Renal failure finding of Hcy elevation or treatment.
High Hcy levels (>20-30 µmol/L): This range is
normally considered an indication for Hcy lowering
therapy, irrespective of the cause of elevation.
5 Excellent 10 Good 15 Risk 20 The color-shift from green to red in Figure 22
Homocysteine (µmol/L) indicates the increasing urgency of clinical decision
Figure 22. making and therapeutic actions.
12. Homocysteine Lowering Therapy
A lthough there is no conclusive answer on whether lowering plasma tHcy levels reduces
the risks in the development of cardiovascular disease, numerous large-scale clinical
trials to address the efficacy of using vitamins as a means to lowering Hcy in the treatment
of cardiovascular diseases are ongoing in various countries.
Raymond Meleady and Ian Graham, two
leading scientists in Hcy research, recommend
that: “While awaiting the outcome of these
trials, there may already be sufficient evidence
to prescribe homocysteine- lowering therapy
in subjects deemed to be at high risk of
cardiovascular disease.”
It has been well established that vitamins B12
and folate are effective in lowering plasma levels
of tHcy. Ward, M., et al., (QJM, 1997, 90:
519-24) conducted a Hcy lowering study on 30
healthy male volunteers using low doses of folic
acid for various periods of time (6-14 weeks) as
shown in Figure 23. The tHcy lowering efficacy Figure 23.
is dependent on the initial levels of tHcy.
People with high levels of initial tHcy will have
a higher percentage of tHcy reduction than
the reduction of those with lower initial levels
of tHcy. The tHcy level will eventually return
to the initial level when vitamin treatment is
Similar results have been observed in a study by
Ubbink et al. On average, a daily intake of 0.65
mg of folic acid showed similar Hcy lowering
effects as compared to a combination of folic
acid (0.65 mg), vitamin B6 (10 mg) and vitamin
B12 (0.4 mg). Average reductions were 42 and
50%, respectively as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24. Hcy lowering effects of Folic
Acid alone or combined B vitamins
I n general, the following regimen of tHcy lowering therapy should be effective to most
moderate or mild homocystinemia patients.
• Folic acid ....... 400-800 µg/day
• B12 ................. 500 µg/day
• B6 ................... 25-100 mg/day
It has been estimated that in typical Western
populations, supplementation with a combination
of 0.5-5 mg folic acid and about 0.5 mg vitamin
B12 daily would reduce blood tHcy concentrations
by about one-quarter to one-third.
Recently, Ward, et al., conducted a meta-analysis
of 72 studies in order to examine whether the
association of serum tHcy concentration with
ischaemic heart disease, deep vein thrombosis Figure 25. Calculated risk reduction by
Hcy lowering treatment
and pulmonary embolism, and stroke is causal.
The authors found that there were significant associations between tHcy and the three
cardiovascular diseases. According to the authors, this meta-analysis provided strong evidence
for the hypothesis that the association between tHcy and cardiovascular disease is causal.
The authors estimated that lowering homocysteine concentrations by 3 µmol/L would reduce
the risk of ischaemic heart disease by 16%, deep vein thrombosis by 25%, and stroke by 24%
as shown in Figure 25.
Another major piece of evidence proving the causal relationship between elevated tHcy and
cardiovascular disease and stroke came from a government study conducted by Dr. Quanhe Yang,
an epidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study, published
in Circulation (Yang, Q., et al 2006, 1335-1343), compared the mortality rates of stroke and
heart attacks before and after folate fortification. The U.S. folate fortification program began in
1996 to prevent birth defects. This government study found that the program also appears to
have a striking effect against cardiovascular disease, preventing an estimated 48,000 deaths a year
from strokes and heart attacks. From 1990 to 2001, there were almost 26 million deaths among
Americans over age 40, including 8.2 million from heart disease and 3.2 million from stroke.
After commencement of the folate fortification program, stroke mortality declined drastically. Prior
to 1997, stroke mortality was declining about 1 percent per year. This decline has accelerated to
almost 5 percent annually since. The decline was especially steep among black men, falling 7 percent
a year after commencement of the program. In all, the researchers estimate that folate fortification
led to 31,000 fewer deaths from stroke and 17,000 from heart disease each year from 1998 to 2001.
13. Clinical Action
T he proposed clinical action is to check tHcy levels and to adhere to physician’s advice for
tHcy lowering treatment if the tHcy level is >15 µmol/L. tHcy levels can be lowered by
various Hcy-lowering agents including B vitamins, betaine, and N-acetylcysteine.
Lifestyle changes can also help to lower levels of tHcy (Danker et al. Aging Clin.
Exp. Res. 2004, 16: 437-442). It is recommended that each patient consult with
their individual physician for specific tHcy-lowering treatment.
14. Frequently Asked Questions
14. Frequently Asked Questions (continued)
15. References
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