Plasma Homocysteine in Adolescents Depends On The Interaction
Plasma Homocysteine in Adolescents Depends On The Interaction
Plasma Homocysteine in Adolescents Depends On The Interaction
Address: 1Preventive Medicine & Public Health Unit, Health Sciences I Department, Rey Juan Carlos University Avda de Atenas s/n, 28922
Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain and 2Lipids Unit, Jiménez Díaz Fundation, Madrid, Avda Reyes Católicos, 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Email: Ruth Gil-Prieto* - [email protected]; Valentín Hernández - [email protected]; Beatriz Cano - [email protected];
Manuel Oya - [email protected]; Ángel Gil - [email protected]
* Corresponding author
Background: Many publications link high homocysteine levels to cardiovascular disease. In Spain there is
little information on the prevalence of hyperhomocysteinaemia and associated vitamin factors among the
general population, and less still among children. Cardiovascular risk factors in the childhood population
may be related to the appearance of cardiovascular disease at adult age. The aim of this study is to establish
a definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents and to analyze the influence of vitamin and metabolic
factors in homocysteine levels in this population group.
Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional epidemiological study to estimate serum homocysteine, vitamin
B12 and folate levels, as well as plasma total, HDL- and LDL- cholesterol in a schoolgoing population aged
13 to 17 years in Madrid, Spain.
Spearman correlation analysis was performed to ascertain quantitative comparison, Pearson's χ2 test
(frequency < 5, Fisher) was used for comparison of prevalences, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis test
were used for comparison of means and Bonferroni correction was used for post-hoc tests. A multivariate
logistic regression model was performed in the multivariate analysis.
Results: Based on the classic values for definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adults, prevalence of
hyperhomocysteinaemia in the study population was: 1.26% for 15 μmol/L; and 2.52% for 12 μmol/L.
Deficits in HDL cholesterol and serum folate levels yielded adjusted Odds Ratios (OR) for
hyperhomocysteinemia of 2.786, 95% CI (1.089-7.126), and 5.140, 95% CI (2.347-11.256) respectively.
Mutation of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T genotype also raises the risk of
hyperhomocysteinaemia (CC→CT: OR = 2.362; 95% CI (1.107-5.042) CC→TT: OR = 6.124, 95% CI
Conclusion: A good definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adolescents is the 90th percentile, equivalent
to 8.23 μmol/L. Risk factors for hyperhomocysteinaemia are cHDL and folate deficiency, and the MTHFR
C677T mutant genotype. No significant effect could be assessed for vitamin B12. Coexistence of all three
factors increases the risk of suffering from hyperhomocysteinaemia 87-fold.
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Inasmuch as it involves a potentially modifiable and cor- As is the case with other parameters, such as arterial hyper-
rectable risk factor, this hypothesis is of great health care tension, no threshold plasma homocysteine value has
importance since it opens the door to a new form of inter- been established, above which the risk of suffering from a
vention against cardiovascular diseases, such as dietary vascular disease is increased [16,17]. In most studies, this
supplementation with group B vitamins and folic acid. threshold is obtained arbitrarily, with values above the
mean found in the control group plus two standard devi-
Homocysteine is a sulphur-containing amino acid derived ations [17-20], or above the 95th percentile, being used to
from methionine, present in proteins of animal origin define hyperhomocysteinaemia [16,17,20-22].
ingested as part of dietary intake. It is produced by intrac-
ellular demethylation of methionine and then exported to In Spain, Pijoan et al. constructed a reference interval (5-
the plasma, where it circulates, mainly in its oxidised 15 μmol/l) based on a sample of 396 apparently healthy
form. individuals [23].
Homocysteine is metabolised to methionine via remeth- Plasma homocysteine levels increase with weight, height,
ylation or to cysteine via transulphuration at the hepatic body mass index, blood pressure, systolic and diastolic
level. During vitamin B6-dependent transulphuration, pressure, age, male gender and MHTFR 677TT genotype.
homocysteine is irreversibly catabolised into cysteine, In contrast, they decrease with high plasma folate and
thanks to the action of cystathionine-β-synthetase intraerythrocyte, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 concentra-
enzyme, in the presence of serine. Most of the homo- tions.
cysteine is remethylated, regenerating methionine, mainly
due to the action of methionine synthetase, the enzyme The established drug treatments for hyperhomocysteinae-
that depends on the action of methylcobalamine (vitamin mia are vitamin supplements consisting of folate, vitamin
B12) as a co-factor and folate, in the form of 5-methyl-tet- B6, vitamin B12 or any combination of the three [24].
rahydrofolate, as a methyl group donor.
In the healthy paediatric population, homocysteine levels
The enzyme, 5,10-methyl-tetrahydrofolate reductase are influenced more by biochemical than by genetic fac-
(MTHFR) reduces 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5- tors, due to the high folate reserves present during child-
methyl-tetrahydrofolate in the presence of NADPH. This hood. No significant differences in homocysteine levels
reaction is irreversible in vivo and its activity regulates the were observed between boys and girls until postpubertal
entry of folate into the homocysteine remethylation path- age, when these rise in males [25].
Arterosclerosis begins at early ages of life [26,27] and envi-
The MTHFR C677T mutation is the most frequent cause of ronmental factors in childhood are known to be linked to
moderate hyperhomocysteinaemia due to genetic factors. the appearance of cardiovascular disease at adult age [28].
The TT genotype has been found to have a direct effect on
homocysteine concentration, with MTHFR enzymatic Determination of plasma homocysteine in children could
activity being reduced by as much as 50% in individuals have a predictive value vis-à-vis adult vascular risk [29].
with this mutation [5]. This polymorphism is present in
its homozygous form in 5%-18% of the population [6]. Methods
A descriptive, cross-sectional epidemiological study was
The effect of the TT homozygote genotype on homo- conducted to estimate serum homocysteine levels in the
cysteine concentration is not observed, however, when schoolgoing population aged 13 to 17 years in the Madrid
folic acid levels are elevated [7]. This is due to the fact that, Region (Comunidad de Madrid). All children who partici-
despite the reduction in its enzymatic activity, MTHFR has pated (172 girls and 145 boys) were recruited at selected
sufficient 5-10 methyltetrahydrofolate substrate to gener- junior schools, using random, stratified, cluster sampling.
ate the 5-methyltetrahydrofolate necessary for remethyla- Junior schools were selected in strata that would ensure
tion of homocysteine. representation of socio-economic differences.
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For a level of precision of 3%, an estimated prevalence of analysis, higher decile (P90) was defined as hyperhomo-
5% and a confidence level of 95%, a minimum sample cysteinemia.
size of 202 was needed. Assuming lost of 20%, a total of
243 subjects was needed. (EPI-INFO 2002; version 6). Determination of vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 (Vit B12) in the fasting blood specimen [31]
The study included subjects of both sexes, who were aged was determined, using a Roche Elecsys E170 MODULAR
over 13 years, attended schools in the Madrid Region and ANALYTICS immunoanalysis assay.
produced informed consent. The following were subjects
excluded from the study: those whose parents failed to Determination of folate
sign the authorisation to participate; those who were Folate in the fasting blood specimen [32] was determined,
authorised but were nevertheless unwilling to participate; using a Roche Elecsys E170 MODULAR ANALYTICS
and those who presented with some type of acute or immunoanalysis assay.
chronic illness that might affect the variables of interest.
Determination of the MTHFR C677T genotype
In each case, data were collected on age, gender, physical Replacement of cytosine by thimine at nucleotide posi-
activity, blood pressure and anthropometric variables. tion 677 converts the amino acid, alanine, into valine:
(normal genotype = CC, heterozygous genotype = CT,
Anthropometric variables mutated homozygous genotype = TT). DNA was ampli-
Subjects' weight and height, as well as arm, waist and hip fied by PCR in a PTC-100 thermal cycler using nucle-
circumferences were measured in duplicate, using cali- otides:
brated precision scales (Seca 812, precision 0.1 kg), port-
able wall-mounted stadiometres (Seca Ka We 4444 Forward: 5'TGAAGGAGAAGGTGTCTGCGGGA 3'
model) and flexible, inelastic, plastic belt-type measuring
tapes fitted with a read-out buckle at one end. Body mass Reverse: 3'AGGACGGTGCGGTGAGGAGGTG 3'.
index (weight in kg/height2 in m2) was then calculated on
the basis of these measures. The product of this reaction was digested with HinfI
restriction enzyme, and the fragments then separated in
Blood pressure non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel.
Three readings were taken from each subject in accord-
ance with standardised guidelines issued by international For a negative control, distilled water instead of DNA in
bodies, using a mercury sphygmomanometer (Diplomat the reaction system was used for each panel of PCR. For
Presameter Riester Model) and an appropriately sized cuff positive DNA control, DyNAzyme DNA Polymerase Kit
chosen in line with the individual's arm circumference. (Finnzymes Oy) was used.
The specimens were then stored on ice and sent immedi- The normality of the homocedasticity variables was veri-
ately to the laboratory for analysis, where they were cen- fied using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Where variables
trifuged at 3500 rpm for 6 minutes a 4°C within the hour. did not follow a normal distribution, non-parametric tests
were used. Homoscedasticity or homogeneity of variances
Determination of total homocysteine was examined using Levene's test.
Total homocysteine in the fasting blood specimen [30]
was determined, using an Abbott Diagnostics fluores- A Spearman correlation analysis was performed to ascer-
cence polarisation immunoassay (FPIA). For multivariate tain the magnitude of the linear relationship between the
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quantitative anthropometric, biochemical and metabolic Table 1: Biochemical variables and hormonal factors
cycle variables and homocysteine values. The technique
Mean 95% Confidence Interval
used for comparison of prevalences was Pearson's χ2 test
(frequency < 5, Fisher). We used the Mann-Whitney U test Glucose (mg/dl) 90.9 90.0-91.9
for comparison of means, and the Kruskal-Wallis test for Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 160.9 157.9-163.9
variables with more than two categories or for inclusion of HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) 47.3 46.0-48.7
different variables simultaneously. Bonferroni correction LDL cholesterol(mg/dl) 96.7 94.0-99.4
was used for post-hoc tests to ensure that all comparisons Total cholesterol/cHDL 3.60 3.48-3.71
were made with α = 0.05. cLDL/cHDL 2.20 2.10-2.30
Menarche age (years) 12.01 11.86-12.15
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P: percentile
7.126) and OR = 5.140, 95% CI (2.347-11.256) respec- folate and cHDL is almost 34 times more likely to suffer
tively. The MTHFR C677T mutant genotype raised the risk from hyperhomocysteinaemia; and if that same individ-
of hyperhomocysteinaemia (CC→CT: OR = 2.362; 95% ual has these deficits plus the TT genotype, the likelihood
CI (1.107-5.042) CC→TT: OR = 6.124, 95% CI (2.301- of his/her having high serum homocysteine levels is then
16.303)) 87 times higher.
*Statistically significant p < 0.05. ns: non-significant; ** differences in folate deficit were statistically significant (p < 0.001) only for homozygotic TT
mutation. CT heterozygotic mutation does not show an statistically significant difference (p = 0.758)
HDL: High Density Lipoproteins
LDL: Low Density Lipoproteins
MTHFR: methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
C: Cytosine; T:Thymine
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*Statistically significant.
HDL: High Density Lipoproteins
MTHFR: methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
C: Cytosine; T:Thymine
**<5.3 nmol/l
***<35 mg/dl
In Spain, Gutiérrez-Revilla et al. (n = 83), Vilaseca et al. (n The distribution of the various polymorphisms of the
= 195) and Mainou et al. (n = 80) have respectively pub- MTHFR C677T enzyme in our sample was very similar to
lished cross-sectional studies in children and adolescents. that observed in other studies [35,36], i.e., Hiraoka, with
The first two targeted the population aged 0 to 18 years, 32.9%, 51.6% and 15.5%, in CC, CT and TT respectively
and the third the population aged 5 to 18 years. Ours is [37], or Gutiérrez-Revilla et al., with 42.2%, 41% and
the first study conducted in Spain and focused on the ado- 16.9%, in CC, CT and TT respectively [25]. The cardiovas-
lescent population to have a substantial sample size. cular risk factors studied showed no significant variation
according to MTHFR genotype, which only affects folate
In Western countries, vitamin deficiencies are rather infre- and serum homocysteine levels.
quent, but in populations with important vitamin defi-
ciencies, plasma homocysteine levels rise until reaching The mean homocysteine values obtained by us are very
age-adjusted hyperhomocysteinaemia prevalences of 73% similar to those found in children and adolescents in Nor-
in men and 41% in women, as shown by a recent study way and the USA, namely, 5.25 and 5 μmol/l, respectively
conducted in Iran [34]. [38,39]. There is no international consensus regarding the
establishment of a cut-off point for defining hyperhomo-
cysteinaemia, and there are still fewer data relating to the
adolescent population. Prevalence of hyperhomocystein-
aemia in the study population was 1.26% for 15 μmol/L
and 2.52 for 12 μmol/L, results very similar to those
recently obtained in young adults aged 20-22 years in
Folate deficit cHDL deficit Tokyo (1.18% for > 15 μmol/L) [37]. Taking into account
(<5.3 nmol/l) 14.32 (<35 mg/dl other international studies, which use percentiles for
OR = 5.140 OR = 2.786
determining other magnitudes in childhood and adoles-
cence, the 90th percentile is considered a good cut-off
point for defining hyperhomocysteinaemia in developed
31.48 17.06
countries [29,40,41]. In our study, this cut-off allowed us
to show a statistically significant increase of plasma
homocysteine levels depending on the study variables. In
line with other studies [5,23,42-46], prevalence of hyper-
Genotipe homocysteinaemia was seen to increase in our study with
CCCT the MTHFR C677T mutant allele (2- and 6-fold for partial
OR = 2.362 and total C→T mutation, respectively), serum folate defi-
cit (5-fold) and cHDL deficit (2.7-fold). No significant
association was found with vitamin B12 after adjusting by
age, gender and CV risk factors.
Figure 1 ORs: Folate, cHDL and MTHFR C677T genotype
Cumulative ORs: Folate, cHDL and MTHFR C677T It has been observed that the coexistence of several risk
genotype. Cumulative effect of risk factors in homocystein factors, none of which is necessarily elevated to an extraor-
prevalence. HDL: High Density Lipoproteins. MTHFR: meth-
dinary degree, in any given individual can actually be
ylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. C: Cytosine; T: Thymine;
CC: normal genotype; CT: partial mutation; TT: mutation in more dangerous than the existence of a single factor,
homozygosis. regardless of its magnitude [44,47]. In our study, as previ-
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ously described in Guo et al [48], prevalence of hyperho- further contribution towards finding an answer in this
mocysteinaemia increases when risk factors accumulate. field of investigation
The probability of being hyperhomocysteinemic is 5
times higher with deficit serum folate levels than it is with Conclusion
normal values. If, the person concerned also happens to A good definition of hyperhomocysteinaemia in adoles-
be a carrier of the MTHFR TT polymorphism, this risk is cents is the 90th percentile, equivalent to 8.23 μmol/L.
then multiplied by 30 because his/her ability to metabo-
lise homocysteine is very reduced; and if, in addition to Risk factors for hyperhomocysteinaemia are cHDL and
this, such a person has HDL cholesterol levels below 35 folate deficiency, and the MTHFR C677T mutant geno-
mg/dl, the likelihood of his/her being hyperhomo- type. Coexistence of all three factors increases the risk of
cysteinemic is multiplied by 90. These results suggest that suffering from hyperhomocysteinaemia 87-fold.
the higher decile is an appropriate cut-off to define homo-
cysteinemia in adolescents. Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
While many national and international studies link deficit
serum folate levels to hyperhomocysteinaemia and sug- Authors' contributions
gest dietary supplementation as a preventive strategy for RGP: design and coordination of the study, data acquisi-
reducing cardiovascular risk [48-53], other authors con- tion, analysis and interpretation of data, perform the sta-
tend that, as hyperhomocysteinaemia has not yet been tistical analysis and drafted the manuscript, VH:
shown to be an independent risk factor, dietary supple- participated in the statistical analysis, BC: carried out the
mentation is not justified [54]. PCRs, MO: design and coordination of the study, acquisi-
tion of funding, general supervision of the research group,
We thus feel that we are confronted by a still unresolved AG: design and coordination of the study, acquisition of
research question, and trust that our study may serve as a funding, general supervision of the research group. All
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