Quarter 4 Quiz #1 - Patterns of Development
Quarter 4 Quiz #1 - Patterns of Development
Quarter 4 Quiz #1 - Patterns of Development
Name: __________________________________ Some teachers do not allow students to use cellphones during
Grade & Section: _________________________ classes. However, using them in class has advantages. Cellphones
are useful for students in searching definitions and relevant
information. They can check pronunciations and browse pictures to
A. Directions: Circle the letter of the best answer. fully understand concepts. Another advantage is their cellphones
make note-taking more convenient. Students don’t need to take down
1. Which concept below refers to the organizing of ideas in a logical
long notes from the board and can just take photos and record the
and clear manner to suit the writer’s purpose?
teacher’s discussions instead. Furthermore, it also serves as an
A. coherence C. idea development
B. grammatical signals D. pattern of idea development alternative calculator in Math subjects. __________ teachers view
cellphones as a distraction to students, they are still very useful.
2. Apart from using, determiners, repetition, transitional devices, Therefore, with proper supervision and monitoring, cellphones can be
which below can be used to achieve coherence? very beneficial to students during classes.
A. claim C. idea development
B..grammatical signals D. pattern of idea development A. Although C. As a result
B. Because D. Furthermore
3. Which pattern of idea development discusses the general topic by
elaborating it using specific details? 13. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the
A. cause and effect C. general to particular paragraph below?
B. claim-counterclaim D. problem-solution
Unable to fall asleep is frustrating. However, you can fall asleep faster
4. Which pattern of idea development is used to present an action through these ways. _________ is listening to relaxing music. Playing
that can be taken to address an identified concern or issue? this type of music helps you have a restful and deeper sleep
A. cause and effect C. problem-solution compared to someone who doesn’t listen to music. Another way is by
B. claim-counterclaim D. general to particular keeping the lights off. Keeping the room dark when going to bed helps
you sleep. Lastly, avoid using gadgets during bed time. The blue light
5. Which pattern of idea development is based on opinions and from gadgets blocks the production of melatonin, the hormone that
emotions that aims to convince the readers to do or believe in makes you sleepy. To sum up, these are some ways to help you
something? easily fall asleep.
A. cause-and-effect C. persuasion
A. Also C. One way B. Next D. Another way
B. claim-counterclaim D. problem-solution
14. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph
6. Which pattern of idea development explains the reasons and below?
results of something?
A. cause-and-effect C. persuasion Other people say that the tobacco industry helps our economy;
B. claim-counterclaim D. problem-solution however, cigarettes still bring a lot of problems. First, the smoke from
cigarettes is harmful to the health of both smokers and non-smokers. It
7. Which pattern of idea development commonly uses the
is known to be the leading cause of lung cancer which may result to
grammatical signals also, for example, in addition, specifically, and
for instance? death. Second, it contributes to air pollution. Despite it boosting our
A. persuasion C. claim-counterclaim economy, I strongly believe that the mentioned negative effects are
B. cause-and-effect D. general-to-particular more valid for people to stop consuming cigarettes.
A. cause-and-effect C. general-to-particular
8. Which among the grammatical signals below is appropriate for B. claim-counterclaim D. persuasion
problem-solution pattern of idea development?
A. one way C. specifically 15. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph
B. as a result D. with these reasons below?
9. Which among the grammatical signals below is LEAST appropriate Generations are classified into different groups. Baby boomers are born
for cause-and-effect pattern of idea development? from the year 1946 to 1964. They're currently 56-74 years old. Generation
A. as a result C. even though
X is another group that is born from the year 1965 to 1980. People in this
B. consequently D. with these reasons
generation are currently 40-55 years old. Generation Y or Millennials are
10. Which among the grammatical signals and expressions below is those who are born from the year 1980 to 1995. They are currently 24-39
appropriate for claim-counterclaim pattern of idea development? years old. Lastly, Generation Z is the newest generation being named.
A. I urge C. People say People in this generation are born from the year 1996 to 2015. They are
B. Join now D. With these reasons currently 5-24 years old. People do come from different generations. The
differences in the different generation is not only evident in these
11. What grammatical signal is appropriate to complete the terminologies but also in the way they see, do and accomplish things.
paragraph below? Thus, these classification is often used to capture patterns of behavior of
people belonging to the same generation.
There are many reasons students are not allowed to chew gum during
class. First, some irresponsible students do not properly dispose their A. cause-and-effect C. general-to-particular
gum after chewing. They may stick it on the bottoms of their desks, drop B. claim-counterclaim D. persuasion
it on the floor, or put it on their classmate’s property. This may result to
arguments among classmates. Another reason is it is a distraction. Directions: To develop the following statements, identify the suitable
When students are allowed to chew gum, their attention is more pattern of idea development to be used.
focused on chewing, popping, or snapping it. _____________, they may
not listen, read, and learn properly. These are the reasons why students 16. Having a good study habit can greatly contribute to a person’s
are not allowed to chew gum during class. academic success.
Suitable Pattern: ___________________________________
A. Therefore C. In Conclusion
B. Despite this D. Because of this
25. There are those who believe that technology makes us less
creative. They strongly claim that cellphones, computers, and
other gadgets make us lazy and dependent. Also, they say that
we don’t have to think or create for ourselves. However, the