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I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, PP.40-48, Mar. 2018 (DOI: 10.6636/IJEIE.201803.8(1).

05) 40

Improving the Security of Cloud Computing by

Building New Hybrid Cryptography Algorithms
Diaa Salama AbdElminaam
(Corresponding author: Diaa Salama AbdElminaam)

Information Systems department, Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Benha University, Egypt
(Email: ds [email protected])
(Received Dec. 10, 2017; revised and accepted Feb. 8, 2018)

Cryptography considered from the old science that are human learn it and motivated it through all past years,
Cryptography consist of two main items encryption and decryption, encryption mean we take the plain text and
convert it a new text can’t be read and can’t be understood by any one, except the recipient. Through the
motivations of technology and using the internet in all human fields, Cryptography was become widely used over
many people and transportation data protocols, so encryption using the famous algorithms isolated was considered
a high risk and date are not safe or can’t away from hackers. So now, in this paper we will introduce a new hybrid
technique for Cryptography using two algorithms (AES and Blowfish). This new technique gathering between
symmetric and a symmetric encryption. This Combination of using symmetric and a symmetric technique will
give us the high security and everyone have his private key that can be used for decryption process by many people
at the same time. This technique has also benefit for making hashing for Key by using MD5 hashing function that
will make hashing the key in encryption process and make the same process in decryption. This will increase the
security of the key plus increasing security using hybrid cryptography. Finally, we will have cipher text cannot
be decrypted except by the recipient.
Keywords: AES; Blowfish; Cryptography; Decryption; DES; Encryption; Hybrid Cryptography

1 Introduction
Security was become the main issue that face every body that using internet in their daily work, security can be
achieved through five main categories Authentication, Confidentiality and Integrity as illustrated in Figure 1 [5, 9, 16].
• Authentication: mean that unauthorized user cannot access your site or your network.
• Authorization: only authentication user was allowed to access information.

• Integrity: Check that the date was transmit doesn’t have any modification in its way to receiver, and this data
still valid.
• Audit: is a systematic evaluation of the information security.
• Availability is best ensured by rigorously maintaining information or data.

There are some terms must be introduced about cryptography such as the following and it shown in Figure 2 [24]:
• Plain text: is the text message that someone want to encrypt it and send it to another body, and be sure that
no one can read it except the recipient.
• Key: this is the main item that must be known between the sender or receiver message, and if any other one
know it all message encrypted by this key will be hacking in very easy way. There are two types of key Public
and Private key, public key can make encryption and decryption in some algorithms and in other algorithms
there are a privet key that can decrypt message with specific key only.
• Encryption algorithm: the used algorithm to make encryption process, and there are many worked algorithms
that are symmetric and a symmetric that user can choose from them.
I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, PP.40-48, Mar. 2018 (DOI: 10.6636/IJEIE.201803.8(1).05) 41

Figure 1: Security factors

• Cipher text: the result of encryption algorithm after applying specific cryptography algorithm for encryption
over plain text.
• Decryption: this process concerned with return cipher text to its main form or to the main plain text again.

Figure 2: Cryptography process

• Symmetric key: can be named as privet key cryptography, this technique use private key and only one key for
cryptography algorithm, in other way encryption and decryption done using one key, and this key must know
only by sender and receiver [10, 17]. The main famous algorithms that use this technique Data Encryption
Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

• A symmetric key: can be named as public key cryptography, this technique need special keys to doing the
cryptography process and there are common algorithms that use this technique as RSA and Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC) [1].
There are some advantages and disadvantages for using a symmetric rather than symmetric cipher as following:
the main most advantage of asymmetric over symmetric is that no secret channel is necessary for the exchange of
the public key. The receiver needs only to be assured of the authenticity of the public key [7]. Symmetric ciphers
require a secret channel to send the secret key generated by sender and send to receiver to use it later, Asymmetric
ciphers also create lesser key-management problems than symmetric ciphers [15]. Only the second keys are needed
for n entities to communicate securely with one another. Disadvantage of asymmetric ciphers over symmetric ciphers
is that they tend to be slower than symmetric cryptography. Another disadvantage is that symmetric ciphers can be
hacked through a multi trying attack, in which all possible keys are used until one of them succeeded to decrypt the
cipher text.
I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, PP.40-48, Mar. 2018 (DOI: 10.6636/IJEIE.201803.8(1).05) 42

In addition, by motivation in technology and the abilities of server this process will not take a long time until hacker
will get the right key, and decrypt the text in easy way.MD5 (technically called MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm) is a
cryptographic hash function whose main purpose is to verify that a file has been unaltered [19]. Instead of confirming
that two sets of data are identical by comparing the raw data, MD5 does this by producing a checksum on both sets,
and then comparing the checksums to verify that they’re the same. MD5 has certain flaws and so it isn’t useful for
advanced encryption applications, but it’s perfectly acceptable to use it for standard file verifications [8].
In this paper, we will introduce a new hybrid technique for Cryptography using two algorithms (AES and Blowfish).
This new technique gathering between symmetric and a symmetric encryption. This Combination of using symmetric
and a symmetric technique will give us the high security and everyone have his private key that can be used for
decryption process by many people at the same time. This technique has also benefit for making hashing for Key
by using MD5 hashing function that will make hashing the key in encryption process and make the same process in
decryption. This will increase the security of the key plus increasing security using hybrid cryptography. Finally, we
will have cipher text cannot be decrypted except the recipient.
This paper will be organized as following: first, this paper will be showing the previous or similar worked hybrid
cryptography technique, next section will present the new or the proposed hybrid cryptography technique. Next
section will present the results of comparison between the following cryptography algorithms DES, AES, Blowfish
and presented hybrid technique (AES-Blowfish) and last section will introduce the conclusion of this paper.

2 Related Works
2.1 (Subasree) Cryptography Architecture
As shown in Figure 3, there are a plain text in the above of architecture, it encrypted by ECC, and the result
encrypted or cypher text is transmit through secured channel [6]. Simultaneously, MD5 was used to hash the plain
text, which already encrypted using ECC. In the same time hash value was encrypted using DUAL RSA, and then
transmit it to the destination. When applying this Cryptography Architecture, the plain text cannot been extracted
in easy way, as you think, because the Hash value was encrypted with DUAL RSA and calculated with MD5 [4].
However, this technique is complex but if any person has the private key, he can decrypt the cipher text in easy way.

Figure 3: (Subasree) Security architecture

2.2 (Dubal) Cryptography Architecture

As shown in Figure 4, the plain text is encrypted with key by using ECDH [12, 13, 21]. The used algorithm is DUAL
RSA, this algorithm takes the main information and also take key to produce the cipher text, and also use the digital
signature to increase security and increase authentication that was produced by the following algorithm ECDSA.
In the same time of encryption, MD5 hash value was used for producing the cipher text, then the transmission
channel should be used to transmit the new encrypted cipher text. On the other side, decryption will be making
I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, PP.40-48, Mar. 2018 (DOI: 10.6636/IJEIE.201803.8(1).05) 43

Figure 4: (Dubal) Security architecture

by doing the following steps, hash value should be trusted and checked first and decryption will be making by using
DUAL RSA [14]. Hence, the plaintext can be derived. In this protocol, the intruder may be trapped by both the
encryption by the DUAL RSA with the key of ECDH algorithm. Although using of the following algorithms DUAL
RSA and ECDH the security should be increased but still there are a big problem with the private key [2], if it was

2.3 Hybrid Cryptography Protocol (HCP)

This algorithm contains from two phases encryption and decryption phase; this paper will present the different steps
in every phase with more details as following [18, 20].

2.3.1 Encryption Phase

As Figure 5 shown that the plain text was divided into number of block, each block consists of 128 bits, then
every block will be divided for two parts, every part will be encrypted with different algorithm, first block will be
encrypted using (AES and ECC) hybrid encryption algorithm, second block will be encrypted using XOR-DUAL
RSA algorithm.
ECC used for protection of the secret key, and according to the mathematical problem, ECC can be solved by not
making sub exponential but with doing fully exponential, also ECC needs smaller key size and less memory size.
On the other side DUAL RSA are used for making fast encryption and decryption, which DUAL RSA was
considered faster four times than standard RSA. Another point must be taken in consideration that XOR Encryption
algorithm is one of a symmetric algorithm. This means that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.

2.3.2 Decryption Phase

As presented below in Figure 6, the encrypted or cipher text will be divided into number of n blocks, each block as
encryption phase will be consist of 128 bits. Then each block will be divided to two parts, now we have two cipher
text, the hash value of every block will be compared to check if the text is hacked or there are any corruption of
data, after check succeeded decryption algorithm will go through as shown in Figure 6 [22].

3 The Proposed Hybrid Cryptography

The proposed hybrid cryptography consist of two phasing one for encryption & the second for decryption, and it will
be presented as following:
I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, PP.40-48, Mar. 2018 (DOI: 10.6636/IJEIE.201803.8(1).05) 44

Figure 5: Encryption phase

Figure 6: Decryption phase

I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, PP.40-48, Mar. 2018 (DOI: 10.6636/IJEIE.201803.8(1).05) 45

Encryption Phase: As shown in the below Figure 7, the plain text was divided to n blocks and each block will
be divided to two parts one part will be encrypted using (AES) and other by blowfish, next the result of two
algorithms will be concatenated and create one text for first block and so on until finished all blocks, in the
same time the key used will be hashed using MD5 and used the hash result as key for encryption in AES &
Blowfish algorithms.

Figure 7: Encryption phase

Decryption Phase: as shown in Figure 8, the cipher text will be dived also to n block and the key will be hashed
again to be used in decryption process, after that each block will be dived to two parts, first one will be
decrypted using AES with hashed Key, and the second will be decrypted using blowfish algorithm with hashed

Figure 8: Decryption phase

I.J. of Electronics and Information Engineering, Vol.8, No.1, PP.40-48, Mar. 2018 (DOI: 10.6636/IJEIE.201803.8(1).05) 46

4 Numerical Results
A. The size of the cipher text As shown below in Table I output of the encryption process. This table shows the
size of the encrypted or cipher text in bytes.
B. Time of Encryption and Decryption Processes As shown in Tables 2 & 3 the time for encryption and decryption
process for three different techniques.
C. Throughput To calculate the throughput, we used the Encryption time as the following equation: Throughput
= size of cipher text / time taken in encryption. Table 4 shows the throughput result of the proposed hybrid
cryptography technique compared with the existing algorithms (DES & AES) for different sizes of plain text [3,

Table 1: Size of cipher text (bytes)

Size of plain text (bytes) DES AES AES & Blowfish AES & RSA
112 141 141 356 378
2305 2654 2630 3007 3790
7894 8301 8505 10147 11103
153422 153783 153845 158607 168302

Table 2: Time of encryption (ms)

Size of plain text (bytes) DES AES AES & Blowfish AES & RSA
112 2070 2073 4389 4876
2305 3986 3994 5883 5994
7894 14981 15107 33900 34101
153422 106781 106792 194527 201305

Table 3: Time of decryption (ms)

Size of plain text (bytes) DES AES AES & Blowfish AES & RSA
112 1034 1034 3278 3497
2305 1675 1675 2634 3012
7894 1534 1534 12641 13501
153422 2246 2246 103314 103987

Table 4: Throughput

Size of plain text (bytes) DES AES AES & Blowfish AES & RSA
112 68.115 68.017 81.111 77.522
2305 665.830 658.487 511.133 632.298
7894 554.101 562.984 299.321 325.591
153422 1478.085 1440.604 815.346 836.054
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5 Conclusion
In this paper, we introduced a new hybrid technique for Cryptography using two algorithms (AES and Blowfish).
This new technique gathering between symmetric and a symmetric encryption. This Combination of using symmetric
and a symmetric technique will give us the high security and everyone have his private key that can be used for
decryption process by many people at the same time. This technique has also benefit for making hashing for Key
by using MD5 hashing function that will make hashing the key in encryption process and make the same process in
decryption. This will increase the security of the key plus increasing security using hybrid cryptography. Finally we
will have cipher text cannot be decrypted except by the recipient.

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Diaa Abdul-Minaam was born on November 23, 1982 in KafrSakr, Sharkia, Egypt. He received the B.S from
Faculty of Computers & Informatics, Zagazig University, Egypt in 2004 with grade very good with honor, and
obtains master degree in information system from faculty of computers and information, menufia university, Egypt
in 2009 specializing in Cryptography and network security. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in information system
from faculty of computers and information, menufia university, Egypt. He is currently a Lecturer in Information
systems department, Faculty of Computers and Information, Benha University, Egypt since 2011. He has worked
on a number of research topics. Diaa has contributed more than 20+ technical papers in the areas of wireless
networks, wireless network security, Information security and Internet applications, Cloud Computing, Mobile Cloud
Computing in international journals, international conferences, local journals and local conferences. He majors in
Cryptography, Network Security, IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing. (Mobile: +20166104747; +201019511000 E-mail:
ds [email protected])

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