Internet of Things (IoT) System For Diagnosing Power Transformer Faults Using The IEC 60076-1 Standard: Review

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Internet of Things (IoT) System for Diagnosing

Power Transformer Faults using the
IEC 60076-1 Standard: Review
Mzamo Richard Msane
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
University of Johannesburg
Durban, South Africa

Abstract:- The evaluation of Internet of Things (IoT), to a Cisco report [1]. Prior to recently, the internet allowed
which are contracted to research the adoption or people to connect and communicate with one other, but as of
acceptance of IoT technology, is deemed to be a subject of late, objects have been able to sense their surroundings and
vital importance. Studying the adoption or admissibility exchange data with one another. IoT has impacted a number
of IoT technology is not a brand-new study area, and of other areas, including smart homes, agriculture, and
numerous scholars have undertaken the task. The current medicines. IoT has not yet achieved significant progress in
and upcoming generations of Internet are being shaped one area, which is the power system environment. Integrating
by the Internet of Things (IoT). The main aim of this communication capabilities into a network of widely
survey, contrasted with previous surveys, is to scattered, heterogeneous, and closely spaced objects is the
systematically evaluate the IoT technology research in aim of the Internet of Things.
condition monitoring of power transformers to proffer a
thorough cursor that can facilitate scholars to accomplish These smart devices generate data that is compiled,
additional research in IoT acceptance. Almost all assessed, and dispersed for use in subsequent processes by
appliances may now be remotely monitored and IoT services and applications. Various data formats and
connected to the internet thanks to the Internet of Things. protocols are carried by the Internet of Things network for
Power transformers play a crucial role in electrical various applications utilizing various technologies. IoT
distribution networks, and their reliable operation is technologies develop and change as a result of the shifting
paramount. The existing diagnostic tests outlined in the demands of people's daily lives. Because of its limited or
IEC 60076-1 standard are essential for ensuring lossy identification, the Internet of Things (IoT) environment
transformer health but suffer from manual procedures, presents a number of issues, making data security and
leaving them susceptible to human error. This traditional confidentiality crucial. Every owner of a transformer wants to
method not only introduces the potential for inaccuracies maximize the efficiency and use of this vital equipment in
due to human involvement but also incurs significant order to maximize their return on investment. Transformer
operational costs and delays. The need to physically owners have historically used predictive and corrective
dispatch technicians to transformer sites for routine maintenance techniques for this equipment. Corrective
diagnostics hampers timely fault detection and preventive maintenance ensures that transformer parts are used without
maintenance. Therefore, there exists a pressing need to reservation in practice, but it comes at a cost to the utility in
modernize and enhance the diagnostic procedures by terms of labor, downtime, and non-routine maintenance
integrating emerging technologies like the Internet of requirements. By carrying out preventive maintenance, which
Things (IoT). This paper will review the most recent involves determining the lifespan of specific parts and
techniques for transformer health tracking system using carrying out maintenance before the actual breakdown
IoT and highlight the contemporary approaches. A total occurs, a number of utility owners have been able to advance.
of 50 primary research literature that was published Although the high costs of labor, planned downtime, and
between 2018 and 2024 were surveyed in this review underuse of the component during its operational lifespan
paper. persist, this strategy prevents unanticipated and catastrophic
failures. Utility owners are now leaning toward developing a
Keywords:- Internet of Things, Transformers, Sensors, predictive maintenance model that improves the maintenance
Systematic Literature Review. cycle and counteracts a corrective and preventative
maintenance approach, thanks to the development of the
I. INTRODUCTION Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Just-in-time component
replacement is a strategy used in predictive maintenance. By
IoT is transforming contemporary civilization. The reducing unplanned maintenance and labor expenses, this
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected technique extends component lifespan in addition to
devices that communicate with one another by sending and replacing components that are closer to failure. A detailed
receiving data. Approximately 500 billion gadgets will use examination of the primary research elements of digital twin
sensors and be connected to the Internet by 2030, according technology in transformer condition monitoring, including

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

the kind of transformer or physical item, the examined remotely monitored and connected to the internet thanks to
transformer aspect, the digital model platform, the the Internet of Things. IoT is a significant advancement in
communication channel, the cloud, and the type of digital artificial intelligence and a step toward integrating into
twin, is conducted. contemporary culture. Due to their widespread application in
digital systems, electronics, and equipment, they also grew to
II. LITERATURE SURVEY be a significant component of the engineering sector. IoT
consists of a large network of interconnected devices. These
The work in [8] examined the current, voltage, digital technology tools gather information, process, and
temperature, moisture, and oil level of a 3-phase oil evaluate it, and then do the tasks in accordance with the
immersed power transformer. Node-MCU was used as the configurations of the programs, as illustrated in Figure 1. The
microcontroller which was embedded with 4 sensors namely: sensors, which are covered in more detail below, enable this.
Temperature & Humidity sensor, Current sensor, Voltage Wireless networks abound on IoT platforms. An Internet of
sensor, IR sensor. Things (IoT) environment is made up of networked devices
with sensors, CPUs, and other complex hardware that are
[9] Examined the current, voltage, temperature and oil connected to the internet and use that data to transfer, gather,
level of a power transformer using ESP32 as the and act upon it. IoT sensors take measurements of physical
microcontroller with the 4 sensors embedded. Blynk App was quantities, sending the data to an MCU for processing and
used as the cloud and GSM was used to send SMS’s of analysis. The MCU then sends the data to the cloud for
abnormal conditions to the operators.[10] designed a health additional processing and storage. The IoT system responds
management system of a distribution transformer. to any anomalies it detects by executing program
ThingSpeak was used for examining the graphical signatures configurations.
of ambient temperature, winding temperature, oil
temperature, Current, Voltage and Oil level. This was done
by 7 sensors embedded to a microcontroller and ThingSpeak
used for, storage, processing, and display.

[11] Examined graphical signatures generation tool to

monitor 5 power transformer parameters viz: Current,
Voltage, Oil level, Winding temperature, and Ambient
temperature. This was done by enabling early fault detection
measurements. Pushing Box was used to notify operators of
any parameters exceeding pre-defined values. Wi-fi was used
for wireless communication and LPC2132 module as the
main processor.

[12] Examined optimal protection of a power

transformer using IoT. ESP32 microcontroller was used with
2 sensors embedded on it. The 2 sensors used were
temperature and flow sensors. [13] examined voltage,
current, oil level, and oil temperature of a power transformer
using ESP 8266 microcontroller which was embedded with 4
sensors viz, voltage, current, oil level and oil temperature Fig 1 IoT System Layout Diagram. [17]
sensors. [15] Used long range communication protocols to
effectively monitor transformers and their real time IV. METHODOLOGY
parameters. GSM was used to send notifications for any
parameters exceeding pre-defined values. From the literature The present systematic literature review (SLR) has
it was ascertained that papers conducted excellent work in established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The four
monitoring electrical parameters for transformers. However, methods used to complete this review were data coding and
it was discovered that not a single paper used this data to analysis, quality valuation, search strategies, and scholarly
perform electrical routine tests outlined in IEC60076-1 work sources. The first step of laying the groundwork is
standard. This remains a research gap that can be explored included in the systematic literature review (SLR) created in
further. this work, while the survey procedures consist of designing,
carrying out, and assessing the survey. The steps in the
III. INTERNET OF THINGS procedure were picking the search query, assessing the
caliber of the academic literature, identifying the most
The term "Internet of Things" (IoT) describes a group of important research, gathering information, recording the
gadgets that are linked to the internet in order to send and review, and, finally, carrying out validation. Furthermore,
receive data [22]. With the advancement and simplification since the research subject immediately sets the reference
of daily tasks, IoT has now permeated human existence. Up framework for the study, it is a crucial step in the systematic
until recently, only computers, laptops, and cellphones could literature review process. It is stressed to combine a search
connect to the internet. Almost any equipment may be approach that prioritizes conducting the preliminary

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

investigation. After this process is finished, more effort needs

to be done in order to create a plan for determining the search
criteria and making sure that the preliminary study is linked
to the SLR.

 Proposed Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

For this survey investigation, only academic works that
meet the suggested inclusion and exclusion criteria listed in
Table 1 will be looked at. This table guarantees that the
literature choice is in line with the goals and parameters of the

Table 1 Proposed Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Criteria Inclusion Exclusion
Topic Must pertain to Internet Articles unrelated
of Things technology in IoT technology for
electrical transformer transformers
condition monitoring or
fault diagnosis Fig 2 The Primary Research Publication Sources
Research Must include a research Articles lacking
Framework framework or clear research.
methodology framework
Language Must be written in the Articles published
English language in languages other
than English
Publication Must be published Articles published
Period between 2014 and 2024 outside the specified

 Scholary Work Sources

A comprehensive search of published academic
publications was done using Google Scholar (GS), IEEE
Xplore (IX), Science Direct (SD), Emerald Insight (EI),
Springer Link (SL), Wiley Online Library, Taylor & Francis
Online (TFO), and ELSEVIER repositories in order to gather
the literature for this SLR. The search phrases used to find
relevant information were derived from the terms created in
Table 2.

Table 2 Proposed Keyword Search

Keywords search Fig 3 The Primary Countries of Represented
Internet of Things (IoT) Publication Sources
"Transformer Monitoring" or "Electrical Transformer
Condition" or "Transformer Maintenance" or "Transformer The regional distribution of research contributions in
Management". the field of Internet of Things technology for electrical
"Condition Assessment" or "Transformer Health" or transformer status monitoring is depicted in Figure 3. Of
"Transformer Diagnostics" or "Transformer Data Analysis". these, India accounts for 56% of the total donations,
"Predictive Maintenance" or "Transformer Performance" or suggesting a substantial concentration there. India has made
"Transformer Reliability". significant research efforts and has actively contributed to the
growth of this technology, as evidenced by its dominance.
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Even though India leads by a large margin, other countries
make substantial contributions as well, albeit on a smaller
The current SLR looks at 50 research projects that were scale. China shows a strong interest in this industry as seen
carried out between 2018 and 2024 and use IoT technologies by its 6% contribution and the 5% contributions from
to diagnose transformer faults. The analysis of the published Ethiopia, Indonesia, and Kazakhstan.
sources in Figure 2 shows how widely the literature on IoT
technology for electrical transformer status monitoring is The examination of the tools used in the research on IoT
distributed. Journal papers make up most of the landscape technology for electrical transformer status monitoring
with 26 publications, whereas conferences only account for reveals a wide range of IoT platforms and software solutions.
24 publications. Among the solutions that are used more commonly is the

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Arduino IDE software. This program is well renowned for its

capacity to set up third-party microcontrollers and Arduino
boards. Researchers seem to prefer it because of its
adaptability and ease of usage. Figure 4 shows that the
communication channel that was most popular was Wi-Fi.
Due to the current infrastructure's ideal application for close-
quarters communication. Figure 5 showed that the
researchers' top choice for an IoT cloud was ThingSpeak,
most likely because it is an open-source program that lets
users aggregate, visualize, and analyze real-time data streams
on the cloud. Finally, as Figure 6 illustrates, the Arduino Uno
board was the microcontroller of choice for the majority of

Fig 6 The Microprocessors


The existing diagnostic tests outlined in the IEC 60076-

1 standard are essential for ensuring transformer health. Only
four diagnostics from the standard are briefly discussed
below viz:

 Winding Resistance
A transformer's DC resistance can reveal a great deal
about itself when measured from one external terminal to
Fig 4 The Communication Channels another. More subtle issues can be found in addition to the
obvious faulty windings (such as an open winding or shorted
turn). Apart from the winding, the on-load tap changer and
multiple welded and mechanical connections also need to
receive the DC current. Direct current shall be used for the
measurement [23].

 Voltage Ratio and Phase Displacement

The primary purpose of voltage ratio test is to find any
shorted turns in any of the transformer windings due to
insulation failure. This test is also used to detect any problems
between the connection of windings and the selector switch of
the tap changer. The voltage ratio shall be measured on each
tapping [23].

 Short Circuit Impedance and Load Loss

Only short-circuit impedance is used to estimate voltage
regulation, short-circuit current, and load distribution when
transformers operate in parallel. To find the copper losses in a
transformer at full load, perform a short-circuit test on the
transformer. It can also be used to get the parameters needed
to roughly represent a transformer's equivalent circuit. Load
losses: These losses are often referred to as short circuit or
Fig 5 The IoT Cloud Platforms copper losses.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 No Load Loss and Current Measurement

Every time the transformer is activated, even when the
secondary circuit is open, these losses take place in the
transformer core. They are constant and also known as core
losses or iron losses. They consist of hysteresis losses, which
are brought about by the frictional movement of magnetic
domains in the core laminations that are magnetized and
demagnetized by changes in the magnetic field.


IoT sensors are hardware components that gather data

and identify environmental changes. They are members of an
Internet of Things family that connects the virtual and real
worlds [24]. IoT sensors can be used to measure variables like
motion, pressure, and temperature. They also share data with
networks when they are connected to one [24]. Sensors are Fig 8 Current Sensor ACS712 [24]
input devices that provide outputs concerning physical
quantities. Sensors are classified as active and passive.  Temperature Sensor
Passive Sensors are those sensors that does not require power Current Sensors are devices that can be used to detect
supply to operate whilst active sensor requires power supply electrical current in a circuit. Current sensors are often used
to operate. IoT sensors related to the transformer health for the metering of power, controlling of complex loads from
management system are discussed below-: power transformers, integration charge and monitoring. For
this study, the DHT22 temperature was chosen. This digital
 Voltage Sensor sensor is used to determine the transformer's temperature.
A voltage sensor is a sensor that monitors, calculates, This sensor has been chosen because of its low cost and
and determines the supply of voltage. Voltage sensors are ability to optionally acquire ambient humidity data. It can
often applied to control power demand, detection of a power measure temperatures ranging from -40 to 125 degrees
failure and for sensing loads. As secondary voltage of Celsius with a resolution of 8 bits and a 2% error margin. The
distribution transformer is single phase 230V, so it can be DHT22 has an accuracy of plus or minus 0.5 degrees and a
easily measured with the help of ZMPT101B AC voltage sampling rate of 0.5 Hz, meaning one reading every two
sensor [9]. ZMPT101B has a high accuracy, good seconds. The DHT22 sensor has a working voltage range of 3
consistency for power measurement up to 250V AC as shown to 5 volts and a maximum measurement current of 2.5 mA.
in Figure. Easy to use and comes with a multi turn trim
potentiometer for adjusting the ADC output [9].

Fig 9 IoT System DHT11 Humidity Sensor [25]

Fig 7 AC Voltage Sensor ZMPT101B [24]  Oil Level Sensor

An instrument called an oil level sensor is used to
 Current Sensor monitor the oil level in the transformer's conservator tank.
Current Sensors are devices that can be used to detect The non-contact distance sensing capability of the JSN-
electrical current in a circuit. Current sensors are often used SR0T4-2.0 ultrasonic distance measuring module spans 20 to
for the metering of power, controlling of complex loads from 600 cm with an accuracy of up to 2 mm [9]. An integrated
power transformers, integration charge and monitoring closed waterproof cable probe is included with this sensor,
batteries. The Allegro ACS712 provides economical and making it appropriate for wet, challenging measurements.
precise solutions for AC or DC current sensing in industrial,
commercial, and communications system [9].

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Fig 10 Ultrasonic Sensor [24]


IoT is a larger area that uses a mix of wired and wireless

forms of communication as shown in Figure 11 Various IoT
devices transfers and receive information, whilst some solely
transfer data. Certain connections with peer devices can take
place directly. It is important for remote communications to
travel through a gateway before reaching their destinations.
IoT communication protocols are collections of wireless
networks and guidelines that link IoT devices [25]. IoT Fig 11 IoT Communication Protocols [28]
protocols enable data sharing between IoT devices. The ideal
IoT communication protocol is determined by the unique IX. IOT CLOUDS
needs and limitations of a given system. The following
factors should be considered when choosing IoT An IoT cloud is a huge network that supports IoT
communication protocol: devices and applications [26. It is a technology architecture
that links servers located in cloud data centers to Internet of
 Power consumption Things devices. Better information-driven decision making,
 Data transmission speed optimization, and risk mitigation are made possible by the
 Network and data security. underlying infrastructure, which consists of servers and
 Geographical areas These are the actual separations storage that are required for real-time operations and
between two or more ecosystem-forming devices. processing. The services and guidelines required to link,
 Physical obstacles: These are the impediments that the control, and secure various IoT devices and apps are also
IoT ecosystem's devices must overcome. For example, included in an IoT cloud [27]. An effective, adaptable, and
mountains or buildings. scalable architecture for providing the services and
 Total budget: Several protocols have varying costs. infrastructure required to power IoT devices and applications
is provided by IoT clouds. IoT clouds enable enterprises to
IoT communication channels are known as pathways take full use of the enormous potential of IoT without having
for devices to communicate through specific ways like to start from scratch with the underlying infrastructure and
servers, cables, and modules. They make it possible for services since they provide on-demand, affordable hyperscale
devices to be implemented in communication with each other [27].
and also make it possible for different types of devices that
are not the same in type to communicate with one another.  ThingSpeak
An open-source framework called ThingSpeak makes it
possible to gather and store sensor data on the cloud [28]. It
gives you access to the MATLAB software for data analysis
and visualization. Data from the sensors can be sent via
Beaglebone, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino. To store data, a
different channel can be made. The end user can gather,
visualize, and analyze real-time data streams in the cloud with
ThingSpeak, an IoT analytics platform service [29].
ThingSpeak can receive data from end users' devices,
visualize live data instantly, and issue alarms.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Ardiuno Cloud sensors, and other electrical components. They help control
An online platform called the Arduino IoT Cloud the device's operation and behavior during data processing
facilitates the creation, deployment, and monitoring of and transmission. In an IoT system, microcontrollers are
Internet of Things projects [30]. It makes it easy to create, essential for establishing connections with and exchanging
administer, and install linked apps on compatible hardware. data with other devices and systems. They gather, process,
Furthermore, it is possible to create an elegant dashboard for and transmit sensor data to other systems or devices via wired
gathering, presenting, and modifying data from IoT devices. or wireless communication protocols. They can also
Three simple-to-use tools are included in the Arduino Cloud understand and receive commands and control signals from
toolbox, which facilitates the creation, monitoring, and other devices, which they can employ to direct the embedded
updating of linked IoT projects during their whole lifecycle. device's actions and behaviors. Microcontrollers' tiny size,
The end user can aggregate variables from linked devices inexpensive cost, and low energy consumption make them
using the Arduino IoT Cloud. After that, a completely ideal for use in Internet of Things (IoT) applications. They are
customized dashboard with the variable values and appropriate for a wide range of IoT applications since they
aggregation results is displayed. The functionality of the can be configured to do a wide variety of functions. Because
offline, traditional Arduino IDE are also available in the web they consume less energy, they are also excellent for battery-
editor [31]. On the other hand, it makes it easy for the end powered gadgets [33]. Commonly used microcontrollers are
user to transport all drawings and libraries and access them briefly discussed below-:
from any PC connected to the Internet [31]. There is a free
plan available on the Arduino Cloud that can be used  ESP32
indefinitely. However, the end user must purchase a premium Due to its quick CPU, low power consumption, Wi-Fi
package in order to get more advanced capabilities like over- and Bluetooth capabilities, and portability, ESP32 is a great
the-air upgrades. option for Internet of Things applications [33].

 Amazon Web Services

With its well-established and scalable infrastructure,
which can accommodate billions of sensors and trillions of
IoT data, Amazon offers a comprehensive range of cloud IoT
services. There are several uses for the Amazon IoT platform,
including business, industrial, and consumer ones [32].

 Microsoft Azure IoT

When utilizing Microsoft Azure IoT solutions, the end-
user can select from pre-customized working flows or develop
a specific project according to the project's requirements.
Every aspect of IoT development and design is covered by the Fig 12 IoT ESP32 Microcontroller [26]
adaptable Microsoft Azure IoT Suite, from connecting devices
to giving decision-makers insights. One of its biggest  Arduino Boards
advantages is the significance of security. Because Arduino boards are inexpensive and simple to
use, they are a popular choice for Internet of Things projects.
X. MICONTROLLERS They accept several programming languages and offer a
plethora of functionality, including digital and analog inputs
Typically, electronic devices are controlled by and outputs [33]
microcontrollers, which are tiny computers [33]. Its low
power consumption, affordability, and ease of integration into
many devices make it a popular choice for Internet of Things
(IoT) applications. A microcontroller is a single chip
including input/output components, memory, and a processor.
The memory holds data and programs, the processor executes
instructions, and the I/O components enable the
microcontroller to interact with its surroundings through
sensors and tools [33]. There are numerous microcontrollers
on the market, each with unique characteristics and
functionalities. In an Internet of Things application,
programming languages can be used to provide instructions to Fig 13 IoT Arduino Board Microcontroller [26].
a microcontroller. A PC, USB, or serial port connection can
be used for this. Following programming, the microcontroller  Raspberry Pi
can interface with other devices or establish a wireless, Because of its adaptability and capacity to run a full
Bluetooth, cellular, or internet connection. Microcontrollers, operating system, the Raspberry Pi is a small, inexpensive
which are tiny computer chips, are widely utilized in Internet computer that has gained popularity in IoT projects. It can
of Things (IoT) systems to monitor and manage various construct a wide range of IoT devices, from basic sensors to
systems and objects. They are commonly found in actuators, intricate systems [33].

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

the field of power transformer diagnostics by introducing an

innovative IoT-based approach. By automating and
optimizing the diagnostic process, the IoT transformer health
tracking system will enhance the accuracy and reliability of
fault detection while minimizing operational costs. The
study's outcomes are expected to contribute to improved
power system reliability, reduced downtime, and
advancements in industry standards, offering substantial
benefits to power infrastructure operators and stakeholders.
From the explanation above, it was clear that using the
internet to support online health monitoring yields more
accurate and superior findings than using more conventional
Fig 14 IoT Raspberry Pi Microcontroller [26]. techniques. Additionally, it has been noted that detecting
errors takes less time and prevents catastrophic system
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